Institute For Maritime Technology Institute For Maritime Technology
Institute For Maritime Technology Institute For Maritime Technology
Institute For Maritime Technology Institute For Maritime Technology
Institute for Maritime Technology
A division of Armscor Business Pty Ltd
Many methods are employed to improve the reliability and the timeliness of detecting
rail breaks on the lines of railways throughout the world. Some of the most effective
methods are:
• Track circuits – Track circuits provide a varying degree of broken rail detection
depending on the configuration employed. In cases where only one rail is used as
a “Signal Rail”, broken rail detection is not guaranteed on the other rail especially
where this is employed as an electric traction return conductor.
All of these detection methods are intermittent resulting in extended periods during
which a rail break can occur and be undetected.
The introduction of advanced train control systems, such as Positive Train Control,
may make the need for wayside signals (and track circuits) redundant, thus the need
for alternative technologies for detecting broken rails.
The Ultrasonic Broken Rail Detector system is the first and only alternative (to track
circuits) broken rail detection system developed, produced and implemented on a
large scale.
By investing in an Ultrasonic Broken Rail Detector system railway operators will have
the benefit of monitoring rails continuously for broken rails without human intervention.
This investment will contribute to ensure that the client does not suffer losses as a
result of train derailments.
Institute for Maritime Technology
A division of Armscor Business Pty Ltd
The system is designed to operate from solar power. It is not maintenance intensive,
requires no rail modification other than rail bonding for lightning and surge protection,
and is easy to install.
(a) General
The Ultrasonic Broken Rail Detector system is designed to reliably detect breaks in
continuously welded rails. The operation of the system is based on a simple transmit-
receive confirmation protocol. An acoustic signal is generated and inserted in the rail
at one location (transmitter), propagates along the rail, and is received at a remote
location (receiver). The integrity of the rail between the transmitter and receiver is
confirmed as long as an acceptable signal is received. Should the rail develop a
clean break between the transmitter and receiver, the inserted signal will not be
received resulting in the generation of an alarm.
The Ultrasonic Broken Rail Detector consists of the following major components:
• Receiver Unit with associated power source, cabling and rail mounted
• Transmitters Unit with associated power source, cabling and rail mounted
Transmitters and Receivers are interleaved. A specific Receiver receives signals from
both rail directions (up and down). To enable Receivers to determine the direction
from which acoustic energy originates, Transmitters insert a burst train consisting of 5
pulses at a preset Burst Repetition Interval (BRI) into the left rail, followed by a
sequence at a different Burst Repetition Interval into the right rail. The BRI’s are set
differently at adjacent transmitters. Burst Trains are repeated at a specific
Interrogation Interval (II). See figure 6.
To ensure that received burst trains from the Up and Down directions do not overlap
for extended periods at a specific Receiver, causing false alarms, adjacent
Transmitters are factory set to different Interrogation Intervals (II).
Receivers measure the BRI’s to identify the direction of the specific Transmitter
station. For this purpose, Receivers are also individually set to recognise specific
BRI’s as arriving from either the Up, or Down direction, depending on the settings of
adjacent Transmitters.
Ultrasonic Transducer
Rail Clamp
Institute for Maritime Technology
A division of Armscor Business Pty Ltd
Transmitter Module
The Receiver consists of two separate analogue amplifier and filter circuits which
generate triggers when received signals comply with the signal discrimination
criteria, i.e. frequency, burst length, and amplitude. Triggers interrupt the
Processor which then executes interval timing routines. A Code Detection
algorithm is used to recognise valid burst trains, and to reject spurious noise.
Rail mounted Ultrasonic Transducers are connected to the Module Front Panel
using RG58 coaxial cable and SMA front panel screw type connectors.
GSM Module
Institute for Maritime Technology
A division of Armscor Business Pty Ltd
Given the arguments above, it should be noted that the Ultrasonic Broken Rail
Detector is not classified “Fail Safe”, although many fail safe principles have been
incorporated in order to detect and reveal most of the equipment failures. It is
however conceivable that certain failure modes could occur which is undetectable and
can cause the system to indicate that a section of rail is intact, while an actual rail
break could be present. Thus it is important to note that the system is employed as a
fast turn around inspection system with greatly improved break detection reliability as
compared to currently employed break detection methods.
Careful attention has been given to system and lay-out design to ensure that
equipment failures are detectable and will not manifest as false alarms. With the
centre fed Transmitter configuration for example, a failed Transmitter Module will
result in simultaneous signal loss in all four sections of rail interrogated by it. Such a
multiple detection failure will be evident by inspection of detection status at both
adjacent Receivers and is completely visible at system level.
With this in mind, it should be clear that the Ultrasonic Broken Rail Detector system
should not be used on its own to manage the risks associated with broken rail
detection. It should be used as a part of an overall broken rail detection strategy on
the railway. Procedures should be in place to handle the detected broken rail
incidents. The repair action and the re-commissioning of such a section should all be
integrated into such a strategy. In the case of equipment failures, detection will be lost
for that particular section and procedures should be in place to initiate alternative
detection mechanisms until system operation is restored. With current broken rail
detection and management experience, IMT and local users of the system are in a
position to assist clients with the definition of a total broken rail management system
incorporating the Ultrasonic Broken Rail Detector.