Rail Structures, Ownership and reform-UK
Rail Structures, Ownership and reform-UK
Rail Structures, Ownership and reform-UK
Summary 3
1. Structural options and case studies 4
1.1 Vertically integrated 5
Fully integrated, publicly-owned monopoly 5
Multiple, vertically integrated operators 8
Vertically integrated concessions 10
In-market competition between integrated rail operators 11
1.2 Intermediate models 13
Horizontally separated and devolved 13
Holding company model with mandated access 13
1.3 Vertical separation 15
1.4 Other factors at play 20
2. Structural reform in GB 23
2.1 What did the rail market look like before the 1990s? 23
2.2 Privatisation 25
2.4 McNulty Rail Value for Money Study, 2011 31
2.5 Developments post-McNulty 32
Shaw review into Network Rail, 2015-16 33
Current Government view, 2016- 36
2.6 Labour’s alternative: public ownership 36
3. Structural reform in the EU 40
3.1 The Railway Packages 40
3.2 Structural models in the EU 42
Cover page image copyright Manchester Victoria Station by Department for Transport
3 Commons Library Briefing, 27 July 2017
This paper explains the various ways railways are structured around the world and sets out
how rail structures in Great Britain have developed to date and prospects for the future.
In the early 1990s the Major Government initiated a radical structural transformation of
the British rail system, one that is yet to be repeated internationally (the system in
Northern Ireland is entirely separate, state-owned and state-run). Over a relatively short
period British Rail was split up into over 100 private companies. The infrastructure
ownership and management was privatised and rebranded under Railtrack, the rolling
stock companies and freight sectors were also privatised and the passenger rail operations
were let to private operators under 25 separate franchises. Over the next fifteen years
there followed further reforms, partly due to the change of government but also due to
issues following the Hatfield disaster and the collapse of Railtrack.
There are different views about how successful GB rail privatisation has been. Some argue
that it never delivered on its initial promise to introduce on-track competition. Some assert
that while private sector involvement has been beneficial, the lack of vertical integration
between track and train has been a mistake. Whereas others maintain that the whole
thing has been a failure – leading to inefficiencies, spiralling costs and high fares – and the
railway should be brought back into public ownership.
Great Britain was the only country to adopt its specific model of operation and was the
only country to completely divest itself of any public stake in passenger operations
(Sweden would be the closest European comparator). A host of other models have
emerged following the wave of international reform in the 1990s. Despite this, there is
still no consensus on the optimum structural model for the railway industry.
Indeed, logically a single model could never be suitable across all regions. The World Bank,
for example, has argued that rail restructuring is a “pragmatic search for a model that
works in specific markets and in which railway management objectives are reasonably
aligned with national policy objectives for railways”. That said, cross-country evidence
shows that there is a clear presence in almost all markets of a state-owned incumbent
railway operator and infrastructure manager, particularly if passenger demand and service
dominates the national rail network. Even in Sweden, where market opening has recently
been taken to the point of including all train services, the state continues to be a major
stakeholder in both operations and infrastructure.
Railway restructuring remains a controversial issue in Great Britain, twenty years after
privatisation was completed. The Conservative Government is broadly supportive of the
current structure, although Secretary of State Chris Grayling has said that he intends to
bring back together the operation of track and train in some form. This is not a new idea
– Sir Roy McNulty suggested it in his 2011 report on rail value for money. In contrast, the
Labour Party is committed to bringing private rail companies back into public ownership as
their franchises expire, as part of a wider renationalisation programme.
Information on other aspects of rail policy can be found on the Railways briefings page of
the Parliament website.
