Acs Langmuir 7b01682
Acs Langmuir 7b01682
Acs Langmuir 7b01682
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Computational Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720, United States
S Supporting Information
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The internal void volume is an important characteristic of
This theoretical value of the pore volume can be compared with
the experimental pore volume derived, for example, from the
microporous materials, as it will determine their permeability to nitrogen uptake at low temperature.15 The comparison of the
guest molecules, the adsorption capacity, and many other two values can give some insight into the characteristics of the
properties that can be engineered for the industrial applications synthesized crystal. For example, if the experimentally
that involve the use of these material, such as gas separation,1 measured void volume is smaller than the computed one, this
gas storage,2 catalysis,3 or drug delivery.4 The field of can be symptomatic of an incomplete desolvation (solvent
microporous materials used to be dominated by zeolites, but molecules still trapped inside the pore), limited permeability at
recently, studies on new classes of microporous materials have the surface, or defects in the crystal. In addition, deviations of
been published. Examples include metal organic frameworks the theoretical pore volume from the experimental one can also
(MOFs),5 covalent organic frameworks (COFs),6 zeolitic indicate that the synthesized material is a poor representation
imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs),7 porous polymer networks of the ideal crystal structure.
(PPNs),8 etc. For each of these classes, a large number of In this paper, we review a number of different methods
different materials can be obtained by combining different employed to compute the void fraction.13,14,16−18 We show
ligands and nodes, leading to millions of frameworks, each with that, because of the different assumptions, each method
different topologies, pore shapes, and chemistries. For example, computes a (slightly) different portion of the volume. For
at present, over 10000 MOFs and related porous materials have some particular cases, these differences can be large and, more
been synthesized,9 and large databases of computationally importantly, the theoretical pore volume cannot be compared
predicted structures are rapidly expanding.10−12 All the main with the experimental pore volume. One of the reasons for
applications for porous materials involve the adsorption of these differences is that the definition of pore volume depends
guest molecules in the pores. For this reason, it is of critical on the type of probe that is used to compute it. To address this
importance to correctly characterize the pore volumes of these issue, we introduce the “probe-accessible and -occupiable
materials as this is the first, and often the only, step to
characterize a material. Received: May 19, 2017
The internal void volume of a porous material can be Revised: June 20, 2017
determined computationally from the crystal structure.13,14 Published: June 21, 2017
Experimental Measurement of the Pore Volume. The internal
free volume of a microporous material can be experimentally measured
by determining the maximum loading of a gas in the pores of the
material. Nitrogen is commonly used for this purpose because of its
small size and because it weakly interacts with the framework. In
addition, its normal boiling point is sufficiently low (77 K) that
condensation at the exterior of the pores is avoided before the full
saturation inside the pores. The pore volume is obtained under the Figure 1. Qualitative two-dimensional model of the unit cell of a
assumption of validity of the Gurvich rule:20,21 the density of the microporous material, permeable to a spherical probe (red). Each
saturated nitrogen in the pores is assumed equal to its liquid density color corresponds to a different category of volume. In the table, the
regardless of the shape of the internal void network and, because of the color coding is explained and a summary of which portions of the
weak interactions, regardless of the chemistry of the framework. The volume are considered for each method is given: geometric pore
pore volume (vpore) and the void fraction (θ) are computed from volume (Gm), accessible and nonaccessible probe center pore volume
(Ac-PC, NAc-PC), accessible and nonaccessible probe-occupiable pore
n Nads,satd
2 volume (Ac-PO, NAc-PO), and solvent-free Connolly volume.
vpore =
ρNliq (1)
assigned to that point. A value of 1 is assigned otherwise. Therefore, A third solution is to compute the helium pore volume (He).
