MTP Assignment

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Answer No (1)

Raj is working in an MNC which deals with FMCG, the organisation in which he is
working is facing lot of isssues currently, being appointed by directors of organisation
he is under obligation to solve all the problems which organisation is facing in order to
improve current situations and to achieve organisation objectives effectively and
efficiently .


Fallowing are the solutions to problems faced by the organisation:-

Case No1:-

Internal Communication:-Internal communication is the transmission of
information within an organization. Internal communication is a lifeline of a business. It
occurs between an employer and an employee. It is communication among employees.
Internal communication is the sharing of the information, knowledge, ideas, and beliefs
between the members of the company. Internal communication can be formal or
informal. Internal communication is the future of work. Whether you are growing a small
or a large business, your internal communication has a direct impact on your company’s

Concept and Application

In M/s Swadeshi Ltd. there are multiple channels of communications for its employees,
due to which same messages gets posted on multiple platforms as result of which
employees waste lots of their precious time in checking notifications and then replying
them back as we know whether it is small or large organisation internal communication
has a direct impact on our company’s success so building effective internal
communication strategy is a great way to make your workplace more productive,
collaborative and engaged. But having multiple sources of internal communications has
many disadvantages for company such as it leads to wastage of time, delay in work,
inappropriate quality and wastage of resources which ultimately results in decrease in
productivity of employees.

Solution to above problem is that medium of internal communication should be
decreased. As we have seen in above case employees deployed lot of their productive
time in unproductive activities which ultimately had hampered employees as well as
organizational productivity and leads in wastage of resources ,since good internal
communications strategy ensures that everyone at an organization is aware of and
aligned with the core purpose of an organization therefore internal communication is
important in every organisation but the channels of internal communication should be
less so that employees are more engaged in productive work rather than wasting time in
replying to same messages from multiple sources.

Case No 2:-

Importance of Environment For Business:-A business can
be established, but to successfully sustain a business, the business needs resources
like finance, for which it has to depend on financial institutions. Then there are natural
resources and raw material, for which it has to depend on Nature/ Environment. There
is a symbiotic relationship between business and its environment and among the
environmental factors. In other words, business is influenced by its environment and in
turn, to a certain extent, it will influence the external forces environment. Since Business
depends upon environment for natural resources and raw materials therefore it is moral
obligation of business to give back to environment in form of forest conversation, animal
husbandry and environment protection, prevention from harmful gases release from

Concept and Application

In M/s Swadeshi Ltd. employees are involved in taking lots of print outs for all the
documents even if it is not required, which results in adverse environmental impact.
Adverse Environmental Impact is not good sign for any industry as it ultimately hampers
production, increase cost, wastages of financial resources, inflation, loss of resources
scarcity of food and water etc. The environment is crucial for the society and businesses
together. We all have a responsibility to conserve and protect the environment. And
whether it be governments, businesses, consumers, workers or other members of society,
each must contribute to stop the environment from polluting further.

Solution to above problem is that such organisations where employees are unnecessary
taking lots of print out should use password protective printers so that only authorized
person can take out prints of necessary documents. Business enterprises should take
lead in solving environmental issues. It is their responsibility to check the consequences
of their actions and also to protect environmental resources.

Case No 3:-

Coordination:-Coordination is the force that binds all the other functions of
management. It is a process by which the manager achieves harmonious group effort
and unity of action in the pursuit of a common purpose. The manager brings about this
process as he performs the basic managerial functions of planning, organising, staffing,
directing and controlling. Coordination is the essence of management or manager ship,
for the achievement of harmony of individual effort towards the accomplishment of
group goals is the purpose of management.

Concept and Application

In M/s Swadeshi Ltd. employees are working in silo’s and believe in individual
achievement and growth but lack the quality of working in a team, which results in lack
of coordination. A lack of coordination in an organization can decrease productivity,
complicate processes and delay the completion of tasks. In order to coordinate the
efforts of an entire organization, the organization requires a systematic integration of a
process that creates accountability within the organization. Implementing this type of
process allows interdepartmental coordination throughout the organization between
Solution to the above problem is that the organisation should fallow the one of principle
among 14 principles of management that is esprit the corps. Esprit de Corps means
“Team Spirit”. Therefore, the management should create unity, co-operation, and team-
spirit among the employees. They should avoid dividing and rule policy and develop
harmony, cohesion among personnel. Coordination is great source of strength in the
organisation. It contributes to the development of the culture and creates an
atmosphere of mutual trust and understanding among employees therefore it is
necessary for every organisation to fallow the principle of Esprit De Corps.

