Improvement of Glass Solar Still Performance

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Groundwater for Sustainable Development 9 (2019) 100213

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Research paper

Improvement of glass solar still performance using locally available T

materials in the southern region of Algeria
B. Nasria,b,c,∗, A. Benatiallaha,b, S. Kallouma,b, D. Benatiallaha,b
Ahmed Draïa University in Adrar, Adrar, 01000, Algeria
Laboratory of Energy, Environment and Information Systems, Ahmed Draïa University, Adrar, Algeria
National Agency for Hydraulic Resources, PO Box 364, Adrar, 01000, Algeria


Keywords: Limited resources and increased water demand associated with fast socio-economic development and expansion
City of Adrar in the irrigated land in southern Algeria have led to overexploitation of groundwater and caused a significant
Glass basin water table drawdown as well as groundwater quality degradation due to saline water intrusion. Solar dis-
Local material tillation is an interesting alternative source for producing drinking water from brackish water for the purpose of
supplying isolated communities in remote areas. The present seeks to improve the performance of a glass solar
Solar still
still through increasing the productivity of freshwater by the use of different new absorbers, such as gravel,
polyethylene, and sand, as heat storage systems. The solar distiller under study was fabricated with cheap glass
and healthy materials, and was tested under the climatic conditions of the City of Adrar, in the Southern part of
Algeria, where solar energy and underground saline water are abundant. The experimental results show that,
gravel produces the highest quantity of fresh water, i.e. 5 L per m2 per day, followed by black polyethylene with
4.48 l/m2/d and then sand with 3.84 l/m2/d. It is interesting to note that the daily freshwater productivities of
gravel and black polyethylene are, respectively, 32.20% and 16.67% higher than that of sand. In addition, it was
found that gravel is the best absorber and has the highest productivity as compared to the other absorbers. The
solar radiation intensity is quite high; the maximum value was found equal to 1131.013 W/m2. Moreover, the
quality of water is reflected in its Total Dissolved Salts (TDS) level which is of the order of 21.247 mg/l from feed
water with a TDS content of about 3062.60 mg/l. Hence, the efficiency of the solar still is approximately 99.30%.

1. Introduction knowing that about 97.5% of water on our planet Earth is salt water,
part of which can be treated and converted to distilled water (Rahbar
Clean drinking water is essential to life. The social and economic and Esfahani, 2012; Kabeel, 2009). Algeria is one of the countries most
development of any nation depends heavily on this substance. Human affected by freshwater shortage since the year 2007. This problem has
life would not be possible without potable or fresh drinking water been partly solved in the northern part of the country through the in-
(Hansen and Murugavel, 2017). Indeed, fresh water remains a pressing stallation of several seawater desalination units; however, the southern
concern throughout the entire world. Today, the provision of clean region, where water scarcity is becoming increasingly critical, is still
water to meet the growing water demands for agriculture, industry, and suffering from the shortage of that substance; this is particularly ex-
households is becoming increasingly difficult for a large number of perienced in the arid zones.
countries. The City of Adrar is located in southwestern Algeria. The last few
Over the last few years, the problem of freshwater scarcity has be- years have witnessed a rapid increase in its population and a remark-
come one of the main challenges all over the world. Potable water is an able expansion of its irrigated land and industrial development. This
indispensable element for life; water in general is widely employed in situation has led to overexploitation of groundwater, and consequently,
industry and agriculture. Though more than 70% of the earth surface is caused a huge water table drawdown. In addition, groundwater quality
covered with water, only 1% of that amount can directly be used by degradation has become a serious issue in this region as water salinity is
human beings and other living organisms. On the other hand, it is worth growing. Nowadays, modern technology offers some sophisticated

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (B. Nasri), (A. Benatiallah), (S. Kalloum), (D. Benatiallah).

