ICCE-2020 Paper 76
ICCE-2020 Paper 76
ICCE-2020 Paper 76
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3 authors:
Pritikana Das
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal
All content following this page was uploaded by Manoj Kumar on 09 July 2021.
ABSTRACT: Traffic congestion is one of the most visible, pervasive, and immediate transport
problems plaguing not only India's but also most of the cities of the world on a daily basis. It
affects all modes of transportation especially roads and all socioeconomic groups. Rapid
population growth, increasing urbanization, inadequate/unplanned transport infrastructure, poor
public transport systems and the rising number of personnel vehicles are some of the primary
causes of congestion. This article reviews the findings of studies based on road traffic
congestion. Various traffic congestion measurement metrics have been discussed. These
matrices categorized into three parts (1) Travel time based, (2) speed based and (3) level of
service-based. Also, congestion data collection techniques employed in different studies have
been discussed. The findings of the study indicate that improved traffic management and
control, better public transport services, increases in funding for transport infrastructure, use of
modern technology and overall coordination of transport and land-use policies are important
parameters to reduce congestion.
KEYWORDS: Traffic congestion, Traffic flow, Congestion measures, Data collection techniqes
Traffic congestion has become a major issue with the metropolis facing the most. Due to
urbanization and the high use of roadway vehicles the problem of traffic congestion is
increasing day by day. Some private are companies have an important role in being congestion
in large cities because they provide easy services of two and four-wheeler vehicles.
Being traffic congestion on urban or nonurban areas wastage time and energy, increase
pollution and stress, reduces production, and thus increase the demand for costs on society as
well as the country for spending. The problem of traffic congestion is an open challenge for
metropolitan cities as well as medium and small cities. According to TomTom (2020), India is
the most affected country by traffic congestion. 4 of the 10 most crowded cities in the world are
in India, namely Bengaluru (71%), Mumbai (65%), Pune (59%), and Delhi (56%). According to
the Boston Consulting Group report-2018, daily commuters during peak traffic hours on an
average, travelers spend 1.5 hours or more in Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, and Kolkata. Traffic
congestion measured (Stipancic et al., 2017) by using the congestion index (CI) during peak
hours shows that congestion is directly correlated with accident frequency. World Road
Statistics (2018) released a report on road accidents and deaths due to road accidents comprising
of 199 counties. In the report, India got 1st rank in the number of road accident deaths. It is
believed that identifying the characteristics of the congested portion of the road is the initial step
for such efforts as it is the necessary guidance for the selection of appropriate measures. Various
researchers and research organizations have provided several types of definitions of traffic
congestion but they are all based on some traffic parameters such volume and capacity (or
density), travel time (or delay), and speed. However, the uses of these definitions are dependent
on collected data, and literature consists of several types of data collection techniques. therefore
we can say literature does not exist a unique definition of congestion. (Anthony, 2004). We
have been finding the criteria for the congestion measure from a study of Aftabuzzaman (2007).
They suggest a congestion measure should have such criteria clarity, simplicity, continuity, and
The objective of this paper is to discuss different kinds of congestion measures considering
quantitative and qualitative indicators. A systematic review has been done on various
congestion measurement methodologies at the national and international levels and illustrates
different types of data collection techniques. It will help in selecting an appropriate congestion
measure as well as applying suitable data collection methodology for practitioners, planners,
and policy decision-makers.
To tackle the problem of traffic congestion, various measures have been developed for the
identification and quantification of traffic congestion by various researchers. These measures
can be helpful for finding the degree of traffic congestion and the performance of the roadway.
We are categorizing these measures into three parts: Travel time based, speed-based, and level
of service based (Table 1).
Congestion CI measure is the ratio relation between the delay and FFTT. Here delay is the difference
index (CI) between ATT and FFTT. For better traffic operation, ATT for the commuters should be
minimum (Karuppanagounder and Muneera, 2017). The congestion index for a link of
roads using travel time can be defined as
CI = 𝐹𝐹𝑇𝑇 (3)
Travel time TTI index is the ratio relation between peak period travel time (PPTT) and FFTT
index (TTI) (Lomax and Schrank, 2005). This measure has been used in both recurring and incident
traffic congestion conditions (Rao and Rao, 2012).
Travel time TTI is the ratio relation between ATT and FFTT (Karuppanagounder and Muneera,
index (TTI) 2017). For better traffic performance, the TTI should be minimum.
