Profile of A Treatment Plan:: Early Stage Middle Stage Late Stage
Profile of A Treatment Plan:: Early Stage Middle Stage Late Stage
Profile of A Treatment Plan:: Early Stage Middle Stage Late Stage
R - Resources Within
E - Expert
S - Solution Talk
S - Small Steps Lead to Bigger Steps Role of the Therapist:
D - Different Interventions - Collaborative, cheerleader of the belief that the
client has the wisdom, power and agency
General Concepts: Timeframe: Present and Future
- Cause of the problem is not important to dissolving the Duration: Usually Brief
problem Unit of Treatment: Whoever attends the therapy session is the
- Client is the expert on his or her own life “customer”
- Client has already existing strengths and abilities; strength-
based How Change Occurs:
- “There are no resistant clients, only inflexible therapists” - Client learns to access inner resources
- Small changes leads to larger changes (snowball effect) - Only small change is necessary
- Central Philosophy:
o If it’s not broken, don’t fix it Termination Criteria:
o If it’s working, do more of it - Client is effectively accessing his or her resources
o If it’s not working, do something different
Early Stage Goals:
- Determine if the client is a customer Early Stage Interventions:
- Elicit client goals / description of complaint - Ask “What’s changed since you made the appointment?”
- Introduction and explanation of the therapy process - Miracle Question to set goals and establish future
- Formation of a solution orientation
- Establish therapist’s role as helper, cheerleader - Describe the philosophy and procedures of the model
Psychosocial Stressors:
Social Stressors include:
F - Problems with primary support group (Family) - Death or loss of friend
S - Problems related to Social environment - Inadequate social support
O - Occupational / Educational - Living alone
$ - Economic Problems - Difficulty with Acculturation
H2 - Health care access / Housing problems - Discrimination
L - Problems related to Legal system / crime - Adjustment to life-cycle transition (such as retirement)
O - Other psychosocial problems
Occupational problems include:
Family Stressors include: - Unemployment
- Death of a family member - Threat of job loss
- Health problems - Stressful work schedule
- Separation, divorce, estrangement - Difficult work conditions
- Removal from the home - Job dissatisfaction
- Remarriage of parent - Job change
- Neglect, sexual or physical abuse - Discord with boss or co-workers
- Parental overprotection
- Inadequate discipline Educational problems include:
- Discord with siblings - Illiteracy
- Birth of sibling - Academic problems
- Discord with teachers or classmates
Health care problems include: - Inadequate school environment
- Inadequate health care services
- Lack of transportation to health facilities Economic problems include:
- Inadequate health insurance - Extreme poverty
- Inadequate finances
- Insufficient welfare support
Housing problems include: (Beck Depression Inventory)
- Homelessness (Burns Anxiety Scale)
- Inadequate housing
- Unsafe neighborhood Managing a Stressor:
- Discord with neighbors or landlord
N - Normalize, contextualize, reframe
Legal / Crime problems include: F - Process Feelings
- Arrest S - Elicit Strengths
- Incarceration S - Teach Skills
- Litigation C - Collateral resources / referrals / support group
- Victim of crime A - Develop (collaborate on) an Action plan
- Parole or probation M - Break the action plan down into Manageable parts
(clearly defined objectives)
Other psychosocial / environmental problems include:
- Exposure to disasters, war or other hostilities Human Diversity Issues:
- Exposure to traumatic events
- Discord with non-family caregivers such as counselor, S - Socioeconomic, class, education
social worker, or physician C - Culture, race, ethnicity, national origin
- Unavailability of social service agencies A - Age, developmental stage
G - Gender, sexual orientation
ASSESSMENT: S - Spirituality, religion
O - Other (disability or physical difference, circumstantial –
Q - Questions the lived experience, occupational, etc)
R - Releases
M - Mental Status Exam - How might behaviors and symptoms in the vignette
O - Observation translate into diagnoses?
