Bio Notes

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Characteristics of Living Organisms

In order to identify living organisms, scientists listed 7 characteristics which all living organisms

1. Nutrition

 Taking in nutrients which are organic substances and mineral ions, containing raw
materials and energy for growth and tissue repair, absorbing and assimilating them.

2. Excretion

 Removal from organisms of toxic materials, the waste products of metabolism and
substances in excess.

3. Respiration

 Chemical reactions that break down nutrient molecules in living cells to release energy.

4. Sensitivity

 The ability to detect or sense changes in the environment and to make responses.

5. Reproduction

 Progresses that make more of the same kind of organism.

6. Growth

 The permanent increase in size and dry mass by an increase in number of cells, cell size,
or both.

7. Movement

 An action by an organism or part of an organism that changes position or place. The

seven characteristics could be memorized by the term “Mrs. Gren”:



 Chemical reactions taking place in cells.


 Changes in the environment which organisms respond to.


 Classification is the sorting out of living organisms according to common features.

The classificatory system

The biggest group is the Kingdom; Kingdoms are divided into Phyla which are divided into
Classes which are divided into orders which are divided into families which are divided into
genera which are divided into species.


 A group of living organisms having the same characters and can breed together
successfully producing a fertile offspring. As we go down the classificatory system,
organisms number decrease. The system can be memorized by the word “KPCOF” but
don’t forget get adding genus and species at the end.

The Binomial System

Each organism has two names written in Latin, the first name is the name of the genus it belongs
to and the second name is the name of its species. This is the binomial system

However, we don’t just write names as we do usually, there are certain rules that must be
followed to write the Latin name:

 The name of the genus must begin with a capital letter.

 The name of the species must begin with a small letter.
 Both names must be written in Italics or if you can’t write in italics just Underline the

For example, we humans belong to the genus Homo and our species is sapiens. So the correct
scientific name of humans is Homo sapiens, Or H. sapiens for short.
Other examples:

 Wolf: Canis lupus

 Zebra: Equus burchelli
 Lion: Panthera Leo

1. Viruses

 Viruses are not classified into a kingdom because it is not considered a living organism
because it cannot reproduce on its own.
 They are very small and measured in nm (nanometers), they could only be seen through
an electronic microscope.
 A Virus has a protein coat around it, and genetic material inside it (RNA or DNA).

Viruses are not considered a living organism because they don’t have any of the seven
characteristics, except that they reproduce by replication, but that only happens inside the host

Viruses strike humans by the following steps:

 A virus sticks its self to a cell and injects the genetic material into the it
 The virus reproduces more of its self by replication
 The virus keeps on replicating until the cell bursts
 The new viruses go out and kill other cells

2. Kingdom Bacteria

 A bacterium is a single-celled organism that lives everywhere on earth. It can only be

seen by a microscope

Structure of bacteria

Cell Wall: It’s made of a substance called peptidoglycan, which contains glycogen and sugars.

Cell Membrane: It protects the bacterium from bursting when too much water is present and
gives it its shape.

Cytoplasm: It’s where the chromosomes are kept and it stores granules of various materials.

Chromosome: A single DNA strand coiled up, it contains the bacterium’s genes.

Slime Capsule: This is an extra feature that is not present in all bacteria, it is created by the
bacterium when the external conditions are not favourable.

Flagellum: This is an extra feature that is not present in all bacteria, it helps in moving and


Bacteria have managed to adapt its self in order to survive in various conditions. They obtain
their food by various methods:

Autotrophic Bacteria:

They make their own food by photosynthesis.

Heterotrophic Bacteria: They feed on readymade food; they are unable to create their

There are three types of heterotrophic bacteria, these are:

Saprophytic Bacteria: They secret enzymes which digest dead organic matter to simple
soluble substances which the bacterium feeds on, thus causing Decomposition.

Mutualistic Bacteria: These live on the roots of plants, they use Nitrogen in the
airspaces between the soil to convert it to nitrate ions which they feed on.

Pathogenic Bacteria:

 These are parasites; they cause diseases to plants and animals.

 Bacteria also reproduce extremely quickly by binary fission producing numerous
offspring in a short time. Some bacteria have a flagellum which is very useful for
movement and swimming. Some bacteria respire aerobically while others respire

3. Kingdom Fungi

 Fungi are Multicellular organisms, except for yeast which is a unicellular fungus. Some
fungi are not made of cells, but rather of microscopic threads called hyphae.
 There are two types of hyphae:

Reproductive hyphae: They form spores which carry out reproduction.

Feeding hyphae

 They form a network which grows over or through the food materials, they are called
 Hyphae are tube like, microscopic structure; it contains a cytoplasm which contains
glycogen granules, and several nuclei. It doesn’t contain chloroplasts neither starch
granules. In the centre there is a vacuole and the hyphae is surrounded by a hyphae wall
which is sometimes made of chitin. Large numbers of hyphae grow together through
whatever the fungus is feeding on making a branching network called mycelium.

How Do Fungi Eat?

Fungi use a process called saprotrophic nutrition to feed its self. The hyphae secrete
enzymes which digests dead organic matter or animal waste which is then absorbed by
the hyphae to be used by the fungi.

Reproduction of Fungi

At some point the fungi produce a reproductive structure, mushrooms for example, which
produces thousands of tiny spores, these are then dispersed to other areas and grow into
a new mycelium.

Adaptations of Fungi

Fungi are adapted to perform their functions easily by the following ways:

 They grow long mycelium of hyphae on whatever they feed on, these secret enzymes
which digests what the fungi feeds on.

They are able to grow tall mushrooms of toadstools so the spores could be widely
dispersed by wind or insects, thus they reproduce quickly.

Why Fungi Are Not Plants

Long ago, fungi were classified as plants, but in details, fungi are actually different to
plants, firstly, they do not contain chloroplasts and they do not undergo photosynthesis.
Secondly, their cell walls (hyphae walls) are made of chitin not cellulose as in plants.
Thirdly, their extra supplies of sugar are stored as glycogen not starch. And lastly, they
are heterotrophic eaters not autotrophic like plants.

4. Kingdom Plant
 Plants are multicellular organisms. The main difference between them and other
organisms is they feed using photosynthesis, which is a process which involves making
sugars out of water and carbon dioxide using the sunlight energy. Plants are green
because they contain a lot of chlorophyll which is a green pigment which traps sunlight
for photosynthesis, plants are autotrophic organisms, and they make their own food.
Plant cells contain a large vacuole, a nucleus, chloroplasts and a cell wall made of
cellulose, and cell walls are not present in animal cells.
 The Plants Kingdom contains several different phyla, but we will discuss only one of
them, which are flowering plants or Angiosperms.
 There are two types of flowering plants, monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous
(monocots and dicots for short). The main difference between both types is the number
of cotyledons in their seeds; monocots contain only one cotyledon in their seeds
while dicots contain two in theirs. Cotyledons are structures which grow into the first
leaves after germination.
 One could differentiate between the two classes (monocots and dicots) just by looking at
their external features. Monocots have flowers with number of parts divisible by three
(three petals – six leaves etc.), while dicots have number of parts of the flower divisible
by 4 or 5 (4 petals – 10 leaves etc.)

A monocot flower, A dicot flower,

containing 6 petals containing 5 petals

(divisible by 3) (divisible by 5 )

 The difference could also be told by looking at the leaves of both flowers, you find that
monocots have long sharp leaves with parallel veins, and dicots have leaves with
branching veins.

5. Kingdom Animal
The animal kingdom is divided into two groups, vertebrates and invertebrates. To study this
kingdom studies the following tables.

Vertebrates Phylum: Chordata

Fish Amphibian Reptiles Birds Mammals


Scales Moist Skin Dry Scales Feathers Fur/Hair
Number 2 fins
4 limbs 4 limbs 4 limbs 4 limbs
Of limbs 1 tail
Blood Cold Cold Cold Warm Warm
type Blooded Blooded Blooded Blooded Blooded
Lay Eggs Lay Eggs Lay Eggs Lay Eggs Give Birth
Live in water Have ear
Lay eggs
Tail helps Lay water- Pinna.
Live on land With hard
Extra Info Moves forward Proof shell Young feed
And water Shell. Have
Fins change eggs On mother
direction Milk.

 P.O.C = Points of comparison

 Cold Blooded = Poikilothermic – Warm Blooded = Homoeothermic.

Invertebrates Phylum: Arthropoda

 All arthropods have jointed legs

 All arthropods have a hard external skeleton called CUTICLE or EXOSKELETON that
encloses their body.

P.O.C/Class Insect Arachnids Crustaceans Myriapods


Body Cephalothoraxes Cephalothoraxes Many body
Division abdomen abdomen segments
Compound Simple eyes Simple eyes
Eyes/ Simple eyes
Eyes. Pair Two pairs of Pair of
antenna No antenna
Of antenna antenna antenna
No wings/
Wings No wings/ More than 4
Wings/ One pair of
Present/ 3 4 pairs of Pairs of legs/
legs Legs on each
Pairs of legs legs No wings
Body segment
Wings are Live in water/ Millipedes
Spiders and
Extra Info Not present Respire And
In all of them Through gills centipedes

Phylum: Molluscs:

 They have a soft body and many have a hard shell

Snail Octopus Oyster

Phylum: Annelids

 Some have heads and antenna

 They have legs like structures called chaetae which helps them moving
 Their body is divided into many segments

Earthworm Tube Worms

Phylum: Nematodes

 They are worms like Annelids

 Their body is not divided into segments
 No obvious head or legs
 No chaetae
 Some are parasites that live in the digestive system
 Some live in the soil

Nematodes under microscope

Cell Structure and Organisation

 A cell is the smallest unit that can carry on all the processes of life.
All organisms are made of cells, organisms are made of several organ systems, each
organ system contains several organs, each organ contains several tissues; each tissue
is made of cells. Cells are very tiny they could be seen only through a microscope. We
have two types of cells:

1. Planet Cells
2. Animal Cells

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 As you can see from the diagram, there are some features found in plant cells but not in
animal cells.

Features found in both plant and animal cells:

 Cell surface membrane: This is a partially permeable membrane separating the cell
from the environment it’s made of lipid and protein, it controls movement of substances in
and out, and it’s strong but flexible.

 Cytoplasm: This is a jelly like substance; it’s made of mostly water and protein.
Metabolic reactions occur in it.

 Nucleus: This determines how the cell behaves and it contains chromosomes made of
strings of DNA which also determines which proteins the cell should make etc.

Features found in only plant cells:

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 Cell Wall: This is a rigid layer surrounding the cell made of cellulose, it gives the plant its
shape and prevents it from bursting.

 Chloroplasts: They are sacs which contain chlorophyll which is a green pigment that
traps sunlight for photosynthesis.

 Vacuole: This is a large room in the centre of the cell, it stores sugars and salts and
controls movement of water in and out of the cell.
 Animal cells store sugars in glycogen form but plant cells store it as starch. Animal cells
have an irregular shape but plant cells have a regular shape.
 Both types of cells contain Mitochondria these are structures that convert chemical
energy in foods to energy that could be used in moving, dividing, etc., it is evidence that
the cell is an Active Cell.

Specialised Cells
Red Blood Cells:

 Red blood cells are

found in the blood of
animals, its function is
to transport oxygen
from the lungs to all
the body cells, and
carbon dioxide from
the body cells to the

They are adapted by four ways:

 They have a biconcave disc shape that gives it a large surface area to carry more
 They contain chemical called haemoglobin that combines with oxygen and carbon
 They have no nuclease to carry more oxygen and CO2
 They are tiny enough to squeeze through capillaries.

Muscle Cells

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They are cells
found in muscles in
animals, they
contract and relax
together to move
the organisms.
Their function is to
contract to support
and move the body.

They are adapted by two ways, First, Is that they are made of contractile filament to help in
contraction. Second is it contains lots of mitochondria to supply the cell with energy.

Ciliated Cells

 Ciliated cells are present in the trachea and bronchi of out respiratory system.
 Their function is to use their cilia to move the mucus up the trachea to the throat. The
mucus traps bacteria and dust particles. When it reaches the throat, mucus is swallowed
to the stomach where the acid kills the bacteria.
 They are
by the
tiny hair
s called

 The mucus is secreted by goblet cells which are next to ciliated cells.

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Root Hair Cells

 These are cells situated

in the roots of plants.
They contain no
 Their function is to
absorb water and
minerals from the soil.
And to anchor the plant
in the soil.
 They are adapted by 3
ways. One, they have an
extension that increases
the surface area for
more water intake. Two,
they have a large
number of mitochondria
for respiration to become
more active. Three a
concentrated vacuole to
help absorbing water by

Xylem Vessels

 These are dead lignified cells that exist in the stem of a plant.

Their function is to transport water and minerals from the roots to the leaves and the rest
of the plant through the stem and to support the plant.
 They are adapted by 2 ways. Firstly, they are hollow to allow water and minerals to pass
through them with no resistance. Secondly they are strong and lignified to support the

The Division of Labour: the specialization of cells to carry out particular functions in an

Movement In And Out Of Cells

Substance move in and out of cells by three ways:

 Diffusion: The net movement of particles from a region of their higher concentration to a
region of their lower concentration down a concentration gradient, as a result of random

 Osmosis: The diffusion of water molecules from a region of their higher concentration
(dilute solution) to a region of their lower concentration (concentrated solution) through a
partially permeable membrane.

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 Active Transport: The movement of ions, in and out of a cell, through a cell membrane,
from a region of their lower concentration to a region of their higher concentration,
against the concentration gradient, using the energy released by respiration.

 Diffusion is the process by which oxygen enters the blood from the lungs, and by which
carbon dioxide enters the leaf from the atmosphere. There are many more examples of
diffusion in biology.
 Diffusion always takes place down a concentration gradient that means that the particles
that diffuse try to spread evenly in all spaces, so it moves from where it’s very
concentrated to where it’s not concentrated.
 There are some factors affecting the rate of diffusion, like the steepness of the
concentration gradient. The steeper the gradient the faster the particles diffuse.

1. The surface area of the exchange membrane also affects the rate of diffusion. The
larger the surface area of the exchange membrane the faster particles diffuse.
2. Thickness of exchange membrane too determines the diffusion rate, the thinner it is,
and the easier it will be for particles to go through it, the faster the diffusion rate.
3. Temperature is another factor affecting the diffusion rate, increasing the temperature will
give particles more kinetic energy, making them move faster, thus increasing the rate of

 Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules. When we speak about osmosis, we don’t
say water concentration; instead we use the term water potential. A dilute solution
means it has lots of water molecules, and a high water potential. A concentrated solution
has few water molecules and low water potential. Osmosis has to take place through a
partially permeable membrane (or Semi permeable) this means that the Water molecules
move from a place of their high concentration to a place of their low concentration
through a membrane with pores in it that lets some molecules through but not others.

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 The diagram shows two solutions, one dilute and one concentrated, separated by a semi
permeable membrane. The solution on the right is diluted while the concentration on the
left is concentrated. The water molecules will move from the right hand side solution
where they are very concentrated to the left hand side solution where they are of a very
low concentration, osmosis took place.
 Osmosis happens all the time in cells. If you
place an animal cell in distilled water. Osmosis
will result in the water molecules moving from
the distilled water where they are very
concentrated to the Cell Where they are of low
concentration through the cell surface
membrane. The cell becomes fat. As more
Water molecules enter the cell, the cell will
eventually burst and die.

 If we do the opposite, and place a red blood cell in a concentrated salt solution, the water
in the cell has a higher water potential that the concentrated salt solution. Water
molecules will move from the cell to the salt solution causing the cell to become shrunken
and shrivel as in the diagram.

Hypotonic Solution Isotonic Solution Hypertonic Solution

l Cell


In plant cells, if a plant cell is placed in distilled water, water molecules will move from the
distilled water to the cell, the cell swells up and becomes turgid but it will never burst
because plant cells are surrounded by cell walls, which are made of cellulose and is
elastic, it will stretch but never break, the cell becomes turgid.
 If we place a plant cell in a concentrated salt solution with low water potential, water will
move from the cell to the solution causing the cell to become plasmolysed as in the

Active Transport
 Active transport occurs in cells, it is basically the movement of molecules or ions from a
region of their low concentration to a region of their high concentration (against the
concentration gradient) using energy of respiration. Active transport occurs in living,
active cells only because it needs energy, these cells usually have a structure called
mitochondria which respires producing energy to be used in active transport.

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 Active transport happens in roots to absorb mineral salts from the soil. It also occurs in
the digestive system of mammals.
 If oxygen is absent, respiration won’t take place, active transport will stop. Molecules are
taken into the cell by protein carriers within the cell membrane.

