Ashghal-Bpd-Standard Eir Design & Build-V2.0 - R
Ashghal-Bpd-Standard Eir Design & Build-V2.0 - R
Ashghal-Bpd-Standard Eir Design & Build-V2.0 - R
Version: 2.0
Last updated: 24th November 2019
Document Properties
3. Suchet Babaria
Design Engineer- 2
Version Control
2.0 Updated as per TO comments PWA- BPD- ESS 24th November 2019
1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 4
2 Definitions ......................................................................................................................... 5
3 BIM Goals and Uses.......................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Project BIM Use Requirements .................................................................................. 7
3.2 BIM Process Design................................................................................................... 8
3.3 General BIM Requirements ........................................................................................ 9
3.4 Specific BIM Requirements .......................................................................................13
4 Technical ..........................................................................................................................14
4.1 BIM Execution Planning ............................................................................................14
4.2 Software and Data Exchange File Formats ...............................................................15
4.3 Initial Test Cases.......................................................................................................16
4.4 Technological Infrastructure ......................................................................................17
4.5 Levels of Information Need .......................................................................................18
4.6 Coordinate System....................................................................................................18
4.7 Training Requirements ..............................................................................................18
5 Management .....................................................................................................................19
5.1 Standards and Guidance Documents ........................................................................19
5.2 Organisational Roles and Staffing Plan .....................................................................21
5.3 Model Structure and Volume Strategy .......................................................................23
5.4 Collaboration Procedures ..........................................................................................23
5.5 BIM Compliance Plan ................................................................................................24
5.6 Delivery Strategy for Asset Information .....................................................................25
5.7 BIM Ownership .........................................................................................................25
6 Commercial ......................................................................................................................26
6.1 Project BIM Deliverables ...........................................................................................26
6.2 Payment Milestones ..................................................................................................29
6.3 BIM Tender Response ..............................................................................................29
List of Tables ...........................................................................................................................30
Building Information Modelling (BIM) has been identified as a fundamental process for ensuring
efficiency, quality and certainty of all Public Works Authority (PWA) projects. The PWA strategic
purpose for the application of BIM on this project is contained in Chapter 3.
i. Building Information Modeling (BIM): use of a shared digital representation of a built asset
to facilitate design, construction and operation processes to form a reliable basis for decisions.
ii. BIM Execution Plan (BEP): Plan that explains how the information management aspects of
the appointment will be carried out by the delivery team.
iii. Pre- appointment BEP: The pre-appointment BIM Execution Plan focuses on the delivery
team’s proposed approach to information management, and their capability and capacity to
manage information. It is utilised prior to the appointment of any stakeholder.
iv. Post- appointment BEP: The post-appointment BIM Execution Plan is the document defining
standard methods and procedures adopted during the contract in order to meet the objectives
and requirements set forth in the EIR. It is utilised following the appointment of project
stakeholders and in particular the main contractor.
v. Building Information Model: A BUILDING INFORMATION MODEL is a digital representation
of the project, or a portion of the project, and is referred to in this document as the “BIM Model”.
Additional information is assigned to model elements.
vi. Asset Information Model (AIM): data and information that relates to assets to a level required
to support an organization’s asset management system.
vii. BIM Environment: A BIM Environment is a context enabled by BIM platforms and tools that
facilitate 3D information model based collaboration between project teams. A subset of BIM
Environment is the Common Data Environment (CDE) which is the single source of information
used to collect, manage and disseminate documentation, the graphical model and non-
graphical data for the whole project team.
viii. Model Element: A Model Element is a part of the Model representing a component, system or
assembly within a building or building site.
ix. Authoring: The action of creating and developing specific content of a model or a model
element to the level of detail required for a particular purpose.
x. Model Element Author: The entity or individual responsible for generating a Model
Component or set of components in a Building Information Model.
xi. 4D Scheduling: The fourth modelling dimension (4D) refers to 3D + time. In this model or
workflow, time is added to model objects to allow Construction Scheduling
xii. 5D Estimation: The fifth modelling dimension (5D) refers to 4D + cost. In this model or
workflow, cost is embedded within BIM Models and Model Components. 5D is used for the
purposes of generating Cost Estimates.