the Gm void fraction θGm of the crystal from N sample points is Similarly to the Gm pore volume, a collection of sampling points are
obtained as considered, but instead of assigning a value of 0 or 1 depending on the
overlap with atoms, this time the Boltzmann factor (BF), related to the
∑1 value insertion of a helium atom, is computed:
θGm =
N (3)
⎛ −E ⎞
Consequently, the geometric pore volume can be obtained by dividing BF = exp⎜ int ⎟
the void fraction by the density of the framework (eq 2). In this ⎝ KbT ⎠ (4)
measurement, the volume inside the large pores is summed together
with all the small interstices in the framework, which are too narrow to Eint is the energy of interaction of the helium atom with the atoms of
be effectively occupied by a guest molecule. Hence, the value the framework, as computed using, for example, the Lennard-Jones
computed in this way will always be an upper bound for the volume potential (see the Supporting Information). Similarly to the previous
that a probe can effectively access. cases, the void fraction θHe (and therefore the pore volume) is
The probe center pore volume (PC), often named simply “pore computed as the average over all the sample points:
volume”,14,17 considers the shape of the probe used for the N
measurement, conventionally spheres with a radius of 1.32 Å for ∑1 BF
θHe =
helium and 1.86 Å for nitrogen.19,22 In this definition, it is important to N (5)
recall that even the nitrogen molecule is treated as a spherical probe, as
shown in Figure 2. It is worth noting that this measurement is influenced by the force field
and the temperature used. It is therefore important to use a consistent
choice to compare different sets of results.17 We need to stress that the
He void fraction, in the way it is measured, does not correspond to the
amount of helium that can saturate in the pores. The physical meaning
of the He void fraction is linked to the probability of a single helium
atom to be adsorbed in the framework at a certain temperature, which
is chosen to be 298 K by convention.17
At this point, it is important to recall that none of the previously
summarized methods to compute the pore volume exactly match with
the pore volume we obtain from the nitrogen isotherms. To arrive at a
definition of pore volume that can be directly compared to
experiments, we introduce the probe-occupiable pore volume (PO),
and we propose an algorithm to compute it. We use the term
“occupiable” to define the portion of the space that can be spanned by
the probe, which should not be confused with the term “accessible”
(Ac), which defines the pores where the probe can have access.
Figure 2. N2 spherical model of radius 1.86 Å (3.72 Å diameter)
Accessible versus Nonaccessible Channels. In these Monte
compared to the van der Waals representation of the same molecule
Carlo simulations, we are probing a number of points within the unit
(using the Lennard-Jones σ value and the N−N distance of the
cell to measure the void fraction (and therefore the pore volume) of
TraPPE model).23 the bulk material. However, it is also important to know if the detected
free space is accessible from the outside, i.e., if a cavity forms a
multidimensional network where a guest molecule can enter at the
solid/gas interface and diffuse. The same analysis allows detection of
For this calculation, the same Monte Carlo test is performed, but
whether a solvent molecule is able to exit the pores and a synthesized
this time the radius of the framework’s atoms is taken as the sum of the
crystal can be effectively desolvated.
atomic radius plus the probe radius. The obtained void fraction then
This concept of accessibility is obviously related to the size of the
represents the portion of the volume which is occupiable by the
molecule, represented as a spherical probe, which we are interested to
centers of the probe (Figure 3).
evaluate. Once we compute the PC volume, we can further categorize
It is also important to note that the PC pore volume for a probe of
this internal space as accessible (Ac-PC) or nonaccessible (NAc-PC)
zero radius corresponds to the Gm pore volume.
by considering whether it composes a multidimensional network along
the periodic boundaries. This is illustrated in the two-dimensional
example of Figure 3: the central channel (A) is accessible to the probe,
while the other one (B) is not, because the PC pore volume does not
form a continuous path. The accessibility test can be performed by
doing a percolation analysis along the edges obtained from the
Voronoi decomposition24 or analyzing a grid of points.25,26
The same concept can be applied to compute the Ac-PO (as
presented in the next section) or the Ac-He pore volume. In the
second case, one needs to first assume an energy cutoff for the
helium−framework interactions, which defines the regions that are
diffusively inaccessible on an experimental time scale (e.g., 15 kbT).
Then one must consider the regions of the volumes where the
Figure 3. Two-dimensional example of the probe center pore volume interaction energy is lower than the cutoff to perform a percolation
calculation. The periodic unit cell is duplicated in the x directon. The analysis.27 For what concerns the Gm volume, the calculation
radius of the framework’s atoms (black) is expanded by the radius of considers a dimensionless probe, and therefore, we do not have any
the red probe (light green and light orange). The remaining area is practical interest in analyzing its accessibility.
what we define as the probe center pore volume (dark green and dark Algorithm To Compute the Occupiable Pore Volume. In this
orange). The framework is composed by two channels: channel A section, we propose an algorithm to obtain the experimental pore
(green), which is accessible, and channel B, which is nonaccessible volume from our definition of the accessible and occupiable volume
(orange). Channel B is too narrow for the probe to pass from one side (Ac-PO) and in general to fully characterize the internal volume of a
to the other and can be referred to as an isolated pocket. microporous material.
