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Chapter 8

Value of Travel Time Saved in Modal Shift from

Bus to Metro Case Study: Rohini (West) Delhi
Metro Station

Pawan Kumar


The public transport plays a vital role in urban passenger movements. The major-
ity of the city residents use public transport in their day-to-day travel. The choice
between public transport and personalized mode is an individual decision that is
further influenced by the government policies and the decisions of the urban local
bodies. Recently, the availability and use of different modes such as metro, mono-
rail, bus, bus rapid transport system, etc. have led to new choices, and the concept
of “multimodal public transport system” in metropolitan cities in India has evolved.
The multimodal transport system is an integrated approach that incorporates all
components of urban transport into a single system for efficient use of available
transport resources and infrastructure to ensure better mobility within a wide range
of modal options for the commuters. In fact, multimodal public transport is a com-
posite system of various modes. It provides access patterns by multiple modes by
assuring integration, safety, and ease of use for all commuters, and hence requires
adequate transport infrastructure at different levels to provide seamless mobility.
It is a difficult task for the commuters to choose one or more mode(s) among the
available multiple modes of public transport. A commuter, while choosing either
bus or metro as a mode, prefers to minimum travel time with maximum comfort,
and wants proper connectivity to reach the desired destination. The options may be
either a direct bus route from origin to destination or an integrated route of both bus
and metro. The commuter has to make a choice. The commuter generally prefers the
route that connects the destination directly in a complete journey chain. The com-
muter may prefer metro if the trip requires shorter waiting time, minimum effort for

The views expressed in the paper are of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of

P. Kumar ()
Town and Country Planning Organization, Ministry of Urban Development,
Government of India, New Delhi, India
e-mail: pawan612@gmail.com

K. S. Sridhar, G. Wan (eds.), Urbanization in Asia, 137

DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-1638-4_8, © Springer India 2014
138 P. Kumar

transfer at interchange, and provides greater comfort, even if its composite fare is
higher. On the contrary, commuters may prefer bus, if services are available point
to point within catchment areas and cost-affordable fare. In this context, there are
multiple factors that affect the decision of modal shift from bus to metro. Therefore,
it is imperative to assess the quantification of travel time saved due to modal shift
for proper understanding of commuter’s preferences and choices.

Value of Travel Time and Travel Time Saved

Travel time is defined as the cost of time spent on traveling from one point to an-
other, including actual travel and waiting time. It includes cost of personal (unpaid)
time spent and cost of business time (paid) spent in travel. Hence, the value of travel
time saved due to reduced travel time has a significant share in transport costs.
Generally, the cost of travel time and saved travel time depends on trip classifica-
tion, travel conditions, traveler preferences, etc. The total travel time costs are the
product of time spent in traveling multiplied by unit cost (Small et al. 2005).
Various studies have quantified travel time unit costs and the value of travel time
savings, based on business costs, traveler surveys, and by measuring behavioral
responses of the travelers faced with a trade-off between time and money (Mackie
2003). Generally, the value of travel time tends to increase with income, and is
lower for children and the unemployed. However, the employed are often willing to
pay more for travel time savings (Hymel et al. 2010). Under favorable conditions,
public transit travel time can be productive. The findings of various surveys indicate
that the captive users often spend time in working, reading, relaxing, etc. (Lyons
et al. 2011). The saving in travel time is inversely proportional to trip length. It is
estimated that carpools increase average trip distances by 10 %, buses by 15 %, and
rail by 20 %, for automobile access (Delucchi 1998).
Various attributes such as speed, comfort, reliability, etc., affect commuters in
choosing a particular mode. Generally, the commuters prefer metro as it has less
congestion, fewer accidents, but more speed and more reliability, in comparison
to bus (Kumar et al. 2009). The quantification of travel time saved uses wage rate
method and revealed reference method. In the wage rate method, the monetary eval-
uation of travel time of passengers is determined by the average wage rate of the
passenger and the same has been treated as the value of time. Generally, monthly
wage rate based on 8 hours per working day is considered. The value of time for
work journey and nonwork journey is different and hence separate monetary values
for both journeys are considered (Srinivasan and Goel 1968).
Commuters are classified into various categories such as metro passengers, bus
passengers, car passengers, etc., but time value for cycle traffic, two-wheelers, and
pedestrians is also significant. The time involved in walking and waiting is valued
at a different rate than the in-vehicle time. If the in-vehicle time is taken as 1, then
value of walking time and waiting time is considered as 2 and 3, respectively. How-
ever, these values are based on European research (Harison 1974). Generally, data
are collected by interviewing sample passengers of various categories and finding
8  Value of Travel Time Saved in Modal Shift from Bus to Metro Case Study … 139