4 Rail structures, ownership and reform
“Structural reform in the rail industry”, OECD Journal: Competition Law and Policy
No.3, Volume 8, Issue 2, 11 October 2006, p86
Op cit., Railway Reform: Toolkit for Improving Rail Sector Performance, p67
Ibid., pp67-68
6 Rail structures, ownership and reform
Pittman, R. “Options for restructuring the state-owned monopoly railway”, Research in
Transportation Economics, vol. 20, issue 1, 2007, pp179–198; Mr Pittman is Dir. of
Economic Research at Antitrust Division, U.S. Dept. of Justice
It should be noted that the specific choice of corporate form are complex and will vary
from country to country based on legalities regarding asset holding, accounting
methods, taxation and transfer of staff to new entities
Op cit., Railway Reform: Toolkit for Improving Rail Sector Performance, p68
Op cit., Railway Reform: Toolkit for Improving Rail Sector Performance, p69
7 Commons Library Briefing, 27 July 2017
van de Velde, D., C. Nash, A. Smith, F. Mizutani, S. Uranishi, M. Lijesen and F.
Zschoche for CER, EVES-Rail - Economic effects of Vertical Separation in the Railway
Sector, 2012, p26
Op cit., “Options for restructuring the state-owned monopoly railway”, pp179-198
The average costs decrease as the size of the company increases
Op cit., Railway Reform: Toolkit for Improving Rail Sector Performance, p73
Nash et.al, “Comparing three models for introduction of competition into railways,
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy”, Journal of Transport Economics and
Policy Vol. 47, No. 2, May 2013, pp191-206
Johnson, D, Shires, J, Nash, C, and Tyler, J, “Forecasting and appraising regular
interval timetable”, Transport Policy Volume 13, Issue 5, September 2006, pp349-66
Op cit., “Comparing three models for introduction of competition into railways,
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy”, pp191-206
Op cit., “Structural reform in the rail industry”, p96
8 Rail structures, ownership and reform
Ibid., p90
Op cit., Railway Reform: Toolkit for Improving Rail Sector Performance, p73
Ibid., p76
9 Commons Library Briefing, 27 July 2017
privatised during the 1990s and 2000s, and a fourth more recently in
2016 (see box below).
Three of the JR companies (JR Central, JR East and JR West) were progressively privatised,
between 1993 and 2006, and are now privately owned, joint-stock companies listed on the
Tokyo Stock Exchange. Up to one third of the shares are held by foreign bodies. None of the
three companies receive state subsidies. The Shinkansen line, being almost insolvent, was
privatised and geographically divided. Ownership of each of the lines was distributed to the three
private operators according to geographic location; though there is still some cooperation
between these companies to provide Shinkansen services. In October 2016, all the shares of JR
Kyushu were also listed.
The state has retained ownership of JR Hokkaido and JR Shikoku but the remaining government-
owned passenger railways represent only a small share of total passenger kilometres. These
public enterprises nonetheless act as private operators and seek to earn a profit like private
companies. However, neither have been profitable and they receive public subsidies.
The six JR passenger lines own 87% of all Japanese railway track. The remaining 13% is divided
among other privately owned railways, which operate mainly as regional commuter lines. Freight
services are a secondary user and are provided by a company which does not own track
infrastructure of its own. Only in very few cases do tracks of different passenger lines overlap.
Intra-modal competition is therefore very low. Only in urban regions, such as the suburbs of
Tokyo, does intra-modal competition arise from other privately operating railways that focus on
regional transport. The main competition thus stems from inter-modal competition (i.e. road-
based transport).
The government has a role in jointly planning rail infrastructure with private operators and
approving the fares set by the JRs. The safety regulator is the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,
Transport and Tourism.
The results of the JNR reform have, according to Kurosaki (2016), been “outstanding” because
of increasing transport volume, productivity, and sustainable management of the JRs, who have
focused on their markets and specific regional needs. Although the transport volume (passenger-
km) decreased 6% in the decade prior to JNR reform, the trend changed significantly, increasing
to 27%, in the decade after the reform. According to Kurosaki “this success can mainly be
attributed to privatisation and regional division, both of which solved the problems underlying
JNR’s failure”.
