Certified Reference Material BCR - 066: Certificate of Analysis
Certified Reference Material BCR - 066: Certificate of Analysis
Certified Reference Material BCR - 066: Certificate of Analysis
where η is the viscosity of the liquid in which the particles are suspended, h is the vertical distance
through which the particles fall in time t, ρs and ρf are respectively the densities of the particles and
the sedimentation fluid and g the gravity.
- University of Bradford, Bradford (GB)
- Technische Universität Clausthal, Clausthal-Zellerfeld (DE)
- Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe (DE)
- University of Technology, Loughborough (GB)
- National Physical Laboratory, Teddington (GB)
Particles 10 µm or less in diameter can enter deeply into the respiratory system when inhaled.
Precautions must then be taken accordingly when manipulating this CRM.
Specimens should be kept at ambient temperature in their original packing until used. However, the
European Commission cannot be held responsible for changes that happen during storage of the
material at the customer's premises, especially of opened samples.
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(b) assume any liability with respect to, or for damages resulting from, the use of any information,
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solely and directly from the negligence of IRMM or any of its subsidiaries.
A technical report on the production of BCR-066 is available on the internet (http://www.irmm.jrc.be).
A paper copy can be obtained from IRMM on request.
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