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CIR / ID Database

Last Updated: 4/14/08

Overall Status of Questions & Issues Number of Questions

Name of Tab Description Resolved Unresolved
General General Issues 15 14
ID Innovation and Design Process Credits and Issues 19 3
LL Location and Linkages Credits and Issues 34 4
SS Sustainable Sites Credits and Issues 92 14
WE Water Efficiency Credits and Issues 42 2
IEQ Indoor Environmental Quality Credits and Issues 129 18
MR Materials and Resources Credits and Issues 150 23
EA Energy and Atmosphere Credits and Issues 126 12

Total: 607 Total: 90

Number Description
1 Simple clarifications - no TASC input needed
2 High-priority issues - urgent input and discussion needed by TASCs
3 Medium-priority issues - input and discussion needed by TASCs
4 Complex or ongoing Issues - research and lengthy discussion may be needed by TASCs.
LEED for Homes Show resolved issues only Homeowner Awareness
Last Updated: 4/14/2008 Show recently resolved issues only Innovation and Design Process
Show unresolved issues only Multi-Family Task Force
Resolved Issues: 15
Unresolved Issues: 14

Identification Related LEED-H

Number Issue Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
Gen 01 General 1.7 CIR Yes What does BOP stand for (pg 15 Exhibit 6 # 7)?

Gen 03 General 1.7 CIR Yes Climate scales (incl precipitation) do not align with NC 2.2

Gen 04 General 1.7 CIR Yes When a CIR appears in the master list as resolved and results in a
change, where does one go to find the details of the change?

Gen 05 General 1.7 CIR Yes How are we dealing fairly with changes made to credits in the course of
the pilot; ie. the recent changes in figuring points for home size?

Gen 06 General 1.7 CIR Yes Where does one go to find out what precipitation region they are in?

Gen 09 General 1.7 CIR Yes Can the LEED-H rater or verifier sign the accountability form for measures
which she/he is capable of verifying?

Gen 13 General 1.11 CIR Yes Do all builders still have to be trained?

Gen 14 General 1.11 CIR Yes When a builder decides to count a house with 2 units as one LEED for
Homes project/home, is it true that they must follow that measure through
all of the credits equally (e.g. they cannot take credit for it under home size
as one unit and then take credit for it being two units on the lot size)
Gen 15 General 2008 CIR Yes Is it okay if we have the builder sign the forms, then scan and e-mail it ot
the Rater, who can print it, sign it, and scan it, and e-mail it to the Provider,
who can print it, sign it, scan it, and e-mail it to USGBC? Or, do we need to
have wet signatures from each of these individuals?
Gen 16 General 2008 CIR Yes A question was raised by one of our remote raters about signatures on
forms such as the checklist. Does the same form need to have all
signatures in ink or can the builder sign the form and e-mail it to the Rater
who then does the same and e-mails it to the Provider, who then signs it
Gen 17 General 2008 CIR Yes What is the protocol for advertising LEED certified units in a multi-family
and e-mails it to USGBC? This would cut down on paper use.
project? Does the entire project have to be certified before the
builder/developer can advertise their LEED certified status?
HA 03 HA 1.7 CIR Yes Since the builder is a homeowner, is a manual and training needed?

HA 04 HA 1.7 CIR Yes With rental units, how detailed should the homeowner's manual be?
Design Process
ask Force

Final Response
or TASC recommendation
BOP stands for "Builder Option Package", which is the prescriptive
approach to meeting the ENERGY STAR Homes qualification level. See for more info.
In Version 1.11, the precipitation regions have been eliminated. The
climate zones are based on IECC.

USGBC (Jay Hall) periodically distributes updated CIRs to the Providers.

By May 2006, final CIRs will be posted at

The program standards in place at the time the Builder Agreement is

signed are the ones that the builder needs to follow in order to receive
certification, even if credits change subsequently. The builder may chose
to adopt the new credits or work only with the credits that were in place at
See rainfall data in "Rainfall" tab of new Durability Checklist Template.
the time of signing on.

Yes, as long as the rater has direct and detailed knowledge of the design
for that specific measures, and notes the rater’s role in the design of that
measure on the accountability form. Note that it is very unusual for the
rater to have a detailed knowledge of the design of any given measure.
All builders have to undergo training, but if there are no trainings
happening, they can still proceed with projects.

Yes, if a builder chooses to rate a building as a single home, that must

apply to all credits in the rating system.

This approach is acceptable. We do not require wet signatures from each

signateur, as long as the signatures are original.

Yes, electronic signatures are acceptable. Be aware that the signature is

considered legally binding, so if the Rater's signature is on the form before
the form is filled out, he/she is still considered responsible for the content.
We are working on a long-term paperless solution to these issues which
Within LEED for Homes, the term 'multi-family' refers to stacked units,
will include a more secure electronic signature.
whether they be duplexes, triplexes, or apartment buildings. In these
cases, the entire building must be certified at once and the homes cannot
be advertised as LEED certified until they're all completed and certified.
A homeowner's manual is required. One of the purposes of the
homeowner's manual is to be sure that if the home is sold, the second
If this project consists of townhomes, each individual townhome can be
homeowner will be given the manual and the information on how to
certified separately and the builder can advertise for those particular units
operate the unique features of the home.
Ias they become
suggest that thecertified.
manual should address the O&M of each installed LEED
feature that the tenant has responsibility for (min. of approximately 1/2
page per LEED measures, approx. 10-15 pages total).
Draft Response Origination
(if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority Originator Date
3 Teny Bannick,
Jordan Institute

Some credits reward small homes (and penalize larger 3 Jay Hall
homes), while other do not. Are we being inconsistent?

3 Teny Bannick,
Jordan Institute

This is a moving target and we need to be fair to 3 Teny Bannick,

builders. Jordan Institute

3 Teny Bannick,
Jordan Institute

Add language to intro to page 17 of Rating System 2 Margie McNally 9/25/2006

(under Design Related Credits): Where a rater is
capable of performing measurements, checking
documentation, observing as-built conditions or
3 Laura Uhde 2/15/2007
otherwise verifying compliance with requirements and
credits, allow the rater to sign the Accountability Form.

3 Laura Uhde 2/12/2007

3 Randy Hansell 1/18/2008

3 Randy Hansell 1/18/2008

3 Kristin Shewfelt 1/30/2008

2 Amy Sims, 7/8/2006


3 Kevin Felt 7/7/2006

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Issue Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
HA 05 HA 1.7 CIR Yes Can substantial involvement of the homeowner throughout the design and
construction process satisfy the intent of HA 1.2?

HA 07 HA 1.11 CIR Yes For AE credit 1.3, where does the builder get a LEED for Homes sign?

AE 02-01 AE 2.1 2008 CIR No This project is a single-family home that is owned by a university with a
building manager that will be partially responsible for the house. Can this
project earn credit for AE 2.1?
Gen 07 General 1.7 CIR No We have a mixed use project we’re considering for the Pilot – it’s 7
residential units on top of street-level commercial space. Can we look at
the residential units only as part of LEED for homes, or does it fit better as
a whole project under LEED-NC?
Gen 08 General 1.7 CIR No What is the status of the sampling protocol?

Gen 10 General 1.7 CIR No Can the purchase and retiring of certified CO2 offset credits (sufficient to
"neutralize" the contribution of greenhouse gasses due to the extraction,
manufacturing, assembly and delivery of the house and its constituent
materials.) qualify for an ID credit.
Gen 12 General 1.11 CIR No when a builder decided to count a house with 2 units as one LEED for
Homes project/home, they must follow that measure through all of the
credits equally (e.g. they cannot take credit for it under home size as one
unit and then take credit for it being two units on the lot size)
HA 01 HA 1.7 CIR No Can photos substitute for some of training

HA 02 HA 1.7 CIR No Add: New credit for Green Power (see NC 2.2), or education about green
power in HA c1.1

HA 06 HA 1.7 CIR No ID Request, "Green Building and Education" - the home includes various
signs and informational displays explaining the various green elements of
the home. The home has also been used over 30 times for tours, training,
and general education of local and national audiences.
HA 08 HA 1.11 CIR No For AE credit 1.3, how long does the LEED for Homes sign have to be

MF 01-01 MF 1.7 CIR No How should sampling be performed in multifamily projects?

MF 01-02 MF 1.7 CIR No How are three stories defined?

MF 01-03 MF 1.7 CIR No How should solar be allocated to each unit of a multifamiliy building?

MF 01-04 MF 1.7 CIR No Are we planning to verify the whole building or just the units within a

MF 01-05 MF 1.7 CIR No How to verify mixed use spaces as a building?

Final Response
or TASC recommendation
Yes, but the home owner’s substantial involvement is defined as a detailed
knowledge of each and every LEED measure, direct involvement in the
selection of each, and knowledge of how to properly operate and maintain
each LEED measure. Also, the owner’s manual is still required, since it is
The builder is responsible for producing his own sign, but it must include
needed if the home is sold to a new owner at some future time.
the LEED name and logo.

No, a single home cannot earn credit for AE 2.1. If this home is being
managed by someone other than the tenant or occupant, then that person
should be trained but the project should only take credit under AE 1.2.

ID request granted. This will be a full credit in Version 1.11

Draft Response Origination
(if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority Originator Date
2 Margie McNally 9/25/2006

3 Steven Winter 4/16/2007


3 Matt Root 3/21/2008

If the project is dominantly residential (i.e., approx 80% 3 Tracy Twist, Davis 7/19/2006
of the square footage) then it is a LEED for Homes Energy Group
project. It sounds to me like your project meets this
criteria, and thus is a viable pilot project. If it is
Jay: The following strategy is for affordable homes. For 4 Mark Berman, 6/28/2006
dominantly commercial, then it should go under NC.
market rate homes, the strategy should be more Davis Energy
The gray area in between (i.e., real mixed use) is not
aggressive - more like HERS sampling protocol. Group
clear. I do not feel comfortable including this in-
Yes, project
but more in LEED for
supporting infoHomes at this
is needed on time,
the This is a very interesting idea. 2 Margie McNally 9/25/2006
* single-family and row houses (for sampling, at least 4
because we
embodied are only
energy certifying
(and the residential
related emissions) in thespace.
units): No sampling is required for LL,SS,HA, or ID; 1/7
Also, sufficient documentation on the emission credits
sampling is required for WE, IEQ, and MR; all individual
would be needed as well.
units must be modeled under EA (for rowhouses, model 2 Laura Uhde 2/12/2007
both end units and use worst-case (lowest HERS
* 2-3 they
storycan be usedbuildings
multifamily as a substitute for up toatone
(for sampling, hour
least 4 3
of traning
units): No in HA 1.2 is required for LL, SS, HA, or ID; 1/7
sampling is required for WE, IEQ, and MR; the worst-
case individual
Will add units
basic info onmust bepower
green modeled for EAin(model
selection HA c1.1 4
one unit per
(no credit floor, and use lowest HERS score - i.e. the
in EA)
N or NE corner units in heating dominated climates and
S or SW corner units in cooling climates)
2 Robert Wisniewski 11/8/2006
* 4-6 story multifamily buildings: No sampling is required
for LL, SS, HA, or ID; 1/7 sampling is required for WE,
IEQ, and must
The sign MR; model
be up the
visiblebuilding energy
for at least use for
4 weeks. 3 Steven Winter 4/16/2007
Std. 90.1 compliance under EA. Associates

How many units and which units should be sampled? 3

What about parking / garages? 3

The building will be certified, based on the performance Regardless, how is sampling applied - to keep 3
of the individualunits. However, each unit must meet verififcation costs down.
the certification requirements for the LEED for Homes
Rating System.
Buildings with more than 85% residential space-use can i.e., Common spaces, non-residential space uses, etc. 3
be certifed using LEED for Homes. The non-residential
space including the common spaces are not to be
Identification Related LEED-H
Number Issue Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
Final Response
or TASC recommendation
Draft Response Origination
(if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority Originator Date
LEED for Homes Show resolved issues only Integrated Project Planning
Last Updated: 4/14/2008 Show recently resolved issues only Quality Management for Durability
Show unresolved issues only Innovative Design Process
Resolved Issues: 19
Unresolved Issues: 3

Identification Related LEED-H

Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
ID 01-01 1.2 1.11 ID Yes ID credit 1.2: Can monthly meetings with the project team be virtual

ID 01-02 1.3 1.11 ID Yes ID credit 1.3: can a half-day design charrette / workshop be conducted
instead of a full-day design charrette? Requiring a full 8 hours seems
extensive and perhaps 3 hours would suffice (or if not, two or three 3-4
hour sessions).
ID 02-02 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes Is wood an acceptable choice for "water-resistant flooring" within 3 feet of
exterior doors? Is anything acceptable except carpeting?

ID 02-03 2.3 1.11 CIR Yes Can builders use any of the Durability Inspection Checklists that are
offered and are they encouraged to customize them to suit the site and
ID 02-04 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes Define a single throw shut-off valve for me please (V1.11a - ID 2.2). Is this
a ball valve? And does it mean a single valve on each line (hot and cold)
or a single valve controlling both lines (since it is described in the singular).
ID 02-05 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes Am I right in assuming ID 2.2 precludes “greenboard” drywall since I
believe that has a treated paper facing. What products do you deem
acceptable in this application?
ID 02-06 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes Should a shut-off valve be an allowable method for compliance or should a
drain and drain pan be required? If a shut-off valve is acceptable, should
we require that an explanation of its use be included in the homeowner's
ID 02-07 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes Re: the first bullet, should we include an exemption for one-piece
fiberglass (or similar material) enclosures?

ID 02-08 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes Add: Clothes dryers must be exhausted directly to the outdoors.

ID 02-09 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes As written, ID 2.2 implies “do not install carpet within 3 feet of an exterior
door.” There is no definition of an “exterior door.” This project has private
decks off some of the bedrooms. These decks are accessed via sliding
glass doors and cannot be reached from the street or any other outside
ID 02-10 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes Is water-resistant flooring within 3 feet of exterior doors still required if a 6-
area. The bedrooms are carpeted. Is this OK? Or do these sliding glass
foot overhang exists over the entry door?
doors qualify as “exterior doors” for the purposes of this credit?

ID 02-11 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes Strategies include choice of drain and drain pan for washer and hot water
heater or alternative for an accessible, single-throw supply valve at the
washer. Request credit for installation of a motorized actuator (automatic
valve) connected to a moisture sensor. This device detects moisture
ID 02-12 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes Can the 'third party inspection' be completed by an organization other than
(leakage) and would automatically shut off the main water line.
the Rater?
The automatic shut off valve would be on the main water line entering the
house (i.e. not hose bibs). A moisture sensing sensor would be located
under the clothes washer and hot water heaters that would cause the
valve to close if moisture is detected.
Final Response
or TASC recommendation
Yes, as long as it equates to one full day charrette and otherwise meets
the requirements in the credit.

This credit can be achieved with multiple charrettes if they collectively add
up to 8 hours.

Yes, wood is acceptable if it is finished appropriately. Anything that is

water-resistant is acceptable.

Yes, the intention was that the durability checklist serve as a template.
Anything comparable may be used as long as it provides the needed
Any valve that enables the homeowner to simply turn off the water with a
single motion is allowed. There must be a single valve that shuts off both
the hot and cold.
Greenboard is not an acceptable material for compliance with ID 2.2.
Cement board, fiber cement board, fiberglass-reinforced board, or cement
plaster are acceptable alternatives. Other materials that meet the intent of
the credit can be submitted to the TASC as part of a CIR.
Shut-off valves are alowable for meeting ID 2.2, but their location, purpose,
and functionality must be included in the homeowner's manual.

No exemptions for one-piece fiberglass enclosures, because the seams at

the top of the shower and tub are still a potential problem.

Agreed. This will be added to the next version of the Rating System.

This design is acceptable, as long as the deck/patio does not lead to a

yard, the garage, or the street. This ruling is specific to this project – future
projects with similar designs must submit a CIR to the TASC for review.
Yes. The intent of this prerequisite is to reduce the use of materials that
will absorb moisture and facilitate mold growth. Having an overhang does
nothing to address moisture coming into the home from shoes, raingear,
This approach is acceptable for meeting the prerequisite. However, it is not
worthy of an ID point because it doesn’t significantly reduce the risks
associated with leaks compared to the already prescribed measures.
Yes, this is acceptable, subject to the discretion of the Provider. The
requirements of the measure still have to be met.
Draft Response Origination
(if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority Originator Date
3 Laura Uhde 12/19/2006

3 Laura Uhde 12/19/2006

Yes, wood is acceptable. Anything that is a hard surface 3 David Bone 2/27/2007
and won't absorb water is acceptable.

3 Danuta Drozdowicz 3/8/2007

The TASC is unsure about whether to leave the “single- 2 Alistair Jackson 3/19/2007
throw shut-off valve” as an acceptable alternative to a
drain and drain pan. The TASC may choose to
eliminate this alternative compliance method, since it is
The TASC is consider an exemption if one-piece 2 Alistair Jackson 3/19/2007
much less effective at preventing leaks.
fiberglass (or similar) enclosures are used. This will be
addressed in future meetings.
At a minimum, homes that only have a shut-off valve
must explain in the homeowners manual how this valve 4 IEQ TASC 3/22/2007
should be used regularly (e.g. in between uses) to avoid
the risk of leaks.
This exemption is allowed in the Green Communities 4 IEQ TASC 3/22/2007

2 LHC 5/6/2007

2 Ted Bardacke, 5/9/2007

Global Green

2 Scott Lee 8/13/2007

If this approach is used, the builder should be sure to 2 Miki Cook, 9/12/2007
include a mechanism for drying out the detector and Contects
avoiding false negatives that cut off water to the entire
house. The system also ought to be equipped with a
3 Bill Dakin, DEG 10/4/2007
method for identifying which sensor in the house was
triggered, so the homeowner knows where the leak is
and can fix it immediately.
Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
ID 02-13 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes On some of the units there is a walkout basement with a sliding patio door
that opens to an exterior patio. This area is carpeted. Do we need to
remove the carpet? This is not the primary entryway. The primary entryway
is near where the car is parked, so it's expected that the occupants will use
ID 02-14 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes In gut-rehab projects, does the home have to have a drain pan and drain
the primary entryway almost all the time. Could this requirement be met if a
for ID 2.2 for water heaters? Is there some other way to meet this
walk-off mat was installed?
requirement if a project doesn't have a drain?
ID Gen-01 3 1.7 ID Yes Install a "utilicore" prototype to encourage the development of this new
concept/technology and begin making reductions in energy use,
construction waste, and water usage.
ID Gen-02 3 1.7 ID Yes ID request: Solar site container: the builder (HOME BASE) owns a
shipping container fitted with solar panels on the roof to supply electrical
needs during the entire construction process at the site. The container
includes a complete system with solar cells, batteries, charge controllers,
ID Gen-03 3 1.11 ID Yes ID request: Adaptability and Universal Design - develop and implement a
and an inverter. The panel size is 0.66 kW and is visible from the street.
building program that includes specific universal design elements which
will be integrated into the project to provide for an easy conversion to
barrier-free living in the future. Specific measures: complete living on one
ID Gen-04 1.11 ID Yes There is apparently an ID credit available under commercial LEED
floor (guest and storage spaces may be located on other floors); minimum
programs for utilizing personnel that are Green Advantage certified. Are
grade change from exterior entry point to living space - one step or less w/
LEED for Homes projects eligible for this credit?
easy addition of a low-profile ramp; on main living level, all room access
ID 01-03 1.2 1.11 CIR No doorsproject
This shall have 3 ft or greater
is planning to pursueopenings; pocketrequires
ID 1.2, which doors tomonthly
suite and
team bath; 5 ftThis
meetings. turning radius
project in kitchen.
is on hold for several months while the local
Historic Review Board reviews the project. If the project team meets
regularly while the project is active, is it okay that it doesn't meet while the
ID 01-04 1.5 2008 CIR No For ID 1.5, is it acceptable to use retractable shading devices to fulfill the
project is inactive?
requirements of part (d)? These devices will be permanent fixtures on the
exterior of the home, and they'll be set on a timer.
ID 02-01 2.3 1.11 CIR No What is the verification requirement for ID 2.3 (Quality Management Plan)?
Final Response
or TASC recommendation
This prerequisite applies to all LEED for Homes projects. The only cases
where this prerequisite does not apply is with doors that lead to enclosed
porches or decks that could not reasonably be used as a point of entry to
the house.
Gut-rehab projects must meet all wet room measures in ID 2.2, including
those for water heaters. Alternatively, this could be met in one of the
following ways:
o Install tankless water heater
While this approach is an interesting approach, we do not believe that this
o Locate water-heater so it is not in or above the living space
new concept will yield environmental benefits beyond current best
o Install an engineered system with a leak-detector and an automated
practices in the field, and consequently it does not meet the threshold for
supply valve, so when a leak occurs the water is automatically shut-off.
an ID point.
This request is denied. While is this a great thing to do, the amount of
energy saved is small compared to the lifetime energy usage in the home
The LEED for Homes rating system does reward builders for aspects of
(and compared to other measures in the EA section).
what is captured by the Utilicore 9000, including: 1) compact DHW supply
The TASC2) solar DHW
is willing to system;
reward an3) ID
reduced sitea waste;
point for project4) photovoltaic
that conforms with cells;
5) high-efficiency lighting,
nationally-recognized 6) central
guidelines vacuum;and
for livability 7) high-efficiency toilets and
visitability. Please
fixtures. The fact
demonstrate howthat
the the Utilicore
measures in 9000 incorporates
this project conform many
with of these
either best
the US
Housing intoUrban
one package makes(HUD)
Development it attractive and marketable,
guidelines but not
or the US Americans
LEED for
sufficient Homes
for an ID does not currently recognize Green Advantage certified
with Disabilities Actcredit. However,
accessibility a home with this system is still eligible
to get any of- the
either in the rating system,
aforementioned points inorthe
as an ID credit.
rating systemThe if a home with
arrangement between USGBC and Green
the Utilicore 9000 meets the specific requirements Advantage explicitly
in each credit.excluded
the residential sector. Having contractors with substantial green building
While a project is on hold or is inactive, the project team does not need to
expertise and/or training is certainly valued, and it's now partially rewarded
meet monthly as part of ID 1.2.
in the rating system under ID credit 1.2.

The TASC needs more information before it issues a ruling:

o Does this shading device block 100% of the sun?
o Does the shading device move down across the window, or does it
extend out above the window to provide shade?
o Is the timer able to be changed by the homeowner?
o Is the timer set to provider different levels of shading in summer vs.
winter, or does this require the homeowner to change how the timer works
when the seasons change?
Draft Response Origination
(if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority Originator Date
3 Kristin Shewfelt 10/10/2007

3 Richard 1/23/2008

The only component that is not addressed in the LEED 2 Megan McDonough 12/8/2006
for Homes rating system that may be part of the
Utilicore 9000 concept is an energy management
system and/or user-friendly smart meter. If the Utilicore
2 Jeannine Reynolds 1/4/2007
9000 incorporates these elements, please submit that
information separately with information on user-
interface, controls, and (if possible) expected energy
The LHC has vetted the idea of an ID credit for 4 Fore Solutions 2/20/2007
adaptability and universal design. The TASC will review
the HUD visitability and livability guidelines and re-visit
this ID request during the next meeting.
3 David Bone 4/19/2007
MR TASC (4-26-07): As part of a future effort to design
a LEED for Homes credit for universal design,
accessibility, and/or visitability, Doug will compile a list 3 LaTaunynia 1/9/2008
of potential measures and try to identify experts to Campbell,
assist the TASC with such an effort. Southface
3 Antonia 3/14/2008

Also, should every builder be required to have a Quality 2 Kristin Shewfelt 2/19/2007
Management Plan?
LEED for Homes Show resolved issues only LEED-ND Neighborhood
Last Updated: 4/14/2008 Show recently resolved issues only Site Selection
Show unresolved issues only Infrastructure
Resolved Issues: 34
Community Resources
Preferred Locations
Unresolved Issues: 4
Access to Open Spaces
Compact Development
Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
LL 01-01 1 1.7 CIR Yes Clarify that LL1 is not available yet.

LL 01-02 1 2008 CIR Yes If a project is pursuing LEED-ND, does the entire development have to
earn certification before individual homes within the development can take
credit for LL1?
LL 02-01 2 1.7 CIR Yes Is 100 foot buffer from wetlands for house only, or pools included?

LL 02-02 2 1.7 CIR Yes Can 1 point be achieved or only 2 points

LL 02-03 2 1.7 CIR Yes What about Brownfields or Greyfields? LEED credit for site restoration?

LL 02-04 2 1.7 CIR Yes What about large developments where most of the lots are in compliance,
but some are not? Can a weighted average approach be used to
demonstrate 95% compliance?
LL 02-05 2 1.7 CIR Yes The property lies lower than the 100-year flood as defined by FEMA.
There was an existing five-plex on the same site that needed to be
deconstructed as a result of years of abuse and poor construction
practices. The new five-plex was built on the same footprint. The building
LL 02-06 2 1.7 CIR Yes The
is in intent states area
a downtown that environmentally
of a city that is allsensitive
lower thansitesthe
should be avoided.
100-year flood as I
am aware of a site locally that is a recharge area for the
defined by FEMA. Can this project earn the 2 points in LL-2-1 if it has met local moraine,
which in turns provides the bulk of the drinking water for my area. The
all optional measures except for the 100-year flood criteria?
credit requirements, however, make no mention of any such type of land
LL 02-07 2 1.11 CIR Yes LL credit ecologically
2 refers to "prime farmland" as landa that meets both Land Use
as being sensitive. How would moraine recharge area, or
a moraine, The beland use criteria
accounted forsays
in this "has been
rating used for irrigated
agricultural production at some point during the four years prior to the
Important Farmland Map date. Irrigated land use is determined by FMMP
LL 02-08 2 1.11 CIR Yes How can I determine the ofdistance
staff during examination currentfrom
aeriala photos,
to water on an letters and
oceanfront site - given that tides change by hour and season? LEED-NC
field verification."
grants this point for a project built on a previously developed site. Is this
true inwhere
So...the LEED-H, too?
LL 02-09 2 1.11 CIR Yes For Site does
Selectionone get an Important
Credit, can a home Farmland Map?
that is built I have
within 100searched
feet of a
the web for such
constructed a thing
fire pond stillbut have points
receive not found
for this Without a Importantthe
home beingmap,
builtit at
is Unity
impossible to verify
College. this credit,
The building sitesince wefeet
sits 80 need a map
from a
date. Also,fire
manmade the FMMP? The
Construction of acronym
a fire pond is is
nota spelled
common out.
practice in
LL 03-01 3 1.7 CIR Yes Within 1/2 mile of infrastructure is not stringent enough.
rural areas where water for fire suppression is not available by municipally
I realize that
supplied the rating
hydrants. The guide
fire pondsaysserves
we can asjust
theaccept an accountability
water source for the fire
form for this in
department andcaseweof don't have
a fire to verify
on the, butCan
when this home qualify for this
LL 03-02 3 1.7 CIR Yes the
credit? aboutclients
homes arewith
asking us systems?
septic how to comply, I can't give them a straight
answer at this point.

n Spaces
Final Response
or TASC recommendation

If individual homes within a LEED-ND development are ready for LEED-H

certification but the entire development is not yet completed, those
individual homes can earn points in LEED for Homes for LL 1 if the
development has passed Stage 2 for LEED-ND.
This setback applies to all built features. Exceptions wil be allowed for
pre-existing structures.

A home must all the criteria of the credit, and therefore can only receive 2

TASC suggests that incorporating this measure into the credit would be a
substantial modification, and recommends against such a revision.

This question is only relevant for production builders using sampling. If all
of the homes in a subdivision are verified and rated separately, then each
home should be assessed separately for compliance with LL 2; homes that
do not meet LL2 do not receive credit.
CIR is denied. All of the requirements in LL 2 must be met in order to
receive points, as building below the flood plain represents a risk to the
If a production builder is using sampling for a subdivision, then the points
for LL2 can be counted if 90% or more of the homes in a sample set meet
the requirements
The TASC recognizesfor LLthat
2 (see the
there LEED
may for Homes Sampling
be environmentally Protocol
sensitive site for
distinctions Builders
that haveforlocal
more information).
importance. If fewerthis
However, than 90%focuses
credit of the homes
in a sample
sensitive setthat
sites meetarethe requirements
consistent of LL2,the
throughout none of theand
country homes in the
are easily
sample set can receive points under LL 2.
This credit will be changed, and language similar to that included in LEED
for Neighborhood Development will be adopted in the next version of the
Rating System, along with guidance for how to meet the requirements.
Currently, LEED for Homes doesn’t grant this credit automatically to
homes built on previously developed land. One reason for this is that we
already give points for building on previously developed land (LEED-NC
does not).
Fire ponds are exempt from the constraints in LL 2. If this project meets all
of the requirements of LL 2, except for the presence of this fire pond, it
The ‘ordinary high water mark’ should be used to define the boundary of
should be awarded 2 points.
any bodies of water. The ordinary high water mark is commonly defined as
languagedelineating the
in the credit is highest waterLeave
acceptable. level that
it as has
1/2 been
mile. maintained
for a sufficient period of time to leave evidence upon the landscape,
commonly the point where the natural vegetation changes from
predominantly aquatic to predominantly terrestrial.’ (Minnesota Statutes
103G.005)that have septic systems can still earn this credit, as long as the
home is located near existing sewer systems. The home does not need to
be connected to the sewer system to earn this credit.
Draft Response Origination
(if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority Originator Date
1 9/28/2005

3 Mike Holcomb 3/26/2008

3 11/14/2005

3 9/28/2005

The response might note to the applicant that a brown 3 9/28/2005

or gray site would be likely to achieve LLc3.1 and / or
This decision will likely require vetting by the LHC, since 3
LEED for Homes should probably have a consistent
approach to subdivision-wide averaging.
No, all of the criteria in this credit must be met in order 2 Peter Schneider, 7/24/2006
to receive 2 points. VEIC

4 Elizabeth Pannell 10/20/2006

3 Mark Newey, CET 4/17/2007

2 Danuta Drozdowicz 8/13/2007

2 Jennifer Huggins, 2/4/2008


3 9/28/2005

3 11/14/2005
Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
LL 03-03 3.1 1.7 CIR Yes If a lot is located within 1/2 mile of existing roads, but there is no sewer or
water available, can the home score this point? This is common in rural
areas. Perhaps in rural areas you should be able to score the point if no
new roads need to be built for the house, even though you may have a
LL 03-04 3.2 1.7 CIR Yes The definition for "infill site" does not seem to make much sense. I have
well and a septic tank. This would promote an approach that has a
one project that is being built on an unused lot in a subdivision where the
minimal impact on the land.
surrounding lots were built on 15-20 years ago. The subdivision is not
near a business district (it was a greenfield subdivision). As far as I can
LL 03-05 3 1.11 CIR Yes What is the difference between "Infill Site" and "Previously Developed
tell, this is an "infill lot" based on the USGBC definition, even though there
Site"? Does a project have to be infill in order to get points for being
is no water or sewer at this location and it is a large multi-acre lot in a
previously developed?
suburban subdivision. I have another project that is a co-housing project
LL 03-06 3.2 1.11 CIR Yes that is
The subdivided
house into 4was
I inspected lotsbuilt
nearonthea center
previouslyof a developed
small townsiteandinhas
a water
and sewer.
lakefront The lots are smaller
neighborhood. The house thanhasan existing
acre. However, because
development, of the
houses, on
both the
arethe shaped, 80%
front and of the
back border
of the of the the
lot abutts lotsneighborhood
is against the or other
lots. Becauseopen
association's of this, it does
space not seemland
or common to fit(75
Theyof an infill site,
clustered the
LL 03-07 3.2 1.11 CIR Yes As
of the
its ruling
USGBC on definition.
LL 03-06, the TASC
I think anydecided that it was
environmentally necessary
houses around these open spaces. I believe this meets the intent of infill
to clarify
person any
would exemptions
notthecall75% for
the firstbodies
project of water
infill but or pocket parks. For example,
definitely would call the
but doesn't fulfill of the perimeter threshold.
second to handle
home that is an infill but 40% of it borders water? Or what
if 40% borders a small park?
LL 04-01 4 1.7 CIR Yes What about large communities? Distance to community resources varies
from front of community to back.

LL 04-02 4.2 1.7 CIR Yes Clarify "250 transit rides" - why no proximity to mass transit?

LL 04-03 4 1.7 CIR Yes What about lakes / ponds? Do they count as open space?

LL 04-04 4 1.7 CIR Yes What if community is in a blighted area that is in process of redeveloped?

LL 04-05 4 1.7 CIR Yes In table LL 4-A, can duplicate community resources be counted (i.e., can
two retail stores count as 2 community resources; or 2 supermarkets)

LL 04-06 4.3 1.7 CIR Yes Does this include private lands that are open to the public for passive

LL 04-07 4.3 1.7 CIR Yes Does a State Park earn these points?

LL 04-08 4 1.7 CIR Yes Add new community resources to Exhibit LL4-A, including: Day care
center, fitness centers / gyms, arts and entertainment facilities.

LL 04-09 4.3 1.7 CIR Yes A project will have 1100 acres of a 4,700 acre total devoted to public
parks, but none of the parks will be 0.75 acres as required by the credit.
Can these be considered a community resource?
LL 05-01 5.3 1.11 CIR Yes This credit requires a site within 1/2 mile of 125 rides per weekday. This
site is close to 114 rides per weekday for 4 months, and 157 rides per
weekday for 8 months. This is an average of 143 rides per weekday. Can
this project receive 3 points in LL 5.3?
LL 05-02 5 1.11 ID Yes This project is within 1/2 mile of transit services constituting 250 or more
transit rides per weekday. Can the project earn an ID point for exemplary
Final Response
or TASC recommendation
No, this does not qualify. The TASC is uneasy with accepting cases in
which all three conditions are not met.

Both sites qualify as infill. "Perimeter of development site" includes outer

boundary of all new home sites combined. Will remove text "(where home
is located), and change "existing development" to "previously developed"
Infill has to do with the status of the surrounding neighborhood, whereas
"previously developed" has more to do with the specific lot being built
upon. For example, if a home is in the woods somewhere but it's replacing
a previous home, that could get points for previously developed but not
This particular project should be awarded 1 point for edge development,
infill; a home that is being built on a extra plot of land in an existing
but not granted 2 points for infill. The TASC will define criteria for
community could get points for being infill, but not for being on a previously
exemptions such as pocket parks or bodies of water.
developed site.
In an effort to stay consistent with LEED for Neighborhood Development,
LEED for Homes will allow waterfronts (including lakes, rivers, bays, etc.)
to be excluded from the calculation for edge development and infill.
For larger new developments, distance to community resources can be
In practice, this means removing the area from both the numerator and
measured from the geographic center of the development.
denominator of the calculation. For example, if a home lot has a 400-foot
border with previously developed land, a 200-foot border with previously
Within a ½ mile land, and count
radius, a 400-foot border
all the transitwith lakefront,
stops. Then then the the
multiply home
should be
number of treated as having
transit stops (400
by the / (400+200))
number of buses=that
through previously
area. land. 16 buses with 16 stops equals 256 transit rides
If pathparks
Small is proved around
are not lake,a lake
granted canexemption.
blanket be includedThese
in 3/4will
acre becalc.
handled on
a case-by-case basis.

Anticipated community resources may be counted if the applicant can

demonstrate a firm commitment for those resources to be in place when
the project is first occupied.
Yes, multiple cases of each type of community resource may be included
(with a max. of three occurrences within any category).

"Community-based open space" includes private lands open to the public

for passive recreation provided that there is 1) deeded public access, or 2)
a history of allowable public use and anticipated continued future public
use for at least 10 years.

Agreed. New community resources will be added to the list of Basic

Community Resources.

Need more information on the number and size of the parks in order to
make a decision

It is acceptable to use the average rides per weekday for this credit.

This project should be awarded 1 ID point for exemplary performance.

Draft Response Origination
(if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority Originator Date
3 Mark Newey, CET 10/19/2005

Clarify "development site", and "existing development". 3 Mark Newey, CET 10/19/2005
Do individual lots in a development get this credit?

3 Pat O'Malley 2/15/2007

3 Peter Schneider, 9/20/2007


4 Doug King 11/19/2007

Would some homes qualify and other not (even if same 3 11/14/2005
builder in same community)?

3 9/28/2005

3 11/14/2005

Community may be a key part of leading the 3 11/14/2005

redevelopment effort.

3 11/14/2005

3 Teny Bannick,
Jordan Institute,
New Hampshire
3 Peter Schneider,

3 Stapleton, CO

The increased availability is due to schools, but they are 2 Peter Schneider, 6/6/2007
not schoolbuses - they are public buses. VEIC

3 Michael Holcomb 10/15/2007

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
LL 05-03 5 1.11 CIR Yes If a single bus stops multiple times within 1/2 mile of the home, can this be
counted multiple times. For example, if one bus comes nearby each hour,
but it stops every few blocks so that there are 4 stops within 1/2 mile,
should this be counted as 24 stops per day or 96 (24 x 4) stops per day?
LL 06-01 6 1.11 CIR Yes Please clarify a question about LL6 - Does a bike path count as a publicly
accessible green space? The bike path is more than 3/4 acre in size (as a
long linear greenway) and is clearly used for outdoor recreation. The bike
path is about 11 miles long and connects to many other green open
LL 06-02 6 1.11 CIR Yes In LL 6, could beaches qualify for this credit?
spaces, as well. We believe it should count, but wanted to seek

LL Gen-01 1.7 CIR Yes Could we add / include a credit for locating a home in a mixed-use
development or mixed-use building?

LL Gen-02 1.7 ID Yes ID request, Landscaping in Public Open Space - builders provide open
space that is both accessible to each home in the development and meets
the landscaping requirements of SS credit 2.
LL 03-08 3.2 1.11 CIR No How do we score a project that is building on an empty lot that is part of a
long established development? The owner is making the case that
selecting this lot in a community that is probably 25 years old is better than
building on a Greenfield site. At what point does a new development
LL 06-03 6 2008 CIR No Should the area of a pond or body of water be counted for this credit? The
become established and a project on an existing lot in that development
language in the credit states "ponds can be counted as open spaces if
become infill?
they border a walking or bicycle path."
LL Gen-03 1.11 ID No ID Request:
Proposed Intent: Reduced consumption of natural resources and improved
air quality through participation in a golf-cart community
LL Gen-04 1.11 ID No ID Request:
Proposed Measures: The house is situated in Tradition South Carolina, a
development which mandates through the Covenants of its Property
Proposed Intent: Cate School proposes an innovation point for providing
Owners Association that each residential unit within the Property include a
on-campus housing for faculty and their families at Cate School.
golf cart. In addition to the mandate, the community is developed in such a
way as to promote convenient use of the golf cart (i.e. the Community
Proposed Measure: Each of the 5 new faculty homes and 1
includes services and retail within convenient reach by golf cart travel).
relocated/renovated faculty home will house faculty, staff and their families
The design of this house incorporates garage parking for the golf cart
on site.
along with a solar energy system to provide the electricity required to
charge the cart.
Proposed Verification/Submittal: Accountability Form by Cate School
Proposed Metric: Statistical analysis of percentage of trips taken by golf
Proposed benefits: Providing on-site housing for faculty and staff:
cart as opposed to automobile, multiplied by the number of homes within
Smart Growth, increasing density on-site
the golf-cart community, and the resulting savings of gas consumption in
Eliminates carbon emissions from car commuting
Reduces local traffic congestion
Enhances the quality of life for residents by eliminating commutes
Verification & Submittals: The Provider’s third-party rater shall verify that
Improves the quality of teaching by faculty by eliminating travel
the POA Covenants (or other governing document for that property), as
Allows faculty to spend more time with their family and students instead of
filed for Record in the corresponding County, include the requirement that
the residential unit include a golf cart. The rater shall also verify that the
Fosters a stronger sense of community on campus
residential unit itself incorporates parking and charging equipment for the
LEED-H creates educational opportunities for students on campus
golf cart.

Proposed Benefits: Requiring each residence to include a golf cart

encourages lower consumption of gas, better air quality through reduced
emissions, and education to the community on how the layout and
intention of a development can facilitate easy environmental measures.
Final Response
or TASC recommendation
Multiple stops can only be counted if they are for different lines. So, a
single bus that stops several times within 1/2 mile should only be treated
as one stop. In this example, only 24 stops should be counted.
Being located near a bike path that is paved does not qualify the project
for points in LL 6 because the credit language indicates that "open spaces
must consist predominantly of softscapes, such as soil, grass, shrubs and
trees." However, access to bicycle paths is not covered by other credits in
If the beach is publicly accessible (i.e. not private), it can be used to fulfill
the LEED for Homes Rating System, and there is a clear human health
the requirements of LL 6. The area of beach should be measured from the
and environmental upside, so this project can be awarded an ID point on
ordinary high-water mark.
the condition that the home is within ½ mile of an entrance to the bicycle
path. is no LEED point for being a mixed-use project. However, these
projects can count the mixed-use space as a 'community resource' for LL
topic area 5 if they qualify (see Exhibit LL5-A for a list of community
This open space can be counted for every home under LL 4.3. The TASC
is still reviewing whether this kind of community space can be granted an
ID credit, and if so, how the credit(s) would be distributed among the
homes in the community.

This project chose not to pursue this credit further.

More information must be provided before a final ruling can be issued:

o Is the entire development pursing LEED certification? Will each home

have a solar energy charger?
o Please estimate how many trips or how much gasoline will be saved with
this approach. How many community resources (stores, etc.) are within
golf cart driving distance? Are these resources close enough to earn credit
in LL 5?
o Is the solar energy system dedicated to the golf cart? Is the golf cart only
expected to be charged by solar energy? Does the solar energy system
provide electricity to the entire house? If so, is the home earning credit in
EA 1 or EA 10 for the solar system?
Draft Response Origination
(if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority Originator Date
3 Matt Root 2/8/2008

The intent does state "Provide open spaces to 3 Megan McDonough 10/5/2007
encourage walking, physical activity and time spent
outdoors.", but the note indicates that "Open spaces
must consist predominantly of softscapes, such as soil,
3 Mark Price, CSG 1/9/2008
grass, shrubs and trees."

4 Jay Hall / LHC 8/18/2006

3 Maureen Mahle 11/1/2006

This is a good question. I'd say that building within a 25- 3 Alistair Jackson 3/6/2008
year old development can definitely be considered infill.
This obviously gets trickier as we move to
developments that are 5- or 2-years old. We haven't
The TASC is split, and this subject will undergo further 4 LL TASC 1/29/2008
ruled on a particular age, except to say that the second
discussion. There were three votes to not include the
or third phase of a project cannot take credit for being
area of the pond but only the public land surrounding
located near or within the first phase of a development.
the pond, and one vote to count it. The argument for
I'll have the TASC discuss this again to see if we can This project received certification in February, 2008, 2 LaTaunynia 2/6/2008
including it was that ponds can contribute to local
get more clarity. Part of the difficulty here is that if we and did not pursue this ID request further. Campbell
ecology and should be encouraged. The argument
defined 'existing development' as X years old, it would
against including it was that the purpose of this
require the Green Rater to track down the age of the
measure is for recreation and typically ponds don't 3 Antonia 3/5/2008
nearby buildings, and it would beg the question of
provide recreation. Perhaps allow ponds with dedicated Tsobanoudis, DEG
whether it isn't still better practice to build within a
recreational value (boating, fishing, etc.) to submit CIRs
recent development compared to a green field.
on a case-by-case basis.
LEED for Homes Show resolved issues only Site Stewardship
Last Updated: 4/14/2008 Show recently resolved issues only Landscaping
Show unresolved issues only Shading of Hardscapes
Surface Water Management
Resolved Issues: 92
Non-Toxic Pest Control
Unresolved Issues: 14 Compact Development

Identification Related LEED-H

Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
LL 05-01 LL 5 1.7 CIR Yes Clarify that rater verifies that accountability form is completed.

LL 05-02 LL 5 1.7 CIR Yes Define "average housing density" - does this include surrounding land
(i.e., the overall community), or just the building site itself.

LL 05-03 LL 5 1.7 CIR Yes Should higher density building receive more credit - i.e., if going from 7 to
10 units per acre is worth 1 point, should going from 10 to 20 units be
worth more than 1 point?
SS 01-01 1 1.7 CIR Yes How is lot size to be calculated for mulitfamily projects?

SS 01-02 1.2 1.7 CIR Yes In SS 1.2, all jurisdictions should have these measures required as code?
Credit SS 1.2 should be deleted.

SS 01-03 1.1 1.7 CIR Yes In 1.1, clarify relationship between SS 1.1 and SS 2 and SS 4

SS 01-04 1.1 1.7 CIR Yes In 1.1, clarify what "previously undeveloped lot" means?

SS 01-05 1.1 1.7 CIR Yes This client will be using a septic system, but the septic field will not be on
the actual building lot - it will be across the street in a common area of the
development. Should the septic field be included in the land disturbance
calculation? For the permitting process, septic easements are not a factor,
SS 01-06 1.2 1.7 CIR Yes What does it mean to "stabilize soils that have been disturbed"?
but it will be disturbing land off-site.

SS 01-07 1.2 1.11 CIR Yes SS 1.2 - If housing density is = or > than 8 units per acre, the project
automatically qualifies for point. Would this be buildable ( 7 acres) or total
acreage (24 acres) / 120 units ?
SS 01-08 1 1.11 CIR Yes SS 1.2 - add language to allow points if the site is restored.

SS 01-09 1.2 1.11 ID Yes Request for 2 ID points for restoration of wetlands to pre-development
conditions. See "Rosebud Ranch ID 050707.doc" for details of the
proposal. The damage being remediated was due to prior development,
not development associated with this project.
SS 01-10 1.2 1.11 CIR Yes Although the lot was not large enough to leave 40% undisturbed, the
builder did preserve two large oak trees onsite through careful planning.
Local green building program requirements for tree preservation were
utilized including use of clear markings, barricades, avoidance of fill,
minimization of excavation, and avoiding storage of materials within the
tree’s dripline. The trees are well established and remain as an attractive
landscape feature that does not need irrigation for establishment or to
sustain their life.

t Control

Final Response
or TASC recommendation
The rating system will be edited appropriately

Numerator should be the number of housing units in the project, and

denominator should be buildable land area included in the project (subject
to exclusions already mentioned in the credit description). Both relate only
to the project, not the surrounding area.
The credit will remain the same.

For multifamily homes, the average lot size shall be calculated as the lot
size divided by the the number of units. The lot size exemption is to be
calculated based on the average lot size per unit.
Disagree. Since it has not been shown that the requirements in SS 1.2 are
required in code across the entire US, these requirements should stay.

This relationship is highlighted in the Synergies and Tradeoffs section, and

will be discussed in the Reference Guide.

Delete the phrase "previously undeveloped". Add a new sentence: "If the
lot has been previously developed (e.g., a grayfield or brownfield), then the
lot must be restored (i.e., must achieve at least 2 points each under SS 2
and SS 4)."
If this septic system is part of a community system, then it should not be
counted. However, if the septic system serves only this home, then the
land must be included in the calculation for SS 1.1. However, the SS
TASC had previously decided that SS 1 will be changed so if the builder
If the soils in a sloped area are disrupted during the construction process,
cannot meet the 40% threshold, then the lot must be restored (specifically,
the builder should add tiers, erosion blankets, or some comparable
it must achieve at least 2 points each under SS 2 and SS 4).
approach to prevent erosion on the dirt on the sloped grade.
When calculating housing density (for SS 1, SS 6, etc.) always use
buildable land. The term “buildable land” is defined in the glossary of the
rating system.
This change has been made for the public review version. Please see the
text for details.

