Aphasia Aphasia: Person-Centered Focus On Function: Person-Centered Focus On Function

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What are person-centered

functional goals?
• Goals identified by the client, in
partnership with the clinician and
family, that allow participation in
meaningful activities and roles
ICF: International Classification
Why target person-centered functional goals? of Functioning, Disability
• To maximize outcomes that lead to functional and Health
improvements that are important to the
individual Health Condition
• To optimize the individual’s potential to disorder or disease
that informs predicted
participate in meaningful activities comorbidities and
• To facilitate a partnership that ensures the prognosis
individual and family have a voice in the care
received and outcomes achieved
Body Functions Activities and
• To demonstrate to the payers the value of and Structures Participation
skilled services anatomical parts execution
and their of tasks or
What is the ICF, and how does it help? physiological involvement in
functions life situations
The International Classification of Functioning,
Disability and Health (ICF)—developed by
the World Health Organization (WHO)—is a Environmental and
framework to address functioning and disability Personal Factors
related to a health condition within the context physical, social, attitudinal,
of the individual’s activities and participation in and environmental factors
and factors within the
everyday life. individual’s life

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: asha.org/slp/icf/ • who.int/classifications/icf/en/

Person-Centered Focus on Function: Aphasia

Case study: Mr. L

Health Condition: Broca’s aphasia post-CVA

Assessment Body Functions and Activities and Environmental and

Data Structures Participation Personal Factors
Spoken Language Function (ALA-2b, interview) (CCRSAc, interview)
(WAB-Ra) • Reduced participation • Age: 64
• Aphasia quotient: in activities outside • Comorbid chronic
67.8 of the home health conditions:
• Naming: 37/60 (e.g., viewing or right hemiparesis,
• Word fluency: 5/20 participating in sports) hypertension
(1- to 2-word • Difficulty engaging • High level of
utterances) in preferred reading motivation
• Sentence activities (e.g., reading • Desire for greater
comprehension: 5/10 novels or newspapers) independence in
• Responsive speech: • Increased withdrawal social interactions
3/10 from social interaction • Reduced confidence
• Word finding: 50/100 • Wife reports difficulty in communication
Reading comprehension understanding with familiar and
(non-standardized his attempts to unfamiliar speakers
assessment) communicate needs at • Supportive family &
• Words: 80% home friends
• Sentences: 60%
• Paragraphs: 50%

Reasoning What impairments most What personal/
affect function in the What activities are
environmental characteristics
current setting or at most important to
help or hinder participation
discharge, based on the individual in the
in activities or situations
clinician assessment & the current or discharge
in the current or discharge
individual’s self-report? setting?

Goal Setting Mr. L’s Functional Goals

Long-Term Goal:
Mr. L will use functional communication skills for social interactions (e.g., greetings,
social etiquette, and short questions/simple sentences) with both familiar and unfamiliar
partners with 90% success.
Short-Term Goals:
• Mr. L will formulate 3-word utterances to communicate daily needs in response to
pictures with 75% accuracy with minimal cues.
• Mr. L will increase the use of strategies for effective repair of misunderstandings during
conversations 80% of the time with minimal cues.
• Mr. L will demonstrate reading comprehension of 5-sentence paragraphs with 80%
accuracy with minimal cues.
• Mrs. L’s skill in supporting conversation with her husband with aphasia will improve as
rated on the MSC (Measure of Skill in Supported Conversation, Kagan et al., 2004).

WAB-R: Western Aphasia Battery—Revised (Kertesz, 2006)
ALA-2: Assessment for Living with Aphasia – 2nd edition (Kagan et al., 2007)
CCRSA: Communication Confidence Rating Scale for Aphasia (Babbitt, Heinemann, Semik, & Cherney, 2011)

For clinical and documentation questions, contact healthservices@asha.org.

The interpretation of ICF and examples above are consensus based and provided as a resource for members of the
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

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