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Welcome to VP Nutrition

To Provide the highest quality natural food supplements and Edutrition without compromise.

To provide the most accurate, current knowledge on the living energy of whole foods. We will continue to
utilize the research and philosophies of trusted scientists, doctors and natural hygienists for the nutri-
tional care and health of you and your family.

Edutrition: Definition
The blending of Education and Nutritional Instruction. The understanding of how nutrition impacts our
health, with the aim of being able to make educated choices for a healthy lifestyle.

The VP Assurance to You

VP provides only the highest quality enzyme and nutritional products available VP Clinically tests each of
its products. We utilize the expertise of doctors, biochemists and clinicians in formulating our products.
Each new formula is clinically tested through ongoing trials by our health professionals.

VP is continuously researching new sources and synergistic combination of ingredients. Our strength and
focus is developing and delivering products that actually help people achieve optimum health and live
better lives.

VP uses an exclusive proprietary Active-blend process for its enzyme formulas. This means that each of
these enzymes actually represent multiple blends. For example, there are actually four proteases in the
Protease blend. They are blended for their ability to break down numerous bonds of protein in varying pH

VP Nutrition was founded with a mission to manufacture the highest quality products without compromise.
Harvey Diamond's
New Updated Book
Fit for Life A New Beginning
This book contains information on the 7 stages of disease, cancer pre-
vention, weight control. The Care program is new in this updated edition:
Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Statistics reveal that up to 90 percent of those with ASD suffer with

digestive problems. The cornerstone of this book is the importance of
streamlining and optimizing the activities of the entire digestive process.
Anyone dealing with Autism Spectrum Disorders should be taught the
principals in Fit for Life A New Beginning.

Now Taking Pre Orders!

First 100 Receive an Autographed copy by Mr. Diamond!

The Autism Mother's Unite Worldwide

2011 Calendar

VP Nutrition in connection with Autism Hope Alliance is

pleased to offer the "Autism Mother's Unite Worldwide"
2011 Calendar. This will serve as a daily reminder that
together we will make a difference by standing strong.

Your purchase of this calendar will directly benefit families facing the diagnosis of Autism and help
ensure that "Hope Will Replace Hopelessness". Your purchase will help fund treatment, research, and
education programs. Get one for yourself and more as gifts for only 19.95 plus shipping.

VP Nutrition along with Autism Hope Alliance feel the urgency of the mounting statistics. We believe
recovery is possible and promote strategies such as diet modification, biomedical intervention and edu-
cational therapy as successful tools on the path to recovery. We support AHA in its efforts to give these
families hope and help to make progress today.
What Are Enzymes?
Enzymes are a delicate lifelike substance nutrients and waste. Most of the digestive
found in all living cells whether animal or enzymes are produced by the pancreas. The
vegetable. Enzymes are biologically active liver, gallbladder, small intestine, stomach and
proteins necessary for life. Metabolic enzymes colon also play pivotal roles in the production
catalyze and regulate every biochemical of these enzymes. Digestive enzymes allow
reaction that occurs within the human body, the nutrients found in the foods we consume
making them essential to cellular function to be absorbed into the bloodstream and
and health. Digestive enzymes turn the food the waste to be discarded. Human digestive
we eat into energy and unlock this energy for enzymes include lipase, protease, amylase,
use in the body. Our bodies naturally produce ptyalin, pepsin and trypsin.
both digestive and metabolic enzymes as they
are needed. Food Enzymes are introduced to the body
through the raw foods we eat and through
Metabolic Enzymes have been called consumption of supplemental enzyme
the spark of life, the energy of life and the products. Raw foods naturally contain
vitality of life. These descriptions are not enzymes providing a source of digestive
without merit. Metabolic enzymes catalyze enzymes when ingested. However, raw food
and regulate every biochemical reaction that manifests only enough enzymes to digest
occurs within the human body making them that particular food, not enough to be stored
essential to cellular function and health. They in the body for later use (the exceptions
either speed up or slow down the chemical being pineapple and papaya, the sources
reactions within the cells for detoxification of the enzymes bromelain and papain). The
and energy production. They enable us to cooking and processing of food destroys all
see, hear, feel, move and think. Every organ, of its enzymes. Since most of the foods we
every tissue and all 100 trillion cells in our eat are cooked or processed in some way and
body depend upon the reaction of metabolic since the raw foods we do eat contain only
enzymes and their energy factor. Without enough enzymes to process that particular
these metabolic enzymes, cellular life would food, our bodies must produce the majority
be impossible. of the digestive enzymes we require, unless
we use supplemental enzymes to aid in the
Digestive Enzymes are secreted along digestive process. A variety of supplemental
the digestive tract to break food down into enzymes are available through different