Available online 21 March 2019

2352-801X/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
B. Nasri, et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 9 (2019) 100213

techniques, such as ion exchange, reverse osmosis and electrodialysis, The evolution of intense water withdrawal from the aquifers of the
for water purification. Unfortunately, these techniques are generally North-Western Sahara Aquifer System (NWSAS) has exposed the entire
costly and require a lot of energy consumption. region to major risks such as strong inter-country interference, dis-
Solar desalination technology can be used to produce fresh water appearance of artesian water, drying up of natural outlets (foggaras),
from brackish water for the purpose of supplying isolated, sparse, low- increased depth to water due to excessive pumping, and water salini-
density populated areas in the Algerian Sahara where solar energy and zation (5.2 g/l) (OSS, 2003).
underground saline water are abundant (Sellami et al., 2017). Solar Numerous efforts have been made by researchers around the world
stills are cheap and necessitate low maintenance costs but can produce to enhance the productivity of passive solar stills whose performance
only small amounts of fresh water (Duffie Jone and Beckman William, could be improved by achieving the adequate modifications in the still
2013). design and selecting the most suitable operating parameters
Solar distillation of brackish water is a practical and interesting (Voropoulos et al., 2004; Ahsan et al., 2014). Note that the external
option that can offer life to those regions where the lack of fresh water cooling of the glass cover was used for the purpose of increasing the
hinders development. In the Algerian arid zones, people have always solar still productivity. Similarly, several authors suggested a thin film
relied on underground water reservoirs for their fresh water needs; of water flowing over the external glass cover (Arunkumaret al., 2012).
however, the quality of water from such sources is not always good due On the other hand, Harris Samuel et al. (Harris Samuel et al., 2016)
to the presence of salt (Boukar and Harmim, 2005). made an attempt to improve the thermal efficiency of a solar still using
The Algerian territory is a particularly sunny area, especially its encapsulated salt as a thermal energy storage material. The results
Sahara desert, which is considered as the region most exposed to the obtained showed that if the surface area of water in the basin is in-
sun in the world (Nasri et al., 1968). This territory may benefit from creased while using salt as a heat storage material, then the fresh water
between 2500 and 4000 h of sunshine per year. The City of Adrar enjoys productivity can be enhanced; it may be up to 133% higher than that
a substantial amount of solar radiation with long sunshine hours, high obtained with a conventional basin type solar still. In addition, the
ambient temperature and high solar radiation intensity (7 kwh/m2/ study revealed that using salt and sand as heat storage materials, during
day) (Benatiallah et al., 1968). Solar energy is abundant, renewable, night time, allowed achieving yields equal to 0.5 kg/m2 and 0.3 kg/m2,
pollution-free and available on-site. Solar stills are the simplest solar respectively. Similarly, Rajaseenivasan et al. (2016) carried out a the-
distillation units. They are cheap and need low maintenance but most of oretical and experimental study on the performance of a glass basin
them suffer from low productivity and poor efficiency (Kaushal, 2010). solar still equipped with an integrated preheated water supply. They
Water resources in the southwestern part of Algeria are limited, and found out that the presence of charcoal in fins allowed augmenting the
groundwater is sometimes the only source of fresh water available for total distillate output of the system up to 3.61 kg/day. Moreover,
the inhabitants of the region. In the Algerian Sahara, drinking water is Elango and Murugavel (2015) presented a new approach to enhance the
mainly supplied by groundwater reservoirs from the aquifers of the solar still productivity by introducing glass as the basin material. Single
Terminal Complex and Continental Intercalary (Albian water), which and double basin double slope solar stills with identical basin area were
are located in the western part of the North-Western Sahara Aquifer fabricated using glass. It turned out that the single basin solar still