(1) Let us consider a set of N sample points, randomly selected experimentally with smaller probing molecules, e.g., helium,28 or with
within the unit cell. positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS).29 The measure-
(2) For each point, we compute its distance to the framework’s ments with these techniques are not as frequently used. An alternative
atoms: if this distance is smaller than the atomic radius, the sample to nitrogen is argon as the probing molecule at 87 K. Despite the
point is categorized as ”overlap”; if it is larger than the sum of the higher cost of Ar, it can be preferred due to the smaller size and the
atomic and probe radii, it is categorized as PC. For each point assigned enhanced diffusion rate at 10 K higher temperature.30 By selecting for
to the PC volume, we compute the distance δ between the point and the calculations a probe radius that corresponds to the gas used in the
the surface of the PC volume, defined as experiments, we are able to directly compare our theoretical
calculations with the experimental data.
δ = d − rprobe − ratom (6) We stress once more that for these methods the thermal vibrations
with d being the distance to the closest atom, rprobe the radius of the of the atomic positions are not taken into account, and for the Ac-PO
spherical probe, and ratom the vdW radius of the closest atoms of the calculation, we use hard-sphere potentials for which the effective
framework (Figure 4). In addition, we use a percolation algorithm14 to volume does not depend on the temperature. These assumptions hold
further classify the sample point as Ac-PC or NAc-PC. for the experimental conditions (i.e., 77 K for nitrogen adsorption).
Moreover, we do assume that the crystal structure does not change
upon adsorption of nitrogen (e.g., pore swelling or ligand rotation).
For cases where the diameter of the channel is very similar to the
diameter of the probe, further investigations are needed.31 A small
distortion of the framework or a different choice of the parameters can
drastically change the amount of Ac and NAc volume detected, an
effect which has similarly been shown in the context of noble gas
Software and Parameters. In this section, we illustrate how the
different pore volumes are determined in the different software
packages that compute pore volumes.
The Poreblazer package13 computes the Gm and He pore volumes
using sample points lying on a grid with a 0.2 Å bin size.
The Zeo++ package14 gives the Gm and PC volumes, the first one
Figure 4. Calculation of δ from eq 6 shown in a two-dimensional being obtained by setting the radius of the spherical probe to 0. In this
model. The color coding is consistent with that reported in Figure 1: software, the number of sample points specified in the input is
the atoms (which correspond to the overlap volume) in black, the randomly displaced in the unit cell.
The PLATON package16 computes the PO volume using a grid of
probe in red, the accessible probe center volume in dark green, the
points. Points belonging to the PC pore volume are first detected, and
accessible extended volume in light green, and the narrow volume in
then their neighbor points are considered. Contrary to Zeo++, this
software does not distinguish between Ac and NAc volumes. Also, one
should pay attention to the terminology: in this software, the authors
(3) For each sample point left, we compute the distance for all the define as “accessible” volume what here we define as “occupiable”
Ac-PC marked points, and if one of these distances is closer to the Ac- volume.
PC surface than the probe radius, or The Raspa package33 (which is mainly used for Monte Carlo and
distance < δ + rprobe molecular dynamics simulations) provides the He pore volume
(7) considering a specified number of sample points in random positions
the uncategorized point will be considered as part of the now defined of the unit cell.