Sources: Ishida, Y. (2011) Japan, Reforming Railways: Learning from Experience, CER, 23-30 and
Kurosaki, F. (2016) Reform of the Japanese National Railways, Network Industries newsletter,
18(4), 8-11
Ibid., p71
10 Rail structures, ownership and reform
Ibid., p71
A concession is a contract between a government owner and private parties to
provide some agreed rail-related services
Op cit., “Options for restructuring the state-owned monopoly railway”, pp179–198
Op cit., Railway Reform: Toolkit for Improving Rail Sector Performance, p200
Ibid., p201
Gangwar, R. et. al. “Framework for structuring public private partnerships in
railways”, Case Studies on Transport Policy, Volume 3, Issue 3, September 2015,
11 Commons Library Briefing, 27 July 2017
freight and passenger services on the other. 31 Where it has been done,
it has seen “generally positive results”. 32 Latin America and Africa have
led the way internationally in railway privatisation through concessions.
Eight Latin American countries – Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa
Rica, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru – developed private rail concessions
to one extent or another in the 1990s. 33 In assessing the effects of
concession arrangements in Latin America, the World Bank made the
following observations:
Now over a decade since rail concessioning in Latin America
began, the overall assessment of its results is positive, particularly
for freight railways. Railway traffic volumes have climbed, with
some improvements in surface transport market share. Although
numerous data problems exist, measures of productive efficiency
almost uniformly show post-concession improvements in cargo
transport. Effects on rail rates and service levels have generally
received positive reviews. Evidence is less extensive for passenger
services, mostly because concessioning was largely limited to
commuter services in Argentina and Brazil and because such
concessions must be evaluated in terms of complex subsidy and
regulated pricing regimes, rather than as market-based private
enterprises. Railway concessions have not revived uneconomic
intercity passenger services, nor has there been much effort to do
so. 34
The Netherlands procures its operations and infrastructure by way of concessions, but
they are vertically separated, for more information, see: Vosman, Q, Dutch
concessions: the ministry asserts control, March 2015
Op cit., Railway Reform: Toolkit for Improving Rail Sector Performance, p200
Martin, B. for the International Transport Workers’ Federation, Railway privatisation
through concessions – the origins and effects of the experience in Latin America,
2002, p2
World Bank, Results of Railway Privatization in Latin America, Transport Papers, TP-6,
2005, p.vii
Op cit., “Structural reform in the rail industry”, p97
12 Rail structures, ownership and reform
Sources: OECD (2005) Structural Reform in the Rail Industry: Mexico and United States
Chapters, Policy Roundtables and Clausen, U, and Voll, R. (2013) A comparison of North
American and European railway systems, European Transport Research Review, 5(3), 129-33
Ibid., p104
13 Commons Library Briefing, 27 July 2017
Op cit., “Options for restructuring the state-owned monopoly railway”, p189
Op cit., Railway Reform: Toolkit for Improving Rail Sector Performance, p79
Internal separation of an infrastructure division from train operating divisions within a
railway company, or as companies within a holding structure, is not vertical
separation but a means of managing vertical integration
14 Rail structures, ownership and reform
Transport for Quality of Life, Rebuilding Rail, June 2012
Nash, C., “Passenger railway reform in the last 20 years – European experience
reconsidered”, Research in Transportation Economics Volume 22, Issue 1, 2008, p63
Mizutani et. Al, “Comparing the costs of vertical separation, integration, and
intermediate organisational structures in European and East Asian railways”, Journal
of Transport Economics and Policy, 2014
Ibid., p31
Op cit., “Structural reform in the rail industry” p86
Ibid., pp112-113
Ibid., p113
Ibid., p113
15 Commons Library Briefing, 27 July 2017
See European Commission outline of the Italian railway
16 Rail structures, ownership and reform
European Commission, White Paper: Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area,
COM(2011) 144 final, 2011, p9
Op cit., “Structural reform in the rail industry”, p129
Op cit., EVES-Rail - Economic effects of Vertical Separation in the Railway Sector, p32
Ibid., p34
Op cit., “Passenger railway reform in the last 20 years – European experience
reconsidered”, p63
Op cit., EVES-Rail - Economic effects of Vertical Separation in the Railway Sector, p32
17 Commons Library Briefing, 27 July 2017
Technical efficiency is the effectiveness with which a given set of inputs is used to
produce an output. A firm is said to be technically efficient if it is producing the
maximum output from the minimum quantity of inputs, such as labour, capital and
OECD, Recent developments in rail transportation services, DAF/COMP(2013)24,
2013, p28
Merkert, R, A. Smith and C.A. Nash, “The measurement of transaction costs –
Evidence from European Railways”, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Vol.
