Engineering Technology CCMAS 2023 FINAL 244 263
Engineering Technology CCMAS 2023 FINAL 244 263
Engineering Technology CCMAS 2023 FINAL 244 263
prepare the objects for modern production and manufacturing techniques of additive and
subtractive manufacturing;
6. recognise that engineering is multidisciplinary in the sense that mechanical, electrical and
other parts of physical structures are modelled in context as opposed to the analytical
nature of the courses they take; and
7. analyse and master the basics of mechanical and thermal loads in engineering systems.
Course Contents
Introduction to design thinking and engineering graphics. First and third angle orthogonal
projections. Isometric projections; sectioning, conventional practices, conic sections and
development. Freehand and guided sketching – pictorial and orthographic. Visualisation and
solid modelling in design, prototyping and product-making. User interfaces in concrete terms.
Design, drawing, animation, rendering and simulation workspaces. Sketching of 3D objects.
Viewports and sectioning to shop drawings in orthographic projections and perspectives.
Automated viewports. Sheet metal and surface modelling. Material selection and rendering.
This course will use latest professional design tools such as fusion 360, solid works, solid edge
or equivalent.
Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
1. explain the profession of civil engineering and
2. the roles played by civil engineers.
Course Contents
History of civil engineering. Branches of civil engineering. Roles of civil engineers in
government, industry and academia. Allied professionals and their interaction with civil
engineers. Career oppoturnities in civil engineering, professional and regulatory bodies.
200 Level
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. know the basic features of philosophy as an academic discipline;
2. identify the main branches of philosophy & the centrality of logic in philosophical
3. know the elementary rules of reasoning;
4. distinguish between valid and invalid arguments;
5. think critically and assess arguments in texts, conversations and day-to-day discussions;
6. critically asses the rationality or otherwise of human conduct under different existential
7. develop the capacity to extrapolate and deploy expertise in logic to other areas of
knowledge, and
8. guide his or her actions, using the knowledge and expertise acquired in philosophy and
Course Contents
Scope of philosophy; notions, meanings, branches and problems of philosophy. Logic as an
indispensable tool of philosophy. Elements of syllogism, symbolic logic— the first nine rules of
Engineering and Technology 244
inference. Informal fallacies, laws of thought, nature of arguments. Valid and invalid
arguments, logic of form and logic of content — deduction, induction and inferences. Creative
and critical thinking. Impact of philosophy on human existence. Philosophy and politics,
philosophy and human conduct, philosophy and religion, philosophy and human values,
philosophy and character molding.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
1. explain the concepts and theories of entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, opportunity
seeking, new value creation and risk-taking;
2. state the characteristics of an entrepreneur;
3. analyse the importance of micro and small businesses in wealth creation, employment
generation and financial independence;
4. engage in entrepreneurial thinking;
5. identify key elements in innovation;
6. describe the stages in enterprise formation, partnership and networking, including
business planning;
7. describe contemporary entrepreneurial issues in Nigeria, Africa and the rest of the world;
8. state the basic principles of e-commerce.
Course Contents
The concept of entrepreneurship (entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship/corporate
entrepreneurship); theories, rationale and relevance of entrepreneurship (Schumpeterian and
other perspectives, risk-taking, necessity and opportunity-based entrepreneurship, and
creative destruction); characteristics of entrepreneurs (opportunity seeker, risk-taker, natural
and nurtured, problem solver and change agent, innovator and creative thinker);
entrepreneurial thinking (critical thinking, reflective thinking and creative thinking). Innovation
(The concept of innovation, dimensions of innovation, change and innovation, knowledge and
innovation). Enterprise formation, partnership and networking (basics of business plan, forms
of business ownership, business registration and alliance formation, and joint ventures).
Contemporary entrepreneurship issues (knowledge, skills and technology, intellectual
property, virtual office and networking). Entrepreneurship in Nigeria (biography of
inspirational entrepreneurs, youth and women entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship support
institutions, youth enterprise networks and environmental and cultural barriers to
entrepreneurship). Basic principles of e-commerce.
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
1. discuss the fundamental concepts of electricity and electrical d.c. circuits;
2. state, explain and apply the basic d.c. circuit theorems;
3. explain the basic a.c. circuit theory and
4. apply to solution of simple circuits.
Course contents
Fundamental concepts: Electric fields, charges, magnetic fields. current, B-H curves Kirchhoff’s
laws, superposition. Thevenin, Norton theorems, Reciprocity, RL, RC, RLC circuits. DC, AC
bridges, Resistance, Capacitance, Inductance measurement, Transducers, Single phase
circuits, Complex j - notation, AC circuits, impedance, admittance, susceptance.
Engineering and Technology 245
GET 202: Engineering Materials (3 Units C: LH 45)
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
1. demonstrate the role of atoms and molecules (aggregates of atoms) in the building of
solid/condensed matter known as engineering materials, the electrons quantum numbers
and how the electrons are arranged in different atomic elements, and explain the role of
electronic configuration and valence electrons in bonding;
2. define metals, alloys and metalloids, demonstrate mental picture of the solid mineral
resources development as a relay race among four ‘athletes’: geologist, mining engineer,
mineral processing technologist, process metallurgical engineer, and classify metallurgical
engineering into 3Ps: process, physical and production;
3. explain the relationship between structure and properties of materials, characteristics,
components and compositions of phase diagrams and phase transformations of solid
4. define ceramics, glass and constituents of glasses and understand application of ceramics
in mining, building, art and craft industries;
5. define and classify polymers as a class of engineering materials and polymeric materials,
demonstrate polymerisation reactions, their types and mechanism, and applications of
6. define properties, types and application of composite materials and fibres (synthetic and
7. define and classify nanomaterials, demonstrate applications of nanomaterials, concept,
design and classification of fracture mechanics, corrosion classification, including the five
principal ways of controlling corrosion and metal finishing processes such as sherardising,
galvanising and anodising; and
8. identify factors affecting the performance and service life of engineering
materials/metals and metallography of metals/materials (materials anatomy), which
enables metallurgical and materials engineers to prescribe appropriate solutions to test
metals/materials fitness in service through structure-property-application relationships.