T - Tests - Look for words that point to DSM-IV-TR disorder
H - History categories (mood disorders, anxiety disorders, eating
S - Strengths disorders, etc) or specific diagnoses
Impairment in social interactions, and repetitive, stereotyped ENURESIS:
behaviors and interests Voiding of urine into bed or clothes, involuntary or
intentional, at least 2 times a week for at least 3 month OR
ATTENTION-DEFICIT / HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER: causing clinically significant distress. Onset: 5 years or mental
Symptoms of inattention and/or hyperactivity before age 7, age of 5 years
for at least 6 months, in 2 or more settings - Primary: never had control of bladder
- Secondary: develops after period of urinary continence
3 or more anti-social acts (lying, fire setting, stealing, truancy) SEPARATION ANXIETY DISORDER:
within 1 year; 1 of those acts occurs within the last 6 months Persistent and excessive worry about being separated from
major attachment figures. Must persist for at least 4 weeks.
Negativistic, hostile and defiant behavior, lasts at least 6
months, becomes evident before age 8, and not later than REACTIVE ATTACHMENT DISORDER OF INFANCY OR
early adolescence CHILDHOOD:
Bonding failure often associated with multiple early
ENCOPRESIS: caregivers or disruption in caretaking. Onset: Begins before
Repeated passage of feces in clothing or on floor, involuntary age 5
or intentional, at least once a month for at least 3 months. - Disinhibited Type: Diffuse and indiscriminate sociability and
Onset: 4 years or a mental age of 4 years. attachments with a lack of selectivity
- Primary: never had control of bowels - Inhibited Type: Failure to initiate or respond to social
- Secondary: develops after a period of fecal continence interactions
Disturbance of consciousness, change in cognition, impaired
recent memory, disorientation, language disturbance, SUBSTANCE ABUSE:
presence of illusions and hallucinations. Occurs usually in the Only requires 1 symptom – does not meet the criteria for
elderly or very young children. May resolve in hours or Substance Dependence; no tolerance or withdrawal; no
persist for weeks. desire to quit (a DUI can occur)
Patterns of interaction associated with clinically significant impairment in functioning If they are not the focus of clinical attention,
they should be listed on Axis IV
V-Code applies if the FOCUS of attention is on the PERPETRATOR or the abuse or neglect or on the relational unit in which it occurs
The VICTIM of abuse or neglect is coded 995.5 if a Child, 995.81 if an Adult
Problems Related to Abuse or Neglect:
Axis I:
- Clinical Disorders
- Other conditions that may be the focus of clinical attention
Axis II:
- Personality Disorders
- Mental Retardation Axis IV:
- Borderline Intellectual Functioning - Psychosocial and Environmental Problems
o This is the only V-Code to be coded on Axis II o As many psychosocial stressors as are present
should be noted on Axis IV
Axis III: o When a psychosocial stressor is the primary
- General Medical Conditions focus of clinical attention, it should be recorded
o Medical conditions potentially relevant to the on Axis I
understanding or management of an individual’s Axis V:
mental disorder - Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF Scale)
o A general medical condition directly causing a o 51-100: Ranging from moderate symptoms to
mental disorder is coded on Axis I (e.g. “Mood superior functioning
Disorder Due to Hypothyroidism, With o 1 – 50: Ranging from persistent danger to self or
Depressive Features”) and Axis III others to serious symptoms
Differential diagnosis: In Asperger’s, there is no impairment Criteria: 3 or more anti-social acts (lying, fire setting, stealing,
in the development of language and cognition. In Autistic Disorder, truancy) within 1 year; 1 of those acts occurs within the last 6
there is impairment in both. months
Criteria: Bonding failure often associated with multiple early Key Descriptive Words:
caregivers or disruption in caretaking. Onset: Begins before age 5 - Sudden onset
- Disinhibited Type: Diffuse and indiscriminate sociability - Hallucinations / Delusions
and attachments with a lack of selectivity - Disorganized Thinking
- Inhibited Type: Failure to initiate or respond to social - Suffered from a high fever
interactions - Loss of RECENT memory
- Disoriented
- Taking medications / drugs
Criteria: At least 1 manic or mixed episode (lasting at least 1 week); Key Descriptive Words:
with or without a history of depressive episodes - Inflated Self-Esteem
- Decreased need for sleep
