Introduction of Using Quizlet in Studying Vocabulary For Freshmen at Hanoi Pedagogical University Number 2 A. Background
Introduction of Using Quizlet in Studying Vocabulary For Freshmen at Hanoi Pedagogical University Number 2 A. Background
Introduction of Using Quizlet in Studying Vocabulary For Freshmen at Hanoi Pedagogical University Number 2 A. Background
Chapter 1
A. Background
- Quizlet Origin provides a way to learn or create what you General introduction to
need to learn using a variety of research tools and games, the tool
useful for learning or defining language learning. Quizlet was
developed in 2005 by a 15-year-old student More than 12
million students now use it every month.
- Given the prevalence of smartphones in the classrooms, the
vocabulary app called Quizlet (“Quizlet,” n.d.) was used to
create electronic word decks of each of the lessons of the
GAV. (Search for “GAV” from the Quizlet website to obtain
the decks.) Although there are vocabulary learning apps (such
as “Anki”) that are more customizable and have superior
scheduling algorithms based on the difficulty of the word, the
prices for the apps are prohibitively expensive for students.
Quizlet, on the other hand, is free and is available on the two
most popular mobile operating systems: Android and iOS.
Despite its limitations, Quizlet has many attractive features on
both the online platform and the mobile apps. For example,
once the decks are downloaded onto a smartphone, the user can
edit each card or deck, adding or removing information as
C. Research objectives
The goal of this introduction is:
1, To be effective in learning vocabulary, the Quizlet
application is very useful, it thrives most in terms of
2, To stimulate learners' interest, it has a nice and convenient
3, To compare it with other applications, it is very easy to use
when you have an account you can learn by yourself without
instructions to use it like other applications.
D. Research Significances
The researcher wills this study could give useful information
and contributions to students, and other researcher.
1. To students, the results of this study will provide
information about student’s perception in the use of Quizlet as
complementary learning tool in studying English especially
2. To other researchers, the results of the study can provide
a basis for others researching on the same area.
E. Research Scope
Due to the researcher time and budget constraints, the
participants in this study will be limited to the freshmen of Ha
Noi Pedagogical University Number 2 only.
The data to be collected are limited to attitudinal information.
Name, Abbreviation, and Number of Course
TeachOnline@UW: Plan & Design
1.What is a research question? This is the question that you are trying to answer
when you do research on a topic or write a research report.
For example, if you are studying to learn English by software the Quizlet, you
might formulate the following research question: What aspect of learning English
is better after using this software?
The goal of your research is to find the answer to the research question.
2. What is a hypothesis? A hypothesis is a statement that can be proved or
disproved. A research question can be made into a hypothesis by changing it into a
statement. For example, the third research question above can be made into the
hypothesis: The software Quizlet reflex efficiency is achieved after using.
Another null hypothesis is: Are softwaves useful for learning English? ENGL
A. Research Purpose
A great deal of current researchers have revealed that vocabulary learning website
are an effective means for promoting students' vocabulary. This study will be
conducted to investigate the effect of Quizlet website on developing EFL students'
vocabulary. For the purpose of this study, the research question to address is
formulated as follow: "Does the use of Quizlet in class significantly affect the
students' vocabulary ?
B. Research Design
C. Participants
D. Materials
The study will be collected from other different sources on the Internet. These
sources were administered to obtain approval information. The questionnaire was
constructed to gauge the perceptions, attitudes and the perceived needs of the
participants towards the using of Quizlet in studying vocabulary skill. The
questionnaire was constructed in accordance to the following dimensions: interest,
perception and perceived needs. The participants will be asked to indicate their
agreement or disagreement to each statement on a 5-point Likert scale that ranged
from strongly disagree to strongly agree. The questionnaire will be probably open-
ended questions to help the researchers get information easily for their study.
E. Procedure
The data wil be collected after having statistical number from freshmen in the
school. Then researchers will analyze the obtained data, cross tabulation of the data
and determine the correlation of interest and perception to conduct writing this