What are enzymes?
 Enzymes are proteins that function as a
biological catalyst.
They are proteins in nature.
 A catalyst is a substance that speeds up
a chemical reaction but isn’t changed by
the reaction.
 Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a
substance that decomposes into Water
(H2O) and Oxygen (O2) if it is left in
room temperature for a period of time.
This reaction could a long time, but it
could be sped up if we add a catalyst.
Each catalyst can catalyse a specific
substance and nothing but it. The
catalyst for Hydrogen peroxide is called
Manganese4 oxide. If it is added we will
get water and oxygen gas in a very short
time, and the manganese4 oxide could
be obtained again as it was, it remains

How Do Enzymes Work?

 Enzymes work the same way as catalysts do, they can work with only one substrate and
they can be used more than once.

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 Enzymes have a structure that is called active site. Only one substance can fit into the
active site to be digested, and it is the only substrate that this particular enzyme works

The figure above shows the function of enzymes:

 The substrate enters the active site of the enzyme.

 The reaction takes place.
 The substrate exits the enzyme as two simpler products.
 You can also think of the way enzymes work as a key and a lock, the key is the substrate
and the lock is the enzyme. The key should be exactly the right shape to fit in the lock, so
does the substrate to fit in the active site of the enzyme. The key could only open only
one lock, and the lock could be unlocked by only that key.
 Enzymes are two types, Builders and Breakers. Builder enzymes do the opposite of
breaker enzymes. Breakers break large molecules into smaller simpler ones, builders
combine smaller ones to make large molecules.
 Breaker enzymes are used in the digestive system to break down large insoluble
molecules into simpler soluble ones to be used by the body. They are also present in
cells that respire to break down sugars and oxygen into carbon dioxide, water and
energy. Builder enzymes are present in plants to be used in photosynthesis, the opposite
of respiration, in photosynthesis, oxygen and water are combined together to form carbon
dioxide and sugars.
 Naming enzymes depends on the substrate they work on. For example:
The sucrose enzyme works on sucrose.
The maltase enzyme works on maltose.
 Enzymes are reusable and are only affected by the change in temperature and pH.

Effect of temperature on the enzyme’s activity

 Each enzyme has an optimum temperature, this is the temperature at which the enzyme
is most active, below this temperature the activity of the enzyme decreases until it
becomes inactive at low temperatures, above this optimum temperature the enzyme
becomes denatured and can no longer work.
 At low temperatures the enzyme is and the substrate are moving very slowly and collide
weakly, the enzyme is said to be inactive and doesn’t work. As the temperature
increases, the enzyme and substrate gain more kinetic energy and move faster colliding
more, the enzyme becomes more active and the reaction takes place. When the enzyme
reaches it’s optimum temperature, it is in its most active mood, if the temperature crosses
the optimum the enzyme begins to die and become denatured. The enzymes become

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denatured when the shape of their active site changes as a result of high temperature,
thus the substrate cannot fit into the active site and the enzyme is useless.
 Each enzyme has its own optimum temperature, enzymes in humans have optimum
temperatures of around 40 degrees. Plants have enzymes with optimum temperature of
about 25 degrees.

The Effect of pH on the enzyme’s activity

 As in temperature, enzymes have an optimum PH. The pH is a scale measuring the

acidity or alkalinity of a substance or solution. The scale runs from 1 to 14. PH 7 is
neutral, below that it is acidic and above that it is alkaline.
 Each enzyme has an optimum pH, if this pH changes, the shape of the active site of the
enzyme is changed, thus the substrate will not be able to fit in it, and the enzyme
becomes useless.

Uses of Enzymes in Seeds Germination

 Seeds grow into plants by germinating. Seed germination involves enzymes breaking the
materials stored in the seed down to be used in growth, energy and building cells. The
seed contains stored substances such as:

 Starch: Starch is broken down by amylase enzyme into maltose; maltose is then broken
down by maltase enzyme into glucose which is used in respiration.

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 Proteins: Proteins are broken down into amino acids by Protease enzyme; amino acids
are used in building up cells and growth.

 Fats: Fats are broken down into fatty acids by lipase enzyme; they are used in making
cell membranes.

In order for a seed to germinate, some conditions must be present:

 Water: To activate the enzymes.

 Oxygen: To be used for respiration.

 Warm Temperature: For providing the best conditions for enzymes to work and optimum

Uses of Enzymes in Biological Washing Powders

 Washing powders contain detergents

that help in cleaning clothes by
dissolving stains in water. Some
stains are made of insoluble
substance, these cannot be removed
by normal washing powders, and
instead, a biological washing powder
is used.
 Biological washing powders contain
enzymes that break down the
insoluble stain into smaller soluble
substances, which are then dissolved
in the water.
 For example, if your shirt gets stained
by egg yolk or blood, there is an
enzyme called protease in the
washing powder that will break down
the insoluble protein into amino acids,
which are dissolved in the water and
sucked away. Thus the shirt becomes

 The best removal of stains is maintained by providing the optimum temperature for
enzymes, pre-soaking to leave time for the enzymes to digest, putting the suitable
amount of the powder.

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Use of Enzymes in Food Industry

 Enzymes are often used in the manufacturing of different foods.

Baking – Brewing – Cheese Making

 In baking, both yeast and sugar are used. Yeast

cells contain enzymes that ferment sugar by
anaerobic respiration producing carbon dioxide
bubbles which causes the dough to rise as in the
 Brewing is the process of making wine or beer. In
this process fermentation is Involved producing
alcohol which and carbon dioxide that gives wine
and beer its sparkle.
 In making cheese, an enzyme called rennin
extracted in enzymes, helps by clotting milk.

Making Juices

 In fruits such as apples or oranges, a substance called

pectin holds the cells together making it
hard to squeeze them. An enzyme called pectinase
digests pectin making it much easier to squeeze the fruit
and to make the juice more clear than cloudy.

Making Baby Foods

 It is hard for new born babies to digest food such as high protein foods. That is why foods
like that are treated with proteases to break down protein to amino acids, making it easier
for new-borns to absorb and assimilate them.

Making Sugar

 Sugar producing companies get sugar from starch by using the amylase enzyme to
digest starch into maltose. For dieters a sugar called fructose is very useful because it
provides a sweater taste than other sugars from a less quantity. Fructose can be
obtained by using the isomerise enzyme to convert glucose to fructose.

Meat and Leather Production

 Proteases are used to make meat less tough and acceptable for consumers by treating
cuts of meat. In leather industries hairs are removed from animal skin by digesting them
using protease enzymes.

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Enzymes Extraction

The Enzymes used in the industries are taken from either fungi or bacteria. This takes place in a
Fermenter, this is a large sterilized container with a stirrer, a pipe to add feedstock and air pipes.
The following steps take place:

 The micro-organisms and the feedstock are added and the liquid is maintained at 26
degrees and pH of 5-6.
 The micro-organisms produce two types of enzymes, either extra-cellular or intra-cellular.
 Extra-cellular enzymes are extracted from the feedstock by filtering.
 Intra-cellular enzymes are extracted by filtering the micro-organisms from the feedstock,
crushing them, wash them with water then extracting them from the solution.

Enzymes and Antibiotics

 Antibiotics are powerful medicines that fight bacterial infections. Micro-organisms are
used for the production of antibiotics.
 Some Antibiotics, like bactericides, fight bacteria by damaging its cell walls causing them
to burst and die. Other antibiotics interfere with the protein synthesis and stop the
bacteria growing.
 Antibiotics have no effect on human cells because human cells have no cell walls and the
structures involved in protein production are different than that of bacteria.

Antibiotics are obtained from sources like:

 Bacteria (Actinobacterium Streptomyces): this bacterium produces the antibiotic


 Fungi (Penicillin fungus): penicillin, the first antibiotic discovered is produced by thing

Different types of penicillin are produced by different species of the fungus. They are chemically
altered in lab to make them more effective and make them able to work with different diseases.

Steps of production:

1. The Fermenting tank in filled with nutrient solution of sugar (lactose) or corn liquor which
contain sugars and amino acids,
2. Minerals are added,
3. pH is adjusted around 5 or 6,
4. Temperature is adjusted about 26 degrees,
5. The liquid is stirred and air is blown through it,
6. The micro-organisms are added and allowed to grow for a day or two in sterile
7. When the nutrient supply is decreased, micro-organisms secrete their antibiotics,
8. The fluid containing the antibiotic is filtered off and the antibiotic is extracted.

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 Nutrition is taking in nutrients which are organic substances and mineral ions, containing
raw materials and energy for growth and tissue repair, absorbing and assimilating them.
Nutrition is one of the characteristics of living organisms. All organisms do it, they do it to
obtain energy for vital activities and raw materials needed for growth and repair.
 Every Individual
needs to take in
a certain amount
of each nutrient
daily, depending
on their age,
size, sex and

There are 7 Types of

nutrients, these are:

 Carbohydrates
 Proteins
 Fats
 Vitamins
 Minerals
 Roughages
 Water

 Carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins are all organic substances. This means that
they are made by living organisms (plants) and contain carbon atoms in their structures.
Plants make organic substances from inorganic materials like carbon dioxide, water and
inorganic minerals. Animals are unable to do this.

This nutrient is an organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.


 It is used as an energy resource, essential in respiration to release energy.

It is used in creating the cellulose, the substance forming cell walls of plant cells.

Carbohydrates are 3 types:

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 The smallest and simplest form

 Water soluble
 Chemical formula C6H12O6
 Examples: Glucose-Fructose-Galactose
 Sources: Fruits-Honey


 Each molecule consists of two

Monosaccharide joined together
 Water soluble
 Examples: Lactose-Sucrose-Maltose
 Sources: Table sugar- Milk


 Each molecule has many joined

monosaccharide forming a long chain.
 Insoluble in water
 Examples: Starch-Glycogen-Cellulose
 Sources: Bread-Potatoes-Pasta, Cellulose in
plant cells and Glycogen in livers.

 Monosaccharide and Disaccharides are sugars, they are reducing for Benedict’s
reagent, except for the disaccharide sucrose, it is non-reducing.
 Polysaccharides are not considered as sugars and don’t have a sweet taste. Excess
polysaccharides are stored in the liver and muscles.

Lipids (Fats)
 These are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. But their ratios are different than
that of carbohydrates. One fat molecule is made of a glycerol unit and three molecules of
fatty acids.

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Fats are essential in a diet because they are needed to:

 Release high amounts of energy

 Make cell membranes
 Store them under the skin to insulate heat.
 Forming a layer of fats around organs to protect them from damage
 Storing energy (better than glycogen)

When fats are respired, they produce about twice as much energy as carbohydrates.

 These are also organic compounds; they contain the elements Carbon, Hydrogen,
Oxygen, Nitrogen and sometimes Phosphorus or Sulphur.
A molecule of protein is a long chain of simpler units called amino acids.

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These amino acids are linked together by what's called “peptide bond”.

Types of protein:

 Animal Protein: It contains the most biological value because it contains all essential
amino acids (Meat, Milk, Fish, and Eggs etc).

 Plant Protein: It contains a lower biological value to humans because it contains fewer
essential amino acids (Cereals, Peas, and Beans etc).

Needs of proteins:

 Making and new body cells

 Growth and repair
 Making enzymes (they are proteins in nature)
 Build up hormones
 Making antibodies

Although proteins are needed in high amounts, the body will only absorb as much as needed, so
excess protein is delaminated in the liver and excreted as urea.

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 These are organic, soluble substances that should

be present in small amount in our diets, they are
very important though.
 Most of the amount of vitamins in our bodies was
taken in as nutrients, the body its self can only
make few Vitamins, so we have to have to get
them from organisms that make them, such as
 Each type of Vitamin helps in chemical reactions
that take place in our cells.

Types Of Vitamins

Vitamin C: This is present in most fruits and vegetables

specially citrus fruits like lemon and oranges, however, it
is damaged by heating so it these foods have no value of
C if they are eaten cooked.

Vitamin C is essential for the

formation of Collagen, a protein that
functions as cementing layer
between cells, Vitamin C also
increases immunity.

Vitamin D: This is present in fish

oils, egg yolk, and milk and liver.
Unlike Vitamin C, Vitamin D is made
by animals as well as plants, this
occurs when the skin is exposed to
the Ultra Violet Rays of the sun.
Vitamin D plays a big role in
absorbing Calcium from the small
intestine and depositing it in bones.
So it is responsible for having healthy

Minerals (Inorganic Ions)

 These are a lot of types, each needed in small quantities. Iron and Calcium are the most
important minerals, and they are needed in higher amounts.

Types of Minerals:

 Calcium: This mineral is needed for the formation of bones and teeth as they are made
of calcium salts; it also helps in blood clotting and transmission of nerve impulses. Good
sources of the mineral Calcium are milk, dairy products and hard water.

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 Iron: This mineral is needed for the formation of the red pigment haemoglobin which is
essential for the transport of oxygen around the body in red blood cells. Good sources of
Iron include red meat specially liver and green leafy vegetables.

Roughages (Fibre)

 Although roughages are not even absorbed by the body, they are a very important
nutrient in our diet. Roughages are mostly cellulose, which is the substance that makes
up the cell walls of plants we eat. We humans, have no enzyme that could digest
cellulose that means that roughages enter the body from the mouth, go through the
digestive system, and out through the anus unchanged. But as it goes through the
digestive system, roughages take space in the gut to give the gut muscles something to
push against, this process of pushing the food through the gut is called peristalsis, and
without roughages peristalsis is very slow and weak. Quick and strong peristalsis means
that food stays in the alimentary canal for a shorter period, this prevents harmful
chemicals of certain foods from changing the DNA of cells of the alimentary canal
causing cancer, so roughages also helps stay away from cancer. Roughages are found
in leafy vegetables.


About 70% of your weight is water. Water is perhaps

a very essential nutrient we should take in. The
functions of water include:

 As a solvent which reactants of metabolic

reactions are dissolved in.
 It makes up most of the blood plasma which
red blood cells, nutrients, hormones and
other materials are carried in.
 It helps in lowering the body temperature in
hot conditions by secreting it as sweat on the
skin, the sweat evaporates using heat energy
from the body, thus lowering the temperature.

Balanced Diet

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 A perfect diet contains all of the nutrients in reasonable proportions, not too much and
not too little. The perfect diet should also contain energy as much as the total energy
used by the individual.

Unbalanced Diet (Malnutrition)

 Malnutrition is eating inadequate proportions of food. In other words, an unbalanced

diet means it is rich in a nutrient and low in another, or even lacking of a substance.
There are lots of effects of malnutrition, such as starvation, obesity or deficiency


 Starvation is a severe reduction in vitamin, nutrient and energy intake. It is the most
extreme form of malnutrition. In humans, prolonged starvation can cause permanent
organ damage and eventually, death. The term inanition refers to the symptoms and
effects of starvation. In case of starvation the body tends to feed on its own self. When
the glucose level is decreased in the body, the liver breaks down fats to respire for
energy, when the body is out of fats, it starts respiring proteins from the muscles to
release energy.


 Is the opposite of starvation. It is eating too much of every nutrient, especially

carbohydrates and fats. Obesity doesn’t strike alone; it brings with it several other
diseases such as high blood pressure, cardiac diseases, diabetes, stress on joints and
bones as well as other psychological issues like low self-esteem and lack of confidence.
To prevent obesity, you have to control your carbohydrates and fats intake and exercise

Another consequence of malnutrition is deficiency diseases.

These are results of a certain nutrient in the diet:

Scurvy is the deficiency disease of vitamin C. Its symptoms include bleeding gums.

Rickets is the deficiency disease of both Vitamin D and Calcium. Bones are made of calcium
which Vitamin D helps in depositing in the bones, if any of both is lacking in the diet, rickets is

Anaemia is the deficiency disease of iron. The amount of haemoglobin decreases causes short
breath and tiredness.

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Kwashiorkor affects children whose diets are lacking in protein. It causes weakness and

Special Needs

There are certain types of people whose diets need to be different to normal ones such as
pregnant women, breast-feeding women or children going through puberty.

Pregnant Women: The diet of a pregnant woman needs to be very rich of certain nutrients
because she is not only feeding herself; she is feeding her baby as well. In order for the foetus to
develop well, it needs extra Protein, Iron, Calcium and Vitamin D. Proteins are to develop the
tissues of the foetus, Iron is to make haemoglobin and to store in the liver, while Calcium and
Vitamin D are to develop the baby’s bones.

Breast-Feeding Women (Lactation): Lactation means the production of breast milk. After
pregnancy, the mother breast-feeds the baby for about 6 months or more. Breast milk needs to
be high in Proteins, Calcium, and Vitamins to guarantee a healthy growth for the infant.

Growing Children (Passing Puberty): At some point, each child gets a growing spurt. This
is a very high growth rate that increases the child’s size and mass in a short period of time. A
growing child’s diet needs extra Proteins to develop cells and enzymes because their metabolic
rate is higher, Calcium and Vitamin D to develop bones and Iron to make haemoglobin.