Case No 4:-

Unity of Command:- Unity of Command means getting orders/ command
from only one supervisor .This principle states that an individual should get orders from
a single superior so that he does not get confused and can discharge his duties
effectively. This principle advocates that only one boss should give order to an
individual so that he can understand what to do and can perform systematically with
greater efficiency. If more than one boss will instruct an individual, he will certainly get
confused about his responsibility and will not be able to perform even a single activity
because he faces the dilemma of “whom should he follow?”

Concept and Application

In M/s Swadeshi Ltd. employees are reporting to two or three bosses and it leads lots of
chaos in work completion. In case of more than one boss, problem of ego clash
between the bosses arises because every superior wants his orders to be executed by
his subordinate. This problem of ego clash also causes conflicting situation in the
organization, which hampers the organization growth, productivity ,profitability and leads
to wastage of resources etc.
Solution to the above problem is that the organisation should fallow the one of principle
among 14 principles of management that is Unity Of Command. The basic principle of
unity of command states that a particular employee should be responsible to only a
single supervisor and then that person is responsible to another supervisor, and there
shouldn’t be two different supervisors for a single person. This is one of the best ways
to achieve the perfect form of an organizational hierarchy . For better discipline and
improved management an employee should be responsible only to one master or boss
and no one else. It is mainly due to the fact that if an employee is compelled to carry out
the orders of more than one master, that will create confusion in mismanagement.

Case No 5:-

Inventory Mangement :- Inventory management involves planning
organizing and controlling the flow of materials from their initial purchase unit through
internal operations to the service point through distribution. Inventory constitute one of
the largest and most tangible investment of any retailer or manufacturing organization.
Intelligent inventory management strategies can not only help boost profit but they can
mean the difference between a business thriving or barely surviving. Holding inventories
at the lowest possible cost and giving the objectives to ensure uninterrupted supplies for
on-going operations is the aim of inventory management.

nventory management
involves planning organizing
and controlling the flow of
materials from their initial
purchase unit through
internal operations to the
service point
through distribution (Smaros, et
al., 2003).
Inventory constitute one of
the largest and most
tangible investment of any
retailer or
manufacturing organization.
Intelligent inventory
management strategies can not
only help
boost profit but they can mean
the difference between a
business thriving or barely
Holding inventories at the
lowest possible cost and
giving the objectives to
uninterrupted supplies for on-
going operations is the aim of
inventory management. “When
making decisions on inventory,
management has to find a
compromise between the
cost component, such as the
cost of supplying inventory,
inventory holding cost and
resulting from sufficient
nventory management
involves planning organizing
and controlling the flow of
materials from their initial
purchase unit through
internal operations to the
service point
through distribution (Smaros, et
al., 2003).
Inventory constitute one of
the largest and most
tangible investment of any
retailer or
manufacturing organization.
Intelligent inventory
management strategies can not
only help
boost profit but they can mean
the difference between a
business thriving or barely
Holding inventories at the
lowest possible cost and
giving the objectives to
uninterrupted supplies for on-
going operations is the aim of
inventory management. “When
making decisions on inventory,
management has to find a
compromise between the
cost component, such as the
cost of supplying inventory,
inventory holding cost and
resulting from sufficient
Concept and Application
In M/s Swadeshi Ltd. employees have habit of ordering organisational requirement two
months in advance which is adding to cost of holding inventory. As cost of holding
inventory increases the price of goods due to which customers decreases the demand
of fmcg goods in which M/s Swadeshi Ltd deals as results of which finished goods get
piled up in warehouses and ultimately company is suffering losses as there is no sales,
no revenue is generated and no expenses are being met on time, overall it is effecting
the productivity and profitability of an organisation.

Solution to above problem is that organisation should fallow Just In Time Inventory
System. The Just In Time Inventory System, or JIT, is a system of
managing inventory that is designed to improve efficiency and reduce waste in a
production process, and minimize inventory carrying costs. The idea is to receive
organizational requirements only as needed in order to save cost of holding inventory.

To implement the just-in-time system, a company must establish tight coordination with

its suppliers. Ideally, a company employing the just-in-time system would have no on-
hand inventory. It costs money to hold inventory. The just-in-time system aims to
eliminate that cost. 

