LP Qi, WK8, D2
LP Qi, WK8, D2
LP Qi, WK8, D2
8 492
3. Motivation
7:00 – 7:20 Teacher’s Preparation Ask the pupils their favourite story books.
Have some volunteers tell how many of these
7:20 – 7:40 Flag Ceremony
books they have finished reading.
7:40 - 8:10 Tooth brushing B. Developmental Activities
8:10 – 9:00 English 1. Presenting the Lesson
I. Objectives Ask a good reader to read the problem
Use plural form of nouns situation.
II. Subject Matter 2. Performing the Activities
Topic: Describing the literary elements of a Ask some comprehension questions:
story 4.Processing the Activities
References: Ask: Why is it important in subtraction to
CG EN3RC – Ic-2.1 know which number is the minuend and
Teacher’s Guide p. 88-90 subtrahend? In which place value did you start
Learner’s Materials subtracting? Next? Last? What direction did
Materials: pictures, story-staircase organizer you follow? Why it is important to write the
III. Procedure digits with the same place values in the same
A. Presentation/ Introduction column? How will you check if your answer is
Have flash card drill on sight words and correct?
selected CVC words 4. Reinforcing the Concept
B. Modeling/ Teaching Group Activity
Read with the pupils words, phrases Have pupils do Activity 1 in the LM by pairs.
and sentences 5. Summarizing the Lesson
Discuss the story using How do we subtract 3-to-4 digit numbers from
comprehension questions 3-to-4 digit numbers without regrouping?
C. Guided Practice 6. Applying to New and Other Situations
Present another set of pictures. Let the pupils do Activity 3 in the LM by group.
Let the pupils fill up the story map. IV. Evaluation
IV. Evaluation Ask the pupils to work on the exercises under
Refer your pupils to LM- Activity 70 Activity 4 in the LM.
V. Assignment V. Homework
Make a story staircase on Toto Turtle Takes Let the pupils copy Activity 5 and do it at
Time to Tuck and Think. home.