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The Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of the IQAC

(For Affiliated/Constituent Colleges)

Institutions Accredited by NAAC need to submit an Annual self-reviewed progress report i.e.
Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to NAAC, through its IQAC. The report is to detail
the tangible results achieved in key areas, specifically identified by the IQAC at the beginning of
the Academic year. The AQAR period would be the Academic Year. (For example, July 1, 2017
toJune 30, 2018)

Part – A
Data of the Institution

(Data may be captured from IIQA)

1. Name of the Institution: Late Pundalikrao Gawali Arts and Science Mahavidyalaya, Shirpur
(Jain), Tq: Malegaon Dist.: Washim.
 Name of the Head of the institution : Dr. Wamanrao K. Pokale
 Designation : Principal
 Does the institution function from own campus : Yes
 Phone no./Alternate phone no. :
 Mobile no. : 09822698311
 Registered e-mail
 Alternate e-mail
 Address :Risod Road
 City/Town : Shirpur(Jain), Malegaon Dist. Washim
 State/UT : Maharashtra
 Pin Code :444504

2. Institutional status:
 Affiliated / Constituent : Yes Affiliated
 Type of Institution : Co-education
 Location : Rural
 Financial Status : Grants-in aid, 2(f)& 12(B)status by UGC,
New Delhi
 Name of the Affiliating : Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University,
 Name of the IQAC Coordinator : Dr. Yogesh S. Sakhare
 Phone no. :
 Alternate phone no. :
 Mobile : 09890298455
 IQAC e-mail address
 Alternate Email address :

3. Website address:
Web-link of the AQAR :
(Previous Academic Year)
4. Whether Academic Calendar prepared during the year?
: Yes
if yes, whether it is uploaded in the Institutional website
: Yes
Web link :
5. Accreditation Details:
Year of Validity
Sr.No Cycle Grade CGPA
Accreditation Period
1 1st Cycle C 2.00 2016 5 Year

6. Date of Establishment of IQAC : 27/01/2015

7. Internal Quality Assurance System
7.1 Quality initiatives by IQAC during the year for promoting quality culture
Item /Title of the quality Date & duration Number of
initiative by IQAC participants/beneficiaries
Promoted faculties for During session 2017-18 Research paper Published :26
participation in Conferences/ Conferences/ Seminar/
Seminar/ Workshop & Publish Workshop : 48
research paper in National &
International level journals
Promoted faculties to write During session 2017-18 Two faculties written chapter in
chapter in book/ publish book Text Book of Botany for B. Sc.
Promoted students to participate During session 2017-18 100
in various competition
“Expedition of Soil Ganapti”. 21-25 August 2018 (5 days) Participants : 55
(Rally, Workshop & Stall At Beneficiaries : 250
College For).
Eco-friendly colour campaign 01/03/2018 (one Day) 65
during holi festival.
Environmental studies tour at 18/03/2018 (One Day) 22

8. Provide the list of funds by Central/ State Government-

Institution/ Scheme Funding agency Year of award Amount
Department/Faculty with
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

9. Whether composition of IQAC as per latest NAAC guidelines: Yes

10. No. of IQAC meetings held during the year: 03
The minutes of IQAC meeting and compliance to the decisions have been uploaded on the institutional
11. Whether IQAC received funding from any of the funding agency to support its activities during
the year: - No
12. Significant contributions made by IQAC during the current year (maximum five bullets)
 Encourage faculty members to enhance their research activates.
 Eco-friendly awareness campaign organized.
 Save water, Save Electricity campaign.
 Organized various competitions for student to promote their skill and to develop stage courage,
confidence and knowledge.
 Encouraged departments of college to organize field study/ study tour for student.

13. Plan of action chalked out by the IQAC in the beginning of the Academic year towards Quality
Enhancement and the outcome achieved by the end of the Academic year (2017-2018)
Plan of Action Achievements/Outcomes
1. Encourage faculties to publish research  Faculties published 19 research papers in
paper in International Journal. International journal & 08 in National
journal conference proceedings. Total 26
research papers were published during
academic year 2017-2018.
2. To enhance research activates.  Research paper presented in National/
International Conference/Seminar/
3. Eco-friendly awareness programme or  ‘Matiche Ganpati’ campaign during
campaign. Ganesh festival and stalls at college for
sale. Eco-friendly colour uses during holi
4. Save water, Save Electricity campaign.  Use water harvesting system, LED, Solar
5. To motivate the students for sports and  35 Student were participated at University
cultural events participation in university level sport and 03 student were participated
level. in youth festival at university.