TTI = (5)
Buffer time The additional percentage of a passenger's time must be on time so that 95 percent of the
index (BTT) time is represented by the buffer time index (Nakat et al., 2014)
95%TT −ATT
BTI = × 100% (6)
Speed based: Speed is the most commonly used measure of performance for roadway and traffic
congestion. Speed can be calculated in several ways, first, based on average travel time combined with
the length of the corridor understudy. Average travel speed can be calculated by
Length of the corridor
Average travel speed = (7)
Average travel time
Second, the average speed of the stream is the weighted average of recorded spot speeds of vehicles using
radar guns over the count period. On that spot, it is calculated using the following formula (Jain and Jain,
∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑢𝑖 × 𝑞𝑖
𝑉𝑠 = (8)
∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑞𝑖
Where, 𝑉𝑠 = average speed of the stream, 𝑢𝑖 = average spot speed of ith category of vehicle, 𝑞𝑖 = flow of
the ith category of vehicle and n is the number of categories.
Congestion Speed based congestion index used (Stipancic et al., 2016) for the estimation of
Index (CI) congestion from GPS data provides information from both in view microscopic or
macroscopic of network performance. Dias, et al. (2009) was calculated traffic
congestion by the formula.
𝑉 𝐹 − 𝑉𝐴
, if CI < 0
CI = { 𝑉𝐹 (9)
0, 𝑖𝑓 𝐶𝐼 ≥ 0
Where, 𝑉𝐹 = free-flow speed, and 𝑉𝐴 = actual speed.
Speed The speed reduction index is the rate of vehicle speed reduction due to congestion. This
Reduction rate allows comparing the degree of traffic congestion for different types of transport
Index (SRI) services by using a constant as a scale to distinguish between different congestion classes
at different levels. Thus it usable to particular routes of the urban road network or
individual segments of the roadway for peak or off-peak period. (Kukadapwar and
Parbat, 2015). It can be calculated by using the equation
Non−peak flow speed − Peak flow speed
SRI = (10)
Non−peak flow speed
Very-low- The very low-speed index is the ratio relation between the time-traveling at a much
speed Index slower speed and the total travel time. It has been used (Kukadapwar and Parbat, 2015) in
(VLSI) traffic congestion evaluation on the urban roadway. Thus, a very low-speed index can be
calculated by using the following equation
Time spent in delay
VLSI = Total travel time (11)
Corridor CMI is used to calculate the capacity of corridors. The par values for freeway and arterial
Mobility operation are combined with the speed person volume to generate a corridor mobility
Index (CMI) index (Lomax, 1990). For freeway high-occupancy-vehicle lanes
Travel speed (mph) × Peak−Hour person volume per lane
CMIF = (12)
Travel speed TSR is the ratio relation between the reduction in speed during congestion and the speed
rate in free-flow condition. (Hamad and Kikuchi, 2002).
𝑉 −𝑉
TSR = 𝐹 𝑉 𝐴𝑣 (14)
where, 13,000 vehicles per lane per day for freeways and 5,000 vehicles per day for
principal arterial roads were used, again on an area basis for congestion limits.
Congestion CSI was used as a measure of urban area freeway delay, which calculates delays travel
Severity per million vehicle kilometers. The CSI uses 1985 HCM calculation and local freeway
Index (CSI) traffic volume distribution to estimate recurring delays and an incidence database to
estimate each hour of a typical day. An analysis has been done by Lindley (1987), using
this index presented a threshold for congestion (v/c ratio of 0.77 or greater) on a different
section of a freeway.
Lane Mile LMDI was created as a measure of recurring freeway congestion in urban networks
Duration (Cottrell, 1991). This index was used to calculate an AADT/C based on the Highway
Index Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) data to the freeway of the urban section. LMDI
(LMDI) can be calculated by using the equation
j=1[congested lane mines𝑗 × congestion duration𝑗 ] (16)
Where, j = Individual freeway segment, N = The total number of freeway segments in an
urban area.
Data collection methods have been classified into two classes, quantitative and qualitative data.
For traffic congestion studies reported in literature one or the other of these techniques were
used by researchers. Various quantitative data collection techniques have been discussed in
Table 2.
