Analysis Design and Comparison of A Mult

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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol.

5, Issue 09, 2017 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

Analysis, Design & Comparison of a Multi-Storied Building with and

without Shear Wall in STADD-Pro
MD Nadeem Uddin1 Dr.MD Subhan2
M.Tech Student 2Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
AVN Institute of Engineering and Technology
Abstract— In modern world buildings with shear wall having The lateral loads arise due to the action of wind, earthquake
a distinctive qualities in the modern multi-storey construction or blast effect. Different structural loads to be considered in
in urban India. So such typical construction is highly the design of buildings are given in IS 1893-2002 and IS: 875-
undesirable in high building built in seismically active areas. part 3. To design a structurally safe building, it is necessary
Here we study the importance of recognizing the presence of to find the load taken by each component so that each
the shear wall in the analysis of building. Design of RCC component can be designed accordingly. For that reason a
elements will also be perform as per IS-456 2000 for the structural analysis is needed. The next step is proportion the
building with shear wall. A numerical study will perform components such that the criteria for stresses and deflections
using Staad pro Software will be used for multi storey 3D are satisfied. The Indian Structural Design Manual provides
frames with shear wall and without shear wall to gain the guidance in the design of structural components with steel,
knowledge and responses of the building structure under reinforced concrete, pre stressed concrete and other materials.
seismic and wind loads. Shear force, Bending moment, Axial Complex interaction of the stiff floors with the walls
force, inter storey drift, base shear, storey shear, storey increases the lateral stiffness of the structure. Besides acting
moment will be computed for both the buildings with and as load bearing walls, these shear walls act as an internal
without shear wall and comparing the results. partitions, acoustic barriers provide Fire divisions within the
Key words: STADD, RC Walls, RCC building. The arrangement of shear wall in a typical
apartment building is shown in Figure 1. The shear walls are
I. INTRODUCTION mainly located in both sides of corridor. The elevator shaft
Many high-rise multi-storey buildings have been build in and stair well is also enclosed by shear walls.
different countries of the world. The trend of construction of In an office building, the arrangement of shear walls
large structures for both office & residential purposes is is different. The shear walls are located at the center; of the
rapidly increasing. The main reasons for this trend are the office building the arrangement of shear walls is different.
increase in population densities due to urbanization, the Mainly to form a service core for the staircases and elevators.
growth of population and the high cost of land in urban areas. The central core is surrounded by columns which are
The economic prosperity and the technological advancement interconnected to form different structural frames.
are also part responsible for the evolution of tall buildings. In The arrangement of shear walls in a typical office
many cases, tall buildings evolve as prestige symbols for building is shown in Figure 2.The present thesis is a study of
commercial enterprises and organizations. these types of structures and their structural behavior when
Although the construction of high-rise buildings has subjected to lateral loadings.
solved the problem of usable space in urban areas, it has
caused many environmental and psychological social II. METHODOLOGY
problems. The construction of high-rise buildings in the Generally, multi-story high rise buildings suffer higher lateral
neighborhood of low-rise dwellings may spoil the urban displacement in the presence of Wind and Earthquake loads.
aesthetics. It can also aggravate traffic problems if the It becomes important to reduce such lateral movement within
location does not fit into the existing planning of the city. the acceptable limits. Larger the displacement, higher the
Closely spaced high-rise buildings may also cause pollution induced moments, shear and discomfort.
problems and obstruct sunlight, to the adjacent properties. A 1) It significantly reduces lateral displacement/story
child brought up in high-rise buildings has less chance to displacement /story drift.
explore and manipulate the environment. This may adversely 2) Reduces the time period of vibration of the building.
affect the psychological development of the child in future 3) Reduces moments and induced torsion during
years. The inhabitants of high-rise buildings often exhibit earthquakes.
greater feelings of indifference and withdrawal towards 4) Increases stiffness of the building.
neighbors. This is in contrast to dwellers of low-rise houses. In India a considerable number of buildings have
The crime rate in high-rise buildings is higher compared to reinforced concrete structural systems. This is due to
relatively low rise buildings. These are some of the problems economic reasons. Reinforced concrete building structures
for which the high-rise buildings are criticized in recent can be classified:
times. 1) Structural Frame Systems: The structural system consists
Structural components such as walls, beams, of frames. Floor slabs, beams and columns are the
columns and floor slabs form an integrated structural system basic elements of the structural system. Such frames can
of building. The structure and its components support the carry gravity loads while providing adequate stiffness.
vertical and lateral loads applied to the building. The vertical 2) Structural Wall Systems: In this type of structures, all the
load arises due to the self-weight of the components, the vertical members are made of structural walls, generally
occupants and other objects broadly classified, as live loads. called shear walls.