46, No. 3, September 2012, pp349-365
18 Rail structures, ownership and reform
Nash, C, and Matthews, B. for TS and CER, European transport policy: progress and
prospects, 2009
Op cit., EVES-Rail - Economic effects of Vertical Separation in the Railway Sector, p6
Op cit., Recent developments in rail transportation services, p28
Nash et. Al, “Structural reforms in the railways: incentive misalignment and cost
implications”, Research in Transportation Economics, 48, 2014, pp16-23
Op cit., EVES-Rail - Economic effects of Vertical Separation in the Railway Sector, p33
Ibid., p27
DfT/ORR, Realising the Potential of GB Rail: Final Independent Report of the Rail Value
for Money Study, May 2011, p45
Ibid, p5
Arup & Oxera for the VfM Review Team, Review of rail cross-industry interfaces,
incentives, and structures, September 2010, ppi-ii
19 Commons Library Briefing, 27 July 2017
Op cit., EVES-Rail - Economic effects of Vertical Separation in the Railway Sector, p27
Ibid., p12
Ibid., p29
20 Rail structures, ownership and reform
Op cit., “Passenger railway reform in the last 20 years – European experience
reconsidered”, p63
Moreno, J, and Huertas, V., “Do reforms improve efficiency in European railways
sector? An empirical analysis with non-parametric approaches”, International Journal
of Recent Engineering Research and Development, Volume No. 02 – Issue No. 02,
2014, pp37-50
Op cit., “Structural reforms in the railways: incentive misalignment and cost
implications”, pp16-23
Op cit., EVES-Rail - Economic effects of Vertical Separation in the Railway Sector, p4
According to Nash et. al (2013), the existing evidence is unclear on the impact of rail
reform. Perhaps this is not surprising. Econometric studies suffer from the small
sample of countries to deal with, the significant differences in the way in which
reform has been carried out among them, and that few countries have seen
significant levels of competition, particularly in the passenger market. There are also
serious problems in ensuring data comparability
21 Commons Library Briefing, 27 July 2017
Wardman (2006) found economic growth to be particularly important, as well as
rising road congestion
Smith, A. and Nash, C. (2014), Rail Efficiency: Cost Research and its Implications for
Policy, International Transport Forum Discussion Papers, 2014/22, p15
Drew, J. and Nash, C.A., Vertical separation of railway infrastructure - does it always
make sense?, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, Working Paper
594, 2011, p2
Alexandersson, G., & Rigas, K., “Rail liberalisation in Sweden: Policy development in a
European context”, Research in Transportation Business & Management, Vol. 6,
2013, pp88-98
22 Rail structures, ownership and reform
Holvad, T. Universita Degli Studi Di Milano, Dipartimento Di Economia, Market
structure and state involvement: Passenger railways in Europe, , Working Paper
No.4, January 2017, p24
23 Commons Library Briefing, 27 July 2017
2. Structural reform in GB
Until 1994, the rail industry in Great Britain was organised in the form
of a single, publicly owned and integrated company, British Rail (BR),
which managed the infrastructure and provided passenger and freight
services throughout the country. 81
The fundamental objective of advocates of privatisation was to free the
nationalised industries from bureaucracy and political intervention and
to replace these forces with the disciplines of the market, in the
expectation that this would lead to greater efficiency, lower unit costs
and a better allocation of resources. The corollary of this, usually
welcomed by management, was that enterprises were freed from
constraints on investment and on funding imposed as part of public
expenditure controls.