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease.

4 Enzyme and Nutritional Supplement Product Guide

sources. It is important to understand the Papain is an enzyme derived from the latex
differences between the enzyme types and of papaya. This enzyme becomes active in
make sure you are using an enzyme product an environment of 6.0 - 8.0 pH and requires
which will meet your particular needs. The temperatures above normal human body
following is a list of several types of enzymes temperature. Like Bromelain, it too is a good
offered in today's marketplace. anti-inflammatory.

Plant Based Enzymes are the most Glandular/Animal:Chymotrypsin,

popular choice of enzymes. They are grown Pancreatin, Pepsin and Trypsin are enzymes
in a laboratory setting and extracted from from the pancreas, stomach and small
aspergillus. The enzymes harvested from intestine of ox and pigs. These enzymes
aspergillus are called plant based, microbial require a pH level of 8.0 to become active. VP
and fungal. Of all the choices, plant based Nutrition products are vegan and vegetarian,
enzymes are the most active. This means thus the enzymes from animals are not used
they can break down more fat, protein and in VP Nutrition enzyme formulations.
carbohydrates in the broadest pH range than
any other source.

Plant Enzymes consist of Bromelain and

Papain. Bromelain is a proteolytic (breaks
down protein) and milk-clotting enzyme
derived from the pineapple stem. A
concentrate of this enzyme can be used as an
anti-inflammatory agent, a meat tenderizer
and in the chill-proofing of beer. Like
Pepsin and Papain, Bromelain is activated
at a temperature higher than normal body
temperature, which is why it is such a good
anti-inflammatory. There is always greater
heat at the sight of inflammation than any
other part of the body.
Enzyme Activity & Labeling
There are a number of enzyme supplement is published by the National Academy Press and
products on the market today. Only by analyzing is the accepted standard of the U.S. Food and
the content labeling to compare products can Drug Administration. The system for determining
you be sure you are getting the best product enzyme potency use by the American food
available. industry is derived from the FCC. This is the
ONLY National Standard for evaluation of plant-
80% of the enzyme supplements sold in health based enzymes. This system establishes activity
food stores today are plant based. The other levels and potency for enzymes. With most
20% is made up of glandular (animal such as supplements we are used to comparisons based
Pancreatin, Trypsin and Chymotrypsin), and on weight. With enzymes we are interested in
plant (Bromelain and Papain). It is important the activity and potency available. There is no
to understand that the assays used to measure direct relationship between weight and units of
each of these ingredients are different. Do not try activity.
to compare the active units (the measurement
used to determine how much protein, fat or The enzyme activity of all VP Nutrition products
carbohydrates an enzyme can break down in are measured and reported in FCC units. These
a matter of minutes) of a plant or glandular unit measurements are expressed as follows:
enzyme with a plant-based enzyme. The active
units are very different. As a rule, one active unit
Alpha-Galactosidase - GALU (Galactosi
of plant-based enzymes can equal between 10
dase Units)
and 100 active units of the plant and glandular
Amylase - DU (Dextrinizing Units)
enzymes. This is essentially saying that plant-
based enzymes are 10-100 times more active
Bromelain - GDU (Gelatin Digesting Units)
than other choices. or PCCPU
Catalase - Baker Units (Named after the
Watch out for fillers. Fillers can be many Author)
things including leftover fibers or cellulose. Cellulase - CU (Cellular Unit)
VP Nutrition uses NO FILLERS in any of its Glucoamylase - AG (Amyloglucosidase
enzyme formulations! Looking at the label of a Units)
VP Nutrition product you will find measurement Hemicellulase - HCU (Hemicellulase Units)
units you may not be familiar with. These are Invertase - INVU (Invertase Activity Unit)
from the Food Chemical Codex (FCC). The FCC Lactase - ALU (Lactase Unit)

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease.