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Analysis, Design & Comparison of a Multi-Storied Building with and without Shear Wall in STADD-Pro
(IJSRD/Vol. 5/Issue 09/2017/021)

3) It consist of a reinforced concrete frames interacting with than 2, considered as One way slab because this slab will bend
concrete shear wall. in one direction i.e in the direction along its shorter span
Due to the huge difference in lengths, load is not
transferred to the shorter beams. Main reinforcement is
provided in shorter span and distribution reinforcement in
longer span.
Two way slab is a slab supported by beams on all
the four sides and the loads are carried by the supports along
both directions, it is known as two way slab. In two way slab,
the ratio of longer span (l) to shorter span (b) is less than 2.
In two way slabs, load will be carried in both the
directions. So, main reinforcement is provided in both
direction for two way slabs.


Fig. 3.5: Cross section of one-way slab floor
It depends - are we talking about a specific wall in timber,
concrete, masonry, steel or what? Braced frames:
Steel bars embedded in concrete are one form of 1) A column may be considered braced in a given plan if
reinforcement. Deformation of the plan profile to form piers lateral stability of the structure as a whole is provided by
or columns makes up a second method of reinforcement. walls or bracing.
Using sheet plies over timber framing are a third form of wall 2) These coulmn are not designed to resist lateral load
reinforcement. Reinforcement to masonry walls usually takes 3) These coulmn have zero value of sway force
the form of piers or pilasters and probably includes vertical 4) structural system having bracing is most used for the
and horizontally- embedded steel bars in grout fill. Basically important structure
wall reinforcements are methods of increasing resistance to
shear, bending, torsion, tension or compression in an
otherwise flat vertical surface. It can also take the form of
thickening with depth, so that a wall becomes thicker toward
the base, assuming the wall to be loaded from behind by water
or soils.

Fig. 3.6: Lateral load resisting systems

Fig. 3.7: Lateral drift

Loads Considered:
One-way and two-way reinforced concrete slabs. Loads and properties of materials constitute the basic
One way slab is a slab which is supported by beams on the parameter of a R.C structures. Both of them are basically of a
two opposite sides to carry the load along one direction .The varying nature .For such a quality of varying nature, it is
ratio of longer span (l) to shorter span (b) is equal or greater necessary to arrive of a single representative value. Such

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Analysis, Design & Comparison of a Multi-Storied Building with and without Shear Wall in STADD-Pro
(IJSRD/Vol. 5/Issue 09/2017/021)

value is known as characteristic value. The value to be taken Pd = design wind pressure element
in design which provides appropriate or designed margin of 3.5.4 Seismic load:
safety is known as design values. The loads are taken as per
Design Lateral Force
IS-875 and the material properties like characteristic value
are taken from IS: 456-2000. The design lateral force shall first be computed for the
1) Dead loads: building as a whole. This plan parallel compel should then
Dead load is the load from the self-weight of the structure and be circulated to the different floor levels We require a
whatever is permanently attached to it and acts always. The horizontal drive opposing framework to oppose tremor or
dead load on a building is the weight of the building, its walls, wind strengths. For that we have solid shear dividers, minute
beams and columns. edges, propped casings et cetera.

