My DSP Sylabii
My DSP Sylabii
My DSP Sylabii
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No. of Questions : 150 Maximum Marks : 300 Time : 3 Hours
Number of questions: 75 Marks: 150
Note: There are 10 UNITS. Question to will be set from each unit.
4. Electronics Communication Systems: Basic information theory & coding:
Shannon-Fano coding, Huffman Coding, Linear block codes, Turbo codes,
Convolutional codes. Modulation and Demodulation in analog and digital systems,
Sampling and data reconstructions, Quantization & encoding, Time division and
frequency division multiplexing; Equalization, Noise, Noise performance of
various communication systems, Propagation of signals at HF, VHF, UHF and
microwave frequency, Satellite Communication, MASERs, LASERs.
8. Optical Communications: Optical fibers, Refractive index profiles-Graded
index, Step index fibers, Single mode and multimode fibers, Numerical Aperture,
V-number, Propagation of light in optical fibers - Mode characteristics and cut-off
conditions, Mode field diameter. Losses in optical fibers- Attenuation and
dispersion mechanism, Signal distortion, Group delay - material and wave guide
dispersion, Dispersion flattened fibers, Dispersion Shifted fibers. Birefringence &
Beat length. Optical fiber systems, Optical transmitter circuit, Multiplexing,
WDM, Modulation process in fiber optics, Optical Time Domain Reflectometer
Optical Sources: LEDs - working principle and structures, Laser - Absorption,
Spontaneous & Stimulated emissions, Injection laser diode (ILD), Comparison of
LED and ILD.
Optical Detectors: Photo-diodes- p-i-n, APD, Noise in detectors.
9. Computer Engineering: History of developments of computer - micro, mini,
mainframe and super computers. CPU and other peripheral devices, System
software, Application software, layered organization of system software. Number
Systems. Data representation, Programming, Elements of high level programming
language, C/C++/Python, Use of basic data structures, Fundamentals of computer
architecture, Memory organization, I/O System Organization, Microprocessors ,
Architecture and instruction set of Microprocessors 8085 and 8086, Interrupts, 32-
bit microprocessor, Pentium processor, RISC processor, Applications of embedded
system, Robotics & applications, Data acquisition systems, Assembly language
Programming, Microprocessor based system design, Personal computers and their
typical uses.
10. Representation of information: Number system, integer and floating point
representation, character codes (ASCII, EBCDIC), error detection and correction
codes, general awareness of popular commercial software package like excel, word
windows, other scientific applications, basic data structures such as stacks, queue,
linked lists and tree, Typical operation system such as MS-DOS and UNIX,
LINUX, Android and there uses.
Note: There are 10 UNITS. Question to will be set from each unit.
2. Digital Logic & Circuits: Boolean Algebra, Concept of SOP and POS forms,
Digital Codes, Simplification of Boolean functions, Karnaguh map and
applications, IC Logic gates and their characteristics, IC logic families, DTL, TTL,
ECL, NMOS, PMOS and CMOS gates and their comparison, Combinational logic
Circuits, Half adder, Full adder, Subtractor, Digital comparator, Multiplexer De-
multiplexer, Decoder, Encoder, ROM and their applications, Latches, Flip-flops,
Difference in between latches and flip-flops, R-S, J-K, D and T flip-flops,
Different types of counters and registers, Waveform generators, A/D and D/A
converters, Semiconductor memories.
7. Control Systems: Transient and steady state response of control systems, Effect
of feedback on stability and sensitivity, Root locus techniques, Frequency response
analysis, Nyquist Stability criterion, Bode plot, Concepts of gain and phase
margins, Constant-M and Constant-N Nichol’s Chart, Approximation of transient
response from Constant-N Nichol’s Chart, Approximation of transient response
from closed loop frequency response, Design of Control Systems, Compensators,
PID controller, Industrial controllers.
8. Signals and Systems : Classification of signals and systems, Energy and Power
Signals, LTI systems, System modelling in terms of differential and difference
equations, State variable representation, Fourier series, Fourier transforms and
their application to system analysis, Laplace transforms and their application to
system analysis, Convolution and superposition integrals and their applications, Z-
transform - ROC, properties and their applications to the analysis and
characterization of discrete time systems, Methods of computing inverse Z-
transform, Random signals and probability, Correlation functions; Spectral density,
Response of linear system to random inputs.
10. Television & Radar Engineering: Requirement & standards of TV (NTSC,
SECAM, PAL), Monochrome Transmitter & Receiver, Camera tube, Essentials of
color TV, TV signal propagation & Antennas, Color signal transmission &
reception, TV applications, Introduction to LCD, LED, OLED, Smart TVs, HDMI.
Introduction to Radar, Radar range equation, CW & FM Radar, MTI & Pulse
Doppler radar, Tracking Radar, Radar transmitter and receiver, Radar Antennas,
Radar Applications, Jammers and counter-jammers, Electronic counter measure
and Electronic counter-counter measures (ECCM).