Food Additives

 These are chemical compounded added to foods by the manufacturer because they have
some benefits such as increasing the lifespan, prevent rotting etc.
Most food additives are good, such as ones that add colours or flavours to foods. But
there are others which have been proven hazardous to humans.
 Good food additives include flavourings and colourings which are used to make the food
more appealing, antioxidants which prevent foods from combining with oxygen and rot,
and stabilizers which stops foods like ice-cream from separating into water and fatty
 Food preservatives though, are a widely used food additives which increase the lifespan
of foods, making it cheaper to store and transport. However, scientists claim that some
preservatives contain nitrites which combine with chemicals making a substance
(nitrosamines) that causes cancer in animals.

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Food Additives

 Allergic
 Prevents rotting
 Cause
 Improve colour
 Improve flavour
 Damages
 Keeps texture
 Increases lifespan
 Carcinogenic
 Prevents poisoning
 Makes bad food
look good

Microorganisms and Food Industry

Production of Single Celled Protein (Mycoprotein)

 Mycoprotein is a protein made from microscopic fungus. Humans need large amounts of
proteins in their diets, in some poor areas, sources of proteins like meat are unaffordable,
and mycoprotein is used.
 The process takes place in a sterilised container called Fermenter. The micro-organisms
are grown in the Fermenter and supplied with air which contains oxygen for aerobic
respiration, ammonia as a source of nitrogen to be used by the micro-organisms to make
proteins, and methanol which contains carbon for the formation of carbohydrates.
 Advantages of mycoprotein are that it is cheaper than any source of protein but equal in
value, and that it contains much less fats and more roughages and carbohydrates

Production of Yoghurt

 Milk is sterilised by boiling

 Certain types Bacteria are added to the milk
 The milk is kept warm to provide best conditions for bacteria growing
 Bacteria respire producing lactic acid, thickening the milk and giving it the pleasant
 Yoghurt is cooled and flavours or fruits could be added.

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Food Tests

Starch Test

 Put sample in a test tube

 Add water to make it a solution
 Add iodine solution
 Is starch is present the solution changes colour from yellowish brown to Blue Black.
 If starch is not present the solution remains yellowish brown.

Reducing sugars (carbohydrates) test

Note: This test is only applicable on all sugars (monosaccharide and disaccharide) EXCEPT

 Add sample to a test tube

 Add Benedict’s Reagent
 Put test tube in water bath for heating
 If reducing sugars are present the solution turns from blue to yellow,orange,red (fire
 If reducing sugars are not present the solution remains blue.

Proteins Test

 Put sample in a test tube

 Add water to make a solution
 Add Biuret Reagent
 If proteins are present in the solution turns Purple
 If proteins are not present the solution remains blue.

Note: Biuret Reagent is blue in colour and made of copper sulphate and a small amount of
sodium hydroxide.

Fats Test

 Add sample to a test tube

 Add ethanol
 Add water and shake well
 If fats are present the solution becomes unclear
 If fats are not present the solution remains clear

General Table

Nutrient Test Colour Positive Negative

Starch Iodine sol. Yellow / Brown Blue / Black Yellow / Brown
Carbs Benedict’s Blue Red (fire) Blue
Proteins Biuret reagent Blue Purple Blue
Fats Ethanol/water - Cloudy Clear

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Animal Nutrition
Animals eat to grow, repair etc. They simply eat to live. In this unit we will study how animals
make use of what they eat. The journey of the food from the mouth to the anus through the
alimentary canal includes 5 steps:

1. Ingestion: Taking in pieces of food into the mouth

2. Digestion: The breakdown of large, insoluble food molecules into smaller more soluble
ones by chemical and mechanical means.
3. Absorption: Taking the digested food molecules into the cells
5. Assimilation: Making use of the digested food molecules for example to release energy
or grow etc.
6. Ejection: The elimination of undigested food materials through the anus

*Don’t confuse ejection with excretion; excretion is to get rid of waste products of metabolism.

The alimentary canal (gut or digestive tract) is made up of several organs working together to
perform all the processes mentioned above. Starting with the mouth and ending with the anus.

The Mouth

 The mouth performs several functions:

Mechanical Digestion: The action of the teeth biting a small piece of food from a large one is
considered mechanical digestion, the teeth also tears and grinds the food into a bolus to give it
larger surface area for faster chemical digestion.

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Chemical Digestion: beneath the tongue lies a salivary gland which secrets saliva into the
mouth, this saliva contains water and mucus to lubricate the food bolus and amylase enzyme
that breaks down starch in the food into maltose.

After this the tongue pushes the food bolus into the oesophagus.

The Oesophagus

 This is a tube that transports the food

from the mouth deep into the body to
the stomach.
The food is pushed downwards by the
muscles in the walls of the
oesophagus, this process is called
Peristalsis. Muscles contract and
relax creating a wavy motion to push
the food down.

The Stomach

 Here the food stays for a while. The stomach is a flexible bag that performs both
mechanical and chemical digestion.

Mechanical Digestion: The walls of the stomach contain muscles that contract and relax
together mixing the food with the content of the stomach and turning it into liquid chyme, this
process is called churning.

Chemical Digestion: The walls of the stomach also secrete a liquid called “Gastric Juice” which
contains Hydrochloric acid, Mucus, and pepsin enzyme. The pepsin enzyme digests proteins into
simpler polypeptides, while the hydrochloric acid is to provide optimum pH for the enzyme and
the mucus is to lubricate the food and protect the walls of the stomach from the acid.

After a few hours, the sphincter which is a muscular valve opens allowing the food into the small

The Small Intestine

The small intestine is where most digestion and absorption takes place. It is divided into two
sections, duodenum and ileum. The walls of the small intestine contain several types of liquids
that help in providing suitable conditions and digest the food. These liquids are:

Bile Juice: it comes from the liver, stored in the gall bladder. It is squirted along the bile duct in
the duodenum. The bile works on fats only, fats are very difficult to digest because they are very
insoluble, the bile contains bile salts that break fats into tiny droplets that float in the content of
the small intestine, making it easier for the lipase to digest fats into fatty acids and glycerol, this
process is called emulsification.

Pancreatic Juice: it comes from the pancreas and secreted along the pancreatic duct. It
contains enzymes and sodium hydrogen carbonate, which neutralises the hydrochloric acid that
was added to the food in the stomach, creating better conditions for the enzymes to work. The
pancreatic juice contains the following enzymes:

 Amylase to digest starch into Maltose

 Tyrosine to digest proteins to polypeptides

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 Lipase to digest fats into fatty acids and glycerol

Small intestine liquid: The small intestine itself also secrets a liquid that consists of lots of
enzymes to make sure carbohydrates, fats and proteins are digested to their simplest form, these
enzymes are:

For carbohydrates:

 Maltase to digest maltose into glucose + glucose

 Sucrose to digest sucrose into glucose + fructose
 Lactase to digest lactose into glucose + GA lactose

For Fats:

 Lipase to digest fats into fatty acids and glycerol

For proteins:

 Protease for further digestion of polypeptides to amino acids.

Absorption in small intestine

Absorption in the small intestine takes place in the second section, the ileum. The walls of the
ileum are fully adapted for absorption. The interior walls of the ileum is covered with a layer of
villi, each villus is covered with another layer of micro villi.

Each villi has a branch of blood capillaries in it as well as a lacteal which is a lymph vessel, the
lacteal absorbs fats and lipids with vitamins dissolved in them into the lymphatic system.

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Villi and microvillus
are adapted to
absorption by:

 They give a
very large
surface area
for faster
diffusion of
 Each villus
contains a
large network
of blood
more blood,
thus faster
 Each villi is
one cell thick,
reducing the
distance and
making it
 Each villi
contains a
lacteal which
absorbs fats

The Large Intestine

By the time the food reaches the large intestine, there is not much left of it, only some water,
minerals, and fibbers. The water and the minerals are absorbed into the blood, while the fibers
and dead cells of the alimentary canal are stored in the rectum then excreted through the anus

Assimilation of the Absorbed Food Molecules

After the food molecules are absorbed from the alimentary canal, it is transported to the liver by a
special blood vessel called The Hepatic Portal Vein. The liver is an organ that is considered a
gland too. It carries out several jobs to “sort out” the food molecules it receives. Each type of
nutrient has its own fate in the liver.

Glucose: when the absorbed glucose reaches the liver, the liver allows as much as needed by
the body to pass to the circulatory system to be used for respiration or other processes. The
excess glucose is converted to glycogen and stored in the liver cells, when the blood is short in
glucose, glycogen will be converted back into glucose and secreted to the blood. Some glucose
will also be converted to fats as an energy reserve. These functions are controlled by the Insulin
and Glucagon hormones which are made in the pancreas.

Amino Acids: some amino acids will be used by the liver cells to make proteins, the rest will be
allowed into the blood stream to be absorbed by the body cells which also convert it to proteins.

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If the body contains enough amino acids, the excess will undergo a process called Damnation,
this involves the breakdown of amino acids into carbohydrates and amino group, which is then
converted to ammonia then, converted into urea, which is part of the waste product of the body,

A part from sorting out food molecules, the liver performs the following jobs too:

 Dealing with old red blood cells:

The liver changes dead red blood cells to iron and bile. Iron is stored in the liver, large
amounts of iron give it the red colour and used to build up new red blood cells. The bile is
stored in the gall bladder to be used in digesting food again.
 Detoxification:
The liver breaks down toxic materials such as alcohol which damages cells to fats.
Alcoholics are known to have liver diseases.
 Helps in generating heat:
The liver contains a very large number of cells, which means a lot of metabolic reactions
take place in it producing lots of energy to warm the blood.
 Making fibrinogen:
This is a plasma protein which helps in blood clotting when the skin is cut.

Teeth are small, calcified, whitish structures found in
the jaws (or mouths) of many vertebrates that are
used to break down food.

Types of mammalian teeth:


They are 4 in front of each jaw.

They act like a blade to cut food (eg. To cut a bite of a
sandwich) they have a (chisel-like surface).


They are two in each jaw.

They are very pointed, in humans they are used for
the same purpose as incisors.
However in carnivores they are longer and sharper
and used to kill the prey.


4 on the sides of each jaw

They are used to cut and grind food.


They are 6 at the back of

Each jaw, 2 of them are wisdom teeth. They have the
same use as Premolars.

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Note: remember that we have two jaws, so 4 incisors in each jaw means that we have a total of 8
incisors in our mouth. We have 16 teeth in each jaw, 32 in the whole mouth.

The tooth is divided into two parts, the crown

and the root.

Parts of the tooth:

Enamel: Made of calcium salts, it is very


Dentine: It is covered by the enamel and

surrounds the pulp cavity.

The pulp cavity: It contains the nerves and

blood vessels.

The part of the tooth above the gum is called

the crown; the part buried in the jawbone is
called the root. The enamel covers the
crown; the root is covered by cement. And
the tooth is held in place by fibres.

Tooth Decay: when we eat, some food

particles stay in our mouth. Bacteria that lives
in our mouth feed on these food particles,
they respire anaerobically producing lactic
acid. Like any acid, lactic acid reacts with the
enamel and dissolves it away reaching the
dentine, here we feel the toothache.

Methods of preventing Tooth Decay:

 Reduce sugar intake to prevent bacteria respiring

 Brush teeth to remove the plaque layer of bacteria and saliva on our teeth and nuetralise
 Use toothpaste or water containing fluoride because it is absorbed by the teeth and helps
stopping the attack by acid
 Pay regular visits to the dentist.

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Adding Fluoride To Water

Advantages Disadvantages

o Suitable amounts  Too much causes

prevent tooth decay teeth molting, illness
o It is a cheaper method and abdominal pain
of teeth caring  It is expensive

Transport in Humans
 The human transport system is a system of
tubes with a pump and valves to ensure one
way blood flow. We need a transport system
to deliver oxygen, nutrients and other
substances to all our body cells, and take
away waste products from them.
 The oxygenated blood (high in oxygen, red in
colour) comes to the heart from the lungs in
the pulmonary vein; the heart pumps it to the
aorta (an artery) to the rest of the body. The
deoxygenated blood returns to the heart from
the body in the vena cava (a vein), the heart
pumps is to the lungs to get rid of the carbon

 Oxygenated Blood: Red colour, high oxygen

low Carbon dioxide.
 Deoxygenated Blood: Blue colour, low
oxygen high Carbon dioxide.
 Did you notice that during one circulation, the
blood went through the heart twice, this is
why we call it double circulation?
 When the blood is flowing away from the
heart, it has a very high pressure, when it is
flowing towards the heart it has a lower

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The Blood
 The blood is a fluid consisting of several types of cells floating in a liquid called plasma.

Red Blood Cells

These are one of the smallest cells in

your body, they are round with a dent in
the middle, and we call this shape a
Biconcave disc.

The function of the red blood cells is to

transport oxygen from the lungs to the
body cells. A red protein called
Haemoglobin, when the blood reaches
the lungs, oxygen diffuses from the
alveoli to the red blood cells and
combines with haemoglobin forming an
unstable compound called ox
haemoglobin. When the blood reaches
the body cells, the ox haemoglobin is
easily split into oxygen and haemoglobin
again, the oxygen diffuses through the
blood plasma to the cells.

Red blood cells are fully adapted to their function by the following characteristics:

 Biconcave disc shape gives it large surface area to carry more oxygen
 Haemoglobin to combine with oxygen
 No nucleus that takes up space.

White Blood Cells

 White blood cells are one of the substances floating in the blood plasma. They are
completely different in function than red blood cells. White blood cells are part of the
Immune System, they play a big role in protecting the body by killing bacteria which
cause disease, also known as pathogens. White blood cells can be distinguished from
red blood cells easily because they are much bigger, with a nucleus, and present in fewer

Types of White Blood Cells


 They kill bacteria by engulfing them, taking them in the

cell then kill them by digesting those using enzymes, this
process is called phagocytises.
Most white blood cells are the phagocyte type.

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 Unlike phagocytes, lymphocytes have a large nucleus.

They are produced in the lymph nodes (in the lymphatic
system). Lymphocytes kill bacteria by secreting
antibodies and antitoxins which kill the pathogens
directly or make them easier to kill. Each pathogen could
be killed by a certain type of antibody

The Platelets

 Platelets are tiny cell fragments that prevent bleeding when the skin is cut, and stops
bacteria from entering our systems through the wound. This works by blood clotting,
when the skin is cut, some reactions take place that results in platelets producing a
protein, and this protein will change the fibrinogen (another soluble protein in the plasma)
to insoluble fibrin. The fibrin forms long fibres that clot together blocking the cut, thus
preventing any bleeding, this is called blood clotting.

Blood Plasma

 This makes up most of the blood. It is mostly water with some substances dissolved in it,
these include carbon dioxide, hormones, food nutrients, urea and other waste products.
The blood plasma transports substances from one place to another.

Functions of the blood

 Transportation of R.B.C’s, W.B.C’s, oxygen, food nutrients, hormones, and waste

 Defence against disease, by white blood cells phagocytises and production of antibodies.
 Supplying cells with glucose to respire and keep a constant temperature.

Blood Vessels (Vascular System)

 This is a number tubes carrying blood away from and to the heart and other organs. The
main types are Arteries, Veins and Capillaries.

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 Their function is to transport blood away from the heart to the lungs or other body

 The blood in the arteries always has a high pressure. The heart pumps the blood
quickly into the arteries, resulting in the pressure, each time the ventricle of the heart
contracts, the pressure in arteries increase, when the ventricle relaxes, the pressure
falls. The lumen of arteries is also very narrow, adding to the pressure.

 The structure is simple, beside the narrow lumen, the arteries have a strong thick wall to
withstand the pressure. Their walls are also elastic and stretchable.

Brief description of characteristics of arteries:

 Transporting blood away from the heart

 Always in a high pressure
 Strong but stretchable walls
 Narrow lumen.


 Their function is to transport blood to the heart from the body.

 The veins always have a low blood pressure because by the time the blood with high
pressure reaches the veins, it loses most of the pressure. This means that blood flows

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very slowly in veins, to help this, veins lie between muscles so that the blood is squeezed
when the muscles contract.
 They have a simple structure. Because they have a low pressure, they don’t need strong,
thick walls like the artery; instead they have thin less elastic walls. Their lumen is much
wider too. Veins have a unique feature that is valves. Because blood in veins flows slowly
with a low pressure, there is a risk of a backflow, especially in veins that move blood
upwards against gravity, like the ones in the leg. The valves ensure that the blood is
always flowing in the direction of the heart. When the muscles squeeze the blood, the
valves are open the let blood through, when muscles relax, valves close to prevent a

Brief description of characteristics of veins:

 They carry blood to the heart

 Always in a low pressure
 Thin less elastic walls
 Wide lumen
 Valves present.