Data based on trajectory Single-vehicle data or microscopic data: Floating car data
provide space-time profiles of Microscopic data is collected on the provide information
all traffic vehicular in a specific road section, data can be captured about a single-vehicle
selected location of road from radar or light barriers by using only. These vehicles are
segment (Treiber et al., 2013) pneumatic tubes to lying across on the specially equipped. In
In this method, the selected road. Commonly, induction loops are contrast to trajectory
segment of traffic can be deployed beneath the road surface for data, floating data is
viewed directly above a tall microscopic data collection. A single-loop captured inside a
building by cameras or an detector may be used to automatically vehicle. In this method,
airplane. Extracting the data measure at a fixed point on a road section, we can collect
over time from video footage passing the time of vehicle, traffic volume, georeference
using various software to and speed when vehicle length is known. coordinates by GPS-
track the position of each The double-loop detector is made up of receivers that are then
vehicle. Traffic density, lane two (or more) induction loops separated by "map-matched" to a
changes can be measured a fixed segment of road, for example, 1m. road on the traffic map.
using this data collection Thus, this technique can provide traffic And can determine the
method. volume, speed, etc. In this technique, we travel time and speed
A novel traffic congestion need two inductive loop detectors mounted from two GPS points in
estimation approach on roads at many places of the road that is used to road space. (Taylor,
in the open-world scene classify in the vehicle category depend on 1992). Other types of
observed from TV cameras axle spacing. (Coifman and Cassidy, sensors (such as radar)
placed on poles or buildings 2002). This method of data is expansive deployed on the probe
was proposed by Li et al. and provides travel time of vehicles vehicle to record the
(2008). Palubinkas et al. between detector stations. travel distance and
(2008) presented an approach Wireless magnetic sensor networks for speed of the leading
to estimate congestion on traffic measurements on freeways and vehicle (Stipancic et al.,
temporal data collected by intersections provide an attractive, low- 2017; Stipancic et al.,
optical digital camera images. cost alternative to inductive loops (Cheung 2019). In this way,
That approach is based on et al., 2005). It is used to obtain the augmented floating car
vehicle detection on the road number of vehicles, speed, and occupancy. data is referred to as
segment by change detection These sensors are used to classifications of extended floating-car
between two images with a the category of vehicles based on the non- data.
short time interval. Hinz et al. axle spacing of vehicles that cannot be with the low speed
(2007) gave a theoretical derived from standard loop data. of many equipped
overview for upcoming dual- Aggregated data or macroscopic data: vehicles like taxis, van,
channel radar satellite The macroscopic data can be obtained by bus, and trucks of
missions to surveillance of averaging the aggregate microscopic commercial transport
road network from space and single-vehicle data over fixed time agencies or companies
illustrates the potentials and intervals. The time interval varies between are present on roads, so
limitations by real data. the 20s to 5min, the most common interval we are not able to
Camera-based techniques being 60s. Ranjan et al., 2020 proposed describe the entire
consist of complex and error- another way of collecting macroscopic traffic by using floating
prone methodologies, these data. Seoul Transportation Operation and car data. Fortunately,
methodologies demand Information Service (TOPIS) is an online when floating car data
automated and robust open-source web service in South Korea. It information becomes
algorithms to track the is going to use as an efficient and relevant: in free-flow
vehicles, and thus these inexpensive data acquisition method across speed and congested
techniques are costly as a the city by taking a snapshot of traffic conditions difference
student for data collection. congestion maps. Similarly, using several does not matter then
Also, the camera-based types of traffic maps in different countries this bias vanishes.
method gives information at a like Google map, Bing map, and Baidu
few hundred meters away map, can be determined city-wide
from a road segment. congestion levels in real-time.
Congestion occurs due to four basic reasons for instance environment, mechanical, human, and
infrastructure. Quantitative and qualitative both types of congestion indices have been
discussed, suggested by the afore-mentioned researchers. Various congestion data collection
methods have been explained which will be useful in the selection of a suitable technique for
Indian conditions. Congestion measurement criteria can be adopted based on available budget
by adopting speed based or LOS based matrices.
Ridesharing emerges an important role with high efficiency in the use of existing assets such
as personal vehicles. Recently the role of this increase most of the popular cities. Ridesharing is
a new point-to-point transport model, and has seven features: (1) dynamic pricing, (2) dynamic
routing, (3) smart dispatching, (4) customer network effect, (5) demand pooling, (6) feedback
collection, and management system and (7) flexible supply base. From ridesharing, we can find
four advantages that can automatically reduce traffic congestion by 17%-31% and optimize
infrastructure investment (1) Accelerating public transportation, (2) Providing alternatives
to car ownership, (3) Supplementing incomes, (4) Optimising infrastructure timing and
Delhi will be launching a mobile application based on a new high-tech system linked to smart
cameras deployed at traffic signals to help ease the chaotic roads (not required to manage traffic
physically by Traffic cops). Signals will change to red or green in real-time based on traffic
volume and not at fixed intervals. The system is being adapted based on studies of international
countries' best practices in cities such as Sydney, Singapore, and Amsterdam. A similar system
based on real-time traffic is functional at Closure Home, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
This study was supported by the University Grants Commission (UGC) as a Junior Research
Fellowship (JRF).
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