This project is awarded 1 ID point for an exceptional effort at remediating

the previously disturbed portion of the site. This project should also get the
LEED point for SS credit 1.2.
This project has met only part of the requirement for SS 1.2. In order to
earn points for SS 1.2, there must be a tree/plant preservation plan and
40% of the buildable lot area must be left undisturbed.
Draft Response Origination
(if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority Originator Date
1 9/28/2005

Also, what about phase 1 of a multiphase development 3 9/28/2005

Big jump from 10 to 20 units / acre 1 11/14/2005

A single multifamily building occupies a relatively small 3 9/6/2005

lot. Do these homes qualify for the lot size exemption in
this credit
LEED wants to avoid being redundant with code 2 3/29/2006
requirements, but code varies considerably across the
3 9/28/2005

In the context of grayfields or brownfields, how is this 3 9/28/2005

mandatory requirement to be interpreted?

Is there any particular reason why this septic system is 2 David Bone 6/21/2006
off-site? Was it moved to protect groundwater, or for
some other environmental reason? The TASC
recognizes that septic systems are not addressed
3 Kevin Felt 7/7/2006
specifically in the rating system, and it would like to
know if this causes problems elsewhere in the LEED-H
2 Richard Faesy 1/18/2007

3 SS TAG 4/18/2007

3 E-Star Colorado 5/7/2007

2 Eric Martin, FSEC 9/10/2007

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
SS 01-11 1.2 1.11 CIR Yes In reference to minimizing the disturbed area of a site, what is the process
for determining what qualifies as the site when there is no clearly defined
site boundary? This question relates to the Unity home, which is being
built on the campus of Unity College. The home is being built on a section
SS 02-01 2.1 1.7 CIR Yes In SS 2.1, in the 2nd bullet, there is a reference to slopes of greater than
of the college campus; it is not segregated as a separate lot from the
25%. Should this be changed to 25 degrees?
campus and does not have a defined boundary between it and the rest of
the campus. What are the guidelines for creating a site boundary in this
SS 02-02 2.1 1.7 CIR Yes situation?
In 2.1, third bullet, "no exotic species" is too restrictive

SS 02-03 2.1 1.7 CIR Yes In 2.1, does the lot size exemption apply to all bullets?

SS 02-04 2.1 1.7 CIR Yes In 2.1, what about builders that don’t install landscaping? Is their a
minimum amount of landscaping that is required (e.g., front yard only?
Seed versus sod?)
SS 02-05 2.1 1.7 CIR Yes In 2.1, change the exception to 1/4 acre, and remove the "?"

SS 02-06 2.1 1.7 CIR Yes In 2.1, clarify the terms "sunny areas" and "densely shaded areas"?

SS 02-07 2.2 1.7 CIR Yes In 2.2, clarify quantity of mulch to be used

SS 02-08 2.3 1.7 CIR Yes In 2.3, are there restrictions on what can be used in areas where no turf is

SS 02-09 2.3 1.7 CIR Yes In 2.3: Is the 50% turf limit applicable across the entire site, or just the
disturbed portion of the site?

SS 02-10 2.4 1.7 CIR Yes Can very small gardens get credit for this?

SS 02-11 2.4 1.7 CIR Yes What about agricultural crops on the the lot?

SS 02-12 2 1.7 CIR Yes Since production builders do not landscape backyards, SS 2 and WE 2
should be revised to provide full credit for front yards only.

SS 02-13 2 1.7 ID Yes Landscape design exceeds credit requirements SS #2, WE #2.
Landscaping features 0% turf and 100% native plantings. [This is from
Pennsylvania, which is a "wet" area.]
SS 02-14 2 1.7 CIR Yes Landscape water budget does not indicate if the water budget is based on
total irrigated area of lot or the total lot area, including house footprint and
impervious surfaces.
SS 02-15 2.3 1.7 CIR Yes Since urban-infill like Gish typically have no turf, can the project receive
the point (or is this a "no performance, no point" issue)? “No turf” is under
the % threshold and should get the credit.
Final Response
or TASC recommendation
Generally, the lot is defined by some deed, land restrictions or other clear
designation. In this case, more information may be needed. The Provider
and project team should work together to define the lot in a way that is fair
and reasonable. Any determination of the lot line should be applied equally
No. Leave as is - builders do not think in terms of degrees, they assess
to all credits.
slope using percentages.

Re-word this credit to "Use no invasive plant species" (i.e., remove the
words "or exotic")

The lot size exemption should only apply to the first two bullets (i.e. 2.1 a).
Change third bullet to a new stand-alone mandatory measure (i.e., 2.1b)

Allow ½ points for landscaping only the front or back yard. Side and back
yard landscaping must be required by HOA or other rules within a specific
time period, not to exceed one year after occupancy. Require that erosion
controls and soil stabilization measures are robust enough to be effective
in Version 1.11, this credit is no longer mandatory, so the exemption is no
until the homeowner does their own landscaping. Require that builder
longer necessary.
develop a landscaping plan that meets the requirements in SS 2 and
provide this to the homeowner.
The revised rating system will state "Areas planted with turf shall use only
drought-tolerant turf, and turf should be avoided in densely shaded areas."

Change to "Add mulch or soil ammendments as appropriate. Also add

definition of mulch. Mulch: is a covering placed around plants to reduce
erosion and water loss, and help to regulation the soil temperature. In
addition, upon decomposition (for organic mulches), mulches serve as soil
Bare soil is not an acceptable alternative to turf. This credit only applies to
amendments. The type of mulch you select can affect soil pH.
designed landscape softscapes. This term will be formally defined in the
glossary, as well as an upcoming guidance document on the SS category.
The turf limit is applicable to the entire site that is landscaped (e.g. not
including hardscape), regardless of whether it was disturbed during
Yes, small gardens are eligible for this credit.

Lot size is usually defined clearly, but there may be confusion when a rural
homeowner buys a large area of land for agricultural or other use. If this is
the case, the home should not receive any credit from LL 5. Otherwise, the
lot size can be chosen by the builder, but that lot size must be applied to
Allow ½ points for landscaping only the front or back yard. Side and back
all of the credits in the rating system.
yard landscaping must be required by HOA or other rules within a specific
time period, not to exceed one year after occupancy. Require that erosion
controls and soil stabilization measures are robust enough to be effective
They should get one point for SS 2.3, and an additional point because the
until the homeowner does their own landscaping. Require that builder
plants are all native. Native landscaping is likely to capture more
develop a landscaping plan that meets the requirements in SS 2 and
stormwater than turf, thus controlling run-off.
provide this to the homeowner.
The water budget is just for the landscaped area of the lot. These water
budgets are pretty soft and need to be tightened up.

Since they use no turf, if they have some landscape, they meet the
requirement of SS 2.3 and should get the appropriate points listed in
Exhibit SS2-A.
Draft Response Origination
(if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority Originator Date
If this project is being built on previously developed 2 Jennifer Huggins, 2/4/2008
land, they may meet the requirements of SS 1.2, part ForeSolutions
c): Develop a tree or plant preservation plan with "no-
disturbance" zones clearly delineated on drawings and
2 3/29/2006
on the lot, and rehabilitate the lot by undoing any
previous soil compaction, removing existing invasive
plants, and meeting the requirements of SS 2.2.
Can a builder plant a decorative plant that is non-local. 3 9/6/2005

Maybe no invasive plants should be allowed, no matter 3 9/6/2005

how small the lot size.

3 4/5/2006

3 4/5/2006

3 4/5/2006

3 9/8/2005

3 9/28/2005

3 1/29/2005

If very small gardens are installed, few plants are 3 9/28/2005

needed to get this point. How many plants are required
for these points?
How is the lot defined for a farmhouse? 3 9/6/2005

Final decision on precedent has been postponed, 2 Sarah Wilkinson, 6/7/2006

pending further investigation from builders into what Graves
they already do. Perhaps LEED should require a HOA
that landscaping be completed within a year of
2 Rebecca

Nuanced point on the language of the response: 3

performance is judged by how well the builder meets
the intent of the requirement, not how much effort was
put forth. Also, the first column in Exhibit SS2-A should
be clearer. Perhaps change to “Total turf, as a
percentage of landscape”, and then list <=50%, <= 20%
Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
SS 02-16 2.4 1.7 CIR Yes Since urban-infill projects typically have no landscaping as they are built
out to the lot line, is this credit achievable since no water is being used (or
is this a "no performance, no point" issue)? No landscaping meets the
intent and should get the credit.
SS 02-18 2.4 1.7 CIR Yes Should Exhibit SS2-B refer to landscape area, rather than # of plantings?

Suggest requiring some kind of minimum landscape and/or irrigation

requirement in SS and WE.
SS 02-19 2 1.11 CIR Yes Can a home receive credit if an invasive species is already on-site in a
preserved area (in order to meet measure SS 1)?

SS 02-20 2 1.7 CIR Yes We need an interpretation regarding "turf". When LEED for Homes refers
to "turf", is this any grass at all or are they referring to manicured lawns?

SS 02-21 2 1.11 CIR Yes Clarify the term "landscape". Does this refer to total area not under roof,
total softscapes, or just newly landscaped area?

SS 02-22 2 1.11 CIR Yes Please differentiate between requirements for landscaping and
requirements for a food garden. Is the intent that food gardens (where
irrigation is generally required to establish plants that are harvested within
or at the end of the growing season) must meet the requirements of both
SS 02-23 2 1.11 ID Yes ID request: Develop a workshop plan that will educate others about the
these credits or do they only apply to the more permanent landscape
principle features of the Permaculture system. Intent: utilize the
Permaculture landscaping at the new residence as a training/workshop
location to educate others about the value of the Permaculture's ecological
SS 02-24 2 1.11 CIR Yes If thehome
This gardenhasplot is the onlylot,
a triangular areaandofless
the lot
the site(and they use
is not
drip irrigationHow
landscaped. etc. there)
shouldand it is athe
we treat fraction of the entire
note "Points shown landscaped
below are area
(lets say 1/5front
landscaped - it hasn't beenyards.
and back established
If only yet), and yard
the front the rest of the
is landscaped, then
only area is
half of these designed
points by a professional etc., how do we score the
are available..."?
SS 02-25 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes This
credit? project is a gut rehab project. Limited areas of existing turf and
landscaping are affected by the renovation. The project team is taking the
following steps to meet the intent of the credit:
* Existing turf is not drought-tolerant. However, rather than remove and
SS 02-27 2.5 2008 CIR Yes In the water budget calculation, what does CF stand for?
replace the turf, the team plans to:
* limit turf to 40-50% of total landscaped area
* install 10,000 gallon rainwater cistern for newly re-designed irrigation
SS 02-28 2.3 2008 CIR Yes system
When we reference non-conventional turf, should the definition of
* denselyturfgrass
acceptable shaded areas
includeare currently unseeded
a requirement for root and mulched
* large majority of disturbed turf will not be replanted but will be used for
additional tree or shrub plantings or surface water
SS 02-29 2 2008 CIR Yes SS 2.5 is worth only
management 6 points,
features (rainbut SS 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 add up to 7 points.
Only part of the
* removal of anmeasures in 2,730
additional SS 2.2sq.ft. are reflected
of turf andinplant
the overall water
with drought
reduction effort. Could a project that is pursuing SS 2.5 earn the additional
tolerant plants
*Does under
No area ofSS
sitefor mulching,
has a slope of tilling,
of 25%and non-planting of turf on slopes
SS 03-01 3 1.7 CIR Yes this credit include shading walks walls of home?
* All in the shade?
mulch and soil amendments are made from organic materials. Mulch
is both hardwood at perimeter and 'pine fines' (waste product from wood
processing) for landscaping around the house. Mushroom compost is used
SS 03-02 3 1.7 CIR Yes Includes
for any soilshading by existing
amendments andtrees?
all new plantings.

SS 03-03 3.1 1.7 CIR Yes Can pervious concrete paving areas be excluded from the calculation of
paths, patios, etc.? What about paths constructed with crushed limestone?

SS 03-04 3 1.7 CIR Yes Does normal concrete (broom-finish) comply with this - i.e. does it have a
reflectance of 0.3 or better)? If so, it should be stated under Potential
Techs and Strategies. Also, should this credit be reconsidered for mild
climates? For example, it might be earned automatically in areas with less
than 4,500 IDD? In mild places like coastal CA, patios are the only place
where comfort would be an issue and probably the only place there would
be any impact on cooling loads.
Final Response
or TASC recommendation
Builder cannot get credit for SS 2.4. However, if they demonstrate an
ability to recover water, they could get points in WE 1.

This credit will remain without minimum landscape area or plant #

requirements for the remainder of the pilot. If this is perceived to be a
problem during the pilot, the TASC will re-consider making changes.
Yes. The credit will be changed to read “Introduce no invasive plant
species into the landscape…”

This credit will be revised, and refer to "conventional turf". Conventional

turf will be defined as "turf that requires considerable watering, mowing,
and/or fertilizers. What is considered conventional may vary by region, but
upkeep for turf lawns is a large source of water and chemical use."
A new set of terms has been created for the SS category, and these terms
will replace those in the rating system currently. These terms will also be
defined in the glossary, and a guidance document on this subject will be
sent to Providers and included in a future Reference Guide.
Food gardens are considered part of the designed landscape softscape
area of the lot. It should considered an acceptable alternative to turf in SS
2. A home lot that includes a food garden can still receive 4 points for WE
2.3, on the following conditions: 1) the remainder of the lot (except the
The TASC expects that any home that incorporates the principles of
food garden) does not require any irrigation, and 2) the food garden
permaculture will receive points within the LEED for Homes rating system.
incorporates the most appropriate high-efficiency irrigation techniques for
The education component of this ID request can be counted as one of the
the food garden area. This may include drip irrigation.
three requirements within AE credit 1.3, but as a stand-alone measure it is
If 50% or more of the designed landscape softscapes meet the
not enough.
requirements in any credit, then the home should receive half points for
that credit.
This project has met the requirements of the credit, and can count the
The distinction between front yard and back yard will be removed, and
points. This credit only applies to designed landscape softscapes. This
replaced with a similar note indicating that a half points can be received if
means that existing turf that was undisturbed does not need to meet the
the requirements are met in at least 50% of the designed landscape
requirements of the credit in order to earn points.
CF stands for "control factor". Control Factor is based on the type of
controls installed, such as weather-based or moisture sensor-based
systems. If no moisture sensor, rain-delay controller, or flow-control sensor
is used, CF = 1.0. A controller that is estimated to reduce overall irrigation
has a CFrootoflength
1 minusmaythe
an indicator, there
of overall is no universal
irrigation root length
water saved. For that
distinguishes native orthat
example, a controller healthy
10% has from conventional
a CF turfgrass.
of 0.90. This numberThemust
TASC likes thebyidea,
be supported butmanufacturer's
either determined that using root length
documentation as a
or calculations by a
landscape determinant
professional. for this credit would not be appropriate.
A project that is pursuing the performance pathway for landscaping and
irrigation (SS 2.5 and WE 2.3) can earn one additional ID point for fulfilling
parts (b), (c), (d), and (e) of SS 2.2.
No, since this requirement is for shading that ooccurs at noon at the mid-
June time of year. At this time of the year and day, the walls will not shade
the hardscapes.
Yes, the language of the credit should be changed to “design and install or
preserve trees and shrubs that will…”

SS credit 3.1 relates to the local heat island, so whether concrete paving is
pervious or not is irrelevant, unless it changes the albedo of the surface to
≥ 0.3.
No, gray concrete does not comply with this – although it generally has a
However, the TASC does recommend changing the requirement to read
reflectance of 0.35, this falls to 0.20 as it is weatherized. White concrete is
“At least 50% of all sidewalks, patios, and driveways within 50 feet of the
acceptable, as it has a reflectance of 0.70 new and 0.40 weathered. This
house must be shaded or have high-albedo surfaces. Shading should be
information will be included in the “Technologies and Strategies” section of
calculated at 5-years growth, and high-albedo surfaces must have a
the rating system.
reflectance of ≥ 0.3.”
This credit does apply in mild climates in both LEED for Homes and LEED
Draft Response Origination
(if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority Originator Date

This question was inspired by CIR SS 02-10, related to 3 LL/SS/WE TASC 7/11/2006
gardens. The fear is that builders will game this credit
by installing a couple of drought tolerant plants and
receive points for having 100% drought tolerant
3 Laura Uhde 12/19/2006

2 Peter Schneider, 1/23/2007


4 SS TASC 2/6/2007

2 Fore Solutions 2/20/2007

See "Permaculture workshop.pdf" for more information. 2 Fore Solutions 2/20/2007

3 E-Star Colorado 3/9/2007

3 BKI 8/24/2007

3 Eric Martin, FSEC 1/16/2008

The current definition of conventional turf is "Grass, 3 Mike Holcomb 1/4/2008

typically a monoculture, that requires considerable
watering, mowing, and/or fertilizers. What is considered
conventional turf may vary by region."
3 Ann Edminster 2/15/2008

3 9/28/2005

3 9/28/2005

2 Alistair Jackson 8/3/2006

3 Ann Edminster 1/18/2007

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
SS 03-05 3 1.11 CIR Yes Does this include sidewalks, patios and driveways that are off the lot, but
within 50 feet of the house?

SS 03-06 3 1.11 CIR Yes Can a home claim credit under SS3 (shading) if there are no hardscapes?

SS 03-07 3 1.11 CIR Yes If a project has only a garage that is located under the building, can it
receive this point? LEED-NC grants 1 point for "place a minimum of 50%
of parking spaces under cover (defined as underground, under deck,
under roof, or under a building). Any roof used to shade or cover parking
SS 03-08 3 1.11 CIR Yes Can an ID point be earned for exemplary performance in SS 3: Instead of
must have an SRI of at least 29."
50% of the non-roof impervious surface being light colored, 100% of it will
SS 04-01 4.3 1.7 CIR Yes In SS 4.3, change the title in middle column of Exhibit SS4-B from "wet" to

SS 04-02 4.1 1.7 CIR Yes How is lot size to be calculated for multifamily projects?

SS 04-04 4.1 1.7 CIR Yes In 4.1, what does it mean to "install" permeable material?

SS 04-05 4.1 1.7 CIR Yes In 4.1, what does "undeveloped portion of the site" mean?

SS 04-06 4.2 1.7 CIR Yes What is the definition of permeable paving material?

SS 04-08 4.2 1.7 CIR Yes This project is built upon a podium and therefore no way to use permeable
paving. No permeable paving, no credit?

SS 04-09 4.1 1.7 CIR Yes The homeowner will have parking off-site, and they will walk to their home.
If they install permeable pathway from the parking to the site, does this
count in the calculation for 4.2?
SS 04-10 4 1.11 ID Yes ID request - Separation of storm and sanitary sewage drains.

A. Intent - The blending of sanitary and storm outflows in sewer systems is

a major source of water pollution. Installing separate storm and sanitary
SS 04-11 4.2 1.11 CIR Yes This single family home is built on a wooded lot, trees surround the
sewer lines in the street is part of the solution, but individual buildings must
building. There is no need to install storm water control systems or plant
also separate roof and foundation drains from sanitary piping. Portland,
trees because they are already there. According to the landscape
Maine still has many combined sewers, but at 35 Pleasant Street, the roof
designer, it is very unlikely that water would ever flow from this lot. The lot
SS 04-12 4 1.11 CIR Yes and
A foundation
portion of thisdrains runextends
building in a separate line three
underground. feet beyond
Above this partthe exterior
of the
wall. area under roof) is ~112,500sf, and ~90,000 sf of that area is
building there is landscaping. Is landscaping like this considered a 'green
densely wooded. Can the project take the 2 points for permanent erosion
roof'’, even if it’s at grade?
controls based on
B. Requirement forthe existing trees?
Compliance – Photographs.
SS 04-13 4 1.11 CIR Yes If this project has no landscaping except for a green roof, can the project
C. Documentation – As-built drawing. roof to the standards in the SS and
points for improving the green
WE sections?
SS 04-14 4 1.11 CIR Yes D.
building isand Estimatetoofthe
constructed Benefit – When
lot line. separate
If there storm and area at
is no landscaped
sanitary sewers
all, can the homearegetinstalled outside
any points in SStheandbuilding,
WE? it will be easy to make
the proper, individual connections without affecting any piping inside the
Final Response
or TASC recommendation
No, only elements that are part of the home lot should be included.

If there are no hardscapes, the intent of the credit is met and the project
should receive the points.

If at least 50% of the parking space is located under the home or building,
the project can earn the LEED point for SS credit 3.

If a project meets the requirements of SS 3 for 100% of sidewalks, patios,

and driveways within 50 feet of the house, an exemplary performance ID
point can be awarded.

For multifamily homes, the average lot size may be calculated as the lot
size divided by the number of units. The credit should be re-written to
indicate that the exemption is for each unit, and the total exemption can be
calculated based on total number of units on a lot.
This has been changed to "Maintain permeable surface…"

Change this to indicate that 65% of the lot that is not under roof must be
permeable. Also, stratify the credit so a home can get 2 points for having
almost the entire site permeable.
This credit has been re-written in Version 1.11. See the details of the new
credit, but permeable paving must include a porous upper layer and a
porous sub-base at least 6” deep, and the system must be designed to
ensure proper drainage away from the house.
The purpose of this credit is to minimize run-off (and erosion) from the
site). If the optional measures cannot be used, other measures may be
taken to minimize run-off. Unless the builder demonstrates that they did
something to minimize run-off, they get no point.
If the off-site location is technically deeded with the home, then that area
should count. Otherwise, if the pathway is off-site it should not receive
This action is not worthy of an ID point. Generally, this design is required
of buildings in municipalities that separate stormwater and sanitary
Simply having lots of trees is not sufficient. In order to receive a point for
the third bullet in SS 4.2, new trees must be planted.

This project can receive 2 points if a design professional (e.g. landscape

Any vegetated area located over a living or built space should be counted
architect or civil engineer) will sign-off that the site is designed so all of the
as a green roof, and earn points accordingly.
water run-off from the house and other hardscapes is accommodated on-
Since this project has no other landscaped area, it can earn any of the
A new pathway
landscaping for achieving
credits this crediton(and
if the landscaping the its 2 points)
green will bethe
roof meets added to
the next version
requirements of the
of the rating system, in which a design professional signs
an accountability form indicating that the site is desigend so all run-off
from did
the discuss
house and the other
other hardscapes
SS and WE is credits and how they
accommodated should
be applied to buildings constructed to the lot line. I will be putting together
a guidance document for these types of projects, but the central points for
Version 2.0 will be:

SS 1.1 - still required

SS 1.2 - only available for compact development projects, which earn the
point automatically
SS 2.1 - still required
SS 2.2 - 2.5 - must be applied to vegetated roofs; points cannot be earned
Draft Response Origination
(if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority Originator Date
3 Laura Uhde 2/1/2007

What is being done to avoid hardscapes? Permeable 2 Mark Price, CSG 4/18/2007
surfaces are considered hardscapes in this context.

2 Lynn Simon 8/13/2007

To be clear, this credit is not only applicable to 3 Ted Bardacke, 1/9/2008

impervious surfaces. In order to earn this credit, 50% of Global Green
sidewalks, patios, and driveways (impervious or
permeable) must be high-albedo or have shading.
1 9/28/2005

A single multifamily building occupies a relatively small 3 9/6/2005

lot. Do these homes qualify for the lot size exemption in
this credit
3 9/6/2005

This credit will be optional in Version 1.10 of the rating 3 9/6/2005


3 9/6/2005

Is this land communal area? Is this project a multi-unit 2 David Bone 6/21/2006
development, and if so how are the parcels divided up?
Is there substantial area that is considered “shared
land”? The TASC recognizes that shared land may not
2 Danuta 5/23/2007
be addressed specifically in the rating system, and it
would like to know more about this case (particularly if
the land is shared) and get feedback from the builder. ForeSolutions
2 Fore Solutions 2/8/2007

2 Maureen Mahle 6/12/2007

Green roofs are generally exempt from any of the 2 Maureen Mahle 6/12/2007
credits in the SS or WE section of the Rating System.
The TASC is planning to discuss the scenario of a zero
lot-line project with no green roof, and whether/how to
2 Maureen Mahle 6/12/2007
award points for these kinds of projects.
Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
SS 04-15 4 1.11 CIR Yes If this project has no landscaping and is built to the lot line, can it receive
points for permeable sites if it handles the water coming off the roof?

SS 04-16 4.2 1.11 CIR Yes The project is required to install a stormwater infiltration tank to capture
100% of the site runoff. Please see attached product cut sheet for the
Contech StormChamber. The tank design has an open bottom to allow
complete recharge of all site runoff. Given that all site stormwater is
SS 04-17 1.11 ID Yes A client has submitted a request for 0.5 pts for using locally extracted and
recharged, preventing any erosion offsite, please confirm if the intent for
produced media for their green roof. This would be in addition to the 0.5
credit 4.2 is fully met and both points may be claimed. The site is mostly
pts they get for the vegetated roof as an Environmentally Preferable
paved for resident parking so there is insufficient room for the required
SS 04-18 4.2 2008 CIR Yes number
SS 4.2b of plantings
does and what
not define the terracing ormeans”.
“one tree retainingDoes
tree havethe
credit goal
maturity of no site erosion will occur given the engineered system
described above.
SS 04-20 4.1 2008 CIR Yes SS 4.1 states that to receive this credit, "at least 70% of the built
environment, not including area under roof, is permeable..." Table 9 on
the following page includes the heading "percentage of buildable lot
(excluding area under roof) that is permeable." While these are similar,
SS 04-22 4.3 2008 CIR Yes SS 4.3 refers to "management" of runoff, as do some of the other credits.
the first suggests a percentage of area disturbed, while the second
In this context, does or can the term 'manage' refer to treatment of water?
suggests a percentage of area which is allowable under zoning codes to
Or is this only related to minimizing the amount of runoff water that is sent
be built upon. Which is correct?
to the central stormwater system?
SS 05-01 5 1.7 CIR Yes In SS 5, several of the measures on the list in this credit can only score
points if the home is located in an area of termite infestation. How do we
determine if a house is in an area of termite infestation?
SS 05-02 5 1.7 CIR Yes Can termite bait systems be added to the list for 1/2 point? If so, are there
restrictions on the types of termite bait systems used? If a “toxic” termite
system is used, can a builder still get points for other physical measures in
SS5? The toxic system is Aztec in Hawaii, which involves injecting toxin
SS 05-03 5 1.7 CIR Yes Clarify 4th bullet "Seal all edges"
into the ground underneath the slab.

SS 05-04 5 1.7 CIR Yes Can you exceed the maximum points in SS 5?

SS 05-05 5 1.7 CIR Yes Can a home design that has exemplary features to minimize the need for
poisons for insect and disease control qualify for an ID credit?

SS 05-07 5 1.7 CIR Yes What is sand or diatomaceous earth barrier? What does it look like? Do we
have installation specs or details?

SS 05-08 5 1.11 CIR Yes If the project has existing landscaping from neighboring properties within
24" of the house, can the home still get these points?

SS 05-09 5 1.11 CIR Yes SS 5 includes 1/2 point for "seal all cracks, joints, penetrations, edges, and
entry points with caulking" as one in a suite of 'pest control' measures. Is
this already a prerequisite within EA 1, as part of the thermal bypass
inspection checklist?
SS 05-10 5 1.11 CIR Yes SS 5 refers to "keep all wood used at least 12" above soil". Does this
include framing, or only exposed wood?

SS 05-11 5 1.11 CIR Yes Do SS credits 5a ("keep all wood used at least 12" above soil") and 5d
("install landscaping so that all parts of mature plants will be at least 24"
from the home") apply to planter boxes that are adjacent to the building?
Final Response
or TASC recommendation
Yes. As per the rulings in SS 04-14, this project can earn 1 point in SS 4.2
and 2 points in SS 4.3 if all of the water from the roof is managed on-site.

This strategy meets the criteria for the first part of the credit, and can
automatically earn 1 point for using a dry well. If this particular approach
handles all of the runoff on-site, the project can take 2 points within this
credit. Please be sure to have the landscape professional or civil engineer
It is unclear whether this is proposal is exceptional or standard practice.
verify this and sign an Accountability Form.
Please clarify precisely what part of the green roof is being proposed as
local. The SS TAG will be asked to provide guidance on whether media for
the green roof is normally local, or whether it typically comes from beyond
The tree should have a caliper (trunk thickness) of between 1.5 and 3
500 miles. If local extraction and production of the green roof media is
inches, depending on the type of tree, soil quality, etc. Larger trees may
typical, credit will not be awarded.
require an anchoring system. A local landscape professional or arborist
association should be able to provide useful input on an appropriate
This is a good question and a good catch. "Built environment" is defined in
caliper for a particular tree.
the glossary as "The manmade alterations to a specific area, including its
natural resources. On a home site, this includes everything that has been
disturbed during construction". This would also include any previously
The term 'management' refers only to minimizing the amount of rainwater
disturbed area of the site, in the case that it's infill. The measurement
that goes into the central stormwater system. The goal is to have features
should be for the built environment, not the buildable lot - the heading in
that keep the water on-site and manage it through either aquifer recharge
Table 9 is incorrect.
or evapotranspiration.
The revised rating system will include a Termite Infestation Probability Map
in an Exhibit.

Using a toxic pest control system does not preclude a builder from also
getting credits through the use of physical measures listed in SS 5. The
intent of this credit should read “minimize the need for poisons for insect
and disease control.”
Use the language “Seal all cracks, joints, penetrations, edges, and entry
points with caulking”, as per Version 1.9 of the rating system.

Extra points (above the SS 5 max of 2 points) can be earned, but each
additional measure (beyond the first 4 measures) is counted as 1/2 an ID
credit (ID credit of 1/2 point/measure, maximum 4 pts in ID category).
Thus, for a given home, only 4 additional credits (i.e., the cap on ID points)
can bebased on the
earned standard
through exemplary
this type performance
of examplary rules: 0.5 points for
each additional measure achieved from SS 5. The total number of ID
credits cannot exceed 4 points.
These are natural materials that can be used as physical insecticides by
preventing insects from reaching the foundation of the house. They should
be installed around the foundation of the home, and their application
should depend on the site-specific needs.
If the project has met this requirement on multiple sides of their own
property, that is acceptable to receive the ½ point in SS 5. However, if the
home is built to the lot line on all sides, then this credit does not apply.
The thermal bypass inspection checklist does not explicitly address this,
particularly in exterior walls. The TASC does recommend combining this
bullet with the bullet “install rodent- and corrosion-proof screens…” The
TASC also recommends changing the wording of the credit to focus on
This requirement applies to all wood that is directly exposed to soil or air
exterior surfaces.
(and consequently, pests). It is acceptable to have internal framing below
the 12” level if it is separated from the soil or air by foundation walls.
In order to earn points in SS 5a and 5d, the requirements must be met for
all vegetation, including anything in a planter box at ground level. If the
planter boxes were elevated, the ruling may be different.
Draft Response Origination
(if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority Originator Date
2 Maureen Mahle 6/12/2007

3 Glen Boldt 10/4/2007

3 David Bone, 12/12/2007


3 LaTaunynia 1/9/2008

2 Asa Foss 3/10/2008

3 Ted Bardacke, 3/27/2008

Global Green

What if home located in areas with no pests (no 3 Mark Newey, CET 10/19/2005

2 Randy Hanshell 6/27/2006

2 Jay / retreat

2 Maureen Mahle

3 Ann Edminster 1/18/2007

3 Southface 5/21/2007

3 Doug King 5/21/2007

2 Glen Boldt 6/5/2007

2 Kristin Shewfelt 10/12/2007

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
SS 05-12 5 2008 CIR Yes In SS 5, part e, does treating all wood w/ borate refer to exterior wall
components only, or interior framing also? I assume that wood trim, etc. on
the interior is exempt but want to confirm.
SS 06-01 6 1.11 CIR Yes What if a lot is large, but the "buildable lot" (the part of the lot the builder
can develop due to easements and other ordinances) is less than 1/7th of
an acre - could that home qualify?
SS 06-02 6.3 1.11 CIR Yes Can a project qualify for an ID point for reaching 40 units/acre? Perhaps a
different number?

SS Gen-01 1.7 CIR Yes How are residential lot sizes defined?

SS Gen-02 1.7 CIR Yes Why is exception 1/3 acre in SS 1.1, 1/10 acre in SS 2.1, and 1/4 acre in
SS 4.1?

SS Gen-03 1.7 CIR Yes Is there a maximum house lot size for any residence?

SS Gen-04 1.7 CIR Yes Having 1/4 acre exemption is too much in SS 1.1, especially with the
allowance in SS 1.1 that a builder can make up for the mandatory through
other measures. Having any exemption in SS 2 makes no sense.
SS Gen-05 1.11 CIR Yes The home has a landscape plan in place, and the landscape architect has
signed the accountability forms, but the landscaping is not in place yet.
Can we certify the home if the landscape architect and builder have
committed to doing the landscaping requirements?
SS Gen-06 1.11 ID Yes Could a home receive an ID point for a green house designed for food
production? If 'possibly', they will submit a more detailed proposal.

SS Gen-07 1.11 ID Yes ID Request - In a 44-unit development comprised primarily of triplex and
five-plex townhomes gathered around a central walkway with two main
access points, the builder proposes to provide bike racks/storage capacity
for 15% of project residents. The bike storage will be equally split between
SS Gen-08 1.11 ID Yes ID
therequest:front andProvide added protection
rear entrances from water and
of the development intrusion
will be caused by rain
to any overflow space in by installing
individual rain gutter
garages that screens.
homeowners Especially
decideintoareas with to
bike storage. trees, rain gutters will prevent build-up of leaves which could result
in water issues.
SS Gen-10 1.11 ID Yes ID request for Community Involvement. Intent: Involve the community in
the development and integration of LEED Homes in existing
neighborhoods by creating an opportunity for community members to take
part in an aspect of the home’s construction.
SS Gen-11 1.11 ID Yes Proposed Intent: Restore wildlife habitat and/or wetlands in urbanized
areas that have been harmed by previous human activities.
Measure: Involve the community in the design, supply, and installation of
landscape components for this project:
Measure: Using only native plants, restore native pre-development riparian
SS Gen-12 1.11 ID Yes - Find
ID a volunteer
Request: Organic gardener/landscaper
Waste Management fromOnwithin the community
Site Design or Operations to help
design aonplant the project
layout site
that in
doesan area equal to
not require or greater
irrigation for than 10% of the
the landscaped
area of the project’s yard footprint. Additional credit for the following:
•- Include
Each additionaland 10% of the project dedicated to
theriparian restoration
The goal native of the Mainstreamdrought-resistant
GreenHome plants
is toinmaintainplanmorethat can
thanbe90% of
SS Gen-16 1.11 CIR Yes I•collected/donated
have on-site literature
a developer hasexplaining
that private
from two multifamilythe restoration
projectsinon area
one and it’s benefits
larger piece of
kitchen and site organic waste and public
on site. Thisgardens
goal will be the community
accomplished in
- Holdthe Weriparian
a community corridor
it into two parts because the two projects
planting event to involve neighborhood volunteers are different in
the following manner:
the actual likelihood
plantingWe and of landscaping
the document survival by providing
you sent landscaped
of the project’s temporary
for applyingarea credits sub-
Include to
wide removed
part I am
of the within 3some
planting yearscredits
event) a within
brief for the whole site
presentation (both
SS 01-12 1.2 1.11 CIR No 1. Grass
This home areas
• Provide additional are
being small
built on
off-site this
an site,
empty which
lot reduces
a the
25-year volume
old of grass
plants, low If or
water can beriparian mitigation
met better
landscaping, andby
areas itwithin
sustainable to each oneproject
mile of the
The lot was All clippings
graded will be
originally left
and on the grass
maintained areas
project of the whole site for SS6, can I use the project-wide application – and
grass notI bagged
believe. up.
- IfAll
applicable, use the planting event as apurpose
way to down
welcome/introduce thefor
• Remove other
count atyard
previously (e.g., weeds,
plants for
from thefor sticks
existingblown of SS by
riparian corridor nearby
1.2? If trees)
home’s but keep
new owner whole site
the application
Northside other credits? Or do I have be
will be broken
project boundary up and
leaving composted
of the site in neighborhood
an Earth Machine,
undisturbed does notthe achieve
nation’s the best-
• Additional non-native plant removal outside of the project boundary 80
intent ofbackyard
the credit.composter. It is made from recycled plastic and holds
gallons, and the locking lid is rodent resistant. See more at:
Verification: The Provider’s third-party rater shall verify the riparian
3. Indoor kitchen waste is handled with the Bokashi system. This system
restoration area in the improvement plans and calculate the committed
relies on two containers and a special mixture to add on top of each
area(s). Upon completion of the project, the rater shall confirm the area is
addition of food waste. Bokashi is actually the name for a wheat bran
constructed per plan. Builder and Landscape Architect shall submit an
Final Response
or TASC recommendation
The borate treatment must be applied to all cellulosic material on the
exterior of the home, including framing. Interior framing, trim, floors, etc. do
not need to be treated to earn this credit.
Yes, that home qualifies. The rating system now states "Build homes with
an average housing density of 7 or more dwelling units per acre of
buildable land".
Yes, a project that reaches 40 units per acre can qualify for an ID point for
‘exemplary performance’.

Lot size is usually defined clearly, but there may be confusion when a rural
homeowner buys a large area of land for agricultural or other use. If this is
the case, the home should not receive any credit from LL 5. Otherwise, the
lot size can be chosen by the builder, but that lot size must be applied to
The TASC recommends the following changes, pending revisions to the
all of the credits in the rating system.
rating system:
1) SS 1.1 – assuming that this credit becomes optional, change the
exemption to 1/8 acre per unit so very small lots (or units in dense multi-
There is no maximum house lot size for any residence.
family buildings) are still rewarded with points.
2) SS 2.1 – if this credit remains mandatory, change to 1/8 acre
exemption; if this credit becomes optional, remove exemption.
The 4.1 –recommends
assuming that this
the credit becomes
following changes,optional,
to the
rating system:
1) SS 1.1 – assuming that this credit becomes optional, change the
exemption to 1/8 acre per unit so very small lots (or units in dense multi-
No, a home cannot be certified until all of the LEED for Homes
family buildings) are still rewarded with points.
prerequisites are completed, and the home cannot receive any points for
2) SS 2.1 – if this credit remains mandatory, change to 1/8 acre
measures that are not completed. The landscape architect should not sign
exemption; if this credit becomes optional, remove exemption.
an Accountability Form until the measures are completed.
The SSProvider
4.1 – assuming that this
should submit credit becomes
a detailed proposaloptional, remove
to the TASC for the
consideration. The builder should articulate the purported environmental,
human health, or other benefits associated with the proposed measure,
and how these benefits will be accomplished.
If the individual garage spaces offered to homeowners include a
The proposal space for also
should bicycle storage
explain howthat
much is secured and covered,
food is expected, howthen
proposal is acceptable
on-site food production for an ID point.
is expected, andIf these
how thisgarages do not
will yield the have a
designated space for bicycle storage that is secure and covered, then the
This is a good
proposed bike practice, but not
storage area mustworthy of an IDtopoint.
be covered ThisIDshould
earn the point. be
In either
case, theas a durability
bicycle storage strategy in the
area must durability
include inspectionforchecklist.
mechanisms bicycle
security so all of the bicycles can be locked up.
This effort is laudable, but not worthy of an ID point because the impact is
This kind of This
insufficient. measure only applies
approach can be to multi-family
counted as onebuildings,
strategy and the
calculation must
Awareness assumecredit
& Education each 1.3
has two
1 occupant plus 1 per
other strategies bedroom
must be
(e.g. 2 BR = 3tooccupants;
implemented earn the point4 BRfor
= AE
5 occupants).
1.3). The storage system must
The TASC needs more
hold at least 10 bicycles. information before granting an ID point. Please
verify that the land that is being restored will ultimately be protected,
through deed restriction or other means, from future development. If this
land will be legally protected from development, the project can take 1 ID
This ID request is denied. Although the benefits of this proposal are clear
point for restoration, and also take credit in LL 6 for access to open
and strong, the proposal seems to rely too heavily on the actions of the
homeowner, and as such there is too great of a chance that it will not be
continued after occupancy or transferal of ownership. The TASC will
If there are two different projects, then each project should be scored
reconsider the ID if the project team can demonstrate that there is a small
separately and there should not be averaging across lots. This would be
burden on the homeowner, and the responsibilities will be clearly and
the case, for example, if you had a multifamily project earning Silver
effectively conveyed to the occupants.
certification next to a different single-family project earning Gold

If there is only one projects with multiple lots, then you can use averaging
for SS 6. However, in this case, all of the homes should earn the same
certification level and have the same portofolio of credits. This would be
the case, for example, if you had a subdivision of single-family homes all
with the same basic green components earning the same certification.
Draft Response Origination
(if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority Originator Date
The SS TASC needs a pest control expert to assist with 3 Maureen Mahle 1/23/2008
these kinds of issues.

3 Laura Uhde 12/19/2006

3 Maureen Mahle 7/17/2007

Agricultural lands are not included as part of a 3 Teny Bannick,

residential lot. How are you defining a residential lot Jordan Institute
size for rural properties?
Small lots would be rewarded with points under SS 1.1 3 9/6/2005
because the TASC acknowledges that homes with
small lots have a smaller impact on sprawl and land
disturbance than large lots.
There is a maximum size implicit in MR1, because with 3 Teny Bannick,
negative points a home could be so big that it could not Jordan Institute
meet LEED for Homes.
Small lots would be rewarded with points under SS 1.1 3 Retreat 8/10/2006
because the TASC acknowledges that homes with
small lots have a smaller impact on sprawl and land
disturbance than large lots.
2 Steven Winter 4/16/2007

3 Mark Price, CSG 5/7/2007

2 Ted Bardacke, 5/7/2007

Global Green

2 Michael Holcomb 10/4/2007

3 Michael Holcomb 10/15/2007

2 Pepper Smith, DEG 10/30/2007

3 LaTaunynia 12/4/2007

3 LaTaunynia 2/7/2008

My guess is that if this home is within a community 3 Alistair Jackson 3/6/2008

where the site was previously cleared and graded and it
now contains grass, it's probably 'previously developed'.
I'll let you know what the TASC says, though.
LEED for Homes Show resolved issues only Water Reuse
Show recently resolved issues only Irrigation System
Last Updated: 4/14/2008
Show unresolved issues only Indoor Water Use
Resolved Issues: 42
Unresolved Issues: 2

Identification Related LEED-H

Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
WE 01-01 1.1 1.7 CIR Yes Can a Rainwater Harvesting System be slightly undersized and still qualify
for this credit?

WE 01-02 1.2 1.7 CIR Yes Can any points be awarded for planning and providing for future
installation of a grey water re-use system?

WE 01-03 1.1 1.7 CIR Yes Can an ID point be taken for a rainwater system that collects all of the
rainfall from the roof and stores it for indoor use.

WE 01-04 1.1 1.7 CIR Yes The builder plans to use 100% rainwater for the toilets, but they will be
hooked up to city water as a backup.

WE 01-05 1.1 1.7 CIR Yes The rainwater harvesting credit should be re-constructed to reflect the
differences between large/small systems, wet/dry climates, and high/low
end-uses in different system designs.
WE 01-06 1.2 1.7 CIR Yes WE 1.2 states that a gray water reuse system must have a storage tank
that can be used as part of the irrigation system. Is a storage tank
necessary to get this point? How might we be able to earn this point
without storage, or can you provide information on where to look for proper
WE 01-07 1.2 1.11 CIR Yes Should this credit include a requirement for total water volume?
and safe ways to store it? My concern is that storing gray water (possibly
with the exception of one or two commercially made tank systems) can
quickly lead to foul odors and human exposure to contaminated water.
WE 01-08 1.2 1.11 CIR Yes Mostwill
We theinstall
our research
a grey water shows that itfrom
system is better to justthat
Germany route
willthe graywater
supply grey
water TO into
thethe landscape.
clothes washer and toilet. The grey water system will be fed
FROM tubs, showers, and sinks. The system is not capable of collecting
from the clothes washer. I see that this is required within the credit. I
WE 01-09 1 1.11 CIR Yes Do wells, septics,
would imagine thatand/or leach fieldscould
this requirement qualify
befor rainwater harvesting
problematic if the homeand is
"water reuse"?
both pulling fromIn and
this supplying
area (arid to interior west), washer
the clothes it's not legal
and doesto collect large
not have
amounts of rainwater because it's considered an interruption
an irrigation system tie-in. If the grey water system (without an irrigation of the
tie-in) isn’t cycle
able to and impinges
filter outfor on the
certain rights of downstream
pollutants users. grey
WE 01-10 1 1.11 CIR Yes Suggest rewarding points homes that are in theinclothes
tied washer
with a municipal
water, then the concentration of these
recycled water system, as this meets the same intent.pollutants would continue to
increase within the grey water system.
WE 01-11 1.1 1.11 CIR Yes Due to roof design
Manufacturer and following
info: The site constraints, thisreference
collection project isvalues
cana be
harvest system
for individual that can
sources only collect
(Production of 40%
the rooftop
shower,run-off. Can
bath, lav this
system be awarded any points?
Shower / Bath: 12 - 15 gallons per person per day
WE 01-12 1 1.11 ID Yes Lavatory
ID Request: sink: 1.5 - 3 gallons per day
Proposed Intent: Reduced water consumption through use of a reuse
water Water system
irrigation usage (varies
the user
water consists of community
blackwater machine
which isoperation:
treated for 5reuse
then dayprovided for irrigation via a
WE 02-01 2 1.7 CIR Yes Is an irrigation
Toilet flushing: system submeterperrequired, if an existing water meter is in
dedicated piping7system).
- 10 gallons day
The AquaCycle
Proposed 900 unit
Measures: Thehas 3 storage
house tanks,
is situated in Pre-filtering
Tradition Southtank,Carolina,
Main a
recycling tankwhich
development and Clarified
mandateswater tank of
through the80 gallons each.
Covenants of itsRecycling
capacity Association
Owners of the unit isthat
gallons per day.unit within the Property
participate in the use of reuse water irrigation. The reuse water is provided
by the Community for irrigation of the golf course, common areas and
individual lots through a separate independent piping system (colored
purple for ease of recognition). The irrigation heads are also purple so that
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
Partial credit for this particular case should be granted since: 1) their is no Several unique strategies, including roof design, 3
irrigation system planned, 2) drought tolerant plantings will be used, 3) the sighting and landscape make a 50% collection rate from
catchment capacity will meet the 50% requirement. the roof run-off costly and impractical to achieve. The
"sustainable" and cost effective approach that the
No, credits are for "design and install", not for setting up for future 3
builder and homeowner are pursuing would result in a
systems. There is value in designing a home with the option for future
46% collection rate.
grey-water use. The builder may submit a detailed ID credit request for an
approach that is currently not covered under the existing credits, and this
They should get one point for WE 1.1, and an additional ID point because The language in WE 1.1 refers to rainwater harvesting 2
request will be considered by the TASC.
they collect 100% of the water (WE 1.1 only requires 50% to be collected). “for irrigation use”. This should be changed to “for any
This credit will be re-worked. beneficial use (e.g. irrigation, indoor use).”
Yes, you may take points for WE 1.1 if you are using rainwater for indoor 2
use and if the water storage system is sized per the current language in
the credit. The intent of this credit is to minimize the demand for potable
water through the use of rainwater.
Increase the value of rainwater capture to 2 points for systems that meet 4
indoor demand, 3 points for systems that meet outdoor demand, and 4
points for systems that meet both. The point distribution is the same in all
precipitation regions, because rainwater capture serves the dual purpose
A storage tank is not necessary, per se, but some kind of dosing basin 3
of reducing water demand (valuable in dry regions) and reducing run-off
should be used to regulate the flow of gray water. The purpose of the gray
(valuable in wet regions). This credit will include some stipulation for how
water storage tank is to enable the control of the flow of gray water from
excess water that is not consumed by the homeowner is handled. Rain
day to day. It is critical that the system be designed to utilize gray water
This credithighly
doesabsorbent soils, and
address volume otherby
of water strategies
requiringshould bestorage
that the required in 4
when it needed for irrigation.
wet regions.
system be designed to hold all the water from a 1 inch rainfall event.

