Wireless Connectivity To Vehicle Body Control Module

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Volume 5, Issue 6, June – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Wireless Connectivity to Vehicle Body

Control Module
Rutuja Uday Biraj Dr. Amrita A. Agashe
Dept. of Electronics Engineering Dept. of Electronics Engineering
Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli

Abstract:- The project aims to build an application in the This includes integrating smart phone, its mobile
area of internet of things, wireless technology and application, the controller and an array of sensors. The task
automotive electronics. It also aims to locking and goes in realizing a smart vehicle based lock-unlock system and
unlocking of two wheelers using wireless technology and allowing it to smoothly share among the authorized persons.
then sharing the vehicle using smart phone. The basic The authorized people can access this information globally via
idea is to provide access to only authorized people for smart phones.
sharing a two wheeler vehicle securely. Authorization for
the same can be done via sharing necessary credentials. A II. RELATED WORK AND TECHNOLOGIES
customized Android based application is devised. It
should be installed on the smart phone. This is linked up The proposed remote vehicle lock system relates to the
to embedded controller based digital lock and unlock via technologies as follows:
Bluetooth interface.
Presently the locks are categorized into three types:
The vehicle needs to have a Bluetooth based body the key lock system, the password lock system, and the
control module (BCM). Whenever a person wants to remote lock system. Of these, the key lock is the oldest one.
operate vehicle using smart phone he must be within that Many people fear to lose the key which makes them to carry
Bluetooth range of BCM. The range of Bluetooth is along with. The password lock has an advantage over this
nothing but the received signal strength by the device in but a disadvantage of people forgetting passwords. To
that area. After matching with the credentials and overcome these issues a previously made patent paper, was
received signal strength indicator (RSSI) value, the built up on Bluetooth technology. It followed three basic
vehicle is unlocked. The concerned vehicle status with steps: first one contains transmitting an address that we
time and date is recorded in the application platform and want to control from a mobile terminal to a Bluetooth device.
is updated on the cloud using GSM technology. To check The corresponding Bluetooth device registers the received
for the proposed system and its results, prototype is address as the unlocked address.
implemented. Successful operation is confirmed after its
experiments with different approaches. Second step works according to external keys and is in
search of Bluetooth device in the list and checks whether the
Keywords:- IoT, Embedded System, Wireless above terminal is registered or not. Then selecting a Bluetooth
Communication, Processor and Controller, Android, device from user it transmits the address wirelessly. Third step
Bluetooth Technology, Automotive Electronics. includes judging the address transmitted by the device and then
initiating the lock/unlock activity accordingly. But this system
I. INTRODUCTION has some flaws. The Bluetooth information can be hacked by
a non-authorized person and in turn vehicle can be
The use of mobile devices has been exponentially unlocked. Second flaw includes a user losing his/her
increasing nowadays. No doubt they are meant for password leading to unlocking difficulty.
convenience of human beings. Along with the basic functions
of dialing a number, texting a message or easing with mobile Many of the discussed problems are taken into
banking they have been performing functions for controlling account to build the objectives of our proposed system For
our daily lives as well. Smart phones and its mobile ex. the need to carry a key is resolved by using mobile
applications help us control numerous devices like TVs, device itself which acts like a key.
projectors, air conditioners and so the cars.[1]
Second, since the application of user itself provides
Normally people use general locks with keys. a way to easily manage it’s passwords thus the problem of
However, it’s a fear of losing keys. A solution for this has forgetting passwords is resolved. Third, even when the user
been proposed in our paper. This proposed system aims to forgets a password, there is step by step procedure for user
remotely lock/unlock vehicles using wireless communication to open the lock. The following figure 1 also shows how
technology. The Bluetooth embedded smart phones provide remote lock system is to be designed.
remote locking for the vehicles as it can be handily managed.

IJISRT20JUN640 www.ijisrt.com 852

Volume 5, Issue 6, June – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 1:- System architecture for the remote lock system Fig 2:- Bluetooth connection procedure.