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Blood Capillaries

 Blood capillaries are the smallest blood vessels in our systems. Their function is
to get blood from the arteries
as close as possible to the tissues in order to exchange materials with the cells,
and to link arteries with veins.

 When arteries come near and organ or a tissue, it divides into arterioles, these
arterioles divide more into several blood capillaries that go through the tissue;
this is when the exchange of oxygen and food nutrients with carbon dioxide and
waste products such as urea take place by diffusion.

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 They are one cell thick to reduce the diffusion distance of materials for faster diffusion.
They also have pores in their walls between the cells, to allow the plasma to get out of
the blood and become tissue fluid.

The Heart

 The heart is a pumping organ that is responsible for the movement of blood around the
body. The function of the heart is to give the blood a push, keeping it flowing around the
body all the time. That is why the heart is constantly working, if it stops for a minute, the
other organs will not receive any oxygen or nutrients, thus the body fails and the person
dies. The heart is located in the chest, the thorax cavity between both lungs.


 The heart is hollow, it has 4 chambers. Two of them are atria and two are ventricles.
One of each of these on each side. When looking at the diagram of a heart, notice
that your right is the left side of the heart, and your left is the heart’s right, as if you are
looking at your own heart on a mirror.

The sides of the heart are separated by a wall called septum. Each side contains an atrium
(at the top) and a ventricle (at the bottom), there is a valve between the atrium and the
ventricle in each side, it is called bicuspid valve in the left side and tricuspid valve in the right
side. There are several blood vessels associated with the heart, these are:

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 The Pulmonary vein, it transports oxygenated blood from the lungs to the right atrium.
 The Aorta, which is the biggest artery in the body, it transports oxygenated blood from
the heart to the rest of the body.
 The Vena Cava, the biggest vein in the body, it transports deoxygenated blood from the
whole body to the heart.
 The pulmonary artery, it transports deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs.

Note that blood vessels entering the heart are veins, and the ones leaving the heart are arteries.
The left side of the heart always contains oxygenated blood because it receives blood fresh from
the lungs and pumps it to the body, the right side always contains deoxygenated blood because
it receives is from the body. You can memorise this by the word LORD:

Left Oxygenated – Right Deoxygenated

The heart receives blood from the lungs at the left atrium and pumps it to the
body from the left ventricle, then it receives it again from the body at the right atrium
and pumps it to the lungs from the right ventricle. The red shows oxygenated blood
and the blue shows deoxygenated blood.

Notice that the walls around the left ventricle are much thicker than the ones in the
right ventricle. The reason for this is that because the left ventricle pumps blood to
the whole body, so blood will travel a long distance, so it needs lots of muscles to
contract and pump the blood more strongly.

However, the right ventricle pumps blood the lungs which are very close to heart,
the blood does not need to be pumped very strongly.

Mechanism of the heart

 When the heart is being filled with blood (whether from the body or the lungs), this is
called the diastole. When the heart is pumping the blood out of it (whether to the body or
to the lungs), it is called the systole.

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 During diastole, the heart is getting filled with blood, the blood enters the atria first, the
atria contract to force blood into the ventricles, both tricuspid and bicuspid valves are
open to allow blood into the ventricles and the semi lunar valves are shut. Once the
ventricles get filled with blood, it is systole, the bicuspid and tricuspid valves get shut and
semi lunar valves are open, the ventricles contract strongly forcing the blood into the
Aorta or pulmonary artery.
 During diastole the semi lunar valves are shut to keep the blood out of the arteries.
During systole the tricuspid and bicuspid valves are closed, to prevent blood from flowing
back into the atria when it is pumped. The tricuspid and bicuspid valves are kept fixed by
fibres called tendons, they prevent the valves from opening in the opposite direction,
allowing backflow.

The tendons also control the opening and closing of the cusped valves, when the tendons are
loose, the valves are open. When the tendons are tightened the valves close.

Diastole Systole
Ventricles: Relax Contract
Atria: Contract Relax
Cusped Valves: Open Close
Tendons: Loose Tightened
Semi lunar Close Open

If you listen to your heartbeat, you will hear two sounds, one low and one high. These are results
of the systole and diastole. They are the sounds of the cardiac valves opening and shutting.

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Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)

 The heart, like any other organ, needs a supply of blood containing oxygen
and nutrients. In fact, the heart needs a higher amount of blood supply than any other
organ because it is working all the time, and contains a lot of muscles. The coronary
arteries are those which supply the heart tissues with blood, they branch from the
aorta. CHD develops when cholesterol layers build on the walls of the coronary
arteries, partially blocking the path of blood, thus this tissue of the heart is not
supplied with oxygen or nutrients, so it stops working properly. If it is not treated at this
age, a blood clot may form near the partially blocked area, completely blocking the
artery, when this happens, the blood cannot function anymore, a heart attack occurs,
which is extremely fatal.

The causes of CHD are mostly in the diet. A diet with lots of fats increases the chance of
cholesterol building up on the walls of the artery, causing CHD, Same thing with salts.
Smoking also increases the rate of fat deposition. It was also said that Causes Of CHD are:

 Diet full of fats increases the fats level in blood

 Diet full of salts, salts can be deposited in the artery leading to CHD, same as fats or
 Smoking, carbon monoxides increases fat deposition
 Stress was also said to contribute to CHD by raising blood pressure
 Lack of exercise, regular workouts improves the blood flow wearing layers of fats or salts
deposited on the walls of arteries away.

So to protect yourself from CHD you need to avoid diets full of fats and salts, avoid smoking, try
to be less stressed out, and exercise regularly.

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Tissue Fluid and Lymph

 Tissue fluid is a fluid surrounding the cells of a tissue. It supplies them with all their needs
of oxygen and nutrients, and takes away all their waste products including carbon
dioxide. Tissue fluid plays a very big role in substance exchange between blood and
 Plasma from the blood capillaries move to the tissue through gaps in the walls. They
become tissue fluid. They exchange their content of oxygen and nutrients with the cells
and take carbon dioxide and waste products. At the end of the capillary bed, the tissue
fluid leaks back into the blood, and become plasma again, but not all of it. A little of it is
absorbed by the lymphatic vessel and becomes lymph. The lymphatic vessel takes the
lymph to the blood stream by secreting them in a vein near the heart, called subclavian
vein. The lymph in the lymphatic vessels are moved along by the squeeze of muscles
against the vessel, just like some veins.

 The lymphatic system plays a big role in the protection against disease. It produces the
white blood cells lymphocytes which kill any cell with a different antigens than the ones in
your body cells. So if bacteria get into your body, your lymphocytes quickly recognise
them as foreigners and will divide and kill them.
 Lymphocytes are considered a problem when it comes to organs transplant. For example
if someone (recipient) with renal failure receives a kidney from another person (the
donor), the cells of the kidney will have different antigens than the other cells in the
patient’s body. The lymphocytes will consider the cells of the kidney an enemy and start
attacking it, this is called tissue rejection. Organ transplant is perfect in one case; this is
when the donor and the recipient are identical twins, because the antigens of their cells

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perfectly match. In other cases the recipient is given immunosuppressant drugs to
actually weaken their immune system to prevent tissue rejection.

Brief Summary of Functions of the Lymphatic System:

 Production of white blood cells lymphocytes

 Transport of digested fats from villi to blood stream
 Transport of lymph from the tissue fluids to the blood stream at the subclavian vein.

Plant Nutrition
 Plants are living organisms; they need food in order to keep living. The way they obtain
their nutrients however, is completely different than that of ours. Plant make most of their
nutrients by themselves, they just need 2 raw materials, these water and carbon dioxide.
 The leaf of a plant is considered the kitchen of it. It is where food is made, later on you
will see how the leaf is adapted to making food.

Upper Epidermis: it is a layer of cells that cover the leaf and protect it, it is covered by a layer of
wax called cuticle.

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Mesophyll Layer

 Palisade Mesophyll: a layer of palisade cells which carry out most of photosynthesis
 Spongy Mesophyll: a layer of spongy cells beneath the palisade layer, they carry out
photosynthesis and store nutrients.

Vascular Bundle: it is a group of phloem and xylem vessels

that transport water and minerals to and from the leaves.

Lower Epidermis: similar to the upper epidermis, only that it

contains a special type of cells called guard cells. Guard
cells are a specialised type of cells that control the passage of
carbon dioxide into the cell and the passage of oxygen out of
the cell by opening and closing the stomata (a hole in the leaf
through which gases pass) so guard cells are responsible for
the gas exchange.

Photosynthesis means “making with light”. It is

the process by which plants make useful
glucose out of the raw materials water and
carbon dioxide, using light energy from the sun.

Water is essential for photosynthesis; it is

sucked up from the soil by the roots and
transported up the stem to leaves where it is
put into use.
Carbon dioxide, just like water is essential for
photosynthesis. It moves into the leaf from the
air by diffusion, through the stomata (tiny holes
in the leaf).

Once carbon dioxide and water are present in

the leaf, one condition for photosynthesis is
needed, that is light. The two cells in the
diagrams are called palisade cells (the
rectangular one) and spongy Mesophyll cell
(the circular one), these are the cells where
photosynthesis take place. They a structure
called chloroplasts, these structures contain a
green pigment named chlorophyll, this is to trap
sunlight to be used in energy, a large number

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of chloroplasts is required for photosynthesis.

How photosynthesis happen

 Carbon dioxide and water enter the cell

 The cell traps light energy using chloroplasts
 The energy is used to split water (H2O) into hydrogen and oxygen
 The oxygen is excreted outside the leaf to the atmosphere as a waste product
 The hydrogen reacts with carbon dioxide forming glucose.

Overall equation for the Photosynthesis

Carbon Dioxide Supply

 The carbon dioxide moves to the leaf from the atmosphere by diffusion through tiny holes
in the leaf called stomata. Carbon dioxide is not present in a high concentration in air, but
compared to its concentration inside the leaf, it is more in the air. This is because the
cells inside the leaf are always doing photosynthesis (at daytime), converting the carbon
dioxide into the glucose quickly, thus the concentration of it inside the leaf decreases,
making a concentration gradient for diffusion from the atmosphere to the leaf.

Water Supply

 The water is absorbed by the roots of the plants, then they are transported upwards
through a hollow tube called the xylem vessel, till it reaches the leaf where
photosynthesis takes place, it enters the leaf through holes in the xylem. Excess water
leaves the cell through the stomata, this is called “transpiration”

Sunlight Supply

 The leaves are always exposed to sunlight at daytime. The sun penetrates the
transparent layers on the leaf till it reaches the Mesophyll layer, where photosynthesis
take place. Palisade cells are nearer to the surface of the leaf than the spongy cells, so
they receive more of the light and make more photosynthesis.

Factors Needed For Photosynthesis

 Water
 Carbon Dioxide
 Light

Factors Affecting the Rate Of Photosynthesis

 Amount of water: the rate increases as it increases

 Concentration of carbon dioxide: the rate increases as it increases
 Light intensity: the rate increases as it increases

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Plants at night

At night, the plant performs several process to convert the stored starch into many useful
nutrients like:

 Sugars for respiration

 Cellulose and proteins for making cells
 Vitamins to help in energy action
 Fats as a long term storage material
 Remaining starch is temporarily stored.

Mechanism of Guard Cells

At daytime, the guard cells open the stomata to allow gaseous exchange, this occurs according
to the following steps:

 Sunlight increases the potassium concentration in the vacuoles of the guard cells, the
water potential decreases making a gradient between the guard cells and the surround
epidermal cells,
 Water moves by osmosis into the guard cells from the epidermal cells,
 The water raises the pressure inside the guard cells,
 The cell wall adjacent to the stomata is thicker and less stretchable then the cell wall on
the other side,
 The pressure expand the whole cell except for the inner cell wall (adjacent to the
stomata) creating a curve and a pore between the two guard cells,
 The stoma opens.

At night however, the mechanism is opposite:

 Potassium level decreases in the vacuole of the guard cells,

 Water potential increases in the cell and water diffuses out of it,
 The guard cells straighten up because of low pressure closing the stoma.

Mineral Requirements

The plant is also in need for mineral ions to control chemical activities, grow, and produce
materials. The most important minerals are:

 Mg+2 (Magnesium ions): they are important for the production of the green pigment
chlorophyll. Lack of it results in lack of photosynthesis and wilting of the leaves,
 Nitrates: these are the sources of nitrogen; they are required to make amino acids and
proteins by combining with glucose. Lack of it results in deformation of the plant structure
making it small and weak.

Both mineral ions are absorbed from the soil.

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Sometimes the soil is lacking of the mineral ions

needed, this problem can be solved by adding
fertilisers to the soil. Fertilisers are chemical
compounds rich in the mineral ions needed by
the plants. They help the plants grow faster,
increase in size and become greener, they
simply make them healthier and increase the
crop yield. But there are disadvantages of
fertilisers, such as:

 Excess minerals and chemical can enter

a nearby river polluting it and creating a
layer of green algae on the surface of it,
causing lack of light in the river, thus
preventing the aqua plants
 When living organisms in the river or lake
die, decomposers such as bacteria
multiply and decay, respire using oxygen.
Eutrophication takes place eventually.

Green House

A green house is a placed covered by transparent

polythene. In green houses, the limiting factors of
photosynthesis are eliminated, and the plants are
provided the most suitable conditions for a healthy,
rapid growth.

The soil in green houses is fertilised and very rich in

mineral ions, assuring healthy, large yields. More
carbon dioxide is supplied to the crops for faster
photosynthesis. The polythene walls and ceiling
allow heat waves and light rays only to enter and
prevent harmful waves, thus providing a high light
intensity and optimum temperature, sometimes a
heating system is used too. A watering system is
also present. The disadvantages of green houses
are that it is too small to give a large yield and that it
is expensive.

Transport in Plants
 Just like humans, plants have a transport system of vessels and cells that transports
water, minerals and other nutrients around the plant.

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Structure Of Plants

 A plant is divided into two section, whatever is above the soil, is called the
shoot, and whatever is below the soil is called the root. The root is simple, it
is usually

Again root with

extensions of thinner
ones. The shoot
however, is made of
several parts. The roots
have the specialised
cell, root hair cell, which
we looked closely
before, the root hair
cells absorbs water from
the soil and fixes the
plant into the ground. In
the root also, starts the
transports system of the
plant which extends all
the way from the root up
to the tip of the stem.
The diagram on the left
shows a section through
the root. The root hairs
of the root hair cells are
visible. In the centre of
the root, is the beginning
of the transport system
of the plant, which is
made of two main

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transport tissues, the
xylem tissue and the
phloem tissue.
The diagram below shows a transverse section through a
root. We can see than there are two types of hollow tubes,
the xylem is the one in yellow and the phloem is the one in
Each type of
these tissues
functions adapts
differently to the

The diagram on
the right shows
a transverse
section of the
stem. We can
see that the
xylem and
phloem are still
there, but they
are arranged
differently, they
are both put
together in an
egg shaped
separated by a
Together they
are called the
vascular bundle,
which is
surrounded by
what is called
the cortex.
Structure Of The Xylem Tissue

The xylem vessels are long hollow tubes made of dead

lignified cells arranged end to end forming a continuous

The xylem vessel is specialised to transport water and

dissolved minerals from the root up to all the other parts
of the plant, and also to help supporting the stem and
strengthening it. These walls of the xylem vessel contain
holes called pits which water enters through.

The xylem tissue is adapted to its functions in different

ways. For instance, the cell wall of the dead cells of the
walls of it is made of lignin, which makes it stronger to
support the stem, the fact that they are dead makes all
the water absorbed by the root hair cells get transported
to the leaves without being used by the cells of the
vessel. The tube is also very narrow, to make it easier for
the water to be transported upwards.

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Structure Of The Phloem Tissue

This is a long tube that runs alongside the xylem tissue.

They are made of long narrow tubes with perforated sieve
plates along the thin length. The function of the phloem
tissue is to transport food nutrients such as glucose and
amino acids from the leaves and to all other cells of the
plant, this is called translocation.

Unlike the xylem, the phloem tissue is made of living cells,

because as we will see later, there are several forces
causing the transport of water in the xylem, but there are no
forces causing the translocation, so substances need to be
moved along using active uptake, which needs energy.

The cells of the phloem vessels contain a cytoplasm but no

nucleus, and its activities are controlled by a companion cell
next to it which has a nucleus, but companion cells have no
function in translocation.
Mechanism Of Water Transport

The water reaches the leaves from the soil by several

steps, starting at the root:

 The root hair cells have a concentrated cell sap

vacuole which means that the water potential is low
in it and high in the soil, osmosis takes place and
water enters the cell.
 Minerals are also present in the soil but in low
concentration, using active up take, the root hair
cells takes the mineral ions in.
 The mixture of mineral and water moves from the
root hair cells through the other cells by osmosis
active uptake till it reaches the xylem vessel in the
root, it enters the xylem through pits.
 The xylem vessel transports the water from the
root to the stem (forming the vascular bundle with
the phloem) and upwards to the leaves.
 The water and dissolved minerals leave the xylem
and get absorbed by the cells in the leaves.