This system is acceptable - if the system reuses as much water as a Language will be added to the rating system to 2
clothes washer (i.e the requirement in the credit), it is acceptable for now. encourage builders to review local and state health
Before the pilot ends, the TASC will work to define more specific codes and state DEPs – either to find acceptable grey
requirements for this credit, including tank size, minimum volume to be water systems or to verify that a proposed system
Septic systems and leach applications.
fields do not qualify for this credit. A well system 2
captured, and acceptable meets the appropriate regulatory requirements.
may meet the intent of the credit, but builders must submit an ID request
with an explanation of how much water the well is expected to contain,
how the well water is used in the home, and whether and how the well is
Yes, 3
tied inhomes should
to a water receive
run-off 3 points for using recycled water for irrigation
purposes. This will be included in the rating system as a new credit
alternative that states:
This project should be awarded 2 points if the rainwater harvest system is 3
“Use of Municipal Recycled Water System. (3 Points). Design plumbing so
designed to meet exterior applications, and 1 point if the system is
that irrigation system water demand is supplied by municipal recycled
designed for interior applications.
water. This is only applicable in communities with a municipal recycled
If program.”
this project meets all the requirements of the new WE credit 1.3 in the 2
balloted version of the Rating System, and it has not earned credit for WE
1.1 or WE 1.2, the project should be awarded 3 ID points.
No. 2
Originator Date
Bennett Residence, 1/25/2006
David Ruggiero -
Services Group
Teny Bannick,
Jordan Institute

Laura Uhde, 5/4/2006


Joe Cooper, 6/30/2006


Jay Hall 8/2/2006

Sylvan Magnus 1/26/2007

WE TASC 2/6/2007

Kristin Shewfelt 2/20/2007

Kristin Shewfelt 4/13/2007

TASC 5/1/2007

Danuta Drozdowicz 9/27/2007

LaTaunynia 2/6/2008
Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
WE 02-02 2 1.7 CIR Yes How is lot size to be calculated for mulitfamily projects?

WE 02-03 2 1.7 CIR Yes Edit "(SS 2.1)" should say "(SS 2.2)"

WE 02-04 2 1.7 CIR Yes Clarify exemption (professional design)

WE 02-05 2 1.7 CIR Yes 1 yr establishment period (temporary irrigation system) required for homes
with no irrigation systems

WE 02-06 2 1.7 CIR Yes How many points for Professional Design that requires no irrigation?

WE 02-07 2 1.7 CIR Yes How many points for small lots?

WE 02-08 2.3 1.7 CIR Yes WE 2.3 should be linked to SS 2.3 (20% turf) and SS 2.4 (90% drought
tolerant) - no irrigation system required

WE 02-09 2 1.7 CIR Yes Since production builders do not landscape backyards, SS 2 and WE 2
should be revised to provide full credit for front yards only.

WE 02-10 2.1 1.7 CIR Yes This credit should be split, so it doesn't require both 3rd-party inspection
and sub-metering. Few builders in Florida do sub-metering, but we should
provide an incentive to conduct inspections.
WE 02-11 2.2 1.7 CIR Yes In Florida, the most effective time for watering is between 6am and 10am.
Watering late at night and leaving plants wet overnight is discouraged
because it can lead to problems.
WE 02-12 2.2 1.7 CIR Yes What is the definitions of a "high-efficiency nozzle"?

WE 02-13 2.3 1.7 CIR Yes Is a "rain delay controller" a simple rain shut-off switch, or a more
sophisticated control that tracks rainfall for a period and only activates the
irrigation system if a target has not been met? Simple rain shut-off
switches are code in FL, and probably should not earn as much credit as a
WE 02-14 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes Can WE 2.2 (inspection) be achieved for irrigation systems that don't
more sophisticated control.
include spray heads?

WE 02-15 2.1 1.11 ID Yes This home completed 8 out of 9 options for WE 2.1 High Efficiency
Irrigation System. That’s 5 extra features that we are requesting for 1 extra
credit point. Every measure was installed on the list, except "check valves
in heads".
WE 02-16 2 1.11 CIR Yes Recommend not allowing points for measures that might be mandated by
the local water authority. For example, add note: "Measures listed in Credit
2.1 are ineligible for LEED points if they are mandated by the local Water
Authority or equivalent regulatory body."
WE 02-17 2.3 1.11 CIR Yes This credit refers to a 'licensed or certified landscape design professional'.
There is a national exam for landscape architects called the LARE
(Landscape Architect Registration Exam) - but there are also other
associations that offer membership/accreditation certificates as well and
there are practicing landscape professionals who don't hold any
formal certification.

For example, on our staff we have someone who has pursued a master's
degree in Landscape Architecture and regularly teaches courses on the
topic, but has no formal licensure or certification.
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
For multifamily homes, the average lot size may be calculated as the lot A single multifamily building occupies a relatively small 3
size divided by the number of units. The credit should be re-written to lot. Do these homes qualify for the lot size exemption in
indicate that the exemption is for each unit, and the total exemption can be this credit
calculated based on total number of units on a lot.
Yes. 1

If the landscaping plan that requires no irrigation is prepared by a certified 1

landscape design professional, the applicant should receive full credit
shown in Exhibit WE-2A, plus one point for meeting WE 2.3.
TASC recognizes that LEED-NC includes this provision for projects that do 3
not have fixed irrigation systems and considers it applicable to LEED-H.
Add to WE 2.3, for landscaping that does not require permanent irrigation
systems: "Temporary irrigation systems used for plant establishment are
If the landscaping plan that requires no irrigation is prepared by a certified It appears that only 1 point is available for systems with 3
allowed, only if removed within 1 year. "
landscape design professional, the applicant should receive full credit no irrigation system. Why should irrigation systems
shown in Exhibit WE-2A, plus one point for meeting WE 2.3. qualify for up to 5 points in WE 2.2, while a better
design (w/o a need for irrigation) only qualifies for 1
Homes with lots that are 1/10th of an acre or smaller can get a point under 3
point? WE 2.3 is intended to include all of the points for
WE 2.3. Homes with small lots must meet the mandatory requirement, and
WE 2.2. Recommendation: for clarity, the number of
the requirements in each credit to get points.
points for WE 2.3 should be changed to 6/4/2 and add
The Public comment version of the Rating System includes a credit, "OR". need to be adjusted for the three precipitation
Points 3
"Reduce Overall Irrigation Demand". This credit will be an alternative regions.
pathway to optional credits in SS 2 and WE 2. Please see the text for
Allow ½ points for landscaping only the front or back yard. Side and back Final decision on precedent has been postponed, 2
yard landscaping must be required by HOA or other rules within a specific pending further investigation from builders into what
time period, not to exceed one year after occupancy. Require that erosion they already do. Perhaps LEED should require a HOA
controls and soil stabilization measures are robust enough to be effective that landscaping be completed within a year of
Version 1.11 of the rating system has separated sub-metering from 3rd- 3
until the homeowner does their own landscaping. Require that builder occupancy.
party inspection.
develop a landscaping plan that meets the requirements in SS 2 and
provide this to the homeowner.
Change credit to read “a timer/controller that activates the valves… at the 3
best time of day to minimize evaporative losses while maintaining healthy
plants and obeying local regulations and water-use guidance.”
This bullet will be replaced with a more detailed measure that includes The revisions to WE 2 include a new prerequisite and 3
Distribution Uniformity requirements. Please see “Revisions to WE three new credit components.
credits.doc” for more information.
Version 1.11 has changed this to read: "Install a moisture sensor controller 3
or rain delay controller. For example, 'smart' ET controllers receive radio,
pager, or internet signals with evapo-transpiration information to direct the
irrigation system to replace only the moisture that the landscape has lost
Yes, inspection of irrigation systems has value for any kind of irrigation 3
due to heat, humidity, and wind."
system. The language in the credit will be changed to "Inspection to
include observation that all irrigation system components are operating
and delivering…"
Each additional measure (beyond the maximum of three) that is achieved 2
in WE 2.1 is worth ½ ID point for exemplary performance, up to a
maximum of 2 ID points total.
The TASC does not agree. It would be difficult for raters to enforce and 3
create a disincentive for local water authorities to be aggressive and
A certification or licensure, or something equivalent, is required. Most This credit is no longer in the Rating System, but SS 3
states have a license for landscape professionals. Having a Masters credit 4.3 does refer to something similar.
Degree in landscape architecture is acceptable for any credits that require
a landscape professional.

For any credits that require an irrigation professional, having training or

licensure as a landscape professional is not adequate. Landscape design
and irrigation system design are not equivalent. The Irrigation Association
has a certification program for irrigation designers.
Originator Date







Sarah Wilkinson, 6/7/2006


Eric Martin 9/26/2006

Eric Martin 9/26/2006

Eric Martin 9/26/2006

Eric Martin 9/26/2006

Randy Hansell 4/3/2007

Southface 5/16/2007

Donn Mann 3/29/2007

Megan McDonough 10/2/2007

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
WE 03-01 3.1 1.7 CIR Yes Suggestion that 3.1 should be mandatory (with points)

WE 03-02 3 1.7 CIR Yes Include kitchen faucets

WE 03-03 3 1.7 CIR Yes Change lavatory faucets to </= 0.5 gpm

WE 03-04 3 1.7 CIR Yes What about composting toilets, and waterless urinals?

WE 03-05 3 1.7 CIR Yes WE 3.1-3.2: How is the average water usage (GPF) of a dual flush high
efficiency toilet to be determined? Should a straightline or a weighted
average be used for multiple toilets in the house? If weighted, what
percentages should be assumed?
WE 03-06 3.1 1.7 CIR Yes A builder wants to use some 1.4 gpf toilets and some lower flush toilets. If
the average of all the toilets is less than or equal to 1.3 gpf (for credit 3.1)
or 1.1 gpf (for credit 3.2), can they get the credits – or does every toilet
have to be below the limit?
WE 03-07 3 1.7 CIR Yes The builder plans to use 100% rainwater for the toilets, but they will be
hooked up to city water as a backup. They are trying to get 2 points for
high-efficiency fixtures, and they will install higher gpf toilets if rainwater-
serviced units do not count towards the 1.1 gpf average.
WE 03-08 3 1.7 CIR Yes Can a home receive a credit for installing low-flow aerators? Should this be
a new credit, since it is most commonly done in kitchen faucets? Could this
be allowed as a substitute for the lavatory faucet requirement? Should it be
an ID credit?
WE 03-09 3 1.7 ID Yes ID request: Install ultra high-efficiency faucets with control technologies in
all bathrooms (example: electronic sensors that will turn off the faucet
when not in use)
WE 03-10 3 1.11 CIR Yes If a home has a urinal and a toilet, can the project use weighting such as
that listed in LEED NC to determine estimated average flow rate for
lavatories? This type of weighting assumes that urinals are used more
often than toilets.
WE 03-11 3.1 1.11 CIR Yes A builder is using a showerhead that can adjust up to provide 2.5 GPM,
and then as soon as the pressure drops or shuts off, the showerhead
automatically adjusts back to 1.5 GPM. Is this acceptable? See
WE 03-12 3.2 1.11 CIR Yes Given the safety issue raised in the ballot version of LEED for Homes, can
area=bath&cat=11&col=&prodID=1920 . This seems similar to the dual-
a project team using Version 1.11 earn credit for WE 3.2 if they install
flush toilet question.
showers with a flow rate of <=1.75 GPM (the Version 2008 requirement)?
The requirement for showers was <=1.5 GPM in Version 1.11. I know that
WE Gen-02 1.11 ID Yes High water pressure can place undue stress on plumbing lines and fixtures
this is sort of mixing and matching rating systems, but it seems reasonable
and can result in failures that cause water damage. ID request for
to conclude that 1.5 gpm showers are now discouraged in LEED for
installation of a water pressure regulator on the main water supply line.
Homes, across the board, because of potential safety concerns.
WE 02-18 2.3 2008 ID No The performance pathway for landscape and irrigation design grants as
many as 10 points for achieving a 60% reduction in irrigation water
demand. Can a project earn exemplary performance for achieving greater
WE Gen-01 1.7 CIR No Add: Performance test for hot water distribution system (i.e., water loss
from hot water distribution system AND faucet shower head flow rates per
gpm requirements)
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
TASC does not agree with this suggestion. 3

Lower flow (lower than 2.5 gpm) pertains to lavatory faucets, but not to 3
kitchen faucets.

There is no compelling reason to change the credit. If a builder installs a 3

lavatory faucet <= 0.5 gpm, they will get the points in WE 3.2 and could
perhaps apply for an ID credit.
Non-water-using urinals will not achieve either credit 3.1 or 3.2, because if 3
a urinal is installed a toilet will still be required. Composting toilets will
satisfy credit 3.2 if they are zero-flow. If composting is used in conjunction
with water-using toilets, the toilets must meet the criteria of credits 3.1 or
Dual flush toilets should be considered 1.25 gallons per flush, based on The use of dual flush toilets is not addressed in the 3
published research results. A straightline average is acceptable for house- rating manual.
wide average efficiency (for multiple toilets of differing efficiencies).
If the average of all the toilets meets the requirements, that is acceptable. LEED NC does take into consideration which toilets are 2
most commonly used in order to devise averages, but
that is too much to ask here.
Regardless of water source, the credit for high-efficiency/low-flow toilets 2
stands as written and is based on flow rates.

Aerators can be used to meet the requirements of WE 3, but only for 2

bathroom faucets (i.e. not for kitchen faucets). Builders should be aware of
any potential warranty implications of changing the aerator on a new
Request denied. Recent, limited research has cast doubt on whether See the CA Urban Water Conservation Council for a list 2
sensors in residential buildings yield actual water savings. These faucets of related studies.
can still get credit for points under WE 3.1 or WE 3.2, based on their
average flow rate.
The TASC has previously ruled that in LEED for Homes, straight-line (i.e. 3
non-weighted) averaging should be used when there are toilets of different
flow rates. In other words, assume equal use (# of flushes) for all toilets
and urinals.
This fixture does not meet the requirements of WE credit 3.1. It cannot be 3
assumed that the showerhead will be used on the lower flow rate without
empirical support, such as third-party studies.
Yes, projects using Version 1.11 should be rewarded 2 points in WE 3.2 3
for installing a shower with <=1.75 GPM. The previous requirement of 1.5
GPM has been replaced because of safety concerns.
A pressure regulator for the main water supply is good practice, but it is 2
common enough – and required by code in some places – that it does not
warrant an ID point.
A project can earn an additional 1/2 point for each 5% 3
reduction. Specifically, a reduction of 65% or more is
worth 1/2 point; 70% or more is worth 1 point, etc. A
100% reduction in water demand yields 4 ID points.
TBD - need to find a standard or method of test for 3
these types of testing.
Originator Date




Swartz Residence, 1/11/2006

David Ruggiero -
Services Group
Laura Uhde, 6/22/2006

Joe Cooper, 6/30/2006


Ann Edminster 8/18/2006

Megan McDonough 12/8/2006

Southface 5/21/2007

Randy Hansell 8/13/2007

Mark Price 2/15/2008

Miki Cook, 9/12/2007


SS TASC 2/19/2008

TAG 9/6/2005
Show resolved issues only
ENERGY STAR Labeled Home
LEED for Homes Show recently resolved issues only Insulation
Last Updated: 4/14/2008 Show unresolved issues only Air Infiltration
Resolved Issues: 126 Heating and Cooling Distribution System
Unresolved Issues: 12 Space Heating and Cooling Equipment
Water Heating
Identification Related LEED-H Appliances
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question Renewable Energy
EA 01-01 1 1.7 CIR Yes Residential
Clarify smallest point increment (i.e., 1 HERS Refrigerant
pt or 0.5 HERS pt )? Management

EA 01-02 1 1.7 CIR Yes Is ENERGY STAR for Homes certification required for both pathways thru
EA: EA 1 and EA 2-7?

EA 01-03 1 1.7 CIR Yes Does HERS certified software have to be used for EA 1?

EA 01-04 1 1.7 CIR Yes Does an accredited HERS Provider and Rater have to be used for EA 1?

EA 01-05 1 1.7 CIR Yes Does an accredited HERS Provider and Rater have to be used for EA 2-7?

EA 01-06 1 1.7 CIR Yes Is LEED for Homes going to be changed to address the new HERS Index
and the related new ENERGY STAR for Homes requirements?

EA 01-07 1 1.7 ID Yes ID request - the builder has followed the prescriptive path, but also used
building energy simulation methods to optimize the home design for
improved energy performance, occupant comfort, and IAQ.
EA 01-08 1 1.11 CIR Yes Exhibit EA1-A indicates that Southern States includes IECC climate zones
1-5. Is this correct, even though IECC climate zone 5 reaches very far
EA 01-09 1 1.11 CIR Yes For multifamily units with brick party walls does the brick party wall have to
have insulation on it? We have a builder trying to leave the brick exposed
for aesthetic reasons. ENERGY STAR does not provide guidance (that I
know of) on this matter and whether it is okay to leave a party wall
EA 02-01 2 1.7 CIR Yes Clarify HERS Grade II and Grade I requirements for insulation installation?
uninsulated. (Note it is a rehab project and code doesn’t require they add
insulation to this wall.)

EA 02-02 2 1.7 ID Yes ID request: Insulation and windows well above code. The home has
insulation that greatly exceeds the requirements in EA 2.2, and windows
that far exceed EA 4.3.
EA 02-03 2 1.7 ID Yes ID request: The home has adopted "balloon framing", which eliminates the
thermal bridge between the joists and the floor sheathing; strapping of stud
framing in exterior walls, which minimizes the points of thermal
conductivity; and hanging the first-floor framing from a perimeter ledger,
EA 02-04 2.1 1.7 CIR Yes Exception for SIPs and ICFs?
which brings the exterior walls to bear directly on the insulated foundation
wall - keeping continuity of insulation and preventing a thermal bridge
between joists and floor sheating. Please see "Harmony House IDs.pdf"
for more details.
Labeled Home

ooling Distribution System

and Cooling Equipment

Final Response Draft Response

ergy or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
rigerant Management
The new HERS index points are 3:1 (HERS:LEED). Builders must convert 1
from the HERS index to LEED points, and then round up to the nearest 1/2
LEED point.
Effectively yes, because all of the requirements of ENERGY STAR for 1
Homes must be satisfied using either pathway. An exemption is allowed
for locations where ENERGY STAR Providers are not available.
Yes, because only HERS verified software will accurately model a 1
reference and a rated house (i.e., using all of the correct modeling
requirements specified in the HERS Guidelines).
Generally yes, but in areas where HERS providers are not available the 1
LEED for Homes Rater needs to be trained in the use of the RESNET
Guidelines, air leakage testing, duct leakage tesing, and insulation
Generally yes, but in areas where HERS providers are not available the 1
LEED for Homes Rater needs to be trained in the use of the RESNET
Guidelines, air leakage testing, duct leakage tesing, and insulation
Yes. Revised EA requirements that include the HERS Index will be 1
provided in July 2006. But, pilot proects may choose to continue to use
the original Pilot EA credits (based on the classic HERS score).
Request denied. This request overlaps with EA 1, and is not innovative. Builders are advised to choose either the prescriptive or 3
Many builders meeting the requirement of EA 1 also model their homes. performance approach. If the home includes creative
design features (e.g. passive solar design), it will be
best expressed using the modeling approach under EA
Yes, this Exhibit is based strictly on IECC climate zones and the For 3
1. a complete map of IECC climate zones, please see:
separation is between CZ 1-5 and CZ 6-8. The Rating System will be
changed to remove the terms "Southern" and "Northern", as this is ter/graphic/973
If the performance pathway is used, the home does not have to have 2
insulation in the "party walls", but these uninsulated walls must be included
in the energy model as such.
Grade I: Very small gaps, and compression or incomplete fill amounts to 1
2% or less. Grade II: Moderate to frequent installation defects, gaps
around wiring, electric outlets, etc., and incomplete fill amounts to 10% of
less. Gaps running clear through teh insualtion amount to no more than
If the questioner can demonstrate (using REScheck) that the overall UA for 2
2% of the total surface area covered by the insulation. For Grade II, wall
the entire envelope is 15% better than code, an ID point will be granted.
insulation must be enclosed on all six sides, and shall be insubstantial
contact with the sheathing material on at least one side (interior or exterior)
of the
The cavity.has to demonstrate that these measures collectively resulted
builder What prompted the builder to adopt these methods? If 2
in 3% energy savings in order to receive a full ID point. If they can provide the builder can refer the TASC to an expert,
some proof that this system saves energy relative to a normal home with documentation, etc. it would be helpful.
conventional framing, the TASC will re-consider this request. The builder is
Portion of house with SIPS/ ICFs does not need thermal bypass 2
encouraged to show modeling results, and perhaps capture these design
inspection. But, rater must still complete thermal bypass inspection for the
changes through reduced framing factors.
rest of the house.
Originator Date

David Bone, for 6/6/2006


Randy Hansell 2/15/2007

Southface 2/27/2007


Ted Dillon, ECA 1/17/2007

Danuta 7/20/2006
Drozdowicz, Fore
Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
EA 02-05 2.1 1.11 CIR Yes EA 2 requires a home to meet or exceed 2004 IECC insulation levels. If a
home has a significant thermal break, such as a masonry fireplace, it
needs to use RESCheck to demonstrate compliance, right? Also, the
blower door test will perform very poorly with a fireplace unless a tight door
EA 02-06 2 1.11 CIR Yes What if a thermal bypass inspection can only be performed on most of the
is there. Lastly, Thermal Bypass Checklist requirements would require
home, but not all - because they've made progress on construction or
complete blocking at any furred out wall assemblies adjoining
because it's a gut rehab project? Is it acceptable to have 90% inspection?
unconditioned spaces (e.g., attic)
Does the insulation grade need to be downgraded?
EA 02-07 2 1.11 CIR Yes ENERGY STAR allows the insulation installer to also be the HERS Rater.
A note
Is on these points
that acceptable should
for LEED forbe addedtoo?
Homes, clarifying this in the Rating
EA 02-08 2 1.11 CIR Yes This project is a gut rehab, and they recently started construction. Not all
of the home is completely gutted. The owner is willing to strip the exterior
where accessible so the framing is visible for inspection from the exterior.
Is it sufficient to have the thermal bypass inspection conducted from the
EA 02-09 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes IECC seems to require R-4 insulation for mass walls in our climate zone
exterior of the home?
(Arizona), provided that at least 50% of the R-value is on the exterior or
integral to the wall. If not, then the code requires added insulation to be at
least R-6. This means that a concrete block wall can meet this value,
EA 02-10 2 1.11 CIR Yes This project just had the pre-drywall inspection. The only problem with the
right? Does this also apply to ICFs? If so, it seems to contradict the
thermal bypass inspection was that although the area behind the
statement in the Rating System that "alternative wall and insulation
tub/shower was insulated, they had not closed up the cavities with a sheet.
systems, such as SIPs and ICFs, must demonstrate a comparable R-
Can this project be considered to pass the TBC?
EA 02-11 2 1.11 CIR Yes value,
The butinthermal
note mass or infiltration
EA 2 references the ENERGYeffects cannot
STAR SIPbeVisual
included in the R-
value calculation.
Form. On that form, there is a sign-off for the SIP Manufacturer Field
Representative. Who is that, and is it necessary?
EA 02-12 2 2008 CIR Yes Can a gut-rehab project pass the thermal bypass checklist if it doesn't
have wall insulation?

EA 02-13 2.2 2008 CIR Yes In California, the CEC requires the use of generic R-values for certain
types of insulation. For example, spray polyurethane foam is R-5.8.
However, specific brands of a given type of insulation may have higher R-
values. If that can be demonstrated with 3rd party test data, can the higher
EA 03-01 3 1.7 ID Yes ID Request - the Lowe
R-value be used in the residence measured 0.08 ACH. The mechanical
LEED modeling?
ventilation system carefully introduces outside air into the home to
maintain highthe
In particular, air product
quality, and all ductwork
of interest is polyurethane
is spray in conditionedfoam
(SPF); the
EA 03-02 3 1.7 ID Yes specific
ID request:brand
Bayerhasor Bay Systems.
a very According
tight envelope, andto has
the manufacturer,
recorded an
CEC has selected
infiltration a lowest-common-denominator
rate of 0.07 natural ACH. The home makes valueuseforofalla brands
heat- of
SPF. I expect
exchanger, andthis is because
together with at the time
a tight the modeling
envelope is done
this reduces the (i.e., in of
outside ofentering
construction) thereat
the house is outdoor
no way to ensure that and
temperatures any saves
EA 03-03 3.2 1.11 CIR Yes Recommend that homes must meet IEQ 4.2 before getting
brand will be used, and they want to be sure that the project will comply EA 3.2, and
IEQ 4.3 before
regardless getting Brand
of whether EA 3.3.X Otherwise
or Brand Ythere is a riskselected.
is ultimately of a tight Thus
with poor the
requiring ventilation
use of theor an untested
lowest exhaust-only
plausible value for system.
the product type makes
EA 03-04 3 1.11 CIR Yes sense when
Should simply complying
the summer with Title rate
or winter infiltration 24 isbe theused?
some since the
LEED rating occurs
combination after construction, at that time the brand is known and
of the two?
therefore it would make sense (to me!) to allow the product-specific R-
value to be used for LEED performance purposes.
EA 03-05 3 1.11 CIR Yes In multi-family settings, measuring the infiltration rate for individual units
often produces high estimates because of high unit-to-unit leakage. How
can we address this problem?
EA 03-06 3.2 1.11 ID Yes ID request for creating energy heel soffits below existing bird mouth
rafters. The point at which typical roof rafters connect with the top plate of
the exterior wall leaves little room for the full depth of attic insulation,
creating compressed insulation and reduced performance. A raised heel
EA 04-01 4 1.7 CIR Yes Can weighted average of performance specs be used for all windows
truss, or "energy heel," raises the truss at that point (at least 6 inches) to
(based on relative window area)?
allow the insulation enough room to produce its full R-value at this critical
location. This area has spray-foam insulation 3.5 inches thick, giving it an
R-value of about 20, much higher than a standard soffit. (The spray foam
used has an initial R-value of 6.5 per inch)
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
A home with a fireplace that creates a thermal bridge must use RESCheck 2
to demonstrate compliance (using an overall UA calculation) with the
insulation requirements in EA 2.
According to ENERGY STAR, the energy rater “shall use their experience 3
and discretion” to determine whether a home passes or fails the thermal
bypass inspection. LEED for Homes follows this same principal.
If ENERGY STAR allows the insulation installer to be the HERS Rater, 2
In the case of insulation levels, however, at least 90% of the insulation
then LEED will follow. As we progress, we'll put together clearer guidance
must be visible to confirm that the minimum requirement of EA 2.1is met. If
on the training requirements for LEED Raters. If, at that time, we decide to
less than 90% of the insulation can be inspected and verified, the home
allow insulation installers to be Raters we may craft a conflict of interest
This the performance
acceptable – either thepathway (EA
inside or the1)outside
and downgrade
has to be the insulation
exposed, so 3
disclosure form and put in place other failsafes. For now, proceed as
in the
the modelbypass
thermal accordingly.
inspection and insulation inspection can be conducted.

IECC includes two different tables – one that includes R-value for 3
insulation, and one that includes the u-factor for the total wall. In Arizona,
the R-4 insulation for mass walls is the level of insulation that must be
added, in addition to the wall itself.
According to ENERGY STAR, the energy rater “shall use their experience 3
and discretion” to determine whether a home passes or fails the thermal
bypass inspection. LEED for Homes follows this same principal. When I
spoke to a representative at EPA, he said that in this example he
This signature is required, but it does not necessarily need to be a Any questions related to EPA's ENERGY STAR for 3
recommends noting the problem on the TBC, informing the builder so they
manufacturer representative that signs it. If there is no manufacturer field Homes program should be directed to the program
can correct this in the future, and passing the home.
rep. on the project, then this should be signed by whomever is responsible electronic hotline:
for the proper installation of the SIPs. This may be the builder or a
For questions
This is an unusual related
caseto and
the TBC
it onlyorapplies
any other aspect of projects
to gut-rehab ENERGYorSTAR projects 3
separate contractor.
for Homes,
that are exempt try contacting
from currentthe codes,
which hotline
require wallatinsulation
even foror
block walls and homes in hot climates. In such a case, the ENERGY STAR
representative suggests that the portions of the TBC relating to wall
For the purposes of LEED for Homes it is acceptable for a home to model Comment from Bill Dakin, Davis Energy Group: My 3
insulation would be marked as "N/A". There are still a number of other
a home using product-specific performance attributes as long as those understanding is that the CEC revised the way
sections that might still apply, such as floors between conditioned and
performance attributes are verified by a third-party (e.g. energy rater or assemblies were modeled in the 2005 version of the
exterior spaces, shafts, attic/ceiling interface, and common walls. Also,
Green Rater). standards to reduce the amount of abuse and cheating.
If needsresidence
the Lowe to be a continuous
wants an air barrier.
ID credit in the energy section, they must 3
It was too difficult and time consuming for building
This ruling is how not intheir
anysystem saves energy
way a substitute above
for state and beyond
codes. a home
The project may inspectors to verify custom built wall assemblies.
to conduct envelope leakage
duplicative but less(for
modeling mechanical ventilation.
the state and for LEED The forEA Insulation material with a higher R-value per inch than
TASC would be open to looking at this again if there were some
The if it has
builder wants to earn credit,thatbut state and local code requirements those in the library can be modeled but require that the 2
quantification of to demonstrate
energy savings. ThetheseLowemeasures
may wish in to
3% energy
must be followed.
savings, while also maintaining ventilation levels asTASC
per ASHRAE 62.2, in project or manufacturer submit an application to the
consider seeking an ID credit instead from the IEQ for the reduced
order to receive a full ID point. If they can provide some proof that this CEC Executive Director on a project specific basis with
air leakage and controlled ventilation.
system saves energy relative to a normal home with 0.15 ACH of envelope all of the appropriate documentation. This is expensive
This recommendation has been turned down by the IEQ TASC. The and time consuming, and not feasible for a project. 3
leakage (as per EA 3.3), the TASC will re-consider this request.
mandatory requirement (IEQ 4.1) already adequately addresses ventilation Different insulation values can be modeled in the
in homes with a tight envelope. software, they just won’t have a assembly library
The requirement in the rating system is ACH 50, which should come assigned to it in the documentation. My opinion for 2
directly from the blower door test and should be largely independent of LEED projects would be to allow modeling of the
season. proposed wall as built, have the owner / builder provide
the independent test data from the manufacturer, and
It is very difficult to isolate inter-unit leakage. Also, sealing units is have the LEED rater verify the installed insulation and 3
important for reducing the stack effect in buildings, as well as mitigating the quality of the job as part of the Thermal Bypass
sound and air transmission between units. Providers should advise multi- Checklist. Building inspectors are not required to
family builders that units must be sealed well in order to meet the inspect insulation like the LEED / HERS raters.
This is good practice, but not worthy of an ID point. The conventional 3
performance requirements set out in LEED for Homes.
practice of compressing insulation should be reflected in the model
through discounting of the insulation R-value, as per the HERS guidelines.
Consequently, the proposed strategy should be recognized in EA 1 by not
Yes 3
discounting the insulation R-value.
Originator Date
Laura Uhde, 7/20/2007

Laura Uhde, 8/6/2007


Laura Uhde, 8/2/2007


Pepper Smith, DEG 10/12/2007

Richard 1/18/2008

Alistair Jackson 1/18/2008

Davis Energy


Ann Edminster 2/15/2008

Laura Uhde, 5/4/2006


Danuta 7/20/2006
Drozdowicz, Fore
Kevin Stack 11/13/2006

David Bone 3/27/2007

AES 3/6/2007

Michael Holcomb 9/23/2007

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
EA 04-02 4 1.7 CIR Yes Can the NFRC rating be adjusted based on interior or exterior shading to
get this credit?

EA 04-03 4 1.7 CIR Yes We have a home with large custom windows. Apparently, ENERGY STAR
requires NFRC ratings for the windows, but getting that rating would cost a
lot of money. Can we model the windows using Windows5 to produce
reasonably accurate U and SHGC values? Can those values be used for
EA 04-04 4 1.11 CIR Yes Exhibit EA4-A refers to both IECC climate zones and also the map in
ENERGY STAR also? (The glass manufacturer can provide values for the
Exhibit EA4-B. However, the map in Exhibit EA4-B does not correspond
glazing, and the framing manufacturer can give values for the framing).
directly with IECC climate zones. Which is correct - the map, or the IECC
climate zones?
EA 04-05 4.1 1.11 CIR Yes Suggest that solar screens should not be allowable to meet the
prerequisite, only the credits. Solar screens are less effective and can be
removed or fall off. Also, require that once NFRC has ratings for solar
screens, these ratings should be used for calculating overall SHGC.
EA 04-06 4.2 1.11 CIR Yes Suggest changing the U-factor req't in 'northern climates' within EA 4.2 and
4.3 to the following: 0.30 and 0.25. Having 0.32 and 0.30 is a small
distinction and not worthy of 1 point for each increment.
EA 04-07 4 1.11 ID Yes Suggest adding a pre-approved ID request for 0.20 U-factor in northern
climates. This U-factor represents very good triple-glazing windows and it
should be rewarded explicitly.
EA 04-08 4 1.11 CIR Yes Why are skylights (up to 5% of total window area) exempt from the
requirements in EA 4?

EA 04-09 4 1.11 CIR Yes Glass doors should be included in EA 4, not just windows.

EA 05-01 5 1.7 CIR Yes Can ducts tested at 50 Pa (instead of 25 Pa)? If so, what is the
performance requirement for 50 Pa?

EA 05-02 5.2 1.7 CIR Yes In EA 5.2, is leakage to the exterior?

EA 05-03 5 1.7 CIR Yes Can ducts be located in exterior walls?

EA 05-04 5 1.7 CIR Yes Can ducts be located in interior walls?

EA 05-05 5 1.7 CIR Yes How many points for hydronic heating systems (i.e., no ducts)?

EA 05-06 5 1.7 CIR Yes Are ducts in cavity walls allowed?

EA 05-07 5 1.7 CIR Yes Credit for electric zonal systems in Pacific Northwest?

EA 05-08 5.2 1.7 CIR Yes Need to change to include: "to exterior"
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
No. This credit can only be achieved based on the NFRC rating of the 3
windows. The impact of shading on energy use depends on the climate,
the specific design of the home, and the way in which shading is used.
Consequently, the effect of shading must be captured through modeling in
This method is acceptable for both LEED and ENERGY STAR, but only for Windows5 is publically available from LBNL: 2
EA 1.
custom windows.

For EA 4, please refer to the map in Exhibit EA4-B to determine the 3

appropriate climate zone. This map is taken directly from ENERGY STAR
Windows specifications. The reference to the IECC climate zones will be
removed from the rating system.
This change isn’t necessary. Solar screens are considered a viable 3
method for reaching the window requirements, and there should not be a
limit on their use.
Agreed – the U-factor requirements in the northern climates should be 3
lowered. The new values in the North will be 0.31 and 0.28.

While better windows are encouraged, granting ID points in the 3

prescriptive pathway would tip the balance of the Rating System away
from the performance pathway. A home that exceeds any criteria in EA 2-
10 should follow the performance pathway to earn credit.
This exemption should be changed in two ways: 1) the exemption should 2
apply to up to 0.75% of the window-to-floor area; and 2) skylights included
in this exemption should be ENERGY STAR labeled or equivalent.
Agreed. The next version of the Rating System will include language to 2
These two changes would bring EA 4 in line with the ENERGY STAR
indicate that both windows and glass doors must meet the requirements.
BOP, which was the original intent of the credit design.

Ducts must be tested at 25 Pa 2

Yes. In all three EA 5 sub-credits, the only leakage of concern is the 2

leakage to the outdoors (i.e., leakage to the outside of the thermal
envelope). Related credit: IEQ 6.1 - 6.2: Duct leakage may cause
pressure imbalances and inadequate air flow to some rooms - that may
Revised rating system V 1.9: "Do not install ducts in exterior walls, unless 2
lead to comfort problems.
additional insulation is added to maintain the overall UA for an exterior wall
without ducts. Ducts may be run inside of interior wall cavities but they
must be fully ducted (i.e. cannot use wall cavity as the duct.)
Revised rating system V 1.9: "Do not install ducts in exterior walls, unless 2
additional insulation is added to maintain the overall UA for an exterior wall
without ducts. Ducts may be run inside of interior wall cavities but they
must be fully ducted (i.e. cannot use wall cavity as the duct.)
Hydronic systems qualify for 2 points under this credit. (See Rating Guide 2
Addendum for homes with Hydronic Heating Systems)

The revised rating system V 1.9 states: "Do not install ducts in exterior 3
walls, unless additional insulation is added to maintain the overall UA for
an exterior wall without ducts. Ducts may be run inside of interior wall
cavities but they must be fully ducted (i.e. cannot use wall cavity as the
Baseboard electric heating systems do not meet the requirements under It is difficult to get a good HERS rating using electric 3
EA 6 and therefore must use the performance pathway (i.e. modeling resistance heating so although it is allowable under EA
under EA 1) to get points in the EA category. 1, it is not recommended.
Agreed. Version 1.11 includes this change. 3
Originator Date

Ann Edminster 1/15/2007


Dariush Arasteh, 5/14/2007

LBL Windows
Dariush Arasteh, 5/14/2007
LBL Windows
Dariush Arasteh, 5/14/2007
LBL Windows
Kristin Shewfelt 5/16/2007

EA TAG 5/31/2007

TAG 9/28/2005




TAG 9/28/2005
Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
EA 05-09 5 1.7 CIR Yes Add: Proper install required, AND 3rd party inspects for crushed ducts

EA 05-10 5.1 1.11 CIR Yes Is full ducting required throughout the home, even if the entire HVAC
system is within conditioned spaces?

EA 05-11 5 1.11 CIR Yes The project uses a ductless mini-split heat pump system for each unit.
Each system consists of one outdoor compressor and two air-handler units
that distribute the conditioned air within the condo. The main advantages
of mini splits are their small size and flexibility for zoning or heating and
EA 06-01 6 1.7 CIR Yes 7th or 8th Edition of Manual J. Also, design depends heavily on design
cooling individual rooms and the reduction of any losses due to distribution
conditions used.
of the conditioned air through ducts. There should be no distribution
losses. The equipment has a 16 SEER and 9.0 HSPF.
EA 06-02 6 1.7 CIR Yes Edit Exhibit EA 6-A. On left hand side, change "Credit 7.1" to "Credit 6.1",
The system is not ducted, but the EA 5 credits are really designed for
hydronic systems. Therefore, the project team is asking for the awarding of
all three points for EA5.3 for the ductless mini-split system because the
EA 06-03 6 1.7 CIR Yes What
system about
intent ofsystems for space
the measure heating?
to reduce losses in the air-
distribution system. We are asking that the ductless min-split heat pump
system be handled as a ducted distribution system that has all of its
EA 06-04 6 1.7 CIR Yes distribution systemare
What efficiencies within the conditioned
required for oil fired space and thus does not have
any duct losses.

Additional information on ductless mini-split systems can be found at the

EA 06-05 6 1.7 CIR Yes How do homes
following that do not need air conditioning get points for this credit?
web site:
EA 06-06 6 1.7 CIR Yes Add propane and diesel equipment

EA 06-07 6 1.7 CIR Yes Are open loop geothermal systems OK?

EA 06-09 6.1 1.7 CIR Yes Is a refrigerant charge test needed if thermal expansion valve (TXV) is

EA 06-10 6 1.7 ID Yes ID request - Installation of night ventilation system integrated with HVAC
system, and verification of the system by Rater that performs site tests and
inspections. One point for automatic preset or programmed ventilation.
Two points for automatic ventilation that also calculates optimal ventilation
EA 06-11 6 1.7 ID Yes ID request - Create a unique floor tile pattern that supports, highlights and
fan speed and duration.
enhances the project’s passive solar heating and daylighting strategies.

EA 06-12 6.1 1.7 CIR Yes Define "proper refrigerant charge" to be "within 10% of manufacturer's

EA 06-13 6.1 1.7 CIR Yes Does the following system meet the requirement in EA 6.1? If not, should
the language in EA 6.1 change to address such systems?
A home has a water heater (EF = 0.6) that is combined with a solar system
designed to meet 50% of the hot water load. The same system serves the
EA 06-14 6.1 1.7 CIR Yes We have a client who works with an MEP engineering firm that normally
space heating in the home. Since the water heater has an EF and not an
does commercial buildings. They would like to use their ASHRAE-based
AFUE, it does not align with the specifications in Exhibit EA6-A.
software to do the EA 6.1 and IEQ 6.1 calculations. Is this an acceptable
alternative to the ACCA-based calculations?
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
This issue is addressed in IEQ credit 6.2, which includes 3rd-party Will add language to the "additional information" section 3
verification of air flows into each room. of this credit.

Yes, as per EA 5.1 projects cannot use the wall cavity as the duct. This is 3
true regardless of the duct location or the expected leakage rate.

If the air handler is within the conditioned envelope, then this approach 3
meets the requirements of EA 5.3 and should be awarded all 3 points.

Either version is fine (i.e., deliberately do not specify which version to Controversy about which version is "better"? 2
use.) Clarify/specify design conditions to use in Rating System.

Edit appropriately 1

Must do an energy calculation using EA 1 to get credit for solar thermal 2


Oil-fired boilers are now included in Version 1.11a of the rating system. 2

Homes that do not need air conditoning should be modeled under EA 1, 2

using the default (minimum efficiency allowed) in both the reference and
rated homes.
Propane equipment must meet the same requirements as natural gas The TASC discussed lowering the efficiency 4
equipment. Diesel equipment must meet the requirements listed in Exhibit requirement for oil furnaces, as some manufacturers
EA6-A for oil (boilers and furnaces). If Providers feel special concessions have expressed concerns about performance at very
need to be made in a community where natural gas is unavailable, they AFUE ratings, but decided only to consider this option if
The 3
submit rating
a CIR system V 1.10
explaining theirincludes specification requirements for
reasoning. Providers express a pressing need. Dan Dempsey
open-loop geothermal systems. indicated that the highest reasonable AFUE for oil
furnaces is 84%, and the highest reasonable AFUE for
A TXV is not an acceptable substitute for a refrigerant charge test, so a oil
Dan boilers is 86%.
Dempsey: The latest research shows that while the 4
refrigerant charge test still must be conducted if a TXV is used. existence of a TXV improves system performance as
compared to non-TXV designs, TXV systems with
improperly set refrigerant charge levels can still operate
This specific project is awarded 1 ID point for the use of a nighttime This technology is a viable alternative to meet the intent 2
inefficiently. As a result, the CEC researchers are
ventilation cooling system integrated with the HVAC system. This ID is of EA 6 - as an innovative way to reduce the need for
proposing the elimination of the TXV requirement, and
granted partly on the basis of the climate where it is being used – a dry, A/C. The challenge is to meaningfully estimate the in its place, proposing very specific charge-
warm climate that can take advantage of nighttime cooling strategies. annual energy savings, relative to conventional A/C measurement criteria.
In order to take credit for this approach, the strategy has to be modeled. 4
equipment. The LEED EA scoring is based on 1 LEED
The TASC recognizes that REMRate and other programs may not be able
This ID point is not granted for this specific technology, as LEED for point for every 3% in overall annual energy savings, so Propose adding a requirement to check refrigerant
to capture the effect of this type of strategy, but some kind of model must
Homes does not award ID points for individual products. if you can achieve 3% total household energy savings charge, not just a paper verification. I do not believe we
be used to demonstrate the value of this approach. If a non-HERS model
Agreed. Change the requirement to "Provide proof of proper refrigerant you receive 1 ID point. need to go so far as to cite the very specific CEC 3
were able
This ID ( demonstrate
is notwithin
granted a
forofthe 2-3% energy savings
broader application associated with
of this strategy this
charge 10% manufacturer's specifications), unlessintheother
home proposal as yet, but I do believe that a charge check is
areas. the TASC would be willing to re-visit this request and likely grant
has no Until the TASC
mechanical is convinced
cooling system."of the broader applicability of this warranted if we want to insure delivered system
an ID point.
strategy Without
to other someand
climates substantiation
in homes with of the
thermal anmass,
ID point
approach efficiency.calculations
Since most(from
post-13 SEER
EF =systems willAFUE
questioner mustmeets
ID request for in each
EA 6.1. However,
project whereif the
the strategy
home is Example Jay): 0.60, then 2
expecting to get points under EAfor credit alreadyapprox.
have a 80
TXV in accounts
place (all for
of Carrier's 13+from
is used, including any modeling that 7specific
it mustcase.
submit a clear calculation equals (EF 50% losses
of how the solar energy is utilized for space heating vs. water heating. systems
the tank) contain a TXV), I do not support the simple
assume spaceof a TXV as complying
heating load = waterwith EA 6.1.
heating load, then
Generally, the TASC
This is acceptable. EAiscredit
interested to know
6.1 should behow muchtooverall
changed “Designenergy
(using 2
savings (not just cooling) is yielded using this strategy, compared with a solar system meets 25% of total load
ACCA Manual J, ASHRAE 2001 Handbook of Fundamentals, or an
home that has a conventional ventilation system suchequipment…”
as is requiredand in IEQ overall efficiency of system = 80 * (1/(1-0.25)) = 107,
equivalent computation procedure) and install HVAC
4. which is well above ENERGY STAR.
IEQ credit 6.1 should be changed to “Perform design calculations (using
ACCA Manuals J and D, ASHRAE 2001 Handbook of Fundamentals, or an
equivalent computation procedure) and install ducts accordingly”.
Originator Date
TAG 9/6/2005

Danuta 9/12/2007
Drozdowicz, Fore
Randy Hansell 1/8/2008






TAG 9/6/2005

Jerry Best, Davis 5/31/2006

Energy Group

Drozdowicz, Fore
Richard Faesy 8/21/2006

Randy Hansell 9/26/2006

David Bone 10/12/2006

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
EA 06-15 6.2 1.11 CIR Yes The home has a dual-stage closed loop geothermal heat pump, it's in the
South. At the low stage, the COP is 4.3 and the EER is 24, but at the high
stage the COP is 3.5 and the EER is 16.7. The low stage qualifies the
home for 4 points in EA 6, the cooling of the high stage qualifies the home
EA 06-16 6 1.7 CIR Yes Can the energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality benefits of
for 2 points, and the heating of the high stage isn't high enough to get any
radiant systems qualify for an ID credit.
points. How should this home be scored?

EA 06-17 6 1.11 CIR Yes Exhibit EA6-A refers to both IECC climate zones and also the map in
Exhibit EA4-B. However, the map in Exhibit EA4-B does not correspond
directly with IECC climate zones. Which is correct - the map, or the IECC
climate zones?
EA 06-18 6 1.11 ID Yes Could a masonry heater receive credit if it displaces a fossil fuel heating

9/20/07: The masonry heater will meet all applicable EPA standards for
EA 06-19 6 1.11 CIR Yes This home has a closed-loop geothermal heat pump that provides hydronic
combustion efficiency and particulate emissions. The appliance can only
heating and forced-air cooling. Efficiency of a water-source HP is tied to
run on biomass fuel.
the water temperature from the ground loop (low temp = high cooling
efficiency; high temp = high heating efficiency). For example, the EER is
EA 06-20 6 1.11 CIR Yes The aback-up
For system
geothermal heatis pump,
sized sofromastheto meet
18.1 at 50 degrees, but 15.3 at 70 degrees. Should we use mean
heating inside
rooftop load, disregarding the biomass
the buildine envelope. heating
Is there system. The
a minimum biomass
R-value for pipe
temperature below frost line, bin-weather analysis, or some other method?
system is not
insulation sized
for the to meet
piping the entire heating load of the home, but it is
capable of meeting (and intended to meet) 50% of the heating energy
EA 06-21 6 1.11 CIR Yes LEED
needs.for Homes
Sizing the requires
heater to thethe
full design loadof ENERGY
would beSTAR for
problematic because STAR foroutput
a) the Homesisrequires
not easily that homes with
controlled heata pumps
so that
and programmable
masonry heater, forthermostats
example, that have adaptiveofrecovery
is capable meeting "totheprevent the
design load
would risk use of electric back-up heating'. Does itUSGBC also require this?
EA 06-22 6 1.11 CIR Yes Exhibit EA overheating
6-a includesmuch COP of the time, and
requirements forb)ground-source
would be anheat pumps.
This heat pump expense
(Hydron to module
size theW120)
masonry hasheater system
a standard that based
rating large when
on 32
the back-up
degree system
entering wateris desired/required
temperature. Thefor otherSound
Puget reasons.
area has a nearly
inexhaustible supply of ground water at 48-50 degrees. If I can measure
EA 07-01 7.2 1.7 CIR Yes Whathome
The about oilin fired equipment?so the heating load is very large.
the EWT atiscommissioning,
Massachusetts, do we use the COP that is appropriate to the
actual temperature of the entering water, or the temperature designated in
the 'standard rating'?
EA 07-02 7 1.7 CIR Yes Clarify whether EA 7.1 and/or 7.2 is included EA 1?

