DRW Technologies: Case Study 1
DRW Technologies: Case Study 1
DRW Technologies: Case Study 1
ID : 201900006
1) How do u explain the fact that no contracts have been submitted to Claiborne
No contracts have been submitted to Claiborne because he wasn’t introduced to them , didn’t meet them,
when he got his job . The managers were informed about Claiborne by email where he took directly his
first ever decision about the cost reducing policy without meeting the workers and taking their opinion . \
2) Lets assume the procurement managers are deliberately not following the policy . Why do you think
they ae not complying
Plant managers are aware that these are temporary circumstances , , they have their own budgets which
were previously set . They are aware about the increasing of the cost which may cause some pressure and
problems . And they started a new cost efficiency plan by sharing informations on vendor which led to
successful deals with vendors to supply materials common to the plants .
4) Is there anyone else at DRW technologies who might bear some responsibility for the problem ?
Yes , the CEO and CFO take responsibilities because Claiborne didn’t know about the culture of DRW
technologies , so he needs time and practice to suit this culture and the CEO should give him the enough
practice that he should take to get all the informations needed . The CFO should have been updated to all
the steps and decisions taken by Claiborne .
5) If you were a plant procurement manager in this case , would you comply ? why ?
If I was a plant manager in this case , I would have discussed with my partners and Claiborne the policy
and work together step by step all existed informations and take the right decisions and comply to this
issue . I will never work on my own I such case or any case because working as group can bring more
opinions and solutions to the problem .
Its definitely urgent , he should save the situation , he started his job with wrong decisions so he has to
rebuild the trust between him and the managers .
7 ) if you think he should do something now , what should he do that will improve the situations in short
term ? medium tterm ? long term ?
Short term :
Medium term :
To get used to the culture and be familiar with everything in the company
Knowing the needs of employees more to improve the situation
Longterm :
Meet with the managers and work on all the plans listed for cost reducing
Unifying the vendors and suppliers of all plants which will make it a lot more cost efficient for when
the quantities are big the cost of item will be reduced
All the people applying for the job shoud have enough culture and feedback about all the stuff in
the company and about its organizational behavior to adapt in this job
All employees shoud be respected and treated equally where any employee in the company can
have big decisions for the succss of the company
When working as a manager , the manager shoud be a leader and an Idol to others not take
advantage of the post to be dominant
The CEO should know every step taken in the company and know about all the decisions taken to
keep himself up to date about it and know what to do if a problem occurred