“accessible extended volume” (light green in Figure 1). The inclusion The algorithm we proposed in this work to compute the Ac-PO
of δ in eq 7 improves the speed and the accuracy of the algorithm (at volume and fully characterize the internal pore volume has been
the same number of sample points), because in this way also the implemented as an extension of Zeo++.14
internal points of the Ac-PC volume give some information on the In our calculations, the He volume is computed at 298 K (25 °C),
position of its surface. which is the typical temperature condition of most previous
(4) The same test is performed for the NAc-PC points: in the case calculations.17 We used the Lennard-Jones potential to describe the
of success, uncategorized points will be marked as belonging to the dispersion interactions, applying the Lorentz−Berthelod mixing rules
“nonaccessible extended volume” (light orange in Figure 1). and considering a cutoff distance of 12.8 Å; beyond that, the potential
(5) If none of the previous tests are true, the sample point belongs is set to 0. Parameters for the framework and for helium were taken
to what we define as the “narrow volume” (pink in Figure 1). from the universal force field (UFF)34 and from Hirschfelder,35
It follows that the PO volume is given by the summation of the respectively. Concerning the ”hard sphere” calculations (Gm, PC, and
probe center and the extended volume. Figure 1 presents all the PO) and for all the software packages (Poreblazer, Zeo++, and
different categories of volume with color coding for an illustrative two- PLATON), the Lennard-Jones σ values from UFF were used as the
dimensional model. diameter of the framework atoms, to be consistent with the He
With these definitions, we marked as “narrow” the entire volume calculations. A kinetic radius of 1.86 Å was considered for nitrogen.22
that cannot be touched by the probe because it is hindered by the
framework. This can be the case for a narrow channel (pink, Figure 1)
or the small interstices between the atoms of the crystal (pink, Figure
4). Moreover, the overlap volume added to the narrow volume gives 3D Model for the Full Characterization of the Pore
what is commonly defined in biochemistry as the ”solvent-free Volume. To illustrate the difference between the various
volume” or ”Connolly” volume18 (Figure 1). approaches, we applied our algorithm on a three-dimensional
Computational versus Experimental Pore Volumes. Now that model which is able to represent qualitatively the characteristics
we have fully characterized the pore volume inside a microporous
framework, we can couple the computational results with experimental
of a microporous material, inspired by the two-dimensional
measurements. Under the assumption of the Gurvich rule, the example reported in Figure 1. The model has one accessible
experimental 77 K nitrogen’s pore volume can be compared with the pore and one nonaccessible pore, with a narrow channel (i.e.,
Ac-PO pore volume computed from the unit cell, using a spherical N2 with a diameter smaller than the probe’s diameter) connecting
probe. The nitrogen’s NAc-PO pore volume could also be measured the two. The model is built with a large number of spheres lying
14532 DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b01682
Langmuir 2017, 33, 14529−14538
Langmuir Article
on a grid to represent the framework, leaving free space that method is considerably smaller than the void faction computed
corresponds to pores and channels (Figure 5, top). with the Ac-PO method. The Ac-PO calculation is converged
to 0.1% of the void fraction with 10 points per cubic angstrom.
Within our algorithm, to measure the PO void fraction, we
need first to accurately locate the surface of the PC volume and
expand this volume by the length of the probe radius. To
minimize the error associated with a poorly sampled PC
surface, one should increase the number of sample points, albeit
with a significant computational cost. Nevertheless, in real
frameworks, we can consider it reasonable to use a convergence
within 1% of the void fraction to compare the calculated values
with experimental data.
Comparison of Different Pore Volume Definitions
with Experimental Data for HKUST-1. The triclinic unit cell
structure of HKUST-1 (CSD code FIQCEN) was considered
to compute the void fraction with the different methods. Water
solvent molecules were removed from the original deposited
structure.19 No NAc volume was detected. The resulting void
fraction and computational time are reported as a function of
the number of samples per cubic angstrom that were used for
the calculation (Table 1).