out their average monthly income. The sample interviewed should include nonwage
earners such as the unemployed children and homemakers. Suitable accounts are
made to arrive at the average wage rate for these categories. In the case of wage
rate as a measure of value of time saved, the overheads borne by the employers are
added to wages that the wage earners receive. The overheads include the employer’s
contribution towards provident fund, insurance, pension, and other fringe benefits.
The UK uses a figure of 18 % as employer’s overheads. Possibly a round figure of
20 % may be used in Indian conditions (Kadiyali 2007).
In the revealed preference method, the value of time saved is determined by
studying the travelers having different time and cost for the journey, according to
choice of mode, route, destination, trip frequency, etc. This yields a result reflecting
the revealed behavior or preference of the people and therefore is very near to the
real value (Stubbs et al. 1980).
There is an estimation of the effect of building height limit on the spatial size of
Indian cities and commuting cost. The building height limit is imposed by floor area
ratio (FAR). A unit increase in FAR reduces city area (average of linear and semilog
effects) by 20 % and hence there is significant saving in commuting cost. The find-
ings of the study states that in the city of Bengaluru, the annual commuting cost
per kilometer for a household is ` 969.00, but there is a reduction in the city’s edge
household commuting cost by ` 523.00 per kilometer per year due to unit increase in
FAR. This relation reveals the saving in commuting cost by considering a marginal
increase in height limit (Brueckner and Sridhar 2012).
In the Indian context, most of the researchers have derived value of travel time
from the wage rate approach. By developing a disaggregated behavioral model
based on household data for Ahmedabad city, the value of travel time for car,
scooter, and bicycle users is ` 2.71/hr, ` 3.96/hr, and ` 0.36/hr, respectively, for
employed persons (Raghavachari and Khanna 1976). The Central Road Research
Institute (CRRI) (1982) conducted survey work on selected routes (trunk routes
and secondary routes) as part of the Road User Cost Study in 1982. The results
of the study stated that the average hourly income of bus passengers was ` 7.00
on trunk routes and `  4.50 on secondary routes. However, these values pertain
to 1980, but the same was updated in 1992. Based on values pertaining to 1990
prices, the value of travel time for bus passengers on trunk routes was ` 27/hr for
work trip and ` 3/hr for nonwork trip. On secondary routes, the value of the same
was ` 10/hr and ` 2/hr for work trip and nonwork trip, respectively. It was observed
that about 40 % of trips were work oriented and 60 % of the trips were nonwork
trips (Kadiyali et al. 1992).

Measurement of Value of Travel Time Saved


Due to the operation of Delhi Metro Line-I, the commuters started to shift from
road-based modes to the metro as road journey was congested, polluted, prone to
140 P. Kumar

Fig. 8.1   Location of Rohini (West) Metro Station on Delhi Metro Line-I

accidents, increased travel time, etc. The study has been undertaken for assessing
the saving in travel time due to the shift from bus to metro.

Survey Design

A primary survey was conducted to understand travel characteristics and to collect

transport-related information among the metro commuters, before and after the use
of Metro. Rohini (West) Metro Station on Delhi Metro Line-I was selected. The sur-
vey was conducted for a 12-h duration, i.e., from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m., on a normal
working day at the station. A survey pro forma was designed to collect relevant so-
cioeconomic profile and travel characteristics of the commuters. Figure 8.1 shows
the location of Rohini (West) Metro Station, station (originate and terminate), and
interchange stations on Delhi Metro Line-I also known as Red Line.

Aim of the Survey

The aim of the survey was to assess the time and cost saved due to modal shift from
bus to metro at Rohini (West) Metro Station on Delhi Metro Line-I.