EA 07-03 7 1.7 CIR Yes Fossil fuel fired water heaters with closed combustion and with EF >/=
0.62 are not available?

EA 07-04 7.1 1.7 CIR Yes Can multi-family buildings with central systems qualify for EA 7.1?

EA 07-05 7.1 1.7 CIR Yes The maximum length of a branch at 10 feet (for central manifold
distribution systems) is not adequate for a 2-story home

EA 07-06 7 1.7 CIR Yes We plan to use a central manifold system with a tankless water heater
(Energy Factor >0.99) located in the basement. Bullet #2 under 7.1 states
that “branch lines run from the manifold to each fixture (should be) no
longer than 10 feet, and a maximum of 1/2” in diameter.” We are using
EA 07-07 7.2 1.7 ID Yes ID request for exemplary performance: the solar hot water system with
3/8” branch lines that will need some longer runs (the longest being about
back-up installed is designed to accommodate 100% of the annual load.
20’, with the average being around 13’). The reason I think that we should
This exceeds the minimum requirement of 40%. Instead of a traditional
qualify is the following: the volume of water in a 10’ long, 1/2” line is 0.0136
active solar water heating system with one tank for the solar collector and
EA 07-08 7.2 1.7 CIR Yes cubic feet.
Cannot findItgas-fired
takes a 17.7 foot water-heaters
tankless length of 3/8” line
an equivalent
(as per
one tank for back-up gas heater, this system has only one tank. The
IEQ 2) andWith our average
energy length
factor >/= 0.8? coming in below 17.7 feet, would we
system includes 45 gallon indirect water heater tank with 2 heat exchange
qualify to receive the two points under this bullet? Additionally, with the
same system, we hope to qualify for the two points under the 3rd bullet
point under 7.1, for a total of 4 points.
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
When a home has a dual-stage furnace or heat-pump, a weighted 2
efficiency should be calculated using detailed load calculations to estimate
the percentage that the equipment will operate at each stage. In lieu of
such calculations, a weighted average based on 70% at the low stage and
No. There are 5 credits built into the rating system that reward various
30% at the high stage can be used.
aspects of radiant (or non-ducted) systems (i.e., IEQ 4, IEQ 6, IEQ 7 EA
5, and EA 6). Requestor must demonstrate / justify specific benefits above
EA credit 6 will also be changed to include a verification requirement for
and beyond these current credits for radiant (or non-ducted) systems
For heat pumps
EA 6, please refer totoIECC
ensure that the
climate pipe/well
zones systemthe
to determine is properly
appropriate For a complete map of IECC climate zones, please see: 3
sized aszone.
climate per manufacturer’s specs.
The map in Exhibit EA4-B is taken directly from ENERGY
STAR Windows specifications, and does not relate to HVAC equipment. ter/graphic/973
Exhibit EA6-A will be changed to indicate that the top table is for IECC
This proposal is awarded 1 ID point. The TASC is supportive of the use of See “Masonry Heater ID request back-up.doc” for more 3
climate zones 4-8, and the bottom table is for IECC climate zones 1-3.
masonry heaters to offset conventional heating, and will consider information.
developing a pre-approved ID point for masonry heaters that meet certain
Installed efficiency does vary, but the standard EER and COP ratings that 2
are referred to in this credit should be based on standard test conditions,
Important considerations for a pre-approved ID include the efficiency of the
as set forth by the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute.
systems, the % of the load that can be met by the system, the type and
The of fuel,
TASC etc.
recommends adding a requirement of R-4 insulation to EA 6.2 2
& 6.3 for any water distribution pipes used in a heat pump that carry water
at a temperature well above thermostatic settings.
LEED for Homes, EA credit 6 does require adaptive recovery for homes 2
that have a heat pump and programmable thermostat. If the performance
pathway is followed (EA 1), there are two options: 1) if a home using a
heat pump is modeled with a programmable thermostat, it must include
Any product that has a standard rating should use that rating for the 3
adaptive recovery; 2) if a home using a heat pump has a programmable
purposes of LEED for Homes. This is the industry standard, and it is
thermostat but not adaptive recovery, it must model the home without a
necessary to enable useful comparisons between different equipment.
programmable thermostat.
Oil-fired equipment is now included in Version 1.11a of the rating system. It is hard (impossible) to find oil-fired equipment with EF 2
requirements as high as gas-fired.

The schematic will be changed appropriately. 2

Change requirement for gas-fired water heaters in table EA7-1 from EF 2

>/= 0.62 to EF >/= 0.60 for 1 point

Yes, multi-family buildings can qualify for EA 7.1 by doing the measures See CIR EA 07-05 for changes for 2-story buildings.
listed in the rating system. If a builder wants the measures to be adjusted
to accommodate larger buildings, more information must be provided.
The rating system should be revised to include language specifying that 2- See "Revised credits v1.81.doc"
story homes are allowed up to 15-foot branches for central manifold
distribution systems.
The requirement for central manifold systems in Version 1.11 has changed 2
to 20 feet in a 1-story home, so this home meets the requirement.
However, homes that do not meet the length or diameter requirements can
receive points if a) the volume and b) the surface area of the pipes in the
The builder needs to present more details of how this system will meet the If the energy modeling approach in EA 1.2 is used, most 2
system are both smaller than those laid out in the credit (i.e. for a 20-foot,
needs of the home. What percentage of the total hot water and space energy software accounts for the energy savings
½” diameter pipe).
heating load will be handled by solar vs. back-up supply? Show sizing benefits of a solar water heating system. If so, these
calculations and “solar fraction” calculated for the solar hot water system. benefits would be included in the HERS score and
Only one
Water measure
heaters must(and
have2 either
in EAventing
7.1 canor
achieved for an If
combustion. 3
getting credit for EA 7.2 would be double-counting.
power home.
venting is not available with certain kinds of equipment, make sure
equipment is installed with closed combustion.
Originator Date
Laura Uhde, 1/30/2007

Margie McNally 9/25/2006


Mark Price, CSG 5/7/2007

Kristin Shewfelt 5/23/2007

Kristin Shewfelt 5/23/2007

Laura Uhde, 8/2/2007


Randy Hansell 1/8/2008


Kristin Shewfelt 12/8/2006

Amy Sims, 7/10/2006


Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
EA 07-09 7.1 1.11 CIR Yes Do the criteria for system design apply to three-story structures?

EA 07-10 7.1 1.11 CIR Yes EA 7.1 for structured plumbing systems requires a "push button control". Is
that requirement meant to activate the delivery system? Would it be
satisfied by the following:
EA 07-13 7 2008 CIR Yes The solar hot water system is primary to the geothermal, and therefore the
DHW operates completely from renewable resources. This measure
exceeds the LEED for Homes credit EA 7.3. 100% of the home's power is
harvested through renewable resources, solar as the primary and
EA 08-01 8.1 1.7 CIR Yes Require installation in high-use locations (based on definition in Advanced
geothermal as backup.
Lighting Package). Add two tiers: 2 fixtures (40% compact fluorescent
lights) and 4 fixtures (80% CFLs).
EA 08-02 8 1.7 CIR Yes In the second bullet under "Verification/Submittals" it refers to a "letter
template". What is this?

EA 08-03 8.1 1.7 CIR Yes Can the use of 12 interior LED lighting fixtures be used in lieu of the
required 4 Energy Star rated fixtures?

EA 08-04 8 1.7 ID Yes ID request – Develop a building design that incorporates natural daylight
sources for every habitable room, through the use of windows, skylights,
and interior glazing.
EA 08-05 8.2 1.7 ID Yes ID request: Of the 52 light fixtures selected for interior and exterior use in
this project, only 1 does not have an Energy Star Label. This exceeds the
requirements of the Energy Star Advanced Lighting Package, which is
50% in high-use rooms; 25% in medium/low-use rooms; 50% of outdoor
EA 08-06 8.2 1.7 CIR Yes The home is installing 100% LED lights manufactured by Permlight. These
fixtures have not yet been given the EnergyStar rating but will receive the
mark in October 2006. The LED fixtures meet the requirements of the ALP
in the following ways: 1) 30,000-50,000 hours per fixture; 2) LED
EA 08-07 8.1 1.7 CIR Yes Recommend including
downlights are 15 watts"inandliving areas"
have sooutput
similar that there is more
to CFLs, andbenefit than if
meet >40
a builderper
lumens justwatt
places the fixtures
efficacy for Titlein24;
closets or basement
3) manufacturer areas.
offers 3-year
warranty; 4) LEDs provide 100% of the general illumination of the ground
EA 08-08 8.2 1.7 CIR Yes floor open
Is there plan (ALP minimum
a requirement is 50%);
for the size 5) LEDs
of outdoor PV provide
lights? 100% of
garage/laundry/mechanical rooms (ALP minimum is 25%); 6) LEDs
provide 100% of kitchen lighting; 7) Bathroom lighting is provided with
traditional strip fluorescents rated at 17 watts CFL.
EA 08-09 8.3 1.11 CIR Yes Are CFLs an acceptable alternative in the ENERGY STAR Advanced
Lighting Package?

EA 08-10 8 1.11 ID Yes This project has installed the WattStopper Vacancy Sensors throughout
the entire house, including all bedrooms, bathrooms and living spaces.
These sensors does not turn on lights when motion is sensed, they only
turn off lights as movement is not detected. The time delay can be set from
EA 08-11 8.2 1.11 CIR Yes EA 8.2 gives a half point for motion sensors on all outdoor lighting. How is
a minimum of 15 seconds to a maximum of 30 minutes. These have been
this handled in a multi-family setting? Do just the porch lights need to
installed in place of every lighting control in the home to ensure that lights
meet this or do all of the lights need to meet this (parking, pool, walkway,
are not left on when leaving the home or at night. This helps to greatly
EA 08-12 8.2 1.11 CIR Yes reducing
EA the lighting
8.2 gives loadfor
a half point in the
wireless PV light. In a multi-family setting,
should this be 4 lights per unit?

EA 08-13 8.2 1.11 CIR Yes 8.2 “Motion Sensor controls on all outdoor lighting”. Does this include
decorative fixtures (i.e. front porch light, rear porch lights?
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
The final version of the Rating System will address 3+ story homes. In 2
multi-family buildings, the criteria can be met for each individual unit.

Any push-button control that is designed to activate the delivery system is 2

acceptable, as long as it is also design to automatically turn off the pump
within a reasonable time period.
This proposal is somewhat unclear. The TASC interprets this project as It is not correct to refer to a ground-source heat pumps 3
having a primary a solar hot water heater with a ground-source heat-pump as entirely renewable, as they do consume a
back-up. Is that correct? considerable amount of electricity during operation.
EA 8.1 will be changed to include a requirement for installation in high-use 3
If a project has a solar DHW system, it can earn one additional ID point for
locations. There will remain only one tier.
installing a back-up gas system with EF or CAE ≥ 0.8 or a back-up electric
system with EF ≥ 0.99 for instantaneous water heaters or EF ≥ 2.0 for heat
pump water
Change heaters.
"letter template" to "Accountabiility Form". Also, add EA 8.2 to the 2
accountability form.

This CIR is granted, and the builder should receive credit for EA 8.1. Although LEDs will be accepted, builders are 3
Generally, the credit should read “Install at least four light fixtures that are encouraged to install Energy Star labeled lights, as the
ENERGY STAR labeled or equivalent in efficiency and performance (e.g. Energy Star program addresses concerns beyond
LED lights)” energy such as light color and durability.
In order to take credit for daylighting, the strategy has to be modeled. The This ID was already turned down, but the TASC should 4
TASC recognizes that REMRate and other programs may not be able to discuss this issue.
LED lights will only be accepted as a substitute for EnergyStar fixtures until
capture the effect of this type of strategy, but some kind of model or
EPA begins labeling LEDs.
computational approach must be used to demonstrate the value of this
This ID request is granted. The home clearly has exceeded the 2
approach. If a project can demonstrate a 2-3% energy savings associated
requirement, and doubled the number of high-efficiency lights installed.
with this strategy, the TASC would be willing to re-visit this request and
likely grant an ID point. Without some substantiation of the benefit, an ID
point cannot
This CIR be granted.
is granted, and the builder should receive credit for EA 8.2. LED Although LEDs will be accepted, builders are 2
lights, particularly those being used in this project seem to meet the encouraged to install Energy Star labeled lights, as the
requirements of the Advanced Lighting Package. Generally, the credit Energy Star program addresses concerns beyond
should read “Install EnergyStar Advanced Lighting Package (ALP), or energy such as light color and durability.
Agree. Change 1
install lights thatEA
are8.1 to read “Install
equivalent at least
in efficiency three…
and in high-use
performance of rooms
(e.g. kitchen,labeled
EnergyStar dining lights
room, family
lights) as room,
per thehallways).”
requirements of the
ALP cited in Appendix B.”
There is currently no size requirement for outdoor PV lights, but the TASC 3
LED lights whether
will review will only be
andaccepted as a substitute
how to improve forto
this credit EnergyStar fixtures until
be more clear.
EPA begins labeling LEDs.
No - the ENERGY STAR Advanced Lighting Package refers to fixtures. The TASC has previously ruled that CFLs can be used 2
to meet the other requirements in EA credit 8.
A new, alternative measure will be added to EA 8.3 that allows CFLs, but
requires 100% ENERGY STAR lighting in high-use rooms, 50% ENERGY
This system is not worthy of an ID point. These kinds of sensors have 2
STAR lighting in medium/low-use rooms, and 100% ENERGY STAR
been unproven to save substantial energy, and are most effective in
lighting in outdoor lighting.
spaces that reflect a fairly small overall load (e.g. closets, attics,
In order to meet the requirements of this credit, all of the exterior lighting 2
fixtures must have motion sensors or be powered by PV, with the following
o Emergency lighting
In order to meet the requirements of this credit, all of the exterior lighting 3
o Lighting required by codes, including any statutes related to health or
fixtures must have motion sensors or be powered by PV, with the following
o Lighting for covered vehicle entrances or exits, where required for safety
o Emergency lighting
In order toormeet
eye adaptation
the requirements of this credit, all of the exterior lighting 2
o Lighting required by codes, including any statutes related to health or
fixtures must have motion sensors or be powered by PV, with the following
o Lighting for covered vehicle entrances or exits, where required for safety
o Emergency lighting
security, or eye adaptation
o Lighting required by codes, including any statutes related to health or
o Lighting for covered vehicle entrances or exits, where required for safety
security, or eye adaptation
Originator Date
Kristin Shewfelt 4/29/2007

Kristin Shewfelt 5/25/2007

Sara Emerick, 1/11/2008

Steven Winter

Earth Advantage 3/29/2006

Swartz Residence, 1/25/2006

David Ruggiero -
Services Group
Drozdowicz, Fore
Danuta 6/16/2006
Drozdowicz, Fore
Amy Sims, 7/10/2006

Kevin Stack 12/12/2006

Laura Uhde, 12/19/2006


Earth Advantage 3/20/2007

Becky Rowe, 5/25/2007


Laura Uhde, 6/27/2007


Doug King 6/27/2007

Miki Cook, 8/20/2007

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
EA 09-01 9 1.7 CIR Yes Add: Water factor (WF) for dishwashers and clothes washers - from WE

EA 09-02 9.3 1.7 CIR Yes Should the requirement for clothes washers be increased to MEF >= 2.0?

EA 09-03 9.1 1.11 CIR Yes Should all of the appliances in the home be ENERGY STAR, or only one
appliance of each type? For example, this home has 3 refrigerators.

EA 09-04 9 1.11 CIR Yes Can a project pursuing the performance approach to EA earn credits for
clothes washers under EA 9.1 and 9.2? The HERS Index does not
address clothes washers.
EA 09-05 9 1.11 ID Yes Can a project pursuing the performance approach to EA earn credits for
the ALP, since the HERS Index doesn't distinguish between ENERGY
STAR fixtures and ENERGY STAR bulbs, but ALP does?
EA 10-01 10 1.7 CIR Yes Is there a potential for double counting with EA 1 HERS?

EA 10-02 10 1.7 CIR Yes Combine all renewable measures (i.e., solar DHW, solar thermal) in this
credit (a la NC 2.2)?

EA 10-03 10 1.7 CIR Yes What baseline is to be used to meaure the percent reduction in annual
electric usage?

EA 10-04 10 1.7 CIR Yes Define method for verifying?

EA 10-05 10 1.11 CIR Yes How is one supposed to figure out the baseline home energy use if they
are using the prescriptive approach and can't model the home energy use.

EA 10-06 10 2008 ID Yes ID Request: Exemplary performance in EA 10.

Two projects in California have submittted for exemplary performance in

EA 10:
EA 11-01 11 1.7 CIR Yes Adopt TSAC approach to refrigerant 410a; Clarify only HVAC refrigerants
Casa Bella Verde - Casa Bella is meeting 81.6% of the annual reference
electric load through renewable energy (solar and wind).
EA 11-02 11.1 2008 CIR Yes EA 11.1 requires that the HVAC contractor conduct a refrigerant charge
Cate School
test. The Faculty Residences
Verification & Submittals- does
Cate not
School is meeting
include 107% of the
an Accountability
annual reference
Form, but insteadelectric load
indicates through
that mounted
the Green Raterphotovoltaics.
should visually verify
calculations or output from the refrigerant charge test. I'm unaware of any
EA Gen-01 1 1.7 CIR Yes REMRATE does not adequately address solar issues
written results or documentation that HVAC contractors produce when they
do this test - should they be? What should it include?

EA Gen-04 1.7 CIR Yes Should a new credit be given for passive solar design?

EA Gen-05 1.7 ID Yes ID request - This house includes an electronic meter that tracks electricity,
gas, and water usage and presents this information to the homeowner in
an easy-to-understand format. This awareness will allow the homeowner
to see the benefits/costs of different behaviors, equipment settings, etc.
and likely lead to adjustments that lead to energy reductions.
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
Water factor for clothes washers is already included in EA 9.2. Dishwasher 2
water factor is more complicated and not included in Energy Star.

This change will be made and take affect in the national roll-out version According to Chris Granda, there are almost 150 many 3
(Version 1.12) . clothes washers that have MEFs of 1.8, and 80 models
that have MEFs of 2.0.
In order to get points for this credit, every appliance in the home should be 3
ENERGY STAR labeled.

A home that is using the performance pathway and meets the clothes 2
washer requirements in EA 9.1 and 9.2 can count those points in ID 3.

A project pursuing the performance pathway cannot earn points in EA 8 3

because lighting upgrades are counted in the energy model in EA 1.

Add language to clarify that renewables cannot be included in EA 1 in 1

"Synergies and Trade-Offs" language in EA 1 and EA 10.

Maintain space heating, water heating, and renewables separately - to 2

keep credits organized by primary "systems".

This will be addressed in the revised rating system. 2

The rating system, Version 1.9, has been changed to read: The TASC supports the language in the revised rating 3
“Design and install a renewable electricity generation system. (1 Point for system (V 1.9)
each 10 percent of annual electrical load met by system; Max. 6 Pts)
Annual load is defined as the KWh delivered by the renewable electric
Projects that want torelative
earn these 3
generation system, to thepoints must have
total annual KWhmodeling done
used in the to or
referencethe Reference
home. Homeuse
The electric energy
in theuse.
baseEnergy savingshome
or reference should not be
must be
based on the
determined proposed
using home – the
the procedures savingsinestimates
specified the 2005must be compared
Mortgage Industry
to a Reference Home built to IECC 2004.
Because Home Energy approach
the California Rating System
does (HERS) Guidelines.
not incorporate Note that
renewable the
energy 3
systems version
into the of theseexemplary
model, Guidelinesperformance
go into effectison July 1, for
available 2006.”
EA 10.
Exemplary performance points should be awarded in the following way:
Change language to say "do not use refrigerants OR use a non-HCFC Include balanced approach that accounts for both 2
Version 1.11 –½ point for every 3% of the annual reference electric load
based refrigerant (e.g. R-410a) OR install HVAC systems that comply with Ozone Depletion and Global Warming Potential
the following
Version 2008equation
– ½ point…"for every 5% of the annual reference electric load
offset a refrigerant charge test is conducted, the HVAC contractor is
When For old projects where the HVAC contractor did not 3
expected to read output from the sensors and compare this with a write down these numbers because they were unaware
These exemplary
manufacturer performance
output range. Thepoints
HVACcan only be should
contractor earned simply
if the home
recordhas that they needed to do so, it's acceptable to simply have
exceeds Title-24and
these numbers, by at
anyleast 35%. adjustment
relevant As with all exemplary performance
factors such as outdoor the contractor sign an Accountability Form
We will provide
credits, theseand information
points must be and a link to
counted in "accredited"
3 andthem HERS
cannot software
exceed -
4 Rater.
points New Credit? (EA 12) - Passive Solar Design; Energy 4
temperature humidity conditions, and to the Green corresponding to EA 11.
some of which may be better at addressing solar. Try using EnergyGauge
total.TASC Star Roofs, Daylighting - was explicitly taken out.
The will work on putting together a form, but formal documentation
USA, distributed by the Florida Solar Energy Center.
is not needed – a handwritten record is acceptable.
No, the benefit from passive solar design varies considerably based on 4
climate. Any passive solar design should be captured through modeling
using EA 1.
This ID request is granted. This measure will likely improve energy The TASC would like to know more details about the 2
We did have a passive solar credit in the 1st draft of LEED for Homes. As
performance of the home, while also educating the homeowner. system, including what information it provides to the
we tried to flesh out this credit, we realized that the benefit from passive
homeowner. The TASC is also not sure if this should be
solar measures will vary greatly depending on the shading, and
granted as a EA ID point or a Homeowner Awareness
geographic location, etc. In other words, this needed to be a performance
ID point.
based credit that would require computer energy analysis to quantify the
benefit for a given application.

As an example, consider a home design that is located (1) in the far north
and (2) in the deep south. The home in the north needs to be designed to
maximize the solar gain in the winter (for heating purposes), while the
Originator Date
TAG 9/6/2005

Richard Faesy 9/26/2006

Laura Uhde, 2/1/2007


Eric Martin, FSEC 10/19/2007

Eric Martin, FSEC 10/19/2007

TAG 9/6/2005




Laura Uhde, 2/1/2007


Antonia 3/11/2008


Pepper Smith, DEG 2/7/2008


Danuta 6/16/2006
Drozdowicz, Fore
Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
EA Gen-06 1.7 CIR Yes Create "green ready" credit that gives builder credit for designing a home
that enables future installations of PV, solar hot-water, or other green
energy systems.
EA Gen-06a 1.11 ID Yes The home is designed as “solar ready.” Building is positioned on the site
so that PV panels will be placed for maximum sun exposure. Conduit has
been run from the roof to crawl space that has access to “control room”
with access to electric panels and ultimately to the electric meter. Project
EA Gen-08 1.7 ID Yes ID request - the use of natural ventilation to avoid mechanical cooling. The
has been reviewed by PV contractor and approved as solar ready. A cost
home followed the design guidelines set forth in the "Whole Building
proposal for the system has been provided. Home has a geothermal
Design Guide", including: proper orientation relative to summer winds;
system with heat recovery package at all water heaters that satisfies the
multiple supply and exhaust openings in every room; operable windows;
EA Gen-09 1.7 ID Yes solar
ID hot water
request, portion of
Drainwater thisRecovery
Heat approved- CIR.
install a drainwater heat recovery
open interior floor plan; operable skylight; ceiling fans; whole-house fan;
system. The captured energy is used to pre-heat cold water going to
open central staircase.
Rationale: Currently
showers, water electric
heaters, or apower to the
dedicated site is device.
storage providedDHR
by asystems
co-op that
has no program
reduce the energyto needed
buy backforelectricity so thatThe
water heating. PV home
EA Gen-11 5 1.7 ID Yes ID request:
feasible. Advanced
When thethe HVAC
power Distribution
provider changes System and Controls. The
systems beneath master and guest bath.their policies, PV panels can
approach includes: properly-sized heat pump; high levels of duct
be easily added.
insulation; minimal duct run length; control of registers for seasonal
performance; 4 HVAC zones controlled by electronic dampers and 4
EA Gen-12 8 1.7 ID Yes ID request: Advanced Lighting Controls. The home has a complete Lutron
programmable thermostats.
RadioRa system in the home. There are also timers on all fans/lights in the
bathrooms, lights in the closets. Lights are dimmable.
EA Gen-13 1.11 ID Yes ID Request: Job Site Carpenter Carpooling. To lessen the impact of
construction vehicle emissions and greenhouse gases, the crew will meet
at the company headquarters and take one company vehicle to the jobsite.
EA Gen-14 1.11 ID Yes ID Request: Wall switches for control of passive electrical loads

A. Intent - Passive loads from computers, peripherals, and other electronic

equipment can, over time, use a significant amount of electricity. One
EA Gen-15 1.11 ID Yes The house is equipped with "system controls" run by a Crestron control
barrier to reducing these loads is the inconvenience of unplugging
processor. This processor acts as an energy management system to
equipment or turning off power strips (which are usually difficult to reach).
integrate many energy savings aspects such as climate control, occupancy
At 35 Pleasant Street, there is a separate study where all computers and
settings (such as vacation or night/day settings for lights as well as
EA Gen-16 1.11 ID Yes peripherals
ID Request will - InThebe located,
a 44-unit and two outlets
development in the study
comprised primarily are of controlled
triplex by
Conditioning). system can be set to static settings such as Normal
nearby wall
five-plex switches gathered
townhomes with integral pilot alights.
around central The outlets with
walkway are positioned
and Economy or automated settings such as Miser Mode which
near likely
access computer
points, locations. The wall switches make it easy to capacity
the process. Inthethisbuilder
scenario proposes to provide
if the homeowner bike
over prescribed limits
for disconnect
15% of project residents.computers The bike and storage
peripherals, will bethus eliminating
equally the
split between
EA Gen-18 2 1.11 ID Yes in
ID energy
Request: the system will automatically change the temperature and turn
the front andPerform
significant rear passive thermal
entrances loads ofimaging
thethe to scan to test
development and thermal
will be IN performance
of lights back to minimal levels. These settings are chosen by the
to building
any space envelope
in individual to locate garages any problematic
that homeowners areas decide
lacking to insulation
dedicate to
and/or sealing and set
tofor by theenergy
mitigate programmer. It’s a residential peak-load
storage. Compliance –loss.
Switches Rationale:
must be A primary
and outlets
procedure for tool.
determining the thermal performance of a building
EA Gen-19 1.11 ID Yes must
ID be placed
request: Provide nearaprobable
clean alternative computertolocation.a generator Verify with field. envelope
in onsite electricity
is infrared thermography. It can be used to survey and identify heating and
The touch Reduce
panel energy
also consumption
is superior for meter through an easy-to-use
interpretation. Meter energy
cooling loss
C. Documentation due to poor construction,
– Electrical plan. missing or inadequate insulation and
moisture appliance.
intrusion. meant to showidentifying
Surveying, how muchand energy is being
correcting theseuseddefects
(room by
plays or whole
a major for rolehouse) with
increasing monetary car.and
building character representation to
EA Gen-22 1.11 ID Yes ID
D. request
Proposed Intent:
for electric
Gridpoint of Benefit
Connect – efficiency
This project
dedicated integrity.
load hard-
wired electric
usage can
over 50%.
by atthe
surface theentire
curb's family.
temperatureedge This is aelectric
for one veryofmanagement
the car building
panel provides an energy storage and management capability that will
envelope, allows
Thewhich homeisthe familysold
direct to watch
with the their energy of
problems use and
inanthe savings
electric and
car thatthermal
to electricity
moisture better generated
content and thatonsite
air save byasthe
leakage. much
A roof photovoltaics
certified as to be They
street legal for city driving. The homes are infill townhome units just north
EA Gen-23 2008 ID Yes stored.
see Request:
( compliant In
withThe ASNT the
can system
standards use
and unparalleled
) can readily visibility
durability through and control
of Philadelphia.
energy consumption carand will costs
be includedthrough with theidentify
level but the in occupant
and horizontal
building envelope landscaped trellises. Each unit in the Vista Dunes project
can have
provide to pay forwhich theenergy can
electricity be improved.
to power the
oncar. The car is designedtoto
has a major personal
design feature profiles
that will save based energy consumption
and improvepatterns long-term
be 70 mpg
optimize energy (please see
usage. photo), and one advantage is that it can be
durability but is not credited in either of the LEED-H categories. We are
EA Gen-25 2008 CIR Yes charged
If at night questions
I have general when demand related is low. Local electric
to ENERGY STARpower for Homes is mostly - for
requesting that one ID point be awarded to the project.
example, sothe the
Proposed Metric: System net
thermal emissions
bypass are very low.
performance performance requirements, etc. -
how can I get direct answers from EPA?
Each building in the Vista Dunes complex has installed vertical and
EA Gen-27 2008 ID Yes Verification:
ID Request: The Provider’s
Request that1 will
point bethird
for partywith
innovative raterclimbing
will confirm
measure that the Gridpoint
by wrapping toallshade
exterior of the
walls been
and installed
roof with thatandaare the Homeowner’s
reflective radiantvulnerable Manual
barrier includes
to heat
2-sided gain aand UV
3/8" foam,overview
intaping and
this desert operation
all joints.climate. The instructions.
vertical landscaped trellises – made of
steel and similar to a Green Screen product – are located along the
Proposed unprotected
Rationale: Benefits:
The reflective Thewest GridPoint
radiantfacing Connect
product, expands
P2000 the value
buildings. The of horizontal
the PV
system with
provides –an madethe ability
exceptional tothermal
of perforated access metalsolar
and –airenergy
cover all(both
barrier. outdoor
Used real-time
inpatio and stored)
conjunction with in
and a
the event
sprayed the inof a utility
cellulose patio power
anddoors,Dow outage,i.e. the
building thus
wrap, the atheory
where clean,of
there isgreen
the most
redundancy alternativeis
to a fossil-fuel
applied, (See
minimizing powered
attached generator.
the pictures).
potential forThis
human system erroroffers
in thereal value inenclosure
complete a region
of the hashomeexperienced
during theregular building powerprocess outages over the last
(framing,MEP, and few years. and
rating vertical Central,
process. trellises the and personalized
locations are web portal associated
designed so plants are withkeptthe farsystem,
offers complete transparency into the home’s energy production and
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
The TASC recognized that having a “green ready” credit that addresses The LHC agreed that this future impacts could be 4
both solar hot-water and PV systems is worthwhile. The TASC will work to considered.
develop this new credit.
The requirements for ‘solar ready’ ID credits have been revised. See 2
5-18-07: Homes must address both PV and solar hot water. Having a
professional sign-off that the home is “solar ready” is acceptable. The PV
contractor must indicate that the home has all the necessary hardware
PV Ready (½ point) – this credit cannot be earned if the home installs an
The TASCfor the
hasPV panels,
created and the solar ID
a pre-approved hotcredit
waterfor installer
naturalmust indicatefor
ventilation 4
active PV system that earns credit within EA 1 or EA 10. The home must
that the that
cooling house has available.
is now been completely The credit pre-plumbed for a solar
includes specific DHW system.
requirements that
meet all of the following:
The builder
must be metmust in orderinclude
to earnandID highlight
points forthese features
natural in the occupant
ventilation for cooling.
• have all necessary hardware and electrical work for a functional PV
manual and homeowner tour.
This except is
technique the installation
innovative and of seems
the PVto panels; AND energy savings, but
yield some The builder chose not to follow-up, as they didn't need 3
• theTASC
the design and installation
would must be signed-off
like more information about how bymuch
a PV total contractor;
energyAND this is the ID point.
the roof must
to save have a minimum
before grantingofan 450
ID square
point. feet of south-facing area
that is oriented appropriately for solar applications; AND
• thecomplete
homeowners package manual of improvements
must have detailed is worth 1 ID point,
information but the
about thebuilder 2
system, include
so asan to explanation
enable future of occupants
how to make use ofinstall
to easily the seasonal
an active register
system. multiple zones and programmable thermostats in the homeowner
SolarTASC The
DHWneeds builder
Readymore should
(½ point) also give
– this credit the homeowner a demonstration if
The information aboutcannot
the user beinterface
earned ifon thethe home system. 2
installs an active
For example, howsolar doesDHW the usersystem thatthe
control earns creditcapabilities
various within EA 1oforthe EA 7.
The home
system? Ismust meet all of the
it web-enabled? Canfollowing:
the homeowner hit a switch to turn off the
home? hardware and plumbing for a functional PV system,
except request,
the rooftopwhileinstallation
admirable,of is the
not water
worthyheatingof an ID point. The
system; ANDamount of See "Carpooling.pdf" for more information. The 2
CO2 emissions
• the design andbeing reduced
installation must is very small when
be signed-off by compared
a solar DHW to the overall
contractor; estimated total CO2 emissions reduced is 8,800
AND from a home over its lifetime. The TASC is also concerned by pounds, based on four pick-up trucks. A typical home
• thewayroof this
must ID have
wouldagive more of
minimum credit to
450plug inefficient
square vehicles
of and area
south-facing produces ~25,000 pounts of CO2 per year.
This ID request is denied. Associating outlets wall switches is not 2
that is oriented that appropriately
live farther from for the
solar jobapplications;
site. The TASC ANDwill givepotential some
innovative, and the TASC is unconvinced of its energy-saving –
future consideration
• the homeowners to 1)
manual must what amount
have of CO2
detailed emissions
information reductions are
particularly with computers, which should not be shut downabout at thethe outlet
system, to 1 LEED
so as point;
to enable and 2) whether
future routines. and how a carpooling
occupants to easily install an active solar program
due to their special shut-down
This be designed
system. is worth (i.e.,2 with standardized
ID points, based on fuel economy
previous ID and distance
rulings (see EA NOTE: This ruling does not apply to other energy 2
Gen-05 and EA Gen-11). One ID an
to be rewarded with ID is
point point.
earned for a system that tracks management systems - until the TASC develops clear
This provides
project feedback
seems to & education
have met thetorequirements
the homeowner about
for the PV guidelines for these kinds of systems, each project must
Ready One IDIfpoint
credit above. so, itisshould
earned befor a system
awarded ½ that
point. allows the submit a formal ID request.
If the individual garage spaces offered to homeowners include a Provision of bike storage areas in multifamily 2
homeowner to easily manage the energy loads in the home. To get these
designated space for bicycle
points, the homeowner must be storage
trained thatonishow secured
to use and thecovered,
system and then this buildings/developments equal to 15% of the total
proposal is acceptable
detailed information for for an ID point.
operation If these garages
and maintenance mustdobenot have a in the
included expected residential population. The credit is lifted
designated space for bicycle storage that is secure and covered, then the almost verbatim from LEED-NC SS 4.2, except that it
This practice manual. NOTE: toolThis ruling doesfailures,
not apply toit other energy 2
proposed bikeisstorage
a useful area for identifying
must be covered to earn butthe is
IDnot worthy
point. of
In either Provider
will not becomment:
covered. This has the potential for reducing
an ID point. Thesystems
thermal - until
bypassthe TASC
inspectiondevelopsis more clear guidelines
effective than for
an these defects, comfort issues and call-backs. I would
case, the bicycle storage area must include mechanisms for bicycle
kinds of scan.
infrared systems, Since eachtheproject
thermal must submit a formalisID request.
security so all of the bicycles canbypass
be locked inspection
up. required by LEED, challenge that the scan would need to be completed at
an infrared scan is unnecessary. a time that the defects can be corrected prior to
This system seems to include several features, some that come with the 2
Occupancyand in each unit must occupancy. They were proposing that the defects that
equipment some that are be calculated as 1+# of bedrooms, so each
1-bedroom unit should assume 2 occupants for this calculation. The were identified would be corrected in subsequent
construction, not the tested house. So if a credit is
The TASC must accomodate
finds that the energy no fewer than 10
storage, PVbicycles.
interconnect, and PV system
This project should be awarded 1 ID point for the installation and provision awarded it should
See "MaGrann require
Elec corrective action on the tested
Car ID.pdf" 2
monitoring features of the system are useful but not worthy of an ID point. property.
of a hook-up that will enable the use of high-efficiency electric cars. The
It is unclear what net environmental benefit these features provide.
provision of an electric car to the homeowner is outside the scope of this
program, and as such is not awarded ID credit.
The system
This seems be
project should to include
awarded anan optional
ID point feature
for thefor monitoring of energy
implementation of California does not rely on the HERS method, but 3
use from loads
permanent shading in thedevices
home, to notreduce
just PVenergy
production. This service
costs because it wasseemsable toto LEED-H has created a slightly altered version of EA 1
be provided on
demonstrate thea value
monthly subscription
of the shading devicesbasis. through modeling. for California using Title-24 (code) as the standard
methodology. In EA 1 for California, a project earns 1
The systemSTAR
also has
seemsa hotline that the
to include will answer
optionalquestions. E-mail
capability to manage loads 3
LEED point for every 2-2.5% reduction in energy use. with
in the home, in addition to theyour specific question.
PV production. Again, this capability seems
to be a monthly service that costs extra. See “Vista Dunes trellises.pdf” and “trellis.jpg” for
A reflective radiant barrier used in the roof can be modeled and will be images of the design. 4
reflectedlatter twoHERS
in the options – monitoring
Index. andthat
It’s unclear management
a reflective–radiant
are both
barrier will
yield muchand have
value in been
the modelerID points
the past.
theHowever, in the
R-value of this
case thebut
barrier, TASC wants to know
no additional benefitthe following:
should be given.
• If the system does provide monitoring and/or management of other loads,
which loads are included (e.g. lighting, HVAC, plug loads)?
• How is the monitoring information provided? How are the loads managed
by the homeowner?
• What features/services come with the system for free, and which
features/services are extra.
• Is the occupant planning to sign a contract for these additional services?
Originator Date
Richard Faesy / 8/21/2006

LaTaunynia 12/11/2007
Kristin Shewfelt 11/10/2006

Randy Hansell 1/2/2007

Ted Dillon, ECA 1/17/2007

Ted Dillon, ECA 1/17/2007

ForeSolutions 2/20/2007

Danuta 5/23/2007
Drozdowicz, Fore
Becky Rowe, 5/30/2007

Ted Bardacke, 5/7/2007

Global Green

Michael Holcomb 9/23/2007

Glen Boldt 9/17/2007

David Bone 11/28/2007

Ted Bardacke, 1/9/2008

Global Green


Mike Holcomb 12/21/2007

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
EA Gen-29 2008 ID Yes ID Request: 1 point for providing an efficient dual geothermal heating
system that heats the forced air as well as the domestic hot water.

ID Rationale: Routing the heated geothermal fluid through the desuper

EA 06-08 6 1.7 CIR No Add: Credit for avoiding A/C in favorable climates?
heater and providing “free” hot water through the exhange process,
reduces unnecessary electrical consumption and provides free hot water.
Although ½ of the home water is heated by solar energy from the roof, the
EA 07-11 7.2 1.11 CIR No theory
One of of
ourredundancy practiced
builders had trouble by this builder,
finding allows for piping.
R-4 insulation a backup plan
Can thisto
heat water onbethe
requirement other ½
reduced toof the home.

EA 07-12 7.1 1.11 CIR No It is unclear how this credit can be documented for multi unit dwellings.
Pearl Place is an affordable housing project consisting of 2 buildings with
60 total units. The hot water system for each building is served by one
boiler in a mechanical building that is centrally located between the two
EA Gen-03 10 1.7 ID No Allow credit for 2-year commitment to purchasing renewable energy
buildings. The buildings are double loaded corridor designed with kitchen
through the local utility. LEED-NC allows such a credit. This encourages
and bathroom facilities stacked to minimize the amount of plumbing piping
investments in alternative/green energy and public awareness of the
required. How do we demonstrate that this is an efficiently designed
advantages of participating in such a program. The specific utility provider
EA Gen-07 1.7 ID No distributions
ID request: The system? builder intends to purchase and retire certified CO2 offset
for this project is Austin Energy, the #1 Renewable Energy program in
credits sufficient to "neutralize" the contribution of greenhouse gases due
America. The program includes significant investments in 165 wind
to buildings manufacturing,
extraction, in question have dual boilers
assembly, andindelivery.
a centralBased mechanical room
on available
turbines in west Texas, solar panels in both residential, commercial, and
data,serve both buildings
the average house embodiesfor both heat ~40and tons domestic
of CO2 hot water distribution.
emissions. The
EA Gen-10 1.7 ID No municipal
ID request: locations,
install and the TessmanasLandfill Biogasheat Project outside
and of
builder efficiencies
would purchase inaterms
corn pellet
credits bothstovematerials
a secondary
projects and energy
that avoidare
far superior
or sequester
the Antonio.corn Additional
for home investments
heating are coming online later in 2007 and
a centralized
tons of CO2, as systemvalidated than by with theindividual
Chicagowater Climate heaters.
Exchange With (see
dual boilers
will offer more of their customers alternative sources for the energy needs.
one can be shut down in the Invoices summer and when heat is notdocumentation
appropriate needed. And I could
The contract will be for 100% of the electricity consumed in the home for 2
EA Gen-17 1.11 CIR No believe
The in this cogenerator,
Freewatt case that thethe domestic
producthot of water
and ClimateEnergy, system piggy takes
full on the heat
advantage of the distribution
combustion system.
reaction and uses both the energy and
Theheat productively.
homeowner will beNatural signinggas theflows
contract into with
the Honda
Austin unit, Energy. where All itelectric
power supplied similarto to ahome
the standard over generator,
the two year producing
period is1.2kW
from of electricity.
EA Gen-20 1.11 ID No The TASC has previously rewarded points for energy management
12,000 BTUs
sources ofsolar,
heat biogas).
are produced simultaneously inlotthis reaction. The
systems,(wind, but there is not clear This guidance homefor is the
an infill
burden with
of prooflargeforexisting
an ID
trees that is
shadeusedmost to power thelights,
ofprecedence roof and low-voltage systems, appliances, etc.
point or points. There is intherefore
EA Gen-05, onsite EArenewable
Gen-11, and solar EA
The heat
energy generationis put into the ClimateEnergy high-efficiency, low- and constant-
Gen-15. In the last,isthe notTASC a viable option
agreed to for
ID points for an EMS:
EA Gen-21 6 1.11 ID No flow
Each furnace.
The "Greenunit in Unspent
Power" Vista gas
will cost also goes
project into
has aa catalytic
major passiveconverter,
design which
“One ID point is earned for aasystem premium thatoftracks
5.5 cents and per kw more
provides than their
regular more
will electric
save heat Customers
rate. and
and also
improve reduces
pay indoor emissions
based energy
on their to actual
but zero.
is notThis system
consumption gets
in point on
feedback & education to the homeowner about consumption. One ID
a monthly and
of the heat
billing together,
cycle and instead
categories. of
We only
are one or
requesting the other.
that oneThe ID Freewatt
point be is
is earned for a system that rates
allowsare theguaranteed
homeownertototheir customers
easily managefor the the
of the
the to the
two year WaterFurnace
contract. geothermal system to produce heat
EA Gen-26 2008 ID No energy
Proposed withloads Intent:in the home.
Reduce To
energy get these
use through points, the homeowner
regulation of incoming line must be
efficiently minimal energy expenditure. (
voltage, onknownhow to asisuse the systemVoltage
Conservation and detailed Regulationinformation (CVR). for operation
Each is
Here of athe units located in providing
a one-story building. Yet each unit also has
and maintenance must be included in the occupancyon
link to their website more details the program:
manual. NOTE: This
a two-story vent tower located in the center of the unit. These vent towers,
ruling doesmetric:
Proposed not apply Percent to other of energyenergy
annual management saved. systems - until the
EA Gen-28 2008 ID No which
ID have 2Solar
Request: paired
%20Choice/programDetails.htm cornerdomestic
heated operablehot windows
water. at each location,
Request for 1 pointareof credit
TASC develops clear guidelines for these kinds of systems, each project
for in conjunction
innovative with the firstdomestic
floor windows water to viaallow
solarfor theprovided
Proposed submit ameasure
formal ID
Innovation: The
by heating
house includes a MicroPlanet high
cross breezes
within an 1-1/2 (consistent in this desertthe location)
metal to enterandthe unit and
regulator (HVR).inch This airunit space between
dynamically regulates roof
incoming the
voltage at
radiant warmer air up and out of the unit. The windows are placed to
EA Gen-30 2008 ID No theRequest:
ID utility service Reduce entrance
thewind to a user-determined
energy demands thesetpoint,
onpulling home bytypically 114v,
catch the predominant pattern to aid in the warmer, air
heat, bottom
thereby of reducing
the ANSI the range. CO2 and environmental impacts.
up from
Rationale: theThroughout
level of tenant the occupancy,
south facingwhile side of drawing
the home, cooler air and
selectedair PEX movement
piping was intoinstalled.
the lowerThe space. terminal point of this PEX piping
Proposed benefits:
Measure: There are 92 solar heat collector vacuum tubes
was a heat
Utilities are exchanger,
required which
to deliver transfers
electricity the heated114
between glycoland that
volts the
The low
roof for
benefits the
and cold, roof
of thisexiting that
designhigh will be
feature collecting
and are hot,lower
then an transfers
average of
electricity 172,500
heat from the BTU’sglycol per
day +/- 5%).
that Mostisresidential
there full sun. andhave
We commercial
assumed equipment
that there iswill
be at to
to domestic reduced drinking air conditioning
water. The air usespaceand increased
beneath the natural
metaldaylight being
roof is heated
120 daysmore worth efficiently
ofthefull sun at available
lower voltages. forthrough
producingThe energy heat in excessfor
available voltage
long- is
not only into the
through unit.
radiantMoreheat, freshbut air and air the
conductivity will increase
of laying the
term as heat
storage, by lights andtimes motors. Lowering voltage saves either
energy in
PEX onairthe foiloutside
quality of the
and occupant
faced foam within when
the 1-1/2it would
air space.go directlyAir isto allowed short-to
term and most
storage or toplug
an end loads. use. Reducing
This will mean voltage also we increases the power
vent properly through the ridge, but not beforethat heating can
the put around
glycol. 20.7
factor and
million BTU’s reduces
into storagecore losses perthese of motor
year. Wetowersloads.
estimate For thatexample,
approximately air 2
However, implementation of vent is not credited as an energy
million equipment and bepool pumps have been shown to hot operate
saving BTU’smeasure perinyear will
California needed
Title-24, for
as a indoor of domestic
air quality measurewater.
more efficiently at lower voltages.
above and beyond the measures already accounted for in the LEED-H
program energy (themodel project that we ran forthe
is pursuing this home Star
Energy indicates
Indoor thatAirwe will need 9.7
million level
BTU’sof energyannually savingsfor space from heating.
conservation This is voltage regulationordepends
4.6 kBTU/sq-ft. 15
on the type of load and on the amount of voltage reduction. Common
household appliances that respond well to voltage regulation include
We propose that compliance for this requirement be verified with a visual
We have 9,000 freezers,feet washers and and dryers, dishwashers, pool and spa
check when the cubic
home is near of a completion
sand taconite
and be mix (approximately
consistent with an
50:50) fans and foot air conditioning.
Accountabilitythe Form, to print
be of the main
signed by the portion
Builder. of the house which
Instructions is of
on use
insulated with 16 inches of expanded
the window/vent operation will also be required to be included in polystyrene (EPS) on all sixthe
and has manual Energy Savings
cross-linked polyethylene (PEX)and tubing running horizontally at
resident and both Management Tenant training sessions.
This I&D
every Creditvertically
9 inches Request through uses thethe results
sandofand four other residential
taconite. The taconite pilot bed
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
A project that wants to earn credit for this approach must use the 4
performance pathway with energy modeling. The HERS Index does give
credit for geothermal heating, so awarding an ID credit would be
redundant. Consequently, this ID request is denied.
Homes that are designed / located such that A/C is not 4
needed (define?), should get 1 LEED point -
comparable to points for high efficiency AC. Needs
accountability sign off.
The TASC will conduct further research to confirm, but initial research on We may need to query other Providers / builders, and 3
this issue revealed that there were R-4 products available. do some research.