Course Contents
Basic material science; atomic structure, atomic bonding and crystal structures. Engineering
materials situating metals and alloys; metals and alloys, classifications of metals, metal
extraction processes using iron and steel (ferrous) and aluminium (nonferrous) as examples,
phase diagrams/iron carbon diagrams, and mechanical workings of metals. Selection and
applications of metals and alloys for specific applications in oil, aerospace, construction,
manufacturing and transportation industries, among others. Ceramics (including glass);
definition, properties, structure and classifications of ceramics. Bioactive and glass – ceramics.
Toughing mechanism for ceramics. Polymers; definition of polymers as engineering materials,
chemistry of polymeric materials, polymer crystallisation, polymer degradation and aging.
Thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers and concepts of copolymers and homopolymers.
Composites; definition, classification, characterisation, properties and composite. Applications
of composites. Nanomaterials; definition, classification and applications of nanomaterials as
emerging technology. Processing of nanomaterials including mechanical grinding, wet
chemical synthesis, gas phase synthesis, sputtered plasma processing, microwave plasma
processing and laser ablation. Integrity assessment of engineering materials; effect of
engineering design, engineering materials processing, selection, manufacturing and
assembling on the performance and service life of engineering materials. Metallography and
fractography of materials. Mechanical testing (destructive testing) of materials such as
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compressive test, tensile test, hardness test, impact test, endurance limit and fatigue test.
Non-destructive test (NDT) such as dye penetrant, x-ray and eddy current.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
1. identify various basic hands and machine tools, analogue and digital measurement devices
and instruments, and acquire skills in their effective use and maintenance;
2. practically apply basic engineering technologies, including metrology, casting, metal
forming and joining, materials removal, machine tooling (classification, cutting tool action,
cutting forces, non-cutting production) and CNC machining technology;
3. master workshop and industrial safety practices, accident prevention and ergonomics;
4. physically recognise different electrical & electronic components like resistances,
inductances, capacitances, diodes, transistors and their ratings;
5. connect electric circuits, understand different wiring schemes, and check ratings of
common household electrical appliances and their basic maintenance; and
6. determine household and industrial energy consumption, and understand practical energy
conservation measures.
Course Contents
The course comprises general, mechanical and electrical components: supervised hands-on
experience in safe usage of tools and machines for selected tasks; Use of measuring
instruments (calipers, micrometers, gauges, sine bar, wood planners, saws, sanders, and
pattern making). Machine shop: lathe work shaping, milling, grinding, reaming, metal
spinning. Hand tools, gas and arc welding, cutting, brazing and soldering. Foundry
practice.Industrial safety and accident prevention, ergonomics, metrology. Casting
processes. Metal forming processes: hot-working and cold-working processes (forging, press-
tool work, spinning, etc.). Metal joining processes(welding, brazing and soldering). Heat
treatment. Material removal processes. machine tools and classification. Simple theory of
metal cutting. Tool action and cutting forces. Introduction to CNC machines.
Supervised identification, use and care of various electrical and electronic components such
as resistors, inductors, capacitors, diodes and transistors. Exposure to different electric
circuits, wiring schemes, analogue and digital electrical and electronic measurements.
Household and industrial energy consumption measurements. Practical energy conservation
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, the students should be able to :
1. explain the properties of fluids;
2. determine forces in static fluids and fluids in motion;
3. determine whether a floating body will be stable;
4. determine the effect of various pipe fittings (valves, orifices, bends and elbows) on fluid
flow in pipes;
5. measure flow parameters with venturi meters, orifice meters, weirs, etc;
6. perform calculations based on principles of mass, momentum and energy conservation;
7. perform dimensional analysis and simple fluid modelling problems; and
8. specify the type and capacity of pumps and turbines for engineering applications.
Course Contents
Engineering and Technology 247
Fluid properties, hydrostatics, fluid dynamics using principles of mass, momentum and energy
conservation from a control volume approach. Flow measurements in pipes, dimensional
analysis, and similitude, 2-dimensional flows. Hydropower systems.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
1. describe basic concepts of thermodynamics, quantitative relations of Zeroth, first, second
and third laws;
2. define and explain system, surrounding, closed and open system, control volume and
control mass, extensive and intensive properties;
3. calculate absolute and gage pressure, and absolute temperature, calculate changes in
kinetic, potential, enthalpy and internal energy;
4. evaluate the properties of pure substances i.e. evaluate the state of the pure substances
such as compressed liquid, saturated liquid-vapour mixture and superheated vapour using
property diagrams and tables; arrange the ideal and real gas equations of state,
5. formulate the first law of thermodynamics for a closed system i.e. organize the change in
energy in the closed systems via heat and work transfer;
6. distinguish heat transfer by conduction, convection and radiation, and calculate the
amount of heat energy transferred;
7. calculate the changes in moving boundary work, spring work, electrical work and shaft
work in closed systems;
8. apply the first law of thermodynamics for closed systems and construct conservation of
mass and energy equations;
9. formulate the first law of thermodynamics to the open systems i.e. describe steady-flow
open system, apply the first law of thermodynamics to the nozzles, diffusers, turbines,
compressors, throttling valves, mixing chambers, heat exchangers, pipe and duct flow;
10. construct energy and mass balance for unsteady-flow processes;
11. evaluate thermodynamic applications using second law of thermodynamics;
12. calculate thermal efficiency and coefficient of performance for heat engine, refrigerators
and heat pumps; and
13. restate perpetual-motion machines, reversible and irreversible processes.