System (NWSAS), better known under the acronym SASS for its French productivity is more than the productivity of a double basin solar still
name “Système Aquifer du Sahara Septentrional” (SASS) (Sekkoumet al. during the hot period. Kabeel et al. (2018) succeeded in improving the
Ning, 2012). fresh water productivity and thermal performance of a conventional
The freshwater supplies in these regions come essentially from the basin-type solar still using a sensible heat storage material fixed on jute
groundwater of the North-Western Sahara Aquifer System (NWSAS). cloth wrapped over the entire surface of the basin, with different masses
This huge aquifer, which is shared by Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia, of water. The results obtained suggest that the production of fresh water
contains considerable but partly renewable water resources. depends on a number of parameters such the mass of sensible energy
The North-Western Sahara Aquifer System extends over a vast area material and the depth of water in the basin. The quantities of fresh
of more than one million km2, with seven hundred thousand (700 000) water produced by the solar still when using the smallest amount of salt
km2 in Algeria, eighty thousand (80 000) km2 in Tunisia and two water (mw = 20 kg), with and without jute cloth fixed on sensible heat
hundred and fifty thousand (250 000) km2 in Libya. This aquifer con- storage material, were found equal to 5.9 and 5 kg/m2, respectively.
sists of a complex superposition of layers, with the two main ones lo- Phadatare and Verma (2007) conducted an experimental study on the
cated in two different geological formations, namely the Continental performance of a single-slope single-plastic basin solar still. The side-
Intercalary (CI or Albian) and the Terminal Complex (TC). The ex- walls of the still were made up of 3 mm thick black acrylic sheets and
ploitation of this system dates back to several years; this was done first insulated with 2.5 cm thick glass wool, with 2 cm depth of water in the
through the direct exploitation of the water sources, and then through distiller. The maximum distillate production of the still was 2.1 l/m2/
the construction of surface wells and foggaras, depending on the day.
structural contexts, and later through deep drills, which sometimes Phase change materials (PCMs), also called latent heat storage
exceeded one thousand (1000) meters of depth in some cases materials, may also be used for thermal energy storage, building
(Observatoire du Sahel et Sahra OSS, 2014). heating and cooling applications (Hansen and Murugavel, 2017). The
The intensive use of the North-Western Sahara Aquifer System Latent heat storage technique provides much higher energy storage
(NWSAS) by the three countries (8800 water points; drillings, wells, density, with a small temperature difference between storing and re-
sources, and foggaras) has caused growing stress on that precious re- leasing heat. These materials are quite advantageous for their low cost,
source, thus increasing the risks of saltwater intrusion and salinization, high-energy storage density, and isothermal operating characteristics.
loss of artesian pressure, depletion of natural outlets and lowering of Phase change materials may be employed for the production of
the water table. The NWSAS zone covers different eco-regions, ranging distilled water using solar energy. They are used as a bridge to cross the
from desert areas with an annual rainfall rate lower than 100 mm and difference between the energy source and the distillation unit
an evapotranspiration rate higher than 3000 mm, to arid areas with an (Gugulothu et al., 2015). To do this, Sellami et al. (2017) carried out an
annual rainfall between 100 and 200 mm and an evapotranspiration experimental work on the performance of a solar still using an addi-
rate between 2000 and 2500 mm (CEDARE, 2014). tional inner heat storage system, while covering the absorber surface
During the second half of the 20th century, the use of groundwater with some blackened sponge layers. The result obtained showed that a
from the NWSA system increased considerably, which resulted in a 0.5 cm thick sponge layer increases the yield by 58%. However, a
significant increase in water demand that went from 0.6 to 2.5 billion 1.0 cm thick sponge layer resulted in a yield improvement of only
m3/year in the three neighbor countries (OSS, 2008). 23.03%. Ouar et al. (2017) investigated the effect of using a 0.5 cm