Answer No (2)

Motivation is the process of inspiring people in order to intensify their desire and
willingness for executing their duties effectively and for co-operating to achieve the
common objectives of an enterprise. In other words, it means to induce, instigate, incite
or prompt someone to a particular course of action for getting the results expected from

Motivation may be rooted in a basic need to minimize physical pain and maximize
pleasure, or it may include specific needs such as eating and resting, or a desired
object, goal, state of being, ideal, or it may be attributed to less-apparent reasons such
as altruism, selfishness, morality, or avoiding mortality.

Motivation is the actuating force that stimulates a man to put his best in the
accomplishment of a task. It is a powerful tool in the hands of a manager for inducing
his subordinates to act in the desired manner by satisfying their needs and desires. It is
concerned with how behaviour gets started, is energised, initiated, sustained and


A manager has many duties. One of the most important ones is to motivate
and inspire employees. Only motivated staff members will perform at their
best and be maximally productive. Here are some ways managers can
motivate employees of the organisation:-

1. Praise:- People want to know if they have done a good job. The positive
assessment from a superior position can be a powerful spur to productivity. While you
shouldn’t tell a worker they did well when they didn’t, honest praise is a valuable
motivational tool. Positive feedback will make an employee want to continue their
success forward to their next project.Knowing your work is valued will help to motivate

2. Encourage Autonomy :-People are happier and more motivated if they feel
they are in charge of their own destiny. Don’t be a micromanager or a control freak an
overbearing attitude will destroy morale. If an employee can handle it, let them have a
freer reign. You don’t need to be staring over their shoulder on every project. Your
workers will enjoy their jobs more (and do better work) if they have more freedom.

3. Allow honest criticism and complaints:- Nothing’s more frustrating

for a worker than feeling they can’t openly express their opinion on a touchy subject.
Your subordinates will be much happier if you let them voice their complaints openly
and plainly. Don’t bite an employee’s head off if they come to you with criticism. Of
course, you must preserve your position of power but you can allow plenty of leeway
before your authority is compromised.

4. Ensure a healthy work life balance :-Your staff doesn’t want to be

worked to the bone. While riding your employees hard may boost productivity
temporarily, the accompanying drop in motivation will ultimately be more significant.
Workers can only be happy and energetic in an environment that respects the need to
balance work and free time. So don’t demand overtime every week, and let your
employees take time off if they have good reason .

5. Be fair:- A boss who has double standards for pet employees will destroy office
morale. One person receiving more than their fair share of credit (or money) devalues
the efforts of everyone else. Employees left out in the cold will feel depressed and
unappreciated. Adjudicate any disputes between employees in an impartial, even-
handed way. While you’ll especially appreciate certain workers, don’t give them perks
they don’t deserve — managers need to motivate all their subordinates.

6.Pay them more:-Ultimately, the most effective motivator of all is money.

People do their jobs for the pay they receive in return. Of course, it won’t always be
possible to increase salaries but if you really need to raise morale, raises are the best
strategy. It isn’t just about having more money an employee’s salary is also a sign of
how much the company values them. People are more motivated to work for companies
that value them highly.

7.Accept Feedback:-People want to feel heard, whether it’s by customer

service when they have a complaint or their boss when there’s a problem at work. Have
an open-door policy and be accessible to your employees rather than aloof.
When they know they can approach you with feedback, your employees will feel
motivated not only to speak their grievances, but to share new ideas and bring you
solutions for improving the company.

To be a quality manager, you must devote yourself to employee motivation. The
workers are the lifeblood of any company, but those workers will not perform well if they
do not feel motivated. In contrast, an inspired employee will actually want to put forth
their best effort.
Therefore, the manager must find the keys to get subordinates to come to work
regularly and on time, to work hard, and to make positive contributions towards the
effective and efficient achievement of organizational objectives. Motivation is an
effective instrument tin the hands of a manager for inspiring the work force and creating
confidence in it. By motivating the work force, management creates "will to work" which
is necessary for the achievement of organizational goals .

Answer No (3)

a)Change Management
Change Management is a systematic approach to dealing with the transition or
transformation of an organization's goals, processes or technologies. The purpose of
change management is to implement strategies for effecting change, controlling change
and helping people to adapt to change. Such strategies include having a structured
procedure for requesting a change, as well as mechanisms for responding to requests
and following them up.