Course Contents
Basic concepts, definitions and laws (quantitative relations of Zeroth, first, second and third
laws of thermodynamics). Properties of pure substances: the two-property rule (P-v-T
behaviour of pure substances and perfect gases); state diagrams. The principle of
corresponding state; compressibility relations; reduced pressure; reduced volume;
temperature; pseudo-critical constants. The ideal gas: specific heat, polytropic processes.
Ideal gas cycles; Carnot; thermodynamic cycles, turbines, steam and gas, refrigeration. The
first law of thermodynamics – heat and work, applications to open and closed systems. The
steady flow energy equation (Bernoulli’s equation) and application. Second law of
thermodynamics, heat cycles and efficiencies.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
1. recognise a structural system that is stable and in equilibrium;
2. determine the stress-strain relation for single and composite members based on Hooke's
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3. estimate the stresses and strains in single and composite members due to temperature
4. evaluate the distribution of shear forces and bending moments in beams with distributed
and concentrated loads;
5. determine bending stresses and their use in identifying slopes and deflections in beams;
6. use Mohr's circle to evaluate the normal and shear stresses in a multi-dimensional stress
system and transformation of these stresses into strains;
7. evaluate the stresses and strains due to torsion on circular members; and
8. determine the buckling loads of columns under various fixity conditions at the ends.
Course Contents
Consideration of equilibrium; composite members, stress-strain relation. Generalised Hooke's
law. Stresses and strains due to loading and temperature changes. Torsion of circular
members. Shear force, bending moments and bending stresses in beams with symmetrical
and combined loadings. Stress and strain transformation equations and Mohr’s circle. Elastic
buckling of columns.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. solve qualitative problems based on vector and matrix analyses such as linear
independence and dependence of vectors, rank etc;
2. describe the concepts of limit theory and nth order differential equations and their
applications to physical phenomena;
3. solve the problems of differentiation of functions of two variables and know about the
maximization and minimization of functions of several variables;
4. describe the applications of double and triple integration in finding the area and volume
of engineering solids, and explain the qualitative applications of Gauss, Stoke’s and Green’s
5. explain ordinary differential equations and applications, and develop a mathematical model
of linear differential equations, as well as appreciate the necessary and sufficient
conditions for total differential equations; and
6. analyse basic engineering models through partial differential equations such as wave
equation, heat conduction equation, etc., as well as fourier series, initial conditions and its
applications to different engineering processes
Course Contents
Limits, continuity, differentiation, introduction to linear first order differential equations, partial
and total derivatives, composite functions, matrices and determinants, vector algebra, vector
calculus, directional derivatives.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. describe physical systems using ordinary differential equations (ODEs);
2. explain the practical importance of solving ODEs, solution methods, and analytically solve
a wide range of ODEs, including linear constant coefficient types;
3. numerically solve differential equations using MATLAB and other emerging applications;
Engineering and Technology 249
4. perform calculus operations on vector-valued functions, including derivatives, integrals,
curvature, displacement, velocity, acceleration, and torsion, as well as on functions of
several variables, including directional derivatives and multiple integrals;
5. solve problems using the fundamental theorem of line integrals, Green's theorem, the
divergence theorem, and Stokes' theorem, and perform operations with complex numbers;
6. apply the concept and consequences of analyticity and the Cauchy-Riemann equations
and of results on harmonic and entire functions of complex variables, as well as the theory
of conformal mapping to solve problems from various fields of engineering; and
7. evaluate complex contour integrals directly and by the fundamental theorem, apply the
Cauchy integral theorem in its various versions, and the Cauchy integral formula.
Course Contents
Introduction to ordinary differential equations (ODEs); theory, applications, methods of
solution; second order differential equations. Advanced topics in calculus (vectors and
vector-valued function, line integral, multiple integral and their applications). Elementary
complex analysis including functions of complex variables, limits and continuity. Derivatives,
differentiation rules and differentiation of integrals. Cauchy-Riemann equation, harmonic
functions, basic theory of conformal mapping, transformation and mapping and its
applications to engineering problems. Special functions.