 Android Bluetooth Security Manager is one of the security

Android is an open source software and a mobile services in-built in this technology. This service works on
operating system. It is a modified version of Linux based the three principles viz. authentication, confidentiality, and
kernel. Moreover it acts as middleware, User Interface (UI), authorization. The legal rights for Bluetooth devices are
browser and application as well. It has C/C++ libraries as the controlled at the link level. Figure 3 tells us the
components of Android system. [2] configuration of Bluetooth security manager. Logical Link
Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) in the Bluetooth
The system architecture for Android Open Source protocol stack looks after communication over the host ACL
based on stack numbered up to 6 piles, viz. Applications, link. It receives requests for connection. Then the security
Android Framework, Native Libraries, Android Runtime, manager checks the access. It finds service database and the
HAL/HIDL, and Linux Kernel. [3] device database if exists and then it applies proper
authentication or encryption. If the security manager grants
 Bluetooth the access to the L2CAP then connection is setup. [5]
Bluetooth technology nowadays is embedded in
mouse, keyboards, industrial automation and home The characteristic features of the security manager
automation devices along with smart phones. It can catch include 1. Information of security management related to
up to seven nearby devices at a time. The area in the range of services 2. Information of security management related to
device is being called Pico net. Pico net frequency can controlled by devices 3. Questions and answers related to security of
master device. Data is transmitted frame by frame. There are protocol along with application safety.
two different links of master/slave devices in the network:
the Asynchronous Connection-Less (ACL) link and the
Synchronous Connection-Oriented (SCO) link. The first
link comes into picture when data is to be collected for
processing. ACL link is the only link that connects a slave
unit to a master unit. SCL link is important for sending
real time data.[4]

For establishing a Bluetooth connection, the device

name and address is must. Now select the destination
Bluetooth address where the data needs to be transmitted.
Put on a pairing request sharing password. Repeat till
devices are totally paired. Accept the connection when
pairing is completed. Figure. 2 shows Bluetooth
connection procedure.
Fig 3:- Configuration of the Bluetooth security manager.

IJISRT20JUN640 www.ijisrt.com 853

Volume 5, Issue 6, June – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

The proposed system over here is being implemented The prototype of above said system is implemented.
in two wheeler vehicle. Two wheeler vehicles contain body The functions for the same are described one by one in
control module which serves the purpose of controlling and following sub-sections.
diagnosing all electronics parts included in the vehicles. The
system gives a wireless control to vehicle body control  Authentication:
module. That means controller is being interfaced with Users for the vehicle are categorized into two:
Bluetooth low energy module and GSM module. A dedicated
android application installed on users’ mobile phone controls 1. Default (primary) user
this vehicle access system. This vehicle will be able to share 2. Secondary users
with multiple users securely. Figure 4 shows the system
block level diagram.[9] Users can be shuffled into one another using settings
mode of android application. For the first time access,
manufacturer provides the password. Then this user becomes a
default user. The default user can reset the system password
upon using reset password function in android application.
Default user log-in remains active, no need to log-in again.

 Vehicle Access:


Fig 4:- The implemented system block level diagram.

Here the controlling action has been though Renesas

F13 auto qualified microcontroller which will act as body
control module. The system has cellular connection through
Bluetooth low energy chip and GPS/GSM chip. Both have Fig 5:- Area is divided around the vehicle
their respective antennas for range. The communication to
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and GSM/GPS from controller The BLE range counters over the vehicle’s vicinity as
is through UART protocol. This communication is serial one. shown in figure 5. Once the authorized user crosses outer
The transmitting UART device need to change from parallel boundary and enters in region B, Bluetooth connection is set-
(controlling unit as CPU) to serial at the receiving end of up in system and in users’ android application. The user is
UART. Then this receiving UART converts back to parallel identified with his previously entered credentials. Now the
for receiving unit. Data transmission and reception is from Tx cloud takes over the vehicle access status via GSM technology.
and Rx pins of UART. Vehicle gets unlocked after the user crosses inner boundary.[8]