In the study, “opinion survey approach” has been adopted. The commuters were
asked to evaluate the value of travel time themselves. For rating of saving time,
commuters depend generally on their wage rate. In other words, the quantification
of time saved due to modal shift to metro based on hourly wage income has been
adopted. The commuters were classified into various income groups and the aver-
age value of time for each group was judged by them. Around 200 random samples
were collected at this station.
8  Value of Travel Time Saved in Modal Shift from Bus to Metro Case Study … 141

Table 8.1   Modal shift from road-based modes to metro

S. N. “Modes used” before using metro at present No. of Percentage of Total values (%)
trips trips (%)
A. Public transport and intermediate public
transport (IPT) modes
Bus/chartered bus/mini bus 130 65.0 80.50
Auto rickshaw 31 15.5
B. Private modes
Scooters/motorcycles 14 7.0 10.50
Car 7 3.5
C. Nonmotorized transport (NMT) modes
Walk – 9.0
Bicycles 5 2.5
Cycle rickshaws 13 6.5
Total 200 100 100

Table  8.2   Average travel time saved at Rohini (West) Metro Station
S. N. No. of Journey time Journey time Saving of Average travel time
passengers (before Metro) (after Metro) in travel time in saved per passenger in
in minutes minutes minutes minutes
1 200 25,356 19,607 5,749 28.745 min = 29 min

Modal Shift: Road-based Mode (Bus) to Metro

The commuters were asked about the “modes used” before using metro at pre-
sent. The data are classified into three categories of road-based modes as shown in
Table 8.1.
Table  8.1 states that 80.50 % of the road-based commuters on this route have
shifted to metro. Similarly, 10.50 % private mode users have shifted to metro, due
to park and ride facilities, comfort, safety, etc.

Travel Time Saved

The commuters were asked to inform about their travel time (origin to destination)
by using metro. They were also asked to inform travel time if the journey was per-
formed by bus. The difference between both values reveals saving in time as shown
in Table 8.2.

Value of Travel Time

As per Opinion Survey, commuters evaluated the value of their reduced travel time
of different durations. Table 8.3 shows the calculation of average value of time for
the government employees and Table 8.4 for the private sector employees.
142 P. Kumar

Table 8.3   Calculation of the average value of travel time for government sector employees
S. N. Income group Sample size Mean monthly Hourly wage Average value
in ` (Monthly) (work trips) income (`) rate (`/h)* of time (`/min)
i. < 15,000 19(12) 11,230 64.54 1.07
ii. 15,000–20,000 20(11) 16,430 94.42 1.57
iii. 20,000–25,000 30(26) 22,480 129.19 2.15
iv. 25,000–30,000 27(26) 27,991 160.86 2.68
v. 30,000–35,000 31(28) 31,190 179.25 2.98
vi 35,000–40,000 26(21) 37,679 216.54 3.60
vii. 40,000–45,000 23(12) 41,871 240.63 4.01
viii. 45,000–50,000 13(7) 45,934 263.98 4.39
ix. > 50,000 11(3) 52,001 298.85 4.98
Total 200 (146)
The mean monthly income under various income groups has been calculated from the primary
survey sheets, and the values are shown in Table 8.3. The total working days for the government
employees is derived by considering 5 working days in a week. Hence, the total working days in
a year is 261 days (i.e., 365 days—52 Saturdays—52 Sundays = 261 days). The hourly wage rate
is derived after assuming 8 working hours per day, for 261 working days in a year (i.e., 261 work-
ing days × 8 hours per working day = 2088 h). Further, the calculation follows the following steps:
mean monthly income is multiplied by 12 months. It gives the annual income, which is further
divided by the total number of working hours in a year (i.e., 2,088 h). It yields hourly wage rate,
which is further divided by 60 min to get the average value of time per minute. For example,

For the 1st category of income group, i.e., income group < ` 15,000 as shown in Table 8.3

Mean monthly income = ` 11,230.00

Annual income = ` 11,230.00 × 12 months = ` 134,760.00
= ` 134,760.00 is income for 261 working days in a year
= ` 134,760.00 is income for 2,088 hours (261 days × 8 working
Hourly wage = ` 134,760.00 is divided by 2,088 hours = ` 64.54 per hour
Hourly wage rate (`/hr) = ` 64.54 per hour
Hourly wage rate (`/min) = ` 1.07 per minute, i.e., average value of time for the commuter
of income group less than ` 15, 000 per month.
Average value of time (`/min) = ` 1.07

The same procedure may be applied for calculation of average value of travel time for other in-
come groups as shown in Table 8.3.

