This document provides a list of references cited in an article on sensory integration. It includes 54 references ranging from journal articles to books published between 1963 and 1995. The references cover topics related to sensory integration, motor skills, clinical observation tools, reliability and validity of measures, research methods, and health sciences. Many of the references were authored by experts in the fields of occupational therapy, sensory integration, and research methods.
This document provides a list of references cited in an article on sensory integration. It includes 54 references ranging from journal articles to books published between 1963 and 1995. The references cover topics related to sensory integration, motor skills, clinical observation tools, reliability and validity of measures, research methods, and health sciences. Many of the references were authored by experts in the fields of occupational therapy, sensory integration, and research methods.
This document provides a list of references cited in an article on sensory integration. It includes 54 references ranging from journal articles to books published between 1963 and 1995. The references cover topics related to sensory integration, motor skills, clinical observation tools, reliability and validity of measures, research methods, and health sciences. Many of the references were authored by experts in the fields of occupational therapy, sensory integration, and research methods.
This document provides a list of references cited in an article on sensory integration. It includes 54 references ranging from journal articles to books published between 1963 and 1995. The references cover topics related to sensory integration, motor skills, clinical observation tools, reliability and validity of measures, research methods, and health sciences. Many of the references were authored by experts in the fields of occupational therapy, sensory integration, and research methods.
Miller S (1994) In: P Herriot, ed. Experimental design and statistics. sensory integration.
nsory integration. Edinburgh: Scottish Study Group on Perception.
London: Routledge. Secretaries of State for Health, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland Netherlands Centre for Sensory Integration (1995) Motor Observations (1989) Working for patients. London: HMSO. - English. 8th ed. Saantport-Zuid, Holland: NCSI. Shrout PE, Fleiss JL (1979) Intraclass correlations: uses in assessing Nessim AA (1994) Correlation of mild pre-school developmental delay rater reliability. Psychological Bulletin, 86(2), 420-28. and subsequent learning disabilities: a health education perspec- South African Institute of Sensory Integration Research Committee tive. Public Health, 108, 195-201. (1986) Clinical Observations - adapted from Ayres. Parktown: Norman GR, Streiner DL (1994) Biostatistics. The Bare Essentials. St SAISI. Louis: Mosby. Streiner DL, Norman GR (1995a) Selecting the items. Health measure- Nunnally JC (1978) Psychometric theory. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw- ment scales. A practical guide to their development and use. 2nd Hill. ed. New York: Oxford University Press. Ottenbacher KJ (1991) Research in sensory integration. Empirical per- Streiner DL, Norman GR (1995b) Reliability. Health measurement ceptions and progress. In: AG Fisher, EA Murray, AC Bundy, eds. scales. A practical guide to their development and use. 2nd ed. Sensory integration, theory and practice. Philadelphia: FA Davis. New York: Oxford University Press. Payton OD (1994) Research: the validation of clinical practice. 3rd ed. Streiner DL, Norman GR (1995c) Generalisability theory. Health mea- Philadelphia: FA Davis. surement scales. A practical guide to their development and use. Peiper A (1963) Cerebral function in infancy and childhood. London: 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press. Pitman Medical. Sugden D, Sugden L (1991) The assessment of movement skill prob- Polatajko H, Fox M, Missiuna C (1995) An international consensus on lems in 7- and 9- year-old children. British Journal of Educational children with developmental coordination disorder. Canadian Psychology, 61, 329-45. Journal of Occupational Therapy, 62(1), 3-6. Wilson BN, Pollock N, Kaplan BJ, Law M, Faris P (1992) Reliability and Polgar S, Thomas SA (1991) Introduction to research in the health sci- construct validity of the Clinical Observations of Motor and Postural ences. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. Skills. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 46(9), 775-83. Pratt PN, Allen AS, Coley IL, Stephens LC, Schanzenbacher KE, Wilson BN, Pollock N, Kaplan BJ, Law M (1994) Clinical Observations Carrasco RC (1989) Instruments to evaluate component functions of Motor and Postural Skills. Test Manual. Arizona: Therapy Skill of behaviour. In: PN Pratt, AS Allen, eds. Occupational therapy for Builders. children. 2nd ed. St Louis: Mosby. Yack E (1989) Sensory integration: a survey of its use in the clinical Price A (1980) Course Notes. Clinical Observations for evaluation in setting. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 56(5), 229-35.
BJOT: Article Reviewers 1998
Lynne Hogsflesh Jackie Pool The Editorial Board is most grateful to those who Professor Vivien Hollis Joanne Pratt review the articles submitted to BJOr. This Cheryl Honeycombe Dr Frances Reynolds ensures that a peer review procedure is main- Alan Horne Gabrielle Richards tained and acts as a means of quality assurance. Lynne Howard Sheelagh Richards The following reviewers are thanked for their Rona Howard Anne Roberts constructive comments during 1998. Revd Clephane Hume Dr Linda Robertson Elaine Hunter Susanna Robinson Karen Jeffers Dr Sue Rugg Kerry Ainscough Dr Cathy Conroy Greg Kelly Susan Ryan Patsy Aldersea Jill Cooper Catriona Khamisha Dr Gaynor Sadlo Auldeen Alsop Diane Cox Jenny King Lynne Sandles Martin Anderson Christine Craik Judith Knight Dr Maggi Savin-Baden Kim Atkinson Mary Crawford Dr Alison Laver Christine Sealey Gill Baer Jennifer Creek Dr Nadina Lincoln Professor Surya Shah Avril Bagshaw Felicity Crofts Dr Linda Lovelock Dr Janet Simpson Claire Ballinger Dawn Cross Aidan Lunt Beryl Steeden Katrina Bannigan Helena Culshaw Ruth MacDonald Barbara Steward Dr Rosemary Barnitt Michael Curtin Michael Mandelstam Professor Averil Stewart Angela Birleson Eileen Dickinson Felicity McElderry Lynn Summerfield-Mann Paul Brewer Fiona Douglas David McGeorge Thelma Sumsion Mary Brewin Dr Avril Drummond Beverley Meeson Dr Grace Sweeney Claire Brewis Professor Pamela Eakin Matthew Molineux Jackie Taylor Chris Bumstead Linda Finlay Michael Morgan Christine Taylor Dr Jennifer Butler Mark Francis Shelagh Morris Sonia Terry Dr Jennifer Caldwell Mary Gilbert Gail Mountain Alison Tullis Anne Candelin Conor Gissane Catherine Mounter Dr Ailie Turton Gill Chard Janet Golledge Dr Margaret Nicol Dr Jeanne Tyrrell Lynn Cheshire Hilary Gooch Dr Geraldine O'Neill Mary Wade Rosemary Chesson Sally Gore Helen Pain Marion Walker Chia Swee Hong Andrew Green Catherine Paterson Joanna Walsh Sidney Chu Sharon Green Dorothy Penso Gill Westland Jan Clayton Dr Alison Hammond Dr Tessa Perrin Karen Whalley Hammell Mick Collins Jan Harrison Dr Lorraine Pinnington Dr Elizabeth White
88 British Journal of Occupational Therapy, February 1999, 62(2)
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