6. Organize study tour  Environmental studies tour at Lonar on

date 18/03/2018, 22 student were
7. Promoted students to participate in various  Rangoli Competition on 17/03/2018 at
competition college level, 30 student are participated
 Seminar competitions at college level on
24/03/2018, 30 students are participated.
 Students of the college were awarded with
2ndprize for their best performance in
University level intercollegiate Poster
Presentation competition organized by
mahatma phule college Patur. Participating
Students are Dnyaneshwar Wankhede,
Ashvin Kathole and Nilesh Dongardive
from B.Sc. III.
 Vaibhav Sathe & Omkar Kavadkar, B.Sc.
II year student participated in University
level intercollegiate Seminar & Poster
Competition organized by Dr. R. G. Rathod
arts and science college Murtizapur dated
 Vaibhav Sathe & Omkar Kavadkar, B.Sc.
II year student participated in University
level intercollegiate workshop on medicinal
plant and natural remedies organized by
M.S.P. Arts, Science and K.P.T. college
Manora dated 09/02/2018.
 Competition on Bhagavat Gita at college
level organized by Utkarsha study circle,
55 students were participated.
 GAT test in chemistry was conducted for
B.Sc. III year students organized by
AUCTA. Total 10 students were
participated in this test.
8. Encourage departments to organize guest  Guest lecturers arranged by Utkarsha study
lecturers for college students in their subjects. Circle and Visit to competitive exam
guidance workshop at Washim, 100
students were participed.
 Guest lecture on “Photochemistry”
organized by Department of Chemistry, for
B.Sc. III year students. Dr. Kiran F. Shelke
department of chemistry, Late Pushpadevi
Patil College Risod deliver the guest
 Guest lecture on “Plant Tissue Culture”
organized by Department of Botany, for
B.Sc. III year students. Dr. G. D.
WadankarRA College, Washimdeliver the
guest lecture.
9. Social and environment balance activities  Blood group dictation camp at college level
on 02 Oct 2017.
 Drip Irrigation with help of waste plastic
water bottles in Botanical garden on the
occasion of Birth Anniversary of Sant
Gadge baba and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar.
 Cleanliness drive and plantation activities
throughout year by NSS Cell and Eco Club.

14. Whether the AQAR was placed before statutory body? Yes
Name of the statutory body: College Development Committee Date of meeting:06/01/2018
15. Whether NAAC/or any other accredited body(s) visited IQAC or interacted with it to assess the
: No
16. Whether institutional data submitted to AISHE:
: Yes
Year: 2017 Date of Submission: 30.09.2017
17. Does the Institution have Management Information System?
If yes, give a brief description and a list of modules currently operational.(Maximum 500 words)

Admissions are on first come first basis. Application Forms for admission are available in the
administrative department during office hours excluding holidays. Students are also selected in the
Reserved Category; this list is attached separately to ensure chances for them in Higher Education. Data
required by the University is submitted to the University based on the information drawn from the
Application Forms for admission. All relevant information regarding the college, notices and
announcements are uploaded on the college notice board. Marks obtained by student’s at all internal
examinations are published on the respective departmental notice board by the teacher.
SMS/telephonic communicationis used as notification gateway tosendinformation to parents regarding
low attendance and academicperformance etc. Parent Teacher meetings are also held. Staff informed
throughSMS, Whatsapp group and verbally through meetings. Staff salary notification and generation of
salary slips is done online. Finance & Accounting MIS-transaction with bank is conducted online. Ledger
records are maintained. Students evaluate teachers through Feedback/TAQ (Teaching Assessment
Questionnaire) and outcomes are evaluated, analyzed and computed. Likewise evaluation by parent and
other stakeholder’s is also available.
1.1 Curriculum Planning and Implementation
1.1.1 Institution has the mechanism for well-planned curriculum delivery and documentation.
Explain in 500 words.(Time Table, Academic calendar, teaching methodology, ppt, difficulty
solving, class test, sessional test, assignment, viva, seminar, industry visit.)
CollegeTime table was prepared by the time table committee according to rules and regulation ofSant
Gadge Baba Amravati university, Amravati and same was approved by the principal before
commencement the regular classes.As per the prepared time table every faculty allotted more than 20
lecture/week. Modified Academic calendar was prepared by following the academic calendar
provided by parent University. As per the time table approved by Principal a teaching plan is
prepared by every faculty for every subject and class.Classes taken by the faculty as per the prepared
teaching plan. A daily teaching plan is developed by the faculty members for effective teaching and
management of syllabus within stipulated time.In teaching the primary role of faculty is to pass
knowledge and information into their student. Moreover, students are encouraged to access the source of
knowledge along with promoted for the seminar, group discussion etc. The traditional as well as modified
and efficient teaching method used by the faculty to increase participation of student in classes. For some
subject and class demonstration method is very useful, from this method faculty can explain through
example, experiments, models and bio-visual charts. Time table of class test and sessional test was
prepared by the examination committee as per instruction given by Principal. Class test and sessional test
can be conduct by each every faculty for every subject. Tutorials were conducted to solve the queries and
difficulties of student in subject. Students were prepared for the assignments, seminar and viva as it is the
part of exam and needed for the construction of future. Students who were found excellent in delivering
their seminar were set as the example and who were up to the mark were encouraged for the better
performance in their presentation. However, least performing students were called separately and guided
for the good presentation of their seminar and preparation. Same methodology is followed for the group
discussion a group is performing under satisfactory were guided separately for how to prepare for group
discussion and encouraged to be confident during their delivery. As per the demand of subject; excursion,
study tour, field visit and industrial visit were organized for the students to get more practical knowledge
in the respective subject. Students are instructed and counseled for the performance on the field during
excursion or study tour, field visit and industrial visit such as how to collect the sample, how to note
down the observations in dairy and keeping the collected sample till laboratory. After taking the sample in
laboratory how to preserve it and so on with respective their visit and subject. Moreover, studentswere
encouragedto ask their question to the faculty and expert from visiting place.
1.1.2 Certificate/ Diploma Courses introduced during the Academic year (2017-2018)
Name of The Name of the Date of focus on Skill development
Certificate Course Diploma Courses introduction employability/
and duration entrepreneurship
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