Controller Area Network (CAN) bus is a standard

protocol for effective communication. CAN transceiver is The change in received RSSI value by the system pre-
interfaced with numerous sensors which will receive the decides the threshold. Now the unlocked status is shown by the
status of vehicle. These include engine temperature, tire blowing horn once and blinking indicators for 1 sec. This
pressure, vehicle speed, acceleration etc. It initiates activates most of the functions of vehicle like engine, low
communication between devices and controller without host beam etc.
computer. This protocol is designed mainly to reduce wiring
harness in the vehicles. Devices transmit data frame by frame When the user crosses the outer boundary and enters in
sequentially. This is upon the priorities, high priority one’s region C, Bluetooth connection is set-down. The vehicle gets
continue the communication when low priority one locked once the connection is lost. Even when the vehicle is
interrupts. This also gives prior indications of locking moved out of region A the vehicle gets locked. This status is
unlocking provided by turn indicators and buzzers. All shown by blowing the horn once and blinking indicators for 2
devices are supplied with voltage regulators for smooth, sec each. The mobile application keeps sending the RSSI value
steady and regulated power supply. to the system at regular intervals as long as the user is in the
regions A and B.

IJISRT20JUN640 www.ijisrt.com 854

Volume 5, Issue 6, June – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Vehicle Sharing:
Vehicle can be securely shared by the default user using
share vehicle option in the application. Mobile number and
password of the intended user needs to be entered by the
default user. The corresponding password is sent to intended
user’s mobile number to give him the access to the vehicle.
This intended user must be in the shared users list of default
user. Now both the mobile number and password are sent to
the system via GSM. The intended user must install dedicated
android application to access the vehicle.[9]

Once the intended user enters in region B then he should

enter previously shared password in mobile application. After
entering the password, the system verifies first the mobile
number then checks whether the password matches the
password sent by default user. After this login proceeds
successfully, the intended user can share the vehicle.


The flowchart for the proposed system is shown in

figure 6. The flowchart is executed every time when a vehicle
access request is originated by one of the users, let it be a
default user or an intended one. It has loops for processing
important steps as of connecting BLE, accessing a vehicle by
user, checking user for crossing inner boundary or outer

The user should enable his Bluetooth in the mobile

phone. Once the user enters in the region B, the application in
his mobile gets connected to the vehicle. The user should
enter his credentials as password only one time and next time
he is paired by default. Now the system checks for cellular
connectivity. If connection is established then login activity is
updated in the cloud. The system lock/unlock functions are
now being executed. The manual lock/unlock functions is
provided by default. According to user’s position and RSSI
value, the vehicle is locked or unlocked. The indications as
discussed above for locking and unlocking vehicle with
respect to horn and indicators are executed accordingly.

Fig 6:- Flowchart for proposed system

IJISRT20JUN640 www.ijisrt.com 855

Volume 5, Issue 6, June – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

A smart lock/unlock system using Bluetooth, GSM/GPRS

as communication technology is implemented. This is being
tested with the prototype and discussed in this paper. The
utility for sharing vehicle is also discussed.

The application is being developed in JAVA software

platform. This application is built page wise. The commands
to be executed by the controller are being sent by Bluetooth
interface. The starting page of this application is shown in
figure 7. Different components are integrated to these pages
at the time of developing.[6]

Fig 8:- Reset password function in the application.

Now if the user wishes to share his vehicle then the

intended user’s name, mobile number must be entered by him
first. After successful login attempts of the intended user, his
name is added in shared vehicle list of default user’s
application. He can use the vehicle as long as he is authorized
by the default user. The default user can add, remove the
entries in the shared vehicle list. The share vehicle function
page in the application is showed in following figure 9.

Fig 7:- The opening page of the application.

Cloud gets updated by the status of the system at regular

intervals. The credentials stored are verified for
authentication purpose. The authorized users can access this
data any time and everywhere.