Value of Travel Time Saved

The opportunity cost is a component of value of travel time saved. In fact, it is the
economic value of the time that a commuter may get if that time is not spent in per-
forming the journey. The CRRI (2007), New Delhi, has defined opportunity cost for
different income groups based on number of trips performed by each occupational
group. It is noted that the percentage values are obtained from the survey data and
not necessarily true in all circumstances. The CRRI study states that opportunity
8  Value of Travel Time Saved in Modal Shift from Bus to Metro Case Study … 143

Table 8.4   Calculation of average value of travel time for private sector employees**
S. N. Income group Sample size Mean monthly Hourly wage Average value
in ` (monthly) (work trips) income in ` rate (`/hr)** of time (`/min)
i. < 15,000 19(12) 11,230 53.81 0.89
ii. 15,000–20,000 20(11) 16,430 78.73 1.31
iii. 20,000–25,000 30(26) 22,480 107.73 1.79
iv. 25,000–30,000 27(26) 27,991 134.14 2.23
v. 30,000–35,000 31(28) 31,190 149.47 2.49
vi. 35,000–40,000 26(21) 37,679 180.57 3.01
vii. 40,000–45,000 23(12) 41,871 200.65 3.34
viii. 45,000–50,000 13(7) 45,934 220.13 3.66
ix. > 50,000 11(3) 52,001 249.20 4.15
Total 200 (146)
The mean monthly income under various income groups has been calculated from the primary
survey sheets and values are shown in Table 8.4. The total working days for the private sector
employees is derived by considering 6 working days in a week. Hence, the total working days in
a year is 313 days (i.e., 365 days—52 Sundays = 313 days). The hourly wage rate is derived after
assuming 8 working hours per day for 313 working days in a year (i.e., 313 working days × 8 hours
per working day = 2,504 h). Further, the calculation follows the following steps: mean monthly
income is multiplied by 12 months. It gives the annual income, which is further divided by the total
number of working hours in a year (i.e., 2,504 h). It yields the hourly wage rate, which is further
divided by 60 min to get the average value of time per minute. For example

For 1st category on income group, i.e., income group <` 15,000 as shown in Table 8.4

Mean monthly income = ` 11,230.00

Annual income = ` 11,230.00 × 12 months = ` 134,760.00
= ` 134,760.00 is income for 313 working days in a year
= `  134,760.00 is income for 2,504  h (313 days × 8 working
Hourly wage = ` 134,760.00 is divided by 2,504 hours = ` 53.81 per hour
Hourly wage rate (`/hr) = ` 53.81 per hour
Hourly wage rate (`/min) = ` 0.89 per minute i.e., average value of time for the commuter
of income group less than ` 15,000 per month.
Average value of time (`/min) = ` 0.89

The same procedure may be applied for the calculation of average value of travel time for other
income groups as shown in Table 8.4.

cost for income group ( ` 10,000–15,000) and income group (> ` 50, 000) is 85 %
and 91 %, respectively. However, the same relationship—range of opportunity cost
from 85 % (income group < `  15, 000) to 91 % (income group > `  50,000)—has
been used as a base to derive opportunity cost of different income groups for calcu-
lation of travel time.
Generally, it is believed that the opportunity costs of travel time saved are higher
for higher income groups and hence suitable values have been assigned based on
intuitive perception. For income group (< ` 15,000), the opportunity cost is taken as
144 P. Kumar

Table 8.5   Opportunity cost for different income groups. (The Central Road Research Institute,
New Delhi (2007))
S. N. Income groups in ` Opportunity cost Income groups Opportunity cost
as assigned by CRRI as assigned by adopted (monthly) adopted (%)
(monthly) CRRI (%)
i. Not specified 83
ii. < = 3,000 93
iii. 3,000 > = 5,000 96
iv. 5,000 > = 10,000 91
v. 10,000 > = 15,000 85 < 15,000 85
vi. 15,000 > = 20,000 80 15,000–20,000 86
vii. 20,000 > = 25,000 85 20,000–25,000 86
viii. 25,000 > = 30,000 80 25,000–30,000 87
ix. 30,000 > = 40,000 79 30,000–35,000 87
x. 35,000–40,000 88
xi. 40,000 > = 50,000 89 40,000–45,000 89
xii. 45,000–50,000 90
xiii. > 50,000 91 > 50,000 91

