WWW - Oeclib.in: Seminar On Cad/Cam
WWW - Oeclib.in: Seminar On Cad/Cam
WWW - Oeclib.in: Seminar On Cad/Cam
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Odisha Electronics Control Library
What is CAD/ CAM
Interactive Computer Graphics
Model of CAD/CAM
In this CIM technology CAD/CAM play an effective role.
CAD/CAM system is ideally suited for designing and
manufacturing mechanical components of free from complex
2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes.
CAD/CAM technology plays an important role in
functioning of robots. In CAD/CAM system the robot work
data is prepared from CAD data from the first designing
Computer-aided design (CAD), Computer aided
manufacturing (CAM) can be defined as the use of digital
computer to assist the designer in the:
Optimization of a design and manufacturing activity.
Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacture is
the way things are made these days.
Without this technology we wouldn’t have the range and
quality of products available or, at least, they wouldn’t be
available at a price most of us can afford.
Hand-building and manual techniques still very much have
their place and Design Education needs to treasure and foster
these skills so that future generations will have the ‘hands-
on’ skills to understand the man-made world and provide the
next generation of engineers, designers and technicians.
Computer-aided engineering (CAE) and Finite element
analysis (FEA)
Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) including
instructions to Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
Photo realistic rendering
Document management and revision control using Product
Data Management (PDM).
3D wireframe is basically an extension of 2D drafting (not
often used today). Each line has to be manually inserted into
the drawing.
3D "dumb" solids are created in a way analogous to
manipulations of real world objects (not often used today).
3D parametric solid modeling allows the operator to use
what is referred to as "design intent". The objects and
features created are modifiable.
Explicit Modelers or Direct 3D CAD Modelers provide the
ability to edit geometry without a history tree.
ICG is an important part of CAD system. It is a user oriented
system using computer to create, transform and display data
in the form of pictures or symbols.
Design and Design Analysis: CAD system would be best
suited for drawing offices where frequent modification are
required on drawing and several parts repeat.
It must be remembered that it very easy with computer to
make modifications and very fast to draw part profile once it
details are feed in computer.
Introduction of computer has resulted in a better and
consistent quality product at reduced costs .
CAD has enable creation of assemblies and parts in the
computer, there analysis, optimization, stimulating the
functionality, aesthetic requirements etc.
It has resulted lead time in the design office.
Easy referencing and material of earlier design, data and
Dependence on design subcontractors is reduced.
There are two primary limitations to CAD CAM restorations.
(Like Cerec and E4D)It is not yet possible to do multiple unit
bridges and the esthetics is limited.
The esthetics has improved dramatically from the early days
as the quality of materials has improved. Multi shade
material blocks can duplicate dentin and enamel shades.
Never the less, CAD CAM is not suited for highly esthetic
Although the last seven years nothing revolutionary
happened in the CAD tools ,the software's vendors support
that in the short run many things will change the way of the
mechanical design.
The CAD in the future will be more easy to use and learn,
and geared to enhance concept design and construction
planning, will be functional and powerful enough to satisfy
the needs of engineering design and integration of all
disciplines, and corporate functions, sectors and levels.