It is possible to earn EA 7 in multi-family buildings, but it requires multiple 3

water heaters. For example, each unit can have its own water heater.

Since a centralized boiler system can be more efficient than individual

The TASC has not yet ruled on this. The TASC would like to understand Options: include as credit; include in "additional 4
water heaters, this issue should be resolved so multi-family buildings can
the proposal better before ruling. Please answer the following questions, information"; include in "homeowners manual" in HA
earn credit for keeping pipe lengths short. The question will be forwarded
and provide any other information that you think would clarify the proposal: credit. This is a rating system for homebuilding, and it's
to the EA TAG and WE TAG for review.
o Who is signing the contract for 2 years? hard to ensure long-term impact. Two things needed:
As of now, there is no reliable, verifiable source for 2
o Is the electricity paid for up-front? What are the terms of the contract? (1) signed contract with green power utility at time of
In the meantime, if a builder has a design that they think is innovative and carbon offsets that LEED for Homes can endorse. As a
o If the builder pays for 2 years of electricity up-front, how will the builder closing, and (2) min 2 year contract.
superior to the traditional central boiler design, please submit a detailed more robust offset market is defined (and possibly
manage concerns that the occupant has no incentive to manage energy
CIR indicating the design and the expected benefits (energy saved / regulated), this is something LEED for Homes will
consumption? This is innovative, but the TASC wants more 2
reduced water in the pipes, etc.). incorporate.
o Is the contract tied to actual energy consumption, or projected energy information before granting an ID point. Specifically,
consumption? how much of the total house heating load is expected to
be met by the pellet stove? How much corn can be
The TASC is supportive of the intent of this strategy, but unconvinced of its 3
grown on-site per year, and how much energy does that
net value in this particular application. Please provide information about
how much total heating is expected to be offset by this system, not only
estimates of how much heating could be offset. Specifically, please answer
The TASC will create a standard form that must be filled out and submitted ASHRAE Std. 189 addresses this in the following way: 4
the following:
by any project pursuing ID credit for an energy management system. The “Provide meters with remote metering capability to
o Does the system have smart controls, or does it run continuously
TASC will continue to evaluate each ID request individually, but the form collect energy use data for each component of the
regardless of heating vs. electric loads in the house?
will facilitate the ruling and will help the TASC to eventually settle on a core following building subsystems if they are sized above
o If itidea
This has seems
smart controls, howone,
does the system determine when totorun? 3
set of criteria for alike a good
pre-approved but
ID more
request information is needed
related to energy justify
management EQ TASC input:
the threshold This design
[reference may 7.3.4-2,
to Table or may not provide
an Temperature?
ID point. The TASCThermostatic
has two primary control?
concerns: will this design actually the necessary airsubsystems]…
flow to provideThecooling.
systems. includes various meterThese
data kinds of
o Is theasystem
create tied air
consistent to the
and system?
will the airIf flow
not, be
does itto
release heat
offset cooling designs were system
once heralded,
management shall be but they did
capable not always
of electronically
from theconditioning?
heating load Please
is low? answer the following questions and submit produce the desired effect. In order to determine
The TASC needs more timethe
to review thishelp
ID Request. Theretoare concerns storing energy
Documentation meter
on the data and creating user reports
benefits: air flow testing 2
o Has
any this project
further modeled
information that you load
will (heat
withand power)
addressing determine
these whether this design is effective, should
about the durability of this system, showing calculated hourly, daily, monthly, and annual
how much
concerns. heating will be offset by and
this the
system?potential effects it may have on be conducted under reasonable conditions – low winds,
motors, pumps, lights, etc. energy
1. The consumption
Effects for each
of Voltage meter.”on the Efficiency of
moderate temperatures. IfReduction
a third-party is used, this
these is homes Electric
could beLoads. Chen
tracerIEEE Transactions on
The willinghave air conditioning?
to consider granting credit for this approach, but more achieved gases or some other 4
o What of the TASC
is the members is familiar withpercent
a similar technology designed Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-101, No. 7.
information is design
needed. cooling
answerWhat the following of questions:
the total energy approach. In order to take credit for reduced cooling,
for limiting
demand voltage
in the home to refrigerators,
is associated and acooling?
withDHW past empirical
model output July 1982. should demonstrate air movement rates well
the system
demonstrated that the technology did not yield energy savings. or in the
Is this project earning credit for solar in the model (EA 1), 2. MicroPlanet HVR Report, Sacramento Municipal
should give this
prescriptive creditinformation.
EA 7? What percent of this cooling load is expected above those required by ASHRAE Standard 62.2.
Utility District, Energy Efficiency, Consumer Research 3
o be offset using this approach?
the performance of this system been modeled? How much of the and Development, December 5, 2007.
o Has the
annual DHW air load
flow been
will bemodeled,
met by thisor even
design? verified using a smoke sticks or This approach is not likely adequate for the ventilation
3. Unanticipated Discovery of Emergency Voltage
o What is foggers?
the entering and exiting temperature of the water? Will the requirement, so the units should still have mechanical
Reduction for Grid Protection. California Energy
o Is there
system an expert
require on this project
supplemental heatingthattocould
necessarythe temperatures
effect of this for ventilation. A recent study in California showed that
Commission, Public Interest Research Program Final
use? Has
If so, it been
please usedthis
factor on into
the homes?
% of the annual DHW load being met because of occupant behavior, operable windows are
Project Report, June 2006. CEC-500-2006-058,
by the system. often unreliable for providing sufficient ventilation.
Appendix IV.
o Has this design been implemented before? Was it successful? The
4. Energy Conservation Pilot Program for Actus Lend
TASC is concerned that even if the system is designed to meet X% of the
Lease, RLW Analytics, 2008.
DHW load, it may not operate as intended.
5. Energy Conservation Pilot Program for Forest City,
RLW Analytics, 2007.
6. Report on MicroPlanet Voltage Regulator 5/31/06 to
8/09/06, Hawaiian Electric Company, Consumer
Technology Applications Div., 2006.
7. Energy Conservation Pilot Program, Pineapple Hill
Residence – Phase 1. RLW Analytics, 2008.
8. MicroPlanet HVR technical specifications.
9. MicroPlanet HVR installation guide.
Originator Date
Mike Holcomb 12/21/2007

TAG 9/6/2005

Danuta 6/11/2007
Drozdowicz, Fore
Danuta 12/19/2007
Drozdowicz, Fore
Miki Cook, 10/28/2007

Margie McNally & 9/6/2006 &

Laura Uhde 10/22/2006
Megan 1/8/2007
McDonough, CET

Michael Holcomb 9/23/2007

TASC 10/19/2007

Ted Bardacke, 1/9/2007

Global Green

Randy Hansell 2/20/2008

Mike Holcomb 12/21/2007

Mike Holcomb 2/23/2008

CIR / ID Database
LEED for Homes Show resolved issues only Home Size Adjuster
Last Updated: 4/14/2008 Show recently resolved issues only Material-Efficient Framing
Show unresolved issues only Local Sources
Resolved Issues: 150 Durability Planning
Unresolved Issues: 23 Environmentally Preferable Products
Waste Management
Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
MR 01-01 1 1.7 CIR Yes Is MR1 a mandatory requirement for builders of large homes?

MR 01-02 1 1.7 CIR Yes Please clarify the interpolation process for Exhibit MR1-A?

MR 01-03 1 1.7 CIR Yes Please clarify the measurement rules for calculating home size?

MR 01-04 1 1.7 CIR Yes Do outside house dimensions have to be used for homes made with extra
thick walls, such as SIPs or ICFs?

MR 01-05 1 1.7 CIR Yes Please clarify what qualifies as a conditioned basement?

MR 01-06 1 1.7 CIR Yes Please clarify what is the definition of a bedroom?

MR 01-07 1 1.7 CIR Yes Can this credit be changed to address single family and multifamily homes
separately (i.e., separate point systems for each?), or include homes with
more bedrooms?
MR 01-08 1 1.7 CIR Yes Do basements have to be finished for the floor area to count in MR 1? 
Need to define "legal living space" better (from Kevin, Tien, and Mack
Caldwell, who are builders.) Should it be "legal living space as defined on
the plans"?
MR 01-09 1 1.7 CIR Yes Should all living spaces (floor area) be treated equally in this credit.

MR 01-10 1 1.7 CIR Yes If the building will also act as an institute to promote sustainability and is
designed, with a bunk room for instance, to house up to twelve people at a
time, can the scoring for the house size be altered? (E: The residence will
also house and support an institute, "Living Futures". The house’s size,
MR 01-11 1 1.7 CIR Yes Can the floor area of a home office be subtracted from the total floor area
around 9,000 square feet, would earn -42 points using Exhibit MR1-A.)
when calculating the house size? Currently, a builder is discouraged from
including a home office because it will decrease the score. However, a
home office would reduce the environmental impact of transportation. If it
MR 01-12 1.2 1.11 CIR Yes This credit is only applicable for the new construction portion of an existing
is not possible to subtract the floor area from the total, is it possible to
homes, correct? For example, even if the previous builder had set the
count the office as a bedroom when determining which column of the table
walls to 16”O.C. and those walls are staying intact, so long as the new
to use?
builder puts all new walls and framing up at >16”O.C., they may take the
MR 01-13 1.2 1.11 ID Yes ID Request: Superior Advanced Framing. In addition to the Advanced
applicable points for this credit. Another example would be if the unit in
Framing strategies in MR 1.2, Develop a building design that incorporates
question is part of a multifamily building or town home so that 2 of the
all of the following Advanced Framing techniques:
walls cannot be retrofitted to use an exterior wall shear technique other
* Use hangers for single headers over doors and windows
than wood sheathing, but the other 2 walls can be and are, and therefore
* No Jack studs at window and door openings
can take credit for that point.
* Sheathing and framing plans to minimize materials waste
* Window placement on 24" framing layout
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
Yes. This is a mandatory requirement. The builder of a 4500 SF home In Exhibit MR 1-A, a builder of a 4 bedroom 5,000 SF 2
would need to recieve -12 points in Exhibit MR4-A. This means that the home would need to obtain 45 points for a Certified
home would need to score 42 points (12 more than the 30 pointsrequired LEED Home?
for an average sized home) to be a certified under the LEED for Homes
Please use the new Exhibit MR 4-Ar for credit MR 1 (see Revised Credit 1
Rating System.
document). There is no need to interpolate with this new Exhibit.

Use ANSI Z765 for measurement guidelines (i.e., use exterior dimensions 1
of homes, conditioned floor area only, garage area not included)

Yes. Thick walled systems, typically use more materials, to accommodate 1

the same floor area. The extra credit for thermal performance can be
captured using EA 2.3.
A conditioned basement must have sized supply ducts for the basement 1
and a dedicated or passive return.

If a space is defined explicitly on the home plans as a bedroom and it 1

meets local code definition of a bedroom, then the space may be counted
as a bedroom.
This credit will be changed for Version 1.10 to allow more bedrooms to be 1

No, if the basement is conditioned but not finished it should still count in 3
the total floor area if it could be be legally considered a living space.
Version 1.11 now states "Conditioned basements that meet other code
requirements for living space (e.g. head room, egress, etc.) are to be
Yes, all conditioned floor area is treated equally and should be counted. 3
included in the floor area calculation."

The Home Size Adjuster in Version 1.11 has been changed so more than Ann Edminster: Is there any way around the Living 3
4 bedrooms can be counted. Futures Institute project being dinged on MR1? This
strikes me as a somewhat unusual circumstance --
although it's designed and built using residential
The floor area of a home office cannot be subtracted from the total floor 3
construction approaches, in order to fulfill its
area when calculating home size. However, if the home office could
educational purpose it has to be oversized. I was
conceivably be used as a bedroom (i.e. does not violate any code rules on
pondering whether you might want to consider a CIR
bedrooms), then it should be counted as a bedroom for MR 1. based on this paradox/dual function? Just a wild idea, it
The requirements in the credits must be met for all new walls and 2
structures. Existing structures that are retained are exempt. may have no merit at all, but it seemed unfortunate to
me that serving the educational purpose results in low
marks. I suspect the success of such a pitch might rest
This request is granted ½ point on the basis that the proposed techniques on the likelihood of the educational function of the 2
are proven and the materials saving is roughly equivalent to the material facility being maintained for some appreciable period of
savings from the ‘roof pitch / eave width’ component of MR credit 1.2. time (is there any mechanism that would ensure that?),
or perhaps that the configuration of the building would
render it less than attractive for conversion to a large,
single-family home.
Originator Date

Jay Hall

Peter Schneider,

Mark Newey, CET 10/19/2005

Laura Uhde, 2/12/2007


Fore Solutions 2/20/2007

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
MR 01-14 1.1 1.11 CIR Yes This project is purchasing FSC certified logs and then milling them for use
on the project. 100% of the lumber ordered for this project comes from an
FSC certified forest located 50 miles from the home. Green Hammer (GH)
will purchase whole trees from the landowner instead of dimensional
MR 01-15 1.2 1.11 CIR Yes How should ICFs be treated in the rating system? Perhaps create a new
lumber from a retailer. In doing this, GH will reduce wood waste and
credit for ICFs?
processing assembly line, and promote local FSC certified landowners. GH
will reduce waste by using all useable pieces of wood from each tree, even
MR 01-16 1.2 1.11 CIR Yes if it means
Can selling
projects with the lumber
glulams, to another
paralams, GHorLEED
LVL, otherfor Homes project.
engineered lumberGH
will reduce
receive processing contractors by purchasing the wood straight from
the landowner and employ a miller to mill lumber specifically for GH
projects. This method saves time and allows the local FSC landowner to
MR 01-17 1.1 1.11 CIR Yes Most
receive of more
the builders
moneyI forwork with
their havecompared
goods never heard of aconventional
to the waste factor - don't
processingexactly how much
routine. lumber
Although is needed
more to frame
than enough the home,
lumber will beand sincefor
they are smaller-volume
the project because we buy builders,
wholethe work
trees, in itthe
100% to of
a detailed
will beMR of the
used aplans to for
determine exactly how much of each type of
MR 01-18 1.1 1.11 CIR Yes Does 1.1inrequire
LEED Homes project,
the submittal of a form?but To not necessarily
whom? for one
project. is needed doesn't make sense. Instead, they guess, use the wood
efficiently, and make another trip to the lumber yard if they run out. How
Since they meet
there is athis requirement?
potential that notItallseems
of theto be geared
lumber toward
cut from the production
MR 01-19 1.2 1.11 CIR Yes builders.
is claiming
be used 80% on oneusehome,
of 'Hardy Frame'.has
the project Based on Exhibit
decided that anyMR1-
B, it seems that this would not earn a point. Is that correct?
additional lumber will be sold to other projects they will be developing.
Can we claim credit for overall waste not exceeding 10%?
MR 01-20 1 1.11 CIR Yes Many Providers have indicated that builders do not compile a detailed
framing plan. What about creating a new 1/2 poin for completing and
submitting a detailed cut list and framing plan?
MR 01-21 1.1 1.11 CIR Yes This home uses modular construction. Does the factory need to document
the waste factor, or is this for "job-site" only projects?

MR 01-22 1.5 2 CIR Yes Modular homes and panelized framing is awarded 4 points in the new
version, but anecdotally we've heard from Providers and other building
professionals that these systems incorporate extra wood to withstand the
shipping. Does this extra reinforcement offset the benefits that they're
MR 01-23 1 2 CIR Yes There is an ICF builder who is building to LEED. A previous ruling
being rewarded for?
indicated that ICFs were not listed in MR 2.2. Could an ICF home earn
credit for framing efficiencies? If not, can this be stated explicitly in the
Rating System - currently, it says "alternative measures not listed in Table
MR 01-24 1 1.11 CIR Yes If
home beuses ICF,toSIP,
eligible earnorpoints...".
conventional exterior wall framing, can the
home still earn partial credit for incorporating advanced framing into the
interior wall framing? Does the entire home (interior and exterior framing)
have to meet the requirements of the advanced framing measures to earn
MR 01-25 1.2 2008 CIR Yes Related to MR 1.2: Detailed Framing Documents: How detailed do we
want to go? I have seen two versions in the past: 1) Flags called out on
plans that show how wall sections are to be built such as around windows
and doors and a typical wall section with floor, roof an ceilings also called
MR 01-26 1.1 2008 CIR Yes If a project does order more than 10% additional lumber, can it meet this
out, but it does not show every stud for the house; or 2) A complete wall,
requirement by showing that all their excess lumber goes back to the
floor, roof and ceiling assembly drawings on the plans for the house that
warehouse to be used on subsequent houses?
shows each and every stud, joist and other framing details. Which one
MR 01-29 1.2 1.11 CIR Yes (both?
This neither?)
project would
consists of meet the intent that
109 townhomes thatthe measure
would like toispursue
trying to

In a project constructed to protected wood frame construction, only about

MR 01-30 Home Size 1.11 CIR Yes This home has straw-bale walls with 18" exterior walls. When the home
50% of the wall studs may be spaced at 24" o.c. due to fire resistive
size is calculated, the thick walls make the home seem much larger than it
construction requirements. Can we still receive 1/2 point for stud spacing
is. This seems unfairly punitive to homes with thick walls. Can we exclude
above 16" O.C.? The pilot system talks about "where applicable and
the walls from the home size calculator?
MR 01-31 Home Size 1.11 CIR Yes appropriate".
How Fire and
should stairs ratedopen
wall spaces
construction is tested
be counted at 16"
in the o.c.,size
home therefore it
is not applicable or appropriate to allow 24" o.c. spacing in these walls.

In the model codes, if a room is located above a garage, the garage

requires rated separations between the garage and unit, and rated
supporting construction.. Such walls will be required to have a fire-
resistance rating, therefore the stud spacing cannot be greated than 16"
o.c. Does this condition still allow for compliance to receive 1/2 point for
walls framed at 24" o.c.?
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
In order to comply with MR1.1 under the unique circumstances described, The TASC is concerned that this approach may allow 2
the builder must complete the following: the crew to be less resource-conscious in both planning
and use of wood on-site (it’s like having a lumberyard
1) Estimate the wood needs for this project, as for a conventionally built on-site – you can always reach for another piece!).
Any energy benefits associated with ICFs must be captured within the EA 3
project. Also, because industrial milling processes are very
section of the rating system. Because their principal constituents are high-
2) As the project is constructed, track job-site wood waste (i.e., wood that efficient, the TASC would like to understand whether
impact materials (cement and petroleum), ICFs are not generally
is disposed of in landfills and/or incinerators) separate from the job-site the builder expects this approach to save wood and if
preferable to conventional stick frame construction from a materials
The usetotal (this also needs
of engineered lumber to be tracked,
is very per MR3).
common, uses conventional lumber so, why; if this approach is primarily intended to reduce 3
perspective. Consequently, ICFs are not awarded any points under MR
3) Once the
sources, andproject is completed,
is not preferable (fromreport the job-site
a materials wood waste
perspective) to as a transportation impacts; or if there is some other intent
2.2. If a project team can demonstrate that it has used ICFs more
percentage ofwood,
conventional the estimate prepared
so it is not worthyinofstep 1. in
credit This number
LEED should be no
for Homes. behind this approach.
efficiently than they are normally used, it is possible that the project might
more than 10%, as prescribed in MR 1.1.
The creditofunder MR1.2isfor
this credit to resource-efficient
have builders order construction. (This of
only the amount would
lumber 3
that submitting
is needed a CIR, along
for framing. with supporting
If a builder chooses to materials.)
underestimate the
amount of lumber that is needed, and then incrementally purchase lumber
as needed, this is acceptable.
No, the only form that's required is the Accountability Form sign-off. The 3
rating system will be updated to reflect this.

If the project has met the requirements in MR 1.2 as stated in the Rating 2
System, then it qualifies for the appropriate points (i.e. if the home uses
exterior wall shear techniques other than wood sheathing for the whole
building, then it is awarded 1 LEED point).
A new credit has been drafted and will be included in the roll-out version of 3
the Rating System. Projects pursuing certification using Version 1.11 can
earn these points as ID credits.
This prerequisite only applies to on-site framing. For example, if a home 3
uses 75% prefabricated components, the project team must still meet this
prerequisite for the other 25%.
The TASC is comfortable with the current point structure for prefabricated 3
framing systems. Even using extra material for stabilization, the net
material benefit is likely to be significant. If research is found that indicates
otherwise, the TASC will refine the point structure accordingly.
Please see the ruling for MR 01-15: “Because their principal constituents 3
are high-impact materials (cement and petroleum), ICFs are not generally
preferable to conventional stick frame construction from a materials
perspective… if a project team can demonstrate that it has used ICFs
A home that uses SIPthey
or ICF 3
more efficiently than are construction
normally used, for itexterior wallsthat
is possible canthe
earn an
might earn½creditpointunder
for doing
MR1.2 the for
following with interiorconstruction.
resource-efficient wall framing:(This
would greater
require than 16” o.c.
submitting (where
a CIR, possible),
along sizing headers
with supporting for actual
loads, and using single jack-studs at openings. The measures in MR 1.2
Option #2 – having each stud, joist, and other framing details shown on 3
and MR 1.3 refer to exterior walls only.
the plans – is acceptable. Option #1 is only acceptable if the “flag” on the
plans doesn’t just describe the detail but shows it. Sample section details,
elevation details, or illustrations can be used as long as the Provider and
The goal of this prerequisite is to get builders to purchase no more lumber 3
Rater agree that the approach will meet the requirements of the credit.
than they expect to need. Studies have shown that when a builder over-
purchases lumber, more lumber ends up getting used, wasted, or
damaged. Simply planning to send back excess lumber may not meet the
If this project implements advanced framing measures on 50% of the 3
goal of MR 1.1. To be clear, if a project estimates its lumber need, but
walls, the project can earn half credit. Since stud spacing > 16” O.C. is
ultimately uses only 90% or less of the estimated lumber, the project has
worth 1 point in the Rating System, this project can take ½ point.
not failed the prerequisite. This prerequisite does not require an audit of
The homeuse.size
Is this project planning
calculation to purchase
should include exterior excess
thick wallsIf so,
cannot 3
be excluded from the home size adjustment calculation. However, for
homes with walls that are thicker than 8", the home size can be calculated
Sending unused of
to the centerline lumber to the
the thick warehouse
walls. for reclamation
In this case, for example, is 9"
an of
the walls
The areafor
strategy associated
diverting with stairs
wasted should only be counted once - on the floor 3
should be counted toward theunder
homeMR size3,adjuster.
waste management.
from which the stairs ascend. Areas that are open to the floor below should
not be included in the home size calculation.
Originator Date
Earth Advantage 3/20/2007

FSEC 3/20/2007

Davis Energy 4/24/2007


CET 4/20/2007


Glen Boldt, DEG 5/8/2007

Doug King 5/29/2007

Megan 11/6/2007
McDonough, CET

Doug King / 11/22/2007

Various Providers

Chip Henderson, 1/9/2008


Chip Henderson, 1/9/2008


Randy Hansell 1/21/2008

Donney Dorton 1/30/2008

Rob Wisniewski 2/13/2008

Kristin Shewfelt 2/6/2008

Providers 8/1/2007
Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
MR 01-32 Home Size 1.11 CIR Yes How should party walls be handled when calculating the home size? If we
include party walls for each attached unit, it seems like this would result in
MR 01-33 Home Size 1.11 CIR Yes Should the garage be included in the home size calculation?

MR 02-01 2 1.7 CIR Yes Please clarify the language in this credit?

MR 02-02 2 1.7 CIR Yes What about rewarding alternatives to stick framing (e.g., SIPS ICFs)

MR 02-03 2 1.7 CIR Yes How do you know what wood is "extra"?

MR 02-04 2 1.7 CIR Yes Is a log home immediately excluded from LEED-H because it is considered
extra use of lumber for purely aesthetic purposes?

MR 02-05 2 1.7 CIR Yes Please clarify what "design roof pitch / eave width to 24 inch module"
means? Must it be exactly 24" increments to qualify for the 1/2 point?

MR 02-06 2.2 1.7 CIR Yes The home being built is steel framed and is being constructed in a factory
and being shipped to the site. It is our belief that factory-built construction
produces significantly less waste than traditional homes. Can we get credit
under 2.2?
MR 02-07 2 1.7 CIR Yes Is there a way to get credit for 2-stud corners in MR 2.2 when using 3-stud
corners, which is required for Hardiplank siding (or where required by local
MR 02-08 2.2 1.7 CIR Yes A previous CIR ruling found that “other [non-wood] systems can be
considered, must be submitted as CIRs, accompanied by supporting
research and analysis. The approach used must be efficient as compared
to how that system is typically done and/or efficient as compared to the
MR 02-09 2.2 1.7 CIR Yes Can Structural
status quo (i.e.,Insulated
wood frame Panelw/o(SIPs) construction
efficient framing). encompassing the
entire exterior wall and roof system be presumed to meet or exceed the
intent of 1) Space
This five-plex's studs greater
foundation, than
interior 16” o.c.,
common 2) Design
walls and aboveroof pitch/eave
grade wallsto
24” module,
are homes and out
built entirely 3) Use ladder blocking/drywall
of Eco-Block clips,forms.
and 4)The SizeEco-Block
MR 02-10 2.1 1.7 CIR Yes Do built with SIP walls andinsulated concrete
roofs automatically comply with the
headers /loads?
Framing Wasteprocess typically
Factor (WF) generates
calculation only 1% waste
requirement in MR- 2.2?
the EPS is
reground and used in other products that are made at the same facilities,
so no EPS goes to the garbage. A facility that is conscientious will have
MR 02-11 2.2 1.7 CIR Yes Can
wasteon forthe
of there
pursuing and implementing
are always a few that get SIPs construction
damaged when(at
a time when
removing supply
them fromchannels
a panel, and and the
the EPS
pool isof entirely
labor skills are significantly
ground up and
less developed
reintroduced than
into otherthey are for like
products conventional
packagingframing and On
materials. insulating
construction qualify for anwas
site, there ID credit?
no waste as are
a result of theforICFs. Eco-Block
MR 02-12 2 1.11 ID Yes Under the Assembly Foundation, points awarded locally sourced
factors in 3%
aggregate andwaste
cement as a default
and fly ashwhen figuring
or slag an order. Can
replacement. Can this home
the Living
earn points
Futures under
project MR 2.2?
receive 0.5 pts for the use of a Cradle-to-Cradle certified
and Green Spec listed admixture solution that transforms concrete into a
MR 02-13 2 1.11 CIR Yes The TASC should create a credit for SIPs. Previous TASC rulings
waterproof construction material and eliminates the need for external
indicated that SIPs automatically meet MR 1.1, and should receive 0.5
membranes and coating systems?
points for stud spacing, 0.5 points for roof pitch/eave width; and 0.5 points
for header/load sizing and ladder blocking/drywall clips. SIPs also seem to
MR 02-14 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes Explanation:
Should ExhibitCoatings
MR2-B and membranes
include which
a listing for are often
recycled contentpetroleum-based
in steel
satisfy the intent of "use exterior wall shear technique other than wood
with high percentage of VOC and asphaltic/bituminous content are
sheathing for the whole building" and "use wood wall sheathing for shear
necessary to prevent water and dissolved salts from transferring through
only at corners".
concrete. The membranes often go straight to landfill after use. Hycrete,
Inc. manufactures and supplies novel advanced materials that integrally
transform concrete into a waterproof construction material. Their admixture
solution permanently repels water and dissolved salts by shutting down the
capillary/micro-crack absorption mechanism. Hycrete’s hydrophobic
technology transforms concrete from an open network of capillaries and
cracks into a waterproof, protective building material. The need for
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
For attached homes, the home size area should include exterior walls but 3
should be calculated to the centerline of party walls.

Garages should be included in the home size calculation if they are 3

conditioned (heating or cooling). If they are not conditioned at all, they
should not be included - even if they are attached.
Please see new language for this credit (see the Revised Credit 2
document). MR 2.1 states "Builder must supply a framing material
takeoff/cut list and waste factor (WF).", and MR 2.2 states "Overall waste
factor may not exceed 10%. If WF on any portion of the framing order
Add to rationale : This credit is about wood because ~90% of U.S. 2
exceeds 10%, calculate overall WF as shown in Exhibit MR2-A." and a
housing stock is wood-framed. Efficient use of other materials is also good,
new exhibit has been included.
but comparable data on efficient approaches to other structural systems
isn't readily available.
Use a framing factor (e.g., NN cf of wood /sf of occupied space). Base on 3
Add to tech/strategies: Other systems can be considered, must be
waste research (e.g., NAHB-RC) -- see LEED-R draft for references.
submitted as CIRs, accompanied by supporting research and analysis.
Exempt outdoor structures such as pergolas, arbors, etc.
The approach used must be efficient as compared to how that system is
A done
log home and/or
does not efficient as 2.1.
violate MR compared
- so atolog
status quo
can be(i.e., woodas a
certified Additional info: The logs are indigenous Eastern White 3
frame w/o
LEED efficient framing).
Home. Pine, 30-40 year growth, from a nearby managed forest.
ALSO, is there any other concern about a log home
being cetified as a LEED Home?
The intent of this bullet is to design the length of the roof decking from the 2
roof peak to the edge of the eaves in 24" increments, to minimize the
amount of wasted roof sheathing. Alternative approaches must be
submitted as CIRS with demonstrated reductions in roof sheathing.
This project is eligible to earn the 2 points under this credit. At the time of
their on-site verification, they must supply the Rater with proof that the
home is factory-built, in the form of a shipping document or other proof of
delivery for the prefabricated components.
No. There is no material savings achieved through the status quo use of 3-
stud corners.

The efficiency of EcoBlock manufacturing unquestionably results in some 2

reduced waste, which will be reflected in the project’s scoring under MR6.
However, the EPS webs represent only a fraction of the structure – an
even smaller fraction of mass than of volume. In order to rule on this
Yes, but additional supporting documentation is needed for items 1, and 2. 2
request, the TASC needs to know much more about the efficiency of the
overall structural approach used for this project. Please describe the
resource efficiency aspects of the other components of the ICF assembly –
Yes.concrete and reinforcing – as well as the resource efficiency aspects 2
of the floors, partition walls, ceilings, and roofs.

No. Credits must be justified in terms of measurable environmental 2

benefits not taking on risks. Requestor must quantify a specific
environmental benefit.
Reward ½ point as an ID credit, not under MR 2. The TASC recognizes 2
that this is an encouraging innovation that has potential to reduce demand
for petroleum-based products.
SIP construction can earn up to 2 points – 1 point for SIP walls, and 1 4
point for SIP roofs. These points will be part of the Advanced Framing
credit in MR 1.2. in the next version of the Rating System.
Individual projects may submit a detailed CIR to request ½ point for Kathleen O'Brien: there are locations where steel might 4
recycled-content steel for framing. Detailed CIRs on this subject must be more appropriate AND there are some steel
include the following: components where the industry has gone further in
o justification for why steel framing is being used rather than wood, terms of % recycled content.
including any relevant code requirements
o the percent of recycled content used in all steel framing for the project
o the percent of total framing that is steel
Originator Date
Providers 8/1/2007

Providers 8/1/2007




Earth Advantage 3/29/2006

Peter Schneider, 7/25/2006


Margie McNally 9/29/2006

Margie McNally 9/26/2006

Margie McNally 9/25/2006

VEIC 1/4/2007

Doug King 1/16/2007

David Ware 11/13/2006

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
MR 02-15 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes Add criteria for cork and bamboo flooring - "sustainable sources with
verifiable harvesting".

MR 02-16 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes For floor framing: add engineer I-Joist

MR 02-17 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes For roof/floor/wall insulation - add bio-based materials.

MR 02-18 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes Driveway - should this be added as an assembly with "grass pave" and
other pervious surfaces listed as a component for credit?

MR 02-19 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes If a home has reclaimed material, can this count instead of “recycled
content” – i.e. if 25% of the flooring is reclaimed, isn’t that as good or
better than 25% recycled content?
MR 02-20 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes In the chart, Exhibit MR2-B on p. 111, in the counters section there is no X.
Also, does reclaimed material waste have to be included in the total for the
Does that mean that we wouldn’t be able to get part of a point for using
waste calculation?
regionally produced tiles or even locally produced terrazzo for our
MR 02-22 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes We are using soy-based foam which does not include any recycled
materials, but is environmentally preferable to standard fiberglass
insulation as it is a bio-based, renewable resource providing an air tight
seal. This is used for 33% of the home, and 100% recycled content
MR 02-23 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes In order for flooring to get 0.5 points as an EPP, only 45% must comply.
cellulose is used for the remaining 67%. Does this still meet the
Does this also apply to the local credit? If 45% of the total flooring is local,
requirement and intent for the insulation component? I.e., can the home
are 0.5 points awarded?
receive ½ point for insulation.
MR 02-24 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes Please provide the specification for low-emissions adhesives and sealants.
From Southface
It is currently (3/27/07):
listed as "TBD".The productrefer
Perhaps usestobetween
LEED-NC.8% and 20% soy-
based product for the B-side poly resin. Since the B-side poly resin is only
40% of the total product, the soy-based component is only 3-8% total.
MR 02-25 2 1.11 CIR Yes What about creating a new classification of EPP for "rapidly renewable"
materials, using theCombining
Doug (3/28/2007): language from LEED-NC
the soy as aplus
component definition? Some of
the recycled-
content materials arethe
insulation, already includedofinenvironmentally
total amount LEED-H, but notpreferable
MR 02-26 2 1.11 CIR Yes insulation
What about material
a new used in the
category forhome is: (0.08)*(33%)
roof lines? + 67% = 70%. spray
Could a recycled-content
foam for roof lines qualify for a 1/2 point as an EPP?

MR 02-27 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes The doors used in the interior of the home are Humabuilt wheat-core
doors, made with 85% rapidly renewable by volume (wheat core). They
are free of synthetic formaldehyde and made with ultra low-VOC
adhesives. They do not include recycled-content or FSC-certified wood.
MR 02-28 2.1 1.11 CIR Yes Client would like to use Lyptus Hardwood for flooring. Lyptus Eucalyptus
Could these still be considered an EPP 1/2 point?
trees are grown on plantations certified to Brazil’s national sustainable
forest standard, CERFLOR, and has been recognized by the Programme
for Endorsement of Forest Certification. The tree grows quickly, and may
MR 02-29 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes We have a rehab project. If they keep the floors intact and refurbish them,
be harvested within 14-16 years of planting.
does that count as an EPP?

MR 02-30 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes For products that meet the "local sources" requirements, do these
products have to make up 100% of the relevant component, or only 90%
(like EPPs, etc.)?
MR 02-31 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes Recommend: add "formaldehyde-free" or "no added urea-formaldehyde"
designation for sheathing in Exhibit MR2-B.
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
This issue is under review by the MR TAG. 4

Request denied. Engineering I-joists are standard industry practice and not 4
worthy of a ½ point.

It is too difficult to create a comprehensive list of acceptable bio-based 4

materials. Individual bio-based materials can be submitted as CIRs.

No, pervious surfaces are already addressed in the SS category of the 4

rating system.

Yes, “Reclaimed” should be added to the “EPP Specifications” column in Rephrased: what % of reclaimed material is comparable 2
Exhibit MR2-B for the following components: siding or masonry, flooring, to 25% recycled content in 45% of the floors?
decking or patio material, cabinets, counters.
This was a typo. Countertops are eligible to receive 1/2 point for being 3
locally sourced, as long as the proposed material meets all the
requirements in the credit.
This project is granted ½ ID point for the use of insulation containing a Some so-called ‘bio-based’ products contain a small 2
rapidly renewable bio-based component to supplement the recycled- percentage of rapidly renewable bio-based material and
content insulation in the majority of the home. are therefore not necessarily “environmentally
preferable.” Any project team planning to use materials
Yes, a home with 45% locally sourced flooring material receives 1/2 point. 2
of this type should submit a CIR with detailed product
A home with 90% locally sourced flooring material receives 1 point.
information to the MR TASC.

The requirements listed in LEED-NC have been adopted and incorporated The TASC is not satisfied with the predominant 4
into the roll-out version of the Rating System. definition of VOCs, which is often used to imply
unsubstantiated health benefits (e.g. “low-VOC”
products). This definition refers to a class of VOC’s that
Unlike other LEED rating systems, in LEED for Homes EPPs are 3
impact outdoor smog formation and does not sufficiently
application-specific, i.e., environmentally preferable as compared to the address indoor environmental quality. The TASC
conventional material(s) used in a specific application. If you wish to earn strongly supports the development of better criteria for
credit for rapidly renewable products that are not listed for the specific
We assume(component)
you are referring identifying products and materials which reduce risks of 3
application in thetoEPP
insulation installedMR2-B),
table (Exhibit at the roof perimeter,
please submit a
i.e., negative health impacts from exposure to hazardous
CIR part of thereview.
for TASC roof insulation. This is already included in Exhibit MR2-B.
chemicals commonly found indoors.
If at least 90% of the interior doors meet this description, the project can 2
count ½ point in MR 2.2 for using these doors.

Tropical wood products, if intentionally purchased for the project, must be 2

FSC certified as clearly stated in MR2.1.

Yes, leaving refurbished floors can count towards the EPP requirement. If This seems comparable to using reclaimed material. 2
45% of the total flooring in the new home are refurbished (or some
combination of refurbished, linoleum, cork, bamboo, etc. as listed in Exhibit
MR2-B), then the home is awarded ½ point. If 90% of the total flooring in
For all of the measures in MR 2.2, the product being used must equal at 3
the new home meets the requirements, 1 point is awarded.
least 90% of the total for that component.

The TASC disagrees with this recommendation. Sheathing tends to The MR TASC interpreted the “no added urea- 3
contain phenol-formaldehyde, not urea-formaldehyde. Phenol- formaldehyde” as addressing indoor air quality, and is
formaldehyde is less volatile than urea-formaldehyde, and consequently unsure whether sheathing affects indoor air quality
poses less risk to occupants, which is why sheathing is not included in because it is behind walls.
Exhibit MR2-B.
Originator Date
Kevin Stack 11/13/2006

Kevin Stack 11/13/2006

Kevin Stack 11/13/2006

Kevin Stack 11/13/2006

Laura Uhde, 1/30/2007


Laura Uhde, 2/22/2007


Southface 3/7/2007

Southface 3/8/2007

Ann Edminster 3/23/2007

Fore Solutions 3/23/2007

Southface 3/28/2007

Southface 3/8/2007

Steven Winter 5/24/2007


Southface 5/21/2007

Southface 5/21/2007

Southface & Eric 5/21/2007

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
MR 02-32 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes If a product includes recycled content, what part of the product must be
verified as "local source"? Is it acceptable if all the product except the
recycled-content portion is verified as locally sourced?
MR 02-33 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes This project is using a paint product that is 99% recycled, with 1% new
materials added. Is this product eligible as an EPP? Please see
"boomerang paint spec 2229.pdf" for more information.
MR 02-34 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes Exhibit MR2-B rewards 1/2 point for using low-VOC paints on interior walls,
ceilings, and millwork. This project plans to use low-VOC paint on exterior
surfaces, and interior floors. We estimate that the exterior walls and the
interior floors are each of equal area to the interior walls & ceilings being
MR 02-35 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes Is wood that is harvested within 500 miles considered 'local'?
painted, so we request 1 point.

MR 02-36 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes Can non-wood countertops (e.g. granite) get 1/2 point for emissions, since
they have no added urea-formaldehyde?

MR 02-37 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes Do "counters" apply to bathrooms, too? Or just kitchens?

MR 02-39 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes This project is using Aquatherm piping. The pipe is 97% pure
polypropylene, which means it can easily be recycled. Products such as
PEX tubing are not recyleable. The piping meets the NSF 51 standard for
food equipment, which speaks to the purity of the piping material. The
MR 02-40 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes MR 2.2 doesn't indicate whether EPP "doors" includes interior and exterior,
piping is inherently a better insulator than metal pipes, which can save
or just interior. In this part of the world you want both exterior and garage
energy and also reduce the chance of condensate and consequent mold.
doors to be well insulated and weathertight - consequently, their
It will not rust, which means less chance of corrosion. This product is
construction and materials are very different from interior doors and using
MR 02-41 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes endorsed by Greenpeace
Please explore the variousInternational
scenarios forforcarpet.
its manufacturing
If a home hasprocess - that
no carpet at
recycled content may be difficult or impossible.
the polypropylene
all, does and its
it get 1 point? additives
What if you (color pigments
have 90% carpetand stabilizers)
that meets thehave
been tested
emissions by independent
specs? labs for
What if a home has environmental compatibility.
recycled-content, low-emissions
MR 02-42 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes How can wood windows earn points in MR 2.2 for being FSC-certified?
Does the 90% content requirement only apply to the wood, or all of the
MR 02-43 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes Does typical a cellulose insulation product comply with the State of
California, DHS, "Practice for Testing ....Chambers" to earn ½ a point
under MR2-B?
MR 02-44 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes Can recycled paint qualify for a ‘local production’ point, if the collection,
recycling, and re-packaging happens within 500 miles of the project site?

MR 02-45 2.2 1.11 ID Yes ID request for exemplary performance: homes that further minimize the
use of VOC’s in their paints: VOC-free interior, Low-VOC exterior. 90% of
interior paints (by surface area) are Zero VOC. 90% of Exterior paints are
Low VOC paint for the exterior.
MR 02-46 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes MR 2.2 includes 1/2 point for recycled-content decking or patio material.
This project is planning to use 30% fly ash for the community boardwalk.
The boardwalk makes up 100% of the patio area. Is this worthy of 1/2
MR 02-47 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes Local production is nearly impossible in Hawaii - the closest sources of any
building supply is 2,500 miles away. If raw material could be shipped to
location in a fraction of the space required by the finished product of that
material, it would be environmentally preferable way to get supplies to
MR 02-48 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes For exterior wall framing, floor framing, and interior wall framing, the only
remote areas.
EPP available is FSC certified wood. In our region (Hawaii), we build
homes with metal walls, floors, etc. Specific to this credit, we feel that a
In this case, steel is shipped in coiled rolls and then extracted and
product used for the same component with a high recycled content should
produced on-site to create studs and beams at a volume greater than 95%
be able to earn the points for being an EPP. We request that the EPP
of the shipped rolls. Please consider this idea as a possible 'local'
column be expanded to include recycled-content, to account for other
alternative in a region that has no local materials.
framing systems that could use environmentally preferable products like
light gauge steel framing.
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
Recycled content is not exempt from this credit. However, if the recycled 2
content comes from a facility within 500 miles (disregarding the original
source), it would count towards this credit because it would be harvested
from a local source.
Yes, this is eligible for an EPP, as long as 90% or more of the interior 2
walls, ceiling, and millwork (as per the requirements in MR 2.2) use this
product or a paint product that meets the Green Seal Standard.
Paint that is outside the air barrier (e.g. exterior of the house) does not 2
meet the intent of IEQ and is not rewarded points. Paint that is on the floor
of the house cannot receive points.
The term 'harvested' is equivalent to 'extracted', which is the term used in 2
MR 2.2. As long as the wood product is also processed and manufactured
(if applicable) within 500 miles, then it can be used to meet the "local"
requirements in MR 2.2.
Non-wood countertops cannot earn ½ point for emissions. 3

This credit will be changed, so ½ point is earned for countertops only if

they meet both the EPP and emissions specification. The language will be
All countertops (90% by surface area) must meet the specification to 3
changed to read “Synthetic and composite materials must contain no
receive points.
added urea-formaldehyde resins” to clarify that the requirement does not
apply to solid wood.
The use of polypropylene and/or PEX for domestic water supply piping is 3
acceptable as an EPP, and worth ½ LEED point under MR 2.2. At least
90% of the supply piping must be polypropylene or PEX. This ruling is
subject to review by the USGBC Technical Advisory Groups that oversee
This EPP credit applies to all interior and exterior doors, except garage 2
all LEED products, and may be overturned prior to final program roll-out.
doors and insulated doors.

This will be changed in the Rating System. A project should get: 3

½ point for EPP flooring (including recycled-content carpet) in 45% of the
conditioned floor area
1 point for EPP flooring (including recycled-content carpet) in 90% of the
For windows,flooronlyarea
the frame and/or sash material must be FSC-certified. If 3
the window
½ point if allhas thecarpet
of the FSC label, that is acceptable. In addition, 90% of all of
is low-emitting
the windows
½ point must
if there becarpet
is no FSC-certified
at all to earn credit.
½ point if all
Cellulose of the hard
products flooring
do not is Floorscore
automatically comply with the California 3
requirement. Individual product manufacturers can submit an application
for compliance, but without doing the test and having it certified as
compliant by CA Department of Public Health, it is not acceptable.
Yes. Recycled-content product can be counted as 'locally produced' as 3
long as the material is recycled within 500 miles of the project, and any
A list of compliant insulation materials is provided by the Collaborative for
High PerformanceproductSchools
is manufactured
(another CA within 500
state miles of theat
organization) project.
the following
Low-VOC exterior paint is suggested, but it is not . You'll
awardednotice that there
in LEED for is 3
a cellulose
Homes. If atproduct fromofthe
least 90% theInternational
interior paintCellulose Corporation
is zero-VOC, on theoflist.
this is worthy a
½ ID point (in addition to the ½ point in MR 2.2 for low-VOC interior paint).
Also, cellulose insulation can be counted as 'recycled content' and earn
This proposal
1/2 point meets
for being anthe intent of the current credit for recycled-content in
EPP. 2
‘decking or patio material’, and should be awarded ½ point in MR 2.2.

