Comparison of Different Calculation Methods For Structural Stresses at Welded Joints
Comparison of Different Calculation Methods For Structural Stresses at Welded Joints
Comparison of Different Calculation Methods For Structural Stresses at Welded Joints
Received 24 May 2002; received in revised form 29 October 2002; accepted 18 November 2002
Different methods and procedures exist for the computation of the structural hot-spot stress at welded joints. These are either
based on the extrapolation of stresses at certain reference points on the plate surface (or edge) close to the weld toe—as known
from experimental investigations—or on the linearization of stresses in the through-thickness direction. Procedures for the application
of both methods to finite element analysis have recently been proposed in the literature. In the present paper, the different methods
are reviewed and applied to four different details in order to compare the methods with each other and to illustrate the differences.
Conclusions are drawn with respect to their accuracy and sensitivity to finite element meshing.
2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Welded joint; Structural stress; Hot-spot stress; Finite element method; Stress analysis
0142-1123/03/$ - see front matter 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
360 O. Doerk et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 25 (2003) 359–369
b width of doubling plate w attachment width
B width of parent plate x, y, z coordinates
F force d distance
l element length s normal stress
M bending moment sm membrane stress
SCF stress concentration factor sb bending stress
t plate thickness t shear stress
applied it to complex welded structures [4]. Detailed rec- 2. Evaluation of structural stresses from finite
ommendations concerning stress determination for element models
fatigue analysis of welded components were given by
Niemi [12]. 2.1. Finite element modelling of welded structures
However, several applications showed that the stress
results are still affected by the finite element meshing As mentioned in the introduction, different types of
and element properties. Additional recommendations for weld toes can be identified, see Fig. 1, which require
finite element modelling and hot-spot stress evaluation different stress evaluation techniques:
were given by Huther et al. [9] and by Fricke [6], the
latter based on extensive round-robin stress analyses of a) weld toe on the plate surface at the end of an attach-
several details. Special considerations have been shown ment
to be necessary for in-plane notches such as welded edge b) weld toe at the plate edge at the end of an attachment
gussets, where plate thickness is no more a relevant para- c) weld toe along the weld of an attachment (the more
meter for the definition of the reference points for stress highly stressed of both weld toes)
evaluation. Niemi and Tanskanen [13] as well as Fricke
and Bogdan [5] proposed alternative procedures for the Types a) and c) are in principle similar, however, the
hot-spot stress analysis in such cases, using absolute dis- influence of modelling is particularly large at the ends
tances for the reference points. A comprehensive IIW- of welded attachments, i.e. at type a) and b), where the
local stress singularity is more pronounced due to the
guidance for the structural hot-spot stress approach is
additional stress concentration at the V-shaped corner.
currently under preparation [14].
In order to limit the computational effort, relatively
Dong [2] utilized the structural stress definition by
simple models and coarse meshes are preferred in prac-
Radaj [17] and evaluated the structural stress directly at
tice. Basically, two types of finite element modelling are
the weld toe position from finite element results by using
usual, which are illustrated in Fig. 2 by the example
principles of elementary structural mechanics. Mesh shown above:
insensitivity is claimed and demonstrated by several
examples, however, mainly on 2D basic joints [2], [3].
In this paper, the different methods for structural
stress evaluation are explained in more detail and com-
pared with each other. Afterwards, their application is
illustrated by several 2D and 3D examples, showing the
similarities of the methods and answering the question,
how far mesh-insensitivity can be reached.
It should be emphasized that the structural stress
approach is restricted to the fatigue strength assessment
of weld toes, where cracks start from the surface of the
structure. Cracks starting from the root of not fully pen-
etrated welds are not covered and require a different
assessment procedure.
2.3. Structural stress evaluation according to Dong [2] gated only through a part of the thickness. In this case,
the stresses acting at the lower boundary of the area, i.e.
The structural stress evaluation method proposed by in the depth t1, have to be included in the a.m. equations,
Dong [2] generally focusses on the linearization through because the lower boundary is no more a free surface.
the wall thickness directly at the hot spot, however, In thick section joints and some other joint configur-
depends on the type of modelling. ation, such as fillet welds that are symmetric with respect
For solid models, where the element stresses might be to geometry and loading, there is a non-monotonic
disturbed by the singularity at the weld toe, the element trough-thickness stress distribution. In these cases the
stresses are evaluated at a certain distance d away from linearization is also performed to a finite depth t1, which
the weld toe, e.g. equal to the element length, see Fig. is equal to t/2 in case of symmetry.
