Certified Reference Material BCR - 066: Certificate of Analysis

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Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements


BCR® – 066


Stokes diameter Cumulative particle size distribution based on mass fraction

xst Certified value of particles undersize 1) Uncertainty 2) Number of
[µm] [g/g] [g/g] data points
0.35 0.024 0.013 18
0.50 0.063 0.019 29
0.60 0.11 0.04 27
0.75 0.20 0.06 30
0.90 0.33 0.06 29
1.05 0.45 0.06 29
1.20 0.54 0.07 29
1.50 0.72 0.06 30
1.85 0.85 0.04 43
2.50 0.955 0.023 37
3.50 0.996 0.005 40
1) The certified value is the mean value of mass fraction of particles undersize a given Stokes diameter
obtained in five laboratories by means of sedimentation analysis in the gravity field. The certified value is
traceable to the sedimentation analysis in the gravity field (Pipette method).
2) The uncertainty is the standard uncertainty (confidence level of about 68 %) derived from the inter-laboratory
variance of the average mass fraction of particles undersize determined in five laboratories.

This certificate is valid for three years after purchase.

Sales date:
The minimum amount of sample to be used is 1 g.
This material has been certified by BCR (Community Bureau of Reference, the former reference
materials programme of the European Commission). The certificate has been revised under the
responsibility of IRMM.
Brussels, November 1979
Revised: May 2007

Prof. Dr. Hendrik Emons

Unit for Reference Materials
Retieseweg 111
2440 Geel, Belgium

All following pages are an integral part of the certificate.

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Indicative Value
Indicative value 1) Uncertainty 2)
[kg/m3] [kg/m3]
2619 7
1) The indicative value is the unweighted mean of the results obtained in five different laboratories, each using a
pycnometry method.
2) The uncertainty is the standard uncertainty (confidence level of about 68 %) derived from the inter-laboratory
variance of the average density determined in five laboratories.


Each sample consists of a glass bottle filled with approximately 10 g of quartz powder obtained by
subdividing a bulk quantity of the material with the aid of a rotating riffle.


The material is certified with respect to the cumulative distribution by mass of the Stokes diameters
of the particles as measured by sedimentation analysis in the gravity field (Pipette Method). The
Stokes diameter, xst, is defined by the equation
18 η h
(ρ s − ρ f ) g t
xst =

where η is the viscosity of the liquid in which the particles are suspended, h is the vertical distance
through which the particles fall in time t, ρs and ρf are respectively the densities of the particles and
the sedimentation fluid and g the gravity.

- University of Bradford, Bradford (GB)
- Technische Universität Clausthal, Clausthal-Zellerfeld (DE)
- Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe (DE)
- University of Technology, Loughborough (GB)
- National Physical Laboratory, Teddington (GB)

Particles 10 µm or less in diameter can enter deeply into the respiratory system when inhaled.
Precautions must then be taken accordingly when manipulating this CRM.


BCR-066 is intended to be used by laboratories either to test the accuracy and the effectiveness of
their particle sizing procedures or alternatively to calibrate particle sizing instruments. If compatible
with the measurement technique, the total sample should be used. If further subdivision is
necessary, a rotating riffle is recommended for the abstraction of sub-samples down to ca 1 g from
the supplied 10 g samples.
Reproduction of the certified results is most likely if the detailed methodology used for certification
and detailed in the standard DIN 66115 is closely adhered to; deviations from these results are
possible if other methods are used. However BCR-066 may be used to check and/or calibrate
apparatuses that measure Stokes diameter in the range covered by this reference material.

Specimens should be kept at ambient temperature in their original packing until used. However, the
European Commission cannot be held responsible for changes that happen during storage of the
material at the customer's premises, especially of opened samples.

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Neither IRMM, its subsidiaries, its contractors nor any person acting on their behalf,
(a) make any warranty or representation, express or implied that the use of any information, material,
apparatus, method or process disclosed in this document does not infringe any privately owned
intellectual property rights; or
(b) assume any liability with respect to, or for damages resulting from, the use of any information,
material, apparatus, method or process disclosed in this document save for loss or damage arising
solely and directly from the negligence of IRMM or any of its subsidiaries.

A technical report on the production of BCR-066 is available on the internet (http://www.irmm.jrc.be).
A paper copy can be obtained from IRMM on request.

European Commission – Joint Research Centre

Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM)
Retieseweg 111, B - 2440 Geel (Belgium)
Telephone: +32-(0)14-571.722 - Telefax: +32-(0)14-590.406

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