Head Teacher: Headteacher@st-Madoes - PKC.SCH - Uk WWW - St-Madoes - PKC.SCH - Uk

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Mrs J Sheldon

Head Teacher

St Madoes Primary School

Education & Sidlaw Terrace, St Madoes, Glencarse,
Children's Services

Tel 01738 860332 Fax 01738 860644

E-mail – headteacher@st-madoes.pkc.sch.uk
Website – www.st-madoes.pkc.sch.uk


Dear Parents/Carers,

Happy New Year and welcome back after a very cold and snowy Christmas period.
We start this new term full of enthusiasm and hard work . This is the start of my
eighth year at St Madoes!


Children who are five years old on or before Tuesday 16 August 2011 must
register for August 2011. Children who will become five between 17
August 2011 and 29 February may register for August or may defer until
August 2012.
The child’s Birth Certificate, Child Benefit letter and Council Tax documentation must
be produced for registration as proof of age and address.
Registration forms can be downloaded from the Perth & Kinross Council web site or
collected from the school office.
If your child does not live in the catchment area of this school you should register
them for your catchment area school. A placing request for a non-catchment school
can be completed by filling in a placing request form. Please remember that placing
requests are not guaranteed.


On January 25th the school will be taking part in the usual celebrations of Scottish
Culture and remembering the birth of Robert Burns. Pupils are invited to wear tartan
skirts and kilts on that day if they have them, or tartan trimming with their uniform.
We will have our “haggis dinner” and spend the afternoon hearing poems, music,
looking at art work and enjoying some dancing by the older pupils.
As part of Literacy work all children have been asked to memorise a Scottish poem.
Sometimes the pronunciation is tricky so please help them as much as possible. It
will have been practised in school as well.


As part of PE this age group will undertake Touch Rugby Training with Perthshire
Rugby Club for four sessions and then attend the Rugby Festival on the North Inch
on Wednesday 16th March in the morning. The Parent Council have kindly agreed
to pay for the bus to this event.


As part of our School Travel Plan, we have asked for a Speed Indicator Display to be
installed on the Errol Road to track the speed of cars travelling through the village.
This sign displays a Smiley Face and indicates the speed of the car or displays a
slow down message. We hope this will check the speed of some cars travelling at an
unacceptable speed through St. Madoes.
When the weather improves, we will be asking you to fill in a Travel to School survey
which will be collated by the Junior Road Safety Officers. As always we will be
encouraging walking and cycling to school. We will be allocating small prizes for
those who walk and cycle on a regular basis.


In order to keep parents up to date with the new Curriculum for Excellence levels for
Assessment and Reporting, we have produced a guidance leaflet for parents which
will go out to every family. Staff are still awaiting a new Reporting Format and to
receive training on its completion. Our Curriculum Evening in the summer will include
workshops for parents on the new types of assessment and reporting.
We aim to keep you well informed by issuing further guidance leaflets throughout the


Please make sure that your child has a full, named, PE kit and suitable, safe gym
shoes that do not fall off during active movement in the gym. Hopefully we will soon
be outside again and pupils will need trainers for outdoor PE.
The majority of uniform items are not named and there is a bulging lost property box
of almost brand new pieces of uniform. Please name all items of uniform that are
taken off and on in school. Your child has no other way of telling which item belongs
to them.

Please send the correct school dinner money on a Monday in a sealed envelope
with the days the dinner is required. The children often do not know what days they
are staying for dinner unless it is written for them by a parent.


The playground continues to be icy and dangerous and the back gate is still locked
as the path is unsafe. I am hoping that with this present thaw, conditions may
improve by next week and hopefully the children will also get out to play again soon.
Please continue to send children with wellies and suitable clothing for the weather.
Please remember to park well away from the school and walk to school to pick up
your child and please never use the school car park for parking or turning. It
endangers the safety of the pupils. There has been a great deal of unsafe parking
near the school recently which has compromised the safety of pupils.


Wednesday 16th February INSET – no pupils in school
Thursday 17th and Friday 18th – Mid Term Holiday – school closed

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