B. Nasri, et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 9 (2019) 100213

thick layer of bitumen, 100 g of charcoal and 10 drops of black Chinese basin solar still, using healthy materials that are locally available; it also
ink per liter of brackish water, on the performance of the solar still makes an attempt to ensure a good quality of distilled water production,
under the local climatic conditions of the City of Ouargla, in Algeria. without any contamination by iron derivatives. This system was en-
They reached the conclusion that bitumen, charcoal and black ink can tirely fabricated with cheap locally available glass. The experiments
improve the water distillate output by 25.35%, 18.42%, and 6.87%, were conducted in order to study the effect of sand, polyethylene, and
respectively, as compared with a conventional solar still. For their part, gravel as sensible heat storage materials for the purpose of increasing
Kabbel and Abdelgaied (Kabeel and Abdelgaied, 2016) inquired ex- the absorbency of the basin, and consequently enhancing the fresh-
perimentally the effect of adding paraffin wax as a phase change ma- water productivity of the solar still. Moreover, the effect of different
terial (PCM) for storing energy in order to enhance the performance of a environmental and operational parameters on the still productivity was
solar still through the increase in freshwater production. They found inquired as well. The environmental parameters include the solar in-
out that the daily freshwater productivity of a solar still with a phase tensity and ambient temperature.
change material (PCM) was 67.18% higher than that obtained with a
conventional solar still. Furthermore, the solar still integrated with a
PCM is more interesting in terms of daily freshwater production, with 2. Experimental methodology
67%–68.8% improvement, as compared to a conventional solar still.
Similarly, El-Sebaii et al. (2009) developed a mathematical model for a 2.1. Solar still description
single-basin solar still, with and without phase change material (PCM)
placed under the basin liner of the still. The solar still performance was The solar still under study is fabricated with cheap 4 mm thick glass.
investigated by computer simulation. The numerical calculations were The desalination system consists of a basin painted black inside, with
carried out, using stearic acid as a phase change material. The effect of different absorbers, i.e. gravel, black polyethylene film and sand as
the PCM mass on the daytime and nighttime productivity and efficiency sensible heat storage materials, to ensure maximum absorption of solar
of the still, for different masses of basin water, was also investigated. irradiance. The basin area is 0.50 m × 0.50 m (0.25 m2). It is enclosed
The findings indicated that the daytime productivity decreased when by a 4 mm thick glass top cover. The side and bottom walls of the basin
the PCM mass increased, but the overnight productivity and daily are covered by an insulation material, such as a 4 cm polystyrene layer,
productivity significantly increased when the PCM mass rose; this may in order to prevent convective heat losses. The assembly reposes in a
be attributed to the greater amount of heat stored within the PCM. 16 mm thick wooden box. The entire solar still is kept along the north-
Sellami et al. (2016) investigated experimentally the effect of using south direction in order to take in maximum solar radiation, at 10°
equal masses of Portland cement and alluvial sand for the purpose of inclination relative to the horizontal. As shown in the figure below
improving the yield of a conventional solar still. They achieved a pro- (Fig. 1).
ductivity gain of 39.70% by adding 300 g of the cement; this gain was With the aim of increasing the solar still yield, different local ma-
approximately equal to 31.61% when a mass of 200 g of the mixture terials, such as gravel, black polyethylene film and sand, were used as
was employed. Moreover, they found out that the addition of 100 g of heat storage materials. The experiments were carried out to determine
cement increases the yield by 25.49%. However, a cement layer of whether the output of the solar still can be ameliorated by improving
400 g enhanced the yield by only 33.08%. the performance of its absorber using the following materials.
For their part, Dashtban and Tabrizi (2011) carried out an experi-
mental analysis on a weir-type cascade solar still, integrated with a ➢ A black polyethylene film, about 2 mm thick, placed inside the still.
latent heat thermal energy storage system. This solar still was designed ➢ A layer of sand washed with distilled water, about 1 cm thick and
with the view of enhancing its productivity, by placing an 18 kg and mass 4 kg, put in the still tray.
2 cm thick layer of paraffin wax beneath the absorber plate for keeping ➢ A layer of gravel washed with distilled water, about 1 cm thick and
the operating temperature of the still high enough to produce distillated mass 3 kg, laid in the still.
water in the absence of sunlight, particularly at night. In addition, they
developed a theoretical model for the solar still, with and without PCM, The experiments were conducted during a three-day period, under
and then they compared the results obtained with the experimental the same meteorological conditions, in the region of Adrar in Algeria,
ones. They concluded that the daily solar still productivity was theo- with a small variation in the solar intensity and ambient temperature
retically equal to 6.7 and 5.1 kg/m2/day, with and without PCM, re- throughout that period. Fig. 2 shows the photograph view of the dif-
spectively. These findings allowed concluding that the productivity of ferent absorbers used in the glass solar still.
the still with PCM was theoretically 31% higher than that without PCM. The distiller was fed in brackish water by means of a galvanized
Also, a phase change material (PCM) was added to a concentrator steel tank of 10 l capacity. The distillate water was collected in the
coupled hemispherical basin solar still, in order to augment its effi- distillate collector at the end of the roof. Silicone was employed to
ciency and improve its distillate yield. Two modes of operation were ensure good sealing between the different constituents of the distiller.
investigated experimentally by Arunkumar et al. (2013); the first one Fig. 3 shows a schematic drawing of the solar still under consideration.
concerned a single-slope solar still without the phase change material,
and the second involved a single-slope solar still with the PCM. The
experimental results indicated that when the thermal storage material
was integrated into the concentrator-coupled hemispherical basin solar
still, the productivity was increased by 26%. Therefore, it may be
concluded that productivity is significantly higher as a result of in-
tegrating the PCM into the solar still. On the other hand, Srivastava and
Agrawal (2013) investigated experimentally the effect of placing porous
fins into the basin of a conventional solar still supplied with black wick
material. The results obtained show that the temperature of water is
about 25% smaller than that of the conventional distiller. Also, the
productivity yield in summer and winter was 30 and 45% higher, re-
spectively. In addition, an increase in fresh water yield of about 22.2%
was observed when the depth of water decreased from 0.04 to 0.03 m.
The present article aims at assessing the performance of a single Fig. 1. Photograph view of the glass solar still under study.