1.2 Academic Flexibility

1.2.1 New programmers/courses introduced during the Academic year (2017-2018):- No
1.2.2Programmes in which Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)/Elective course system
implemented at the affiliated Colleges (if applicable) during the Academic year (2017-2018):No
Name of UG PG Date of UG PG
Programmes implementation
adopting of
Course System
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
1.2.3Students enrolled in Certificate/ Diploma Courses introduced during the year (2017-2018)
Certificate Diploma Courses
No. of Student Nil Nil

1.3 Curriculum Enrichment

1.3.1Value-added courses imparting transferable and life skills offered during the year (2017-2018).
Value added courses Date of introduction Number of students
Independence day 15/08/2017 All Student
Expedition of Soil Ganapati 20 to 25/08/2017 130
Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi / Lal 02 /10/2017 All Student
bhahadur Shastri
Blood detection Camp 03 /10/2017 94
Birth Anniversary of Savitribai Fule 03/01/2018 All Student
Birth Anniversary of Ma Jijaoo 12/01/2018 All Student
Republic day 26/01/2018 All Student
Eye Checkup Camp at Pangri Kute 100 students and 107
Birth Anniversary of Shivaji Maharaj 19/02/2018 All Student
Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Jotiba Fule 11/04/2018 All Student
Birth Anniversary of Sant Gadge baba and Dr. 65 student participated
One week (11/04/2018
Babasaheb Ambedkar
to 18/04/2018)

1.3.2 Field Projects / Internships under taken during the year (2017-2018)
Project/Programme Title No. of students enrolled for Field Projects / Internships

1.4 Feedback System

1.4.1Whether structured feedback received from all the stakeholders.
1) Students 2) Teachers 3) Employers 4) Alumni 5) Parents

Yes Yes - Yes Yes

1.4.2 How the feedback obtained is being analyzed and utilized for overall development of the
institution? (Maximum 500 words):-
College has developed feedback conducting and analysis system separately from various stakeholders viz.
Students, teachers, alumni and parents. During academic session 2017-18 feedback committee collected
feedback from students, teachers, alumni and parents. Feedback form include all college related points
like admission process, discipline, atmosphere, facilities in the college and about college staff and faculty.
We have designed a special feedback form on curriculum development. We are also collecting feedback
from students on Faculty performance and subject review through TAQ (Teaching Assessment
Questionnaire). We have also designed general feedback form for the parent. Feedback from parents was
collected during Parent-teachers meet. During the alumni meet we have also collected feedback from
alumni. Moreover, during the parent-teacher meet and alumni meet parents and alumni of the college
were also given their feedback orally while their speech.
2.1 Student Enrolment and Profile
2.1. 1 Demand Ratio during the year (2017-2018)
Name of the Programme Number of seats Number of applications Students Enrolled
available Received
B.Sc. I 240 250 215
B.A. I 120 130 119
B. Com. I 120 35 31

2.2 Catering to Student Diversity

2.2.1. Student - Full time teacher ratio (current year data)
Year Number of Number of Number of full Number of full Number of
students enrolled students time teachers time teachers Teachers
in the institution enrolled in the available in available in teaching
(UG) institution the institution the institution both UG and PG
(PG) teaching only teaching only courses
UG courses PG courses
2017-2018 641 Nil 13 Nil -

2.3 Teaching - Learning Process

2.3.1 Percentage of teachers using ICT for effective teaching with Learning Management Systems
(LMS), E-learning resources etc. (current year data)
Number of Number of ICT tools and Number of Number of E-resources
teachers on teachers using resources ICT smart and
roll ICT (LMS, e- available enabled classrooms techniques
Resources) classrooms used
13 12 LCD Projector Nil Nil Yes
Laptop ,
computer lab

2.3.2 Students mentoring system available in the institution? Give details. (Maximum 500 words)
There is a tutorial system in some departments where teachers act as academic mentors. A teacher
Guardian meets student of the college and offers counseling to those seeking personal help. Student also
enables academicmentoring in every subject by teacher in classroom and off the classroom. Help by both
college teachers and the counsellor is availed of by parents as well, depending upon thegravity of the
Number of students enrolled in Number of fulltime teachers Mentor: Mentee Ratio
the institution
B. Sc. - 419 13 32.23:1
2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality
2.4.1 Number of full time teachers appointed during the year (2017-2018)

No. of sanctioned No. of filled Vacant positions Positions filled No. Of faculty with
Positions positions during Ph.D.
the current year
15 12 03 Nil 06
2.4.2 Honours and recognitions received by teachers(Received awards, recognition, fellowships at
State, National, International level from Government, recognized bodies during the year)
Year of award Name of full time Designation Name of the award,
teachers receiving fellowship, received
awards from state from Government or
level, national level, recognized bodies
international level
2017-2018 Nil Nil Nil