How Water Moves Through The Xylem

There are three factors affecting the movement of water:

 In root hair cells, the mineral concentration is high, it helps pushing the water towards the
xylem and the stem.
 Capillarity is a factor that helps in the movement of water in the xylem vessels. The water
molecules are attracted to each other, as one moves upwards it pulls its neighbouring
molecule with it. The molecules are also attracted to the walls of the xylem, the narrower
the xylem the easier it is for water to move.
 Transpiration force is the most effective force that causes water movement. In the leaf,
the water evaporates and leaves the plant through the stomata, one molecule escapes

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pulling the other with it, and so on, creating a suction force. You can think of it as using a
straw to drink.

Factors Affecting the Transpiration Rate

 Humidity: humidity means more water vapour in the air, which means water vapour has a
higher concentration in the atmosphere than inside the leaf, so transpiration will be much
slower because the diffusion of water vapour outside the leaf will be slow. The higher the
humidity the slower the transpiration.
 Temperature: when the temperature is high, molecules move faster and evaporate faster,
so transpiration rate increases. The higher the temperature the faster the transpiration.
 Wind speed: when the wind is fast, it takes humid air away from around the leaf, making
the diffusion rate faster, so the faster the wind the faster the transpiration.
 Light: when light intensity is high, the stomata will open to let Carbon dioxide in for
photosynthesis, the water vapour has an easier chance to escape. In the dark the
stomata are closed, the transpiration rate is very slow.


 Occurs when the transpiration rate is faster than the rate of water absorption. The
amount of water in the plant keeps on decreasing. The water content of cells decreases
and cells turn from turgid to flaccid. The leaves shrink and the plant will eventually die.


 This is the transport of organic food such as sucrose and amino acids in the plant
through the phloem vessels.
 Glucose, the product of photosynthesis is the most important food of the plant. Because
from it, it makes most of its other nutrients. Glucose is converted into another more
complex sugar called sucrose. Sucrose in the leaves enter the phloem vessels. The
phloem transports it to every other part of the plant where it is made use of. Amino acids
are also transported in the phloem.
 Sucrose and amino acids are transported to every tissue of the plant, each cell use it in a
different way. Root cells convert sucrose into glucose for respiration and store it. Growing
cells make cellulose for cell walls from sucrose and use the amino acids to make proteins
for growth. And fruits use the sucrose to make the attractive scent and tasty nectar to
attract insects.
 The areas of the plant where sucrose is made are called sources, and where they are
delivered to and made use of is called sinks.

Pesticides and Insecticides:

 Some insects and pests feed on plants and harm them. A way to prevent this problem is
to spray the plant with insecticides and pesticides. But the problem here is that these
chemicals also kill insects and pests that are useful to the plant. This is why systemic
pesticides are used. When sprayed, they are absorbed inside the plant and distributed all
over the plant. When the harmful insects and pests eat a part of the plant, they eat the
poison with it, thus they die and harmless ones are safe.

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Adaptation of Special Plants

Desert Cactus

 Leafs are needle like spines to reduce water loss by

transpiration. They are covered with a thick cuticle to insulate
heat and prevent water escaping. The stomata of the leaves
are sunken into the epidermis to be away from external
features that increase transpiration.
 The stem is short to prevent wind from blowing it away. It is
round to decrease surface area and transpiration rate.
Photosynthesis takes place in the stem.
 Roots are very long and deep into the soil to have access to
underground water and rain water. Root hair cells have a very
concentrated cell vacuole to increase osmosis rate.

Pond Plants

 Wide, broad leaves on surface of water to exchange gases.

Stomata on upper side of the leaf to be in contact with air.

The Respiratory System

 We rarely think about breathing unless we’re out of breath. The act of breathing is part of
the respiratory system, a complex process where air travels into and out of the lungs.
 Respiration is slightly different, where exercise causes muscles to release energy in the
form of glucose. Both systems are co-dependent, especially when you’re playing sport
and inhaling greater quantities of oxygen.

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Human Respiratory System

The human respiratory system is made up of air passages, lungs and the
respiratory muscles.

Nose: most breathing and gas exchange occur through the nose. It is lined by a
layer of mucus and hair to trap the dust and germs in the air. It is also supplied with
a dense network of blood capillaries to warm the air entering the body.

Pharynx: Works together with the epiglottis to block the nasal cavity and the
trachea during swallowing food, to prevent it from entering the respiratory system.

Trachea (windpipe): this is a tube that connects the nasal cavity and larynx to the
lungs. It is lined with a layer of ciliated epithelium cells and goblet cells which
secrete mucus that traps bacteria and dust from inhaled air and gets moved
upwards to the larynx by the cilia.
It is then either spit out or swallowed to the stomach where it is eliminated by acid.

Bronchi: when the trachea reaches the lungs, it is divided into two tubes, one goes to the right
lung and one goes to the left lung. These are called the bronchi. The bronchi are then divided
bronchioles that extended deeper into the lungs.

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Alveoli (air sacs): these are tiny bags full of gas; they are present
in the lungs in large amounts (several million alveolus in each
lung). They give the lungs a much larger surface area (about 70
m2) for faster diffusion of gases between them and the blood.

Rib Cage: the lungs are protected by this cage of bones. It

surrounds all the thoracic cavity. They are 12 pairs of ribs; one pair
extends from one of the first 12 vertebrae of the vertebral column.
All of the ribs except for the last two pairs are connected to the
sternum, the chest bone. Each pair of ribs is connected to the
pairs above it and below it by muscle fibres called inter costal
muscles. The rib cage and the lungs are separated by an elastic
layer called pleural membrane, or pleura for short. It protects the
lungs from damage caused by friction with the rib cage during

Diaphragm: this is a sheath of muscles that separates the

thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity. Together with the ribs
and the inter-costal muscles, it plays a big role in breathing and
gas exchange.

Gas Exchange (Breathing)

Breathing is different from respiration. Breathing is just the exchange of waste gases from the
body with fresh air from the atmosphere. The action of breathing fresh air in is called inhaling; the
action of breathing waste gases out is called exhaling.

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 During Inhaling, the brain sends electric impulses by nerves to the diaphragm and the
inter-costal muscles. The diaphragm contracts becoming flatter. The inter-costal muscles
also contract and move the ribs in an outer upwards directions. These actions expand the
thoracic cavity making the lungs expand, thus increasing the increasing the volume, with
the volume increasing the internal pressure decreases which makes air enter the lungs
through the mouth, nose and trachea.
 During Exhaling, the diaphragm and the inter-costal muscles relax again, contracting the
thoracic cavity thus squeezing the air out of the lungs to the trachea and mouth and nose
to the atmosphere.

Respiratory System in Action

 Inhaling occurs, air is absorbed by lungs, it

enters the nose where bacteria and dust in it
are trapped by mucus and warmed by blood
capillaries. The air enters the trachea where
it is cleaned again by cilia.
 The bronchi take the air from the trachea to
each lung.
 Bronchi divide into several bronchioles; each
one has a group of alveoli at the end of it.
 In the alveoli gas exchange takes place
where the oxygen rich air diffuses into the
blood capillaries of the pulmonary arteries
and the carbon dioxide rich gas diffuses into
the alveoli to be exhaled.

 The pulmonary vein carries the oxygenated fresh air to the heart where it is pumped
to all the body cells.
 The inter-costal muscles and diaphragm relax squeezing the waste gases out of the
lungs, this is exhalation.

Gas Exchange in Alveoli

 Each alveolus is supplied with blood capillaries. These come from the pulmonary artery
and they contain deoxygenated blood rich in carbon dioxide. The concentration of oxygen
is very high inside the alveolus and very low in the blood, so oxygen molecules diffuse
from the alveolus to the red blood cells and combine with haemoglobin. At the very same
time this occurs, carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood to the alveolus because the
concentration of it is very high in the blood and low in the alveolus.

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Adaptations of Alveoli

Gas exchange happens because of several factors in the alveolus and the blood capillaries that
control the rate of gas exchange:

 Very thin wall of both the alveolus and the capillary, they are one cell thick which makes
the diffusion distance shorter, increasing the rate.
 The difference in concentration of gases between the alveolus and the capillary is very
large, increasing the diffusion rate of gases.
 The alveolus are balloon shaped which gives it a very large surface area for faster
 The walls of the alveolus are lined by a thin film of water in which gases dissolve in
during diffusion, this makes it faster.

Composition of Inspired and Expired Air

Gas Inspired Air Expired Air

Oxygen 21% 16%
Carbon Dioxide 0.04% 4%
Nitrogen 79% 79%
Water Vapour Variable High

Lung Capacity

 When lungs of an adult are fully inflated they have a volume of about 5 litres.

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Tidal Volume: This is the volume of air breathed in and out at rest, this is 0.5 litres.

Vital Volume: The maximum volume of air that can be breathed in and out, at exercise for
example is 3 litres.

Residual Volume: The lungs have to have a certain volume of air inside them all the time to
keep shape. This is the residual volume and it is 1.5 litres. This air is renewed through breathing.

Aerobic Respiration

 A chemical, metabolic reaction that burns down glucose with oxygen producing carbon
dioxide, water vapour and lots of energy

Aerobic Respiration: the release of relatively large amounts of energy in cells by the breakdown
of food substances in the presence of oxygen.

Anaerobic Respiration

 Some organisms are able to respire and release energy when oxygen is lacking. This is
anaerobic respiration. These are like yeast, bacteria and other organisms. Humans can
also respire anaerobically for a short period of time. The amount of energy produce is
much smaller than that produced during aerobic respiration though.

Anaerobic respiration: the release of relatively small amount of energy by the breakdown of
food substances in the absence of oxygen.

C6H12O6 (aq) + 6O2 (g) → 6 O2 (g) + 6H2O (l)

Anaerobic Respiration I Yeast: Yeast is able to respire anaerobically by breaking down glucose
molecules into ethanol and carbon dioxide.

C6H12O6 → 2C2H5OH + 6CO2

 Ethanol is produced here, so it is a fermentation reaction. Do remember that glucose is

the only reactant.

Anaerobic Respiration in Humans

 When the amount of oxygen received by the muscle cells of the body is not enough to
carry out all respiration aerobically, the cells respire anaerobically. But they cannot go
like that for a long time. The anaerobic respiration in humans is different than of yeast.
Lactic acid is produced instead of ethanol, and no carbon dioxide is produced.

C6H12O6 → 2C3H6O3

 The lactic acid produced is very toxic and harmful to the body. That is why it has to be
broken down with oxygen as soon as possible. This is called oxygen debt. Breaking
down lactic acid releases energy too, if you add up the amount of energy produced
during breaking down lactic acid and anaerobic respiration, you will find that it is the
same as the amount produced during aerobic respiration.

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Effects of Smoking

Short Term Effects

 Cilia can’t vibrate anymore, the air inhaled isn’t clean. Goblet cells release more mucus
which makes the trachea narrower.
 Nicotine increases heart beat rate and blood pressure.
 Carbon monoxide combines with haemoglobin instead of oxygen combining with it.
 Carboxyhaemoglobin is formed which is stable.
 Less oxygen transported to cells.

Diseases Caused By Tar

Chronic Bronchitis

 Tar makes goblet cells in trachea produce excess mucus

 Mucus falls into lungs
 Bacteria in mucus breed causing infections like bronchitis
 The layer of excess mucus lining the walls of the alveoli increase the diffusion distance of
gases making gas exchange slower


 The excess mucus lining the alveoli irritates it, causing strong coughs which damage the
 The alveoli lose its shape and surface area making gas exchange much slower.
 This cause short breathes and sounds while breathing.

Lung Cancer

 When tar reaches the lungs, it is absorbed by cells of the bronchi, bronchioles and the
 The tar causes excessive division and reproduction of these cells which develops into
 The cancer can be spread to other organs too.

Diseases Caused By Nicotine

Coronary Heart Disease

 Nicotine helps cholesterol deposition on walls of coronary arteries. This causes

 Carbon monoxide also increases risk of blood clots forming which might results in
blocking the artery.
 Less oxygen is delivered to heart cells, a heart attack or failure can take place leading to

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Excretion in Humans
Excretion is the removal of toxic materials, the waste
products of metabolism and substance in excess of
requirements from organisms. Metabolism is
chemical reactions taking place inside cells,
including respiration.

The body excretes three main waste materials.

These are Carbon Dioxide, Urea and Water.
Excretion is a very important feature to us because
without it toxic substances will build up in our bodies
and kill us. It also helps in maintaining the
composition of body fluids.

The Excretory System of humans is made up of 4

structures: Two kidneys, two ureters, a bladder, and
the urethra. The kidneys act as a filter to filter the
waste products from the blood, the ureters are tubes
that transport the main waste products (urine) from
the kidneys to the bladder, where it is stored until it
is excreted out of the body through the urethra.

Formation of Urea

 When you eat a food high in protein, it is digested in the small intestine into amino acids.
 The villi on the walls of the small intestine absorb the amino acids into the hepatic portal
 Hepatic portal vein is a special vein that transports digested material from the small
intestine to the liver.
 The liver plays a big role in maintaining the level of protein in our body. It absorbs all
amino acids from the hepatic portal vein. If the body needs proteins, they will pass
through the liver into the blood stream to be used by the body cells to make protein.
 If the body does not need proteins. The liver will absorb excess amino acids and break
them down into carbohydrates and nitrogen. The formula of amino acids is CHON; here
we remove the nitrogen from the molecule, to get a carbohydrate. This is called
deamination. Nitrogen is made into urea which is a nitrogenous waste product.
 The products are then released to the blood stream.

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Kidneys Structure

A kidney consists of two main structures:

 Cortex (outer layer)

 Medulla

Between the cortex and the Medulla, there is a

structure called the nephron.
The nephron is the where filtration of toxic materials
from the blood takes place. We have many of them in
each kidney.

In the centre of the kidney there is a cavity called the

pelvis which leads to the ureter.

Structure of Nephrone

The nephron starts with a cup shaped structure called Bowman’s capsule. Inside the Bowman’s
capsule there is a very dense network of blood capillaries entering as capillaries from the renal
artery and exiting as capillaries from the renal vein. This dense network of capillaries is called
Glomerulus. The rest of the nephron is a long coiled tube where materials filtered from the blood
flow in. At some point the coiled tube becomes straight and is bent in a U shape tube, this part is
called loop of Henle and it is surrounded by a network of capillaries from the renal vein, it is
where reabsorption takes place. All nephron end at a large tube called the Collecting duct
where content of the nephron are transported to the pelvis, to be secreted in the ureter.

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Mechanism of the Kidneys

Ultra filtration

 The blood in the renal artery contains large amounts of urea, glucose, water, mineral ions
and some amino acids. When it reaches the Glomerulus, the high pressure of the blood
and the concentration gradient of these materials between the blood and the nephron
cause most of these substances to diffuse from the blood to the bowman’s capsule and
become content of the nephrone, which is called Glomerulus filtrate (Glomerulus filtrate is
a mixture of urea, water, glucose and mineral ions that diffused from the blood to the


 The Glomerulus filtrate moves in the nephrone till it reaches the loop of Henle, which is
surrounded by a dense network of blood capillaries of the renal vein. Here there is a
concentration gradient of the content of the content of nephrone between the nephrone
and blood. Both diffusion and active transport occur to ensure the complete reabsorption
of valuable substances from the Glomerulus filtrate back to the blood; these substances
are glucose and amino acids. Some water also moves by osmosis to the blood, as well
as minerals.

That leaves urea, excess water and minerals to continue in the nephrone till it reaches
the collecting duct and the pelvis. This mixture is called urine. Urine is transported from
the pelvis to the urinary bladder by the ureters. It is them secreted out of the body
through the urethra.


 If a person gets a kidney failure, which means his kidneys cannot function anymore,
they have to wash their blood on regular basis with a machine that is an alternative
to the damaged kidneys. This process is called dialysis.

 During this process, a tube is attached to the patient’s vein; the tube is attached to
the dialysis machine on the other end. There is another tube coming out of the
machine to the patient’s vein. The blood is sucked from the patient’s vein, it goes
through the machine, and out from the other side back to the patient’s vein.

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 When the blood enters the dialysis machine, it is very rich in waste materials (urea,
excess water and minerals). The tubes inside the dialysis machine are made of a
partially permeable membrane to allow diffusion. The tubes are also surrounded
with dialysis fluid which is the same as blood plasma?

