Action Plan in Mathematics IV: Objectives Acivities/Methods Persons Involved Time Frame

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Action Plan in Mathematics IV

S.Y. 2015 - 2016

Objectives Acivities/Methods Persons Involved Time Frame

Administer diagnostic test Administration of diagnostic test

Assess and evaluate the results of Interpretation of diagnostic test Teacher and Pupils June, 2015
the diagnostic test results

Prepare summative and periodical Preparation of summative and

tests periodical tests
Teacher June, 2015 - March, 2016
Assess and evaluate the results of Interpretation of summative and
the summative and periodical test periodical test results

Conduct HRPTA meetings Conducting HRPTA meetings Teacher and Parents June, 2015 - March, 2016

Prepare class records and report on Preparing class records and report
Teacher June, 2015 - March, 2016
the progress of the class on the progress of the class

Develop pupils vocabulary and

Conducting spelling, reading and
pronunciation of words used in Teacher and Pupils June, 2015 - March, 2016
Mathematics Math Word for the Day

Enhance pupils knowledge and Conducting Mastery Drill and Skip

skills in Multiplication and Division Counting every day Teacher and Pupils June, 2015 - March, 2016

Prepared by:

Mr. Raffy V. Gamueda

IV - 6 Adviser

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