Table 8.6   Average value of travel time saved for government employees
S. N. Income groups in Passenger Rate of time Opportunity Total saved time
` (monthly) trips (value in `/min) cost (%) (value in `/min)
i. < 15,000 19 1.07 85 17.28
ii. 15,000–20,000 20 1.57 86 27.00
iii. 20,000–25,000 30 2.15 86 55.47
iv. 25,000–30,000 27 2.68 87 62.95
v. 30,000–35,000 31 2.98 87 80.37
vi. 35,000–40,000 26 3.60 88 82.36
vii. 40,000–45,000 23 4.01 89 82.08
viii. 45,000–50,000 13 4.39 90 51.36
ix. > 50,000 11 4.98 91 49.84
Total 200 508.71
Average value ` 2.54/min
Calculation of Value of travel time saved per day

• Number of Metro passengers at Rohini West Station = 15,000

• Average time saved by per passenger = 29 min
• Average value of time = ` 2.54/min
• Percentage of regular trips = 60 %
• Value of travel time saved per day = 15,000 × 29 min × `  2.54/min × 0.60
= ` 662,940.00
8  Value of Travel Time Saved in Modal Shift from Bus to Metro Case Study … 145

Table 8.7   Average value of travel time saved for private sector employees
S. N. Income groups in Passenger trips Rate of time Opportunity Total saved
` (monthly) (value in `/ cost (%) time (value in
min) `/min
i. < 15,000 19 0.89 85 14.37
ii. 15,000–20,000 20 1.31 86 22.53
iii. 20,000–25,000 30 1.79 86 46.18
iv. 25,000–30,000 27 2.23 87 52.38
v. 30,000–35,000 31 2.49 87 67.15
vi. 35,000–40,000 26 3.01 88 68.86
vii. 40,000–45,000 23 3.34 89 68.36
viii. 45,000–50,000 13 3.66 90 42.82
ix. > 50,000 11 4.15 91 41.54
Total 200 424.19
Average value ` 2.12/min
Calculation of value of travel time saved per day

• Number of Metro passengers at Rohini West Station = 15,000

• Average time saved by per passenger = 29 min
• Average value of time = ` 2.12/min
• Percentage of regular trips = 60 %
• Value of travel time saved per day = 15,000 × 29 min × `  2.12/min × 0.60
  = ` 553,320.00

85 %, which is the same as assigned by CRRI for income group ` 10,000–15,000.
Further, income groups `  15,000–20,000 and `  20,000–25,000 have given equal
opportunity cost, i.e., 86 %, followed by 87 % for income group ` 25,000–30,000
and ` 30,000–35,000, due to less variations in sample size and majority of the trips
belong to these income groups. Gradually, opportunity costs have been increased
up to 91 % for income > ` 50,000 which is the same as assigned by CRRI. Table 8.5
shows the opportunity cost of different income groups assigned by CRRI and adopt-
ed for the present study.
Based on the values shown in Table 8.5, average value of travel time saved is
calculated for both the government employees and the private sector employees as
shown in Tables 8.6 and 8.7, respectively.


1. The saving in travel time is one of the reasons for modal shift from bus to metro
along the Delhi Metro Corridor Line-I. The roads are saturated with all kinds
of modes of transport. Both motorized and nonmotorized vehicles use the same
right of ways. The congestion, accidents, pollution, and slow speed of the vehi-
cles are common phenomena, which lead to increased travel time. In this con-
text, shift of commuters from bus to metro is a healthy sign.
146 P. Kumar