The commands are given by the user randomly. Those are

being sent wirelessly via Bluetooth from mobile phone to the
controller. Now these commands are executed by the
controller with the help of developed application configured
on Renesas F13 microcontroller. To open the application,
manufacturer provides the password for the first time.
Henceforth, user can reset the password or keep the same and
proceed further.[7] Reset password page of the application is
shown on Figure 8. Fig 9:- Share vehicle function in the application.

The experiments are performed on the prototype to check

functions. The prototype is shown on Figure 10.

IJISRT20JUN640 www.ijisrt.com 856

Volume 5, Issue 6, June – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
[5]. P Bhagwat, “Bluetooth : Technology for short-range
wireless apps”, IEEE Internet Computing, vol 5 2001
[6]. J. Sanchez, S. Dormido, R. Pastor and F. Morilla, “A
java/Matlab-based environment for remote control
system laboratories: Illustrated with an inverted
pendulum”, IEEE Transactions on Education, vol 47,
[7]. X. Li, W. Shu, M. Li, H.-Y. Huang, P.-E. Luo, and M.-Y.
Wu, “Performance evaluation of Vehicle-based mobile
sensor networks for traffic monitoring”, IEEE
Transactions on Vehicle Technology, May 2009
[8]. A. R. Al-Ali, I. Zualkernan and F. Aloul, “A mobile
GPRS-sensors array for air pollution monitoring”, IEEE
Sensors J October 2010
Fig 10:- The prototype of the proposed system [9]. N. Bressan, L. Bazzaco, N. Bui, P. Casari, L. Vangelista
and M. Zorzi, “The deployment of a smart monitoring
VII. CONCLUSION system using wireless sensors and actuator networks”,
IEEE Smart Grid Comm. 2010.
This paper gives a brief discussion on smart vehicle lock [10]. Agrawal, D. P., & Zeng, Q. A., “ Introduction to wireless
unlock system based on Bluetooth and GSM/GPRS. Cloud and mobile systems”. Cengage learning 2015
technology is smartly being used. Android based smart phone [11]. Farrand, W. A., Flatten, O. H., & Walter, H. (1963). U.S.
application is integrated with Bluetooth and controller. Patent No. 3,105,927. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and
. Trademark Office.
The proposed system successfully operates within the [12]. AppInventor, M. (2015). MIT App Inventor. Technical
range of the Bluetooth. The system prototype is user friendly. report, http://appinventor. mit. edu/explore.
Anyone with a little knowledge of vehicle electronics can
easily match with it and operate. The system is quite
interactive and the application bit innovative. There’s a lot
more scope for students in building new concepts. Once you
get triggered with the basics you are almost done.

The security parameters are taken into consideration a bit

more. This is to safe-gourd the vehicle while sharing with
unknown user as well. Wireless approach takes over the
wiring harness, which is quite complicated in the vehicles.

The future scope includes taking this over to four

wheeler vehicles. This will add a lot more sensors, its
integration and taking all over to the cloud for monitoring the
status. More over parameters of cars such as tracking, remote
engine break, petrol consumption, CO2 emission speed, etc
also is added to give us the track of vehicle for efficiency.


[1]. Zanella, A., Bui, N., Castellani, A., Vangelista, L., &
Zorzi, L , “Internet of things for smart cities”, IEEE
Internet of Things journal, 1(1), 22-32. (2014).
[2]. Wei, J., “How Wearables connect with the Cloud and
the Internet of Things: Considerations for the
developers of wearables”, IEEE Consumer Electronics
Magazine, 3(3), 53-56. (2014).
[3]. Spanò, E., Niccolini, L., Di Pascoli, S., &
Iannacconeluca, G., “Last-meter smart grid embedded
in an Internet-of-Things platform”, IEEE Transactions
on smart grid, 6(1), 468-476. (2015).
[4]. Jeong, Hae Duck J., Jiyoung Lim, Wooseok Hyun and
Woojin Lee., “A Remote Lock System Using Bluetooth
Communication”, 2014 Eighth International
Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services
in Ubiquitous Computing, 2014

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