 The concentration of waste products in the blood is much higher in the blood than in
the dialysis fluid. This creates a concentration gradient, diffusion occurs and waste
products leave the blood to the dialysis fluid, which then exists the machine and gets
disposed. The dialysis fluid has to be renewed continuously to keep the concentration
gradient of waste products higher in the blood, thus ensuring that all waste products
leave the blood. The clean blood is then returned to the patient’s vein.

 The human body has the ability to maintain a constant internal environment so that every
organ and cell is provided the perfect conditions to perform its functions. This is called
homeostasis. There is no organ system for this function. However, every organ plays a
role in maintaining a constant internal environment. For example the lungs are
responsible for the supply of oxygen to cells. The liver is to maintain a constant level of
glucose and amino acids, and so on..

Temperature Regulation

 A healthy human should have a body temperature of 37°C. If the body temperature
drops below 37°C, metabolic reactions become slower because molecules move slower
and have less kinetic energy. If the temperature rises above 37°C, the enzymes of the
body begin to get denatured and metabolic reactions will be much slower.

 Sometimes, the temperature of the area you are at is low enough to decrease your body
temperature. Sometimes it is high enough to raise your body temperature. This is why
the body has the ability to control its body temperature. Our skin is responsible for this

The Human Skin

 The skin is an organ that coats your entire body. The skin is made up of
two layers, the Epidermis and the dermis.

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 The epidermis’s main function is to protect the dermis which contains most
of the structures, and protect the body from ultra-violet rays. The surface of
the epidermis is made of tough, dead cells.
 The dermis contains many useful structures. Hairs, sweat and sebaceous
glands, sense receptors and erector muscles are responsible for controlling
the body temperature. Blood vessels transport oxygen and nutrients to the
cells of the skin.

 A healthy body is continuously gaining and losing heat. Metabolic reactions like
respiration release a lot of heat energy, muscular activity increase the metabolic rate
and release more heat energy. The body can also gain temperature from the
surroundings like the sun or by eating hot food. Heat is lost by the body through
exposed skin by conduction. If there is sweat or water on the skin, it will absorb body
heat to evaporate which drops the temperature. All these factors are normal however,
but it is considered dangerous when the body temperature keeps on dropping or rising

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Cooling Down the Body

When the body is overheated, the

body takes several actions to
drop it by trying to lose heat in
several ways:

 Vasodilatation: this
action causes the body to
lose heat quickly. It
involves widening the
lumen of blood vessels of
the skin, this increases
blood flow and rate of
heat loss. The vessels are
also brought near the
surface of the skin to
reduce the distance heat
has to travel to escape.
 Sweating: Sweat glands
near the skin begin to
secret sweat on the
surface of the skin
through the pores. This
sweat acts as a heat
consumer to absorb the
body heat and use it in
evaporation. The activity
of sweat glands is
increased when the
temperature of the body

 Hairs lie flat: The muscle erectors of the hairs relax making the hairs lay flat of the
skin. When the hairs are erect, they trap air in the gaps between them, this acts as an
insulation and prevents heat loss. But when the hairs are flat, less air is trapped
between them so there is no insulation and more heat can be lost.

Heating Up the Body

When the body temperatures drop, the

body takes several actions to regulate
its temperature by insulation to prevent
heat loss and producing heat energy:

 Vasoconstriction: this causes

the blood vessels to become
narrower to reduce heat loss.
They also sink deep into the skin
to increase the distance heat
has to travel to escape thus
reducing heat loss.

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 Shivering: the muscles in the
limbs start to contract and relax
rapidly, thus increasing the rate
of respiration and amount of
heat energy released by it.
 Hairs become erect: muscle
erectors contract and make the
hairs erect and stand up
vertically trapping air in the gaps
between them. This acts as
insulation to reduce heat loss.

How the Body Senses Change in internal environment

When the body’s internal temperature changes the temperature of the blood changes with it.
When the blood flows through the brain, a part of it called the hypothalamus detects the drop or
rise in temperature. The brain then starts sending electrical impulses to the rest of the body so
that it works on heating or cooling its self.

 This process is called Negative Feedback. Negative feedback is not for change in
temperature only though, it is for any change in the internal temperature including the
blood glucose level.

Regulating Blood Glucose Level

 For blood glucose level however, the pancreas is the organ which monitors its level not
the hypothalamus. When the blood flows through the pancreas, the pancreas detects the
level of glucose in it. If it is higher than normal, the pancreas secretes a hormone called
insulin. Insulin flows in the blood till it reaches the liver. When it reaches the liver, insulin
hormone will make it convert excess glucose in the blood into glycogen and store it in the
liver cells. When the blood glucose level becomes normal, the pancreas will stop
secreting insulin so that the liver stops converting glucose.

 If the blood glucose level decreases below normal, the pancreas secretes another
hormone called glucagon. When glucagon reaches the liver, it makes the liver convert
the glycogen it made from excess glucose back into glucose and secrete it into the blood
stream so that the blood glucose level goes back to normal. When this happens the
pancreas stops secreting glucagon.
 Normal Blood Glucose Level: 80-100 mg per 100cm3.

Co-ordination and Response

 You have previously learned that one of the 7 characteristics of living organism is
irritability or sensitivity. And this is the ability to detect a change in the outer
environment and respond to it. A change in the environment is also called a stimulus
(plural stimuli). Actions taken by the body in order to co-operate with a stimuli are called
responses. The body detects a stimulus by parts in the body called receptors and is able
to respond to it through other parts called effectors. Two organ systems are continuously
working to detect and respond to stimuli, these organ system are called the nervous
system and the endocrine system.

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The Nervous System

 The nervous system is a system of organs working together to

detect and respond to stimuli. The nervous system is made up of
two systems, the Central Nervous System (C.N.S) and the
Peripheral Nervous System (P.N.S) the peripheral nervous
system connects the central nervous system to the other parts of
the body.

Central Nervous System (CNS):

 The central nervous system is made up of the brain and the spinal
cord. The spinal cord is basically a big bundle of nerve cells running
through a tunnel inside the backbone which protects it while the
brain is protected by the skull. The central nervous system is what
gives out orders to other parts of the body to perform certain jobs.

The Peripheral Nervous System PNS

 The peripheral nervous system is the other part of the nervous

system. The main job of the PNS is to detect stimuli and send
impulses to the CNS according to the stimuli. The PNS is made of
receptors and nerves that carry the impulses.

 Receptor cells are ones whose function is to detect something about its environment.
There are many receptors in the body that are able to detect many changes like
temperature, touch, light, sound and chemicals. There are some organs in the body that
are there to detect just one stimulus, like the eye for example. These are called sensory
organs and they can be defined as a group of receptor cells responding to specific
 Effectors are the opposite of receptors. Receptors are two detect the stimuli while
effectors are two respond to it. Effectors are usually muscles and glands.

Neurons (Nerve Cells)

 Neurones are one of the most important structures of the nervous systems. Neurones act
as a wire that transmits electrical impulses all over the body. Like a cable that consists of
many wires, a bundle of neurones is called a nerve. There are 3 types of neurones; each
type is to transmit electrical impulses from a specific place to another.

Motor Neurone: This is a neurone that transmits electrical impulses from the Central nervous
system to the effectors.

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 This neurone is made up of three segments; the cell body which is the start of the motor
neurone and is in the CNS, axon which stretches out from the cell body all the way to end
of the neuron, and the motor plate which is the end of the neurone and is in the effectors
Neurones have features that are common between most animal cells like a nucleus,
cymiddlelasm and cell surface membrane, but they also have some exclusive features
like the axon. The axon is an extended cymiddlelasm thread along which electrical
impulses travel. Some motor neurones have axons of length 1 metre. Axons are coated
by a layer of myelin called myelin sheath; this is an electrically insulating layer which is
essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system.
 Another exclusive feature of neurones is dendrites; these are several short threads of
cymiddlelasm coming out of the cell body. Their function is to pick up electrical impulses
from other cells.
 The last exclusive feature of motor neurones only is motor end plate. This is just the end
of the axon which is in the muscle. It passes the electrical impulses from the neurone to
the muscle fibres.

Sensory Neurones: like other neurones, sensory neurones carry electrical impulses from one
place to another. But sensory neurones carry electrical impulses in the direction different to that
of motor neurones, from the receptors to the CNS.

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 The sensory neurone’s shape is unique. This is because it is made of a cell body, with
two arms extending out of it. The first arm is the axon which’s other end is in the CNS.
The second arm is dendrite which’s other end is in the receptor. The dendrite is similar in
structure to the axon except that it joins the receptor with the cell body. The electrical
impulses of the sensory neurone flow from the receptor, through the dendrite to the cell
body, then from the cell body to the CNS through the axon.

Relay Neurone: Relay neurones are located in the CNS. Their job is to pass electrical impulses
from the sensory neurone onto the motor neurone, so it acts like a diversion.

 Where neurones meet, they are not actually touching each other. Instead there is a gap
called synapse or junction box. When the electrical impulses reach the end of a neurone,
the neurone secretes a chemical transmitter which passes by diffusion to the other
neurone causing the impulses to be carried from the first neurone to the second.

Reflex Arc (Nervous System in Action)

 If your finger touches a hot surface, receptor cells in the skin of your finger detect a
stimulus, which is a sudden rise in the temperature. The receptor uses the energy of the
stimulus to generate electrical impulses. These impulses are then carried by the axons of
the dendrites of the sensory neurone through cell body to axon and from the axon to the
CNS. At the CNS the electrical impulses travel through the synapse to the relay neurone,
which passes it onto the motor neurone.

 The nerve impulses are transmitted through the axon of the motor neurone to the
targeted muscle which contracts when electrical impulses reach it, resulting in your finger
being pulled away from the hot surface. This pathway is called the reflex arc and
happens in about a fraction of a second.

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Reflex Arc: RECEPTOR → Sensory Neurone → CNS → Motor Neurone →

Voluntary and Involuntary Actions

 The reflex arc is a reflex action. Reflex means it is automatically done without your
choice. This is because when the electrical impulses reach the relay neurone in the CNS
from the receptors, some impulses are carried by other neurones to the brain, and some
impulses are passes onto the motor neurone to the effectors muscle and the response
takes place. The electrical impulses going to your brain are much slower that the ones
going to the effectors muscle directly.

 This is why the reflex action takes place before you realise it, it is uncontrollable. Reflex
actions are said to be involuntary actions. Involuntary actions start at the sense organ
heading to the effectors. They are extremely quick. Voluntary actions are the ones that
you make the choice to do. Like picking up a bag from the floor for example. Your brain
sends electrical impulses to the effectors muscles ordering them to contract so you could
pick the bag up. Voluntary actions are slower than involuntary actions and they start at
the brain.

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The Human Eye
The human eye is a sensory organ. This means it is an organ of tissues working together to
detect and respond to a specific stimulus, which is light.

Features of the Human Eye

 Lens: changes shape to focus light on retina

 Culinary muscles: contracts and relaxes to adjust thickness of the lens
 Suspensor ligaments: loosens and tightens to adjust thickness of lens
 Iris: widens and narrows to control amount of light entering the eye depending on light
 Choroid: middle layer surrounding the eye. It contains many blood vessels
 Sclera: outer most tough, protective layer of the eye.
 Retina: inner most layer. It is sensitive to light and it is where the fovea is and it has rods
and cons
 Fovea: very light sensitive spot
 Blind spot: Where the optic nerve touches the eye. No light sensitive cells in this area.

How We See

When the light hits an object, it is reflected in all directions. When a light ray reflected from the
object hits your eye you see that object. At the back of your eye, there is a spot on the retina
called the fovea (blind spot). This spot is full of light sensitive cells. When the light ray falls on the
fovea, the light sensitive cells generate electrical impulses that travel through the optic nerve to
brain. When the electrical impulses reach the brain, the brain generates the image you see. This
all happens in less than a fraction of a second.

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But this is the general idea
only. Light rays enter the eye
from every direction. If they are
not focused on the fovea, they
will most probably not hit it and
we won’t see. Here comes the
role of the front part of the eye.
When the light ray hits the eye
at an angle, it first has to
penetrate the cornea which
refracts (bends) the light ray
inwards. The cornea acts as a
converging (convex) lens.
Then the light penetrates the
lens which refracts the ray a
little more inwards focusing the
light ray on the fovea. And thus
the light ray is focused on the
retina. When the ray hits the
retina, the closer to the fovea
the sharper the image is.


 The angle at which the light ray hits the hits the eye depends on the distance of the
object. Every light ray that hits the eye needs a certain amount of refraction in order to be
directed to the fovea. This is why the lens has the ability to widen and narrow according
to the distant of the object you’re looking at in order to make the light ray hit the retina at
the right spot. This is called accommodation. Light rays refracted from close objects are
diverging (spreading out), they need to be refracted inwards to be focused on the fovea.
When you look at a close object, it takes some time till the vision becomes clear.

 This is because at first, the light ray is not correctly refracted, so it hits the retina away
from the fovea. The electrical impulses are generated and sent to the brain which
realises that the image is not clear. The brain then sends electrical impulses to the
culinary muscles making them contract. When the culinary muscles contract the
suspensor ligaments become loose, this makes the lens become thicker and rounder for
more refraction of the light rays. Now the light rays are correctly refracted and hit the
retina at the fovea, the image becomes clear.

 For far visions it is the exact opposite. The rays reflected from far objects are almost
parallel. Very little refraction should be done. The brain sends electrical impulses to

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culinary muscles making them relax the suspensor ligaments now tighten up and pull the
lens which becomes narrow.

Distance Culinary muscles Lens
Near Contract Loosen Widens
Far Relaxes tighten narrows

Rods and Cones

 The retina is full of light sensitive cells called photoreceptors. There are two types
photoreceptors, they are rods and cones. Rods and cones are specialised types of
neurons. They look alike but they are a little different in function.

 Rods are sensitive to dim light. At night or in dark places, most light detection electrical
impulses transmission is done by rods. Vitamin A is essential for proper functioning of
rods, if Vitamin A lacks it can lead to night blindness. Rods are spread all over the retina.

 Cones are sensitive to bright and coloured light. All cones are packed in one area, the

The Pupil

The pupil of the eye is the dark round area in the centre
of it. It is surrounded by a coloured ring structure called
the iris. The pupil and the together play a big role in
protecting the eye from damage by limiting the amount of
light entering the eye. If too much light fall on the retina,
the rods and cones get damaged. The iris and pupil
change their size to middle that happening. The iris
contains two sets of muscles; Circular and Radial
muscles. Circular muscles run around the iris and radial
muscles run from the centre to the outside. When circular
muscles contract they make the pupil smaller. When the
radial muscles contract the stretch the pupil outwards
making it wider.

 In bright light, too much light starts entering the eye, which is dangerous for the rods and
cones, which detect the high light intensity. The rods and cones start a reflex arc by

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sending electrical impulses to the brain via sensory neurone. The brain responds by
sending electrical impulses to the muscles of the iris via motor neurone. These impulses
make the circular muscles contract and the radial muscles relax limiting the amount of
light entering the eye, thus protecting the rods and cones from damage.

 If you walk into a dark room, the rods and cones sense the little amount of light. They
start another reflex arc and send electrical impulses to the brain which responds by
sending electrical impulses the muscles of the iris. The radial muscles contract and the
circular muscles relax widening the pupil to let more light in.

Antagonistic Muscles
 You have just learned that in order for the pupil to get narrower or wider, two muscles
work simultaneously, when one contracts the other relaxes. Pairs of muscles like that are
called antagonistic muscles.

 The most known antagonistic muscle pair is the biceps and triceps of the arm. The bi and
the tri for short, they are what causes the movement of the arm. They work
simultaneously to bend or straighten the arm. The biceps is located in front of the
humerus bone of the upper arm. The biceps is joined to the radius bone of the lower arm
and the triceps is joined to the ulna bone of the lower arm. Muscles are attached to
bones by strong fibres called tendons.

 When you want to bend your arm the brain send two electrical impulses, one to the
bi making it contract and one to the tri telling it to relax. When the bi contracts, it
becomes shorter pulling the bones to which it is attached close and bending the
arm. This causes the fibres of the tri to stretch while they are relaxed.

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 To straighten your arm, the brain send electrical impulses to both muscles making
the bi relax in order to leave the muscle it is attached to free. The tri contracts and
becomes shorter pulling the muscle it is attached to into place and straightening the

 The biceps can be called a flexor because it flexes (bends) the arm. The triceps can be
called an extensor because it extends (straightens) the arm.


 A drug is a chemical substance that modifies and affects chemical reactions of the body
when taken in. Many drugs are useful to us like antibiotics, painkillers and caffeine.
 Some drugs however are abused by users to feel relaxed, or reach euphoria. Euphoria is
a state of mind at which the abuser feels extremely happy and relaxed. These drugs
include alcohol and heroin.