While the TASC recognizes the difficulty of earning ‘local production’ 3

points in some areas of the country, this proposal does not address the full
intent of the credit and is therefore denied.
Because recycled-content steel is the norm, this request is denied. If the 3
applicant could demonstrate that the steel used on this project contained a
significantly higher level of recycled content than usual, the TASC would
Originator Date
Southface 6/1/2007

Peter Schneider, 6/6/2007


Laura Uhde, 5/30/2007


Kenneth Bland 6/19/2007


Doug King 6/25/2007

Asa Foss, Sentech 6/29/2007

Danuta Drozdowicz 7/25/2007

& Kristin Shewfelt

Ann Edminster 8/8/2007

Randy Hansell 8/17/2007

Peter Schneider, 6/19/2007


Randy Hansell 8/29/2007

Alistair Jackson 9/20/2007

Kristin Shewfelt 10/2/2007

Randy Hansell 10/5/2007

Randy Hansell 10/5/2007

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
MR 02-49 2.1 1.11 CIR Yes This builder used non-FSC tropical wood on a previous home. That client
decided to replace the non-FSC wood with something else, and when the
earlier home was stripped of the non-FSC wood the builder decided to
reuse it on this current LEED project. MR 2.1 states that non-FSC tropical
MR 02-50 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes This gut rehab project has a flat roof with steel beams and wood rafters.
wood is not allowed, but there are exemptions for reused or reclaimed
2/3rd of the steel beams are salvaged, as well as 2/3rd of the wood rafters.
wood. Can this current project meet the prerequisite, since the wood is
Although this salvaged content doesn't account for 90% of either
component, can this project get 1/2 point.
MR 02-51 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes This gut rehab project plans to reuse the roof membrane. Is this eligible for
1/2 builder claims that if they don't use this wood on this project, it will be
taken to landfill and they will buy more wood (FSC-certified tropical wood).
MR 02-52 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes According to the CIR database, MR 05-18 states that “low-VOC products
that meet another test or certification that has very similar verification
methods to Green Seal are acceptable.” We have a client that would like
to use some ICI paints that have achieved the Master Painter Institutes
MR 02-54 2.2 2008 CIR Yes MR2.2 - Table 24 and Table 25 for Paints and Coatings. On Table 24 is
(MPI) standard GPS-1 AND GPS-2. I can see that beyond low VOC and
describes Interior Walls AND Ceilings AND Millwork. The description on
omitting certain chemicals, GS-11 looks at issues like scrubability, hiding
Table 24 under Emission Specs says refer to Table 25, but when you get
power, and washability. The MPI standard makes reference to
to Table 25, Millwork is not mentioned. I am assuming that the Nonflat:
MR 02-55 2.2 2008 CIR Yes performance standards,
In Table 26, the entry forbut I can not
ceramic find any specifics.
tile adhesive is missing.Do you know if
150g/l is the one that would set the limit for Millwork, but just need
MPI certified paints qualify for credit under LEED-H, MR 2.2? What
additional information would you require?
MR 02-58 2.2 2008 CIR Yes The table in MR 2.2 gives credit for finger joint studs in exterior wall
framing. Should interior wall and trim also get credit for being finger
MR 02-60 2.2 2008 ID Yes ID Request: Intent is to encourage the use of natural stone materials for
residential countertop applications that improve the ease of cleaning,
provide a safer material to be used for kitchen and bath countertops and
protect the quality of the indoor environment. PermaShield protected
MR 02-62 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes Per MR Credit 2, there are two areas that will qualify for 1/2 credit if they
Natural Stone Countertops with Greenguard and NSF certification, provide
contain at least 30% fly ash: the exterior walls and foundation. We are only
easy to clean and maintain surfaces that are a safer material to be used
using concrete in a few areas and I was hoping you could help us to better
for kitchen and bath countertops in residential applications, while
define "exterior walls" and "foundation" and which category our concrete
MR 03-01 3 1.7 CIR Yes protecting
Clarify the quality of theand
whether indoor environment.
areas fall in. Weextraction
will be using concrete manufactured,for ourOR extraction
foundation or grade
beams, interior slabs "As well as" is confusing
on grade, and an elevated podium slab (for a
ID Rationale: Natural stone countertops having specific attributes that
courtyard). Would all of these components fall under the "foundation", or is
improve the ease of cleaning, provide a safer material to be used for
MR 03-02 3 1.7 CIR Yes the
Can elevated
youand podium maximum
exceed slab a separate component that might be worth credit
kitchen bath thecountertops and points in MR
protect the3?quality of the indoor
for the use of fly ash?
environment are the preferred choice for the home. Natural stone
protected with Innovative Stone’s proprietary process called PermaShield
MR 03-06 3 1.7 ID Yes is NSF
Request: Trees that were certified. removed While from thePermashield
building site doeswere notmilled
users from
locally for usefoodin borne
the home illnesstrimandandisshelving
not a substitute for normal
(95%), flooring andcleaning
practices,asit well
(100%), doesasresult
mulch in (70%)
countertops that are
for erosion easier
control. Theto clean
flooring and keepup
650 sf,PermaShield
which is 35%protectedof the total natural
housestonefloor with
area.a There
polishedis afinish fromwith
loft area
MR 03-07 3 1.7 CIR Yes It is now
Innovative possible to earn points under both MR3 and MR5 if a material
~ 33 linear Stone
feet ofcomplies
railing. This withwoodNSF-51wasmaterial
used forstandards
the door and for clean-ability
and for both criteria. Is thisasokay?
trim, as Food
well as Equipment
built-in bookshelves. a safer material
Cedar logs to beare
support andthe
bath countertops
loft area. 85% (byinvolume)commercial of theand residential
trees applications.
on site that were removed due to
MR 03-09 3 1.7 ID Yes GREENGUARD
ID Request: haveThis
been certified
five-plex's PermaShield
the home.protected
infoundation, above grade natural stone
walls and meets
common the
walls are made for indoor
entirelyair out
quality set by theICFs.
of Eco-Block GEI inTheaddition to the and
aggregate elevated
standards set for Children
has been extracted, harvested and Schools.
and manufactured within 500 miles. Can
this project earn not only the 1 point for foundation aggregate (0.5pt) and
MR 03-10 3.2 1.11 CIR Yes Does reclaimed
The treatment material waste have by to be includedStone
in the totalcontrolled
for the
cement (0.5pt) process
but also is1 conducted
point for aggregate Innovative
and cementininaexterior walls
waste calculation?
environment using water-based technology. Unlike ordinary stone used
and 1 point for aggregate and cement in interior walls (the common walls)?
for residential countertops that may or may not be treated or have topical
MR 03-12 3.1 1.11 CIR Yes sealers
We haveapplied a home inside the home after
that demolished the installation,
home prior the PermaShield
to Provider process
In this case,that is
every slab is treated
the second and recorded
bullet "record diversion before entering
rate for the home.
land clearing
Results of Scientificappropriate?
and/or demolition" studies conducted by independent laboratories
conclude, PermaShield treated countertops are more stain resistant and
easier to clean when compared to untreated granite. The ease of cleaning
promotes a healthier and safer countertop surface.
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
The term reclaimed (a.k.a. reused, salvaged) refers to material that has 2
been previously used. The material mentioned in this request qualifies and
therefore meets the prerequisite and may earn credit for having reclaimed
The Rating System grants ½ point for 90% reclaimed content in the roof 3
framing. This project has only included 66% reclaimed content in the roof
framing, as the rafters and steel beams are both part of the roof assembly,
so this project cannot earn ½ point for EPP roofing.
It is unclear what the term ‘roof membrane’ refers to in this CIR. A project 3
can earn ½ point for reuse of the finished roofing material (exterior). If the
existing roof membrane makes up the 90% or more of the finished roofing
surface, then it will earn ½ point. Otherwise, no credit is granted.
Any paints or coatings that meet the VOC content standards of Green Seal 3
are considered equivalent for the purposes of LEED for Homes. The VOC
content standards are now listed in the 2008 version of the LEED for
Homes Rating System in Table 25.
Table 25 describes the requirements for each type of paint, not the 3
application. If the millwork is painted with nonflat architectural paint, then
the VOC content should not exceed 150g/L.
The requirement for ceramic tile adhesives is laid out in LEED-NC. It 2
The heading on Table 25 should be changed from “Component” to “Paint
should be 65 g/L.
Type”. Also, the first row should not only apply to interior walls and
ceilings. The description should be changed to “Architectural paints,
A and uses
project that primers applied
finger joint to interior
studs elements”.
in interior walls should be awarded ½ 3
point in MR 2.2. No credit is granted to finger joint trim, although it is
Low-emissions adhesives and sealants are already included in MR 2.2, Provider comment: Natural stone is a quality countertop 3
and in order to earn this credit 90% of the adhesives and sealants product it does have a drawback in its potential for
throughout the home must meet the requirements in Table 26. staining and problems with porosity. Untreated natural
stone countertops harbor bacteria and are difficult to
In this example, the foundation walls, grade beams, and interior slabs on 3
The TASC would consider granting an ID credit for cleanability, but the clean. Traditional sealants release VOC’s. The water-
grade would be considered part of the "foundation". The elevated podium
project team would need to comply with a published, researched standard based, PermaShield treatment is an environmentally
slab should be considered a separate assembly, and it is eligible to earn
for cleanability or somehow demonstrate that the sealant would result in a friendly way to seal stone surfaces to prevent bacteria
1/2 credit for incorporating 30% flyash. Similarly, if the elevated podium
All reduction in the use ofprocessing,
cleaning products throughout the arelife buildup and allow for easier cleaning. This 2
doeslocal activitiesflyash,
not include (extraction, and manufacturing)
the home can still earn 1/2 credit for using
of the home.
required Otherwise,
for this credit. Editthis Requirements:
product could be highlighted
delete "as wellinas",
durability GREENGUARD-certified process of stone countertop
flyash in the foundation components.
inspection checklist, but is not worth additional credit.
"and". sealant seems an ideal candidate for MR 2.2 under
emissions standards (0.5-point)
Extra points (above the MR 3 maximum of 3 points) can be earned. Each 2
additional measure must be counted within an ID credit (ID credit of 1/2
point/measure, maximum 4 pts in ID category). Thus, for a given home,
only 4 additional credits (i.e., the cap on ID points) can be earned through
The project is awarded 1.5 total points: 0.5 points under MR 5 (recognizing 2
this type of "examplary performance".
that the total volume of salvaged wood used is approximately equivalent to
50% of the flooring in the home), 0.5 points under MR 3, and 0.5 points for
the innovation of utilizing resources drawn directly from the site.
Yes, that is acceptable. 4

Yes, this home is awarded 3 points total: 1 point for locally sourced 2
aggregate and cement in the foundation, 1 point for locally sourced
aggregate and cement in the exterior walls, and 1 point for locally sourced
aggregate and cement in the interior walls.
Any waste generated at the job site must be included in the job-site waste 2
calculation; waste that is generated elsewhere, e.g., at a mill or fabrication
facility, should not to be counted.
If the home was gutted before any involvement in LEED for Homes, this 2
part of the prerequisite is waived.
Originator Date
Glen Boldt, DEG 10/3/2007

Danuta Drozdowicz 10/29/2007

Danuta Drozdowicz 10/29/2007

Matt Root, CSG 12/18/2007

Randy Hansell 1/21/2008

Ann Edminster 1/25/2008

LaTaunynia 2/4/2008
Mike Holcomb 1/30/2008

Kristin Shewfelt 2/8/2008


Jay Hall / retreat

David Bone for 7/12/2006



Peter Schneider, 7/25/2006


Laura Uhde, 1/30/2007


Laura Uhde, 8/3/2007

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
MR 03-13 3.2 1.11 CIR Yes This credit gives points for diverting waste from the landfill. Does that
mean recycling? Are there other ways to handle the waste? The Michigan
DEQ does not currently approve drywall recycling, but there are a number
of companies that collect drywall for alternative uses (soil amendments,
MR 03-14 3.2 1.11 CIR Yes SWA project:I have a gut-rehab project where demolition waste was
alternative ground cover). MDEQ offers other alternatives, including
diverted from the landfill. Can demolition waste be counted in the diversion
packing it into interior wall cavities of the new building to avoid it going to
rate calculation? If not, is high diversion of demolition waste eligible for an
ID point? On this project, all concrete taken out of the driveway was used
MR 03-15 3.2 1.11 CIR Yes It will be difficult to demonstrate waste diversion from this job site. Waste
on-site as aggregate. Flooring, appliances, and windows were donated to
haulers for production builders pick up waste from numerous job sites to
local groups. All radiators went to a metal recycler.
minimize transportation and fueling costs. This makes it impossible to
determine how much waste comes from the Builder or any of the other
MR 03-16 3 1.11 CIR Yes If the
ID intent of
Request: this credit
Contact is to ultimately limit the
construction/demolition sitediversion of wastetofrom
landfill operator initiate
builders with whom this waste hauler contracts.
landfills and
additional incinerators,
recycling options. andRationale:
if the diverted construction
Construction waste and/or
site sectioned, roll –
off boxes for waste can be
recycled trackedcan
materials andbe documented,
a viable option howthatcanwill
reward divert
We propose the following sampling approach:
materialsfor using
from theabove-standard
landfill and recycling practices for recycling
centers. during pre-
See completed project
MR 03-18 3.1 1.11 CIR Yes This home uses
construction phase?modular anconstruction. Doesappropriate?
the factory need to meet the
binder for letter from Islandfill innovation
operator. credit
Provider comment: They are looking
For one building
requirements on the
of this project (there
prerequisite are ~40 sets
- investigating localofoptions
townhomes planned
for diversion
for credit in involving a landfill operator to recycle. I don't know how this
and 3 years), the the waste
of will come every two weeks (instead of
The total
would be amount
measurable of demo.
in any waste
manner.diverted from landfills/incinerators was
twice very week) to collect waste and keep records. This approach would
MR 03-20 3 1.11 CIR Yes 150,000
In pounds.
ruling,This includes the 115,000
TASClbs of fill andthe
reclaimed concrete;
expensive MR
to doGen-16,
for every building, ruled
but it "For
can be done purposes
for someof the
12,000 lbsadjuster,
threshold of metal sent to recycler; 23,000 lbs of window sashes, doors,
subset of the total. only the living space within the dwelling units should be
etc. Only 50,000
counted." How does pounds of waste
this affect thewere not diverted.
calculation in MR 3? The waste
calculation includes conditioned floor area, but waste on a multi-family
MR 04-01 4 1.7 CIR Yes Whatproject:
AES must beWe included
plan to inrecycle
the durabilty ofplan?
project includes waste from both85% the demolition
the dwelling units andmaterials
the common removed
spaces, the etc.
house.ShouldAll waste
the waste products from demolition
calculation just be basedand construction
on total floorwerearea
- not just into
in piles on-siteand
dwellings, instead of being
not just hauled away as garbage. The site
MR 04-02 4 1.7 CIR Yes had piles
Can for wood,requirements
the durability metal, drywall, and stucco
in other (in addition
local programs betoused
in lieu of
paper? and plastic recycling). The wood was recycled into mulch and
reused on-site. Metal was sorted. Heavy metals were disposed of properly,
all other metals were taken to a recycling station. Drywall, stucco, and old
MR 04-03 4 1.7 CIR Yes Clarify the
asphalt rooflife expectancy
shingles were aspect
recycled of for
durability credit?
roadway and other
projects (with stucco metal being recycled separately). Excess insulation
boards were used to insulate rainwater cisterns. The house was kept on a
MR 04-04 4 1.7 ID Yes strict
Can the recycling
benefits program
of vented withrainscreen
posted and explained
(material to all
cladding finish durability and moisture management) qualify for an ID
MR 05-01 5 1.7 CIR Yes Can you exceed the maximum points in MR 5?

MR 05-02 5 1.7 CIR Yes Is the SmartWood ceritification recognized by LEED for Homes?

MR 05-03 5 1.7 CIR Yes are you concerned about the equity between the ½ point for an item in the
Exhibit MR 5-A (that have a fairly large contribution to the overall home),
and a ½ point for an item from Greenspec (that may have a relatively small
contribution to the overall home)
MR 05-04 5 1.7 CIR Yes I have a problem with including a “for profit” service in a credit.

MR 05-05 5 1.7 CIR Yes Can fly ash be lowered to 25%

MR 05-06 5 1.7 CIR Yes Toxicity of plumbing equipment (i.e. piping)?

Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
Packing drywall or other construction waste into the wall cavities is not 2
acceptable. However, other diversion techniques, such as using drywall for
soil amendments or ground cover, are acceptable.
In both cases, a substantial amount of demolition waste was diverted from 3
landfill. Each project should be awarded 1 ID point. Any future submittals
for an ID credit for diverting demolition waste must submit calculations for
the amount of demolition waste that was diverted.
The proposed approach is not acceptable because it would facilitate 3
‘cheating’ by allowing the builder to target waste collection so the sampled
bins contain less waste. The project team is encouraged to find other
means for recording waste for all homes in the project.
Working with a landfill operator is good practice but not enough to warrant 2
an ID point. This is a means to meeting the requirements of MR 3, which
awards points for reducing and/or diverting waste from landfills and
This prerequisite only applies to construction waste generated on-site, but 3
does apply to every project. In cases where the entire home is modular,
the project must still investigate (and preferably take advantage of) waste
diversion options for things like household recyclables (bottles, cans) from
For the purposes of the waste calculations in MR 3, count all floor area 3
the site crew, waste generated during landscaping, etc.
(conditioned or not) in the building. This includes unconditioned hallways,
foyers, elevator shafts, stairwells, etc. This number is deliberately different
than the floor area used in the home size adjuster.
A "durability checklist template" has been developed for this credit (and is How is the "durability plan" to be documented? 2
available from your local Provider). This form or similar documentation
must be included in the project documentation file. Also, all durability
measures are to be clearly marked on the constrction drawings and in the
Only if the local program's durability requirements are the same 2
specifications for the project.
(equivalent) to those required in MR 4.

There is not a specific requirement for a minimum life expectancy. 2

However, the builder is to expected to design with a specific life
expectancy in mind, and may chose to indicate it in the durability checklist.
The request is denied. This is good building practice, but not worthy of a 2

Extra points (above the MR 5 max of 4 points) can be earned. Each 2

additional measure is counted as an ID credit (ID credit of 1/2
point/measure, maximum 4 pts in ID category). Thus, for a given home,
only 4 additional credits (i.e., the cap on ID points) can be earned through
SmartWood is an FSC certifier. But they also have their own certification. 2
this type of "exemplary performance".
Their stand-alone cerification is NOT a substitute for FSC certification.

In Version 1.11, the use of Greenspec is no longer an acceptable 3

alternative approach for Environmentally Preferable Products.

In Version 1.11, the use of Greenspec is no longer an acceptable 3

alternative approach for Environmentally Preferable Products.

The request is denied. The questioner must provide a basis or justification 3

for this request.

This CIR is unclear. The TASC will not provide a ruling unless and until 3
more information and a more precise question is submitted.
Originator Date
Michael Holcomb 8/8/2007

Joseph 9/14/2007
Montemurno, SWA
& Michael
Holcomb, AES
Antonia 9/17/2007
Tsobanoudis, DEG

Michael Holcomb 10/4/2007

Megan 11/6/2007
McDonough, CET

Randy Hansell 12/19/2007




Margie McNally 9/25/2006

Jay Hall / retreat

Jay Hall

Keith Winn


Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
MR 05-07 5.2 1.7 ID Yes ID request: Applying for 3 points under ID1 for exemplary performance
under MR5. In addition to the materials credit under MR5, we have used
the additional materials (see "LivingHomes CIRs_rev1.doc"): 1) 100% FSC
certified Tigerwood decking; 2) 88% recycled content for counters; 3)
MR 05-08 5 1.7 ID Yes ID request: Minimize the use of PVCs: no vinyl siding or trim; no vinyl
100% low VOC paint on walls, ceilings, trim, and exterior siding; 4) 400 s.f.
windows; no vinyl flooring; and no vinyl waste plumbing. PVC is toxic to
of vegetated roofing, which is double the requirement in MR5.
make, difficult to recycle, and toxic to dispose of (an estimated 500 tons of
PVC are incinerated here in Maine annually, and this leads to dioxin
MR 05-09 5.2 1.7 ID Yes All of the exterior and common walls in this five-plex did not require
emissions). Is ‘replacement of PVC piping with ABS piping’ acceptable for
gypsum board and a cement stucco finish was applied directly on the
an EPP? If so, this strategy may be pursued.
insulated concrete forms. Can this project earn points for choosing this
finish which has a lower environmental impact than the use of gypsum
MR 05-10 5.2 1.7 CIR Yes This project cannot access FSC-certified wood through a retailer because
there are no FSC-certified retailers with chain of custody located in the
Montreal, QC area. The enrollee is able to get engineered lumber from a
FSC-certified fabricator, Goodfellow, in Delson, QC that is made up of at
MR 05-11 5.2 1.7 CIR Yes 100% of Eco-Block ICF's polypropylene webs and connectors (40% by
least 70% FSC-certified lumber. Can the enrollee earn the points for FSC-
weight of assembly) are made from recycled materials (regrind post-
certified wood in MR-5-2 if the retailer does not have chain of custody but
industrial). In addition, the webs are broken out of downgraded panels
the fabricator does?
and reused in the process as the heat does not affect their performance.
MR 05-12 5.2 1.7 CIR Yes This project has FSC siding that is FSC 70%, not 100%. The rating system
Can this project earn points in MR-5-2 as a result of the recycled content in
doesn't address 100% vs. partial-content products. I recommend that we
the Eco-Block product? While the recycled content is not post-consumer,
amend MR5.2 clarifying that wherever FSC is listed as an EPP, 70%+ FSC
the post-industrial recycled content is less harmful to the environment than
content will satisfy the requirement. Otherwise, because we've structured
MR 05-13 5.2 1.7 CIR Yes the more
We commonly
are using used andofindustry
a combination standard
fiberglass virgin
batts and material.
cellulose insulation.
this around specific building components we would create a disincentive to
These materials have different recycled contents. How should we evaluate
use FSC when the only available option was the 70% vs. the 100% FSC.
overall recycled content?
MR 05-14 5.2 1.7 CIR Yes There is a project in CA that has FSC siding that is FSC 70%, not FSC
100%. Should MR 5.2 be amended to clarify that wherever FSC is listed as
an EPP, 70%+ FSC content (e.g. FSC partial content) products will satisfy
the requirement?
MR 05-15 5.2 1.7 CIR Yes If a builder uses 100% FSC content in only 70% of the materials, is this
acceptable (i.e. the same as using 70% content in 100% of the materials)?

MR 05-16 5.1 1.7 CIR Yes Non-FSC certified mahogany decking was installed accidentally in the
porch, against the owner's wishes. How should these kinds of mistakes or
contractor errors be handled? Can this project qualify for LEED-H?
MR 05-17 5.2 1.7 CIR Yes Mahogany decking was installed that is not FSC-certified, but it is Blue
Star and certified by the Malaysian Timber Certification Council. This is the
only entity that can certify wood from Malaysia, so FSC certification is
impossible. Can this certification be used instead of FSC-certification?
MR 05-18 5.2 1.7 CIR Yes Can a project obtain points for using low-VOC products without the Green
Seal certification, based on grams/liter of VOC? Proposal: allow points or
ID credits for the use of products whose MSDS indicates the allowable
levels of VOC g/l as indicated in the Green Seal GS-11 standard. Include
MR 05-19 5.2 1.7 CIR Yes The home we are rating has granite countertops. The question is whether
items like adhesives, caulking, wood finishes, in addition to paint.
this, or other natural options like butcher block or stone surfaces, qualify as
EPPs. These seem to preferable compared to a manufactured solid
surface or laminate on particle board.
MR 05-20 5.2 1.7 CIR Yes We have a client using Lafarge NewCem instead of fly ash in their
concrete mix. Is this an acceptable alternative for an EPP?

MR 05-21 5.2 1.7 ID Yes Encourage the salvaging and reuse of any material or resource found on
the construction site that otherwise would be disposed of at the landfill. For
this project, an elm tree was taken to a mill and was used to create the
following usable pieces: i) front door, ii) Newel post caps, iii) Fireplace
MR 05-22 5.2 1.7 CIR Yes We have a project with recycled-content rubber flooring, and recycled-
hearth and cap, iv) Bathroom vanity
content laminate flooring. What is the amount of recycled content needed
for the flooring material to qualify for 0.5 points? Also, pre- or post-
consumer content?
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
The request is granted. The following language will also be added to MR5 3
to clarify the precedent issue associated with awarding a full point for
doubling the 200SF minimum for a vegetated roof: “A maximum of 2
points can be earned for any single component listed in Exhibit MR5-A,
While we commend the project team for seeking out alternative materials 2
e.g., roofing, siding, etc., regardless of the amount by which a minimum
that have better performance than their conventional counterparts, the
performance threshold is exceeded.” This cap is intended to encourage
health and environmental performance of ABS piping is not sufficiently
project teams to use a range of EPPs in their homes by preventing, for
preferable as compared to the conventional materials used for drain-
No evidencea home from receiving
has been 8 total
provided that points finish
a stucco (4 points under MR 5.2 and
is environmentally 2
waste-vent piping to be recognized as an environmentally preferable
4 ID points)tofor
preferable just installing
gypsum a very large
board; therefore, vegetated
this request isroof.
denied. If persuasive
product. No credit will be awarded.
evidence is provided, the TASC will reconsider this CIR.
In order to be acceptable, the product must have an FSC-certified sticker There is precedent in LEED-NC w/r/t how far the chain 2
on it. If the fabricator is FSC-certified and the source of the raw material is of custody has to go, so I recommend looking at the
an FSC-certified operation, the engineered lumber sent to the retailer v2.2 Reference Guide. If you don't find it there, then
should carry an FSC sticker. Brooke Taylor or Tom Dietsche at USGBC should be
Request denied. Consistent with LEED-NC, etc., the TASC ruled that post- 2
able to dig this up w/relatively little difficulty (the
industrial recycled content can be counted at ½ the value of post-
precedent originally came via CIR, but I think it got
consumer recycled content. However, in this case the recycled content
included in the v2.2 update).
does not make up enough of the total material to represent comparable
achievement to other measures in MR5.2 that earn ½ point.
Also, FSC allows products to be certified that contain
70%+ FSC content, so having content less than 100%
is not a problem, per se. However, please check the NC
In order to earn 0.5 pt for recycled-content insulation, 90% or more of the Ref Guide to see what it says about whether the 3
bulk insulation products installed in the home (calculated as a percentage material is counted at 100%, or at % content value.
of the total surface area -- walls, roof, floor -- covered by insulation) must
have a minimum of 35% recycled content. No weighted averaging may be
Agreed, revise the credit or add a footnote to indicate that partial-content 3
used (i.e., the requirement is not met if >10% of the insulation used
FSC-certified products are acceptable.
contains recycled content less than 35%, regardless of the recycled
content of the remainder of the insulation).
The TASC will revisit this issue after it is addressed and resolved by the 3
The reason for this ruling is that the inclusion of recycled content in new
products has not been shown consistently to result in superior
environmental performance, and increased percentages of recycled
content do views this type
not correlate of situation
predictably withnothigher
as a CIR butofasenvironmental
levels an error, and 2
performance. that in such instances, the builder and/or Provider be
required to submit a written statement describing how and why the error
occurred and suggesting how it might be avoided in the future. This
This request 4
statement willisbe
reviewed There by are
the currently
appropriate no TASC
alternatives to FSC
and, after the TASC
notifies staffrecognized in the LEED
that it has received family
enough of rating systems.
information about theWhile error,the
project willis considering
be “forgiven,” alternatives, until
i.e., it will be the current
allowed policycertification
to achieve is changed,
despite product
the Some certification
error. Such programs
errors other
will not be than
documentedFSC will not
as CIRs be awarded
– thereby
MR TASC: additional Low-VOC products have been added to the 2
creating in precedent
LEED for Homes.(and5.2 Further, sending
potentially it is not true that wood products
updated version of MR (see version 1.11the undesirable
of the rating system).message that
“mandatory” in Malaysia can not be FSC-certified.
products mayisn’t always
qualify mandatory)
for credit under –MR but5.2
with will
a CIRbe deemed part of are
if their benefits
the pilot learning
quantified process, in
as comparable and the information
magnitude provided
to the other will be in
measures used by the
Credit MR
TASC request is denied.
to tighten up creditAlthough
The TASC furtherthe usesuggests
of certainthatnatural
the 3
materials such as stone
policy of forgiveness and butcher
of such block is common
errors terminate when theenough
pilot ends. that it
almost represents
(Although a status
mayquo practice. The theTASC ithas decided to
IEQ TASC:some errors
low-VOC products occur
meet another pilot,
test is
eliminate countertops
Providers be empowered fromtothis creditpost-pilot
resolve in future errors
versions on of LEED foron a
has very
Yes, similar
Larfarge verification
NewCem methods
is slag and as tosuch
Green Seal are
is acceptable if itown,
is used as a 3
case-by-caseas they represent too small a part ofenough
the home to be worth ½
substitute for, basis,
not an providing
addition to, USGBC
Portland withcement. Itinformation
must replace to 30%
to tighten loopholes as needed.)
the total volume of cement, as specified in Exhibit MR5-A.
The request is denied. While this ID is commendable, the volume of 2
material would need to be comparable to a cabinet and trim package (the
least amount of material otherwise recognized in MR5.2) in order to earn
½ point.
The rating system will be changed so that all recycled content flooring is 2
allowed. The minimum requirement is 25% post-consumer or 50% pre-
consumer recycled content.
Originator Date
Amy Sims, 7/10/2006

Danuta 7/20/2006
Drozdowicz, Fore
Peter Schneider, 7/25/2006

Peter Schneider, 7/25/2006


Peter Schneider, 7/25/2006


Sarah Wilkinson 3/15/2006

Ann Edminster 7/31/2006

Doug King 8/7/2006

David Hartke 8/25/2006

David Hartke 8/25/2006

Margie McNally 8/23/2006

David Bone 8/18/2006

David Bone 9/27/2006

Kristin Shewfelt 11/8/2006

Randy Hansell 11/28/2006

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
MR 05-23 5 1.7 ID Yes ID request: Innovation of material use by deconstruction. A team of 15
volunteers deconstructed, from a 35 year old slated for demolition, hard
wood flooring and interior doors that will be re-used in the new home. The
quantity of materials deconstructed will replace:
MR 05-24 5.2 1.7 CIR Yes The builder would like to install GP DensArmor paperless drywall. The
builder suggests “it has inherent benefits for IAQ, as well as durability.” It is
1. 60% of the total hardwood flooring in the living/dining area (we want this
not currently recognized by LEED, but the builder would like to receive a ½
number to increase and are currently soliciting permission to remove hard
point under MR 5.2 for using it.
MR 06-01 6 1.7 CIR Yes wood waste
Does flooringfrom
in another
factory existing home
built homes or slated for demo)
components need to be counted in
this credit?
2. Eight interior room doors / frame / trim in the home (total number of
interior doors in the home is 12).
MR 06-02 6 1.7 CIR Yes Is site waste (i.e., landscape debris from land clearing) to be included in
was What
done inabout
Aprildemolition waste? for the LEED
2006, specifically
Home project. The materials will be re-finished and re-installed in February
MR 06-03 6 1.7 CIR Yes 2007
In gutinrehab,
the new home.
is demolition waste to be included in the construction waste
calculation for this credit?

MR 06-04 6 1.7 CIR Yes In gut rehab, is the reused part of the building eligible for an innovation

MR 06-05 6 1.7 CIR Yes Can the lbs of waste/SF diverted be translated into cubic yards of waste

MR 06-07 6 1.7 CIR Yes Clarify - on-site burning of waste is not acceptable

MR 06-09 6.1 1.7 CIR Yes We have an affordable housing project that cannot meet MR6.1: "generate
no more than 2.5 lbs per sf of conditioned floor area". Records show that 8
lbs/sf were generated, of which 40% was recovered and recycled by the
hauler. The remainder (4.8 lbs/sf) was sent to landfill. Since the poundage
MR 06-10 6.1 1.7 CIR Yes Neither our waste in disposal
limits established MR6.1 services
were fromnor the landfills
single weighand
family home our this
is aThe
client, however,
multi-family home, is willing
is theretoany
consider the extra
dispensation cost for
made of having us save
this project and
40% away for recycling
of waste all paper related packing so that it does not end up
was reclaimed?
in the landfill if we can get assurance this will qualify for extra points under
MR Gen-01 1 1.7 CIR Yes Change the intent of MR 1.
MR 6.1. We can photograph this material each month to ensure it is
appropriately documented. As the paper is stacking up on site, however,
we need word as soon as possible on whether this is possible.
MR Gen-02 1.7 ID Yes ID Request: The home is designed as a 4 bedroom, 2 ½ bath. The 4
bedrooms are all located on the second floor. The open floor areas, floor
plan, and structural system are specifically designed to allow the open
portions to be “filled in” at a later date with a structural floor to create
MR Gen-03 1.7 CIR Yes Should a new credit or sub-credit be created for gut rehab projects, either
additional living space as the family grows.
under MR 2, MR 6, or elsewhere in the rating system?
Three of the bedrooms have sliding wood panels that close off the rooms
MR Gen-05 1.7 ID Yes for request:
ID privacy or open
Use them
black up to
locust connect
wood to each
instead other and/or
of chemically – where they
or pressure
adjoin the
treated wood two-story space – to communicate
when constructing outdoor decks with
or the lower
patios. floor.
Black The
intent is
wood of an
these design hard
extremely features
and is to create
durable flexibility
wood that is within the to
resistant home.
by heat and is further
weather.enhanced withto
It is native modular millwork. In place of walls, 8’ -0”
North America.
MR Gen-06 1.7 ID Yes Use re-claimed plastic HDPE pipe cut in half to form
tall wardrobes were built to divide the second-floor spaces. These the window well.
wardrobes New werehome
developedconstruction requires
to facilitate an quick,
simple, intensiveandamount
waste-free of natural
reconfigurationto create
of theallinterior
the needed
spaces building
to keepmaterials. Whenever
up with growing a re-and
changing item can be used
households. Withinstead of a new product
remodeling it reduces the fully
MR Gen-07 1.7 ID Yes ID Request. Reduced materials throughand the renovation representing
use of an Advanced Roof
half energy of the home. Inactivity,
of all residential addition, theprobably
re-claimed stormdeveloped
Structure. The designconstruction
eliminates the needand for a roof, while morestillinproviding
urban areas, is made of an extremely
anticipating durable material
and accommodating futureand will add
changes to the
is an
necessary ventilation.
long-term durability
important feature of of the home.
a “green” home.The re-claimed pipe was also saved from
a landfill by its re-use at this new construction. Our client was able to
receive this 4’ piece donated by the town of Amherst.
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
Reclaimed material (i.e., material that has been used previously in another 2
structure) is an acceptable EPP specification for both flooring and doors.

In this particular case, using reclaimed material for 60% of flooring

The request has been denied due to lack of sufficient evidence that the If compelling information can be provided to support the 2
qualifies for ½ point. Using reclaimed material for 8 of 12 interior doors and
product is inherently environmentally preferable to conventional gypsum claim of environmental preferability, the product might
no exterior doors does not qualify for ½ point. However, 8 doors @ ~20sf
board. be reconsidered by the TASC for recognition under MR
each = ~160 sf; assuming the doors, on average, are 3x as thick as
5.2. Being listed in GreenSpec would also qualify the
Only (they could be
site-generated recessed
waste panelinOR
is included raised
this credit. panel doors,
Thus, so this
factory builtis a How can wood waste accumulated at a factory be 2
material for recognition under this credit. However, we
homes assumption),
and homes with SIPSthat
to countto ~480 sf of generated
the waste flooring, orat allocated to a home?
infer that the builder proposes to use the product only in
the of the area of the
to determine home.
the "wasteAdded
sent to the 60%under
landfill" reclaimed flooring, this is
this credit.
the home’s bathrooms, and as such it does not
equivalent to ~92% reclaimed flooring; 1 point is therefore awarded. If the
No. Only waste from new on-site construction is to be included. represent enough material to warrant ½ point, even 2
reclaimed material was obtained from a structure within 500 miles of the
supposing the claims of environmental preferability
project site, an additional 1 point will be awarded, as the “source” of
were adequately substantiated.
reclaimed material is considered the location of the structure from which
No. material was from
Only waste obtained.
new on-site construction is to be included. Add 2
language that clarifies that data collection for the purpose of determining
performance under MR 6 begins at the point new construction starts.
Yes, depending on the degree of reuse, and the specific materials reused. 2
A full, detailed ID request must be submitted.

Yes, as follows: 2
4.0 Lbs / sf approx.= 25.5 cubic yards / 1000 SF
</= 2.5 Lbs / sf </= 16.3 cubic yards / 1000 SF (mandatory)
</= 2.0 Lbs / sf </= 13.0 cubic yards / 1000 SF (0.5 pts)
Packing drywall or other construction waste into the wall cavities, and 3
</= 1.5 Lbs / sf </= 9.3 cubic yards / 1000 SF (1.0 pts)
burning waste on-site are both unacceptable. There are various
</= 1.0 Lbs / sf </= 6.5 cubic yards / 1000 SF (1.5 pts)
acceptable ways to divert waste from landfills, including reclamation,
</= 0.5 Lbs / sf </= 3.3 cubic yards / 1000 SF (2.0 pts)
recycling, using drywall for soil amendments for ground cover, and others.
The waste values in MR 6 are based on a very informal study by the 2
NAHB and are intended to provide direct, prescriptive goals for waste
generation rates. The MR-TASC recognizes that because the study was
limited, informal, and included only single-family homes, the results may
The builder can meet requirements 2
not be applicable or appropriate for of
all 6.1 by any
housing reasonable,
projects. The TASC If this project is unable to meet the mandatory
documentable means,changes
recommends various but all oftothe
MR6requirements must
(see attached MR6be met.
rev), As per an
including performance threshold, the TASC should revisit the
earlier TASC ruling (CIR MR 06-09), the requirement
changing 6.1 to include "send a maximum of 60 percent of for 6.1unused
will include issue of whether this should be mandatory, or whether
the language "Send a maximum of 60 percent of unused material from job- the mandatory minimum performance has been set at
ThisOR from job-site
credit OR...",anasAward
well as changing 6.2 toAdjuster,
"send a and
maximum 2
site no has
than 2.5tolbs...". Level Threshold the the appropriate level. We don’t wish to preclude a
of 50 percent
intent language of has
unused material from the job-site OR..." and change
Also, the language in MR 6.1 should be changed to read “No more than project from participating because of inability to meet
Exhibit MR6-A accordingly.
2.5 lbs per square foot or 15 cubic yards per 1000 square feet of the mandatory measure due to obstacles in local
Prior floor
to ruling, thearea
TASCmay be that
asks sent…”the builder provide additional infrastructure (vs. builder practices). 2
information regarding the building code implications of reconfiguring the
modular systems – e.g., have provisions been made for meeting code
requirements for electrical outlet placement and emergency egress?
Gut rehab projects are eligible to participate in LEED for Homes, but no This was discussed by Ann and Jay, but was tabled 3
new credit will be created for these projects. until after roll-out.

The request is denied. While the use of hard and durable wood is 2
preferable to pressure-treating, it is not worthy of an ID point.

The request is denied. While this ID is commendable, the volume of 2

material would need to be comparable to a cabinet and trim package (the
least amount of material otherwise recognized in MR5.2) in order to earn
½ point.
Please state your intent, the requirements you propose to meet, the 2
performance benchmark you believe is appropriate, and the method you
propose be used for documentation and verification. Please see guidelines
on the USGBC website.
Originator Date
Jeannine Reynolds 1/29/2007

Abbey Ehman, for 6/24/2006



Randy Hansell for 5/31/2006

Clara Vista Homes

Abbey Ehman, for 6/24/2006

ATF 7/11/2006

Amy Sims, 8/1/2006



Megan 1/8/2007
McDonough, CET

Megan 12/8/2006
McDonough, CET

Ted Dillon, ECA 1/17/2007

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
MR Gen-08 1.7 ID Yes ID Request: relocation of an existing house. The project site has an
existing house on it which fully occupies the lot. The builder/homeowner
wants an entirely new structure. However they are planning to donate the
existing house to the town for low-income housing or to Habitat for
MR Gen-09 1.11 ID Yes Request to include a new category of EPP: integral waterproofing, to
Humanity. The entire house will be moved to a new location within the
reduce the need for exterior membranes.
county as a charitable donation.

MR Gen-10 Home Size 1.11 CIR Yes Can specialized workspaces (e.g. a shop) be exempted from the
conditioned floor area when calculating the home size? Can a workspace
earn an ID credit?
MR Gen-11 Home Size 1.11 CIR Yes Is the Mechanical Closet considered part of conditioned area (and
therefore the total s.f. for home size) or not when the mechanical closet is
within the building envelope?
MR Gen-12 1.11 ID Yes The builder proposes to provide a built-in under the counter pull-out
waste/trash/recycling center with room for 2 waste bins in the AND a
designated trash area in the garage also designed to hold two bins. The
City of Orange requests that trash be separated into two bins.
MR Gen-13 1.11 ID Yes Foundation Drainage Plane ID - Intent: Provide a back-up strategy to
prevent water from entering the interior of the home at the foundation
Provision of built-in recycling center in kitchen and garage storage space
wall /slab interface due to a building envelope system failure.
equal to the number of bins required for the recycling services provided by
MR Gen-14 ID 1.11 ID Yes the local waste
Request hauler.
to include Forcategory
a new multifamily buildings,
of EPP: green
integral waste bins shall
waterproofing, to be
Requirements: Install a corrugated drainage plane along the inside
exempt.the need for exterior membranes.
foundation wall where the wall meets the concrete slab and connect it to
the sump basket through drain tile under the slab.
This proposed ID credit is similar to the requirement in LEED-NC for
MR Gen-15 1.11 ID Yes ID Request:
provision Enhance disaster
of infrastructure mitigation
for storage andand occupant
collection safety by installing
of recyclables in
an Our
in-homebut safeexperience
Thedoing majormeets
renovations and specifications:
additions has
buildings, on room. safe
a residential room
scale. the FEMA
shown us that a common problem in many homes . (new and old alike) is
little protection against water infiltration along the foundation walls, making
MR Gen-16 Home Size 1.11 CIR Yes Convenience
When has home
calculating an important impactfor
size adjuster onmulti-family
residential recycling
buildings, rates,
this one of the leading causes of structural failure and mold formation
squarethe footageby be
counted from back-up
along foundation walls. This willelevator
greatly shafts,
reduce stair
columns, andcollecting
other areas
risk of water on outside
the slabofandthecausing
units? What about
and air mixed-
ContentDetailID=648) and Sustainable Sourcebook
MR 01-27 1.2 1.11 CIR No problems.
This projectThe added protection
is earning willindramatically
certification Version 1.11,increase durability
but it has as well
as the overalland
construction value of the home.
. It also is a highlymeets
visiblethe requirements
and marketable of the new
aspect of aMR 1.5home.
green in the balloted
version of the Rating System. Can this project earn 4 credits in MR 1.2
under Version 1.11?
MR 01-28 1.2 1.11 ID No ID Request: We are utilizing Superior Walls, a pre-cast foundation wall
system, for this project. This will reduce the amount of concrete used by
50-70% (see attachment).
MR 01-34 1.5 2008 CIR No MR 1.5 requires wall, roof, and floor components to be delivered
Superior walls reduce certain environmental impacts:
preframed. This is clear with wall systems and truss roof systems. If the
a) they add zero on-site waste concrete and reduce the site exposure to
open-web trusses, does
by eliminating that count
the need toward concrete
for a poured panelizedfooting
flooring? Whatconcrete
and post-pour is reasonable or feasible for flooring?
MR 02-38 2.1 1.11 CIR No Does LEED require FSCformwood removal.
to have intact chain-of-custody, or is it
b) They speed
acceptable the foundation
if builders purchaseinstallation
wood withprocess
the logo on it?
c) They are pre-engineered and poured in a factory environment, reducing
waste, and allowing for waste utilization in other precast items.
MR 02-53 2.2 1.11 CIR No A
d) builder in Indianapolis
They provide is planning
a ready surface to order drywall,
to attached FSC wood to make additional
eliminating cabinets.
He foundmaterials
framing a supplier in Saginaw who told him shipping the wood to a mill to
e) Thethe cabinets
Superior made
Walls will break
on-site wastethe chain of custody,
generation amountsso to disqualifies
wood. Is that true?
30-gallon It doesn't seem like oftaking possession of FSC certified
MR 02-56 2.2 2008 CIR No I'm onbag per
a project 100
has feet
3 types panels.
of sealers/sealants that don't
wood so that the cabinets can be custom fabricated at a shop would
explicitly appear in Table 26. They are: acoustical sealant; construction
disqualify the certification.
joint sealant; and stone sealer. I'm assuming that these are all
'architectural sealants' and have a VOC limit of 25 g/L, but I wanted to
MR 02-57 2.2 2008 CIR No The table in MR 2.2 includes "Other: Trim". We've assumed this means
interior trim. We have a supplier that can provide 100% of the exterior trim
material that is recycled content. Is this worthy of a 1/2 point?
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
Request granted – 2 points awarded for significant material savings, 2
contingent on the successful relocation of the intact structure. A disclosure
to the new owner modeled after a standard real estate disclosure must be
provided by the donor (addressing potential hazards such as lead paint,
This proposed category does not constitute enough of the material in a See MR 02-12. 1/2 ID point was previously rewarded for 4
asbestos, etc.).
home to warrant being included in the Rating System. This approach a integral waterproofing. See also "Hycrete Green
should be part of the durability plan. Building Plan_Final.pdf" for more information on the
This space is not exempt from the total conditioned floor area calculation 3
for the home size adjuster. Designing specialized workspaces does not
qualify for an ID point. If this space meets the description of a bedroom, it
can be counted as a bedroom, which will have a positive effect on the
The mechanical closet should be counted as part of the home size, unless 3
home size adjuster calculation.
that space is not considered living space according to ANSI Z765 (e.g. due
to ceiling height).
This refined proposal is awarded an ID point, because of the expected 2
impact on multiple dwelling units. This ruling is specific to this project and
should not be used for other projects. A similar proposal in a different
project would have to similarly submit an ID request.
This strategy is highly encouraged, but it is not innovative or exemplary, Provider comments: This does not seem to be 3
and does not warrant an ID credit. This strategy should be included as part innovative, but rather it seems to be a durability
of the durability planning effort in ID 2.1. strategy.
This proposed category does not constitute enough of the material in a 3
home to warrant being included in the Rating System. This approach
should be part of the durability plan.
Insufficient evidence has been provided to demonstrate that this measure 2
will yield quantifiable environmental or human health benefits; if such
evidence is provided, the TASC will revisit the issue.
For the purposes of the threshold adjuster, only the living space within the 3
dwelling units should be counted.

The TASC opinion is that project teams using Version 1.11 should not be Version 1.11 had 130 total points, whereas the balloted 3
able to earn credits for the new credit in Version 2008. Version has 136 points, so there has been a slight
inflation. MR 1.2 in Version 1.11 was worth a maximum
The LHC must rule on whether new credits can be earned by projects of 3 points.
The 3
usingTASC needs more
old versions of theinformation beforesoa this
Rating System, ruling can bewill
question made. Please
be reviewed
structure thetaking
by the LHC, ID request withconsideration
into the the following:the TASC recommendation.

• Proposed Intent – the goal of this measure

• Proposed Measures – what is being done in this project
• Proposed Metric – the metric for assessing the impact of the innovation
• Proposed Benefits – an estimation of the environmental or human health
benefits, using the Proposed Metric to quantify these benefits. 2
• Verification & Submittal – how the measure will be verified in the field.

When describing the benefits, please be specific in both the quantifiable

This question must
environmental be answered
or human by the MR
health benefits, andTAG, to ensure
the source consistency
for the estimated It's probably true that the chain of custody does not There was a CIR very similar to this in Core & Shell, 2
impacts. allPlease
of the LEED
the guidancePlease allow and
on CIRs 4-6 weeks for a to
IDRs given response
Providers. extend to the mill, but perhaps if you can verify the FSC which allowed credit for FSC certification as long as
from the TAG. chain of custody on the wood being used in the chain of custody was demonstrated just prior to the
Please try to address the following questions in your submittal: cabinets - prior to going to the mill - that would be wood going to the mill.
The South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1168 does provide This requires input from the EQ TASC. 2
• Is this approach
specific definitionsbeing
for eachused for of
type foundation
adhesivewalls, walls, or both? adequate for LEED for Homes. If the builder is
and sealant.
Does this approach water-proof the foundation? purchasing the wood directly from a supplier, get the
forWhat kindsThe
specifics. of materials,
and what quantity of materials does this save? COC from the supplier and the purchase agreement or
provided for architectural sealant is as follows:
Howcomponent listed cement
much Portland in MR 2.2 refer per
is used to interior trim. The
lineal foot? HowTASC
much would
savings receipt for the wood. I'll check with the TASC to verify if 2
does this granting
represent a compared
½ point forto exterior trim, butfoundations?
conventional more information is this is true.
sealant or
only How many
on primer
concrete, butlineal
cement.feet of trim is being used? What percentage of
sealant applied to stationary structures, including mobile homes,
the trim
• Are wouldavoided?
footers be recycled-content?
Does this yield savings?
and their appurtenances. Appurtenances to an architectural structure
• Are other
include, butmaterials needed
are not limited to:tohand
make this system
railings, work?
cabinets, bathroom and
kitchen fixtures, fences, rain gutters and downspouts, and windows.
Originator Date
Kristin Shewfelt 1/20/2007

Hycrete / Northeast 4/24/2007


Mark Price, CSG 5/7/2007

Laura Uhde, 5/24/2007


Ted Bardacke, 5/7/2007

Global Green

Michael Holcomb 8/8/2007

Hycrete / Northeast 4/24/2007


Eric Martin, FSEC 9/10/2007

Mark Price, CSG 10/30/2007

Jennifer Huggins 2/4/2008

LaTaunynia 2/6/2008
Doug King / 3/26/2008
Various Providers

Mark Newey, CET 6/27/2007

Michael Holcomb 1/8/2008

Ann Edminster 1/25/2008

Miki Cook 1/30/2008

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
MR 02-59 2.2 2008 CIR No If a wall assembly has rigid sheathing and stud space blown insulation,
can the rigid insulation be considered one component and the stud space
insulation be considered a separate component? In this project, the blown-
in insulation was first the only insulation, and it would have earned credit
MR 02-61 2.2 2008 CIR No Does a modular builder or panelized component manufacturer need to
for being recycled-content. However, they later decided to add rigid
have COC for a home to earn credit for FSC certified wood?
insulation to improve the energy performance of the home. Can they still
get credit?
MR 02-63 2.2 1.11 CIR No If a project has cabinets that are 90% bamboo, could that be granted credit
under MR 2.2?

