Student Learning Outcomes: Teacher Outcomes

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Lesson Plan Pro forma (Health & Physical Education)

Tyler Nield


Learning area: Health & Physical Education Band:


Student learning Outcomes: Teacher Outcomes:

Evidence of learning The students will ….. The teacher will …….
Cognitive & Physical (including ‘skilful’ play) Management: (operating framework & interactions)
- Maximise activity time by only bringing students
- Develop technical ability of catching, throwing in when necessary
and pitching a baseball - Ensure that balls and gloves are on the ground
- Demonstrate game sense tactics and game sense when demonstrating
rules through a variety of simplified games Presence: (verbal & non verbal communication)
Personal Responsibility: (Fair Play)
- Speak slowly and vary voice tone to differentiate
- Demonstrate fair play through sportsmanship instructions to other speech such as managing
and an understanding of the rules of the game behaviour
and simplified games - Keep demonstration short yet clear to maximise
participation time
Social: (eg. cooperation) P’s of Pedagogy: (Presentation of task, positioning
General feedback – acknowledgement )
- Work co-operatively to achieve specific goals in a
variety of partner challenges and team-based
activities - Acknowledge and encourage all students
- Demonstrate co-operation by providing one individually especially the one’s being more
another with feedback and encouragement successful than others
- Simplify instructions by sharing only the bare
bone cue’s
Affective: (feelings & attitudes) (Resilience)
- Check for understanding prior to beginning an
- Demonstrate resilience by overcoming adversity activity
to improve technical ability
- Participate in every activity with a positive and
energetic attitude

Evaluation Evaluation
Student learning outcomes – address each outcome Teacher outcomes – address each outcome

Complete on a separate page. Complete on a separate page. Consider what happened

Consider what happened (with supportive evidence), the (evidence), the implications (so what) & future directions
implications (so what) & future directions (what now). (what now).
Specific learning outcomes Activity Focus Class Organisation Time
I Engage in an Baseball tag 8:55-
T enjoyable, baseball Teacher 9:05am
R related warm up In this activity, 5 -Get involved in the 10min
O activity students will be given a activity 10m
U baseball glove and two -Increase engagement
C Demonstrate tennis balls between by being energetic
T responsibility by them. They will throw
operating safely in the the ball between one Students
N game another, attempting to -Move the ball quickly
tag out students between gloveman 15m
Develop without a glove. A -Move off the ball to
understanding of player in position of get in a position to
game sense rules and the ball can only take receive an attacking
game sense tactics two steps. If a student throw
is tagged, they run over -Scanning
Apply the ‘tag out’ to a bin, grab a glove -Communication
rule/tactic to a and switch teams. (Calling for the ball)
minigame situation Activity continues until
all students have been
If a throwing student
directly hits another
student with the ball,
they must sit out for
the remainder of that
D Demonstrate the Throwing and Catching 9:05-
V catching and throwing Students 9:15am
E technique’s over a Students will simply -Develop the catching 10min
L variation of distances work in pairs, throwing and throwing
P and receiving to one techniques
M Demonstrate fair play another over a 5m
E by abiding by the rules variation of distances. Throwing cue’s
T of the activity They will be practicing -Power position
developing the proper -Glove arm up
technique of the catch -Ball hand high
and throw. -Wind up
Progression -Step into the throw T
After two successful -Point to target
catches, each pair will
take two steps back. Catching
After another two -Squared up
successful catches, -Knee bend
they will take two more -Glove in front of the
steps back. If a player body
drops it, their pair is -Fingers to sky or
out. Game continues ground
until all students are
D Demonstrate the Fly ball catching 9:15-
E technique of catching Catching a fly ball 9:20am
V a fly ball Students will work technique 5min
E individually. They will -Under the ball
L Work individually to simply find a safe area -Fingers to the sky
O improve technique of on the oval where they -Infront of the eyes
P catching a fly ball will not be interrupted -Soft arm
M by other students. They
E will then throw a high
N ball straight above
T themselves and catch T

D Demonstrate the Pitching Teacher 9:20-

E pitching and catching -Move along the line, 9:35am
V techniques Students will work in assisting with 15min
E pairs. individual technique
L One student will be
O down on one knee in a Students
P ‘catching’ position. The
M other student will Pitching cue’s
E practice pitching to the -Power position
N catcher. -Thigh square to
T ground
Progression -Wind up
Top of the mountain -Glove arm up
-Ball up high
Students will compete -Unwind
against their partner to -Extend through to
throw the most target
successful pitches (in
the strike zone).
After some time, the
student with the
highest score will move
up the mountain, while
the other moves down.
D Demonstrate the Around the bases 9:35-
E throwing and catching 9:45am
V technique’s Students will work in 10min
E teams of five. They will
L Demonstrate game race against each other
O sense rules by to see which team can
P touching the base throw the ball around Students
M before throwing the the 4 bases the fastest -Move the ball around
E ball and back to the the bases as quickly as
N pitcher. They must possible T
T make contact with the -Throw accurately with
base with the ball in speed
the glove before
throwing to the next
base. The teacher will
time their results.

*If the class size is

large, more students
can stand around the
pitcher and the ball
with move from bases
into the pitcher and
back out.
Develop Throw baseball 9:45-
understanding of 10:05am
game sense rules and Game works like 20min
game sense tactics of normal baseball,
baseball however instead of
hitting, the batter must
Demonstrate the catch the pitch and
catching, throwing and then throw the ball
pitching technique’s into the outfield before
Work collaboratively
to achieve success Scoring
1 point for passing
home plate

C Pack up and re-cap 10:05-

O 10:15am
S *Include student 10min
U feedback

I didn’t get through all my activities due to time constraints. Pitching went for too long as student’s arms were starting to get tired. When
doing top of the mountain, do less time in between moving. Instead of 1min, could do 3 pitches each and count the score from there. Cones
in middle worked well, make sure they come into the cone, work out score then move. Keeps it more organized. Start close and talk about
why you need to warm the arm up. Using the square from the first game to set lines for following tasks worked well too. Be clear with cue’s
of throwing and pitching ie less talk = more activity time. Joining in can help with timing.
First activity went well to get gloves out and introduce students to catching.

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