Imposed loads or live load: Design Seismic Base Shear

Live loads are either mobile or moving burdens with no Vb = Ah X W
increasing speed or effect. There are thought to be created by Where,
the expected utilize or inhabitance of the building including Ah = horizontal acceleration spectrum
weights of versatile segments or furniture and so on. The floor W = seismic weight of all the floors
sections must be intended to convey either consistently Fundamental Natural Period
appropriated stacks or thought loads whichever deliver more
noteworthy worries in the part under thought. Since it is
improbable that any one specific time all floors won't be all
the while conveying greatest stacking, the code allows some T=
lessening in forced loads in planning segments, stack bearing
dividers, wharfs backings and establishments. Where,
h= Height of building
Design Wind Speed (Vz): d= Base dimension of the building at the plinth level, in m,
The essential breeze speed (Vz) for any site might be acquired along the considered direction of the lateral force.
from and should be adjusted to incorporate the accompanying
impacts to get configuration twist speed at any stature (V,) for Distribution of Design Force (Storey Shear) :
the picked from
1) Risk level;
2) Terrain roughness, height and size of structure; and
3) Local topography. Qi=Design lateral force at floor i,
It can be mathematically expressed as follows: Wi=Seismic weight of floor i,
Where: hi=Height of floor i measured from base, and
Vz = Vb x K1 x K2 x K3 n=Number of storeys in the building is the number of levels
Vb = design wind speed at any height z in m/s; at which the masses are located.
K1 = probability factor (risk coefficient) III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
K2= terrain, height and structure size factor and Beam results from Staad
K3 = topography factor BEANM NO. 3756 DESIGN RESULTS
1) Wind pressures and forces on buildings / structures:
Twist consequences for structures can be named Static and
Dynamic. Static breeze impact essentially causes versatile
bowing and winding of structure. What's more, for tall, long
traverse and slim structures a dynamic examination of the
structure is fundamental. Wind blasts cause fluctuating
powers on the structure which initiates substantial dynamic SUMMARY OF REINF. AREA (


Pressure Coefficients -
F= (Cpe – Cpi) A Pd
Cpe = external pressure coefficient,
Cpi = internal pressure- coefficient,
A = surface area of structural or cladding unit, and

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Analysis, Design & Comparison of a Multi-Storied Building with and without Shear Wall in STADD-Pro
(IJSRD/Vol. 5/Issue 09/2017/021)

Bending moment of beams without shear wall:


Fig. 5.6: Bending moment of beams without shear wall
VY = -65.85 MX = 0.13 LD= 118 1) Shear force of beams with shear wall:
Provide 2 Legged 12í @ 150 mm c/c
VY = -146.02 MX = 0.31 LD= 109
Provide 2 Legged 12í @ 150 mm c/c


Fig. 5.7: Shear force of beams with shear wall

Design of stair case:
Design of Flight Slab
1) Bending moment of beams with shear wall:
No of flights for each floor = 2
Height of the floor = 3.5m
Height of each flight = 3. 5 / 2 = 1.75m
Assume Raise as 150mm and Tread as 250mm
No of Raisers = 1.75 / 0.15 = 11.66 (say 12)
Say Raise = 150mm
No of Treads = 12-1 = 11 Treads
Width of Stair = 1.2m

Fig. 5.5: Bending moment of beams with shear wall

Effective Span = 3.425m

Span / Overall depth = 20 for deflection criteria
Let modification factor = 3425 / (20 x 1.20) = 142.7 mm (Say
150 mm)

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Analysis, Design & Comparison of a Multi-Storied Building with and without Shear Wall in STADD-Pro
(IJSRD/Vol. 5/Issue 09/2017/021)