MR 02-64 2.2 1.11 CIR No In Version 1.11, MR 2.2 included credit for recycled content gypsum board
in walls and ceilings. In Version 2008, this is no longer included. Why?

MR 02-65 2.2 1.11 CIR No This project and several others are using crushed reused concrete for their
aggregate. Can a project earn 1/2 point for 25% post-consumer recycled
content aggregate?
MR 03-03 3 1.7 CIR No What are the requirements for proving the local sourcing of raw materials?

MR 03-04 3 1.7 CIR No If the builder uses a composite product like a SIP panel, how do we
determine if it is from a local source or not? Is it sufficient that the SIP
panel be manufactured locally? Or do the sheets of plywood and the foam
also need to be manufactured locally? Or does the wood have to be from
MR 03-11 3.1 1.11 CIR No It is required to document "rate of diversion". Does this mean that they
local sources and the petroleum used to make the foam come from local
must track the total quantity of waste being sent to the landfill and the total
sources too? Similar questions can be asked about ICF's and windows
quantity of waste being diverted? If so, it should say this more directly.
and a variety of other composite materials.
Some people read this as they only need to track the amount of waste
MR 03-14a 3.2 1.11 ID No Divert demolition debris from disposal in landfills and incinerators.
they are recycling. Also, if they aren't going for any points, how accurate
Redirect recyclable recovered resources back to the manufacturing
does this tracking need to be? Do we fail a home if the numbers are
process. There exists a credit for construction waste, but nothing for
demolition of existing structure for a gut renovation.
MR 03-14b 3 1.11 ID No Proposed Intent: Recycling 100% of organic site material and green waste.
Measure: We will recycle concrete, wood, drywall and brick as possible.
Proposed Measure:
Metric: Reduce 100% waste
demolition of site by
25% brush / wood is chipped and
used on-site as ground cover. 100% of plant/turf material (non chipable) is
MR 03-14c 3 1.11 ID No Verification
Proposed & Submittals:
Intent: County
Chipping Demolition
and mulching Plan, Chartoftabulating
100% lumber total waste
tailings vs.
taken to certified Green Waste Recycler and buying back from
diverted waste, Dump tickets.
tonnage as soil amendment on the site. See attached Green Waste
Proposed Benefits: By decreasing the amount of waste sent to landfills we
Comparison by Hartigan/Foley Construction for benefit analysis of off-site
will be decreasing
Proposed Measure: the amount
100% of pollution
of all from seepage. Byshall
MR 03-14d 3 1.11 ID No recycling
ID vs. on-site recycling of usable construction
plant/turf material. lumber be
recycled demolition
as mulch
/ ground
as per therefore
cover forare site.
MR 03-14.aiding in the
decrease of virgin material used. By conserving materials during the
For Metric:an existing home was removed from the site and the
this project,
Proposed processEstimated
Metric: we can decrease the use ofbynew
volume summary materials on this
following Formofby Hartigan/Foley Construction
MR 03-17 3 1.11 ID No project. amounts
Proposed Intent: Design
material were diverted
for Deconstruction.
from landfill/incineration during
the receipts
demolition for export
effort: and import from Design County elements
Green Waste to be easily
disassembled and reused, helping to “close the loop” on construction
Proposed pounds waste
Verification: diverted through
Accountability Formrecycling, donation,
by Hartigan/Foley or reuse
Site therefore
photographs minimizing the negative environmental impacts
164,000 pounds
photographs; waste sent
estimated to landfillphase
construction / cleanvolume
fill summary by
associated with conventional demolition.
MR 03-19 3 1.11 ID No = 71.4%
This diversion.
Hartigan/Foley is moving a historic home and doing a full gut-rehab. Is there
any credit Benefits:
available 100% recycling
for moving of all green
this home in order waste
to useon-site
it? as soil
Details Following
and mulch
are attached Design for material
in "Siris Deconstruction
Coombs principles,
waste landfill. alsoecoMOD3
reduces or was
Proposed Benefits:
constructed with Using 100%
ThermaSteel of all lumber
panels. No tailings were
adhesives on-siteusedas soil
to make or
eliminates import of ground cover, soil amendments and mulch.
MR 06-06 6 1.7 CIR No amendments
assemble the and
Clarify - what aboutmulch
carted material
component. from landfill. It also
All connections
off by trades? used reduces or
to assemble
the import system
ThermaSteel of groundarecover,
“dry”, soil amendments,
so the system veryand mulch.
easily lends itself to
disassembly. The use of screws instead of nails during construction also
facilitates eventual deconstruction and reuse. The panelized and modular
MR Gen-04 1.7 CIR No Suggested
building wasnew builtcredit:
as two ban the usemodules
separate of mercury thermostats.
off-site, and transported to the
building site on a trailer, using a crane. It is structured to be separated
again, detached from the on-site framing, and moved to another location.

Proposed metric: Design shall adhere to the guidelines and principles

established in the book “Design for Deconstruction in the built
environment: a guide to closed-loop design and building” by Brad Guy and
Nicholas Ciarimboli of Pennsylvania State University.

Proposed Benefit: Adherence to Design for Deconstruction principles

Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
All of the insulation (or, to be more precise, 90%) needs 3
to meet the requirement in MR 2.2 in order to take
credit. I doubt the TASC will allow you to count rigid
insulation and blown-in insulation separately.
The TASC and TAG will need more time to rule on this question. In the 3
The TASC is likely to make two points: 1) without
meantime, please answer the following question:
specific details, they won't know how much blown-in vs.
rigid insulation is being used on a project. Separating
• Who has the “bill of sale” for the FSC-certified wood? Does this “bill of
the two into separate components could allow projects 3
sale” change hands at all?
to take extra points by just adding a little rigid insulation
that meets the MR 2.2 criteria. 2) From a materials
• Does the modular builder / panelized component manufacturer build all of
perspective, having more insulation is not a good thing.
its homes from 100% FSC-certified wood? Is this only being done for one I think this was a mistake. 3
The benefit for additional insulation is already reflected
in the EA section.

They may grant an exemption for a specific project if 3

you can make a clear case, but they're unlikely to issue
a broad ruling. I'd especially encourage you to pursue a
CIR if the home uses rigid insulation as a substitute for
some other building material. If you want to pursue this It is very difficult to document that the raw materials for 3
CIR, I'd suggest sending me some estimates of how a locally manufactured product are in fact locally
much blown insulation is being used, how much rigid extracted
insulation is being used, how much of both types of 3
insulation meet the EPP criteria, how and where the
rigid insulation is being used, and any other specifics
that would help the TASC. I'd guess that, at best, the
TASC would allow the home to take normal credit under 3
insulation - it's unlikely they'll grant additional credit.

There is precedent in granting an ID point for diverting demolition waste, 3

but more information is needed before a ruling can be made on this
project. Please answer the following questions:
o How much material is being diverted (weight or volume)?
The TASC has granted credit previously for diverting 3
o How much material is going to landfill (weight or volume)?
o Which components of the home are being diverted? How is the material demolition waste. See “Cate School Green Waste
being diverted – through recycling, reclamation, grinding for mulching, Recycling Comparison.pdf”
etc.? 3

In order to earn credit for diversion of demolition and/or removal waste,

exemplary impacts must be demonstrated.
The previous ruling granted 1 ID credit for 150,000 3
pound of waste diverted, which was 75% of the total.

The TASC is unclear as to how this approach will be implemented. Please 2

answer the following questions and the TASC will re-visit the issue:
o How much of the home (i.e. % of floor area) is expected to use this
A similar proposal was awarded an ID point, but in that 3
o The request mentions on-site framing. What is this, and how much of it is
case the project did not make use of the home, but
instead donated it. Gut-rehab projects like this can
o How long are the modules expected to be in place? The project seems
already earn points for maintaining or rehabilitating
temporary by nature. Does it have a permanent site? All waste must be included in the calcs. Add to ALSO highlight strategies (recycling etc.) 3
various components of the home. Questions: why is the
o How are the modules expected to be used once they’re removed from Tech/Strategies: Subs leave waste on site or subs
house being moved? What would happen to the house
this project? Who will be involved with disassembly? What portion of each provide load tags to the GC. If needed, calculate %
if it weren't moved for this project?
module is expected to be reusable after the home has been lived in for an attributable to the job. Add qualifiers about hog fuel,
extended period? Richard: my understanding is that electronic 4
etc., from NC.
o How will the disassemblablity and reusability of the home be thermostats are mercury-free.
communicated to those who will ultimately be considering its
removal/deconstruction/demolition, to ensure that it is, in fact,
disassembled and reused?
Originator Date
Randy Hansell 2/11/2008

Jennifer Huggins 2/4/2008

Richard 3/25/2008

Various Providers 3/27/2008

Mike Holcomb 3/26/2008


Mark Newey, CET 10/19/2005

CET 4/20/2007

LaTaunynia 12/21/2007
Antonia 3/5/2008
Tsobanoudis, DEG

Antonia 3/5/2008
Tsobanoudis, DEG

Maureen Mahle 3/31/2008

Laura Uhde, 10/22/2007


Patti Heath, DEG 11/6/2007


Richard Faesy 8/21/2006

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
Originator Date
Show resolved issues only ENERGY STAR with Indoor Air Package
LEED for Homes Show recently resolved issues only Combustion Venting
Last Updated: 4/14/2008 Show unresolved issues only Moisture Control
Outdoor Air Ventilation
Resolved Issues: 129 Local Exhaust
Unresolved Issues: 18 Distribution of Space Heating and Cooling
Supply Air Filtering
Identification Related LEED-H Contaminant Control
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question Radon Protection
Garage Pollutant Protection
EQ 01-01 1 1.7 CIR Yes Clarify that IAP is only available in a few pilot markets

EQ 02-01 2 1.7 CIR Yes What is meant by closed combustion?

EQ 02-02 2 1.7 CIR Yes Are CO monitors required if combustion equipment is outside of the
thermal envelope?

EQ 02-04 2 1.7 CIR Yes Are unvented combustion appliances allowed (i.e., portable heaters, gas
stoves, etc.)? ?

EQ 02-05 2 1.7 CIR Yes Are alcohol-based fireplaces (aka eco-fireplaces) allowed?

EQ 02-06 2.1 1.7 CIR Yes Do multi-family buildings with central fossil fuel fired heating systems need
to have closed combustion systems?

EQ 02-07 2.2 1.7 CIR Yes Clarify the intent of IEQ credit #2.2. The fireplace unit we plan to use is UL-
127 compliant but we cannot identify the US EPA Standard 40 CFR rt60
subpart AAA.60.530-539b as it relates to fireplace units vs. woodstoves.
EQ 02-08 2 1.7 CIR Yes Are open hearth fireplaces allowed? Is direct supply of outdoor air

EQ 02-09 2.2 1.7 CIR Yes Can we change Exhibit IEQ2-A for Factory-built, wood-burning fireplaces
so that the emissions limit of EPA Standard 40 CFR Part 60 is explicit?
That requirement for equipment with a catalytic combustor is a weighted
average of less than 4.1 grams/hr (0.009 lb/hr) of particulates. That
EQ 02-10 2.1 1.7 CIR Yes What is the logic behind requiring
requirement for equipment withoutsealed combustion
a catalytic combustorfurnace for attic
is a weighted
average of less under
thanLEED IEQ 2.1 and
7.5 grams/hr Energy
(0.017 lb/hr)Star IAP? UnlessMany
of particulates. there is an
does not seemassociated
information to be a lot with
of evidence forthey
them, but vented
not beto be
certified pressurized, causing potential backdraft problems.
EQ 02-11 2.2 1.11 CIR Yes In Note 1by forEPA.
Exhibit IEQ 2-A, I suggest we recommend a BPI "Worst Case
Building Science Corporation is questioning the validity and science
Combustion Zone Test". This requires only a manometer if all combustion
behind this requirement.
equipment is in place at the time of the testing.
EQ 02-12 2 1.7 CIR Yes What is a “tight-fitting” door?

EQ 02-13 2.1 1.11 CIR Yes IEQ 2.1 includes an exemption for hot climates, and refers to EPA climate
zones 1-2. Which climate zones is this referring to - the IECC climate
zones, or those described in Exhibit EA4-B?
R with Indoor Air Package
of Space Heating and Cooling
Control Final Response Draft Response
ction or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
tant Protection
IAP is available in approved EPA pilot markets. Contact EPA directly ALSO, clarify flow chart 1
regarding initiating a pilot market. Flow chart will be updated to show
overlapping credits and subcredits.
Add after closed combustion "(i.e., sealed supply air and exhaust ducting); 1
OR power vented exhaust"; OR combustion equipment is located in room
that is air-sealed and isolated from the conditioned space.
CO monitors are required under every circumstance, regardless of the Builders are encouraged to install CO monitors with 2
type of HVAC equipment, garage type, etc. There are numerous CO battery-backup, as many CO exposure incidents occur
deaths each year unrelated to combustion equipment that could be during power outages.
preventable through the use of CO monitors and alarms.
Add new bullet to IEQ 2.2, Exhibit IEQ2-A: No unvented combustion 2
appliances are allowed.

Yes, but all of the requirements for natural gas and propane fireplaces 2
must be met (e.g. glass doors, exhaust to outdoors, dedicated air, etc.), as
per Exhibit represent
Fireplaces IEQ 2-A. a considerable energy waste and indoor air quality
risk. Consequently, any factory-built
Yes, multi-family buildings fireplace
have to have closedmust meet thesystems.
combustion requirements The most important issue is whether and how a builder 3
in Exhibit IEQ2-A,
However, both multi- even
andthough the TASC
single-family recognizes
buildings that there
are exempt from are very
this can demonstrate that the combustion equipment is
few factory-built
requirement if thefireplaces
meet bothis inthe UL and EPA
a detached utilitystandards
building or listed
an "isolated" from the living space.
in Exhibitfacility
open-air IEQ2-A. The
(e.g. TASC
roof). If adoes notcan
builder support changinganthe
demonstrate requirement
of IEQ 2.2 as suggested in the draft recommendation because these 2
design that meets the intent of this requirement, specific details of the
system designare unclear,
must beinsufficient
submitted and in guarding
the TASCagainst backdrafting,
will consider it. and
the use of overly tight glass doors may lead to cracking and damage.
Open-hearth fireplaces are allowed if they are designed as masonry The TASC also agreed that additional clarifying 2
heaters, as defined by the American Society for Testing and Materials guidance should be developed, either by USGBC or
Standard E-1602 and the International Building Code 2112.1 (see Exhibit ENERGY STAR IAP, but the credit language should not
IEQ 2-A). be oversimplified without consensus.
This change has been incorporated into Version 1.11. The new language 3
in Exhibit IEQ2-B includes "either have the EPA-certified label or notice or
meet the following requirement: equipment with a catalytic combustor must
emit less than 4.1 g/hr of particulate matter, and equipment without a
It is acceptable to install 2
catalytic combustor mustan atmospherically
emit vented
less than 7.5 g/hr furnace in matter."
of particulate the attic if
the attic if properly vented with no fan that could cause negative
pressurization. This kind of installation is discouraged because the IEQ
risks are unclear and it is very difficult to find high-efficiency,
The TASC is comfortable with the current structure of IEQ credit. Please 4
atmospherically-vented furnaces.
provide more information about why the Worst Case Combustion Zone
Test is recommended, and indicate whether this is suggested as an
alternative to or an addition to existing requirements.
All certified factory-built fireplaces, wood stoves, and fireplace inserts have In the final post-pilot version of the rating system, the 3
doors that are approved by UL or have a comparable designation). The only acceptable site-built fireplaces will be masonry
TASC is still working to resolve site-built fireplaces. heaters as described in Exhibit IEQ 2-B, or will have
factory-built fireplace inserts. The TASC would prefer to
For IEQ 2.1, please refer to IECC climate zones to determine the For a complete map of IECC climate zones, please see: 3
The only requirement for site-built fireplaces is that they have doors. incorporate this into the Rating System immediately, but
appropriate climate zone. The language in the rating system will be
However, Providers should communicate that site-built fireplaces perform recognizes the need to give builders time to learn and
changed from "EPA" to "IECC". ter/graphic/973
poorly and builders are strongly recommended to design their site-built change their practices.
masonry fireplaces to accommodate factory-built fireplace inserts. This will
be a mandatory requirement in the final (post-pilot) version of the rating
system. Don Fugler will compile some data on the IEQ and energy risks
associated with conventional site-built fireplaces.
Originator Date





Richard Faesy 6/2/2006


Jay Hall / Doug 7/30/2006


Bill Dakin 1/5/2007

Kevin Stack 11/13/2006

Ann Edminster 1/18/2007

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
EQ 02-14 2.1 1.11 CIR Yes Here is a question from a project: We are currently specifying a spring
loaded lock top damper instead of the glass doors. Basically sealing up the
other end of the flue. Can you foresee any issues there? The intent is the
EQ 02-15 2.1 2008 CIR Yes In EQ 2, are fireplaces exempt from requiring doors? If you read the
section with the viewpoint that a fireplace is the same as "space heating
I told them the flue damper is intended for times when the unit is not in use
combustion equipment", then it appears that a fireplace in a hot climate
and the doors are for when the unit is being used so they would still need
does not have to have doors?
EQ 02-16 2.1 2008 CIR Yes the doors.
This Is that
gut rehab correct or
in Harlem, NYwould
has ayou gasallow this as
fireplace thatanisalternative to
being exhausted
(per EQ 2.1, part d ii) with an exhaust fan that will be mounted on the
ceiling or wall near the fireplace and exhausted to the outside. The fan will
be on a controller integrated with the fireplace ignition to turn on before the
EQ 02-17 2.1 1.11 CIR Yes EQ 2.1 requires a CO monitor on each floor. This project has no
fireplace ignites and stay on for so many minutes after the fireplace is
combustion equipment, so the builder wanted to know if it was acceptable
turned off. Will this approach meet the requirement for EQ 2.1 d ii ? It is
to only have a CO monitor on the first floor, since CO sinks.
designed to act similar to using a vented range hood over a gas stove.
EQ 02-18 2.1 1.11 CIR Yes EQ 2.1 requires closed combustion for space and water heating
More information
equipment. on the project
This military system plans
is available
to useat: a non-closed combustion
water heater and furnace, but place it in a "combustion closet". The builder
has done. this
thin profile
and theyunitclose
is being consideredtobecause
all penetrations the closetofand thethe
EQ 02-18B 2.1 1.11 CIR Yes EQ
that2.1 requires
there closed combustion for space andThewater heatingfootprint is
doors haveisweather
limited space
stripping within
around the building.
them. The closet home's
is segregated into
one parts
in which This is a
it isair gut-rehab
very deepand project
(goes and
back the homeowner
far) but isairnot wants
very wide. to use
two - return plenum upper combustion section. The return
the existing
product by boiler
Lennox thathas
the on atmospheric air for combustion ratherthethan
air is completely separated byshallow
sealing off profile needed
the platform. to
within air
space a new
but one
becauseand discard
ofofits a good-functioning
profile piece of equipment.
EQ 03-01 3 1.7 CIR Yes enters
Can this the top
credit section
be earned the
by using(and
closet through
an other
energy products
combustion likeair
it ducts.
in (ERV)?
ventilator the The
products do not supportare
of combustion standard
carried outventing.
of the closet through the furnace
The proposed solution is to seal the boiler from the rest of the basement.
vent flue.
The contractor would build an air-tight room with a gasketed door
EQ 03-02 3 1.7 CIR Yes encapsulating the unit from
Clarify the requirements for the rest of
earning thisthe house. This “room” would have
a window to draw air from the exterior for combustion. Theoretically, in
this configuration, the unit would be drawing outside air with no infiltration
from the basement.
EQ 03-03 3 1.7 CIR Yes Clarify / specify design conditions to be used for this analysis.

EQ 03-04 3.1 1.7 CIR Yes Could a home earn these points by conducting a moisture load analysis
and then installing an HRV on a humidistat? This credit is worded as
though a central AC system is needed and the humidity issues are cooling
climate related. I would argue that the same issues are seen in heating
EQ 04-01 4 1.7 CIR Yes Include req'ts of Std 62.2 explicitly, to make clearer
climates and an HRV on a humidistat is a very good humidity control

EQ 04-02 4.2 1.7 CIR Yes Does testing of exhaust only systems qualify for this credit?

EQ 04-03 4.1 1.7 CIR Yes Provide credit for avoiding Mech Ventilation in favorable climates, provide
explicit alternative path for non-mechanical solutions

EQ 04-04 4.2 1.7 CIR Yes Clarify the exemption in credit 4.2 - “except in very mild and dry climates”

EQ 04-05 4.2 1.7 CIR Yes Is there a minimum efficiency required for ERVs / HRVs?

EQ 04-07 4.1 1.7 CIR Yes Add: Insulate all ventilation exhaust ductwork (minimum R-8) outside the
insulated envelope
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
The proposed strategy (spring-loaded lock top damper) is not an 2
acceptable strategy to glass doors. The glass doors are essential for
reducing exposure to various pollutants that occur during combustion. The
flue damper will not achieve this intent.
The exemption in part d) does not apply to fireplaces or water heaters. It 3
only applies to mechanical space heating equipment.

This approach is not allowed for a home that is pursuing LEED for Homes 3
certification. EQ 2.1, part (a) states that “no unvented combustion
appliances are allowed.”
A CO monitor is required on every floor, regardless of the type of Most fatalities related to CO occur as a result of 3
equipment in the home or the presence/absence of a fireplace or attached occupant decisions, such as operating a lantern,
garage. generator, or some other mobile device that creates
CO. Consequently, there are risks associated with CO
This approach is not acceptable. It is very difficult to create a mechanical 2
even in homes with no fixed combustion equipment,
room that is not affected by house pressures, so there is an unacceptable
attached garage, or fireplace.
risk of combustion gases being pulled back into the home.
Having a sealed combustion room is not acceptable for meeting EQ 2.1 as 3
If this home is located in IECC climate zone 1 or 2, it is not necessary to
written. It is very difficult to create a mechanical room that is not affected
have closed combustion space heating equipment, but it is required to
by house pressures, so there is an unacceptable risk of combustion gases
have direct- or power-vented water heating equipment. The TASC advises
being pulled back into the home.
It the money Aondetailed
not sufficient. buildingengineering
a combustion closetof
analysis and
the 2
HVAC on upgrading
is neededthe DHW equipment.
to assess the ability of the HVAC systems to
In this case, only because it is a gut-rehab project, the TASC would allow
maintain comfortable humidity levels in the home at all times.
the project to implement power venting on the stack. This may be difficult
to do with
Version existing
1.11 equipment,
now states: and ait detailed
Conduct must be analysis
acceptedofby code officials,
moisture loads to 4
but it can be
determine done is
if there in aa need
way that
for aiscentral
effective. In thiscontrol
humidity case, there must
system beto
provide air to the humidity,
room andorthe room does not control
dehumidification need tobeyond
be sealed
perfectly. by
provided If this
the alternative approach
air conditioner). is used,
Install an control
humidity Accountability
signed Standard 55-2004. TheAlso, moisture load analysis, andaany The TASC will create a list of prescriptive measures to 4
needed to by the
maintain HVAC professional.
humidity ratios below 0.012the window cannot
(lb. water vaporbe/ lb.source
for measures, should focus air
on must
the periods that produce peak way. reduce humidity loads, and include this in the
per Sectionair; 52.2
instead, make-up
of ASHRAE Standard be provided
55-2004. in a controlled
moisture conditions. “Additional Information” section of the rating system.
Yes, an HRVis also
on a particularly
humidistat concerned
is acceptablewithif itthe energy
meets theimplications
requirements of 3
using oldcan achieve
HVAC this credit
equipment. Theby incorporating
project prescriptive measures of Peter: A humidistat can result in over or under
the moisture
(such as load
those analysis.
included in This
ENERGY credit is must
STARnotIAP) verify
for all
homesthe with
risk a
of ventilating a house whereas a programmable timer can
central AC are met.
system. be set up to provide the exact ventilation a specific
moisture problems in the house. Until the TASC formalizes language on
home requires while controlling the relative humidity.
this, any proposed
Add table 4.1a fromprescriptive
ASHRAE 62.2, approach like this should either be
and equation Need permission from ASHRAE 1
The language of the credit will be changed to read “Conduct a detailed
submitted as a CIR.
analysis of moisture loads… humidity control system. For homes with air
conditioning, this may include humidification control beyond what is
provided by the
No, exhaust onlyairsystems
cannotInstall humidity
use this credit.control system… “ Exhaust only systems are to be tested in IEQ 5.3. 2

Version 1.11 now provides an exception: "If the home is designed with a 4
passive ventilation system that is stamped by a licensed HVAC engineer."

Version 1.11 now provides an exception: "If the home is located in a 4

climate with less than 4,500 infiltration degree days."

There is no minimum efficiency requirement for ERVs / HRVs, but any There is no clear reason why ERV/HRV efficiency 4
system must be certified by the Home Ventilating Institute. would affect indoor air quality. This CIR was deferred to
the EA TASC.
The new versions of the Rating System include a requirement in EA 4
prerequisite 5.1 that distribution systems include R-6 insulation around
ducts in unconditioned spaces.
Originator Date
Laura Uhde, 6/19/2007

Chip Henderson 12/11/2008

Joseph 1/18/2008

Randy Hansell 2/13/2008

Miki Cook 3/5/2008

Robert Wisniewski 3/10/2008

Various 12/8/2005

TAG 9/6/2005


Richard Faesy 1/18/2007



TAG 9/6/2005

TAG 9/6/2005

Various 12/8/2005

Richard Faesy 8/21/2006

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
EQ 04-08 4.2 1.7 CIR Yes Add: Use rigid duct or other methods to keep fan back-pressure below 0.2"
for EOV systems.

EQ 04-09 4.2 1.7 CIR Yes Add: air-seal ventilation ductwork

EQ 04-11 4.2 1.11 CIR Yes An ME explained that the use of the word "dedicated" has significant
implications. He said that to be "dedicated" means that it cannot entail
mixing of air in the home with the incoming air stream. I had thought this
credit could be satisfied by installing a timer (e.g. AirCycler) on a forced-air
EQ 04-12 4.1 1.11 CIR Yes Should there be a maximum limit on outdoor air flow?
system to have the fan bring in outdoor air at specified intervals when the
forced air wasn't otherwise running because of thermostat activity. Would
this configuration comply with IEQ 4.2?
EQ 04-13 4 1.11 CIR Yes Generally, hydronic systems with (intermittent) exhaust-only ventilation are
preferred by many people because this approach greatly reduces the
amount of airborne particulate matter in the home which can cause
respiratory irritation. This IEQ benefit is not reflected anywhere in the
EQ 04-14 4.2 1.11 CIR Yes This home is in a mild climate, so it is exempt from installing a mechanical
rating system, and IEQ 4 seems to penalize exhaust-only systems by
ventilation system under ASHRAE 62.2. If this same exemption exists for
preventing them from getting extra points. Is this an oversight?
4.2, the project can still receive 2 points for installing a mechanical
ventilation system, right?
EQ 04-15 4 1.11 CIR Yes Aren't the requirements in section (a) for ducted systems the same as the
requirements for section (b) for non-ducted systems? Can we eliminate the
distinction in this credit?
EQ 04-16 4.1 1.11 CIR Yes Norm in Jamaica is to passively cool and passively ventilate. This project
is installing a mini-split ductless AC on the first floor. Homeowners have
option of installing an additional unit on the second floor. Since it is
expected that the AC will only be utilized intermittently, when absolutely
EQ 04-17 4.1 1.11 CIR Yes In a multi-family setting, is a 'whole building' ventilation system required? Is
needed, the project will be meeting mechanical ventilation requirements
it acceptable to meet this requirement with outdoor air ducted (as per
via continuous bathroom exhaust, only when AC system is running, for the
ASHRAE Std 62.2) to each unit individually?
windows will be open the rest of the time. Engineer will deem operable
EQ 04-18 4 1.11 CIR Yes window
Is area appropriate
it acceptable for naturalStd.
for follow ASHRAE ventilation.
62.1 for IEQ prerequisite 4.1? If
so, does that change the requirements for 4.2 and 4.3?

EQ 04-19 4.1 1.11 CIR Yes What is the stance on exhaust-only ventilation strategies in mid-rise MF
buildings to meet IEQ 4.1 whole-house ventilation? If there's no central AC
or other ducted air supply system, we've asked builders to minimally do
one of the following:
EQ 04-20 4.1 2 CIR Yes In IEQ 4.1, the prerequisite states that the ventilation system must comply
with ASHRAE 62.2-2004. Is there a reason it is tied into the 2004 version?
a) use continuous exhaust fans in the units to draw fresh air into the home
Or is it atrickle
through typo? vents
IEQ 5.1 does notassemblies;
in window state whichOR version of 62.2 to go by, thus
b) supply the
freshmost current version (in thisand
case 62.2-2007).
EQ 04-21 4.1 2 CIR Yes IEQ 4.1 has an air to a central
exemption corridor,
for homes locateduse continuous
in climates withexhaust
4,500 fans in
the units todegree
infiltration draw freshdays.air from
The the corridor
rationale is thatinside
in thesevia climates
can be met by open windows, etc. The 4,500 infiltration degree day
exemption there is no are other,
longer better solutions,
in ASHRAE but we'rebut
Std. 62.2-2007, trying to applies,
it still determine
EQ 05-00 5 1.7 CIR Yes Clarify
what meets - exhaust
the mostto outside
right? If the local authority exemptedMy assumption
homes from thiswas that you in
the codecount on exhaust-only
by stating window useinisMF building to
permissible formake sure that
ventilation, canyou're
that also
be usedfresh
as an airexemption
rather than forairEQfrom
4.1?the unit next door in the absence of
EQ 05-01 5 1.7 CIR Yes some easy exhaust
Do kitchen pathwayfans (like need
the undercut
to be ENERGYdoor or STAR
the trickle vent), but maybe
this isn't true.

EQ 05-02 5.1 1.7 CIR Yes Engineer would provide an accountability form for a system providing fresh
air into kitchen and exhausting from near-by bathroom; would this meet the
mandatory requirement?
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
ASHRAE Standard 62.2, Table 7.1 addresses this issue with prescriptive 4
duct-sizing, including allowances for flex ducting.

IEQ credit 4.3 will be changed to include language for exhaust-only

Duct sealing is addressed in EA credit 5 - Heating and Cooling Distribution 4
systems. This language will grant a point for either testing air flow (or back-
System. This topic area includes a prerequisite for tested distribution
pressure of <= 0.20 inches w.c.) or verification of duct installation in
losses (leakage to outdoors) of 4 CFM at 25 Pascals per 100 square feet.
accordance with ASHRAE Standard 62.2 or rigid ducts.
The term “dedicated” should be removed, but the rating system language 3
will be changed to include “Has fully ducted supply and exhaust to/from
each room, as applicable”.
ASHRAE 62.2 does include a maximum outdoor air flow in hot and humid 3
Specifically, an AirCycler on a forced-air system is acceptable if the system
climates (see Section 4.5.1). Similarly, ASHRAE 62.2 includes an
has ducted returns or exhaust in each room, and has a heat-recovery
exemption for very cold climates (see Section 4.5.2).
system or is in a mild climate (as defined in the credit).
The belief that hydronic systems are preferable with respect to indoor air 3
quality is unsubstantiated and contrary to the findings in existing research.

New language will be added to IEQ 4.3 to address testing for exhaust-only
Yes, that’s correct for climates that meet the exception to Section 4.1 of The exemption in 4.1 is for whole house mechanical 3
systems. This is being developed.
ASHRAE 62.2. ventilation, while the exemption in 4.2 is for HRV/ERV,
in very mild and dry climates. Whole house mechanical
ventilation can be beneficial in all climates.
Yes, and these measures will be folded into one set that applies to both 3
ducted and non-ducted systems.

If the project has less than 4,500 infiltration degree days, it is exempt from The TASC is pretty inflexible on this. If the project 2
this prerequisite. Otherwise, the requirements of ASHRAE Std. 62.2 must meets the requirements in ASHRAE Std. 62.2, or if it's
be met. Please see Section 4 of the ASHRAE Standard, which includes an exempted (see ASHRAE Std. 62.2, section 4.1
exemption if "the building is thermally conditioned for human occupancy for exceptions) then it's no problem and the TASC doesn't
The term 'whole building' was meant to suggest that air should be provided 3
less than 876 hours per year", and also includes guidelines for intermittent even need to discuss it. FYI, one of the exemptions is
to the entire home, not just one or two rooms (i.e. local exhaust). In a
exhaust systems. "the building is thermally conditioned for human
multi-family setting, having air provided separately to individual units is
occupancy for less than 876 hours per year". If the
certainly an acceptable strategy, perhaps even preferred.
ASHRAE 62.2-2007, Section 2 includes a clear description of the scope of project does not meet the requirements or exemptions 3
the Standard. If a project is outside the scope of ASHRAE 62.2, then of 62.2, the TASC will likely not accept the proposed
ASHRAE 62.1 should be used. In these cases, the optional credits 4.2 and design.
4.3 are still applicable.
The TASC will continue to investigate the options for mid-rise ventilation ASHRAE Std. 62.1 does not seem to include a method 2
strategies. Generally, exhaust-only ventilation strategies are less for using exhaust-only ventilation. It only has supply-air
desirable. There is conflicting research on the efficacy of trickle ventilators, requirements (see 6.1.1) and a natural ventilation
and if this strategy is used there must at least be training on the purpose method (see 5.1).
Both prerequisites EQ 4.1 and EQ 5.1 should reference ASHRAE 62.2- 2
and use of the trickle ventilators for the occupants – both in the occupant
manual and in the walk-through.

The exemption for climates with 4,500 infiltration degree days will remain 2
in EQ 4.1, even though this exemption in ASHRAE Std. 62.2 has changed
from one based on infiltration degree days to one based on climate zones.
Local exhaust systems must be designed and installed to remove exhaust 1
All local and state codes must be met, in addition to the LEED for Homes
air from the structure (i.e. exhaust outlets into unconditioned spaces are
prerequisites. However, local codes cannot be substituted for the LEED for
not permitted)
Homes prerequisites, and local code exemptions do not carry over to
create exemptions
No, kitchen exhaustfor theare
fans LEED
not for HomesENERGY
currently requirements.
STAR Labeled. 1

No. ASHRAE 62.2 explicitly requires an minimum of a 100 cfm exhaust When is an engineer sign-off acceptable, and when is it 3
fan at the gas stove. not?
Originator Date
Richard Faesy 8/21/2006

Richard Faesy 8/21/2006

Ann Edminster 1/18/2007

Laura Uhde 1/30/2007

Ann Edminster 3/28/2007

Davis Energy 4/25/2007


Ann Edminster 4/1/2007

Eric Martin, FSEC 6/25/2007

Scott Lee 8/13/2007

Kristin Shewfelt 10/17/2007

Maureen Mahle, 12/11/2007


Antonia 12/28/2007
Tsobanoudis, DEG

Antonia 12/28/2007
Tsobanoudis, DEG



From Neil Curtis, 1/19/2005

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
EQ 05-04 5 1.7 CIR Yes Include requirements of Std 62.2 explicitly, to make clearer

EQ 05-05 5.1 1.11 CIR Yes One of our builders cannot find an Energy Star rated bath exhaust fan that
also has a one-hour fire rating (the fire rating is for the entire unit assembly
of fan/housing/duct attachment). This is multifamily of course, where one-
hour and two-hour fire separations between units and floors are a major
EQ 05-06 5.1 1.11 CIR Yes This is a large multi-family project. This project is planning to meet IEQ 4.1
code issue.
with continuous bathroom exhaust. However, the project team will not
create exhaust pentrations for each kitchen because of the exceptional
Update: You can buy a fan that has a fire-rated damper built in, but none
cost. They plan to use recirculating kitchen hoods, and they can plan to
EQ 05-07 5.1 1.11 CIR Yes of theisusual
This suspects
an assisted (Panasonic,
living multi-family Broan, NuTone)
building. make one
The primary that is
increase the bathroom exhaust to a higher air flow (i.e. 45 CFM higher).
Energy Star.
facilities You can stillEach
are centralized. install anhas
unit Energy only Star fan but have
a refrigerator, to separately
microwave, and
The kitchen is located within 10 feet of the air handler, which should
dishwasher - no stove fire-rated
or oven. Is dampers
this typeinside the
of unit exhaust
exempt ducts.
from I’m
the local
increase air exchange in the kitchen. Can this approach pass for IEQ
working with the requirements,
kitchen exhaust builder and hissinceHVAC/Plumbing
there will notteambe anyto figure
cooking outand
EQ 05-08 5 1.11 CIR Yes prerequisite
Is 5.1?for follow ASHRAE Std. 62.1 for IEQ prerequisite 5.1? If
theit additional
combustion? cost of this would have been.
so, does that change the requirements for 5.2 and 5.3? Assuming that we
The comply
can kitchen with
in a single
62.1, ourfamily home
MechE usually abuts
interpretation of an
exhaust wall,
of 62.1
Should this be waived for multifamily, or keep it in place and make folks
is more feasible.
is only In multi-family, thefor kitchen is oftenoflocated along the
EQ 06-01 6 1.7 CIR Yes putthat
in the separate
that room air
flow rates
are preference kitchenettes
calculated assuming it0.3 cfm/ft2.
doesn’t cost too
common corridor.
ASHRAE Therefore, ventilation duct work would require a ductD.
w/ Manual J, not Manual run
Duct Butdoesn't
on this define kitchenette
particular project -it does
is tooUSGBC?
late in construction to
of ~30sizesfeet.are
ducts would based
haveon to D be installed in a soffit because the
reconstruct the exhaust ducting system to accommodate the separate fire
duct cannot pass through our fire-rated floor/ceiling assembly. Also, the
EQ 06-02 6 1.7 CIR Yes ducts cannotproper
What about be combined
design andwith testing
our bath of or dryer duct.
hydronic The soffit is costly
and takes up space.

EQ 06-03 6.1 1.7 CIR Yes Add: Proper install required, AND 3rd party inspects for crushed ducts

EQ 06-04 6.2 1.7 CIR Yes In IEQ 6.2, is testing to be done with interior doors open or closed?

EQ 06-06 6 1.7 CIR Yes Should IEQ credit 6 (supply air distribution) be combined with EA credit 5
(duct leakage)?

EQ 06-07 A 6.1 1.7 CIR Yes Standish Street Project: Can we presume that the mandatory credit is
satisfied if the rater can ensure by register flow testing that the supply air is
distributed adequately to conditioned spaces? [design room flows were
found using Manual J calculations, and room air flows were measured
EQ 06-07 B 6.1 1.7 CIR Yes Re-visit Standish Street Project – the builder has re-balanced the system
using a Balometer. One room deviated by 61% and another room deviated
to ensure that flow rates meet with Manual J specifications. Does the new
by 56%.
system meet the intent of the mandatory requirements in IEQ 6.1?
EQ 06-08 6.2 1.7 CIR Yes Can this credit be satisfied by a hydronic system having 2 or more zones
and having independent zone thermostats to operate the zone-specific
controls (pumps and/or valves) for each zone?
EQ 06-09 6.2 1.7 CIR Yes Can other methods of measurement besides a flow hood be used?

EQ 06-10 6.2 1.11 CIR Yes The HVAC system is dual-stage. Is it okay if the air flow rate is > 15%
higher than the design when at the high stage?

EQ 06-11 6.2 1.11 CIR Yes Would like to confirm that the third-party flow testing may not be done by
the HVAC installer or anyone from that company. Likewise, it cannot be
completed by the builder or anyone from that company. So the flow
testing may be performed by anyone not working within the builder or
HVAC company, but it may be completed by the rater who is hired directly
by the builder to do LEED for Homes testing and verification. If the above
is confirmed, we would recommend spelling it out in the guidelines.
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
Agreed. Add Tables 5.1 and 5.2 from ASHRAE 6.2 1

There are products by some of the major companies, including Panasonic 2

and Broan, that are available with fire dampers and ENERGY STAR rated
fans. This requirement should be achievable for multi-family. Any multi-
family projects that make a good-faith effort to find this equipment and
Recirculating kitchen fans do not help to meet this prerequisite because 3
cannot should submit a CIR.
they do not provide ventilation air or remove humidity or pollutants from the
In this particular case, the individual units are exempt from IEQ 5.1 as long 3
It is possible to meet the requirements without ductwork to the exterior
as the central cooking facilities have local exhaust and the building rules
walls. This can be achieved by providing ductwork through the attic/roof,
explicitly prohibit the installation or use of combustion devices such as
which can also facilitate combining all the exhaust ductwork (for all units,
stovetops or ovens. In the future, projects like this seeking an exemption
including bathroom
ASHRAE 62.2-2007,and kitchen),
Section and using
2 includes multi-port
a clear exhaust
description fan scope
of the systems of 3
will have to submit a CIR.
for cost
the savings.
Standard. If aSuch systems
project onlythe
is outside require
scope proper radiant 62.2,
of ASHRAE dampers
meet fire codes
ASHRAE if the ducts
62.1 should are designed
be used. properly
In these cases, theand are small,
optional thick
credits 5.2 and
5.3 areducts.
still applicable. If ASHRAE Std. 62.1 is used, any area with cooking
Edit langauage to clarify that Manual J (or equivalent) is mandatory under Both Manual D and J are needed 1
appliances installed in the unit prior to occupancy should be considered a
EA 6, and that
In addition, the both D & J areofrequired.
requirements ASHRAEAlso, Std. clarify that room
62.2 allow by room
an alternative
calculations are needed.
design if a design Also clarify
professional that that
can verify +15% of design
there value air
is adequate may be in
the low.
kitchen (see ASHRAE Std 62.2, part 5.1 for details).
The rating system has been revised (Version 1.10) to reflect the There is some IEQ benefit to hydronic systems because 3
differences between ducted and non-ducted (e.g. hydronic) systems. using forced-air does kick up dust and particulates, but
Follow-up question: Is ASHRAE Standard 62.1 being met? it’s unclear how much value this provides.
This is addressed by IEQ 6.3, which includes a third-party test of supply air 3
flow. Any problems with the installation of the ducts would yield bad results
in the air flow testing.
Doors should be closed during room air flow testing. Version 1.11 requires 3
adequate return air flow through returns or transfer grills.

The TASC and LHC decided to keep these credits separate.

A performance-verified alternative to Manual D design documentation for This was followed-up by the builder. See CIR IEQ 06- 2
credit IEQ 6.1 should be considered, but such tests must demonstrate 07B
compliance with the standard for all rooms tested. Since testing showed
that some of the rooms don't satisfy the required standard, we cannot
The measurements that were submitted are acceptable, and this house See CIR IEQ 06-07A 2
grant approval that they have met the intent of IEQ credit 6. If system
meets the intent of IEQ credit 6.1. Furthermore, the credit in 6.1 should be
adjustments are made to meet the Manual J room loads and all rooms
demonstrateto read “Perform this
compliance, ACCACIRManual
will be D… of ASHRAE Standard 62.2.)
OR meet all of the requirements of credit 6.2”. Also, change the language
Yes. Add following text to the Verification / Submittals: The 2
of credit 6.2 to read “… from ACCA Manual J (as required in mandatory
Provider’s third-party rater shall visually inspect zone
measure EA 6.1).”
thermostats and verify independent operation of
controls for each zone. No measurements are needed.
Yes. The credit will be changed to read “Test total supply air volume… 3
using a flow hood or one of the acceptable methods cited by the ACCA
Quality Installation Specifications.” Other methods can be submitted for
review by the TASC. Similarly, low-tech alternatives to a flow hood such as
For dual-stage furnaces, the system must meet the air flow requirements Excess air flow can lead to problems in the interstitial 2
the “garbage bag test” can be used if the rater is comfortable and familiar
at the stage (high or low) for which the system was sized. wallspaces, and so should be avoided for any stage
with the technique.
that the system may operate on. Spaces should be
designed with sufficiently sized air returns to
For now, tests must be done either by the rater or with a rater present. Jay: No, this must be done by a third-party (rater). 3
accommodate the highest air flow.
However, the TASC feels strongly that some system should be devised to
encourage HVAC contractors to develop the skills to test their own work.
The TASC feels that training of HVAC contractors is a critical element of
market transformation.

The TASC will re-visit this issue and try to design specifications for HVAC
contractor sign-off. Likely proposals will include four elements: 1) the
professional judgment of the Provider / rater; 2) an initial oversight and
training phase; 3) documentation requirements; and 4) sampling by a third-
Originator Date

Ted Bardacke 7/18/2007

Sam Klein, 9/26/2007


Kristin Shewfelt 10/2/2007

Kristin Shewfelt 10/17/2007



TAG 9/6/2005


Jay Hall

Richard Faesy 5/16/2006

Richard Faesy 5/16/2006

Margie McNally 9/25/2006

Kevin Stack 11/13/2006

Laura Uhde 1/30/2007

Laura Uhde 2/15/2007

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
EQ 06-12 6.2 1.11 CIR Yes Add a requirement for hydronic equipment that the rater verify that the
linear feet of baseboard hydronic meets the design requirements. Also,
require radiator valves or non-electric valves for independent control in
each room.
EQ 06-13 6.2 1.11 CIR Yes FSEC has found that flow hoods have a lot of variability - up to 30%. How
can they verify air flow within +/- 15% if the flow hood has a range of error
of 30%? If you do testing multiple times you may eventually get the right
EQ 06-14 6.2 1.11 CIR Yes This credit refers to the use of "balancing dampers". Can registers (in
place of standard, non-adjustable grilles) satisfy this requirement?

EQ 06-15 6.1 1.11 CIR Yes The rating system describes doing Manual D and Manual J calculations. A
full, by-the-book Manual D approach is almost unheard of in residential
construction and most homes would fail it if this is the requirement. My
read on it is that room-by-room Manual J calculations are required and a
EQ 06-16 6.1 1.11 CIR Yes Is it reasonable to have a prerequisite with return air flow in each room?
Manual D type approach is recommended. Is this correct?

A Manual D calc requires a lot of data for blower fan curves, filter and coil
EQ 06-17 6.1 1.11 CIR Yes pressure
Can drops, detailed
the prerequisite duct that
"Ensure layout withroom
every all fittings specifically
has adequate identified,
return air flow"
etc.met by simply undercutting the door in each room?

Also: the verifications part of IEQ 6.2 refers to Manual D, but the credit
EQ 06-19 6.1 1.11 CIR Yes Will
not. Isforthat
Homes accept the Trane 'Ductulator' as a computation
a mistake?
procedure for IEQ 6.1? The Ductulator sizing method is based off the
same ASHRAE Standard as the sizing calculations used for Manual D.
EQ 06-20 6.2 1.11 CIR Yes EQ 6.2 gives 1 point for flow control valves on every radiator, but EQ 6.2
gives 2 points for having 2 or more independently controlled zones. This
seems odd, in that having multiple control zones is easier, i.e., a lower bar;
in hydronic systems, except in very small apartments, this is
EQ 07-01 7 1.7 CIR Yes Are MERV 8 filters required with hydronic systems? Can credits in 7.2 and
commonplace. However, having valves on every radiator is not common
7.3 be achieved?
except in very, very low-end apartments that do NOT have zone controls.
Why was the credit structured this way?
EQ 07-02 7.3 1.7 CIR Yes Change HEPA to >/= MERV 12; ALSO add note about gaskets in Tech

EQ 07-03 7.3 1.7 CIR Yes Does a HEPA or electronic air filter meet this requirement? Are these
technologies equivalent to MERV 12?