2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms

2.5.1 Number of days from the date of semester-end/ year- end examination till the declaration of
results during the year: 6 months. (Results declared by the university)
Programme Programme Semester/ year Last date of the last Date of declaration of
Name Code semester-end/ year- end results of semester-end/
examination year- end examination

2.5.2 Reforms initiated on Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) system at the institutional level
(250 words):-
Continuous evaluation is carried out throughout the year through regular tests, objective tests, projects,
student presentations, seminars etc. Routine tests are given and open book tests are conducted and much
appreciated by students as critical thinking and creativity come to the fore. Some departments take
regular, weekly tutorials. Remedial instruction is given to slow learners and challenged students. Mid-
term tests help to prepare the students for University Examinations. Corrected answer scripts are shown to
the students for scrutiny. The teachers explain about as to how scoring by the students can be better in
forthcoming examinations by expressing themselves more appropriately in response to questions. Peer
evaluation is also employed by teachers to empower and enable students to help each other particularly in
areas where creative and original thinking will benefit them. Group assessment is conducted by teachers
when students are assigned group presentations on curricular and co-curricular, academic topics. The
University enables students to apply for re-evaluation of University answer scripts.

2.5.3 Academic calendar prepared and adhered for conduct of Examination and other related
matters (250 words):-
As an affiliated college, the Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University calendar is adhered to. In addition to
this, an Academic College Calendar is prepared and printed which contains a list of all the interactive and
innovative programmes to be conducted by the college, both at the faculty and student level. Detailed
schedules with dates are given for Mid-Term and Practical Examination. Students prepare for these
examinations accordingly. Each member of the staff and student community receive a copy of the college
calendar to enable them to plan for activities.
An IQAC Calendar is also prepared; this enumerates academic programmes and activities for quality
enhancement to be held in the college. When new programmes to enable quality enhancement are offered
during the course of the year, these are availed of for the benefit of the staff and students. The IQAC
evaluates such activities during their meetings.

2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcomes

2.6.1 Program outcomes, program specific outcomes and course outcomes for all programs offered
by the institution are stated and displayed in website of the institution
2.6.2 Pass percentage of students
Programme Programme Number of students Number of students Pass
Code name appeared in the final year passed in final semester Percentage
examination /year examination
B.Sc. 90 20 22.22%
B.A. 25 04 16%

2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey

2.7.1 Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) on overall institutional performance (Institution may design
the questionnaire) (results and details be provided as web link)
3.1 Resource Mobilization for Research
3.1.1 Research funds sanctioned and received from various agencies, industry and other
Nature of the Duration Name of the Total grant Amount received
Project Funding Agency sanctioned during the
Academic year
Major projects Nil Nil Nil Nil
Minor Projects Nil Nil Nil Nil
Interdisciplinary Nil Nil Nil Nil
Industry Nil Nil Nil Nil
Projects Nil Nil Nil Nil
sponsored by
the University/
Students Research Nil Nil Nil Nil
(other than
by the College)
International Nil Nil Nil Nil
Any Nil Nil Nil Nil
Total Nil Nil Nil Nil

3.2 Innovation Ecosystem

3.2.1 Workshops/Seminars Conducted on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Industry-
Academia Innovative practices during the year.
Title of Workshop/Seminar Name of the Dept. Date(S)
Nil Nil Nil
3.2.2 Awards for Innovation won by Institution/Teachers/Research scholars/Students during the
Title of the Name of the Awarding Date of Award Category
innovation Awardee Agency
3.2.3 No. of Incubation center created, start-ups incubated on campus during the year
Incubation Centre Name Sponsored by
1 Utkarsha Study Circle Late Pundalikrao Gawali Arts and
Science Mahavidyalaya, Shirpur
2 Eco Club Late Pundalikrao Gawali Arts and
Science Mahavidyalaya, Shirpur
Name of the Start-up Nature of Start-up Date of commencement
Nil Nil Nil

3.3 Research Publications and Awards

3.3.1 Incentive to the teachers who receive recognition/awards
State National International
Nil Nil Nil
3.3.2 Ph. Ds awarded during the year (applicable for PG College, Research Center)
Name of the Department
Nil Nil
3.3.3 Research Publications in the Journals notified on UGC website during the year
Department No. of Publication Average Impact Factor,
if any
National Chemistry 01
Physics 01
Botany 01
International Chemistry 02
Physics 01
Botany 08
Zoology 08
3.3.4 Books and Chapters in edited Volumes / Books published, and papers, national/International
Conference Proceedings per Teacher during the year.
Department No. of Publication
Books and Chapters National Conferences International conferences
Chemistry 01 -
Physics 01 01
Botany 02 01 01
Zoology - 04
Physical Education 02 -

3.3.5 Bibliometrics of the publications during the last Academic year based on average citation
index in Scopus/ Web of Science or Pub Med/ Indian Citation Index
Title of Name of the Title of the Year of Citation Institutional Number of
the paper author journal Publication Index affiliation as citations
mentioned excluding self
in citations
3.3.6 h-index of the Institutional Publications during the year. (based on Scopus/ Web of science)
Title Name of the Title of the Year of h-index Number of Institutional
of the author journal publication citations affiliation as
paper excluding mentioned in
self- the
citations publication