Key Descriptive Words: - Pressured speech
- Out of control - Increased involvement in activities
- Grandiosity - Note the timeframe
- Pressured Speech - Not severe enough to require hospitalization
- Hyper-sexual
- Not sleeping Differential Diagnosis: Substance Abuse, Substance
- Huge spending sprees Intoxication, Bipolar I, Cyclothymic Disorder
- Calling friends in the middle of the night
Differential Diagnosis: Substance Abuse, Substance Criteria: Recurrent, unexpected Panic Attacks
Intoxification, Bipolar II, Cyclothymic Disorder
Key Descriptive Words:
BIPOLAR II DISORDER: - Intense feelings of fear, terror or impending doom
- Shortness of breath
Criteria: At least 1 Hypomanic Episode (lasting at least 4 days) PLUS - Heart palpitations
the presence or history of 1 or more Major Depressive Episodes - Sweating
- Fear of losing control
- Fear of going crazy
- Fear of dying
Criteria: Body weight less than 85% of what is expected; Key Descriptive Words:
Amenorrhea – absence of at least 3 consecutive periods - Thinks that they are fat
- Restricted Type: no binging or purging - Fear of gaining weight
- Binge-Eating / Purging Type - Food rituals
- Throwing up / Excessive exercise
- Poor self-esteem
- May appear to be of normal weight
- No missed periods
Criteria: Development of symptoms in excess of what All involve an enduring, persisting pattern of disturbance or inner
would be expected in response to a stressor. Occurs within 3 experience and behavior that deviates markedly from cultural
months of the stressor; once stressor has terminated, the symptoms expectations
do not persist for more than 6 additional months. (May be
diagnosed “Chronic” if symptoms occur in response to a chronic Antisocial Personality Disorder:
stressor) - A pervasive pattern of disregard for and violations of the
rights of others, occurring since the age of 15. Lying,
Key Descriptive Words: aggressiveness, fights, assaults and a lack of remorse.
- Identifiable stressor: divorce, minor car accident, recent Person must be at least 18.
move, lawsuit
- Resulting symptoms: depressions, anxiety, behavior Borderline Personality Disorder:
problem - Unstable and intense relationships with alternation
between extremes of idealization and devaluation; fear of
Differential Diagnosis: PTSD / Acute Stress Disorder, Major abandonment; unstable sense of self with feelings of
Depressive Disorder, Conduct Disorder abandonment; unstable sense of self with feelings of
emptiness; inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty
Adjustment Disorders Timeline: controlling anger; suicide threats.
The BBS Handbook says MFT Candidates must demonstrate the Managing Countertransference:
ability to:
- Journal to gain clarity on personal reactions to a particular
- “Manage countertransference to maintain integrity of the issue or client that interfere with the integrity of the
therapeutic relationship” and demonstrate the knowledge therapeutic relationship
of “strategies to manage countertransference issues.” - Seek professional supervision or consultation with
colleagues or mentors
- Use one’s own personal therapy
- If unable to maintain the integrity of the therapeutic
relationship, make reasonable arrangement for
continuation of necessary treatment with another
Legal Obligations about Child Abuse: Legal Obligations about Dependent Adult and Elder Abuse:
Upon knowledge or reasonable suspicion, a therapist must: Upon knowledge or reasonable suspicion of dependent adult or
- Notify a child protective services agency within the state of elder abuse, a therapist must:
California as soon as possible - Report by phone to Adult Protect Services within the state
- Follow up with a written report within 36 hours of California as soon as practicably possible
- Maintain confidentiality if the client reporting his or her - Follow up with a written report within 2 working days
own abuse is 18 or older UNLESS the therapist has
knowledge or reasonable suspicion that the perpetrator Tarasoff Statute 43.92:
has abused others who are currently under the age of 18
If your client communicates to you a serious, imminent
What is a Dependent Adult? An Elder? threat of physical violence to a reasonably identifiable
other, you must make reasonable efforts to contact law
- A dependent adult is anyone residing in California enforcement and the intended victim, and document in
between the ages of 18 and 64 who has a physical, mental, your notes the reason you believe the threat to be credible
or financial limitation which restricts the ability to carry and your attempts at notification.
