GERT8000 HB1 Iss 7
GERT8000 HB1 Iss 7
GERT8000 HB1 Iss 7
Handbook 1
Rule Book
Issue 7
September 2021
Comes into force 04 December 2021
Uncontrolled when printed
Supersedes GERT8000-HB1 Iss 6 with effect from 04/12/2021
Published by:
The authoritative version of this document is available
© Copyright 2021
Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited
Uncontrolled when printed
Supersedes GERT8000-HB1 Iss 6 with effect from 04/12/2021
1 Definitions 2
2 General instructions 5
3 Going on the lineside 7
4 Going on or near the line alone 8
5 Going on or near the line with others 10
6 Reporting an accident 12
7 Preventing hazards 13
8 Stopping trains in an emergency 15
9 Communications procedure 16
10 Limited clearance signs 22
11 Telephones with limited clearance 24
Issue 7 1
Uncontrolled when printed
Supersedes GERT8000-HB1 Iss 6 with effect from 04/12/2021
1 Definitions
A position of safety
If the maximum speed is 100 mph (160 km/h) or less,
you are in a position of safety if you are at least 1.25
metres (4 feet) from the nearest line on which a train can
If the maximum speed is over 100 mph (160 km/h), the
distance increases to 2 metres (6 feet 6 inches).
Automatic track warning system (ATWS)
An automatic system of warning track workers when a
train is approaching.
Lookout-operated warning system (LOWS)
A system operated by a lookout used for warning track
workers when a train is approaching.
Semi-automatic track warning system (SATWS)
A system of warning track workers that a train is
approaching, where the warning is cancelled manually.
Train-operated warning system (TOWS)
A system operated by trains used for warning track
workers when a train is approaching.
You are on the lineside (shown green in diagram HB1.1)
if you are between the railway boundary fence and the
area called 'on or near the line'.
You are not on the lineside if you are on a station
You are not on or near the line if you are crossing the
line at a level crossing.
2 Issue 7
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Supersedes GERT8000-HB1 Iss 6 with effect from 04/12/2021
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Diagram HB1.1
4 Issue 7
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2 General instructions
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6 Issue 7
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Supersedes GERT8000-HB1 Iss 6 with effect from 04/12/2021
3.1 General
You must wear the correct high-visibility clothing issued
to you by your employer.
You must use an authorised access point, if provided, to
get onto the operational railway.
You must use authorised walking routes if they are
Issue 7 7
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Supersedes GERT8000-HB1 Iss 6 with effect from 04/12/2021
4.1 General
You must have with you a valid certificate of competence
in personal track safety issued by your employer.
You must wear the correct high-visibility clothing issued
to you by your employer.
The only occasion when you can go on or near the line
without a COSS or SWL, is when you are walking alone.
You must never work alone unless you are a COSS,
8 Issue 7
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Supersedes GERT8000-HB1 Iss 6 with effect from 04/12/2021
Make sure you have a suitable lamp with you if you will
be on or near the line during darkness, poor visibility or if
you are to enter a tunnel.
Issue 7 9
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Supersedes GERT8000-HB1 Iss 6 with effect from 04/12/2021
5.1 General
You must have with you a valid certificate of competence
in personal track safety issued by your employer.
You must wear the correct high-visibility clothing issued
to you by your employer.
10 Issue 7
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Supersedes GERT8000-HB1 Iss 6 with effect from 04/12/2021
Issue 7 11
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6 Reporting an accident
You must report an accident as quickly as possible to
the person in charge or to the signaller or Operations
When reporting an accident, you must first say ‘This is
an emergency call’. This is important, as you will get
the immediate attention of the person you are speaking
You must give your name, the exact location and details
of the accident including whether any lines are or may
be obstructed.
You must also say which emergency services are
12 Issue 7
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Supersedes GERT8000-HB1 Iss 6 with effect from 04/12/2021
7 Preventing hazards
7.3 Trespassers
You must report anyone you believe to be trespassing to
the person in charge, the signaller or Operations Control.
Issue 7 13
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9 Communications procedure
16 Issue 7
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Supersedes GERT8000-HB1 Iss 6 with effect from 04/12/2021
You must:
• make sure you are talking to the right person
• give your location, if using a phone or radio
• give your name and the name of your employer
• state what task you are performing
• if necessary, let the person know how you can be
• use the phonetic alphabet to make sure names and
locations that are difficult to pronounce are fully
• never use the words ‘not clear’ to describe a line that
is obstructed, always use ‘line blocked’.
You must say numbers one at a time. You should say
8107 as ‘eight, one, zero, seven’. There are exceptions
to this such as when giving the time or when referring to
a rule book module or handbook.
If you are receiving a message, make sure you fully
understand it. You must repeat the message back so
that the other person knows you correctly understand it.
Issue 7 17
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Phrase Meaning
This is an emergency This message provides
call information which needs
immediate action to
prevent death, serious
injury or damage.
Repeat back Repeat all of the message
back to me.
Correction I have made a mistake
and will now correct the
word or phrase just said.
Phrase Meaning
Over I have finished my
message and am
expecting a reply.
Issue 7 19
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22 Issue 7
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You must not pass beyond this sign while trains are
running unless you are carrying out emergency
protection. This is because you would not be able to
reach a position of safety or refuge safely. If you are
carrying out emergency protection, you must take
extreme care.
Issue 7 23
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24 Issue 7
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26 Issue 7
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Uncontrolled when printed
Supersedes GERT8000-HB1 Iss 6 with effect from 04/12/2021
Uncontrolled when printed
Supersedes GERT8000-HB1 Iss 6 with effect from 04/12/2021
Uncontrolled when printed
Supersedes GERT8000-HB1 Iss 6 with effect from 04/12/2021
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