 Alcohol is a depressant drug. This means that it reduces the activity of the brain and
slows down the nervous system and reflex actions. Alcohol can be extremely dangerous
when the user is in a situation in which they need fast reflex actions. Alcohol is addictive.
The more you drink it the more you need it. The user may reach a point where they
cannot do without alcohol, this is when they become alcoholics. Alcohol is broken down
into fats by the liver. If the abuser drinks too much alcohol, the cells of the kidney may die
shortening their life.


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 Heroine is a narcotic drug. This means that it relieves pain and induces sleep. Heroine is
extracted from a plant called opium poppy. Most heroine abusers become addicts. For
the addict’s heroine become the number one priority in their lives. They would do
anything to get the drug even become criminals and possess a threat to their society. If
not rehabilitated, a heroine abuser will end up homeless or dead. Some heroin users
inject the drug in their veins by an unsterilized, shared needle; this increases the risk of
getting AID/HIV.

The Endocrine System

You have previously learned that messages
are delivered around body as electrical
impulses by the nervous system. Another
way messages are transported around the
body is by chemicals called hormones
secreted by the endocrine system.

Hormones are chemical substances

produced by a gland, carried by the blood,
which alters the activity of one or more
specific target organs and is then destroyed
by the liver.

Hormones are produced in organs called

endocrine glands which make up the
endocrine system. The following diagram
shows the glands of a human body.

Glands are organs made of secretory cells

which’s function is to produce hormones and
secret them into the bloodstream. Glands
have a dense network of blood capillaries in
them to secret the hormones in. hormones
are carried around the plasma like all other
content of the blood but certain organs are
able to use them, these are target organs.

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Gland Function of hormone
Adrenal Prepares the body for activities that need energy and quick
gland reflex actions
Insulin Makes liver reduce blood glucose level
Glucagon Makes liver increase blood glucose level
Testis Testosterone Produces male secondary sexual characteristics
Oestrogen Produces female secondary sexual characteristics
Progesterone Helps control menstrual cycle and maintain pregnancy


 When you get a fright you feel some changes in your body like a sudden increase in
heart beat rate, blood flowing quickly in veins and your breath becomes deeper and
faster. This is because the fright you got caused the brain to send electrical impulses to
the adrenal glands making them secrete adrenaline hormone in your bloodstream.

 Adrenaline is a hormone that is secreted from the adrenal glands to prepare the body for
situations that need lots of energy and fast reflex action, like fights or running away for
example. Adrenaline’s main objective is to increase your metabolic rate so that you have
enough energy for fighting or running away etc. This is why adrenaline is called the three
Fs hormone (Fight, fright, flight). One of adrenaline’s target organs is the heart. When
adrenaline reaches the heart it causes the cardiac muscle to contract and relax much
rapider so that oxygen and glucose reach the muscles of the body faster.

Adrenaline also makes the liver convert glycogen into glucose and secret it in the blood
to be used in respiration. When adrenaline reaches the diaphragm and the intercostal
muscles of the ribs, they make it contract and relax faster too to increase rate of
breathing. These changes cause an increase in the respiration rate so that lots of energy
is being released. Generally, adrenaline is secreted when you are nervous or anxious.

Use of Hormones in Food Industries

 Technologies and science have advanced enough that we can now gut much more
money out of farming and animal keeping. Hormones are now being used in farms to
increase milk yields in cows and growth rate in cattle and fish.

 In farms, the cows are being injected with a hormone called Bovine Somatotropin or BST.
BST is a hormone that is naturally produced in cows. The function of BST is to produce
milk. Injecting cows with extra BST will boost milk production and bring in more money
for the farmers. Some people however are against the use of BST and claim it is safer for
both the cows and the consumer to keep it natural and keep more cows if we want an
increased milk yield.

 Growth hormones are also being mixed with the food fed to cattle to increase their growth
rate and make them grow larger. But again many people are against this and prefer
buying meat and fish that were naturally grown.

Comparing Nervous and Endocrine Systems

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Nervous System Endocrine System
Information sent in form of electrical Information sent in form of chemical
impulses hormones
Information travel neurones Information travel in bloodstream
Information travels extremely rapidly Information travels relatively slow
Information is headed to one target Information may be used by several
(effectors) targeted organs
Electrical signals have an effect that
Hormones have a longer lasting effect
ends quickly

Coordinates and Responses in Plants:

Plants cannot move themselves to areas of preferable conditions. This is why plants have the
ability to detect a stimulus and respond to it by growing or bending in its direction or away from it.
These responses are called tropisms. For example a plant tends to grow its stem in the direction
of sunlight for more photosynthesis, this is a tropism. There are two types of tropism, these are
phototropism and geotropism.

 Phototropism: the response in which a plant grows towards or away from the direction
from which light is coming.
 Geotropism: the response in which a plant grows towards or away from gravity.
 A tropism can be either positive or negative. If a tropism is in the direction of the stimulus,
it is positive. If the tropism is away from the stimulus it is negative.
 For example, a plant’s shoot tends to grow in the direction of sunlight, this is positive
phototropism. But the plant’s root grows in the opposite direction deeply into the soil, this
is negative phototropism. However, positive phototropism can also be described as
negative geotropism because it involves the plant growing in the direction opposite to
gravity. And negative photo tropism can be described as positive geotropism because it
involves the plant growing towards gravity.


 Tropisms are controlled by a chemical called Auxins. Auxins are a plant hormone. It is
produced by cells at the tip of roots and shoots of plants. At the tip of a shoot, there is an
area in which cells are being produced by dividing so that the shoot grows. Old cells do
not divide, but they grow longer instead. The growth of these cells longer is controlled by
Auxins. Auxins are what makes the plant grows this is why a plant doesn’t grow if you cut
its tip off.

Auxins’ Role in Phototropism

 If the sun shines on the right side of a plant’s shoot, Auxins will accumulate on the dark
opposite left side. Auxins accumulating there make the cells on the left side grow much
faster than the cells on the right side. When the left side of the shoot starts growing faster
than the right side, the shoot will start to bend to the right side towards sunlight. This is

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Auxins’ Role in Geotropism

 Auxins tend to settle at the bottom end of the root. However, this does not make the cells
of the tip of the root grow longer. Instead, Auxins prevent the cells at the bottom tip of the
root from growing, making the cells at the middle of the root grow faster. When the cells
of the middle of the root grow faster, they push the root deeper into the soil and the root
gets longer. The root grows in the direction of the gravitational pull. This is geotropism.
 Roots show positive geotropism and negative phototropism because they grow towards
gravity and away from sunlight at the same time. Shoots show positive phototropism and
negative geotropism because they grow towards the sunlight and away from gravity at
the same time.

Advantages of Positive Phototropism

 Leaves exposed to more sunlight and are able to do more photosynthesis,

 Flowers can be seen by insects for pollination,
 The plant gets higher for better seed dispersal.

Advantages of Positive Geotropism

 By growing deeply into the soil, the root fixes the plant into the ground firmly,
 Roots are able to reach more water,
 Roots have a larger surface area for more diffusion and osmosis.

Selective Weed Killers

 Auxins can be used to kill weeds that grow over grass or cereal crops. If weed grows on
crops, Auxins are sprayed everywhere. Weeds absorb Auxins faster than crops or grass.
Auxins accumulate in the weeds making them grow very rapidly. Fast growth of weed
kills it leaving the crops or grass alive. Auxins are used ass selective weed killers.

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 Reproduction is a characteristic of all living organisms. It is the process that makes more
of the same kind of organism. Reproduction is essential in all species to ensure that the
species does not extinct. There are two types of reproduction, Asexual and sexual

Asexual Reproduction
 Asexual means not sexual. This means that this kind of reproduction does not involve
sex. Asexual reproduction is the production of genetically identical offspring from one
parent. It is simply a single organism growing a new organism from itself.

Asexual Reproduction in Bacteria

Bacteria are tiny single-celled organisms. They

reproduce by a process called binary fission. In
binary fission, one bacterium grows and exact
copy of its DNA coil which carries its genetic
information. Then the bacterium completely
divides witch one DNA coil in the parent and one
in the daughter bacterium. Each bacterium can
undergo binary fission once every 20 minutes
making them able to reproduce massive numbers
from one parent in very little time.

Asexual Reproduction in Fungi

Earlier, you’ve studied that fungi are multi-cellular

organisms that grow long threads called hyphae
on pieces of food. There are two types of hyphae,
reproductive and feeding hyphae. Reproductive
hyphae grow vertically above the food material. At
the top of the hyphae, there is a spherical bag in
which many spores are grown. This bag is called
sporangium. Spores being produced in the
sporangium are reproductive structures that can
grow into another fungus. At some point, the
sporangium will burst open dispersing the spores
into the air. If a spore falls on an area of
favourable conditions (food – water – air) it will
germinate and grow into a new identical fungus.

Asexual Reproduction in Potato Plants

 A potato plant starts as a lateral bud (seed) under the soil. In favourable conditions, a
shoot grows out from the bud vertically, which then becomes the stem of the plant above
the soil. Roots also grow out of the bud downwards into the soil. The bud is now a plant.
The stem then grows a part of it under the soil, which is called underground stem.

Swellings start to grow from the underground stem; these swellings are called tubers
which are the new potatoes. Glucose formed by photosynthesis in the leaves of the
above ground stem is converted into sucrose and transported down the stem to the

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tubers to be stored there as starch. When the tubers are fully grown the mother plant dies
and the new lateral buds form on the tubers. These buds then grow into new potato
plants identical to the mother plant.

Sexual Reproduction

 Sexual reproduction is the process involving the fusion of haploid nuclei to form a diploid
zygote and the production of genetically dissimilar offspring.

Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

 In a plant, the organs which are responsible for sexual reproduction are the flowers. The
diagram below shows a typical flower.
 Sex cells are called gametes. The male gametes are produced inside the anther. And
the female gametes are produced inside the ovules. Some flowers can produce both
male and female gametes. They are called hermaphrodite. Male gametes are inside
pollen grains in the anthers.

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Methods of Pollination

 Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the male part of a flower to the female part
of a flower. There are two methods of pollination, insect pollination and wind
pollination. Some flowers pollinate by insects while others pollinate by wind.

 Insect pollinating flowers have special attractive features like brightly coloured petals,
attractive scents and sugary nectar. These features’ aim is to attract insects like bees to
come and collect their nectar. While an insect is collecting the nectar, its body will touch
the anthers. The pollen grains of insect pollinating flowers have hooks and spikes all over
them in order to stick to the bodies of the insect that touch it. When this happens, the
pollen grain sticks to the body of the insect. When the insect moves on to another flower
to collect its nectar, the pollen grain falls
off the insect onto the stigma of the flower, thus insect pollination took place.

 Wind pollinating flowers however look very differently to insect pollinating ones. This is
because they do not need attractive features such as bright colours and scents and
nectar to attract insects. Instead, their petals are green or brown with their anthers and
stigmas hanging outside the flower to be exposed to the wind. When wind is strong
enough, it will blow the pollen grains off the anther and carry it along. At some point the
wind will get weaker and the pollen grain will land, if it lands on the stigma of a flower of
the same species then the pollination was successful. The surface of pollen grains of
wind pollinated plants is smooth because it does not need spikes to catch on insects.

Self-Pollination and Cross Pollination

 Self and cross pollinations are the two types of pollination.

 Self-pollination: The transfer of a pollen grain from the anther to the stigma of the same
flower or the stigma of a flower of the same plant.
 Cross Pollination: The transfer of a pollen grain from the anther to the stigma of a flower
of another plant of the same species.
 Self-pollination is considered sexual reproduction because it involves the fusion of two
gametes together even though they might come from the same flower or plant.


 If a pollen grain lands on the stigma of a flower of the same species, fertilization takes
place. This starts by the stigma secreting chemicals that start what’s called a pollen
tube. A pollen tube is the pathway in which the pollen moves downwards to reach the
ovule. If a pollen grain falls on the stigma of a flower of a different species, the stigma will
not secrete these chemicals and fertilization fails.

At the tip of the pollen tube, enzymes are secreted that digest the tissue of the style
digging the pollen tube further down till it opens on the other end in the ovule. The male
gamete enters the pollen tube and starts its journey downwards to the ovule.

 When the male gamete reaches the ovary, it enters the ovule through a hole in its outer
shell. The male gamete, which is a haploid nucleus starts fusing with the ovule producing
a diploid zygote, then develops into an embryo plant.

Seeds and Fruits

During the early stages of fertilization, some parts of the fruit become useless, they die and fall
off. These parts include the sepals, the petals and the stamens.

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 The fertilized ovule becomes a seed. Inside the seed is the zygote which develops into
an embryo plant. An embryo plant has shoot called plumule and a root called radicle.
The plant makes food for the seed and brings it to the seed where it is stored in a
structure called cotyledon inside the seed. The outside layer of the ovule becomes
thicker and harder and is now called the testa. In the seed there is a hole called the
micropyle, this is the whole through which the male gamete entered the ovule. When the
seed is fully grown, it becomes dormant. That means it loses its water and metabolic
reactions inside it stop. These reactions are reactivated when the seed is planted in
favourable conditions including water and air; this is when the seed grows into a new
plant. This enables the seed to survive hostile conditions until it is put in somewhere
where it can grow into a plant.

 The ovary of a flower contains many ovules. The ones that are fertilized turn into seeds
and the ovary its self turns into a fruit in which the seeds are. The function of the fruit is to
protect the seeds and to disperse them from the parent plant to colonize new area.

Seed Dispersal

Seed dispersal is the scattering of the seeds all over

the place to colonize he area. It always the plants to
grow in new places and contribute to variation of
species. A plant can use any of two methods of seed
dispersal. These methods are wind dispersal and
animal dispersal.

Wind dispersal depends on the fruit having wind or

parachute like structure that allows it to float in air to be
carried by wind to distant areas in order to spread the

The photo on the left is of a dandelion plant. Its fruit

grows feathery threads that make it fly over long
distances before landing on the soil.

 The photo on the left is of a sycamore plant. Its fruit grows two wings like structures that
make it spin and fly to distant areas before landing in the soil thus spreading the species.
 Other plants rely on animal dispersal. In this method the fruit has hooks all over it which
catch in the fur of animals. The animals move from place to place taking the fruit with it
until at some point it falls somewhere away from the parent tree. An example of this type
of plants is the burdock plant.

Seed Germination

A seed remains dormant until it is put in suitable conditions to start growing. These are:

 Water
 Air (oxygen)
 Suitable temperature
 Some need Sunlight

If the seed is put in an area of these conditions it will start germinating. Germinating includes the
following steps:

1. The water activates enzymes stored in the seed,

2. Enzymes start to digest the starch stored in the seed into sugars,

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3. The sugars produced taken to the embryo and is used as an energy source for growth,
4. The radicle (root) grows first, fixing the seedling into the soil where it can absorb more
5. The seed is now called a seedling,
6. Then the shoot grows vertically,
7. Once the shoot grows the first green leaf the seedling becomes fully independent (before
that it was depending on its storage materials),
8. The plant is now able to photosynthesis and makes its own food.

Sexual Reproduction in Humans

In humans, the female sex cell (gamete) is called an egg or ova (Plural: Ovum). The male sex
cell in humans is called a sperm. Sexual reproduction in humans starts by a sexual intercourse
followed by the fusion of the two gametes together forming a zygote (Fertilization).

The Female Reproductive System

The female reproductive system is located under the stomach. It consists of the following parts:

 The Ovaries: There are two ovaries. One on each side. They contain follicles where
eggs are produced,
 Oviducts (Fallopian Tube): They are two tubes, one on each side connected to an
ovary. They are where fertilization occurs and they provide a pathway for the eggs to
travel to the uterus by sweeping them by cilia on its walls,
 Uterus (Womb) : Where the foetus develops,
 Cervix: A muscular tissue which separates the vagina from the uterus,
 Vagina: it receives the male penis during sexual intercourse.

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The Male Reproductive System

The male reproductive system is also located under the stomach. It consists of the following

 Testes: a male human has two testicles. A testes is a male gland which produces
sperms and the male sex hormone testosterone
 Scrotum: it is the sac which contains the testicles,
 Sperm Ducts (Vas deferens): They are two muscular tubes, each connected to a testis.
They carry the sperms from the testis to the urethra,
 Prostate Gland: It secretes a nutritive fluid to the sperms to form a mixture called
 Urethra: It is a tube inside the penis which is the pathway of semen and urine out of the
 Penis: It is the male sex organ which ejaculates semen into the vagina during sexual
 Epididymis: coiled tubes in which sperms are stored,
 Seminal vesicle: it is another gland like the prostate gland. It also secretes nutritive
fluids for sperms to feed from and swim in forming semen.