To be effective, the change management process must take into consideration how an
adjustment or replacement will impact processes, systems, and employees within the
organization. Change management is the process, tools and techniques to manage the
people side of change to achieve its required business outcomes. It is the systematic
management of employee engagement and adoption when the organization changes
how work will be done. Ultimately, change management focuses on how to help
employees embrace, adopt and utilize a change in their day-to-day work.


The Change Management Process that M/s Swadeshi Ltd. should fallow to
improve the functioning of the organisation is as fallows:-

1)Identify the Need to Change

The first step is identifying precisely what needs to change. Identify opportunities or
threats to the company, and evaluate if they are sizable enough to warrant a change in
strategy. If action is needed, start building a plan for change using a structured goal-
setting methodology, like SMART goals. SMART goals provide a template for what
needs to be accomplished, and by when. This is helpful when beginning to deploy a
change management planning initiative.

2)Planning Change
After indentifying need for change in organisation, a change plan is made for managing
change. This step involves finding out ways to bring change,arranging resources and
deciding who will be responsible to implement change. A complete framework is layout
where roles and responsibilities are assigned and time frame for performing various
activities to implement change is decided.

After you’ve identified what your organization needs to facilitate change management,
it’s time to implement. Execution and accountability are both strategic imperatives. To
simplify implementation, approach implementation of change management in phases.
Breaking down change into smaller, more actionable components makes this process
simpler. A simpler process makes it easier for employees to become trained experts in
these new concepts.

4)Fallow Up
The final step in the change management process is the after-action review. It is at this
point that you can stand back from the entire program, evaluate successes and failures,
and identify process changes for the next project. This is part of the ongoing, continuous
improvement of change management for your organization and ultimately leads to
change competency.

Managing organizational change will be much easier if you’re able to follow these three
change management process steps. If you identify the needed change, communicate
with your team and efficiently implement your strategy, you’ll have a blueprint for
change management. These guidelines help stakeholders understand the current state
of the business, and what they need to do to facilitate change in the future.

Due to the ever-changing expectation of the customers, the competition in today’s

global economy has itself change and is constantly evolving. The human element of
change management can be the most daunting situation to navigate people because
they do not like or adjust change. Therefore, involving people early on implementing the
process is critical to success which results in better productivity of the businesses.

b) Leadership:- Leadership is the ability of an individual or a group of individuals
to influence and guide followers or other members of an organization. Leadership
involves making sound and sometimes difficult decisions, creating and articulating a
clear vision, establishing achievable goals and providing followers with the knowledge
and tools necessary to achieve those goals.

Every organization should have a leader who must possess characteristics such as self-
confidence, strong communication and management skills, creative
and innovative thinking, willingness to take risks, openness to change etc.
Leadership style suitable for M/s Swadeshi Ltd is Democratic
Leadership style:-

Democratic Leadership:-Democratic leadership, is a type of leadership

style in which members of the group take a more participative role in the decision-
making process. This type of leadership can apply to any organization, from private
businesses to schools to government.

The leader and the subordinates shared an equal voice and these groups didn’t
showcase hierarchy. The leadership style involved appraisal of both the leader and the
subordinates, with strong feedback structures available.

Reason of adopting Democratic Leadership Style

As in M/s Swadeshi Ltd. autocratic leadership style is fallowed where CEO
never consults the team before making decisions due to which employees
feels unsecured and their productivity and efficiency decreases which
effects organisational growth so its necessary to involve team members in
decision making process due fallowing reason:-
First, being part of a group and having an equal say in the running of things, will provide
a sense of empowerment for employees. When the subordinate feels included and able
to have a say, the job satisfaction rate can improve as a result. Employees will feel as
part of the organization.

Second, being more involved with the projects and tasks will increase the subordinate’s
commitment levels. In essence, the subordinates see themselves invested in the
outcome. This in turn is beneficial for the organization because it can lead to projects
being finished more efficiently.

Furthermore, democratic leadership also enjoys from the benefits of diverse opinions.

Since the decision-making process is based on sharing ideas and collaborating as a
team to reach a consensus, the decisions are more thought-through and could better
answer the needs of the organization.
Gathering different opinions over decisions isn’t just about the diverse ideas it brings
about, but also the increased knowledge. People are experts on different things and by
asking a group of people to contribute, you guarantee the people who know the most
about a giving subject, provide their expertise. Therefore, decisions made within a group
can show higher competence levels.

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