3.3.7 Faculty participation in Seminars/Conferences and Symposia during the year:

No. of Faculty International level National level State level Local level

Attended 16 24 08 -
Presented papers 06 05 - -
Resource Persons - - - -

3.4 Extension Activities

3.4.1 Number of extension and outreach programmes conducted in collaboration with industry,
community and Non- Government Organizations through NSS/NCC/Red cross/Youth Red Cross
(YRC) etc., during the year
Title of theActivities Organizing unit/ Number of teachers co- Number of students
agency/ ordinate such activities participated in such
collaborating agency activities
Plantation NSS Unit and 02 70
Maharashtra Bank
Shirpur (Jain)
Cleaning and Rally NSS Unit and 02 100
Veterinary Hospital,
Shirpur (Jain)
3.4.2 Awards and recognition received for extension activities from Government and other
recognized bodies during the year
Name of the Activity Award/recognition Awarding bodies No. of Students
3.4.3 Students participating in extension activities with Government Organizations, Non-
Government Organizations and programmes such as Swachh Bharat, AIDS Awareness, Gender
Issue, etc. during the year
Name of the Organizing unit/ Name of the Number of Number of students
scheme agency/ activity teachers participated in such
collaborating coordinated such activities
agency activities
Police Friends Late Pundalikrao Participation in Prof. S.G. Kalane 30
Gawali Arts and rally as a
Science volunteers
Shirpur (Jain) and
Police station,
shirpur (Jain).

3.5 Collaborations
3.5.1 Number of Collaborative activities for year
Nature of Activity Participant Source of financial Duration
3.5.2 Linkages with institutions/industries for internship, on-the-job training, project work, sharing
of research facilities etc. during the year
Nature of linkage Title of the Name of the Duration Participant
linkage partnering (From-To)
/research lab with
3.5.3 MoUs signed with institutions of national, international importance, other universities,
industries, corporate houses etc. during the year
Organisation Date of MoU Purpose and Number of
signed Activities students/teachers
under MoUs


4.1 Physical Facilities
4.1.1 Budget allocation, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during the year
Budget allocated for infrastructure Budget utilized for infrastructure development
- -
4.1.2 Details of augmentation in infrastructure facilities during the year
Facilities Existing Newly added
Campus area 1.2 HR -
Class rooms 09 -
Laboratories 05 -
Seminar Halls 01 -
Classrooms with LCD facilities - -
Classrooms with Wi-Fi/ LAN - -
Seminar halls with ICT facilities - -
Video Centre - -
No. of important equipments - -
purchased (≥ 1-0 lakh)
during the current year.
Value of the equipment - -
purchased during the year (Rs.
in Lakhs)
Others - -

4.2 Library as a Learning Resource

4.2.1 Library is automated {Integrated Library Management System -ILMS}
Name of the ILMS Nature of automation Version Year of automation
software (fully
or partially)

4.2.1 Library Services:

Existing Newly added Total
No. Value No. Value No. Value
Text Books 2209 509977 40 5310 2249 515287
Reference Books 151 34709 - - 151 34709
e-Books - - - - - -
Journals 17 32246 06 1630 23 33876
e-Journals - - - - - -
Digital Database - - - - - -
CD & Video 25 - 10 - 35 -
Library automation - - - - - -
Weeding (Hard - - - - - -

Others (specify) 08 23717 03 4825 11 28542

4.3 IT Infrastructure
4.3.1 Technology Up gradation (overall)
Total Compu Internet Browsing Computer office Department Available Others
Comp ter Centres centers band
uters Labs width
Existing 12 Yes yes yes - 01 05 BSNL 02
Added - - - - - - - -
Total 12 Yes Yes Yes - 01 05 - 02
4.3.2 Bandwidth available of internet connection in the Institution (Leased line)
4.3.3 Facility for e-content
Name of the e-content development facility Provide the link of the videos and media centre
andrecording facility

4.3.4 E-content developed by teachers such as: e-PG-Pathshala, CEC (under e-PG-Pathshala CEC
(Under Graduate) SWAYAM other MOOCs platform NPTEL/NMEICT/any other Government
initiatives & institutional (Learning Management System (LMS) etc.
Name of the Name of the module Platform on which Date of launching e -
Teacher module is developed Content