EQ 07-04 7 1.7 CIR Yes Should I oversize the blower fan to accommodate the pressure drop
caused by the high resistance filter - both to save the heat exchanger and
provide appropriate air flow?
EQ 07-05 7 1.7 CIR Yes Change credit: Require that air filter housings be air-tight in order to
prevent bypass or leakage.

EQ 07-06 7 1.7 CIR Yes If a builder wants to install MERV 10 filters, but these filters are too
restrictive for the system airflow, can they still receive credit?

EQ 07-07 7.1 1.7 CIR Yes Can the requirement for minimum filtration >/= MERV 8 be waved for
ventilation systems that are 1) exhaust only, or 2) non-recirculating with a
low flow volume?
EQ 07-08 7.1 1.11 CIR Yes It is very difficult to find a MERV-rated filter for HRVs. Can homes with only
HRVs (and non-ducted HVAC) get an exemption for IEQ 7.1 B?
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
This kind of review is unnecessary, and although radiator valves are The “Additional Information” section of IEQ 6.2 should 3
preferable they are not required for IEQ credit 6.2. These kind of include a reference to the NAHB PATH site for more
technologies can be submitted as an ID request. information about radiator valves.
There is variability in flow hood measurements, depending on how it's This may be okay, because the goal is really to identify 3
used, which flow hood is used, when it's used, etc. This variability is crushed ducts, major leaks, etc. and these problems will
acceptable, as the focus of this requirement is to find problems that take show up as major deviations from the target.
the air flow well outside the range of acceptability (e.g. due to crushed
No. Registers do not serve the same purpose as balancing dampers. In addition, air flow testing should be done with registers 2
ducts, large leaks, etc.). It is a matter of professional judgment, but if a
completely open.
rater does a couple of tests and one of them is within the +/-15%
threshold, that's acceptable.
The focus of this credit is for HVAC contractors to use an established 3
method to design the distribution system. A very detailed Manual D
calculation is not required (although recommended).
This will be changed in Version 1.12 so the statement "Ensure that every 2
The TASC recommends changing the ‘Verification and submittals’ to
room has adequate return air flow through the use of either multiple
include: “Rater shall verify the calculations were conducted by visual
returns or transfer grills" is no longer part of the prerequisite, but is instead
inspection of the appropriate documentation (e.g. duct sizing worksheet,
a new optional credit.
This layout,
approach software printout).”
is acceptable for meeting the prerequisite in Version 1.11a. 3
In the next version of the Rating System, this part of the prerequisite will
be removed and an optional credit will be created that rewards builders for
doing a better job of addressing return air flow in each room. That new
The Trane-Ductulator is a useful tool, but it will only calculate the pressure 2
optional credit will not be achievable by simply undercutting doors.
drop for a particular flow in a particular piece of ductwork. It cannot provide
load calculations to determine how much air flow is needed in each room
based on the air handler unit and the home design. These calculations are
EQ 6.3 now is granted for having 2 or more distinct zones with 4
necessary, so the Ductulator alone is insufficient to meet the prerequisite.
independent thermostatic controls. Independent zones must include
Please see the ACCA example worksheet
separate loops and separate pumps controlled automatically by a
thermostat control. Simply having flow control valves on each radiator
Filters are required in any mechanical ventilation systems. See Version If hydronic heating system, then MERV 8 filters are 1
does not constitute separate zones. It is easy and good practice to enable
1.11 for the full set of filtration requirements for non-ducted (e.g. hydronic) required on the mechanical ventilation system, and
manual room-by-room occupant control of temperature, though, which is
HVAC systems. additional points under 7.2 and 7.3 can be rewarded.
why it is awarded 1 point.
This language will be adopted into credit 7.3. 1

True HEPA filters should have MERV ratings listed on the equipment that Electronic filtration systems can vary considerably in 3
can be used to satisfy IEQ 7.3. Electronic filters do not have a MERV terms of filtration efficiency, and efficiency degrades
equivalency, since MERV was developed for mechanical filtration only and over time. But, the TASC acknowledged that there are
there is no consensus based standard for testing electronic filtration some legitimate high efficiency electronic filtration
This should be addressed by the HVAC contractor during system design. 3
efficiency. Filtration characteristics differ substantially between mechanical systems. The trick will be to find a way to encourage
Generally, a properly designed HVAC system should be fine with the
filtration and electronic filtration, so there is no established MERV them without encouraging poorly performing electronic
equivalencyof a for
MERV 8 filter,filtration.
electronic but higher MERV filters may increase pressure filtration in the absence of industry standards.
drop significantly, requiring additional fan power.
The revised rating system (V 1.10) has been re-written to state the 3
If a home "Air
following: doesfilter
an electronic mustfilter, the system
be air-tight must be
to prevent submitted
bypass or to
the considerations
TASC for review as are handled
a CIR. Theinhomeowner’s
ACCA system designmust
manual calculations.
also include
maintenance, including frequency and methods of
to IEQ
The credit
impact 6 indicating
of an that ACCA
air filter should system design
be accounted for when calculations
doing theshould
room- 2
take into ACCA
by-room consideration pressure
calculations drop
in IEQ 6.1.across
Also, air filters1.11 of the rating
• to IEQstates
system credit "Air
7 indicating that airmust
filter housings filter be
choices should
air-tight be made
to prevent prioror
bypass to
ACCA system design calculations.
Adjust credit requirement for Homes with hydronic heating systems to 2
indicate that exhaust only mechanical ventilation systems and mechanical
ventilation systems providing an average daily outdoor air supply flow
below the lesser of 5 cfm /100 SF or 0.35 ACH are also exempt from the
If the home includes a non-ducted HVAC system and a heat recovery 2
requirement of >/= MERV 8 filters.
ventilation (HRV) or energy recovery ventilation (ERV) system, it is exempt
from this prerequisite. In this case, the home is still eligible to receive
Filters are required in cases where there is not mechanical ventilation
points for IEQ 4.2.
system but there is a forced-air heating system.
Originator Date
CSG 2/5/2007

FSEC 3/15/2007

Ann Edminster 4/12/2007

Mark Newey, CET 4/20/2007

IEQ TAG 5/9/2007

Various 5/11/2007

Richard 8/28/2007

Ann Edminster 12/14/2007




Kevin Felt 7/7/2006

Richard Faesy 8/21/2006

Mike Brown 8/23/2006

Margie McNally 9/25/2006

Mark Newey, CET 5/15/2007

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
EQ 07-09 7.1 1.11 CIR Yes This project plans to install a ductless HVAC system that has removable,
washable filters that are not MERV 8. If they install an ERV system that
filters outside air being brought in with a MERV 8, will this satisfy EQ 7.1
EQ 07-10 7.2 1.11 CIR Yes Because system is non-ducted w/ exhaust ventilation, there are no filtering
requirements for this project. If however the project chooses to install a
MERV 8, 10, or 13 stand alone filtration system (whether ducted or non-
ducted) are they entitled to the points?
EQ 08-01 8.1 1.7 CIR Yes Clarify the requirements here - explicitly define "clean".

EQ 08-02 8.3 1.7 CIR Yes Add mold? What is threshold?

EQ 08-03 8.2 1.7 CIR Yes What size of walk off mats is needed? Depth? Inside? Every door?

EQ 08-04 8.2 1.7 CIR Yes Define permanent?

EQ 08-05 8.3 1.7 CIR Yes Can flush be used instead of testing.

EQ 08-06 8.3 1.7 CIR Yes Threshold /limit of 500 micrograms is too low. Tests for new homes
typically come in around 2,500 micrograms (See email from Donney
EQ 08-07 8 1.7 ID Yes ID Request, "Green Cleaning Program" - the builder put together a "green
cleaning / housekeeping manual" for the homebuyer. The manual includes
guidelines and a checklist for cleaning, the Seventh Generation Guide to
Toxin-Free Home, a 2-year supply of cleaning products from Seventh
EQ 08-08 8.2 1.11 CIR Yes Is there anyalong
size requirement
Generation with productfor the shoe storage
specifications credit?chemical
and MSDS, Any otherstorage
guidelines, and for ashoe storage?
"green clean training" session as part of the homeowner
manual walkthrough.
EQ 08-09 8.2 1.11 CIR Yes The home has 3 primary entryways and 3 porch glass doors. Are
permanentfrom 1/18/2008:
walk-off LEED-NC
mats required had issued
at every entryway,a ruling
or juston primary
cleaning products on 4/8/2008:
EQ 08-10 8.1 1.11 CIR Yes Should
PRACTICES:this credit
Theinclude an accountability
commitment form requirement
to environmentally preferable from the
productstoandensure that the
practices is aHVAC system
noteworthy onewasthatsealed during construction?
complements the IEQ
requirements of LEED. Generic requirements for commercial and multi-unit
EQ 08-11 8.1 1.11 CIR Yes residential
Can ductless buildings
systems are addressed
earn the pointsbelow.
in 8.1 automatically? Does this apply
to ventilation ductwork?
INTENT: Reduce exposure of building occupants and maintenance
personnel to potentially hazardous chemical contaminants that adversely
EQ 08-12 8.3 1.11 CIR Yes The builder
impact and owner
air quality, do not
occupant feel it is necessary
well-being, or healthy to do a home
and the environment.
flush due to the outdoor air quality being poor this time of year. They are
having the ducts cleaned
REQUIREMENTS and replacing the
FOR COMMERCIAL filters. Is it possible to get
credit for this
To receive aninstead?
innovation Should
the testingteam
project be done,need and what is the metric
EQ 08-14 8.3 1.11 CIR Yes Several builders have expressed that they wouldwill not leavetothe demonstrate
to comply
that aon with?
comprehensive green cleaning/housekeeping
open a completed building, due to concerns aboutprogram vandalism,is inrain,
with clear
Please performance
refine goals, including:
this requirement to indicate # of hours per day, stage of the
1. A statement
flush, and methods of purpose describing
for completing thiswhat the having
without policy isalltrying to achieve
the windows
EQ 08-15 8.2 1.11 CIR Yes Can
from a multi-family project earn the point for walk-off mats if mats are only
open.a health and environmental standpoint, focusing on cleaning
used at theand
chemicals entrance andtraining
custodial exit of the
at abuilding,
minimum. not each unit?
2. A contractual or procedural requirement for operations staff to comply
with the guidelines, including a written program for training and
3. A clear set of acceptable performance level standards by which to
measure progress or achievement, such as Green Seal standard GS-37
(see or California Code of Regulations, Title 17
Section 94509, VOC standards for cleaning products (go to, click on ôCalifornia Code of Regulationsö and perform a
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
EQ 7.1 requires that a MERV-8 air filter be installed on either the HVAC 3
system or the ERV/HRV. If a home has an air-handler, the air filter should
be installed on the air-handler to allow easier access for cleaning and
replacement. If a home has no air handler, it is acceptable to have the air
A stand-alone filtration system does not qualify for any points in LEED for 2
filter on the ERV/HRV. In this case, the project is advised to locate the
Homes unless it can be demonstrated that the system is a permanent
ERV/HRV so it will be accessible to the occupant for maintenance.
fixture of the home, and that the filtration system will accommodate the
entire home.
The duct cleaning part of this credit is no longer in the rating system. 4

This credit has been removed from the rating system in Version 1.11 The threshold issue has been settled - see CIR IEQ 08- 3
06. It is unclear whether mold should be considered.

The revised rating system (V 1.10) has been re-written to state the Dirt that is tracked in is a big IEQ issue. Where are 4
following: "Design and install permanent walk-off mats at each entry that these products? We need details. Should this credit be
are at least 4 feet in length and allow accessibility for cleaning (e.g. grating dropped, moved to HA, or just clarified? Every door?
with catch basin)." Inside/outside? Maybe provide shoe rack / bench?
The revised rating system (V 1.10) has been re-written to state the Are replacable rubber mats acceptable? Where are 3
Maybe incorporate design for mud room?
following: "Design and install permanent walk-off mats at each entry that these products? We need details. Should this credit be
are at least 4 feet in length and allow accessibility for cleaning (e.g. grating dropped, moved to HA, or just clarified? Every door?
with catch basin)." Inside/outside? Maybe provide shoe rack / bench?
Builders should be rewarded one point for either testing OR conducting a 3
Maybe incorporate design for mud room?
flush, since TVOC testing can be problematic and flushing the house is a
very valuable IEQ measure, and in many cases easier than testing. The
details of how the flush must be conducted are still to be worked out, but
Builders should be rewarded one point for either testing OR conducting a Testing for TVOC is not a reliable indicator of IAQ 2
will be included in the credit. The concentration table will be moved into the
flush, since TVOC testing can be problematic and flushing the house is a because TVOC groups a number of VOCs together
Additional Information section to avoid any confusion, and the language of
very valuable IEQ measure, and in many cases easier than testing. The without accounting for the relative risk factors of the
the table will be changed to reflect that the concentrations are just targets,
details of how the flush must be conducted are still to be worked out, but constituent VOC’s, which can differ greatly. Flushing is
There mandatory
are two waysrequirements.
for a project More to information
earn credit for willgreen
also be provided on
cleaning: See "ID 1.5 Green Cleaning.pdf" for more information. 2
will be included in the credit. The concentration table will be moved into the a more practical and reliable IAQ improvement action.
remediation methods, in case tests yield poor results.
Additional Information section to avoid any confusion, and the language of The framework for flushing the house can come from
1) Supply of products (1/2 ID point). Provide a 1-year supply of cleaning There was a ruling in LEED-NC on a similar proposal,
the table will be changed to reflect that the concentrations are just targets, LEED NC 3.2, as long as there are requirements for
products to the occupant. These products must meet six major cleaning and here is the ruling:
not mandatory
Any shoe storagerequirements.
space mustMore be largeinformation
enough willaccommodate
also be provided on house temperature and humidity during the flush. 2
needs, and they must comply with a clear set oftoacceptable a bench
performance “The proposal presents a comprehensive approach to
for removing methods,
shoes and in case tests yieldtopoor
level standards, such asenough
Green Seal space standard 2 pairs(see
GS-37 of shoes per chemical management in a hospital setting. However,
bedroom. or California Code of Regulations, Title 17 Section per previous CIR Rulings, innovation credits must
This credit has been removed in Version 1.11
Permanent VOCwalk-off
standardsmats forare
cleaning products
only required for(gothetoprimary,
entryways, but supply a comprehensive
In IEQ credit approach
8, the definition in addition
of primary to is up
entryway 2
click on California
non-permanent Code of
walk-off matsRegulations
are strongly andrecommended
perform a keyword search for
for other providing a quantifiable
to the discretion environmental
of the Provider benefit.
and builder butWhile
ô94509ö). The project team must supply the occupant with information on
entryways. project
be has demonstrated
the entryway that will bea most
comprehensive approach,
often utilized by the
how to easily purchase refills and/or replacements, and educate the the quantifiable benefit of the proposal is unclear. Credit
The TASCon
residents agrees that the
the green builder
cleaning should sign
concepts an accountability
and products form for
via discussion As a matter of interpretation, it is acceptable if the achievement is dependent upon quantifying the benefits 3
and/orcredit. Thematerials.
written standard Accountability Form and Rating System will be ductwork is unsealed for short periods for practical resulting from the management plan. Documentation
updated. needs (e.g. drying of materials). This does not include should include a chemical management plan as well as
2) Green space heating and cooling for contractor comfort.
This creditcleaning
applies service (1 ID point).
to all ductwork in theThe builder
house. mustiscontract
If there with a
no ductwork, demonstration
The of PCB
original intent and
of this effluent
credit wasreductions,
to address the 2
professional ‘green’ cleaning
then the home can earn these points. company to provide one year of service using hazardous chemical
broader concern and dieselthat
of pollutants fuelremain
use reductions,
in the home
green cleaning products to the occupant. The products being used must pharmaceutical
after construction.waste
credit willas
bewell as baseline
changed to include
meet six major cleaning needs, and they must comply with a clear set of numbers to support the calculations.”
other measures besides duct sealing, such as jobsite
This flush isperformance
acceptable aimed at lowering VOC concentrations
level standards, such as Green indoors
Sealprior to
standard This flush should be done prior to occupant move-in - Smog alerts refer to ground level ozone, which is not a 2
cleaning, etc.
GS-37 (see(especially formaldehyde found in Code
or California many of building materials),
Regulations, Title 17 which means that after the flush the home can be significant health threat at room temperature (that’s why
and it should
Section 94509, beVOC
prior to occupant
for cleaning move-in.
products Having
to test closed up and the air can be re-circulated through the the remedy is to stay indoors). Therefore, as long as
completed, prior to occupancy
click should Code address the builder’sand concerns about HVAC system (with its air filter of MERV 8 or higher) for the flush is conducted prior to occupancy, there is no
The requirements in IEQon 8.3California
will be refined. ofTheRegulations
flush must occur perform
for at a 4
keyword air quality.
search for ô94509ö). The a few days prior to occupancy. related health threat. High relative humidity is a real
least 48 total hours, and this can beproject
spreadteam mustmany
out over supply the (e.g.
days occupant
with information on how to easily purchase refills and/or replacements, and concern, but it can be effectively managed using
days with 6 hours each day). Open windows are recommended, but not
If the projectresidents
educate wants instead thetonot
conduct a test concepts
for formaldehyde (with an dehumidification. Particulates including pollen are best
required.the If the windows onare greenopen, cleaning
any HVAC fans and
and products
exhaust fansvia
discussion concentration
under and/or
the following
written limit such the
materials. as CA 1350,isSCAQMD,
building or that
designed such handled with filtration such as that required in IEQ 7.1. 3
should be operated at maximum capacity. The flush must take place after
every resident standards), this would
uses the walk-off mats be (there
an acceptable
are a small alternative.
number of The
all construction and finishing (e.g. paint touch-ups) has been completed.
builder mustand
entryways); submit
the details
mat is 6offeet howlong the intest
thewill be conducted,
direction of travel.and whatare
If there will
be done if entryways
additional the home fails to the theunits,
test. these
However, mustthe alsobuilder
have should
walk-offnote that if
the home fails the test, the cheapest mitigation technique is to flush the
Originator Date
LaTaunynia 1/28/2008

Eric Martin, FSEC 6/25/2007




Donney Dorton, OK 12/6/2005



Donney Dorton, OK 5/31/2006


Robert Wisniewski 11/8/2006

Kristin Shewfelt 12/13/2006

Laura Uhde 1/30/2007

Randy Hansell 2/15/2007

Ann Edminster 5/8/2007

Southface 5/16/2007

Danuta Drozdowicz 6/11/2007

Scott Lee 8/13/2007

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
EQ 08-16 8.1 1.11 CIR Yes Before insulation is installed the contractor proposes to vacuum all the
stud bays as well as the entire interior - all surfaces - to substantially
reduce dust and particulates in the building. In addition, the air handler will
be used for heat during construction and will be protected as follows:
EQ 08-17 8 1.11 ID Yes I have a project that is using a company that manages the dryout of the
MERV 8 filters at the air handling unit and duct end guards with filters at all
house from the start of construction through drywall installation. If the
duct ends to prevent dust and debris from entering the system.
house meets the requirements, this company then provides a certificate
that the house met the standards they have established. Part of their
EQ 08-19 8 1.11 ID Yes This project was brought into the program under Version 1.7. They
process is to require that the furnace not be installed until after the drywall
pursued IEQ credit 8.3, which was Third-party testing of Particulates and
is installed and the interior of the house is painted. This will help prevent
VOCs. Now they've moved to the balloted version of the Rating System,
damage to the furnace and duct debris will minimized since the furnace will
which does not include the old IEQ 8.3 credit. Can they earn an ID point
EQ 08-20 8.2 1.11 CIR Yes not beaused
Does mud to dryout
room drywall.count
off the garage In this
forprocess, theregarding
this credit ducts areshoe
for achieving that credit?
from the and
removal timestorage?
they are Can
installed until thedoor
the garage furnace is installed.
be defined as the primary
entryway, or is it only the front door?
The question has been asked if this process of not installing the furnace
EQ 09-01 9 1.7 CIR Yes Where
until thecan I findofa the
interior maphouse
of Radon Zones?
is painted would potentially warrant an ID

EQ 09-02 9 1.7 CIR Yes Do you mean radon resistant construction or radon mitigation system?

EQ 09-03 9 1.7 CIR Yes Can mech ventilation systems meet this requirement?

EQ 09-04 9 1.7 CIR Yes Mandatory measure (zone 1) should be worth 1 point?

EQ 09-05 9.1 1.11 CIR Yes We currently have a project in Gardnerville, NV that is located in EPA
Zone 1. Although it is located in Zone 1 the area is known not to have
Radon issues. The question is - If there is 3rd party testing to show that
there is not a Radon issue in the area - can the prerequisite be skipped?
EQ 09-06 9.1 1.11 CIR Yes In gut-rehab buildings, how can the home meet thehave
requirements of IEQ
Additional problem is that some of the foundations been completed.
9.1? Should they use the new residential construction guidance in IAP, or
the existing residential buildings language of ASTME-2121? See
EQ 09-07 9.1 1.11 CIR Yes How should a multi-family project meet this requirement if there is an open-
air parking structure beneath the building? The first floor dwelling units will
be built upon a floating slab. The only direct/enclosed connectivity between
the parking structure and the units will be the elevator shaft and stairwells.
EQ 09-08 9.1 1.11 CIR Yes Canada does not have radon risk maps such as those developed by EPA
If these two areas have properly installed radon vents, will this suffice for
and used to determine whether a project is or is not in EPA zone 1 and
meeting standard IEQ 9.1?
therefore whether or not it must install a radon mitigation system or has the
option of doing so to earn a point under the rating system. Since there is
EQ 09-09 9 1.11 CIR Yes For an active radon mitigation system, is there any reason the inline fan
no map & no way to assess risk, is the project eligible for a point if a radon
couldn't be located in the basement mechanical room as opposed to the
mitigation system is installed?
attic, if it was necessary? I will check the EPA web site but thought you
may have come across this before.
EQ 09-10 9 1.11 CIR Yes Per IEQ 09-07 (previous ruling), an enclosed garage with continuous
exhaust will meet the intent of EQ 9.1 and 9.2. Does an enclosed garage
that is exhausted at an intermittent rate qualify?
EQ 09-11 9 1.11 CIR Yes Does the vent pipe need to go all the way to the roof? Is it good enough to
have it capped tightly and labeled?

The project plans to use the following strategy for radon mitigation:
EQ 09-12 9.1 1.11 CIR Yes (Shortened) This project is asking to meet EQ 9.1 in an alternative way:
The sub slab meets the requirements of radon resistant construction,
The multi-family project pledges to Radon test a minimum of 2 of the new
including a 6mm plastic lining, a gas permeable layer and a sealed
faculty residences at the completion of construction to confirm low or no
foundation. The vent pipe is capped tightly and labeled, but it does not go
radon is present. If radon testing at the end of construction indicate levels
all the way through the roof. We could have taken the pipe through the
greater than or equal to 4.0 pCi/L, then mitigation measures shall be
roof if needed but didn’t want to put more holes than needed in the roof,
implemented prior to occupancy of the homes.
especially with a 10 kW solar up and under-roof solar thermal to deal with.
I don’t think a normal builder would want to do this until tests showed that
If USGBC denies this CIR, then the Cate School requests alternative
radon was a problem either. We had Mid-Atlantic Associates, a third-party
foundation detailing due to moisture issues under concrete slabs. The
environmental consultant, perform indoor air quality samples to test for
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
This approach is acceptable for meeting the requirements of IEQ 8.1, but it 3
is not worthy of an additional ID point.

This is an acceptable approach for meeting the requirements of IEQ credit 3

8.1, but it is not worthy of an additional ID point because it provides only a
small incremental benefit.
Yes, a home can earn an ID point if it meets all of the requirements in the The old IEQ 8.3 credit in Version 1.7 was: "Hire third 3
old IEQ 8.3 credit (“Third-party Testing of Particulates and VOCs”). party to test for contaminant concentration prior to
occupancy. Measure and report concentration levels for
contaminants shown in Exhibit IEQ8-A. (1Point) The
The mud room does not need to be located off the front door, but it must 3
contaminants include Formaldehyde, Particulates
be located near a primary entryway. If the garage entry is expected to be a
(PM10), and TVOCs, and the relevant concentration
common point of entry for occupants, it’s acceptable to have the mud room
standards are State of Washington IAQ Standard and
located near that entry. Judging whether an entry will be commonly used is the National Ambient Air Standard. 1
left to the discretion of the Provider and/or Green Rater.

Radon Resistant New Construction. (See RRNC language in revised IAP - ALSO, change "region" to "zone"; ALSO provide test kit 2
9/30/05 - section 2 and item 7.6.) to owner with info in owner's manual?

No. A typical exhaust only ventilation system does not meet the 2
requrements for Radon Resistant New Construction (RRNC). In fact,
exaust only mechanical ventilation may increase radon concentrations
indoors. RRNC requires a capilary break beneath the slab, a vent stack
A point is only rewarded in areas outside of zone 1. 2
from below the slab to above the roof line, and provision for installation of
a radon-rated exhaust fan (if needed).

Radon cannot be tested for prior to construction, so homes in EPA Zone 1 2

must have radon-resistant construction. If a home has been accidentally
built without this, it won't be thrown out of the program but it must test for
radon for at least 1 month with windows closed. If radon problems exist,
Either of these 3
the builder mustapproaches is acceptable.
install mitigative measuresInsuch
eitherascase, a post-occupancy
sub-slab ventilation.
test is strongly recommended, although not required.

IEQ prerequisite 9.1 or IEQ credit 9.2 can be met automatically with the 3
installation of an open-air garage beneath the building, or an enclosed
garage with continuous exhaust.
The prerequisite in Canada is to have the home tested for radon. If radon 3
resistant construction techniques are used (based on an existing standard
or code, such as EPA, ASTM, or Washington State), it is worth 1 point. If
the radon test is found to show unacceptable levels of radon, the builder is
To be clear, a fan is not required as part of EQ 9.1 - it only refers to 3
encouraged to install an active radon system.
passive radon resistant construction techniques.

Generally, it is best practice to have the fan at the edge of the envelope to
Intermittent exhaust is not acceptable for meeting EQ 9, unless the 2
prevent pressurizing the exhaust pipe, which can create a greater risk of
exhaust is set on a regular timer or is activated by radon concentration.
radon entry into the home in the even of a system leak. Having the fan
Having an intermittent exhaust system that is activated manually, or by a
outside the envelope can increase the risk of failures, especially in cold
carbon monoxide or occupancy sensor will not guarantee the exhaust
EQ 9 doesInnot
every case,that
require thethe
a place
to thethat is accessible,
roof. The systemin See "CIR_Radon_GreenHome_attachment.pdf" for 3
necessary to safeguard against high concentration of radon.
case also
may of failures.
be ventedOnceto athe
is installed, be sure
of the house to seal
through thethe exhaust
wall. pipe
If the pipe more information.
to theRefer
outside,to the
TASC siteadvises
and therunning
EEBA theGuides
to more
the attic,
rather than the garage. In either case, if the pipe does not vent to the
Projects can meet the requirements of EQ 9 through post-construction 2
outdoors, it must be capped and labeled.
testing. In this case, the testing must be done after construction is
completed, and proper testing protocols must be followed (i.e. test for
multiple days with windows and doors closed, etc.). All units on the bottom
and top floors must be tested. If testing yields a positive result, the home
must implement an active radon mitigation system. Please see ASTME-
2121 or for more information.

Radon-resistant new construction is preferable to testing and mitigation

because it is comparatively inexpensive and more effective. If the
Originator Date
Danuta Drozdowicz 8/15/2007

Randy Hansell 9/12/2007

Randy Hansell 2/7/2008

Asa Foss, 3/10/2008






Davis Energy 3/30/2007


Joseph 4/18/2007

Scott Lee 8/13/2007

Danuta Drozdowicz 8/15/2007

Peter Schneider 1/9/2008

Kristin Shewfelt 1/30/2008

LaTaunynia 2/7/2008

Antonia 2/19/2008
Tsobanoudis, DEG
Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
EQ 10-01 10 1.7 CIR Yes No AHU in garage is big step for some markets (Portland and AZ)

EQ 10-02 10 1.7 CIR Yes Should there be a requirement for a CO monitor in the room inside garage
(not above)

EQ 10-03 10 1.7 CIR Yes Clarify - no garage AND garage not in contact with house

EQ 10-04 10 1.7 CIR Yes Are carports qualify for point? What if two walls?

EQ 10-05 10 1.7 CIR Yes Is painting of the interior of the garage required / mandatory?

EQ 10-06 10 1.7 CIR Yes If the basement level is an ‘open air’ garage (specifically designed to not
require mechanical ventilation), is this credit applicable?

EQ 10-07 10.1 1.7 CIR Yes Is the following design acceptable for the mandatory requirement: The air
handler is in a sealed closet that is constructed within the designed garage
space. Fresh air and combustion air are piped into the sealed closet, and
there are no ducts in the garage.
EQ 10-08 10.1 1.7 CIR Yes In each unit of a five-plex, there is a tuck-under garage. The garage is
separated from the living space by a steel insulated and weatherstripped
door and a spray foam and finished drywall ceiling. The builder located
the HRV in this space and ran the ductwork to the living spaces. The
EQ 10-09 10.1 1.7 CIR Yes Generally, where is the garage plane defined for IEQ credit 10?
ductwork is sealed througout the garage and the Venmar HRV unit is also
well sealed. The interior and exterior walls of this space are ICFs and the
If the supply ducting is installed above the garage, is that acceptable? The
garage door is R-17 and weatherstripped. Is this considered "air handling
ducts are sealed, and the garage ceiling is painted drywall and sealed
EQ 10-10 10.3 1.11 CIR Yes equipment"
This Thecrafted
forsystem is hydronic andThis
there is no AC. project
usingcredit was
caulked Thermopan single-family homes.
and spray foam. multi-family
has underground parking with mandatory 96,000 cfm exhaust system
specifically for the garage. Are there any multi-unit modifications to allow
10.3 to be claimed?
EQ 10-11 10.2 1.11 CIR Yes This credit includes the language "Seal all connecting floor and ceiling joist
bays". We assume that this refers to the seams between the walls of the
garage and the ceiling. What does it mean?
EQ 10-12 10.1 2008 CIR Yes We have a home that plans to have two separate HVAC systems - one for
the garage and one for the home. In this case, is it okay if the HVAC
system that serves the garage is located in the garage?
EQ Gen-01 1.7 CIR Yes One of my projects is poised to score 15 points in the IEQ section by doing
credits 1, 4.3, 5.3, 7.3, and 8.2. It appears that there are only supposed to
be 14 points available in the section. Can the home score 15 points?
EQ Gen-04 1.7 CIR Yes Add: Provide smoke detectors per local code (hard-wired or battery back-

EQ Gen-06 1.11 ID Yes ID request: Eave venting for open rafter tails. Intent: to maintain air flow
while keeping pests and other non-desirable items from entering the
envelope. Measure: Install a filtering membrane, such as double thickness
ridge vent material, to the open rafter vents. Rationale: Open rafter tails
EQ Gen-07 1.11 ID Yes We have created electromagnetic field (EMF) free zones in the bedrooms
are a desirable design element for Craftsman-style houses. The open
with special circuits, wire layout, and wire sheathing. Some studies
rafter tail can be problematic in regards to pest and debris intrusion in the
indicate EMFs disrupt the production of melatonin and sleep patterns at
building envelope. To prevent the gap that is formed where the roof meets
night. By reducing EMF strength you limit some of the issues found in this
the walls from becoming a problem a filter is installed. A system to reduce
research, including changes in cell function, changes in biorhythms, and
the risk of pest and debris infiltration while allowing for air movement
breast cancer. There is still not a great deal of long-term research on EMF
would help promote durability.
effects, however we are choosing to operate on the safe side. The
following website contains research from the National Institutes of
Environmental Health Sciences and the U.S. DOE:
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
Stick to the requirement. Maybe add alternatives in Guide (e.g. separate Provide more guidance 2
exterior utility closet isolated from garage).

Yes. Change to "CO detector in any occupied rooms above the garage CO is heavier than air and generally stays close to the 2
and occupied rooms adjoining to the garage". ground..

"No garage in contact with conditioned spaces" clearly conveys this intent 1
(i.e. either "no garage at all" or detached garage)

Yes, but carports with more than one wall must meet the requirements of 3
the credit (e.g. install exhaust fan, as per 10.3). If a builder can
demonstrate that the carport design meets the intent of this requirement,
specific details must be submitted and the TASC will consider it.
No, as long as the adjoining interior surfaces are painted. Painting the garage is too aggressive for a mandatory 3
measure (i.e., a deal breaker for many builders)

This credit does apply to “open air” garages and will remain in its current 3
form. The term “open air” could apply to many different types and designs
for garages, including those that may allow communication between the
garage and house. In such cases, a garage exhaust fan may reduce the
The requirement in IEQ credit 10 - “no air-handler equipment in the Donney was able to convince the builder to re-design 3
risk of pollutant entry into the house. If a builder can demonstrate an
garage” – stands as it is written. The TASC examined the plans associated the plans so that the AHU closet opens into the
alternative design that meets the intent of this requirement, specific details
with this house and determined that the best solution was to slightly conditioned space.
of the system design must be submitted and the TASC will consider it.
change the plans so the AHU cabinet opens into the conditioned spaces.
If there is ductwork running through the garage space that provides Jay: In Oregon, it is standard practice in new homes to 2
Another alternative for this and other projects is to have the AHU cabinet
ventilation air, this is unacceptable. If the only HVAC equipment in the put the AHU in the garage. In some cases, we allowed
open to the outdoors, as long as it is completely sealed from the garage
garage is hydronic, it is acceptable. the builder to install the AHU in a sealed closet that
space. This approach effectively meets the requirement of the credit. In
pulls air from the outdoors. We were told that if did not
this case,
Within LEEDthe for
needs to have
garage a fire-rated
is defined by its separation with the
fire-rated envelope, 2
allow these closets, we'd be killing the program in OR.
so any ducts that are located outside the fire-rated envelope are
considered outside of the garage.
Multi-family buildings should use the following language for IEQ 10.3: 2
Exhaust the garage sufficiently to create negative pressure with respect to
adjacent spaces with the doors to the room closed. Provide self-closing
doors and deck to deck partitions or a hard lid ceiling. The exhaust rate
The 2
be at of this0.50
least requirement
cfm/ ft2, is to no
with ensure a continuous air barrier between
air recirculation.
the garage and the rest of the home. Please see the EEBA guides for
more specifics on how best to achieve a continuous air barrier.
Yes, if the HVAC systems are completely separate (i.e. no shared 3
ductwork, no shared AHU, etc.) then it is okay to have the garage HVAC
system located in the garage itself.
This is simply an accounting error, and the value of IAP will be changed 3
accordingly. There is no artificial cap within the IEQ section, so a home
can get as many points as are available within each credit.
Smoke detectors are nearly universal code requirements, so this does not 4
need to be included in LEED for Homes.

This strategy is not worthy of an ID point. However, this strategy should be 3

granted ½ point under SS 5 (non-toxic pest control) as a CIR.

This ID request is denied because there is insufficient evidence that the 3

proposed measures will yield any environmental or health benefit.
Originator Date





Neil Curtis, VEIC 10/19/2005

Donney Dorton, OK 7/18/2006


Peter Schneider 7/25/2006

David Hartke 9/13/2006

Glen Boldt 6/5/2007

Davis Energy 12/12/2007


Antonia 3/6/2008
Tsobanoudis, DEG

Mark Newey, CET 10/19/2005

Richard Faesy 8/21/2006

Michael Holcomb 8/8/2007

Michael Holcomb 9/23/2007

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
EQ Gen-08 1.11 ID Yes ID request: Provide added protection from flooding by installing a high flow
rate sump pump with battery backup. Rationale: an additional 3.0 GPM
sump with battery backup will detect a power loss and engage for added
protection from flooding.
EQ Gen-09 1.11 ID Yes ID request: Remove construction contaminates prior to installation of
flooring. Rationale: By thoroughly vacuuming and wet mopping subfloors
prior to carpet installation construction dust is minimized providing a
healthier living environment for occupants.
EQ Gen-10 1.11 ID Yes ID request: Locate any air flow changes due to massing of furniture in
each room, to adjust HVAC system to meet requirements from Manual D
calculations. Rebalance HVAC system after homeowner occupancy by
measuring ( and adjusting if necessary) supply air flow in each room after
EQ Gen-11 1.11 CIR Yes In mid-rise buildings, can we make 'no smoking' an optional credit? Here is
placement of homeowner’s furnishings to confirm air flow rates. Helps
a proposal:
ensure that HVAC system is operating at maximum efficiency.
Intent: Minimize exposure of residents and other building occupants,
EQ 03-05 3 2008 CIR No It appears that EQ 3 has been changed so that a project must install a
indoor surfaces and ventilation air distribution systems to Environmental
system that will maintain an indoor RH at or below 60% in peak load
Tobacco Smoke (ETS). [Note is this identical to LEED-NC – I added the
calcaulations. In Version 1.11, you could get this point for doing the
word “residents”.]
calculation even if no additional dehumidification was required. Is that still
EQ 03-06 3 2008 CIR No EQ credit 3 requires the project to "install dehumidification equipment with
OPTION 1latent
sufficient (Identical to LEED
capacity NC) relative humidity at or below 60%".
to maintain
- Prohibit
Under what smoking in the
conditions building
should this(LEED-H:
RH requirementdocumentation
be met -inatlease,
or coop association
conditions? 100% ofmgmt materials,
the year? 95%?etc.) Requiring hourly calculations might
EQ 04-06 4.3 1.7 CIR No -Specify
Locate equipment to designated
use / test procedure more clearly
be overlyany exterior
burdensome. smoking areas at least 25 feet away from
entries, outdoor air intakes and operable windows
What latent loads are assumed in the house? It’s always possible to have
EQ 04-11 4 1.11 CIR No OPTION
10 people
Should 2living
this –credit
includeto LEED
and running
an extraNC) the shower
point continuously.
for a completely I think outdoor
dedicated it
- Prohibit
air be smoking
supply helpful toinhave
and exhaust allsystem?
LEED spell Ifareas
so,out ofthe
how building.
should they’d like to have
be structured?
- Locate anyI’d
considered. exterior
suggest designated
relying onsmoking
ASHRAE areas at least 25 or
Fundamentals feet away from
entries, outdoor air intakes and operable windows opening to common
EQ 04-22 4.1 1.11 CIR No For
areas.the performance testing in EQ 4.1 and 5.1, is the use of a digital
manometer (probe into the
- Minimize uncontrolled fresh air
pathways forduct)
ETSto approximate
transfer between airindividual
flow in CFM
residential units with this Armin Rudd
by sealing Chart - in
penetrations see walls, ceilings, and floors of the
residential If not, whatadjacent
is the specified test?
EQ 04-23 4 2008 CIR No We need tounits defineandprecisely
by sealing how vertical chases
to calculate heating degreeto thedaysunits.
- All doors
cooling in thedays.
degree residential
What units
are the leading
bases to
each? hallways shall be
Follow-up: See "Outside air duct flow chart.pdf"
weather stripped to minimize air leakage into the hallway. as an alternative way to
translate measured
- If the common duct pressure
hallways to flow rate.
are pressurized with respect to residential units
EQ 05-03 5.3 1.7 CIR No Specify
then doors equipment to useunits
in residential / testleading
proc. moreto theclearly
common hallways need not be
weather stripped providing that the positive difference pressure is
demonstrated as follows. With the doors to the residential unit closed,
EQ 06-05 6.3 1.7 CIR No operate
Specify the exhaust sufficient
equipment to create
to use a negative
/ test proc. pressure with respect to the
more clearly
adjacent areas of at least an average of 5 Pa (0.02 inches of water gauge)
and with a minimum of 1 Pa (0.004 inches of water gauge). Conduct 15
min of measurement with one measurement every 10 seconds.
EQ 06-18 6.2 1.11 CIR No If this project installs aET
AL – mini-split
DOES THIS system for second floor,
MAKEfor first floor
SENSE IN mini-split,
project automatically get credit for
6.2 if it's non-ducted?
EQ 07-11 7.2 1.11 CIR No There are now MERV-10 air filters with 1-inch housings. These filters will
require replacement every couple of months. If the homeowner does
replace it, they'll probably replace it with a cheap 1-inch air filter. If the
homeowner doesn't replace it, there may be air flow problems.
EQ 07-12 7 2008 CIR No This project is using the Trane CleanEffects filter. It includes both an
electronic and media filter, and it claims to be more effective than a HEPA
I suggest changing this requirement to be MERV-10 filters with 4- or 5-inch
filter. According to the marketing, it has a "clean air delivery rate" that is
housings, or requiring an "annual replacement filter" to address this
much higher than 5" media filter. However, it's hard to find a MERV rating.
EQ 08-13 1.11 ID No problem.
Green Cleaning Service - If the household chooses to contract with a
This is a very popular product - how do we handle this?
green cleaning service for a certain period of time, would they be able to
receive an ID credit for this service? This has been done in the commercial
Further input from the Green Rater on another project:
application, but not for Homes. What time period would qualify under this
I did some research on the Trane Clean effects and have convinced
credit? One year or Two? If this does not qualify for an entire point, will get
myself of the following: It is most likely closest to a MERV 15 filter. Below
a ½ point?
is my reasoning:
The test data that they utilize to determine its CADR was done by very well
respected scientists. The full study is here: If you look at
page 23 of that study, they give a chart with particle removal efficiencies
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
This is a good durability measure for areas with flood risk, and it should be 2
included in the durability inspection checklist. However, this approach is
not worthy of an ID point. With proper foundation design, site choice, and
other durability measures, this system should not be necessary.
Although this may be prudent practice, we are not aware of any studies 2
justifying the hypothesis that cleaning subfloors leads to meaningful health
risk reduction. If you aware of such research, please provide for further
consideration. In the absence of such information, an ID point is not
This approach is a good one, but it is recommended for every LEED home 2
and not worthy of an ID point. Proper design and placement of vents in
each room should reduce any problems associated with air flow.
The TASC would like to see these credits included as pre-approved ID This kind of credit would not violate fair housing rules. If 4
points in the mid-rise pilot. The proposed language should be reviewed by there are concerns about this, more legal information is
Terry Brennan and other TASC members for its appropriateness. The available at
inclusion of this credit in LEED for Homes should also be reviewed by Bob
This credit cannot be earned without including either an additional 3
Thompson and the rest of the EQ TAG.
dehumidification (or humidification) system or dehumidification (or
humidification) mode controls on the AC system.

Will investigate ASHRAE standards that relate to this 3


The attached chart is not relevant. A digital manometer can be used, but it 3
is not the most appropriate tool. The TASC recommends using a duct
blaster fan vent. Even a garbage bag test can be effective – see the
CMHC website:
These exemptions are based on ASHRAE Std. 4 . 62.2-2004, so LEED for
Homes will follow the definitions used in ASHRAE Std. 62.2-2004:
heating degree-days should use a base of 65 degrees F (18 degrees C).
cooling degree-days should use a base of 50 degrees F (10 degrees C).
Will investigate ASHRAE standards that relate to this 3

Will investigate ASHRAE standards that relate to this 3


The TASC needs more information about this mini-split 2

design. Does this system provide air to the entire floor,
such that it meets the requirements of IEQ 6.1? If the
system provides adequate air distribution to the entire
home, then it may be considered eligible for IEQ credit

There are two ways for a project to earn credit for green cleaning: More credit is given to a green cleaning service 2
because it is assumed that cleaning products will be
1) Supply of products (1/2 ID point). Provide a 1-year supply of cleaning chosen and applied more properly and appropriately.
products to the occupant. These products must meet six major cleaning
needs, and they must comply with a clear set of acceptable performance
level standards, such as Green Seal standard GS-37 (see or California Code of Regulations, Title 17 Section
94509, VOC standards for cleaning products (go to,
click on California Code of Regulations and perform a keyword search for
ô94509ö). The project team must supply the occupant with information on
Originator Date
Michael Holcomb 10/4/2007

Michael Holcomb 10/4/2007

Michael Holcomb 10/4/2007

Ellen Tohn 8/1/2007

Alistair Jackson 1/21/2008

Amy Musser 3/26/2008

Various 12/8/2005

IEQ TASC 2/1/2007

Richard 2/13/2008

Doug King 4/10/2008


Eric Martin, FSEC 6/25/2007

Mike Holcomb 3/19/2008

Matt Root 3/26/2008

Becky Rowe, 5/30/2007

Identification Related LEED-H
Number Credit Version CIR / ID Resolved? Question
EQ 08-18 8.3 1.11 CIR No For pre-occupancy flush, how does this credit apply for a home that is
constructed and pre-finished off-site. The home in Unity, ME is being built
with exterior panelized walls, interior wall systems, flooring systems, roof
trusses and internal trim packages constructed off-site at the Bensonwoord
EQ 09-07b 9.1 1.11 CIR No The ruling for EQ 09-07 stated: "EQ prerequisite 9.1 or EQ credit 9.2 can
Homes facility in Walpole, NH. All of the construction systems will be pre-
be met automatically with the installation of an open-air garage beneath
finished at Bensonwood before delivery and assembly in Unity. All of the
the building, or an enclosed garage with continuous exhaust."
off gassing from the pre-finished materials will have already occurred when
EQ Gen-02 1.7 CIR No the home
Add creditisforassemble in Maine
connection and there
to outdoors: Linewill be novision
of sight need from
for a 95%
pre- of
This project is planning to have continuous exhaust in the garage to
occupied flush. Can the home qualify for this credit using Bensonwood’s
ensure radon gas is removed. How much exhaust is required for this?
in-house pre-finishing protocol? If not, how can this credit be achieved?
EQ Gen-03 1.7 CIR No Should noise reduction measures be included in LEED for Homes?

EQ Gen-05 1.11 ID No ID Request for using "TX Active" cement mix – a compound which abates
pollution through photocatalysis of pollutants, including NOx, PM10 and
certain VOCs.
EQ Gen-12 2008 ID No ID Request: Controlled breathability behind exterior skin of home (siding
This product was awarded “Most Innovative Product” during the 32nd
and roof). Request for 1 point of credit for innovative measure by
annual World of Concrete trade fair in Las Vegas in 2006, and also the
incorporating an air space between the exterior skin (metal roof or
European “Sodalitas Social Award”. Information about the product is
concrete Nichiha siding) and the reflective radiant taped foam.
available at, and scientific testing results
are provided in the attached document "TX Active description.pdf".
Rationale: Creating an air space behind the skin of the home provides a
controlled and superior air flow eliminating potential for mold, and/or
premature product decay. The home is healthier because the material is
allowed to breathe within this air channel.
Final Response Draft Response
or TASC recommendation (if different from Final Response) Other Concerns / Considerations Priority
Even in homes where most of the components of the 3
home are constructed off-site, there is still value in
conducting a flush on-site. Adhesives, sealants, paints,
coatings, etc. will still be used in the finishing of the
home, and these will offgas into the home. The flush
should be conducted once the home is completed on
the site, using the protocol laid out in the balloted
version of the Rating System under EQ 8.3. This is probably due to NC language, but this issue 4
might not be an issue for homes. Should be a
If this builder has a specific protocol for addressing this, requirement that all occupied rooms have line of sight
please forward it to the group. In addition to this access to daylight. Exceptions may include laundry
protocol, the TASC will want to know about how on-site See for the
room, other?. Could be part of a NEW daylighing /
paints, coatings, adhesives, and sealants are federal noise regulations
passive solar credit in EA

Originator Date
Jennifer Huggins 2/4/2008

Kristin Shewfelt 3/10/2008

TAG 9/6/2005

Jay Hall 7/15/2006

Laura Uhde, 5/11/2007


Mike Holcomb 12/21/2007

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