6 Enzyme and Nutritional Supplement Product Guide

Lipase - FCCFIP (Federation International bonds at varying pH levels as one might
Pharmecutique) find in the human digestive and metabolic
Maltase - DP (Degrees of Diastatic Power) system.
Nattokinase - FU (Fibrinolytic Units)
Pectinase - AJDU (Apple Juice Depectinizing
Units) The human digestive tract and the pH present in
Phytase - Endo-PGU (Phytase Units) different regions.

Protease - HUT (Hemoglobin Unit Tyrosine 5.5-7.4 pH

base) Mouth
Xylanase - XU (Xylanase Units)
7.4 pH

When comparing enzyme products make sure 1-3 pH

measurements are listed using FCC standard
codes. Some manufacturers make up their
5.5-7 pH
own abbreviations. Others use weights Large Intestine Small
(colon) Intestine
such as milligrams (mg). Still others will 7.0-8.5 pH
list measurements based on dosage, which
may be more than one capsule. Because of
the variety of labeling formats used, it is
important to read carefully and make sure
Most other enzyme products contain only a
you are not comparing apples to oranges.
single strain of enzyme. For example, if a
single protease (the enzyme that breaks down
Active-blend protein) is in an area of the digestive tract
VP Nutrition uses a specialized Active-blend that has a pH outside of its activity range, the
process for its protease, lipase, amylase enzyme is not able to break protein bonds
and cellulase. This means that each of and thus remains inactive in that area of the
these enzyme products consist of multiple body. Active-blend enzyme products, on the
strains of enzymes. For example, there are other hand, are specially formulated to be
four protease strains present in the Active- active across a broader range of pH levels
blend protease. These four strains have that might be present in the digestive tract
been carefully selected by examining the and metabolic system. Therefore, they can
pharmacological research and choosing break down more fat, protein, carbohydrates
protease strains that are able to break protein and cellulose than most other sources.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease.

VP Nutrition 7
Enzyme Deficiencies
Lifestyle/Environmental Factors
reactions such as those caused by the release of
Have you ever asked yourself, "How is it possible histamine and similar substances. An Amylase
that I am sick even though I am very careful with deficiency can result in skin problems such as
my diet?" The answer is most likely ENZYME psoriasis, eczema, hives, and allergic reactions
DEFICIENCY. An enzyme deficiency can manifest to bee and bug stings, atopic dermatitis, and all
itself as a variety of conditions. The following is types of herpes. Asthma and emphysema may
a brief look at causes and symptoms. also be exacerbated by an amylase deficiency.

Protease Deficiency Lipase Deficiency

Protease digests protein. Acidity is created Since lipase digests fat and fat-soluble
through the digestion of protein. Therefore, a vitamins, lipase deficient people can be
protease deficiency results in an alkaline excess expected to have a tendency toward high
in the blood. This alkaline environment can cholesterol, high triglycerides, difficulty losing
cause anxiety and insomnia. weight and diabetes. The future outcome of
In addition, since protein is required to carry these tendencies is that lipase deficient people
protein-bound calcium in the blood, a protease also have decreased cell permeability, meaning
deficiency lays the foundation for arthritis, nutrients cannot get in and the waste cannot get
osteoporosis and other calcium-deficient out. The condition of vertigo or labrynthis, also
diseases. called Meniere's disease (dizziness aggravated
by movement such as walking or driving), can
Because protein is converted to glucose upon also result from lipase deficiency.
demand, inadequate protein digestion leads to
hypoglycemia, resulting in moodiness, mood
swings and irritability. Cellulase Deficiency Conditions
Protease also has an ability to digest unwanted Cellulase breaks down the fiber in our diet.
debris in the blood including certain bacteria Because our body does not produce cellulase,
and viruses. Therefore, protease deficient this food enzyme is essential. We must eat it
people are immune compromised, making on a daily basis. Remember, ONLY RAW FOODS
them susceptible to bacterial, viral and yeast contain cellulase. Of all the enzymes, this
infections and a general decrease in immunity. deficiency carries with it the most categories of
problems. The symptoms of cellulase deficiency
can best be described as malabsorption of
Amylase Deficiency nutrients, vitamins, or minerals from the diet by
Amylase digests carbohydrates along with dead the lining of the small intestine. Malabsorption
white blood cells (pus). When you are low in has many symptoms including lower abdominal
amylase you are a candidate for abscesses gas, pain, bloating and problems associated
(inflamed areas with pus but not bacteria). with the jejunum and pancreas.
Amylase is also involved in anti-inflammatory

