The Reactive System Screening Tool (RSST) : An Inexpensive and Practical Approach To Sizing Emergency Relief Systems
The Reactive System Screening Tool (RSST) : An Inexpensive and Practical Approach To Sizing Emergency Relief Systems
The Reactive System Screening Tool (RSST) : An Inexpensive and Practical Approach To Sizing Emergency Relief Systems
H. K. Fauske
Fauske & Associates, Inc.
Burr Ridge, Illinois
Knowledge of chemical reaction rates, character, volume is 10 ml and the containment volume is 350
and energy release is essential to modern process ml. A key feature of the apparatus is its low effective
design. The Design Institute for Emergency Relief heat capacity relative to that of the sample whose
Systems (DIERS) program (Fisher, 1985), sponsored value, expressed as the capacity ratio, is approxi-
by 29 companies under the auspices of the AIChE mately 1.04 (i.e., quite adiabatic). This feature al-
and completed in 1985, provided the chemical proc- lows the measured data to be directly applied to proc-
ess industry with tools necessary to gather such data ess scale.
(Fauske & Leung, 1985). A primary purpose of the
effort was evaluation of emergency relief vent re-
quirements, including energy and gas release rates for
systems under upset conditions and the effects of
two-phase flow on the emergency discharge process.
An easy, inexpensive approach to the DIERS proce-
dure was later provided by the RSST (Creed and
Fauske, 1990 and Fauske, 1993). This paper pro-
vides an update of the RSST methodology with em-
phasis on benchmarking the methodology against all
available large-scale data including vapor, hybrid,
and gassy reactive systems.
The RSST (Figures 1 and 2) consists of a spheri-
cal glass reaction vessel and immersion heater (op-
tional), its surrounding jacket heater and insulation,
thermocouples and a pressure transducer, a stainless Figure 1. Reactive System Screening Tool (RSST) contain-
steel containment vessel that serves as both a pres- ment.
sure simulator and safety vessel, and, not shown, a
magnetic stirrer base, a control box containing the
heater power supply, temperature amplifiers, and a
data acquisition and control panel. The sample cell
Presented at the 1998 Process Safety Symposium, October 26-27, 1998, Sheraton Astrodome Hotel, Houston, Texas
more) evaporates from the glass vessel and condenses
on the cold containment walls, thereby removing the
reaction energy and tempering the system, as would
occur in a vented reactor. So long as there is suffi-
cient tempering liquid before the reactants are ex-
hausted, and the vent is sized to pass the vapor as it is
produced, tempering will limit the pressure rise. The
principal parameter determining the vent size is the
rate of temperature at the relief set pressure.
Presented at the 1998 Process Safety Symposium, October 26-27, 1998, Sheraton Astrodome Hotel, Houston, Texas
& (m3
assess the vapor volumetric generation rate, Q v
s-1) from
& = m cT
Q (1)
λ ρv
1/ 2
3 m c T& R Ts
Av ≈ (2) Figure 5. Illustration of "foamy" or "bubbly-like" experimen-
2 C D λ Ps M w,v tal data (ATP) and comparison with all vapor venting (Av).
Presented at the 1998 Process Safety Symposium, October 26-27, 1998, Sheraton Astrodome Hotel, Houston, Texas
The unique design offered by the RSST is ideally
suited to characterize vent requirements for hybrid
systems. The measured self heat rate, T& (K s-1), and
rate of pressure rise, P& (Pa s-1), for a given relief set
pressure, Ps (Pa), can be applied directly to assess the
total gas-vapor volumetric rate, Q & (m3 s-1)
& &
& =Q
Q & = mcT + v P m
& +Q (4)
λ ρv
T v g
Ps m t
Presented at the 1998 Process Safety Symposium, October 26-27, 1998, Sheraton Astrodome Hotel, Houston, Texas
Fauske, H. K. and Leung, J. C., 1985, "New Experi-
mental Techniques for Characterizing Runaway
Chemical Reactions," Chem. Eng. Prog., 81(8),
39-46, August.
Figure 7. Large-scale runaway peroxide decomposition data Fauske, H. K., 1993, "Reactive System Screening
and comparisons with RSST simulation with all gas venting.
Tool," United States Patent Number 5,229,074,
July 20.
We note that the DIERS' methodology for gassy
systems considering initiation of two-phase flow at
Fauske, H. K., 1998, "Flow Regime Characterization
the measured peak reactive conditions and no prior
During Emergency Relief," FAI Process Safety
material loss overestimate the vent areas noted in
News, Summer 1998, Vol. 5, No. 2.
Figure 7 by at least an order of magnitude. As indi-
cated by the RSST tests, significant material losses
Fauske, H. K., 1998a, "The Reactive System Screen-
occur well before reaching peak reactive conditions,
ing Tool (RSST): An East Inexpensive Approach
further justifying the assumption of gas venting only.
to the DIERS Procedure, Int. Symp. on Runaway
Furthermore, it is of interest to note the transition
Reaction, Pressure Relief Design, and Effluent
from a homogeneous to propagating reaction behav-
Handling, March 11-13, New Orleans, Louisiana.
ior as the peroxide energetics level increases (Fauske,
1998a and Grolmes, 1998). Such transitions strongly
Fisher, H. G., 1985, "DIERS Research Program on
influence the peak volumetric gas generation rate and
Emergency Relief Systems," Chem. Engr. Prog.,
require experimental determination as provided by
81(8), 33-36, August.
the RSST. The transition, as well as the rage of
propagation cannot be predicted by theoretical
Fisher, H. G. et al., 1992, "Emergency Relief System
Design Using DIERS Technology," American In-
stitute of Chemical Engineers, New York, NY.
Gove, S. H., 1996, "Emergency Pressure Relief for
Due to its ease of use as well as its low cost, the Intermediate Bulk Containers Containing Di-
RSST is now a standard industry tool for chemical cumyl Peroxide," DIERS User Group Meeting,
system characterization for relief system design data February 5, Houston, Texas.
acquisition. The RSST data which can be scaled di-
rectly to full-size applications have been demon- Grolmes, M. A. 1998, "Pressure Relief Requirements
strated to produce excellent agreement with a large for Organic Peroxide and Other Related Compo-
number of large-scale venting tests including vapor, nents," Int. Symp. on Runaway Reaction, Pressure
hybrid and gassy systems. Easy to use design equa- Relief Design, and Effluent Handling, March 11-
tions are provided for these systems. 13, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Presented at the 1998 Process Safety Symposium, October 26-27, 1998, Sheraton Astrodome Hotel, Houston, Texas
Leung, J. C. et al., 1998, "Phenolic Runaway Reac-
tion - Pressure Relief and Containment," Int.
Symp. on Runaway Reaction, Pressure Relief De-
sign, and Effluent Handling, March 11-13, New
Orleans, Louisiana.
Presented at the 1998 Process Safety Symposium, October 26-27, 1998, Sheraton Astrodome Hotel, Houston, Texas