Engineering and Technology 250
GET 211: Computing and Software Engineering (3 Units C: LH 30; PH 45)
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. describe and apply computing, software engineering knowledge, best practices, and
standards appropriate for complex engineering software systems;
2. develop competence in designing, evaluating, and adapting software processes and
software development tools to meet the needs of an advanced development project
through practical object-oriented programming exposure taught in concrete terms with a
specific modern language – preferable selected from Python, Java or C++;
3. use widely available libraries to prepare them for machine learning, graphics and design
4. develop skills in eliciting user needs and designing an effective software solution;
5. recognise human, security, social, and entrepreneurial issues and responsibilities relevant
to engineering software and the digitalisation of services; and
6. acquire capabilities that can further be developed to make them productively employable
by means of short Internet courses in specific areas;
Course Contents
Introduction to computers and computing; computer organisation – data processing, memory,
registers and addressing schemes; Boolean algebra; floating-point arithmetic; representation
of non-numeric information; problem-solving and algorithm development; coding (solution
design using flowcharts and pseudo codes). Data models and data structures; computer
software and operating system; computer operators and operators precedence; components
of computer programs; introduction to object oriented, structured and visual programming;
use of MATLAB in engineering applications. ICT fundamentals, Internet of Things (IoT).
Elements of software engineering.
Learning Outcomes
SIWES I should provide opportunity for the students to:
1. acquire industrial workplace perceptions, ethics, health and safety consciousness, inter-
personal skills and technical capabilities needed to give them a sound engineering
2. learn and practise basic engineering techniques and processes applicable to their
3. build machines, devices, structures or facilities relevant to their specific engineering
programmes and applications; and
4. acquire competence in technical documentation (log-book) and presentation (report) of
their practical experiences.
Course Contents
Practical experience in a workshop or industrial production facility, construction site or
special centres in the university environment, considered suitable for relevant
practical/industrial working experience but not necessarily limited to the student’s major.
The students are exposed to hands-on activities on workshop safety and ethics, maintenance
of tools, equipment and machines, welding, fabrication and foundry equipment, production
of simple devices; electrical circuits, wiring and installation. (8-10 weeks during the long
vacation following 200 level).
Engineering and Technology 251
NOTE: Each programme to indicate additional details of programme-specific
activities for their students.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
1. capable of drawing and detailing (by hand and using computer-aided-design skills) civil
engineering structures; and
2. identify building structures, highways, pipelines, bridges, dams, foundations and so on
using appropriate symbols and conventions.
Course Contents
Drawing and detailing (by hand and using computer-aided-design skills) of civil engineering
structures,for example building structures, highways, pipelines, bridges, dams, foundations,
etc. utilizing standard symbols and conventions, dimensions, notes, titles, etc. Relationship to
300 Level
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this Course, students should be able to:
6. analyse the concepts of peace, conflict and security;
7. list major forms, types and root causes of conflict and violence;
8. differentiate between conflict and terrorism;
9. enumerate security and peace building strategies; and
10. describe the roles of international organisations, media and traditional institutions in peace
Course Contents
The concepts of peace, conflict and security in a multi-ethnic nation. Types and theories of
conflicts: ethnic, religious, economic, geo-political Conflicts; structural conflict theory, realist
theory of conflict, frustration-aggression conflict theory; root causes of conflict and violence
in Africa: indigene and settlers phenomenon, boundaries/boarder disputes, political disputes,
ethnic disputes and rivalries, economic inequalities, social disputes, nationalist movements
and agitations; selected conflict case studies – Tiv-Junkun, ZangoKartaf, chieftaincy and land
disputes, etc. Peace building, management of conflicts and security: Peace & Human
Development. Approaches to Peace & Conflict Management (religious, government,
community leaders, etc.). Elements of peace studies and conflict resolution: Conflict dynamics
assessment Scales: Constructive & Destructive. Justice and Legal framework: Concepts of
Social Justice; The Nigeria Legal System. Insurgency and terrorism. Peace mediation and
peace keeping. Peace and Security Council (international, national and local levels). Agents of
conflict resolution – Conventions, Treaties Community Policing: Evolution and Imperatives.
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) (dialogue,. arbitration, negotiation, collaboration, etc).
The roles of international organizations in conflict resolution ((a) The United Nations, UN and
its conflict resolution organs. (b) The African Union & Peace Security Council (c) ECOWAS in
peace keeping). The media and traditional institutions in peace building. Managing post-
conflict situations/crises: Refugees. Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs);the role of NGOs in
post-conflict situations/crises.
Engineering and Technology 252
ENT 312: Venture Creation (2 Units C: LH 15; PH 45)
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, students, through case study and practical approaches, should be
able to:
1. describe the key steps in venture creation;
2. spot opportunities in problems and in high potential sectors, regardless of geographical
3. state how original products, ideas and concepts are developed;
4. develop a business concept for further incubation or pitching for funding;
5. identify key sources of entrepreneurial finance;
6. implement the requirements for establishing and managing micro and small enterprises;
7. conduct entrepreneurial marketing and e-commerce;
8. apply a wide variety of emerging technological solutions to entrepreneurship; and
9. appreciate why ventures fail due to lack of planning and poor implementation.
Course Contents
Opportunity identification (sources of business opportunities in Nigeria, environmental
scanning, demand and supply gap/unmet needs/market gaps/market research, unutilised
resources, social and climate conditions and technology adoption gap). New business
development (business planning, market research). Entrepreneurial finance (venture capital,
equity finance, micro-finance, personal savings, small business investment organizations and
business plan competition). Entrepreneurial marketing and e-commerce (principles of
marketing, customer acquisition & retention, B2B, C2C and B2C models of e-commerce, First
Mover Advantage, E-commerce business models and successful e-commerce companies).
Small business management/family business: Leadership & Management, basic book keeping,
nature of family business and family business growth model. Negotiation and business
communication (strategy and tactics of negotiation/bargaining, traditional and modern
business communication methods). Opportunity discovery demonstrations (business idea
generation presentations, business idea contest, brainstorming sessions, idea pitching).