out normal activities of living, or is unable to protect his or
her rights Tarasoff “Duty to Warn” Pursuant to “Ewing vs. Goldstein”:
- An elder is anyone age 65 or older, residing in the state of If you believe your client is dangerous to another,
California regardless of whether your client has communicated to
you an intent to physically harm the person, you must take
reasonable steps to protect the safety of the person
Confidentiality: Privilege:
- Confidentiality is both a legal and an ethical requirement - Privilege is a client’s right to refuse to disclose and to
placed on the therapist restricting the volunteering of prevent others from disclosing a confidential
information received in the context of the therapeutic communication between patient and psychotherapist in a
relationship legal proceeding
- Psychotherapists have the right and duty to claim (or
Consent to Treat a Minor: assert) the privilege whenever the communication is
sought to be disclosed
- Generally speaking, therapists must obtain the consent of - Subpoena = assert privilege
a parent or guardian to treat a minor
- Legally, either parent in an intact marriage may consent to Professional Therapy Never Includes Sex:
treatment, but it is advisable to have the consent of both
parents - Upon learning of a client’s sexual contact with a former
- In families where there is a divorce or separation, either therapist or current therapist, the therapist receiving this
parent with joint custody can consent to treatment, unless information is required by law to give the client the
the custody agreement indicates otherwise. Ask to see Department of Consumer Affairs’ brochure “Professional
the custody agreement before proceeding with treatment Therapy Never Includes Sex”
- Minors age 12 and older who are victims of abuse or a - The BBS will NOT accept complaints from one therapist
danger to self or others without treatment may qualify to about another therapist’s alleged sexual contact with a
consent for their own treatment client
Records: Releases:
- California Business and Professional Code 4982(v) states - California Civil Code 56.11 generally prohibits the release
that it is unprofessional for a therapist to of confidential information without a valid authorization
o Fail to keep records consistent with sound - All members of the treatment unit competent to do so
clinical judgment, the standards of the must sign the release in order for confidential information
profession, and the nature of the services being about any one member of the treatment unit to be
rendered disclosed
General Exceptions to Privilege: What are the Mandatory Exceptions to Confidentiality?
- The client waives privilege - Child Abuse
- The client introduces his/her emotional condition into a - Elder Abuse
legal proceeding - Dependent Adult Abuse
- The client treated confidential information as if it were not - Tarasoff (Duty to Warn)
confidential - Patriot Act
- The client signed a health insurance claim or other waiver
- The client has sought psychotherapy to commit or escape What are the Permitted Exceptions to Confidentiality?
punishment for a crime - Evidence Code 1024
- Release Authorizations
Who is the Holder of Privilege? - Certain Professional Consultations
- The client, regardless of age (unless there is a guardian or - Breaches of Duty
conservator) o Client sues therapist
- The guardian or conservator when there is a guardian or o Client commits a crime against therapist
conservator o Client fails to pay the therapist
- The personal representative of the patient (if the patient
has died) When can a Minor be treated without Parental Consent?
- Parents do NOT hold privilege for their children UNLESS - A minor must be 12 years of age or older
they have been accorded “guardian ad litem” status by the - Therapy must be on an outpatient basis
court - The minor must be mature enough to participate
meaningfully in the therapeutic process
Who can Exercise a Minor’s Privilege? - There must be documented in the records a good reason
- Minors who have (or who could have) consented to their why parental involvement is not advisable
own treatment - Minor IS responsible for payment of fees
- The state when the minor client is a ward of the state (an - The minor is:
attorney is usually appointed to determine whether o A serious danger of physical or mental harm to
privilege should be waived) self or others without treatment
- A Guardian Ad Litem appointed by the court (could be the o Or, an alleged victim of child abuse (which
parents or could be an attorney) includes rape and incest)
What are the Legal Obligations regarding Spousal Abuse? What is the Therapist’s Role in a 5150?