B. Nasri, et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 9 (2019) 100213

Fig. 2. Photograph view of different absorbers.

2.2. Experimental setup and procedure Table 1

Chemical characteristics of saline and distilled water samples.
The experiments were conducted between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Physico-chemical Distilled Saline Yield of WHO drinking-
with a time interval of 30–60 min (measurement intervals), during the parameters water water treatment water quality
month of June of the year 2017, in Adrar, a city located in southwestern output input (%) guidelines
Algeria; its geographical coordinates are 27° 53 North and 0° 16′ West.
pH 6.83 7.52 99 6.5–8.5
The experimental system was oriented along the north-south direction
EC (μs/cm) 16 4910 99.674 2800
to receive maximum solar radiation during the test days. The tem- TDS (mg/l) 21.247 3062.60 99.306 1000
peratures of the main components of the still, namely water and glass TH mg/l (CaCO3) 10.317 977.80 98.945 500
cover, were measured by calibrated K-type thermocouples. The K&Z Cl− ( mg/l) 6.417 1233.80 99.480 250
CMP21-type pyranometer was used to measure the global horizontal SO24− (mg/l) 6.417 903.90 99.290 250

solar radiation in W/m2. The ambient temperature (Ta in °C) was NO−3 (mg/l) 0.908 27.65 96.715 50

measured with a Campbell CS215 temperature probe. These data were

collected from the enerMENA Meteorological Network Station at the
3. Results and discussion
Renewable Energy Research Unit in the Saharan Environment
(URERMS) in Adrar. A calibrated beaker with graduations ranging from
The characteristics of the measured solar irradiance versus time are
0 to 1000 ml, with ± 10 ml accuracy, was employed for measuring the
shown in Fig. 4. This figure clearly suggests that the solar intensity
quantity of fresh water. The water depth in the solar distiller was fixed
increases during the morning and reaches a maximum value of
at 1.5 cm; the conductivity and pH values were measured in situ using a
1131.013 W/m2 at 01.00 p.m. during the month of June. It also shows
WTW 31.5i conductivity meter and a WTW 31.5i pH meter. The other
that solar irradiation is more intense from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., whereas it
physicochemical parameters, such as the total dissolved solids (TDS),
total hardness (TH), as well as chloride (Cl−), sulfate (SO24−) , and ni- is less intense after 5 p.m.
trate (NO−3 ) contents were evaluated at the Laboratory of the National Fig. 5 illustrates the variation of the ambient temperature over time.
Agency for Hydraulic Resources (ANRH), located in the City of Adrar. It is clearly seen that the temperatures increase during the morning
The physical and chemical analysis results of groundwater, before and hours to reach a maximum value of 42.47 °C at 01.00 p.m. The variation
after distillation, are summarized in Table 1. of the temperature depends on the variation of the solar irradiation.
After 2.00 p.m., the ambient temperature gradually decreases along
with the solar energy intensity. It can easily be noticed that the tem-
perature remains high even after 07.00 p.m., which favors condensation

Fig. 3. Cross section of the solar still.

