Fabrication of Composite From Natural Rubber Reinforced Local Wood (Korcha) False Banana (Enset) Fiber

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Wachemo University

Collage of Engineering and Technology

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Research project investigators and sample collectors’ payment sheet (summary)

Research title: Fabrication of composite from Natural Rubber Reinforced local wood (Korcha) false
banana (Enset) fiber
Research phase: I, funded budget is 46884 ETB

Departure (1) Arrival (2) Other expenses Rem



From local date Local To local date Local Total no. of (4) (5) Total ark

place time place time days *daily transport Other Birr Cen
per-diem expen t
1 Manaye Hossana 10/08/2012 12:00 Addis 10/08/2012 7:30 26*724=18824 2×124=2 19072 00
Mathewos Ababa 48
Addis 06/09/2012 7:30 Hossa 06/09/2012 12:00
Ababa na

2 Anjelo Lidetu Hossana 10/08/2012 12:00 Addis 10/08/2012 8:00 25*724=18100 2×124=2 18348 00
Ababa 48
Addis 05/09/2012 8:00 Hossa 05/09/2012 12:00
Ababa na

No Data collectors Job description expense Total Remark

Birr Cent
1 Robel Tewelde Data collection 5000 5000 00
2 Tena Tesfaye Data collection 5000 5000 00
Total cost for data collection 10000 00
Total cost for travel 37420 00

Grand total 47420 00

Name Signature Date

Paid by (principal): Manaye Mathewos ____________ 27/09/2012

Checked by (head): Anjelo Lidetu ____________ 27/09/2012

Checked by (R&CS) Coordinator: _______________________ _______________ _______________

Approved by (dean): _______________________ ________________ _______________

Approved by (R/D/D): _______________________ _________________ _______________

Authorized by (R/C/S/V/P): _______________________ ________________ ________________

Confirmed by finance head: _______________________ ________________ ________________

N.B others (No. 5) includes Stationary materials, internet service, print and photo copies as well as assistance allowance.

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