- There are NO legal obligations or mandate - To initiate a 5150 by calling 911 or PET
- The therapist does not “report” spousal abuse unless the - A 5150 may be INVOLKED by the police, an evaluation
spouse is in a protected class of individuals team member, or by someone designated by the county
- The therapist would take steps to advance the welfare of
the client Legal Responsibility if Minor Client is engaged in Consensual Sexual
What is a 5150? - Sexual activity involving minors is generally not reportable
- California Welfare and Institutions Code 5150, allowing for with four (4) exceptions:
a 72 hour hold (involuntary confined) for treatment and 1. The minor is under the age of 16 and the
evaluation of a person who is gravely disabled or is a adult is 21 years or older
serious threat of physical or mental harm to self or others 2. The minor is 14 or 15 and the adult is at
least 10 years older
3. Any sexual activity between a minor under
the age of 14 and a person of disparate age
4. All oral and anal sex involving any minor is
COUNTERTRANSFERENCE: Managing Countertransference:
The BBS Handbook says MFT Candidates must demonstrate the 1. Journal to gain clarity on personal reactions to a particular issue
ability to: “Manage countertransference to maintain integrity of the or client that interfere with the integrity of the therapeutic
therapeutic relationship” and demonstrate the knowledge of relationship
“strategies to manage countertransference issues.” 2. Seek professional supervision or consultation with colleagues or
CAMFT Ethical Standard 3.4 States: 3. Use one’s own personal therapy
“Marriage and family therapists seek appropriate professional 4. If unable to maintain the integrity of the therapeutic relationship,
assistance for their personal problems or conflicts that impair work make reasonable arrangement for continuation of necessary
performance or clinical judgment.” treatment with another therapist
CONSENT TO TREAT A MINOR: When can a Minor be treated without Parental Consent?
• Generally speaking, therapists must obtain the consent of a • A minor must be 12 years of age or older
parent or guardian to treat a minor • Therapy must be on an outpatient basis
• Legally, either parent in an intact marriage may consent to • The minor must be mature enough to participate meaningfully in
treatment, but it is advisable to have the consent of both parents the therapeutic process
• In families where there is a divorce or separation, either parent • There must be documented in the records a good reason why
with joint custody can consent to treatment, unless the custody parental involvement is not advisable
agreement indicates otherwise. Ask to see the custody • Minor IS responsible for payment of fees
agreement before proceeding with treatment The minor is:
• Minors age 12 and older who are victims of abuse or a danger to • A serious danger of physical or mental harm to self or others
self or others without treatment may qualify to consent for their without treatment
own treatment • Or, an alleged victim of child abuse (which includes rape and
LIMITS OF CONFIDENTIALITY: Clients should be advised that: “The information disclosed by you
The BBS Handbook says candidates must demonstrate the ability to during the course of your therapy is generally confidential.
manage confidentiality issues to maintain the integrity of the However, there are exceptions to confidentiality including, but not
therapeutic contract, and knowledge of confidentiality issues in limited to, reporting child, dependent adult, and elder abuse,
therapy. It also stresses knowledge of approaches to address expressed threats of violence towards an ascertainable (intended)
expectations of therapy, which includes where confidentiality does victim, and where you make your mental or emotional state an
and does not apply. issue in a legal proceeding.” (CAMFT Legal and Ethical Practices,
EXPECTATIONS ABOUT THERAPY: • Clarifying misconceptions of therapeutic process or goals
The BBS Handbook lists tasks and knowledge that should be • Clarifying misconceptions of the therapist’s role
demonstrated by MFT candidates • Dual relationships
Task one = Address client’s expectations about therapy to promote • Risks and benefits of therapy
understanding of the therapeutic process • We do NOT make decisions for our clients
Knowledge task = Approaches to address expectations of the • Limits of confidentiality
therapeutic process • No-secrets policy
• Records are kept and client has right to inspect
• Accurate representation of therapist competence, education,
training, and experience
TARASOFF STATUTE 43.92: • Notifying someone likely to warn the intended victim
If your client communicates to you a serious, imminent threat of • Arranging for your client to be hospitalized
physical violence to a reasonably identifiable other, you must make • Anything else you deem reasonable under the circumstances
reasonable efforts to contact law enforcement and the intended Hedlund Decision:
victim, and document in your notes the reason you believe the Therapists who do not carry out their duty under Tarasoff are liable
threat to be credible and your attempts at notification. for damages or injuries to bystanders harmed by their client
What is the therapist’s legal responsibility under the Hedlund
Tarasoff “Duty to Warn” Pursuant to “Ewing vs. Goldstein”: decision?