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease.

8 Enzyme and Nutritional Supplement Product Guide

Enzyme Deficiency Checklist

Lifestyle/Environmental Factors I often experience intestinal cramps after

I have a history of excessive alcohol
intake. Food appears relatively undigested and
greasy in my stools.
I feel poorly on a diet high in fats, animal
protein, and sugars. I suffer from chronic diarrhea.
I am frequently constipated, particularly
Performance Indicators after eating certain foods.
I experience a low level of energy despite I have difficulty digesting highly spiced
eating adequate amounts of food. and unfamiliar foreign foods.
I am slow to recover from injury. I often feel tired after a meal.
I experience excessive stiffness and/or
soreness the day after heavy exercise. Medical history
I tire easily from work or play. I have a history of chronic pancreatitis.
I am unable to travel without great I have a history of Crohn's disease,
fatigue. ulcerative colitis, or irritable bowel
I have difficulty thinking clearly and syndrome.
quickly. I have had gallstones.
I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis.
Physical Indicators
I have a history of vasculitis.
I often suffer from indigestion.
I have a history of endometriosis.
I frequently have abdominal bloating and
I have food and environmental allergies.
discomfort after meals, a condition unre-
lieved by antacids.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease.

VP Nutrition 9
DiamondZyme Provides high potency multiple enzymes
to help digest food nutrients *

DiamondZyme enhances the digestion have addressed their imbalances and now
and assimilation of food and supplements have a need to maintain that balance or who
while reducing the bodies need to produce suffer from minor or occasional digestive
digestive enzymes. problems. It is ideal for children or anyone
who has difficulty swallowing capsules. The
Over the course of many years, we use up DiamondZyme capsule is among the smallest
much of our enzyme potential, which is available.*
necessary for proper food digestion. When
this happens, our ability to keep up with Recommended Use:
our body's digestive enzyme requirements 1-3 capsules with every meal. The dosage
begins to suffer. This deficiency may lead to is dependent on the types of foods eaten
malabsorption and poor nutrition along with and the individual's difficulty of digestion. If
digestive problems. Supplementing with a alcohol is consumed with the meal, dosage
high potency plant-based enzyme formula should be increased. It is usually best to
may aid in preventing this process. take 6 capsules a day. If you eat 4-6 times a
day take one at each meal. If you eat 3 times
DiamondZyme is primarily recognized as a a day take 2 at a time.*
maintenance formulation for those that

DiamondZyme Plus One of the most potent digestive enzymes available

to assist people suffering from chronic issues*

DiamondZyme Plus represents our most Since the formula is more potent and has
potent digestive enzyme formula. It has several more enzymes, fewer capsules are
been formulated to support the digestion required. One capsule per meal is usually
of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber. sufficient to address even the most serious
digestive issue. DiamondZyme Plus is also
DiamondZyme Plus contains four more ideal for anyone suffering from issues not
enzymes and is approximately two times associated with digestion. When stress is
stronger than DiamondZyme in most areas. reduced in the system responsible for diges-
tion, more energy is freed up and more
DiamondZyme Plus has been formulated metabolic enzymes are available to other
to address the more serious issues some systems for overall health.*
of our clients are dealing with. It will do
everything DiamondZyme does and more. Recommended use: One capsule at the
start of each meal. More may be taken as

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease.