Technological solutions (The concept of market/customer solution, customer solution and
emerging technologies, business applications of new technologies - artificial intelligence (AI),
virtual/mixed reality (VR), Internet of things (IoTs), blockchain, cloud computing, renewable
energy, etc. Digital business and e-commerce strategies).
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. possess an in-depth knowledge upon which a solid foundation can be built in order to
demonstrate a depth of understanding in advanced mathematical topics;
2. develop simple algorithms and use computational proficiency;
3. write simple proofs for theorems and their applications;; and
4. communicate the acquired mathematical knowledge effectively in speech, writing and
collaborative groups..
Course Contents
Linear Algebra. Elements of Matrices, Determinants, Inverses of Matrices. Theory of Linear
Equations. Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors. Analytical Geometry. Coordinate Transformation.
Solid Geometry. Polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Elements of functions of several
variables. Surface Variables. Ordinary Integrals. Evaluation of Double Integrals, Triple
Engineering and Technology 253
Integrals, Line Integrals and Surface Integrals. Derivation and Integrals of Vectors. The
gradient of scalar quantities. Flux of Vectors. The curl of a vector field, Gauss, Greens and
Stoke’s theorems and applications. Singular Valued Functions. Multivalued Functions.
Analytical Functions. Cauchy Riemann’s Equations. Singularities and Zeroes. Contour
Integration including the use of Cauchy’s Integral Theorems. Bilinear transformation.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. solve second order differential equations;
2. solve partial differential equations;
3. solve linear integral equations;
4. relate integral transforms to solution of differential and integral equations;
5. explain and apply interpolation formulas; and
6. apply Runge-Kutta and other similar methods in solving ODE and PDEs.
Course Contents
Series solution of second order linear differential equations with variable coefficients. Bessel
and Legendre equations. Equations with variable coefficients. Sturm-Liouville boundary value
problems. Solutions of equations in two and three dimensions by separation of variables. Eigen
value problems. Use of operations in the solution of partial differential equations and Linear
integral equations. Integral transforms and their inverse including Fourier, Laplace, Mellin and
Handel Transforms. Convolution integrals and Hilbert Transforms. Calculus of finite
differences. Interpolation formulae. Finite difference equations. RungeKutta and other
methods in the solutions of ODE and PDEs. Numerical integration and differentiation.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
1. demonstrate the concept of clear writing, common pitfalls and unambiguous language in
engineering communication, including technical reporting for different applications and
emotional comportment;
2. demonstrate the skills of language flexibility, formatting, logic, data presentation styles,
referencing, use of available aids, intellectual property rights, their protection, and
problems in engineering communication and presentation; and
3. demonstrate good interpersonal communication skills through hands-on and constant
practice on real-life communication issues for engineers in different sociocultural milieu
for engineering designs, structural failure scenarios and presentation of reports.
Course Contents
A brief review of common pitfalls in writing. Principles of clear writing (punctuations and
capitalization). Figures of speech. Units of grammar. Tenses and verb agreement. Active and
passive sentences Lexis and structure Fog Index concept. Skills for communication and
communication algorithm. Types and goals of communication; Interpersonal communication;
features and the Finger Model or A,B,C,D,E of good interpersonal communication (accuracy
of technical terms, brevity of expression, clarity of purpose, directness of focus and
effectiveness of the report). Language and organisation of reports. Technical report writing
skills(steps, problems in writing, distinguishing technical and other reports, significance,
format and styles of writing technical reports). Different formats for communication; styles of
correspondences – business report and proposal, business letter, memorandum, e-mails, etc.
Engineering and Technology 254
Proposals for projects and research; format, major steps and tips of grant-oriented proposals.
Research reports(competency, major steps, components and formats of research reports and
publishable communication). Sources and handling of data, tables, figures, equations and
references in a report. Presentation skills; overview, tips, organisation, use of visual aids and
practising of presentation. Intellectual property rights in research reports. Case studies of
major engineering designs, proposals and industrial failures with professional presentation of
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. work with data from the point of view of knowledge convergence, machine learning, and
intelligence augmentation, which significantly raises their standard for engineering
analysis (the approach forces them to learn statistics in an actionable way that helps them
to see the holistic importance of data analytics in modern engineering and technology);
2. anticipate the future with Artificial Intelligence while fulfilling the basic requirements of
conventional engineering statistical programming consistent with their future careers;
3. perform, with proficiency, statistical inference tasks with language or programming
toolboxes such as R, Python, Mathematica or MATLAB, and Design Expert to summarise
analysis and interpretation of industry engineering data, and make appropriate conclusions
based on such experimental and/or real-life industrial data;
4. construct appropriate graphical displays of data and highlight the roles of such displays in
data analysis, particularly the use of statistical software packages;
5. plan and execute experimental programmes to determine the performance of programme-
relevant industrial engineering systems, and evaluate the accuracy of the measurements
undertaken; and
6. demonstrate mastery of data analytics and statistical concepts by communicating the
results of experimental and industry-case investigations, critically reasoned scientific and
professional analysis through written and oral presentation.
Course Contents
Descriptive statistics, frequency distribution, populations and sample, central tendency,
variance data sampling, mean, median, mode, mean deviation and percentiles. Probability.
Binomial, Poisson hyper-geometric and normal distributions. Statistical inference intervals,
test hypothesis and significance. Regression and correlation. Introduction to big data analytics
and cloud computing applications. Introduction to the R language; R as a calculator; Vectors,
matrices, factors, data frames and other R collections. Iteration and looping control structures.
