MGMT Part 5
MGMT Part 5
MGMT Part 5
An interdisciplinary field
Organizational dedicated to the study of Organizational goes beyond job
requirements and
behaviour how individuals and groups
tend to act in organizations.
citizenship contributes as needed to
the organization’s success.
A cognitive and
affective evaluation that A positive attitude
Attitude predisposes a person to Job satisfaction toward one’s job.
act in a certain way.
Organizational Loyalty to and heavy
involvement in one’s
Cognitive A condition in which two
attitudes or a behaviour and
commitment organization. dissonance an attitude conflict.
An overall impression of a
The tendency to see
person or situation based
Halo effect on one characteristic, either Projection one’s own personal traits
in other people.
favourable or unfavourable.
The tendency of perceivers Judgements about
Perceptual to protect themselves what caused a person’s
by disregarding ideas, Attributions behaviour – either
defence objects or people that are characteristics of the person
threatening to them. or of the situation.
A leadership style
Being unpretentious and Interactive characterized by values
Humility modest rather than arrogant such as inclusion,
and prideful. leadership collaboration, relationship
building and caring.
A type of behaviour
that describes the extent
Distinguishing personal
to which the leader is
characteristics, such as
Traits intelligence, values and Consideration sensitive to subordinates,
respects their ideas and
feelings, and establishes
mutual trust.
A contingency approach to
leadership specifying that
the leader’s responsibility
A situational variable that
is to increase subordinates’
Path–goal theory motivation by clarifying the Substitute makes a leadership style
unnecessary or redundant.
behaviours necessary for
task accomplishment and
A leader who clarifies
A situational variable that
subordinates’ role and task
counteracts a leadership Transactional requirements, initiates
Neutralizer style and prevents the
leader from displaying leader structure, provides rewards
and displays consideration
certain behaviours.
for subordinates.
A motivation theory
in which specific,
challenging goals
increase motivation and
The value or Goal-setting performance when the
Valence attraction an individual goals are accepted by
has for an outcome. theory subordinates and these
subordinates receive
feedback to indicate their
progress toward goal
A motivation theory based The set of techniques
Reinforcement on the relationship between Behaviour by which reinforcement
theory a given behaviour and
its consequences.
modification theory is used to modify
human behaviour.
The application of
Partial A schedule in which
motivational theories to
only some occurrences
reinforcement of the desired behaviour Job design the structure of work for
improving productivity
schedule are reinforced.
and satisfaction.
A job design that
A job design whose
systematically moves
purpose is to improve task
employees from one job
Job simplification efficiency by reducing the Job rotation to another to provide
number of tasks a single
them with variety and
person must do.
Electronic communication
The amount of information Instant messaging that allows users to see who
Channel richness that can be transmitted during
a communication episode. (IM) is connected to a network and
share information instantly.
An individual’s level of A communication
Communication fear or anxiety associated Non-verbal transmitted through actions
apprehension with interpersonal
communication and behaviours rather than
through words.
A team communication
structure in which team
Horizontal The lateral or diagonal
exchange of messages
Centralized members communicate
communication among peers or co-workers. network through a single individual
to solve problems or
make decisions.
A team communication Communication channels
structure in which Personal that exist outside the
Decentralized team members freely formally authorized
network communicate with one channels and do not adhere
another and arrive at channels to the organization’s
decisions together. hierarchy of authority.
A group communication
process aimed at
creating a culture based The meaning of words and
Dialogue on collaboration, fluidity, Semantics the way they are used.
trust and commitment
to shared goals.
A unit of two or more A team created
people who interact and by the organization
Team coordinate their work to Formal team as part of the formal
accomplish a specific goal. organization structure.