strongly on the force field parameters used to model the in Figure 7). Therefore, the void fraction is the integration of
helium−framework interactions, and it can lie far off the these values over the entire volume considered. He and Gm
experimental value. Therefore, we analyze the underlying coincide exactly in the case when the two integrals are equal,
mathematical reason for this variability. First, we study the i.e., when there is a match between the cyan and purple areas in
case of a helium atom interacting with a carbon atom, using the Figure 7. The BF depends on the set of parameters used and on
Hirschfelder−UFF parameters to represent their interaction at the temperature assumed in the calculation. Indeed, the
different distances. The potential and the Boltzmann factor common choice of the temperature of 298 K is just a
(BF) for different He−C distances are shown in Figure 7. convention, and its variation can drastically affect the He
calculation, as shown in Figure 7. Moreover, the He void
fraction is not strictly restricted to be smaller than 1, since also
the BF can take values larger than 1, especially for the
framework’s atom with a large Lennard-Jones ε parameter. In
UFF, for example, the ε values for aluminum, silicon, and
phosphorus are ca. 5, 4, and 2.5 times the carbon’s value, which
may give unrealistic contributions larger than 1 for part of the
To see for which types of pores the Gm and He void
fractions show the largest differences, we extended our analysis
to cylindrical and spherical pores and a reticular structure. We
modeled the framework with a smeared continuous distribution
of carbon atoms. The details are reported in the Supporting
Information. Figure 8 shows the comparison between the Gm
and He void fractions in these models. We observe for all three
pore shapes that the Gm void fraction is greater than the He
void fraction for small pores, while for bigger pores the He void
fraction becomes greater. This is due to the fact that for smaller
pores the BF for helium is always less than 1, because of the
unfavorable interaction between the particle and the frame-
work. For bigger pores, the BF can assume values larger that 1,
and in such cases, the He void fraction systematically
overestimates the experimental void fraction. A similar trend
for the He vs Gm curve is observed for the three types of pores
in Figure 8, with the main difference being the value of the
intersection with the bisector, which is therefore dependent on
the geometry of the pore.
The Ac-PO volume is expected to be similar to the Gm
volume, with the notable difference that it collapses to 0 for
small pores, i.e., for
L < 2(rprobe + ratom) (8)
CoRE MOF Screeening. Our model calculations show that
the differences between the He and the Gm void fractions are
not negligible and can be interesting to see how these model
calculations compare with the void fractions for the
experimental MOF structures. A set of 5109 MOF structures
Figure 7. One-dimensional representation of the Lennard-Jones were investigated from the CoRE MOF database: 4764
potential and the associated Boltzmann factor as a function of the frameworks were modified by the authors (solvent removal
C−He distance (system shown on the top). The Boltzmann factor and other adjustments described in the paper),19 and the
(blue solid line) function is compared to the factor associated with the remaining 345 frameworks were downloaded directly from the
occupiability of the space, i.e., 1, everywhere outside the carbon’s van Cambridge Structural Database,43 without any further manip-
der Waals radius (blue dashed line). In the bottom figure, the ulation. The results of computing the He and Gm void fractions
sensitivity of the Boltzmann factor to the arbitrary value of the for these structures are shown in Figure 9.
temperature is investigated. Notice that doubling or halving the For most materials, the trend is mostly similar to the reticular
temperature corresponds to respectively halving or doubling the value
of ε for the Lennard-Jones interaction.
model presented in the previous section. One can notice that
for many materials the void fraction computed using the He
method is higher than the Gm void fraction, when the Gm
We can now compare the He calculation to the Gm method should compute an upper bound value for the void
calculation (in this diatomic model, the Gm and Ac-PO fraction. The most extreme example for this overestimation is
volumes are equivalent). For the He calculation, the BF is the the structure LOFZUB:44 this framework contains aluminum
value assigned for every He−C distance, while, for the Gm and phosphorus, which have a particularly high Lennard-Jones
calculation, we assign a value of 0 for a He−C distance inferior ε. On the other side, a few frameworks appear to have the
to the carbon’s radius (equivalent to half the Lennard-Jones’s σ opposite trend, showing a moderate Gm void fraction but a
for carbon) and a value of 1 elsewhere (see the dashed blue line lower He void (highlighted in yellow in Figure 9). Interestingly,
14534 DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b01682
Langmuir 2017, 33, 14529−14538
Langmuir Article
Figure 8. Geometry of the pore for the different three-dimensional models: comparison of the Gm (green) and He (red) void fractions versus the
characteristic length L of the pore and direct comparisons of the two values of the void fraction for pores with different dimensions.
all of them have a similar chemistry; i.e., the ligands of these method, are again the ones characterized by CN and CC
structures are based on CN and CC bonds. These kinds of ligands (shown in Figure 9) .