xiii. Level Of Development (LOD): LOD describes the minimum dimensional, spatial, quantitative,
qualitative, and other data included in a model or model element.
a. LOD 100: The model element may be graphically represented in the model with a
symbol or other generic representation, but does not satisfy the requirements for
LOD 200.
b. LOD 200: The Model Element is graphically represented within the Model as a
generic system, object, or assembly with approximate quantities, size, shape,
location, and orientation. Non-graphic information may also be attached to the Model
c. LOD 300: The Model Element is graphically represented within the Model as a
specific system, object or assembly in terms of quantity, size, shape, location, and
orientation. Non-graphic information may also be attached to the Model Element.
d. LOD 350: The Model Element is graphically represented within the Model as a
specific system, object, or assembly in terms of quantity, size, shape, location,
orientation, and interfaces with other building systems. Non-graphic information may
also be attached to the Model Element.
e. LOD 400: The Model Element is graphically represented within the Model as a
specific system, object or assembly in terms of size, shape, location, quantity, and
orientation with detailing, fabrication, assembly, and installation information. Non-
graphic information may also be attached to the Model Element.
f. LOD 500: The Model Element is a field verified representation in terms of size,
shape, location, quantity, and orientation. Non-graphic information may also be
attached to the Model Elements.
xiv. Master Information Delivery Plan (MIDP): Primary plan for when project information is to be
prepared, by whom and using what protocols and procedures, incorporating all relevant TIDPs.
xv. Task Information Delivery Plan (TIDP): Federated lists of information deliverables by each
task, including format, date and responsibilities.
xvi. Common Data Environment (CDE): agreed source of information for any given project or
asset, for collecting, managing and disseminating each information container through a
managed process.
xvii. COBie: Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie) is a non-proprietary
data format for the publication of a subset of Building Information Models (BIM) focused on
delivering asset data as distinct from geometric information (
PWA adopts Building Information Modeling (BIM) on the project to achieve the following goals:
a) Deliver intelligent 3D models for building and infrastructure projects to be used throughout
the lifecycle of the Programme
b) Facilitate collaboration, design proofing, and constructability reviews
c) Ensure a coordinated design by clash avoidance to reduce errors in the field
d) Streamline planning, progress reporting, and cost control
e) Improve commercial and contract management
f) Enhance visualization for communication and decision-making
g) Support operation & maintenance with handover of reliable and accurate asset data
The CONTRACTOR shall deliver the following minimum BIM uses to achieve tangible benefits in
line with the BIM goals:
S. No.
i. Level 1: BIM Overview Map: The Overview Map shall be developed to show the relationship of
BIM Uses which will be employed on the project. This process map also contains the high level
information exchanges that occur throughout the project lifecycle.
ii. Level 2: Detailed BIM Use Process Maps: Detailed BIM Use Process Maps shall be created for
each identified BIM Use on the project to clearly define the sequence of various processes to
be performed. These maps shall also identify the responsible parties for each process,
reference information content, and the information exchanges which will be created and shared
with other processes.
3.3.1 The consultant shall carry out Design authoring and any other representation of engineering
solutions using BIM tools in the BIM environment and shall cover without exception all
facility’s designed elements above and underground including but not limited to roads,
landscape, infrastructure and its connection to the main network.
3.3.2 The CONTRACTOR shall create and maintain a consolidated, multi-disciplinary, fully
integrated and verifiable three (3) dimensional solid, digital project BIM Models covering the
entire scope until completion. Models shall consist of qualified 3D solid elements reflecting
real world construction components.
3.3.3 Design drawings (example plans, elevations, sections, details etc.) shall be composed in
appropriate sheet views within the model authoring software. 2D CAD drawings shall be
extracted from authoring software in appropriate coordinate system and scale relevant to
the Design Stage and as agreed by Ashghal.