Opponents of privatisation argued that it was primarily a convenient
way of abandoning the traditional social duties of the public enterprise,
and of renegotiating, to the disadvantage of employees, their terms of
employment. Further, the goals of reduced bureaucracy, greater
efficiency, lower unit costs and better allocation of resources would not
necessarily result from privatisation and could be achieved by other
means. 82
After much debate about options, including the possibility of complete
open access on the rail network, the Major Government opted for the
structure of a regulated monopoly infrastructure provider with
competitive operators using it. As a consequence BR was broken up into
around a hundred different companies and privatised. Many consider
this to be most radical reform of any national railway 83 and “on a scale
never contemplated anywhere else in the world before or since”. 84
Although it should be noted that British Rail had its borders too: between regions,
sectors and divisions; for full discussion of British Rail’s structure and progress up to
privatisation see: Gourvish, T. (2002) British Rail 1974-1997 From Integration to
Privatisation; see also HC Library briefing paper SN1157
Transport Committee, Financing of Rail Services (third report of session 1986-87), HC
383, 13 May 1987, para 232
e.g., op cit., “Comparing the costs of vertical separation, integration, and
intermediate organisational structures in European and East Asian railways”, p10
Smith, A., Liberalisation of passenger services, Case Study – Britain, Centre on
Regulation in Europe, 6 December 2016, p3
the BTC was established under the Transport Act 1947 to provide "an efficient,
adequate, economical and properly integrated system of public inland transport and
port facilities within Great Britain for passengers and goods", excluding transport by
air and came into operation on 1 January 1948 when the various interests in
shipping, railways, hotels and road transport that were nationalised
24 Rail structures, ownership and reform
called ‘public service obligations’ (PSOs), made under State Aid rules; more
information on EU rail policy can be found in HC Library briefing paper SN184
powers derived mainly from the Transport Act 1962, Transport Act 1968, Railways Act
1974, Transport Act 1980 and Transport Act 1981
for further information see HC Library briefing paper SN1157
25 Commons Library Briefing, 27 July 2017
2.2 Privatisation
Privatisation of the railways had been discussed intermittently since the
1960s and there was apparently an idea to float the Southern Region of
BR after the 1979 election, but this never went anywhere. Mrs Thatcher
finally agreed to the policy in late 1990, shortly before she left office.
John Major was initially more enthusiastic, though the driving force
behind the proposal appears to have been the Treasury. There was later
confusion between various models of privatisation proposed by the
Treasury and alternative suggestions or ‘hints’ from the then Transport
Secretary, Malcolm Rifkind and the Prime Minister. 91
The 1992 Queen’s Speech promised that “legislation will be introduced
to enable the private sector to operate rail services”. 92 On 7 May a
‘paving’ Bill was introduced to confer on the BR Board “powers to
participate in the implementation of proposals for the transfer of their
commercial activities to the private sector and proposals for the
establishment of new arrangements with respect to their other
functions”. 93
In July 1992 the Government published its White Paper outlining
proposals for privatising British Rail (BR). 94 The core of the Government's
proposals was the greater involvement of the private sector in the
running of the railways through the sale of some of the BR businesses
and the progressive contracting out of the management of passenger
services. The principal organisational means of achieving these
objectives was the separation of responsibilities for track and
operations. The Railways Bill 1992-93 was published on 22 January
1993 and had its Second Reading on 2 February. 95 The Bill was
essentially an enabling measure, leaving a large degree of discretion to
the Secretary of State, the regulator, and Franchising Director. Further,
Transport Committee, Railway finances (fourth report of session 1994-95), HC 206, 5
July 1995, para 9
ibid., paras 16-20
Wolmar, Christian, Broken Rails: How Privatisation wrecked Britain’s railways (2002),
chapter 4
HC Deb 6 May 1992, c51