Effective depth = 150-15-6 = 129mm (say 130 mm) But maximum spacing of Tension Reinforcement as per
Loads: Clause 26.3.3 b 2 from
Per meter width of stair case IS: 456 – 2000 is 5d or 450 mm whichever is less.
Dead load of slab (On slope) = 0.150 x 1.00 x 25 = 3.75 5 x 130= 650 mm or 450 mm
KN/m Hence provide 8mm dia. @ 270 mm C/C
Finished load (On slope) Revised Astx m = (1000 x 50.2) / 270 = 186mm2
= 1.50 KN/m Check for Shear:
5.25KN/m Shear Force (Vu) = WL/2 = (15.663 x 3.425) / 2 = 27 KN
Dead load of slab / horizontal meter run Nominal shear stress (V) = Vu / bd = (27 x 106) / (1000 x 130)
= 0.20 N/mm2
5.25 = 6.122 KN/ m2
Area of steel available Ast = 565mm2
Dead load of one step = ½ x 0.150 x 0.23 x 19 = 0.33KN Pt % = (100 x 565/ 1000 x130) = 0.43 %
Dead load of steps / horizontal meter run = 0.33/0.25 = From Table 19 of IS: 456- 2000 c = 0.397 N/ mm2
1.32KN/m c > V Hence shear stress is within limits
Imposed load 3KN/m2 = 3.00 KN/m Check for Bond:
Total working load = 10.442 KN/m Development length Ld for 12 mm ǿ = (ǿ x 0.87fy) / 4 bd
Factored Load = 1.50 x 10.442 = 15.663 KN/m = (12 x 0.87 x 415) / 4
Bending Moment: x 1.20 = 902mm
Maxi. BM = WL2 / 8 = (15.663 x 3.4252) / 8 = 22.96 KN-m From of IS: 456 – 2000
Effective depth of slab (For max.BM): bd = 1.20
Mu lim = 0.138 fck bd2 Tension bars crossing at bends should be extended by
902mm beyond crossing point.
Check for Serviceability:
Basic l/d Ratio = 20
Pt = 0.43% Service stress = (0.58 x 415 x 525) / 565 =
Modification factor = 1.20
Modified value of l/d ratio = 20 x 1.20 = 24
Hence OK.
Actual l/d ratio = 3425/130= 26.34 > 24
Calculation of Area of steel
Actual l/d ratio is > modified value of l/d ratio
MD = 22.96 KN-m
Hence the thickness of the slab to be increased.


Ast = X 1000 X 130 The behaviour of multi-storey building with and without
shear wall is studied under zone-II. The linear static method
= 525 mm2 > 120 mm2 (Min.Ast 0.12% of bD as per has been used. A 3D model has been developed to study the
Clause26.5.2.1 of IS: 456-2000) behaviour of multi-story frame using Staad Pro. Software.
The results obtained are presented in the form of tables and
Provide 8 mm dia. Tor steel Ast = = 113mm2 graphs. The analyses of frames are studied under wind and
Spacing of Steel: seismic loads. It is concluded that with seismic and wind
loads, the storey shear, Columns forces without shear wall,
= increases when compared to the columns with shear wall.
Comparing the results of storey drifts, storey
Spacing of Steel = moment and displacements of both models, structures with
But maximum spacing of Tension Reinforcement as per shear wall behaves well than the structure without shear wall.
Clause 26.3.3 b 1 from From results and discussion it can be concluded that
IS: 456 – 2000 is 3d or 300 mm whichever is less. the structure with shear wall is more preferable than that of
3 x 130 = 390mm or 300 mm structure without shear wall in seismic and wind prone areas.
Hence provide 12 mm dia. @ 200 mm C/C
Revised Astxm = (1000 x 113) / 200 = 565 mm2 REFERENCES
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(1997), “Seismic Response of RC Frame Buildings with
Spacing of Steel = Soft First Storeys”. Proceedings of the CBRI Golden
Jubilee Conference on Natural Hazards in Urban Habitat,
Spacing of Steel = = 279.22mm
1997, New Delhi.

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Analysis, Design & Comparison of a Multi-Storied Building with and without Shear Wall in STADD-Pro
(IJSRD/Vol. 5/Issue 09/2017/021)

[3] Awkar J. C. and Lui E.M, “Seismic analysis and response

of multi-storey semi rigid frames”, Journal of
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[4] Chopra, Anil k. (1995), “Dynamics of structures”,
Prentice Hall.
[5] Concrete structures by P.DAYARATNAM
[6] Limit state design by ASHOK K JAIN.

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