4.4 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure

4.4.1 Expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities,
excluding salary component, during the year
Assigned budget on Expenditure incurred Assigned budget on Expenditure incurred on
academic facilities on maintenance of physical facilities maintenance of physical
academic facilities facilities
1,50,000.Rs 48,549.Rs 2,00,000.Rs 1,10,508.Rs
4.4.2 Procedures and policies for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities
- laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc. (maximum 500 words)
(information to be available in institutional Website, provide link):-
 Science departments of the institute are provided with well-equipped laboratories. Laboratories
are having required instruments, chemicals, apparatus, charts, furniture etc. for the smooth
conduction of experiments and practical’s. Computers in the laboratory are providing to speed up
the work. Batches were prepared in all the classes and subjects to conduct practical’s respectively.
 Two practical sessions per week of three period’s duration is taken for every batch. In these
sessions the specimens are studied through observation and told to write their classification and
external characters along with labeled diagram. Experiments were demonstrated first by in-charge
teacher and students follow the same. Permanent and temporary slides are prepared by following
slandered methods. In this teacher demonstrate and students follow it. Prepared slides, studies
through observation under microscope and are drawn in practical record with its description.
Development stages of specimen are studies through permanent slides. Life cycles of different
organism are studies by using charts and models. Physiological experiments, physic-chemical
estimations are demonstrated first by teacher and then followed by students.
 Computer facility is available in the central computer laboratory. Students are encouraged to
access computer facility from computer lab for the preparation of presentations for seminar and
project assignments.
 The examination department is equipped with Internet enabled computers, printers, cyclostyling
machines and a separate printing section for carrying out exam related work. There is a separate
computer and printing area designated for downloading and printing Question Papers that are
received Online from the University.
 All examination related activities are computerized. Question paper printing, preparation of
notices, mark sheets for projects and assignments, entry of internal marks, etc. are all
computerized and managed by the examination department. Examination related work such as
Processing of application forms, entry of semester marks, printing of mark sheets and admit
 A library facility is predominantly important for the development of academic institute. Reader is
the integral part of the library. In context of above library facility is provided on the basis of
partial open door system, in this reader can access the required book from the stacks. Library has
three separate sections for faculty, other staff and students. Library issue 5 books for one month,
4 books for fifteen days and three books for one week to teaching faculty, other staff and students
respectively. College library committee observes and put suggestions throughout the year for the
smooth conduction and development of library.
 Sports department of the college provides sports facilities to the students. For training the
students in various games college have the fulltime permanent post of Director, physical
education and sports. Various indoor and outdoor teams of the college participate at District,
University and National level.

5.1 Student Support

5.1.1 Scholarships and Financial Support
Name /Title of the Number of Amount in Rupees
Scheme students
Financial support Scholarships from the
from institution College

Financial support from other sources

National GOI, - 5,49,995.00
INSPIRE Scholarships 01 70000.00
International - - -
5.1.2 Number of capability enhancement and development schemes such as Soft skill development,
Remedial coaching, Language lab, Bridge courses, Yoga, Meditation, Personal Counseling and
Mentoring etc.,
Name of the capability Date of Number of students Agencies involved
enhancement scheme Implementation enrolled
Yoga & Meditation 21/06/2017 250 NSS
Workshop on 20/08/2017 130 Botany Department
preparation of soil
5.1.3 Students benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career counseling offered by
the institution during the year
Year Name of the Number of Number of Number of Number of
Scheme benefited benefited students students
students by students by Career who have placed
Guidance Counselingactivities passed in the
for competitive
Competitive exam
2017-2018 Utkarsh 70 50 02 02
Study Circle
5.1.4 Institutional mechanism for transparency, timely redressal of student grievances, Prevention
of sexual harassment and ragging cases during the year
Total grievances received No. of grievances redressed Average number of days for
grievance redressal
00 -

5.2 Student Progression

5.2.1 Details of campus placement during the year
On campus Off Campus
Name of Number Number Name of Number of Students Number of
Organizations Of Students of Organizations Participated Students
Visited Participated Students Visited Placed

Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

5.2.2 Student progression to higher education in percentage during the year
Year Number of Programme Department Name of institution Name of
students graduated graduated joined Programme
enrolling from from admitted to
into higher
Late Chemistry
Pundalikrao Physics Master of
Gawali Arts Science/
2017-2018 10 Mathematics R.A.College,Washim.
and Science DMLT
Mahavidylya, Botany
Shirpur (Jain) Zoology
5.2.3Students qualifying in state/ national/ international level examinations during the year (eg:
NET/SET/SLET/GATE/GMAT/CAT/GRE/TOFEL/Civil Services/State Government Services)
Items No. of Students selected/ Registration number/roll
Qualifying number for the exam
NET Nil Nil
SET Nil Nil
SLET Nil Nil
GATE Nil Nil
GMAT Nil Nil
CAT Nil Nil
GRE Nil Nil
Civil Services Nil Nil
State Government Services Nil Nil
Any Other Nil Nil
5.2.4 Sports and cultural activities / competitions organized at the institution level during the year
Activity Level Participants

5.3 Student Participation and Activities

5.3.1 Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at
national/international level (award for a team event should be counted as one)
Year Name of the National/ Sports Cultural Student ID Name of the
award/ International Number student

Colour holder Durga

2017-2018 interuniversity national Archery - Sakharam
level Landkar
5.3.2 Activity of Student Council & representation of students on academic & administrative
bodies/committees of the institution (maximum 500 words)

Student representative is a members of IQAC. The Student Council is very active and responsible for all
student activities throughout the year. They also act as the liaison between the Principal, faculty and the
student body as a whole.
The Student representatives are also members of the Student Council and College Council. They sit in at
meetings and their suggestion are given due consideration. The Student representative also meet the
Principal frequently to consider, evaluate, plan and conduct student and Social activities in college. These
Council members present the annual report of the college during end of the session.
Society Staff Advisors along with Student representative and other members discuss and dialogue all
social activities.