If you believe your client is dangerous to another, regardless of None. If the therapist has a Tarasoff situation, the therapist must
whether your client has communicated to you an intent to physically simply make reasonable efforts to notify the police and warn the
harm the person, you must take reasonable steps to protect the intended victim. Hedlund imposes no additional responsibilities, but
safety of the person: rather increases the liability for therapists who don’t carry out their
• Notifying the police Tarasoff duty to warn
• Notifying the intended victim
Establishes the legal precedent that therapists must take reasonable
steps to prevent clients from committing suicide
Reasonable steps are clinical interventions a reasonably prudent
therapist would use under similar circumstances Interventions that BREAK Confidentiality:
• Evidence Code 1024: Gives therapist the right to make disclosures
Interventions that do not break Confidentiality: deemed appropriate by the therapist to prevent threatened
• No suicide contract danger, e.g. warning parent, spouse, etc / Therapist must have
• Suicide prevention hotline number solid reasons to break confidentiality under E.C. 1024
• Promises to call friends, family • Warning parent, spouse, etc
• Increased contact with client • Help family and friends organize a 24-hour watch
• Extra sessions • Have client voluntarily hospitalized by initiating a 5150
• Increased phone contact • Call 911 Or Call the county Psychiatric Emergency Team (the PET
• Have client dispose of means team)
• Have client voluntarily hospitalize self
California Business and Professional Code 4982(v) states that it is unprofessional for a therapist to Fail to keep records consistent with sound
clinical judgment, the standards of the profession, and the nature of the services being rendered
Empathy is particularly important when dealing with human The proper source of information about our clients should be our
diversity issues and clients whose difference often causes them to clients, and not, for example, books that tell us about who our
feel alienated clients should be based upon a particular aspect of their inclusion in
a particular diversity group
Mirroring, and careful, reflective listening to stories of difference,
otherness, and alienation builds empathy and is in itself therapeutic In the exam, avoid answers in which the therapist knows what the
and healing client needs or in which the therapist tells the clients how they must
be feeling
Demonstrating respect means being aware of your cultural values
and taking care not to impose them on others who may have Educate yourself by asking the client:
different but equally valid cultural values - Taking a genuine interest in understanding what it is like to
be in the client’s shoes builds rapport and provides the
Demonstrating respect means openly addressing differences as they therapist with information
arise in the room and incorporating them into treatment - Being open to learning about the client’s unique
experience of difference conveys respect
- Seeking to see, feel and understand the lived experience
of another builds rapport
Educate yourself:
- Ethical standards require therapists to actively strive to Treatment Plan:
understand the diverse cultural backgrounds of their - Treatment goals must be sensitive in the context of human
patients by: diversity
o Consulting with other therapists who have - Assumptions about what the client needs may be
experience or expertise in the particular human irrelevant or contrary to the client’s goals, based upon a
diversity issue you are working with lived experience the therapist cannot presume to know
o Reading books about the diversity issue - In the WCV exam, avoid answer that establish goals
o Reading peer review literature about research in without collaborating with the client
working with the diversity issue
How to Proceed if an Intervention Did Not Work:
Educate The Client:
- Share relevant information from self-education about C - Client Reaction
diversity issue about which client may be unaware A - Alliance
- Provide relevant resources V - Values Differences
- Must be done with sensitivity so as not to presume or L - Lifestyle
imply an expert stance with someone who has genuine T - Timing
expertise by virtue of the lived experience D - Different Interventions
Values Differences:
- Are you asking psychodynamic questions of a client who is more interested in life coaching?
- Is your intervention subtly promoting heterosexual values with a gay or lesbian couple?
- Are you assigning homework to a harried single mother?
- Are you making geographically difficult referrals for a client who doesn’t have a car?
- Are you assuming gay relationships have the equivalent of masculine / feminine roles?
- Was the intervention attempted before there was adequate trust in the therapeutic relationship?
- Were you too far ahead of the client in the session? Did you move too quickly to use your intervention?
Different Interventions:
- Therapists must be flexible and adaptable to client needs, values and lifestyles
- In considering alternative interventions, be sure they achieve the same goal as the one that didn’t work
- In considering alternative interventions, be sure it will not evoke the same client reaction as the one that didn’t work
- Consider interventions from another theoretical orientation