Analysis Design and Comparison of A Mult
Analysis Design and Comparison of A Mult
Analysis Design and Comparison of A Mult
3) It consist of a reinforced concrete frames interacting with than 2, considered as One way slab because this slab will bend
concrete shear wall. in one direction i.e in the direction along its shorter span
Due to the huge difference in lengths, load is not
transferred to the shorter beams. Main reinforcement is
provided in shorter span and distribution reinforcement in
longer span.
Two way slab is a slab supported by beams on all
the four sides and the loads are carried by the supports along
both directions, it is known as two way slab. In two way slab,
the ratio of longer span (l) to shorter span (b) is less than 2.
In two way slabs, load will be carried in both the
directions. So, main reinforcement is provided in both
direction for two way slabs.
value is known as characteristic value. The value to be taken Pd = design wind pressure element
in design which provides appropriate or designed margin of 3.5.4 Seismic load:
safety is known as design values. The loads are taken as per
Design Lateral Force
IS-875 and the material properties like characteristic value
are taken from IS: 456-2000. The design lateral force shall first be computed for the
1) Dead loads: building as a whole. This plan parallel compel should then
Dead load is the load from the self-weight of the structure and be circulated to the different floor levels We require a
whatever is permanently attached to it and acts always. The horizontal drive opposing framework to oppose tremor or
dead load on a building is the weight of the building, its walls, wind strengths. For that we have solid shear dividers, minute
beams and columns. edges, propped casings et cetera.
Effective depth = 150-15-6 = 129mm (say 130 mm) But maximum spacing of Tension Reinforcement as per
Loads: Clause 26.3.3 b 2 from
Per meter width of stair case IS: 456 – 2000 is 5d or 450 mm whichever is less.
Dead load of slab (On slope) = 0.150 x 1.00 x 25 = 3.75 5 x 130= 650 mm or 450 mm
KN/m Hence provide 8mm dia. @ 270 mm C/C
Finished load (On slope) Revised Astx m = (1000 x 50.2) / 270 = 186mm2
= 1.50 KN/m Check for Shear:
5.25KN/m Shear Force (Vu) = WL/2 = (15.663 x 3.425) / 2 = 27 KN
Dead load of slab / horizontal meter run Nominal shear stress (V) = Vu / bd = (27 x 106) / (1000 x 130)
= 0.20 N/mm2
5.25 = 6.122 KN/ m2
Area of steel available Ast = 565mm2
Dead load of one step = ½ x 0.150 x 0.23 x 19 = 0.33KN Pt % = (100 x 565/ 1000 x130) = 0.43 %
Dead load of steps / horizontal meter run = 0.33/0.25 = From Table 19 of IS: 456- 2000 c = 0.397 N/ mm2
1.32KN/m c > V Hence shear stress is within limits
Imposed load 3KN/m2 = 3.00 KN/m Check for Bond:
Total working load = 10.442 KN/m Development length Ld for 12 mm ǿ = (ǿ x 0.87fy) / 4 bd
Factored Load = 1.50 x 10.442 = 15.663 KN/m = (12 x 0.87 x 415) / 4
Bending Moment: x 1.20 = 902mm
Maxi. BM = WL2 / 8 = (15.663 x 3.4252) / 8 = 22.96 KN-m From of IS: 456 – 2000
Effective depth of slab (For max.BM): bd = 1.20
Mu lim = 0.138 fck bd2 Tension bars crossing at bends should be extended by
902mm beyond crossing point.
Check for Serviceability:
Basic l/d Ratio = 20
Pt = 0.43% Service stress = (0.58 x 415 x 525) / 565 =
Modification factor = 1.20
Modified value of l/d ratio = 20 x 1.20 = 24
Hence OK.
Actual l/d ratio = 3425/130= 26.34 > 24
Calculation of Area of steel
Actual l/d ratio is > modified value of l/d ratio
MD = 22.96 KN-m
Hence the thickness of the slab to be increased.