4. Assuming equilibrium between the axial and shear
stresses acting here (Section B-B) and in the section For a shell model, the structural stress can be evalu-
directly at the weld toe (Section A-A), the linear part of ated directly at the hot spot because the linear stress dis-
the latter can directly be derived (stresses acting on the tribution is already assumed in the elements, see Fig. 5.
other sides of the element are neglected). Using trap- In order to avoid inaccuracies due to stress distribution
ezoidal integration for n ⫹ 1 equally spaced nodes over assumed in the element formulation, the structural stress
the plate thickness yields two equations for sm and sb: is calculated directly from the nodal forces and moments
at the element edge in question.
1 1 A multi-linear stress distribution is assumed for sev-
sm ⫽ sxx(z)·dz ⫽ [s ⫹ 2·sxx,1 ⫹ … eral elements along the weld which is derived from an
t 2·n xx,0
0 equation system for the stress values at the element cor-
⫹ 2·sxx,n⫺1 ⫹ sxx,n]
By using these stresses, mesh insensitivity is claimed
冕 冕
t t by Dong [2] even for hot spots with high stress singular-
t2 t2 t2 ity, i.e. types a) and b) in Fig. 1.
sm ⫹ sb ⫽ sxx(z)·dz⫺d· txz(z)·dz ⫽ [s
2 6 6·n2 xx,0
0 0
Fig. 4. Structural stress evaluation for solid models (acc. to [2]). Fig. 5. Structural stress evaluation for shell models (acc. to [2]).
O. Doerk et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 25 (2003) 359–369 363
shape function and lengths of 1.0t or 10 mm, respect- The application of the structural stress approach
ively (Figs. 3.2 and 3.4) according to Dong [2] yields almost the same structural
앫 structural stress evaluation acc. to Dong [2], using SCF for several mesh densities, as shown in Fig. 6d. As
meshes with different element sizes. All calculations no shear stress is acting in the plate, the stress evaluation
were performed by the authors on the basis of the can simply be reduced to a linearization through the
references given. thickness at any section in the right part, yielding a struc-
tural stress SCF of approximately 1.19.
The element type and weld representation have not
been varied within each comparison. The same value is achieved by extrapolating the sur-
face stresses, see Fig. 7. As expected, the mesh density
plays almost no role also in the case of surface stress
3.1. Plate lap fillet weld extrapolation. The constant structural stress distribution
would even allow any location of the reference points,
The first example concerns a 2D example, the plate as long as they are beyond 0.4 t.
lap fillet joint described in [2]. Fig. 6a illustrates the one-
sided lap joint, which is subjected to an axial force F.
The weld toe belongs to type c) according to Fig. 1.
Due to the eccentricity of the lap joint and the bound-
ary conditions at the ends, a constant bending moment
without any shear force is acting in the plate in front of
the weld. Therefore, a constant structural stress is acting
which is determined by the stiffness of the actual struc-
Fig. 7. Plate fillet lap joint and results obtained for surface stress
Fig. 6. Plate fillet lap joint and results obtained by Dong [2].
364 O. Doerk et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 25 (2003) 359–369
Fig. 10. Surface stress and structural stress ratio for one-sided doub-
Fig. 8. One-sided doubling plate investigated by Yagi et al. [17]. ling plate.
O. Doerk et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 25 (2003) 359–369 365
Fig. 15. Stress distribution in front of the bracket from measurements Fig. 16. Stress distribution in front of the bracket toe and structural
and f.e. models (Fig. 14). hot-spot stresses for various shell models.
O. Doerk et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 25 (2003) 359–369 367
4. Conclusions
Fig. 18. Flat bar welded to an I-beam and modelling of the critical Fig. 19. Stress distribution in front of the fillet weld and structural
area around the weld toe. hot-spot stresses for various models.
368 O. Doerk et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 25 (2003) 359–369
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ommendations are given: to be in contradiction to this.
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