Ess - Hvac PDF
Ess - Hvac PDF
Ess - Hvac PDF
Subject Outline
The objective of the course is to provide a systematic understanding of HVAC systems as they apply
to human habitat, the architectural requirements. The course will integrate and emphasize issues of
environmental sustainability. The course enables students to interact knowledgably.
Teaching Method
Learning Outcomes
Students will:-
Process Oriented, principles of science explained and Guided Inquiry/research.
Assignment with group work to have co-operation, and individual etc
Peadology offers practical approach of electricity and fire fighting layout and understanding
of the working and space requirements from architectural point of view.
Weekly Schedule
S.No Week Lesson Assignments
1. Week 1 Intoduction to Comfort, Psychometrics and
Adaptive comfort
2. Week 2 Intoduction to Air Conditioning, Sensible heat, Assignment 1
Latent heat
3. Week 3 Air Conditioning various factors affecting it:
Specific Humidity, Relative humidity,
Temperature. Tonnage of AC load.
4. Week 4 Refrigeration Cycle, Understanding principles Assignment 2
of Air conditioning, Heat Load Estimation.
5. Week 5 Constituents of heat load calculations, wall,
glass, roof, partitions, fresh air, lighting and
6. Week 6 Non Ducted system – Window and split units,
Installation and construction details
Assessment Rubrics:
Understanding of the Topic:
1. Technical Knowledge
2. Application of the Knowledge
Quality of writing
Finishing of model
Compilation of data
Analysis of data
Creative input
Recommended Databases