B. Nasri, et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 9 (2019) 100213

Fig. 4. Variation of global solar radiation during the test days. Fig. 7. Evolution of hourly distillate productivity with time, for different ab-

Fig. 5. Variation of ambient temperature during the test days.

Fig. 8. Variation of basin water temperature for various absorbers.
even after 20.00 p.m.
Fig. 6 depicts the hourly variation of drinking water production experiment. The productivity of solar still was maximal at 01.00 p.m. It
when the three absorbers, namely sand, polyethylene, and gravel, are is obviously inferred that the hourly solar still productivity with gravel
incorporated into the still. The daily solar still productivity was found is higher than that obtained with sand and polyethylene.
equal to 3.84, 4.48 and 5 l/m2/day for sand, polyethylene and gravel, Fig. 8 depicts the experimental results of the hourly variation of
respectively. The accumulated water productivity of the solar still was basin water temperature for different absorbers used in the basin of the
increased by 30.20% and 16.67% when gravel and polyethylene ab- solar still. It turned out that gravel could attain the highest basin water
sorbers were used, as compared to that of sand. It can also be seen that temperature value (82.2 °C) at 2.00 p.m.; it is followed by polyethylene
gravel is the best absorber and gives the highest productivity (max- for which the basin water temperature was found equal to 79.9 °C at
imum distillate output of 5000 ml/m2/day) as compared with the other 2.00 p.m. As for sand, the maximum water temperature was 69.3 °C at
absorbers. about 2.00 p.m.
Fig. 7 displays the distribution of hourly distillate productivity for Fig. 9 shows the evolution of glass temperature with different ab-
the different absorbers used in the still basin during the experimental sorbers used in the solar still basin. It can easily be observed that the
day. Note that the production rate was not uniform throughout the cover glass temperature, when using polyethylene, is higher than that

Fig. 6. Variation of fresh water productivity for the solar still integrated with Fig. 9. Hourly variation of glass cover temperature of the solar still using dif-
different absorbers. ferent absorbers.

B. Nasri, et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 9 (2019) 100213

recorded with gravel or sand. This can certainly be attributed to the i

radiation reflected towards the glass cover by polyethylene. It is clear ( i+ 1)n − 1 (5)
from this figure that the difference (Tw-Tg) between the temperature of
Similarly, the annual maintenance cost (AMC) was defined in
water and that of glass is important with gravel than with polyethylene
(Rahbar and Esfahani, 2012). Only the absorber layer is changed in the
and sand, which engenders a higher freshwater productivity.
The annual maintenance cost is expressed as:
3.1. Water quality analysis
AMC = 0.05 × (FAC) (6)
The samples of treated saline water and distilled water obtained Accordingly, the total annual cost of the still is determined as:
from the solar still were subjected to chemical analysis and the results
AC = FAC + AMC − ASV (7)
are shown in Table 1. These findings suggest that the distilled water is
safe to drink and complies with the World Health Organization (WHO) Finally, the cost per liter (CPL) of fresh water production is given as:
standards and guidelines (WHO. World Health Organisation, 2011). It is AC
worth pointing out that the water obtained from the solar still is very CPL =
M (8)
poor in mineral salts, and therefore two volumes of distilled water are
to be mixed with one volume of brackish water in order to obtain three Where M is the mean annual production (Rashidi et al., 2017).
volumes of useable fresh water; this would give an additional volume of Admitting that the daily production is 5 l per day during the whole
912.5 l/m2/year. year (during the winter period the production is negligible as it is
limited to three months only, i.e. January, February and March with a
3.2. Cost estimation of solar still productivity of 3 l/m2/day), then the annual production is equal to
1825 l/m2/year. Note that the price of a liter of distilled water on the
Solar stills for rural communities in remote areas must be designed market is 30 DZA (0.22 euro), but the price of 1 L of distilled water in
with the lowest cost possible; it should also be made with locally our case is 0.72 DZA (0.0052 Euro). In other words, producing distilled
available materials. The global cost estimate for various components of water using a glass solar still with local materials is 42 times cheaper
a solar distiller with the current prices in the study area is estimated at than that produced by other means, such as electricity which is pro-
10 000 DZA (74.21 Euro); however, the actual manufacturing cost is duced by fossil energy.
6300 DZA (45.4 Euro). Table 2 presents the effective cost for the fab-
rication of a distiller (see Table 3). 3.4. Comparative analysis with previous studies