5.3 Alumni Engagement

5.3.1 Whether the institution has registered Alumni Association? Yes, if yes give details (maximum
500 words):-
The College Alumnae Association was registered in 2015.
The alumni association meeting is conducted to strengthen the relationship of alumni with the college,
faculty members and pursuing students.During Meeting,Interaction with present student, sharing
knowledge experience and suggestions, counselling, focused on improvement of student.
5.3.2 No. of registered enrolled Alumni: - 70
5.3.3 Alumni contribution during the year (in -
Rupees) :
5.3.4 Meetings/activities organized by Alumni 02
6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership
6.1.1 Mention two practices of decentralization and participative management during the
last year (maximum 500 words)
The Admission Committee counsels prospective candidates for admission before the Application Forms
for admissionare released. The Admissions Committee (for admissions) involves staff members who co-
operate and workat different levels. They also sit in at interface meetings and meet parents and students
prior to admission.
College Development Committee (Planning Board) for financial planning and implementation that also
involves the participation of teachers and non-teachingstaff. Every grant to the college is discussed in this
Board. Budgets for each department at the beginning of theacademic year also form part of the
discussions. The Library committee prepares and plans for the book budget withindividual departments.
This board also discuss with the other members from faculty, architects, engineers, contractors and office
staff to assistwith the planning and execution of vertical and horizontal extension of the college and
planning for infrastructure associated with thenew wing.

6.1.2 Does the institution have a Management Information System (MIS)? Yes

6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment

6.2.1 Quality improvement strategies adopted by the institution for each of the following (with in
100 words each):
Curriculum Development:-Work load distribution as per specialization of faculty members.Examination
committee ensures smooth conduct of examinations.Several faculty members are active members of
University appointed examination committee to evaluate examination scripts.As we are affiliated to the
Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati, we follow the syllabi revision as prescribed by the
Board of Studies of different subjects. The college cannot make changes in the Curriculum that is
designed by the University.
Teaching and Learning:-Highly qualified and dedicated faculty.Healthy interaction between students
and faculty which goes beyond the classrooms.Remedial classes are held for the students requiring
additional help.Participation of the faculty in orientation, refresher courses, short term courses, training
programme ad workshops to enhance teaching. Learing is inititated through group discussion, seminars,
feedback, PPT, CD and well stocked library.Demonstration using LCD, Group discussion, Multiple
Choice Questions papers, solving multimedia learning process, PPT on various topic.
Examination and Evaluation: - Conduct Unit test and result analysis. The teacher makes an analysis of
the performance of students after every exam. In semester system with continuous Internal Assessment is
followed. The institution continues to adopt improved examination process. Continuous Evalution
through different methods like internal assessment tests, assignments, projects, presentation.Transparency
is maintained in the evaluation process.Results of internal examinations are published
On college notice board. Parentteachermeetings are conducted for students who have low attendance and
are those who have notperformed well in college. The practical examination is conduct with internal and
external examination appointed by the controller of examination, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university,
Research and Development:- Origination of conference/seminars/workshope/ training programmmes.
The IQAC is functional in the institution to promote research related activities.Faculty members are
encouraged to initiate research, present and publish research papers. Encourage students for participating
at University and inter-collegiate research related competitions. 26 research papers are published during
the year.

Library, ICT and Physical Infrastructure / Instrumentation:-Library is updated.40 books are

purchased in 2017-18.Under the College Utkarsha study circle Scheme sets of books were distributed to
the needy and deserving students in various classes, 70 students were benefited by the scheme during the
year 2017-18.
Human Resource Management:-Faculty member are encouraged to participate in Orientation and
Refresher courses. Evaluation of college faculty through confidencential report.
Industry Interaction / Collaboration:-Departments are encouraged to make their courses of study
relevant to industry.
Admission of Students: - Information from application forms for admission was used for the filling up of
university registration and examination forms. Admission to First year was carried out as per the
availability of seat.

6.2.2: Implementation of e-governance in areas of operations:

Planning and Development:-There is a Building Committee with members from faculty, an architect, an
engineer, contractor, teachers and office staff to assist with the planning and execution of vertical
extension of the college, planning forinfrastructure associated with the new wing.The Planning Board,
comprising teachers, non-teaching staff, discusses financial matters regarding grantsreceived, needs of
departments so as to plan and budget.
Administration: - MIS is in place. The college notice board displays notices before admission, and
reports of recent events written by students. Most of the Accounts documentation is digitally maintained,
student information likewise.
Finance and Accounts: -College development committee involves the participation of teachers and non-
teaching staff. Every grant to the college is discussed in this committee. Budgets for each department at
the beginning of theacademic year also form part of the discussions. The Library committee prepares and
plans for the book budget withindividual departments.
Student Admission and Support: -The Student Council relationship between the students and the staff.
Academic support is provided to weak students. The Library welcomes students for reference and study.
A Book Bank (Utkarsha Study circle) is alsoavailable. In case of serious illness, students are visited in
hospital by staff.