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The testicles are inside the scrotum which hangs outside the body. This is because testicles work
best at a temperature below that of the body.

Comparing Male and Female Gametes

 Eggs are much bigger than sperms. This is because it needs space to store nutrients on
which the embryo feeds on before it reaches the uterus. Eggs being very large make it
wasteful to make plenty of them; this is why a woman has one egg at a time. Sperms
however are much smaller and in larger quantities to increase the chance of successful
fertilization. Sperms feed on nutrients in the semen fluid.

Eggs are unable to move by themselves, they are swept to the uterus by cilia in the walls
of the oviduct. On the other hand, sperms have long tails which helps them swim their
way to the egg. A sperm also has a large number of mitochondria to release lots of
energy to be used in swimming.

The Sexual Intercourse

 The penis of a male is full of erect tissue and blood vessels. During sexual intercourse
the blood pressure increases in the penis making it stiff and erect first to be inserted into
the woman’s vagina.

 Stimulation at the end of the penis causes the muscle tissues along the sperm duct to
contract in a wavy-like motion squeezing the sperms from the Epididymis to into the
sperm duct. The sperms are squeezed past the prostate gland and seminal vesicle which
secrete the nutritive fluid to the sperms forming semen.

Sperms + Nutritive Fluid = Semen

 The muscles keep contracting against the sperm duct squeezing the semen out of the
body through the urethra in the penis. The ejection of semen out of the body is called
ejaculation. During one ejaculation, about 500 million sperms are secreted.

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 The semen is ejaculated in the vagina just
below the cervix. The sperms are now
ready to begin their long, dangerous
journey to the egg. The sperms use
sugars in the nutritive fluid to release
energy which is used to swim through the
cervix and in the film of water lining the
uterus until they reach the egg. They
swim using their tails.*

 In the woman, an egg lives for several

days in one of the oviducts. When the egg
dies it is released in the uterus.
Fertilization will be successful only if the
egg is still living in one of the oviducts.
The egg produces chemicals which
attract the sperms to it. Many sperms may
arrive to the egg but only one can fertilize

 The sperms gather around the egg and compete for it by secreting enzymes which can
digest the wall of the egg. Once one of them succeeds in penetrating the wall of the egg,
it gets in leaving its tail out. At the same moment this happens, the egg produces an
impermeable wall around it called fertilization membrane which prevents any more
sperms entering the egg. No the nucleus of the sperm can fuse with the nucleus of egg,
this is fertilization.

Implantation and Development

 After the nuclei of the sperm and the egg fuse together, they become a single cell called
the zygote. Next, the zygote keeps dividing and producing more cells until a tiny ball of
cells is formed. This ball is no bigger than the original egg and is called the embryo.

 Fertilization occurs in the oviduct. The development into an embryo takes place while it is
moving slowly down the oviduct to the uterus, where the embryo starts developing
further. When the embryo reaches the uterus it sinks into the soft lining of the uterus and
becomes attached to it. This is called implantation.

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 After implantation, the embryo starts further development. Some of the cells of the
embryo grow into projections or villi which are fixed firmly into the wall of the uterus. The
uterus of the mother also grows set of projections or villi, the two sets of projections grow
closely together to form a structure called the placenta which will be used in substance
transfer between the baby and the mother.
 The embryo also starts forming a bag around the baby; this bag is called the amnion.
The majority of the cells of the embryo start dividing rapidly producing a foetus, which is
the baby.

Sperm/Egg → Zygote → Embryo → Fetes

 The placenta has two sets of villi, the foetus’s set which contains the foetus’s blood
capillaries, and the mother’s set which contains the mother’s blood capillaries. The blood
flows from the foetus to the foetus’s blood vessels in the placenta through umbilical
arteries and veins.

The function of the placenta and the umbilical cord

is to exchange substances between the mother
and foetus without mixing their bloods together.
This is because they might have different blood
groups or the mom might have a disease that
could be passed to the foetus.

The blood circulation of the foetus includes the

placenta. When the blood reaches the blood
capillaries of the foetus in the placenta, waste
substances like carbon dioxide and urea diffuse
from it to the maternal (mother’s) blood. The
mother then gets rid of these waste materials.
Useful substances also diffuse from the maternal
blood to the foetus’s blood. These include oxygen,
amino acids, glucose, vitamins, water, minerals,

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fatty acids & glycerol. These nutrients are used in
building the body of the foetus. Some useful
substances also diffuse from the maternal blood to
the fatal (foetus’s) blood like antibodies and

 The placenta has another very important function. That is making oestrogen and
progesterone hormones which are essential to keep the uterus in good condition and
stimulate milk-producing tissues in the mother.
 The foetus which is inside the amnion is surrounded by a fluid called amniotic fluid. This
fluid protects the foetus from mechanical shock so that it doesn’t get harmed if something
hits the mother’s stomach. The foetus needs no space to breath because it doesn’t, get
its oxygen from the mother and gets rid of the carbon dioxide through her too.

The Mother’s Diet

A pregnant woman’s diet is different to that of a normal woman. This is because a pregnant
woman needs extra supplies of most nutrients because she is feeding both herself and her baby.

 Proteins should be increased in a pregnant woman’s body. The growing foetus needs
plenty of protein to build new cells. Carbohydrates should also increase since the foetus
consumes them too and because it is harder to move when the woman is pregnant.

Calcium is one of the most essential minerals for the foetus’s growth. This is because it
is used in making the bones. If the mother does not increase her intake of calcium the
foetus will start absorbing it from her bones and teeth. Iron is needed in large quantities
as well. This is to produce more haemoglobin for the mother and the foetus.

Drugs should be avoided. The effects a drug has on the mother are also had on the
foetus but on a larger, more fatal scale. Drugs can cause unhealthy babies or even early
birth giving of an abnormal baby.

Giving Birth

 Nine months after fertilization, the foetus becomes ready to be given birth. Birth starts by
the muscles of uterus starting to contract. This causes some pain for the mother. When it
is time for the baby to go out, the frequency of the muscle contractions of the uterus
increase and they contract more this causes the amnion to break letting the amniotic fluid
out. The mother could help in this stage by shouting out loud since it makes the muscles
of her body contract. The muscles of the uterus keep contracting pushing the baby out.

First out is the head of the baby followed by the rest of the body slipping out. The
umbilical cord which still links the baby with the mother is now ready to be cut and tied

Feeding the Young Baby

 The best food for a new born is breast milk. This is because breast milk contains all
essential nutrients for the baby like proteins, fats, sugars, vitamins and minerals in easily
digestible form. The mother’s milk also contains antibodies which are needed by the baby
since their immune system has not developed yet. Moreover, breast feeding builds a
close bond between the mother and her baby.

If the mother cannot breast feed for any reason, there is another alternative which is
formula milk powder. Formula milk powder is mixed with boiled water and fed to the
babies in bottles. Formula milk however contains nutrients in harder digestible form which

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is a disadvantage. Formula milk also lacks of antibodies which are needed by the baby
which makes a bottle feeding baby in a greater risk of infection than a breast feeding

Increasing Fertility

 Some couples are unable to have babies. This could be due to lack of egg production in
the woman. If this is the case, the problem could be solved by prescribing the woman
hormones called fertility drugs which contain a hormone called FSH. Those drugs make
her ovulate to make her produce healthy eggs which can be fertilized.

 In other cases, the problem could be caused by a problem with the woman’s ovaries or
the man’s sperm’s activity. The solution in these cases is called Vitro fertilization. In
vitro fertilization, the woman is first given fertility drugs to make her produce a lot of eggs.
These eggs are then taken out of the woman and replaced in a sterile dish. Then, the
man’s sperms are added to the dish. After fertilization happens, one of the fertilized eggs
is taken from the dish and put back in the woman’s uterus. If this is correctly done, the
zygote will develop and the woman will get pregnant.

 If there is no hope in the man’s sperm, a sperm donor is needed. This is another man
who donates his sperm to fertilize the woman’s eggs. This can be done naturally by
sexual inter course or by vitro fertilization. This method is called artificial insemination.

 Methods of increasing fertility cause a fuss around the world. Some people say that the
world’s population is big enough and that couples who are unable to have children should
deal with it. Others however, think it’s every couple’s right to have kids. Some people
also claim that increasing fertility costs great expenses and that money could be used
wisely in other needs.

The Menstrual Cycle

In a normal woman, one egg is

released from the ovaries per
month. This is accompanied by
other changes. For example,
the inner lining of the uterus
becomes ready to receive a
fertilized egg. The lining of the
uterus becomes full of blood
capillaries and soft. If
fertilization doesn’t take place
at that time, the egg dies, this
is also accompanied by other
changes. The thick lining of the
uterus becomes unneeded and
it breaks down and gets out of
the body through the vagina
with the dead egg over a period
of 4-7 days. This is called
menstruation. These events
are part of what’s called the
menstrual cycle which takes
place monthly in a 12-50 years
old woman’s body. The
diagram on the right represents

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events of the menstrual cycle.

The menstruation cycle is

controlled by 4 hormones. Two
of these are made by the
ovaries and they are called
oestrogen and progesterone.
The other two are made by the
pituitary gland and they are
called the FSH and LH

During menstruation at the

beginning of the cycle, the
pituitary gland secretes FSH
and LH hormones. These
hormones stimulate the ovaries
to secrete oestrogen hormone,
the function of this hormone is
to rebuild the lining of the
uterus again once menstruation
is finished.

Next, the pituitary gland increases the amount of FSH and LH hormones secreted, specially the
LH. The large amounts of LH hormone cause the ovary to release an egg, this is ovulation. This
is when fertilization is most likely to be successful if sexual intercourse took place.

 Then the amounts of LH, FSH and oestrogen hormones secreted drop. The place where
the egg was in the ovary gets occupied by yellow cells which produce and release
progesterone hormone. Progesterone maintains the good condition of the lining of the
uterus to ensure implantation if fertilization took place.

 If the egg is not fertilized, the yellow cells in the ovary disappear and the progesterone is
no longer produced. This causes damage to the lining of the uterus which soon breaks
down. Thus menstruation takes place and the cycle starts all over again.

Birth Control

 Birth control is controlling the number of children and the time to have them. A couple
may use birth control if they are not ready to have a baby yet. There are several types
and methods of birth control. Types of birth control are natural, chemical, mechanical and

 There are two methods of natural birth control. These are abstinence and rhythm
method. Abstinence method is simple avoiding sexual inter course, this way there is no
chance the woman will get pregnant.

 Rhythm method is based on the woman understanding her menstrual cycle (period). The
woman must be able to sense and predict the time of ovulation when the egg is in the
oviduct waiting to be fertilized, and not have sexual intercourse at that time. The woman
can know when it is ovulation time of the cycle by sensing it signs which are change in
the natural secretions in her vagina and a slight rise in body temperature. For some
women however, it is very difficult to tell when it is ovulation time to avoid having sexual
intercourse at it. This can be due irregular periods or unclear signs of ovulation. This is
why the rhythm method is not very reliable.

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 The chemical type depends on the couple taking chemicals that prevent fertilization or
even ovulation. The most chemical method of birth control is the contraceptive pill. This
is a pill which contains chemicals that prevent the ovaries releasing an egg to the oviduct
(ovulation); there won’t be an egg ready for fertilization. In some cases, the pill has to be
taken every single day, if it is forgotten once there is a chance of pregnancy. The pill is
very effective, but it is not preferred by some women since it could bring other side
effects such as mood swings, weight gain or circulatory diseases like strokes. The pill
has to be prescribed by a doctor who performs a check up on the woman in advance.

 The alternative chemical method of birth control is the spermicidal cream. This is a
cream that contains a substance that will kill sperms. The cream has to be placed in the
woman’s vagina before sexual intercourse so that it kills the sperms that will be
ejaculated. The cream is not entirely effective on its own since some sperms may
survive, but it could be used along with other birth control methods.

 There are four mechanical methods of birth control namely; condom, Femindom,
diaphragm, and IUD. The condom is the most used method of birth control. It is simply a
layer of cover worn on the penis to keep semen from entering the woman’s body. It is
made of stretchy, impermeable material that won’t allow any substance entering the
woman’s body from the man or vice versa. The condom also has a great advantage; it
also prevents diseases or bacteria and viruses passing from the man to the woman or
vice versa. The condom is one of the most reliable methods of birth control.

 Femindom is a female condom that is worn by the woman instead of the man. It acts like
a bag in the vagina in which the penis is inserted and the semen is ejaculated without
entering the woman’s body.

 The third mechanical method of birth control is the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a small,
circular piece of rubber which is fit over the woman’s cervix to prevent sperms from
passing through it. It is impermeable and it can be used along with spermicidal cream to
ensure that sperms will not pass through the cervix.

 The last mechanical method for birth control is the intra-uterine device or IUD for short.
This is a coil of copper or plastic that is fit in the woman’s uterus to block the passage of
sperms. It is not recommended though because it has some unpleasant side effects like
making the periods heavier.

 As for surgical methods, one of the couple can perform a surgery to prevent their
gametes reaching the site of fertilization. For example the woman could have an
operation to cut and seal her oviducts to ensure that the egg can’t pass down to the
uterus. Or the man could have his sperm ducts cut and sealed, in this way the sperms
won’t even leave his body. This surgery is called vasectomy and the man is considered
sterile after it. These methods are irreversible and the person who does it can never have
kids again.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

 Sexually transmitted diseases or STD’s for short are caused by viruses or bacterium
passing from one partner or another during sexual intercourse. The most spread STD’s
are gonorrhoea and HIV (also known as AIDS).

 Gonorrhoea is caused by a bacterium that lives and breeds in damp conditions at 37oC.
It lives in the reproductive system of the carrier person. The bacteria could be easily
transferred to the partner during sexual intercourse. Symptoms of gonorrhoea in men are
very clear. They include spores on the penis, discharges and painful urination. In women
however, the symptoms are less noticeable because women’s reproductive organs are
inside her body. They include discharges which the woman won’t be able to differentiate

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between and the normal vaginal discharges. If a pregnant woman catches the disease, it
is likely that the baby will catch it two during giving birth. The disease is easily cured by a
course of antibiotics and could be prevented by means of birth control and not having
sexual intercourse with more than one person.

 AIDS is a disease caused by the HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). The virus lives in
most of body fluids such as blood and reproductive tract. It could be easily transmitted to
the other partner during sexual intercourse because their reproductive tracts come in
contact. The virus lives in breeds in lymphocytes (white blood cells). The virus could live
for years in the body before it starts showing symptoms of the disease. AIDS is short for
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. The disease prevents white blood cells from
killing bacteria and viruses, so one or more weak viral or bacterial infections are enough
to kill the patient. There is no cure for AIDS till now, it is best to prevent it from spreading
by not having sexual intercourse with an infected person. AIDS could also be spread by
blood, so it is best prevent your blood mixing the blood of an infected person or share
unsterilized, needles that have been used by an infected person to inject drugs into

Growth and Development

 A human being’s body is at continuous growth state from the moment of the formation of
the zygote until they are an adult. Growth is a permanent increase in size and dry mass
caused by an increase in cell number or cell size or both. When a zygote starts forming
organs of the foetus like the brain for example, the organism is said to be developing.
Development is an increase in complexity of an organism as it grows to adulthood.

Growth Patterns

 Growth keeps on going after birth till adolescence. Adolescence is the time at which a
child’s growth rate increases as the child becomes a teenager. A sudden rise in growth
rate of an organism is called a growth spurt. A human being experiences two growth
spurts at his lifetime, the first is at his early years from age 1-3, and then the child’s
growth rate then decreases and stabilizes. The second growth spurt is the adolescent
one, which for girls, occurs at the age of about 9-10 years old. And for boys, adolescent
growth spurt occurs at an age of about 12-13 years old. The adolescent growth spurt
ends at an age of around 17 years old.

 During the adolescent growth spurt, some changes occur on the body. One of these
changes is their sex organs starting to become mature, this is called puberty. Puberty
takes place between ages of 11-17 but generally it is earlier in girls than boys. During
puberty large amounts of sex hormones are released by the body causing changes.

Puberty in Boys

 The main sex hormone of males is called testosterone. At puberty, the testicles secrete
large amounts of testosterone into the blood. The testicles now start to become fully

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mature and start producing sperms. The chest and shoulders of the boy become broader
and muscles increase in size. Hairs start to grow around his sex organ and under his
armpits; facial hair may grow as well. Sweat glands become more active and voice of the
boy deepens.

Puberty in girls

 During puberty for girls, the ovaries become mature and they start secreting estrogen
hormone. The changes that take place in the girl’s body is enlargement of breasts and
hip. The girl’s voice tone becomes sharper. The ovaries become mature and start
releasing eggs. Periods or the menstrual cycle also starts.

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