3.3.4 The CONTRACTOR shall develop BIM models for each engineering discipline, specialist
elements and subcontract including following categories, without limitation:
a) Architectural
b) Structural
c) Interior Design
Project ID: BO 2019 S 036 G Page 9 of 35 Version: 2.0
The Public Private Partnership For The West
Bay And Doha Central Car Parking
d) Mechanical
e) Electrical
f) Plumbing
g) Fire Fighting and Fire Protection
h) ELV systems
i) Civil
j) Infrastructure
k) Landscaping
3.3.5 The CONTRACTOR shall carry out model authoring and any other representation of
engineering solutions in BIM environment and shall cover without exception all facility’s
designed elements above and underground including but not limited to building structures,
civil, roads, sidewalks, landscape, infrastructure and its connection to the main network.
3.3.6 The CONTRACTOR shall submit for Engineer’s approval federated and fully coordinated
Building Information Models developed to the specified Level of Development (LOD) at each
stage of the project or upon request by PWA. Non-graphical information shall be tailored to
allow seamless import into PWA’s project database.
3.3.7 The models submitted by CONTRACTOR at each project stage shall include all activities
directly or indirectly related to design, construction and documentation of the project all as
required by PWA from time to time.
3.3.5 The CONTRACTOR shall implement a whole life cycle approach to the adoption of Building
Information Modeling (BIM) for the project in line with international BIM standards and
ensure that BIM data drops are managed effectively throughout the project phases /
3.3.8 The CONTRACTOR shall adopt necessary model organization and breakdown strategy to
allow automatic update of model- based Bill of Quantities in PWA’s BOQ format upon any
design changes carried out in the models at all stages of the project.
3.3.9 The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that BIM models and outputs are maintained and utilised
for all evaluations and assessments in relation to works measurements and variations. The
CONTRACTOR shall support submissions with relevant extracts of the BIM models to
demonstrate quantification of differences.
3.3.11 The CONTRACTOR shall adopt appropriate model collaboration procedures to perform
clash analysis (intra- discipline, inter- discipline) and 3D Coordination reviews to ensure that
design and model elements are free from hard and spatial conflicts at all stages of the
project. Minimum clearance criteria between design and model elements shall be followed
as required by relevant Authorities.
3.3.12 The CONTRACTOR shall perform 3D Interface Coordination of utilities (wet and dry) within
package and with adjacent packages for continuity, connection, and clash resolution; submit
interface coordination report for PWA’s review before proceeding with respective
construction work. Adjacent work elements outside limit of works and existing facilities shall
be modelled by the CONTRACTOR to support the coordination.
3.3.13 The 3D Models shall include temporary structures, machinery, stock piles areas, storage
yards, portable cabins, dewatering pipes, refuge areas and other such arrangements while
performing 3D Coordination and constructability reviews.
3.3.14 All 2D shop drawings shall be extracted from coordinated and federated BIM Models
developed up to LOD 400 stage. The shop drawings shall at all times reflect the coordinated
3D pre-construction Model. Any changes in design need to be verified within the 3D pre-
construction Model through clash analysis.
3.3.15 Any amendments to the project BIM models that are resultant of utilising models to derive
BIM uses such as design reviews, design options, 3D coordination (clash analysis), etc.
shall be deemed to be aspect of BIM Coordination. Such amendments shall not be
considered as changes to the scope of services and thus not constitute grounds for
additional time or cost.
3.3.16 The CONTRACTOR shall develop BIM content libraries, objects and blocks necessary for
development and detailing of project models. The created BIM content shall contain
necessary geometry and attributes to support the BIM use intended at each stage of the
3.3.17 The CONTRACTOR shall incorporate any updates to the models in case of design changes
including changes after delivery of the final model or during construction stage.
3.3.18 The CONTRACTOR shall implement a 4D Progress Monitoring procedure which shall be to
enable visual and numerical analysis of completed, planned and in progress activities of
construction including photo documentation.
3.3.19 The CONTRACTOR shall link all activities of the construction schedule to Model Elements
using specialised software such as Autodesk Navisworks or similar. The intent is to look
ahead at Construction sequences within a meeting forum to look at options and
opportunities to optimise workflows and minimise risks.