the British Coal and British Rail (Transfer Proposals) Act 1993 received Royal Assent on
18 January 1993; the Secretary of State explained the purpose of the Bill at Second
Reading, see: HC Deb 18 May 1992, cc22-35
DoT, New opportunities for the railways: the privatisation of British Rail, Cm 2012, July
1992; this was accompanied by a statement to the House on 14 July, see: HC Deb 14
July 1992, cc971-72; there were further debates on the White Paper in October 1992
(HC Deb 29 October 1992, cc1160-1222) and on an Opposition motion opposing
privatisation in January 1993 (HC Deb 12 January 1993, cc771-869)
HC Deb 2 February 1993, cc156-255
26 Rail structures, ownership and reform
Transport Committee, The Future of the Railways in the Light of the Government's White
Paper Proposals (second report of session 1992-93), HC 246, April 1993, paras 523-
27 Commons Library Briefing, 27 July 2017
this is the rail regulator, it changed its name on 1 April 2015 to include reference to
its new role regarding Highways England; for further information on the history of
ORR see HC Library briefing paper SN2071
Labour’s May 1996 policy paper Consensus for Change: Labour’s Transport Policy for
the 21st Century, said: “Labour is committed to a publicly owned and publicly
accountable railway […] An incoming Labour government will use all the levers at its
disposal to halt the damage of privatisation, reintegrate the network and generate
higher levels of investment. On coming to office Labour will set in place a structured
programme to return the railways to an integrated whole. We will build on what is
left of British Rail to create a renewed publicly owned company which will be
charged with reintegrating the network, protecting the public interest and
organising public private partnerships to increase investment […] We will end the
franchising process [and] give the powers of the franchising director to British Rail,
who will supervise the franchises which have already been let and resume control of
these lines when the contracts expire”. This was significantly watered down in the
Labour Manifesto for 1997 and the promise to renationalise was removed
28 Rail structures, ownership and reform
clarity about the roles of Franchising Director and Rail Regulator, leading
to confusion and there were shortcomings in the range of ‘network
benefits (e.g. ticket sales, National Rail Enquiries and passenger
compensation). More fundamentally there was evidence of poor
management particularly at Railtrack, which appeared to be inept at
estimating the costs of large projects and managing its subcontractors
while failing to reconcile its public interest objectives with the interest of
its shareholders to maximise profits. 99
Railtrack was set up on 1 April 1994 under the 1993 Act to manage the rail infrastructure
(track, stations, etc.). It was sold to the private sector in May 1996. Railtrack's main sources of
revenue were the charges it levied on train operators for track access and the lease income it
received for stations and depots. Until 2001 Railtrack did not receive direct revenue subsidy
from the Government although it was indirectly dependent on the significant amount of
public sector support received by the train and freight operating companies. Railtrack plc was
put into administration on 7 October 2001 and came out of it on 1 October 2002. Network
Rail took over many of its responsibilities on 3 October. 100
Railtrack’s difficulties came about for a variety of reasons. Those offered at the time included:
lack of awareness about poor asset condition; privatisation was overly ambitious and
financially risky; the complex contractual base of the privatisation; the extent and nature of
Government and regulatory intervention; and poor management. 101
All of this meant that by October 2001 Railtrack was insolvent, even if it was not bankrupt,
and plans for some sort of restructure of Railtrack had been around for some months. The
four most widely talked about at the time were:
• renationalisation (consistently ruled out by Ministers as too expensive); 102
• restructuring, whereby the Government would take an equity stake in the company,
suspend the regulator and fund the company directly for a few years until it was in a
better position (this was the favoured option of Railtrack’s directors, referred to as
‘Project Rainbow’);
• converting the company into a not-for-profit entity of some sort (‘Project Ariel’); or
• breaking up Railtrack into regional businesses.
