Institutions Accredited by NAAC need to submit an Annual self-reviewed progress report i.e.
Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to NAAC, through its IQAC. The report is to detail
the tangible results achieved in key areas, specifically identified by the IQAC at the beginning of
the Academic year. The AQAR period would be the Academic Year. (For example, July 1, 2017
toJune 30, 2018)
Part – A
Data of the Institution
1. Name of the Institution: Late Pundalikrao Gawali Arts and Science Mahavidyalaya, Shirpur
(Jain), Tq: Malegaon Dist.: Washim.
Name of the Head of the institution : Dr. Wamanrao K. Pokale
Designation : Principal
Does the institution function from own campus : Yes
Phone no./Alternate phone no. :
Mobile no. : 09822698311
Registered e-mail
Alternate e-mail
Address :Risod Road
City/Town : Shirpur(Jain), Malegaon Dist. Washim
State/UT : Maharashtra
Pin Code :444504
2. Institutional status:
Affiliated / Constituent : Yes Affiliated
Type of Institution : Co-education
Location : Rural
Financial Status : Grants-in aid, 2(f)& 12(B)status by UGC,
New Delhi
Name of the Affiliating : Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University,
Name of the IQAC Coordinator : Dr. Yogesh S. Sakhare
Phone no. :
Alternate phone no. :
Mobile : 09890298455
IQAC e-mail address
Alternate Email address :
3. Website address:
Web-link of the AQAR :
(Previous Academic Year)
4. Whether Academic Calendar prepared during the year?
: Yes
if yes, whether it is uploaded in the Institutional website
: Yes
Web link :
5. Accreditation Details:
Year of Validity
Sr.No Cycle Grade CGPA
Accreditation Period
1 1st Cycle C 2.00 2016 5 Year
13. Plan of action chalked out by the IQAC in the beginning of the Academic year towards Quality
Enhancement and the outcome achieved by the end of the Academic year (2017-2018)
Plan of Action Achievements/Outcomes
1. Encourage faculties to publish research Faculties published 19 research papers in
paper in International Journal. International journal & 08 in National
journal conference proceedings. Total 26
research papers were published during
academic year 2017-2018.
2. To enhance research activates. Research paper presented in National/
International Conference/Seminar/
3. Eco-friendly awareness programme or ‘Matiche Ganpati’ campaign during
campaign. Ganesh festival and stalls at college for
sale. Eco-friendly colour uses during holi
4. Save water, Save Electricity campaign. Use water harvesting system, LED, Solar
5. To motivate the students for sports and 35 Student were participated at University
cultural events participation in university level sport and 03 student were participated
level. in youth festival at university.
14. Whether the AQAR was placed before statutory body? Yes
Name of the statutory body: College Development Committee Date of meeting:06/01/2018
15. Whether NAAC/or any other accredited body(s) visited IQAC or interacted with it to assess the
: No
16. Whether institutional data submitted to AISHE:
: Yes
Year: 2017 Date of Submission: 30.09.2017
17. Does the Institution have Management Information System?
If yes, give a brief description and a list of modules currently operational.(Maximum 500 words)
Admissions are on first come first basis. Application Forms for admission are available in the
administrative department during office hours excluding holidays. Students are also selected in the
Reserved Category; this list is attached separately to ensure chances for them in Higher Education. Data
required by the University is submitted to the University based on the information drawn from the
Application Forms for admission. All relevant information regarding the college, notices and
announcements are uploaded on the college notice board. Marks obtained by student’s at all internal
examinations are published on the respective departmental notice board by the teacher.
SMS/telephonic communicationis used as notification gateway tosendinformation to parents regarding
low attendance and academicperformance etc. Parent Teacher meetings are also held. Staff informed
throughSMS, Whatsapp group and verbally through meetings. Staff salary notification and generation of
salary slips is done online. Finance & Accounting MIS-transaction with bank is conducted online. Ledger
records are maintained. Students evaluate teachers through Feedback/TAQ (Teaching Assessment
Questionnaire) and outcomes are evaluated, analyzed and computed. Likewise evaluation by parent and
other stakeholder’s is also available.