10 Enzyme and Nutritional Supplement Product Guide

Shown to support heart health* CardioZyme

CardioZyme contains Nattokinase, which blood viscosity contributing to the elevation

has been shown to support cardiovascular of blood pressure. There are more than
function and reduce stress to the heart. twenty enzymes in the body that assist in
clotting the blood, while only one that can
Fibrin: A protein that forms in the blood after break the clot down (plasmin). Nattokinase
trauma or injury. This is essential to stop has been shown to break down fibrin better
excess blood loss. Bacteria, viruses, fungi that any other known enzyme.*
and toxins present in the blood also trigger
an inflammatory condition resulting in excess
cross-linked fibrin. Since there is no danger Recommended Use:
of blood loss when trauma has not occurred, One capsule right before bed. For a
this cross-linked fibrin will circulate through therapeutic effect, one capsule three times
the blood and will stick to the walls of blood a day. More may be taken if needed (up to
vessels. This contributes to the formation of six a day).*
blood clots, slows blood flow, and increases

Formulated to speed recovery and repair tissue*

RenewZyme contains the highest amount Recommended Use:
of proteolytic enzymes (enzymes that break Take 2 capsules, 2 to 3 times a day on an
down proteins) that have exhibited anti- empty stomach (30 minutes before or 2 hours
inflammatory qualities. after eating). RenewZyme may be taken
Recovery: After an injury some of these before and after strenuous exercise to speed
capillaries may be damaged, making them recovery.*
incapable of carrying fluid to and from the
damaged tissue. The result is pain, swelling, References:
redness, heat and loss of function. By repairing Lita Lee, Lisa Turner and Burton Goldburg: The
the capillaries, the bruises, swelling and pain Enzyme Cure. Pg 164
may be reduced. The enzymes in RenewZyme Bailey S.P. "Effects of Protease
have been shown to improve circulation and supplementation on muscle soreness following
speed recovery. Once in the bloodstream downhill running."
proteolytic enzymes enhance blood flow. Medical University of South Carolina,
Additionally, these same proteases have Charleston, SC, 1999
been known to support the immune system Cichoke, A.J., Therapeutic Uses for Enzymes,
and have antioxidant qualities. Nutrition Science News 7:95
Fuller, D. "The Healing Power of Enzymes"

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease.

VP Nutrition 11

BioCandida is a high potency enzyme product which combines protease with cel-
lulase. This is an excellent formula for supporting patients with yeast overgrowth
by breaking down yeast cells, and removing fiber and mucus from the intestine.
Cellulase is able to support the breakdown of fiber and mucus in the intestines,
which can protect yeast cells from the body's natural regulatory systems. Cel-
lulase can also break down chitin in yeast. Proteases target the protein which
makes up the yeast cells. BioCandida supports recovery from yeast overgrowth
through cleaning the intestines and attacking the yeast and infection sites directly.*
Suggested Use: For moderate symptoms, take 2 capsules, 3 times a day at least 1
hour before or 2 hours after a meal for 7 days (for maintenance 2 a day). For acute
symptoms, take 2 capsules, 3 times a day at least 1/2 hour before or 2 hours after
a meal for 14 days. In extreme cases more time may be given. For best results 1
BioVira may be needed.

BioGastro reduces the gas and bloating that can result from the consumption of
raw vegetables, grains and legumes because it is an excellent source of amylase,
which is needed to break down and assimilate carbohydrates. Essential nutrients
from plant foods are able to support protein and fat metabolism, help fight infec-
tion, promote growth of bones and assist in skin rejuvenation. Unfortunately the dis-
comfort and difficulty that can occur upon consuming these foods is problematic
because these are essential foods, but including them in the diet can cause discom-
fort. BioGastro has four different varieties of enzymes that will break down carbo-
hydrates in the forms of starch, glycogen, and similar polysaccharides. This allows
the body to take full advantage of these nutrient rich foods, without the discomfort.*
Suggested Use: Take one capsule at the beginning of each meal. More may be
taken as needed.

