A Detailed Lesson Plan in English VIII: I. Objectives

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English VIII

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. unlock the difficult words found in the selection through context clues;
b. act out the roles of the characters creatively; and
c. appreciate and value the customs and traditions;

II. Subject Matter

Topic: The Vanity of the Rat by Y. T Pyun
Grade level: 8
Time Span: 1 hour
Reference: Learning Module for English Grade 8 pp. 547-548
Materials: pictures, cabbage relay, handouts, cartolina, and speaker

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
Before we begin the lesson this morning,
let us ask the guidance of the Sovereign God
and to enlighten our minds to completely
understand the lesson this morning. May I ask
Arnold to lead the opening prayer. Let us all remember that we are in the most
presence of the God. “Dear God I come
Thank you Arnold. before you your holy presence.”
 Greetings
Good morning, class! Good morning, sir Kevin! Nice to see you.
Before you take your seats, kindly check if
there are pieces of paper under your chairs,
pick it up and arrange your chairs properly. (Students pick up the pieces of paper and
arrange their chairs.)
 Checking of Attendance
Now, let us check the attendance, group
leaders, do we have absentees today?
I’m glad to report that everybody is present
Group 1
in our group.
Group 2 I’m glad to report that everybody is present
in our group.
Group 3 I’m glad to report that everybody is present
in our group.
Group 4 I’m glad to report that everybody is present
in our group.

It is nice to hear that everybody is present


 Review
Now, let us have a short review about our
topic last time. Who would like to remind us? Sir, last time we discussed about how to
That’s right! Do you have any questions or write a resume.
clarifications regarding our last topic? None, sir.
If none, then let us proceed to our lesson
for today.

 Setting of Standard
But before that, what are the rules to
remember when we are having a class
discussion? Listen attentively.
Raise your right hand if you want to answer.
Do not talk to your seatmates.
Very good! I expect everyone will follow
those rules. If I caught someone violating the
said rules, I will immediately deduct your
points by removing your emojis.
Is the clear? Yes, sir.

B. Motivation
(The teacher will present two sets of pictures.)

Class, look at these pictures. Can you

describe them to me?
They are beautiful and gorgeous, sir.

Super! How about these pictures? I want

you to describe them to me as well.
They are not that attractive as compared to
the previous ones.

That's not half bad. Now, boys, among these

women, who would you choose to be your wife
in the future?
Angel Locsin!

Sensational! How about you girls? Among

these two men, who would you choose to be
your husband someday? Darren Espanto!
Nothing can stop you now, girls, when it
comes to a captivating and good-looking guy.

C. Presentation
I asked you about love and marriage
because we will embark a new story of a
Korean folktale entitled “The Vanity of the
Rat” and it revolves around the idea of looking
for the best partner in life, but before reading
the story, let us first be aquinted with the
objectives for today’s lesson.
At the end of the lesson, students should be
able to:
a. unlock the difficult found in the
selection through context clues;
b. act out the roles of the characters
creatively; and
c. appreciate and value the customs and
Unlocking of Difficulties
Before reading the story, we will know first
some of the difficult words used in the story.
Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters
using the clues given below.
1. ________ 2. _________

3. _________ 4. ________ 5. __________

1. to make a hole or tunnel

2. to feel pleased by showing respect or
3. a group of trees
4. to move your head up and down as a way
of answering “yes”
5. burrowing insects

Reading Proper (Cabbage Relay)

Now class lets us all discover what the story
is all about through an activity. I have here a
cabbage, not a real one of course. What I did
was I stuck the parts of the story in every layer
of this cabbage and what you are going to do is
to peel a layer from the outmost part, read the
story to find therein, then throw/toss this
cabbage to the person you want to continue the
reading until such time that the entire story is
Yes, sir.
told. Is that clear?

R E A D I N G…

That's the end of the story, how do you find

the story? Is it good? Yes, sir.

After a long journey, the rat married a rat.