3.3.20 The CONTRACTOR shall develop a structured database to store project-related data
including but not necessarily limited to the following:
c) Bill of Quantities;
d) Site progress photos;
e) Inspection check sheets and approvals;
f) Labor, material and plant resourcing;
g) Other information as required by PWA
3.3.21 The CONTRACTOR shall develop LOD 500 As-Built Model as per modelling guidelines
defined in approved Project BIM Manual and in continuation of the LOD 400 Model. The
CONTRACTOR through re-measurements as commissioning progresses shall continually
update the model and its appended documentation.
3.3.22 The 3D As-built Model shall always reflect the current as-built situation on-site and shall be
continuously updated with all available site information during the construction stage. The
CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate and verify on site that As-built models delivered reflect
actual construction installation.
3.3.23 The CONTRACTOR shall adopt necessary procedures to align project models for delivery
of COBie datasheets at each stage of the project. The CONTRACTOR shall collect, capture
and record project data at the point of origin thereby documenting the attributes of the facility
as the project.
3.3.24 The CONTRACTOR shall utilise BIM models for construction H&S management and
planning including the use of Contractor developed site logistic model for site inductions as
well as development of visual method statements.
3.3.25 Site forms shall be implemented on mobile devices with automated workflows leading to
effective close out of requests and better reporting. Tagging of maintainable assets shall be
done using mobile devices.
3.3.26 The CONTRACTOR shall produce digital renderings and animations as required by the
Engineer for the purposes of reporting and presentations with various stakeholders.
3.3.27 The CONTRACTOR shall perform regular QA/QC of modelled information to ensure data
3.3.28 The CONTRACTOR shall continue the development of Issued for Construction Room Data
Sheets and update BIM models during the construction stage and extract data to the room
data sheet template prior to completion.
3.3.29 The CONTRACTOR shall submit a BIM Validation Report with the final submissions of BIM
models at completion. This report to include the following but not limited to: BIM delivery,
model structure, validation methodology, geometry and data validation (using Solibri or
similar software), Level of Development, QA/QC, As-Built Models etc.
3.4.1 PWA may provide design stage project BIM models to the CONTRACTOR in addition to 2D
drawings. In the event of discrepancy, divergence or gaps between BIM models and 2D
drawings, 2D drawings take precedence and such discrepancy shall not constitute design
inconsistency or grounds for additional time or cost. The CONTRACTOR shall incorporate
2D Issued for Construction information into the project BIM models and resolve gaps,
conflicts or clashes.
3.4.2 The CONTRACTOR shall update, or build from new, BIM models to comply with the
submittal requirements of the Contract
3.4.3 The facility’s site and existing conditions shall be surveyed through Laser Scanning
technologies up to required details and geo-referenced to local datum. Point cloud data
generated form the Laser Scans shall be processed and registered to develop an Existing
Conditions site model with solid 3D geometry.
3.4.4 The CONTRACTOR shall develop further and extract model information in the form of
geometry and data to meet project sustainability requirements including providing evidence
for submissions to QSAS requirements.
3.4.5 For developing 3D As- Built Model at LOD 500, the on-site situation shall be verified by 3D
Point cloud captured through 3D Laser Scanning technologies up to required details and
geo-referenced to local.
Note: Refer Chapter 6.3 BIM Tender Response for requirements of pre- appointment BIM Execution
A. LOD 350 / LOD 400 / LOD Autodesk Revit 2018 or later .RVT
500 BIM Models .NWC
(Architecture, Structure, AND / OR .NWD
Mechanical, Electrical, .DWG (for Civil 3D)
Plumbing, Firefighting, Civil, Civil 3D 2018 or later
Infrastructure and others)
The CONTRACTOR shall actively participate in initial data exchange test scenarios to verify the full
functionality of PWA’s BIM processes and seamless import of information into the PWA Data Store.
The CONTRACTOR shall prepare sufficient test data including, but not necessarily limited to,
Models, attributes, documents and databases as may be required by PWA from time to time.