6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies

6.3.1 Teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences / workshops and towards
membership fee of professional bodies during the year
Year Name of teacher Name of Name of the Amount of
conference/ professional body support
workshop for which
attended for membership fee
which financial is
support provided
- - - - -

6.3.2 Number of professional development / administrative training programmer organized by the

College for teaching and non-teaching staff during the year
Year Title of the Title of the Dates No. of No. of
professional administrative (from-to participants participants
development training (Teaching (Non-
programme programme staff) teaching
organised for organised for staff)
teaching staff non-teaching
- - - - - -
6.3.3 No. of teachers attending professional development programmes, viz., Orientation
Programme, Refresher Course, Short Term Course, Faculty Development Programmes during the
Number of teachers who Date and Duration
Title of the professional attended (from – to)
development programme
Orientation Programme 01 14/06/2017 to 11/07/2017
Refresher Course 01 08/11/2017 to 28/11/2017

6.3.4 Faculty and Staff recruitment (no. for permanent/fulltime recruitment):

Teaching Non-teaching
Permanent Fulltime Permanent Fulltime/ temporary
Nil Nil Nil Nil

6.3.5 Welfare schemes for

Teaching Yes
Non-teaching Yes

Students (Fee concession for need student) Yes

6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization

6.4.1 Institution conducts internal and external financial audits regularly (with in 100 words each)
6.4.2 Funds / Grants received from management, non-government bodies, individuals,
philanthropies during the year (not covered in Criterion III)
Name of the non government Funds/ Grants received in Rs. Purpose
agencies/ individuals

6.4.3 Total corpus fund generated

6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System

6.5.1 Whether Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) has been done?
Audit Type External Internal
Yes/No Yes/No
Academic No Yes
Administrative No No
6.5.2Activities and support from the Parent – Teacher Association (at least three):-Parent teacher
meeting ever year and the suggestion given by the parents in the improvement of the wards are taken in to
account in every year.Parent teacher meeting held to assess the academic progress of student; parent
contacted on a monthly basis regarding low attendance.
6.5.3Development programmers for support staff (at least three): The institute facilitated necessary
support to the faculty members for guiding and carrying out research activities. Management encourage to
faculty members for pursing Ph.D. programmer by providing adequate numbers of on duty leave

6.5.4Post Accreditation initiative(s) (mention at least three):-

Initiatives for green camps
Enhanced use of ICT by faculty in the teaching learning process

6.5.5 a. Submission of Data for AISHE (Yes /No) :Yes

portal :
b. Participation in NIRF: (Yes /No):
c. ISO Certification (Yes
: /No) : No
d. NBA or any other quality audit: (Yes /No) : No
6.5.6Number of Quality Initiatives undertaken during the year
Year Name of quality Date of Duration (from- Number of
initiative by conducting ----to-- Participants
IQAC Activity ----)


7.1 - Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities
7.1.1 Gender Equity (Number of gender equity promotion programmes organized by the institution
during the year)
Title of the programme Period (from-to) Participants
Female Male
International Women’s Day 9 March, 2018 147
Savitribai Fule Brith Aniversay 3Jan, 2018 150 100

7.1.2 Environmental Consciousness and Sustainability/Alternate Energy initiatives such as:

Percentage of power requirement of the College met by the renewable energy sources

Distribution of seeds by the ECO Club to encourage planting of trees and plants
Bird baths installed on trees
Celebration of Environment Day, Earth Day and Water Day

7.1.3 Differently abled (Divyangjan) friendliness

Items Facilities Yes/No No. of Beneficiaries
Physical facilities
Provision for lift No -
Ramp/ Rails Yes All
Braille Software/facilities No -
Rest Rooms Yes
Scribes for examination Yes
Special skill development for No -
differently abled students

Any other similar facility No -

7.1.4 Inclusion and Situatedness
Enlist most important initiatives taken to address locational advantages and disadvantages during
the year
Year Number of Number of Date and Name of Issues Number of
initiatives to initiatives duration of the addressed participating
address taken the initiative students and
locational to engage initiative staff
advantages with
and and
disadvantages contribute
to local
Being located Women’s June20, Women’s Literacy 20
in Cell 2017 to Cell and
the rural area, caters to April 30, Initiative education
the college students 2018 of
can cater to coming under
drop from under privileged
out women privileged women
from sections
disadvantaged within
backgrounds the local
who Community.
wish to
7.1.5 Human Values and Professional Ethics
Code of conduct (handbooks) for various stakeholders
Title Date of Publication Follow up (maximum 100 words
College Prospectus for students July 2017 and June 2018 Value Education classes
College magazine - “Utkarsh” June 2017 Value Education classes

7.1.6 Activities conducted for promotion of universal Values and Ethics

-------Duration(from to------ Number of participants
- )
Value education classes July 2017-May 2018 149

7.1.7 Initiatives taken by the institution to make the campus eco-friendly (at least five):
 Cleanliness drive at college level.
 Tree plantation drive.
 Awareness in classrooms and campus by putting up energy saving and save water posters.
 Plastic Free Zone Campaign
 Rain harvesting system
 Bird baths
 Distribution of seeds and saplings by students of the ECO Club

7.2 Best Practices

Describe at least two institutional best practices, Upload details of two best practices successfully
implemented by the institution as per NAAC format in your institution website, provide the link
7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness provide the details of the performance of the institution in one area
distinctive to its vision, priority and thrust Provide the web link of the institution in not more than
500 words

8. Future Plans of action for next academic year (500 words)

 To encourage student to participate in various inter collegiate, university level competitions.
 To publish maximum number research papers of reputed journal.
 Effective involvement of Alumni in various College Activities.

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