D. Discussion

 Checking of Comprehension
Class, I have here a tree called “The Tree of
Wisdom and Fortune.” Wisdom because inside
of each fruit has questions written on it for you
to answer and if you will get it right you will
receive three golden chocolate coins which
make this tree a fortune as well. However, for
you to be able to get one of its golden chocolate
fruits. Let’s play Hot Potato. The way you’re
going to play is you’re going to take your hot
potato and when I play the music; you’re going
to pass the hot potato to your seatmates. When
the music stops, the potato stops and whoever
is holding the hot potato will have the access to
grab the golden chocolate fruit.

Are you ready to play?

Yes, sir.
1. Who were the characters in the story?
The characters in story are Mr. and Mrs. Rat,
Mr. Sun, Mr. Wind, Mr. Cloud, Mr. Stone
Buddha, and Rena.
2. Who became Rena’s husband? Who
suggested to choose that particular Mr. Stone Buddha was the one who suggested
man? to the parents to look for a rat.

3. After refusing, Mr. Cloud referred Mr.

and Mrs. Rat to whom and for what Mr. Cloud referred to Mr. Wind.

4. Who was the first choice of Mr. and Mr. Sun was the first choice of Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Rat to become Rena’s husband? Raf to become Rena's

5. What Korean custom/practice as to Fixed marriage is revealed in story because it

marriage is revealed in the folktale was Rena's parents to pick a husband for ther
6. Do you think it’s good to
observe/follow the tradition of fixed I absolutely disagree with fixed marriages. I
marriage? Why? Why not? think it's unfair of parents to decide who you
can and cannot marry. Of course, they can
have an opinion, but it's your choice to make.
I wouldn't want to be married to someone I
don't love.
E. Application
At this point, let us have an activity. I will
divide the class into 4 groups.
Groups 1 and 2
Choose a part of the story you like the most and
act out the characters creatively.
Groups 3 and 4
Choose a song that would best relate your
overall understanding of the story.
Rubrics 3 2 1
Excellent Satisfactory Fair
Cooperatio All members Average Lack of
n have amount of cooperation
cooperated. cooperation is shown.
Creativity Very creative Average Lack of
and shows amount of creativity is
extra effort. creativity is shown.
Preparation All aspects Some aspects of Most aspects
of the the presentation of the
presentation are not well presentation
are well prepared. are not well
prepared. prepared.

P R E S E N T A T I O N...

(presentation shall be graded through a rubric

which is displayed on the board)
The characters in the story are Mr. and Mrs.
F. Generalization Rat, Mr. Sun, Mr. Cloud, Mr. Wind, Mr.
Stone Buddha, and Rena.
Who are the characters in the story?
Our goals should be realistic rather than
What lesson did you get from the story? idealistic. But our tradition of mixed
marriage was part of our heritage.

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Choose the letter that corresponds to your answer. Write only the letter in a 1/4
sheet of paper.

1. What does the story "The Vanity of the Rat" teaches us?
a. to let our loved ones, have their freedom of choice
b. to treat our loved one the harsh way.
c. to never let loved ones take their choice.
d. to always lisyen to our own ideas.

2. Why did Mr. Wind refused the offer of the couple?

a. Because he hates the rat.
b. Because he is not pleased that he is not their first choice.
c. Because he can't move a stone Buddha.
d. Because he doesn't want to marry anyone.

3. What tradition of Koreans is similar to Filipinos did the folktale "The Vanity of the Rat"
reflects to?
a. Their tradition of celebrating festivals.
b. Their tradition of fixed marriage.
c. Their tradition of courtesy.
d. Their tradition of being good to people.

4. To make a hole or tunnel

a. den
b. hole
c. burrow
d. lair

5. The following are the themes of the story, EXCEPT?

a. love
b. greed
c. valuing one's own decision
d. marriage

V. Assignment
What Korean custom or tradition that is similar to ours you like? Explain why you like.

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