3.3. Cost analysis Table 4 presents a comparison between the glass solar still, devel-
oped in the present study, and some other solar stills previously de-
Rahbar and Esfahani (2012) calculated the first annual cost (FAC) of veloped by other authors (Sellami et al., 2017; Rajaseenivasan et al.,
a solar still as follows: 2016; Elango and Murugavel, 2015; Ouar et al., 2017; Sellami et al.,
2016; Sellamiet al., 2013). The results presented in the table below
FAC = P(CRF), (1) suggest that our findings are in good agreement with those of other
where CRF is the capital recovery factor and P the capital cost of the investigations.
solar still. The capital recovery factor is defined as (Rahbar and
Esfahani, 2012; Rashidi et al., 2017). 4. Conclusion

i( i+ 1)n An experimental study was carried out in the present article on a

( i+ 1)n − 1 (2) novel solar still, using different absorbers, such as sand, polyethylene,
where (n) and (i) are the interest rate of lending banks and the lifetime and gravel.
of the still, respectively. The lending interest rate of banks is fixed at The distillate yields obtained with these three absorbers were
17% in Algeria, and the average lifetime of the still is twenty years. compared. It turned out that the highest distillation output in the solar
Moreover, the first annual salvage value (ASV) of the still is given by still was obtained with gravel; it was found to be 30.20% higher than
the following expression as (Rashidi et al., 2017): those of sand and polyethylene. In addition, the solar still productivity
with polyethylene was 16.67% higher than that obtained with sand.
ASV = (SSF)*S (3) Furthermore, the daily distillate productivity of the still integrated
where S is the salvage value of the still and SSF is the sinking fund with gravel was 5000 ml/m2 per day for a collecting area of 0.25 m2;
factor. The value of S was calculated by Rashidi et al. (2017) as: however, with black polyethylene, the productivity was 4480 ml/m2
per day and with sand 3840 ml/m2 per day. In addition, the TDS value
S= 0.17 × P (4)
of the water produced by the still was found around 21,247 mg/l from a
However, SSF is expressed as (Rashidi et al., 2017): feed water of TDS equal to 3062,60 mg/l, which represents an im-
provement in water treatment performance of 99.30%.
Table 2
Effective costs of components. Acknowledgements
Material Quantity Cost in Algerian Cost in Euro
Dinars (DZA) (100 = 15 000 DZA) The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their
careful reading of this manuscript and their helpful and constructive
Cheap ordinary glass 2 m2 1000 7.21
comments that greatly contributed to improving the final version of the
Polyethylene 1 m2 800 5.76
Sand 5 kg Free article. Their gratitude extends also to the Editors of the Journal of
Gravel 5 kg free Groundwater for Sustainable Development.
Wooden chest 2 m2 3000 21.62
Accessories and 1500 10.81 Nomenclature
Total cost per m2 6300 45.4
AC Total annual cost

B. Nasri, et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 9 (2019) 100213

Table 3
Cost analysis of cheap glass stills.
Type (n) (i) CRF P S FAC SSF ASV AMC AC M CPL (€/l/m2) CPL (DZA)

Glass solar still 10 0.17 0.21 45.4 7.72 9.53 0.04 0.30 0.43 9.66 1825 0.0052 0.72

Table 4
Comparison between our results and those obtained in other works.
Reference Solar still Absorber Daily freshwater output (kg/ Increase in daily productivity
m2 ) (%)

Sellami et al. (Sellamiet al., 2013) Conventional solar still Alluvial sand 4–6 27.43–43.51
Sellami et al. (Sellami et al., 2016) Conventional still Portland cement – Alluvial sand 4.08–5.70 25.49–39.70
Elango and Murugavel (Elango and Murugavel, Glass solar still Black coating 4.40–5.32 17.38–41.14
Rajaseenivasan et al. (Rajaseenivasan et al., 2016) Glass basin solar still Sand – Metal scrap – Charcoal 3.46–3.61 26.74–33.7
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