BioPhenol contains a phenol-targeting enzyme blend. Some individuals ex-

perience difficulty digesting phenols. Phenols are quite difficult to avoid in the
world of modern food and plant based foods, since complete abstinence from
phenolic compounds is usually not possible or even recommended Amylase, also
called carbohydrase, is needed to break down the carbohydrates in our mod-
ern diet. Complex carbohydrates present in healthy foods are essential to over-
all health. People must obtain amylase through the diet, as it is an enzyme our
body does not produce. It is no surprise that many individuals suffer from a defi-
ciency of this all-important enzyme when considering how frequently it is used.*
Suggested Use: Take one or more capsules of BioPhenol at the beginning of each
meal (dosage can be adjusted) The capsule may be opened and mixed with food if
desired. Safe for children.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease.

12 Enzyme and Nutritional Supplement Product Guide


BioVira contains the highest available potency of an exclusive blend of eight proteases
to help the body to purify. BioVira can break down proteins, viruses, fungal forms
like Candida, parasites, bacteria, cellular particles, and can assist in the breakdown
of toxins, all of which can end up in the blood stream. This frees up the immune
system by performing this task—one the immune system usually must cope with. The
immune system can now concentrate its full action on the invasion of harmful viruses
and organisms. Viruses will be broken with the body's natural defenses supported.
Viruses can now be attacked directly, broken down by proteases while this supple-
ment balances the immune system, so the benefit to the immune system is twofold.*
Suggested Usage: Maintenance - 1 capsule, twice a day, 1 hour before or 2 hours
after a meal, (empty stomach). For therapeutic purposes BioVira should be taken 3-4
times per day. More capsules may be added as needed.

Gluten Intolerance results when the body has difficulty breaking down and absorbing
specific amino acid links in gluten, called peptides. GlutenAide contains enzymes that
offer assistance in the digestion and assimilation to offending proteins. Proteases high in
DPP-IV activity assist in normalizing (reducing) inflammatory response to the peptides
found in gluten, thus better digesting and utilizing all the components of foods containing
large amounts of gluten. This proactively assists the gut, allowing peptides to be prop-
erly broken down. GlutenAide also contains Amylase Active-blend and Glucoamylase for
the fast, healthy digestion of carbohydrates in offending foods. This causes broadening
the potential food groups a person may include in their diet. GlutenAide may even be
used by those who wish to remain on the GFCF diet without any negative side effects.*
Suggested Usage: Take one capsule with any meal containing gluten of casein.
More may be added as needed.

TheraGest Spectrum combines multiple strains of lipase, cellulase, protease, and

amylase with specialized enzymes for gluten, phenol, dairy and casein digestion
to provide a complete solution for children and adults dealing with multiple food
sensitivities. Different enzyme strains require varying pH ranges to function. The
multiple strains present for each enzyme category ensure that enzymes will be ef-
fective no matter where they reach in the body! Crisis results when the body is not
able to process foods or other substances because of an inherent lack of enzymes.
A deficiency of specific types of vital enzymes not only hinders the body's ability
to fully utilize nutrients and causes the body to exhibit negative physical reactions
common to food intolerance. This fine product can assist the body by aiding diges-
tion so that all the nutrients taken in can be fully absorbed to benefit the body.*
Suggested Usage: Take one capsule before each meal, two or more may be taken if

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease.

VP Nutrition 13
LifeCoral Bone and Joint Support*

LifeCoral is formulated with marine coral Living coral ingests a large spectrum of
minerals containing highly ionized calcium natural sun-irradiated minerals from ocean
and magnesium (2 to 1 ratio) and trace water. Therefore, powder made from marine
minerals which naturally contain what is coral contains a rich concentration of these
necessary for calcium transport into the cell naturally occurring organic minerals. Coral
to support healthy organs.* minerals are naturally in a high ionized
state, plus the coral's large amount of both
Calcium is essential to maintaining total ionized calcium and magnesium naturally
body health. Our bodies need it every day occur in the ratio of 2:1. The benefit to this
not just to keep bones and teeth strong over is that ionized calcium is the key mineral to
a lifetime, but to ensure proper functioning support a balanced pH, tissue oxygenation,
of muscles and nerves. It even helps the and joints as well as supporting the heart
blood clot. Many people suffer from a muscle.*
calcium deficiency, which is usually due
to an inadequate intake of calcium. When Recommended Use: Take 1-3 capsules
blood calcium levels drop too low, the vital daily. For a therapeutic effect, up to 12
mineral is "borrowed" from the bones. It is capsules may be taken daily.*
returned to the bones from calcium supplied
through the diet.*

