Lesson Plan Guide 06152020

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Agustin Montemayor

June 15, 2020

TEKS: (C2) Objective: (C3)
(1) Scientific investigation and reasoning. The student, for at least 40% of
the instructional time, conducts laboratory and field investigations following
By the end of class learners will be able to
safety procedures and environmentally appropriate and ethical practices. demonstrate safe practices during laboratory
The student is expected to: and field investigations.

Specific __ Measureable __Attainable___ Relevant____Time ____

Grade: 7 Subject: Science

Task Analysis: (C4) What lang. must be taught: Lab Safety Vocabulary Strategy to teach Language: (C4)
Lab Safety Rules
Scaffolding from the School Rules and making a connection
What skills must be taught: that Labs Safety is even more stringent because of inherent
How to identify danger & avoid accidents - follow safe lab I would teach vocabulary by naming and having the students
practices repeat. Frayer model deleted from LP
Key Vocabulary
1. Safety 2. Emergency 3. Safety Gloves 4. Lab Apron
Assessment: (C5) KWL 5. Safety Gloves 6. Flammability 7. Fire Extinguisher
Learner performance / demonstration of safe practices 8. Fire Blanket 9. Hazardous Waste 10. Eye/Face Wash Station
Virtual lab quiz 11. Safety shower 12. Recycle 13. Conserve
Students will demonstrate how to identify and use safety equipment. Lab Safety Rules
I will use a Cloze assessment to confirm understanding Keep work areas clean. ...
Use the proper tool for the job. ...
Always wear the proper PPE for the
Tech work task. ...
Strategies for Success: (C6) lab symbols matching Element of Technology: (C6) Never work on live equipment. ...
interactive app Make sure chemicals are properly
Learners work in mixed groups of 3 Students watch short video/ labeled and stored.
Teacher demonstrate safe lab practices virtual lab identifying safe and Communicate hazards to other
Learners practice then demonstrate independently personnel. ...
unsafe lab practices.
Stop work when needed to address
Learning Styles Addressed: (C6) Resources / Materials needed: (C6)

Visual – video / realia Where's the Safe-T worksheet to identify the unsafe
practices. In groups learners identify then discuss
Auditory – lecture - direct input why it's unsafe.
Lab realia to to demonstrate with
Kinesethic – Word wall of safety practices
learners demonstrate

Higher Order Questions to ask: (C6)

1. Can you create an additional lab rule that you feel would be important for this class.

2. Please rank the safety rules from important to most important

Can you identify safe and unsafe practices from the the worksheet

Hook: (C7) Closure: (C7)

Smell - Learners close eyes and try to Learners complete the "What they've
smell and identify nontoxic chemicals. learned" section from the KWL.

Props - Learners observe equipment on Learners sign a lab safety agreement.

table. Teacher asks name or what it is
used for.
1. Teacher Input / Direct Instruction / Modeling: (C6)

Teacher gives an overview and the objective of class.

Teacher names safety practice and describes / demonstrates the practice
Step by step

2. Student Activities / Guided Practice: (C6)

What do you smell (to hook the students and introduce how a bad smell could indicate danger)
Where's the Safe-T worksheet (to elicit prior knowledge and set the stage)
Students replicate the practice in step until the objective is met.
KWL (students complete the L-part)
Students sign lab safety agreement

3. Independent Practice: (C6)

Students use a checklist to idependently demonstrate lab safety protocol.

Modifications / Accommodations: (E6) Comprehensible Input Techniques: (R6)

Using technology - Direct Instruction - Naming of lab and safety

have the student do an easier option of matching equipment with chorall repetition.

For performance - Reason: this should be new information with very

Student needs to identify not name little background knowledge.

Wordwall will appeal to other learning styles and

Move the desks to allow the student to access the provide re-expouse


Excellent classroom management is necessary due to the inherent nature of the lab
Name: Agsutin G Montemayor
June 15,2020
Low Rigor - This acitivity should be curious, serious and exciting for students as this
the first day of science lab.

Retrieval Use open and closed questions to prompt students' knowledge - this should be fun.

Relevance Analogy, just as there are school rules we need lab rules - Rules are needed for safety.

Routing Teacher does naming of lab and safety equipment.
Teacher models proper safety procedure.

Retaining / Rehearsing
Students repeat after teacher.


Students practice in groups and confirm equipment identification and proper safety


Recognizing Teacher walks around groups and conducts informal assessments, giving immediate
At the end, call on 1 or 2 students to demonstrate a performance of lab safety
Informal assessement
Technology based Safety Quiz
Cloze reading
Lab equipement, Safety equipment, Tablets for students, Safety worksheet, Cloze
reading, Exit tickets

Student performance
Exit tickets

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