EEC201L Circuits 2 (Lab) : Exercise
EEC201L Circuits 2 (Lab) : Exercise
EEC201L Circuits 2 (Lab) : Exercise
I 11.83 mA 1.11 mA
Z 2187.01 Ω 3518.82 Ω
θ -46.67 -64.768
13. Measure the phase angle (θ) between Phase angle = -64.768
VGEN and the circuit current. Did the added The added series capacitor increase the
series capacitor increase or decrease the phase angle between the applied voltage
phase angle between the applied voltage VGEN and circuit current.
VGEN and circuit current?
RT 1.5 k Ω
IC 1 mA
IR 1.07 mA
IT (calculated) 1.46 mA
IT (measured) 1.40 mA
IT 1.40 mA 6.67 mA
Z 2187.01 Ω 1698 Ω
Θ -46.70 -27.95
10. Did the added parallel capacitor cause the XCT = 795.75 Ω
total capacitive reactance to increase or to The added parallel capacitor cause the total
decrease? capacitive reactance to decrease
13. Did the added parallel capacitor cause the The added parallel capacitor cause the phase
phase angle to increase or to decrease? angle to decrease.
In this experiment,
we have to determine the
behavior of the RC circuit whether it is a series or parallel connection and getting their
respective impedance. When getting the total capacitive reactance, it is the summation of
the individual reactance connected in series. While in parallel, to find its total capacitive
reactance, you must use its reciprocal formula, of if the circuit has only two capacitors, you
may use the product-over-sum formula. In series connection, the capacitive reactance
increases as the number of capacitors also increase. It will result in lower circuit and higher
circuit impedance and as the capacitive reactance increases, the phase angle between its
applied voltage and circuit current also increases. In parallel connection, when the number
of capacitor increases, the capacitive reactance decreases. As a result, it has a higher circuit
and lower circuit impedance, Therefore, when the capacitive decreases, more current flows
through the reactive branch of the circuit, so the phase angle between its phase angle
between its phase angle between the applied voltage and circuit current increases.
Once resistance and individual reactances determined by value and frequency are
known, branch currents are calculated using Ohm's law. Currents are calculated using ac
ohmic values. After reactive currents are subtracted, the Pythagorean theorem is used to
determine (vector) total current. Again the phase angle may be obtained with the arctan
Parallel impedance may be calculated with Ohm's law (Z), after total current has been
determined. Total current is also used for apparent power calculation. True power is still
resistive, and the cosine of the angle remains the power factor.