2. The cost of travel time is a part of transport cost. Hence, the travel time saved
has its own value, in terms of both money and time in journey chain. The study
shows that the average time saved due to modal shift from bus to metro is 29 min.
The saving in travel time highlights the improved transport infrastructure, better
services in terms of punctuality, frequency, less congestion, etc. The saving in
travel time can be further evaluated for other purposes by the different commut-
ers in different travel conditions.
3. The monetary value of travel time saved may vary among different types of com-
muters having different socioeconomic backgrounds. The study shows that the
value of travel time saved is ` 2.54/min and ` 2.12/min for government employ-
ees and private sector employees, respectively. Various holidays, such as gazetted
holidays, restricted holidays, leaves, etc., are not taken into account. The variation
in value is only due to the difference in number of working days in both sectors.
In this study, the opportunity cost is taken to be the same for both, but depending
on the quality of work delivered/output of work, it may vary significantly.
4. The average time saved is 29 min per passenger due to modal shift from bus to
metro in a trip. In fact, the journey includes walking to a bus stop/metro station,
waiting time, in-vehicle travel time (IVTT), etc., and each one has different unit
costs. In this context, the saving in travel time is due to both out-vehicle travel
time (OVTT) and IVTT apart from parking charge if park and ride facility is
used at metro stations. Hence, value of travel time varies depending on com-
muter preferences and use of personalized modes at access points to the metro.
5. Time saving is not the only factor responsible for commuters switching to metro.
There are many other factors that directly affect choice of metro in comparison
to bus. The most important factors that motivate the commuters to use metro
are comfort, reliability, safety, and security, followed by time saving and acces-
sibility. Similarly, the facility for a separate ladies compartment (coach) also
helps women to take the metro ride safely and comfortably. However, the role
of feeder bus services and park and ride facilities at metro stations is crucial to
increase metro ridership.
The observations are based on a single case study at Rohini (West) metro station on
Delhi Metro Line-I. It is caveated that certain factors such as change in land uses,
vehicle ownerships, road design, available right-of-ways, etc., can affect the modal
shift on other corridors. Further, micro factors such as waiting environment at trans-
fer points, availability of connecting modes, cleanness of stations/stops, and other
amenities/facilities may be considered for assessing travel time saved in modal shift
from bus to metro at the stations.


Delhi Metro Line-I is characterized by various interchanges such as Rail–Metro

Interchange at Shahdara; Bus–Metro Interchange at Kashmere Gate, and Metro–
Metro Interchange at Inderlok, but Rohini (West) is a station just near the hospitals,
8  Value of Travel Time Saved in Modal Shift from Bus to Metro Case Study … 147

hotels, and malls, and shift is basically from bus to metro. Hence, the improvement
in physical design at station areas, use of mechanized devices for connecting at
various space levels, etc. may reduce transfer time. Similarly, unified ticketing sys-
tem of both bus and metro can provide smooth transfer from one mode to another.
Hence, transfer time is an important attribute that affects the saving of travel time.
Further, the frequency of metro has significant impact on the commuters’ mind,
to choose metro as the main mode in their journey chain because the frequency of
metro is at the interval of 4 min during peak hour and 5–15 min during off-peak
hours on Line-I (Red Line). During peak hours, frequency at shorter interval pro-
vides less waiting time and hence may attract more modal shift. Generally, Delhi
Metro runs on time and there is hardly any delay on the route except some unavoid-
able situations such as signaling problems, technical snags in heavy rains, software
malfunction, unclaimed bags on the platforms, etc. The intelligent transport system
applications also avoid line congestion and provide well-defined headways. Hence,
less possibility in delays also favors more ridership of the metro.
In metropolitan Indian cities, one group of commuters (preferably government
employees) may prefer to stay in the core area by paying higher rents but lower
transport cost and hence saving both journey time and transfer cost. On the contrary,
some of them may prefer to live away from the city (i.e., in satellite towns) by pay-
ing comparatively lower rent but higher transport cost and time. Hence, it is totally
based on the choice and the willingness of the commuters to pay a higher price for
either transport or house rent. In both cases, the value of travel time depends on
affordability and paying capacity of the commuters by striking a balance between
saving of travel time and paying of extra housing rent.
The findings of this research work support that there is always demand for con-
necting multinodes of employment centers, residential pockets, commercial areas,
recreational centers, educational hubs, etc. with high capacity rapid transit for bet-
ter mobility and less travel time, and hence city residents prefer to shift from bus
to metro. Further, central business districts, housing areas, shopping centers, etc.
may be encouraged to grow on mass rapid transit corridors, which further reduce
transport demand. In this context, the concept of transit-oriented development is
promoted. Transit-oriented development is a concept that aims at integrating high-
trips-generating land uses with mass transit system in a city and its periphery. It
reduces personalized modes, congestion on roads, air pollution, etc. by promoting
mass transit and its ridership.
The policy recommendation for modal shift from bus to metro is a part of good
governance that integrates all components of urban transport for sustainable trans-
port system. The modal shift is not justified only based on travel time saved but due
to indirect contribution in reduction of congestion, pollution, fuel consumption, and
accidents on the roads. Similarly, bus-metro integration and multi mobility plan in
station area is necessary which may further save travel time by reducing waiting
and transfer time. Furthermore, planning efforts for all stops/stations with basic
information, interchange points with real-time information, updated website, provi-
sions of transfer facilities, etc. are more important to make modal shift more attrac-
tive with increased patronage and improved services.
148 P. Kumar


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