In the event the Government chose a variant of the third option; a decision that was not
without controversy, largely to do with the way in which it chose to do it. 103
The Government's Response to the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Committee's Report on the Proposed Strategic Rail Authority and Railway
Regulation, Cm 4024, July 1998
for more information on Railtrack and its administration see HC Library briefing
papers SN1224 and SN1076
taken from contemporary comment, articles and reports, e.g. Christian Wolmar,
Broken Rails: how privatisation wrecked Britain's railways, 2001; Lord Cullen/HSC,
The Ladbroke Grove rail inquiry: Part 2 report, September 2001; "Cabinet simply
watched as 'poll tax on wheels' went off the rails", The Times, 8 October 2001;
"Disastrous round trip was marked by failure to maintain lines", The Times, 8
October 2001; "Watchdog's severe targets skewed company's judgement", The
Times, 8 October 2001; and "Signal failure", The Sunday Times, 14 October 2001
because they would have had to buy the company shares at the full market value
for the purposes of understanding the administration, please note that Railtrack
Group plc was the company in which shareholders had shares; its main operating
subsidiary was Railtrack plc, which was responsible for the management of the
national rail infrastructure and it was this company that was placed in administration
29 Commons Library Briefing, 27 July 2017
That said, the railways in the immediate period after privatisation were
not all bad. Until the Hatfield crash in October 2000, there was strong
growth in both passenger and freight traffic; punctuality and reliability
were slightly better than in the final years of BR and safety standards
were gradually improving. More trains were running (around 1,700
more each day than before privatisation); 30 per cent more passengers
were being carried in 2000/01 compared with 1994/95; the amount of
freight lifted had increased 40 per cent in the same period; and both
punctuality and reliability improved, although performance had declined
since the high point of 1996/97. 104 Railtrack's initial share price of 380
pence rose to 1,700 pence two years after privatisation, but by 2001
the position was very different and on 1 October 2001 the share price
was 265 pence.
From 1997/98 to 1999/2000 performance was roughly stable, but it
experienced a sharp decline following the Hatfield accident in 2000. 105
Railway Forum fact sheet, Britain’s growing railways (factsheet no. 1), 30 January
2001; and DfT, Rail usage, infrastructure and performance (RAI0101), 11 December
DfT, Rail usage, infrastructure and performance (RAI0105), 11 December 2014
IPPR, Getting back on track, June 2002, executive summary
30 Rail structures, ownership and reform
DETR, A new deal for transport: better for everyone, Cm 3950, July 1998, para 4.22
The government's response to the environment, transport and regional affairs
committee's report on the proposed strategic rail authority and rail regulation, Cm
4024, July 1998, paras 6-11; responding to: ETRA Committee, The proposed strategic
rail authority and rail regulation (third report of session 1997-98), HC 286, 18 March
31 Commons Library Briefing, 27 July 2017
SRA press notice, “Britain’s railway ‘rehabilitated’”, 15 July 2004
DfT, The future of rail, Cm 6233, July 2004
Railways Act 2005 (Commencement No. 1) Order 2005 (SI 2005/1444)
It included Volumes 1, 2 and 3
32 Rail structures, ownership and reform
L.E.K. Consulting, Alternative Railway Structures: Final Report – Volume 1, 7 March
2011, p4
Ibid., p21
Five of NR’s existing nine operating routes are already relatively self-contained and
have a single dominant TOC, e.g. Greater Anglia, South West Trains, Kent,
Merseyrail and Scotland
Op cit., Alternative Railway Structures: Final Report – Volume 1, p11
Ibid., p11
Op cit., Realising the Potential of GB Rail: Final Independent Report of the Rail Value
for Money Study, pp283–286
33 Commons Library Briefing, 27 July 2017
Department for Transport, Reforming our Railways: Putting the Customer First,
March 2012, p.41
Op cit., Reforming our Railways: Putting the Customer First, p.45
Transport Select Committee, Rail franchising (Ninth Report of Session 2016–17), HC
66, 5 February 2017, para 90
Op cit., Liberalisation of passenger services, Case Study – Britain, p.33
DfT, The future shape and financing of Network Rail: The recommendations, 16
March 2016; led by Nicola Shaw, the Chief Executive of High Speed 1
e.g. McNulty (op cit., Realising the Potential of GB Rail: Final Independent Report of
the Rail Value for Money Study, sections 23.1.2 and 25.2); ATOC (A new structure
for success on Britain’s railway: An ATOC position paper on industry structural
34 Rail structures, ownership and reform
reform, March 2011, pp3-4) and the TUC (Transport for Quality of Life, Rebuilding
Rail, June 2012, pp66-67 & 69
“Network Rail 'too big', says Sir Richard Branson”, BBC News, 26 June 2015; and
“Regulator proposes splitting Network Rail into eight businesses”, Financial Times,
15 July 2015
from DfT, The future shape and financing of Network Rail: The scope, November
2015, p28
ibid., p29
35 Commons Library Briefing, 27 July 2017
HMT, Summer Budget 2015, HC 264, 8 July 2015, para 1.255, para 57
op cit., The future shape and financing of Network Rail: The scope, pp29-30
op cit., The future shape and financing of Network Rail: The recommendations, p50
ibid., p72
36 Rail structures, ownership and reform
She also said that better-aligned local routes could leverage more
sources of local funding for enhancements (e.g. developer
contributions, local government borrowing, Business Rate Supplement,
and Business Rate retention). 132
Current Government view, 2016-
In December 2016 the Secretary of State for Transport, Chris Grayling,
announced the Government’s support for the East-West Rail scheme. 133
He said that it would be a separate regulated entity from Network Rail,
and a standalone vertically integrated railway, with private sector
finance playing a key role in funding. 134
He also indicated a desire for new franchises to implement joint
management teams, which would include representatives from both the
private train operator and Network Rail; though both entities would
continue to exist independently from one another. As indicated above,
this sort of model is better suited where there is one predominant
operator on a network and fewer interfaces with other train companies.