1.1 Curriculum Planning and Implementation
1.1.1 Institution has the mechanism for well-planned curriculum delivery and documentation.
Explain in 500 words.(Time Table, Academic calendar, teaching methodology, ppt, difficulty
solving, class test, sessional test, assignment, viva, seminar, industry visit.)
CollegeTime table was prepared by the time table committee according to rules and regulation ofSant
Gadge Baba Amravati university, Amravati and same was approved by the principal before
commencement the regular classes.As per the prepared time table every faculty allotted more than 20
lecture/week. Modified Academic calendar was prepared by following the academic calendar
provided by parent University. As per the time table approved by Principal a teaching plan is
prepared by every faculty for every subject and class.Classes taken by the faculty as per the prepared
teaching plan. A daily teaching plan is developed by the faculty members for effective teaching and
management of syllabus within stipulated time.In teaching the primary role of faculty is to pass
knowledge and information into their student. Moreover, students are encouraged to access the source of
knowledge along with promoted for the seminar, group discussion etc. The traditional as well as modified
and efficient teaching method used by the faculty to increase participation of student in classes. For some
subject and class demonstration method is very useful, from this method faculty can explain through
example, experiments, models and bio-visual charts. Time table of class test and sessional test was
prepared by the examination committee as per instruction given by Principal. Class test and sessional test
can be conduct by each every faculty for every subject. Tutorials were conducted to solve the queries and
difficulties of student in subject. Students were prepared for the assignments, seminar and viva as it is the
part of exam and needed for the construction of future. Students who were found excellent in delivering
their seminar were set as the example and who were up to the mark were encouraged for the better
performance in their presentation. However, least performing students were called separately and guided
for the good presentation of their seminar and preparation. Same methodology is followed for the group
discussion a group is performing under satisfactory were guided separately for how to prepare for group
discussion and encouraged to be confident during their delivery. As per the demand of subject; excursion,
study tour, field visit and industrial visit were organized for the students to get more practical knowledge
in the respective subject. Students are instructed and counseled for the performance on the field during
excursion or study tour, field visit and industrial visit such as how to collect the sample, how to note
down the observations in dairy and keeping the collected sample till laboratory. After taking the sample in
laboratory how to preserve it and so on with respective their visit and subject. Moreover, studentswere
encouragedto ask their question to the faculty and expert from visiting place.
1.1.2 Certificate/ Diploma Courses introduced during the Academic year (2017-2018)
Name of The Name of the Date of focus on Skill development
Certificate Course Diploma Courses introduction employability/
and duration entrepreneurship
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
1.3.2 Field Projects / Internships under taken during the year (2017-2018)
Project/Programme Title No. of students enrolled for Field Projects / Internships
2.3.2 Students mentoring system available in the institution? Give details. (Maximum 500 words)
There is a tutorial system in some departments where teachers act as academic mentors. A teacher
Guardian meets student of the college and offers counseling to those seeking personal help. Student also
enables academicmentoring in every subject by teacher in classroom and off the classroom. Help by both
college teachers and the counsellor is availed of by parents as well, depending upon thegravity of the
Number of students enrolled in Number of fulltime teachers Mentor: Mentee Ratio
the institution
B. Sc. - 419 13 32.23:1
2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality
2.4.1 Number of full time teachers appointed during the year (2017-2018)
No. of sanctioned No. of filled Vacant positions Positions filled No. Of faculty with
Positions positions during Ph.D.
the current year
15 12 03 Nil 06
2.4.2 Honours and recognitions received by teachers(Received awards, recognition, fellowships at
State, National, International level from Government, recognized bodies during the year)
Year of award Name of full time Designation Name of the award,
teachers receiving fellowship, received
awards from state from Government or
level, national level, recognized bodies
international level
2017-2018 Nil Nil Nil
2.5.2 Reforms initiated on Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) system at the institutional level
(250 words):-
Continuous evaluation is carried out throughout the year through regular tests, objective tests, projects,
student presentations, seminars etc. Routine tests are given and open book tests are conducted and much
appreciated by students as critical thinking and creativity come to the fore. Some departments take
regular, weekly tutorials. Remedial instruction is given to slow learners and challenged students. Mid-
term tests help to prepare the students for University Examinations. Corrected answer scripts are shown to
the students for scrutiny. The teachers explain about as to how scoring by the students can be better in
forthcoming examinations by expressing themselves more appropriately in response to questions. Peer
evaluation is also employed by teachers to empower and enable students to help each other particularly in
areas where creative and original thinking will benefit them. Group assessment is conducted by teachers
when students are assigned group presentations on curricular and co-curricular, academic topics. The
University enables students to apply for re-evaluation of University answer scripts.