Conditionals and other controls. Designing, using and extending functions. The Apply Family.
Statistical modelling and inference in R.
Learning Outcomes
At the completion of the course, the students are expected to be able:
1. explain the meaning, purpose, scope, stages, applications and effects of artificial
2. explain the fundamental concepts of machine learning, deep learning and convergent
3. demonstrate the difference between supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised
Engineering and Technology 255
4. demonstrate proficiency in machine learning workflow and how to implement the steps
5. explain natural languages, knowledge representation, expert systems and pattern
6. describe distributed systems, data and information security and intelligent web
7. explain the concept of big data analytics, purpose of studying it, issues that can arise with
a data set and the importance of properly preparing data prior to a machine learning
exercise; and
8. explain the concepts, characteristics, models and benefits, key security and compliance
challenges of cloud computing.
Course Contents
Concepts of human and artificial intelligence; artificial/computational intelligence paradigms;
search, logic and learning algorithms. Machine learning and nature-inspired algorithms –
examples, their variants and applications to solving engineering problems; understanding
natural languages; knowledge representation, knowledge elicitation, mathematical and logic
foundations of AI; expert systems, automated reasoning and pattern recognition; distributed
systems; data and information security; intelligent web technologies; convergent technologies
– definition, significance and engineering applications. Neural networks and deep learning.
Introduction to python AI libraries.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the SIWES, students should be able to:
1. demonstrate proficiency in at least any three softwares in their chosen career choices;
2. demonstrate proficiency in some animation videos (some of which are free on YouTube)
in their chosen careers;
3. carry out outdoor hands-on construction activities to sharpen their skills in their chosen
4. demonstrate proficiency in generating data from laboratory analysis and develop empirical
5. demonstrate proficiency in how to write engineering reports from lab work;
6. fill logbooks of all experience gained in their chosen careers; and
7. write a general report at the end of the training.
The experience is to be graded and the students must pass all the modules of the
attachment and shall form part of CGPA.
Course Contents
On-the-job experience in industry chosen for practical working experience but not necessarily
limited to the student’s major (Students are to proceed on three months of work
experience i.e. 12 weeks during the long vacation following 300 level). Students are engaged
in the more advanced workshops, indoor software design training similar to what they will use
in the industry and outdoor construction activities to sharpen their skills. The use of relevant
animation videos that mimic industrial scenarios is encouraged. Students are to write a
report at the end of the training. As much as possible, students should be assisted and
encouraged to secure 3 months placement in the industry. Examples of outline of activities
and experiences to which students are expected to be exposed to earn prescribed credits
Engineering and Technology 256
Section A: Welding and fabrication processes, automobile repairs, · lathe machine
operations: machining and turning of simple machine elements, such as screw threads, bolts,
gears, etc. Simple milling machine operations, machine tool maintenance and trouble-
shooting, and wooden furniture making processes.
Section B: Mechanical design with computer graphics and CAD modelling and drafting.
Introduction to Solid works: software capabilities, design methodologies and applications.
Basics part modelling: sketching with Solid Works, building 3D components, using extruded
Bose base · Basic assembly modelling, and solid works drawing drafting. Top-down assembly
technique exploded view, exploded line sketch. Introduction to PDMS 3D design software;
autoCAD mechanical, SPSS.
A comprehensive case study design project. The student should be introduced to the concept
of product/component design and innovation and then be given a comprehensive design
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:
1. distinguish laminar from transitional and turbulent flows using the concept of Reynolds
2. utilise boundary layer theory to estimate Lift and Drag;
3. derive the distribution of velocity and shear stress in laminar and turbulent flows
respectively past flat plates and in circular conduits, and utilisation to obtain total flow,
head loss, etc;
4. undertake similitude, development of physical hydraulic models, and scaling of the results
from model to prototype;
5. analyse ideal fluid flow into sources from sinks, past circular and ellipsoidal bodies
concerning doublets and flow nets;
6. analyse flow in pipes in series, parallel and any network, which may include pumps; and
7. obtain simplified estimates of forces exerted by flow in pipes due to rapid closing or
opening of valves, and the use of surge tanks to reduce these forces.
Course Contents
Introduction to incompressible viscous flow, laminar and turbulent flows, Reynolds number;
boundary layer flow, lift and drag. Laminar flow – in pipes, between parallel plates. Turbulent
flows – along a plate, in ducts and pipes. Physical hydraulic models. Interconnected pipes and
pipe network analysis. Potential flows and application to flow nets. steady and unsteady flow
in closed conduits; water hammer, surge tanks.
Engineering and Technology 257
CEE 302: Strength of Structural Materials (2 Units C: LH 30)
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:
1. utilise bending theory to obtain stress distribution across a bending section, as well as the
slope and deflection at a section given any bending moment and shear force distribution
along the beam;
2. determine whether a point in a material subjected to multidimensional stress will fail
according to any failure theory;
3. explain the concepts of creep, fatigue and their implications in the use of structural
4. analyse motion and stresses in springs;
5. determine the stresses and strains due to internal pressure on thin and thick cylinder walls;
6. determine the stresses and strains induced in rotating disks and the implications.