It is envisaged that the South Eastern and East Midlands franchises will
be the first to implement these joint management teams when they are
re-let in 2018. At present, legal and regulatory constraints mean that a
joint venture model is not possible to implement in the short-term. The
DfT is therefore likely to fall back on some form of an alliancing model,
but it is unclear how this model would differ from the Network Rail
alliance currently in place with Scotrail (and the previous alliance on
South West Trains that has now been dissolved). 135
ibid., p117
HCWS322, 6 December 2016; in 2007 when shadow transport spokesman, Mr
Grayling had said that in hindsight it had been a mistake to separate track and train
in the way that was done in the 1990s, see: “Network Rail to lose sole control of rail
maintenance”, The Guardian, 3 December 2016
“Grayling to reveal plans for fully privatised railway line”, Rail Technology Magazine,
6 December 2016
“On track towards an integrated railway?”, Rail Professional Magazine, 2016
Labour Party Manifesto 2017, pp90-91
37 Commons Library Briefing, 27 July 2017
“Passengers not profit: the case for public ownership”, New Statesman, 11 May
38 Rail structures, ownership and reform
In effect, the system they proposed was one where the existing
infrastructure manager, Network Rail (NR), would become GB Rail
Op cit., Rebuilding Rail, pp7-8
Ibid., p72
39 Commons Library Briefing, 27 July 2017
ibid., pp73-4
CRESC, The Great Train Robbery: privatisation and after, June 2013, p162
E.g. Compass, see All on Board: A publicly owned railway for an interconnected
world, July 2014 and Progress, see “Make rail regional”, Progress Online, 9 July
Co-operatives UK, Co-operative rail: a radical solution, New Insight 6, 2011, p21
[written by Christian Wolmar, the noted transport commentator who stood to be
the Labour candidate for Mayor of London in 2016]
40 Rail structures, ownership and reform
European Parliamentary Research Service, The Fourth Railway Package: Another step
towards a Single Railway Area, March 2016
For more information see HC Library briefing paper SN184
Op cit., Recent developments in rail transportation services, p32
41 Commons Library Briefing, 27 July 2017
Op cit., “Structural reforms in the railways: incentive misalignment and cost
implications”, pp16-23
Op cit., “Comparing the costs of vertical separation, integration, and intermediate
organisational structures in European and East Asian railways”, p32
Op cit., The Fourth Railway Package: Another step towards a Single Railway Area,
“The Fourth Railway Package market pillar - a level playing field or more of the
same?”, International Railway Journal, 17 January 2017
42 Rail structures, ownership and reform
European Council press notice, “Better rail services: Council adopts 4th railway
package market pillar”, 17 October 2016
43 Commons Library Briefing, 27 July 2017
Source: European Commission: SWD accompanying the 2012 report from the
Commission on monitoring development of the rail market, Annex 2, SWD(2012)
246 final/2.