ligands are particularly thin and simple, resulting in weaker Comparison with Experimental Data for 10 MOFs. We
dispersion forces, which explains the low He void fraction. studied in detail 10 different MOFs (including HKUST-1) to
Using our algorithm, we computed the Ac-PO void fraction obtain some insights into the practical consequences of the
for all the frameworks considering a probe of 1.86 Å (N2) and differences in pore volume that are computed by the different
using 100000 sample points. The results are compared with the methods and their agreement with experimental data.21,46−54
Gm and He void fractions in Figure 10. All the frameworks investigated have accessible channels for
As expected, the value of the Ac-PO void fraction is always nitrogen, and no NAc pore volume was detected. Figure 11
smaller than that of the Gm void fraction. This behavior is more shows that the PO method leads to the best agreement among
pronounced for very dense materials, where the atoms of the the different methods. These results emphasize that the value
framework create many small interstices (narrow volume) that for the PC pore volume (sometimes simply defined as “pore
are excluded for the calculation of the Ac-PO void fraction. volume”) leads to a significant underestimation of the
Also, for many structures, the void fraction collapses to 0, experimental pore volume. Another consideration is that for
meaning that, under the assumption of a rigid framework, these these 10 structures the total Gm void fraction is close to the PO
crystals are completely impermeable to the probing sphere. The void fraction, meaning that in these samples the narrow volume
material labeled SETPEO is a prominent example: the 0.71 is a negligible percentage of the Gm pore volume.
geometric void fraction of this material can be decomposed to a The He void fraction is close to the experimental value if we
7% narrow volume, with 64% of the volume nonaccessible to use Hirschfelder’s Lennard-Jones parameters for helium,
the nitrogen probe (the 29% remaining is the volume occupied noticing however a systematic but relatively small over-
by the atoms). For this material, we can expect, if not a estimation. Nevertheless, the same calculation employing the
complete impermeability, a slow diffusion of nitrogen inside the He parameters from UFF shows a much larger overestimation
activated crystal. Moreover, methanol is used as the solvent for of the void fraction, even with nonphysical values greater than 1
the synthesis, and given the size of methanol, we can expect the for SNU-30 and UTSA-62.
impossibility of a complete desolvation, as effectively In four materials, the experimental volume is more than 10%
reported.45 lower than the computed value (PCN-46, SNU-30, UTSA-34,
If we compare the He and nitrogen Ac-PO volume fractions, and UTSA-64). We attribute this difference to some
it is interesting to note the systematic overestimation of the incomplete desolvation or pore shrinking after the removal of
pore volume which affects the He method. There are three the solvent. At this point, it is important to note that the
reasons for this: the helium probe is smaller, the nonaccessible computational pore volumes are based on structures from the
volume is not excluded, and, most important, it is possible for CoRE MOF database in which solvent molecules are removed
the BF to be higher than 1. The structures with the opposite computationally, keeping the rest of the crystal structure
trend, where the void fraction is underestimated by the He unchanged.19 In some cases, this procedure is unrealistic, and
14535 DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b01682
Langmuir 2017, 33, 14529−14538
Langmuir Article
In the present work, we compared different methods that are
used to compute the pore volume of a crystalline microporous
material from its crystal structure. We show that these methods
use different definitions of the pore volume, and we show that
in particular for micropores these differences can be quite
significant. These volumes are referred to in this work using a
consistent nomenclature, i.e., the geometric (Gm), the helium
(He), the probe center (PC), and the probe-occupiable (PO) Figure 11. Void fraction as computed with the different methods
methods. For the last two, it is meaningful to further identify shown and compared with experimental data. The structures were
the volume as accessible (Ac) or nonaccessible (NAc). computationally desolvated as reported in the CoRE MOF database.19
The main conclusion of this work is that the accessible A list with the references for the experimental values is provided in the
probe-occupiable (Ac-PO) pore volume gives the closest Supporting Information.
representation of the experimentally measured pore volumes
for all types of pores. The other methods show systematic
deviations. The geometric (Gm) calculation leads to a value for shown to be very dependent on the parameters and on the
the pore volume which is an upper limit for this quantity, while reference temperature assumed for the calculation.
the probe center (PC) calculation considerably underestimates In addition, we have presented a novel algorithm to fully
the experimental value. The helium (He) void fraction was characterize the internal volume of a crystal and assess its Ac-
14536 DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b01682
Langmuir 2017, 33, 14529−14538
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