Course Contents
Advanced topics on axial, lateral, and torsional loading of shafts and beams; slope and
deflection of beams; unsymmetrical bending and shear centre; applications. Springs. Creep,
fatigue, fracture and stress concentration. Stresses in thin and thick cylinders, and rotating
disks. Multi-dimensional stress systems, Mohr's circle and failure theories.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:
1. describe the engineering properties of rock and soil materials;
2. identify the geological factors affecting the performance and functioning of a facility on
and in the soil and/or rock;
3. conduct engineering geological investigations; and
4. explain the importance of engineering geology-related technical issues during
Course Content
Geology structures and mapping; rocks and minerals; stratigraphy - time scale - fossils and
their importance with special reference to Nigeria. Introduction to the geology of Nigeria;
engineering applications - water supply, site investigations for dams, dykes and so on.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:
1. explain the suitability of the use of the following as civil engineering materials: concrete,
structural steel (and other important structural metals), timber, masonry;
2. conduct tests of engineering properties on civil engineering materials and utilise these for
quality control;
3. explain the limitations of these materials under various uses; and
4. characterise variability and uncertainty associated with these materials.
Course Contents
Concrete Technology - types of cements, aggregates and their properties; concrete mix
design, properties and their determination. Steel technology – production, fabrication and
Engineering and Technology 258
properties, corrosion and its prevention. Tests on steel and quality control. Timber technology
- types of wood, properties, defects, stress grading, preservation and fire protection, timber
products. Rubber, plastics, asphalt, tar, glass, lime, bricks and applications to buildings, roads
and bridges.
Learning Outcomes
Upon the completion of the course, students should be capable of:
1. measuring soil properties in the laboratory;
2. interpreting and summarising the data;
3. classifying soils;
4. determining the optimum conditions for the compaction of soils and the ultimate amount
achievable; and
5. estimating the settlement of soils due to compaction and consolidation.
Course Contents
Mineralogy of soils and soil structures. Formation of soils, soil classification, engineering
properties of soils. Soil in water relationships - void ratio, porosity, specific gravity,
permeability and other factors. Atterberg limits, particle size distribution, Shear strength of
soils and Mohr’s stress circle. Compaction and soil stabilisation, settlement, theory of
consolidation. Laboratory work.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, students should be capable of:
1. applying fundamental mechanics to the design of reinforced concrete structural elements
using elastic design and limit state principles.
Course Contents
Fundamentals of design process, materials selection, building regulations and codes of
practice; design philosophy. Elastic design, limit state design, of structural elements in
reinforced concrete.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:
1. explain the concept of statical determinacy of structures;
2. estimate the forces and deflections in statically determinate trusses;
3. estimate the shear forces, bending moments, slopes and deflection in statically
determinate beams and portal frames; and
4. derive the influence lines for moving loads on trusses and beams.
Course Contents
Analysis of determinate structures - beams, trusses; structural analysis theorems, graphical
methods; application to simple determinate trusses. Influence lines. Williot-Mohr diagram.
Deflection of statically determinate structures - unit load, moment-area methods, strain
energy methods. Introduction to statically indeterminate structures.
Engineering and Technology 259
CEE 308: Engineering Surveying and Photogrammetry I (2 Units E: LH15; PH45)
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:
1. survey sites using chain surveying and compass;
2. obtain the levels at any location on a site and produce a contour map of the area;
3. conduct a traverse to establish the boundaries of a site; and
4. explain the principles of geodetic levelling and photogrammetry.
Course Contents
Chain surveying. Compass surveying methods. Contours and their uses. Traversing - methods
and applications. Levelling - geodetic levelling - errors and their adjustments; applications.
Tachometry- methods, substance heighting, self-adjusting and electromagnetic methods.
Introduction to photogrammetry.
400 Level
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
1. complete the design phase of a complex engineering problem sourced from industry or
community during the SIWES III programme; and
2. demonstrate the connection between engineering product-making and the theoretical
courses they have learned following the applicable industry best practices.
Course Contents
In the second semester of the 400-level students, preferably in groups, work from the
university on the identified industry or organization to tackle industry complex engineering
problems. Theoretical issues may be provided by the department faculty or industry experts.
During the vacation, students will now work full time with the organisation/industry on the
project as part of the SIWES III. The students can also go beyond the department and engage
in multidisciplinary undertakings. Literature survey, review of existing systems etc. must be
achieved to a satisfactory extent.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
1. identify at least three (3) objectives of engineering valuation work, valuer's primary duty
and responsibility and valuation terminologies;
2. describe at least four (4) Valuer's obligation to his or her client, to other valuers, and to the
3. demonstrate with example the engineering valuation methods, valuation standards, and
4. prepare engineering valuation and appraisal reports and review;
5. discuss expert witnessing and ethics in valuation; and
6. determine price, cost, value, depreciation and obsolescence in real property, personal
property, personal property, machinery and equipment, oil, gas, mines, and quarries
Engineering and Technology 260
GET 499: Students Industrial Work Experience III (8 Units C: 24 weeks)
Learning Outcomes
Students on Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) are expected to:
1. be exposed and prepared for the Industrial work situation they are likely to meet after
graduation, by developing their occupational competencies;
2. bridge the existing gap between theory and practice of programmes through exposure to
real-life situations, including machines and equipment handling, professional work
methods and ethics, human relations, key performance assessment methods, and ways
of safeguarding the work environment – human and materials;
3. experience/simulate the transition phase of students from school to the world of work and
the environment seamlessly,and expose them to contacts for eventual job placements
after graduation;
4. be motivated to identify the industrial and practice engineering challenges of their place
of engagement and the larger society and creatively device impactful solutions to them;
5. exploit the opportunity to improve and utilise their acquired critical thinking and innate
creativity skills, during the program and SIWES Seminar presentation respectively.