The CONTRACTOR shall develop the project BIM Execution Plans, Processes and Guidelines in
line with the following standards and specifications:
Document Description
In addition to the international standards, the CONTRACTOR shall use the following general
specifications as minimum requirement to author and submit for No- Objection a Project BIM
Manual within 14 days from the commencement date. Whenever available, the CONTRACTOR
shall make use of information and standards from Design stage. The Project BIM Manual shall be
maintained and implemented by the CONTRACTOR through all stages of the project.
Hard clashes: objects occupying the same space (generally automatically detected
by the software). Tolerance to be set for minimum at zero.
Soft clashes (Clearance Clash): objects that fail to meet certain spatial/geometric
tolerances or require clearances for safety, maintenance, accessibility, installation
or other reasons.
j) All clashes to be reviewed in meeting format by relevant discipline engineer, BIM Manager,
BIM Coordinator and the Engineer.
k) Rate clashes by criticality and resolve most critical clashes as a priority.
l) Prepare detailed clash detection report at each review including list of clashes, description,
date of run, current status, proposed and final resolution and submit report to the Engineer
m) The following chapters shall be included as minimum in Project BIM Manual pertaining to
3D Clash avoidance, detection and resolution:
i. Model settings and export procedure for clash analysis
ii. Clash test settings, rules and definitions
iii. Clash Detection Matrix
iv. Intra-disciplinary and Interdisciplinary clash detection
v. Reviewing, grouping and categorizing clash detection results
vi. Standard formats for clash reports
vii. Clash resolution strategy
viii. Target coordination levels for each stage
ix. Frequency of clash detection & schedule of interdisciplinary workshops
n) 4D Modelling (Construction scheduling) Procedures and standard formats
o) 5D Modelling (Cost Estimation & Planning) Procedures and standard formats
p) Asset Information Modelling
i. COBie V2.4 Integration Procedures
ii. Employer As- Built requirements
iii. End User FM requirements
iv. Submittal formats
v. Product data integration process
vi. Additional integration process
procedures. The BIM Manager shall also undertake the role of Information Manager to carry out
BIM procedures wherever required. The BIM Manager must have the following minimum
The CONTRACTOR shall provide, implement and manage a Common Data Environment (CDE)
for the project as described in BS EN ISO 19650-2:2018 to collaborate and share information with
the project team.
i. CONTRACTOR’s BIM Manager shall undertake the role of Information Manager and shall
be responsible for managing the operation, standards and culture of CDE in accordance with
the scope of works.
ii. The CONTRACTOR shall manage BIM information in native and specified formats via project
i. The CONTRACTOR shall provide a schedule identifying the frequency of collaboration and
information exchange.
ii. The exchange of information should be optimised to ensure that meeting participants have
sufficient information to collaborate for both the purpose and maturity of the process e.g.
clash reports for the areas being discussed, completed COBie and other FM data required
by the employer for review prior to completion of a data drop. The CONTRACTOR shall
indicate when information is exchanged prior to meetings.
iii. The CONTRACTOR’s BIM submissions or data drops shall follow the project submission
protocol. BIM deliverables specified in Chapter 6.1 shall be submitted to “Supervision
Consultant” for approval and to PWA “For Information”.
The CONTRACTOR shall provide a schedule of meetings / workshops for project collaboration
identifying the frequency, participants, location and stage at which meeting is required for each type
of meeting.
5.5.1 QA / QC Responsibilities
The CONTRACTOR shall assume full responsibility for QA/QC of BIM process and project BIM
models. The CONTRACTOR shall Implement QA on the BIM process and perform regular QC on
BIM models and other relate documents as detailed in the BEP. The CONTRACTOR shall include
QA/QC checks on following without limitation:
i. BIM models
ii. BIM Process
iii. BIM interdisciplinary collaboration process including with subcontractors
iv. BIM Data management
v. Production and extracted of co-ordinated shop drawings
vi. Clash detection configuration process and reports
vii. Field BIM use
viii. Other BIM Data.
The CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit for No- Objection a BIM Quality Management Plan
within 14 days from the commencement date. The BIM Quality Management Plan shall be specific
to the project, applicable to all construction stages and shall include at minimum:
i. The overall BIM Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QAQC) processes
ii. QAQC ownership and responsibilities of the CONTRACTOR’s BIM Personnel team
iii. Checklists with description of checkpoints in compliance with the agreed CAD/BIM
specifications for each discipline
iv. Final checklist for handover of BIM submissions or deliverables to PWA
v. A monthly BIM QAQC report shall be included in CONTRACTOR’s Monthly Progress report
vi. Design quality assurance methods
i. The asset information should be delivered in the COBie format to PAS 1192-4:2014 standards
as part of the Information Exchanges identified in the Responsibility Matrix. Assets identified
in the Employers Asset Model should be populated with data appropriate to the level of Model
Definition for each Data Exchange. Assets shall include Uniclass 2015 codes.
ii. A mandatory field is required which provides a link from the assets identified in the Asset
Information Model to the relevant documents of the Operations and Maintenance manual. In
additional, a field is also required which includes a Unique Asset Identifier.
iii. The CONTRACTOR shall develop and submit ‘Delivery Strategy for Asset Information’
overview as a part of the BIM Execution Plan. This chapter shall be detailed in Project BIM
Manual to include procedures and methodology for preparing and validating the Asset
Information Model (AIM) and Construction Operations Building Information Exchange
iv. An ‘AIM Manual’ shall be submitted as part of the AIM documentation and will be the key to
understanding and utilising the AIM.
v. A detailed AIM Validation Report shall also be submitted as part of the handover process.
vi. The CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit close-out documentation to be used for
information hand-over to CGIS / CMMS/ FM and other local authorities, and to prepare
operation and maintenance of built assets.
vii. The CONTRACTOR shall participate in requirements collection workshops for the purpose of
capturing end- user facility management requirements and recording the asset data required
for FM functions.
i. BIM in its entirety (including the BIM Models, information contained therein, and
documentation derived from it) shall remain the property of the PWA on whose behalf it will
be authored.
ii. PWA reserves the right to grant permission to third parties to utilise BIM content for project
related purposes. The CONTRACTOR shall obtain No- objection from PWA prior to sharing
any BIM content with third parties.
iii. PWA shall transfer authorship of the BIM model content from one party to another at various
project stages while ensuring that only a single party is responsible for authoring a BIM model
component at any point of time.
i. The CONTRACTOR shall incorporate BIM deliverables and associated activities into the
Project Baseline Schedule with logical links to project activities and in line with the
requirements stated above.
ii. The BIM deliverables specified in this chapter does not relieve the CONTRACTOR from
disregarding any other requirements specified in other chapters of the Tender document.
The Tenderer shall prepare and submit a pre- appointment BIM Execution Plan (BEP) for delivery
of the Scope of Services. This plan shall demonstrate compliance with respect to the BIM
requirements set out in BIM Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) other Sections and Contract
Documents of the PSC. The proposal BEP shall address the following minimum chapters:
Supporting Evidence or
S.No. Question Answer Explanation
(if applicable)
1. Do you follow any national or
international BIM Standard? If
yes, please specify
Provide details of minimum three recent projects delivered by your company using BIM. Attach
supporting evidence from each project to explain how BIM execution and implementation was
carried out
1. Project Title
2. Location
3. Sector
4. Client
5. Contractor
6. Project value
8. Contract duration
Provide brief description about your understanding on uses of BIM at various stages of the project
as per table below. Provide supporting evidence from his organization’s past experience wherever
Stage BIM Uses / Application areas Understanding
5. Value Engineering
6. Progress Monitoring
7. 3D Coordination, clash
analysis and resolution
Provide the following BIM –specific details of personnel proposed for the project. Provide complete
CVs and certificates as separate attachment.
Years of No. of
BIM Years of
CV Position Highest BIM Profession BIM
Name Certific- experience
# & Firm Education Role al Projects
ation in BIM
experience completed