2.5.3 Academic calendar prepared and adhered for conduct of Examination and other related
matters (250 words):-
As an affiliated college, the Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University calendar is adhered to. In addition to
this, an Academic College Calendar is prepared and printed which contains a list of all the interactive and
innovative programmes to be conducted by the college, both at the faculty and student level. Detailed
schedules with dates are given for Mid-Term and Practical Examination. Students prepare for these
examinations accordingly. Each member of the staff and student community receive a copy of the college
calendar to enable them to plan for activities.
An IQAC Calendar is also prepared; this enumerates academic programmes and activities for quality
enhancement to be held in the college. When new programmes to enable quality enhancement are offered
during the course of the year, these are availed of for the benefit of the staff and students. The IQAC
evaluates such activities during their meetings.
3.3.5 Bibliometrics of the publications during the last Academic year based on average citation
index in Scopus/ Web of Science or Pub Med/ Indian Citation Index
Title of Name of the Title of the Year of Citation Institutional Number of
the paper author journal Publication Index affiliation as citations
mentioned excluding self
in citations
3.3.6 h-index of the Institutional Publications during the year. (based on Scopus/ Web of science)
Title Name of the Title of the Year of h-index Number of Institutional
of the author journal publication citations affiliation as
paper excluding mentioned in
self- the
citations publication
Attended 16 24 08 -
Presented papers 06 05 - -
Resource Persons - - - -
3.5 Collaborations
3.5.1 Number of Collaborative activities for year
Nature of Activity Participant Source of financial Duration
3.5.2 Linkages with institutions/industries for internship, on-the-job training, project work, sharing
of research facilities etc. during the year
Nature of linkage Title of the Name of the Duration Participant
linkage partnering (From-To)
/research lab with
3.5.3 MoUs signed with institutions of national, international importance, other universities,
industries, corporate houses etc. during the year
Organisation Date of MoU Purpose and Number of
signed Activities students/teachers
under MoUs
4.3 IT Infrastructure
4.3.1 Technology Up gradation (overall)
Total Compu Internet Browsing Computer office Department Available Others
Comp ter Centres centers band
uters Labs width
Existing 12 Yes yes yes - 01 05 BSNL 02
Added - - - - - - - -
Total 12 Yes Yes Yes - 01 05 - 02
4.3.2 Bandwidth available of internet connection in the Institution (Leased line)
4.3.3 Facility for e-content
Name of the e-content development facility Provide the link of the videos and media centre
andrecording facility
4.3.4 E-content developed by teachers such as: e-PG-Pathshala, CEC (under e-PG-Pathshala CEC
(Under Graduate) SWAYAM other MOOCs platform NPTEL/NMEICT/any other Government
initiatives & institutional (Learning Management System (LMS) etc.
Name of the Name of the module Platform on which Date of launching e -
Teacher module is developed Content
Student representative is a members of IQAC. The Student Council is very active and responsible for all
student activities throughout the year. They also act as the liaison between the Principal, faculty and the
student body as a whole.
The Student representatives are also members of the Student Council and College Council. They sit in at
meetings and their suggestion are given due consideration. The Student representative also meet the
Principal frequently to consider, evaluate, plan and conduct student and Social activities in college. These
Council members present the annual report of the college during end of the session.
Society Staff Advisors along with Student representative and other members discuss and dialogue all
social activities.
6.1.2 Does the institution have a Management Information System (MIS)? Yes
Distribution of seeds by the ECO Club to encourage planting of trees and plants
Bird baths installed on trees
Celebration of Environment Day, Earth Day and Water Day
7.1.7 Initiatives taken by the institution to make the campus eco-friendly (at least five):
Cleanliness drive at college level.
Tree plantation drive.
Awareness in classrooms and campus by putting up energy saving and save water posters.
Plastic Free Zone Campaign
Rain harvesting system
Bird baths
Distribution of seeds and saplings by students of the ECO Club