Surname1 Name Professor Subject Date: Scholarship Application
Surname1 Name Professor Subject Date: Scholarship Application
Surname1 Name Professor Subject Date: Scholarship Application
Name of Applicant
Address of Applicant
Address of Institution
Always knowing what I wanted to do with my life may sound like a cliché but this is true
fascinated by the field due to the numerous processes it has to ensure quality output. I have put
extra efforts in studying sciences, and this has led to winning an award in chemical sciences. For
me to achieve my goals, I have realized I need to pursue masters and even Ph.D. levels in the
course. I am happy about my future and have a feeling that with your scholarship grant, I will
I am from Vietnam where I live with my parents. I attended high school in Vietnam and
second year undertaking chemical engineering. I would like to transfer and study at the
University of Houston once I complete my studies at the college and continue pursuing chemical
The applications of both life and physical sciences integrated with economics and applied
mathematics has been my area of fascination. Chemical Engineering offers education in these
fields regarding production, transformation, transportation and proper use of chemicals, energy,
and materials. It is, therefore, my passionate field and my goal is pursuing the course up to the
Ph.D. levels. These will enable me to gain more and thorough understanding of these processes
Being passionate about chemical engineering, my career goals are to entirely work in the
field and taking part in the various processes involved in chemical engineering. Being a
chemical engineer, I will take an integral part and ensure proper designing of the large scale
processes employed in the conversion of chemicals, living cells, raw materials, and resources as
well as energy and microorganisms into relevant and useful products. I also hope to work in a
chemical reaction facility as an engineer, design and oversee the construction of various
chemical plants, design and analyze various chemical processes as well as ensure proper and safe
transportation of chemicals.
Being a tutor and mentoring potential chemical engineers is another career goal I would like to
achieve. This may be in colleges or universities where I pass down information and knowledge
gained over the years to other future engineers as well as interacting with them in practical and
field studies on the same. Being a mentor and guiding younger generation is part of my career
dreams. With the current climate change due to global warming that is mainly caused by
greenhouse gases and waste products, my goal is to mitigate the situation and come up with
adaptive measures. This is because chemical engineering is also applied in waste management
programs as well as research in pollution control. This will ensure proper use of materials likely
to cause global warming as well as researching on various issues such as the production of
The most significant contribution of the scholarship is financial support. Coming from a
humble background, I have struggled in my entire academic life. Winning your scholarship will
give me a breakthrough in the pursuit of my goals. Knowing what I want to do, I am inclined to
choose University of Houston to pursue my dreams. Getting awarded the scholarship will enable
me to gain entry into the institution since I will be considered as a capable student. Your
scholarship will also make me more attractive and presentable in the job market since it will be
well as institutions as a tutor. Admission in a prestigious and resourceful university under your
scholarship will allow me to spend more time on the vast resources provided to enhance my
knowledge and skills. This will be through volunteer opportunities, internships, and attachments
as well as service-learning.
The reason why I deserve the scholarship is mainly my background. My family does not
have financial capabilities to pay my fees and sustain me in school throughout the academic
calendar. Regarding performance, I am above average. I have won awards in sciences and also
participated in various educational activities. Also, I have defined education and career goals
that will keep me focused in school ensuring proper use and utilization of your scholarship.
Signature of Applicant
List of Enclosures