Course Contents
On-the-job experience in industry chosen for practical working experience but not
necessarily limited to the student’s major (24 weeks from the end of the first semester at
400-Level to the beginning of the first semester of the following session. Thus, the second
semester at 400-Level is spent in industry). Each student is expected to work in a
programme related industry, research institute or regulatory agencies etc, for a period of 6
months under the guidance of an appropriate personnel in the establishment but supervised
by an academic staff of the Department. On completion of the training, the student submits
the completed Log book on the experience at the establishment., Also, there will be a
comprehensive report covering the whole of the student’s industrial training experiences
(GET 299, GET 399 and GET 499), on which a seminar will be presented to the Department
for overall assessment.
Learning Outcomes
Students, upon completion of this course, should be able to:
1. use photogrammetry for surveying;
2. use topographical survey in preparation of contour maps;
3. use contour maps;
4. compute areas and volumes of earthwork; and
5. set out engineering works.
Course Contents
Further work on contours and contouring - methods of contouring, contour interpolation and
uses of contour plants and maps, areas and volumes. Setting out of engineering works.
Elementary topographical surveying. Elements of Photogrammetry, photogrammetric
equipment and errors of measurements.
500 Level
Engineering and Technology 261
GET 501: Engineering Project Management (3 Units C: LH 45)
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. explain the basics of project management as it relates to the Engineering discipline;
2. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering, management and financial
principles and apply these to their own work, as a member and/or leader in a team, to
manage projects and in multi-disciplinary environments;
3. conduct, manage and execute projects in multi-disciplinary areas;
4. possess the skills needed for project management; and
5. work within the budget when executing a project for proper management.
Course Contents
Project management fundamentals – definitions, project environment, nature and
characteristics, development practice, management by objectives, and the centrality of
engineering to projects, infrastructures, national and global development. The scope of project
management – organisational, financial, planning and control, personnel management, labour
and public relations, wages and salary administration and resource management.
Identification of project stakeholders; beneficiaries and impacted persons – functions, roles,
responsibilities. Project community relations, communication and change management.
Project planning, control and timeliness;decision making, forecasting, scheduling, work
breakdown structure (WBS), deliverables and timelines, logical frameworks (log frames), risk
analysis, role of subject matter experts (SMEs), role conflicts; Gantt Chart, CPM and PERT.
Optimisation, linear programming as an aid to decision making, transport and materials
handling. Monitoring and Evaluation – key performance indices (KPIs); methods of economic
and technical evaluation. Industrial psychology, ergonomics/human factors and environmental
impact considerations in engineering project design and management. Project business case
- financial, technical and sustainability considerations. Case studies, site visits and invited
industry professional seminars. General principles of management and appraisal techniques.
Breakthrough and control management theory; production and maintenance management.
Training and manpower development. The manager and policy formulation, objective setting,
planning, organising and controlling, motivation and appraisal of results.
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
1. describe and explain the basic concept, sources and aspects of law;
2. describe and explain the major differences between the various categories of law, courts
and legal jurisdictions;
3. describe and explain legal principles and their application in professional engineering
design and management services and their professional liability implications; and
4. develop reasoned analysis of real-life or hypothetical engineering scenarios using the legal
principles undertake critical analysis of reliable information to develop, and practically
present technical reports for use in varying judicial/quasi-judicial settings including as an
expert witness.
Course Contents
Common Law: its history, definition, nature and division. Legislation, codification
interpretation. Equity: definition and its main spheres. Law of contracts for Engineers: Forms
of contract and criteria for selecting contractors; offer, acceptance, communication
termination of contract. Terms of Contracts; suppliers’ duties – Damages and other Remedies.
Engineering and Technology 262
Termination/cancellation of contract Liquidation and Penalties; exemption clauses, safety and
risk. Health and Safety. Duties of employers towards their employees. Duties imposed on
employees. Fire precautions act. Design for safety. General principles of criminal law. Law of
torts: definition, classification and liabilities. Patents: requirements, application, and
infringement. Registered designs: application, requirements, types and infringement.
Company law. Labour law and Industrial Law. Business registration.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
1. plan construction activities incorporating the most appropriate combination of equipment
and manpower;
2. manage construction to achieve quality construction at minimum cost and in least time;
3. procure appropriate finance and insurance for construction projects at the least cost for
the expected benefit.
Course Contents
Construction practices and professional relations. Earth-works. Construction equipment and
techniques. Form-work design, component assembly. Improvement of productivity and
construction practices. Safety. Capital outlay and operating cost, project financing, insurance
and bonding, contract terms. Solutions to job site and engineering problems in buildings and
heavy construction in Nigeria.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
1. initiate worthwhile projects of a research or professional nature;
2. analyse the project problem and develop creative proposals for the solution;
3. execute the proposal for the solution to the problem; and
4. clearly and persuasively communicate solutions orally and in writing
Course Contents
For proper guidance of the students, projects will depend on the available academic staff
expertise and interest but the projects should be preferably of investigatory nature.
Preferably, students should be advised to choose projects in the same area as their option
List of Laboratories/Workshop and Equipment
Structural Engineering
1. Civil Engineering Materials Laboratory
2. Structures Laboratory:
Routine testing
Models and prototype testing
Studio/design office
Engineering and Technology 263