Life Blood Power Comprehensive Support for the Production

of Healthy Hemoglobin and Red Blood Cells*

Life Blood Power is an advanced compre- Vitamin B12, builds genetic material and
hensive iron formula supplying key nutrients helps form red blood cells. *
to assist the body's production of hemoglo-
bin and healthy red blood cells.* Folic Acid, essential for the manufacture of
genetic material, protein metabolism and
Life Blood Power features Ferrochel, a well red blood cell formation. *
tolerated, non-constipating iron that is much
more highly absorbable than other forms of Vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps bind
iron commonly used cells together and strengthens blood vessel
in dietary supplements.* walls, also helps maintain healthy gums and
aids in the absorption of iron. *
Life Blood Power also contains:
Vitamin B6 for protein metabolism, nerve Recommended Use: Take 1 capsule daily
and brain function as well as aiding in the or as directed by your health care practi-
formation of red blood cells.* tioner.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease.

14 Enzyme and Nutritional Supplement Product Guide

Vitamin/nutritional support* LifeGreens

LifeGreens is a broad spectrum vitamin LifeGreens contains no additives, fillers,

supplement containing Wheat Grass, Barley chemicals or preservatives of any kind; nothing
Grass, Chlorella, Lycopene and much more. artificial and is Gluten Free in vegetable caps.
Cereal grasses such as Wheat and Barley LifeGreens is a whole, living food formulated
contain every known vitamin, mineral, amino for optimal nutritional absorbtion as well
acid, and enzyme necessary to sustain life. as raising the alkalinity of the body. This
Because LifeGreens contain a broad array assists the body in its ability to have
of fully bio-available, naturally occurring increased energy, better sleep, digestion
nutrients, including their co-factors, they and increased mobility.*
are more readily absorbed and utilized by
the body.
Recommended Use: Adults and children
LifeGreens is also a rich source of many (age 1 and up) take 1 to 4 capsules daily.
phytochemicals and antioxidants known for For special programs, up to 12 capsules
their ability to assist the body in fighting may be taken per day.*

Powerful Chemoprotection* Life Broccozyme

Life BroccoZyme with Sulforaphane Life BroccoZyme offers support for:

Glucosinolate (SG), assists in activating the • Chemical Toxin Protection*
body's natural enzymes for detoxification, • Colon and Prostate health*
neutralizing chemical toxins, electrophiles
and free radicals. This protects cells from • Total Body Detoxification*
damage that can lead to ill health, even • Improved Immune System Function*
cancer. SG has been shown to help with colon • Cardiovascular Health*
and prostate health, immune system function, • Optimal Joint Health*
and cardiovascular health and protection.

Medical grade / whole food product, clinically

US Scientists found "sulforphane" increases tested, Coumadin safe, 5 year shelf life, no
the activity of the NRF2 gene in the human vitamin K, free of wheat, gluten, corn, yeast,
lung cells which protects the cells from soy animal or dairy products, artificial colors,
damage caused by toxins ...recently it has sweeteners of preservatives
been found to be protective against damage
to blood vessels caused by diabetes." Recommended Use: One capsule daily or as
directed by your health care professional.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease.

VP Nutrition 15
Life EFA Essential Brain and Body Support*

Life EFA is a balanced blend of essen- The human body is not capable of mak-
tial fatty acids from flaxseed oil, borage ing its own essential fatty acids and so it
seed oil and deep sea cold water fish must acquire them from the food we eat.
oil. It contains omega-3, omega-6 and Studies have shown that the improper bal-
omega-9 fatty acids to support healthy ance or lack of EFAs in our diet may be a
cardiovascular, nervous and immune factor in a number of illnesses. EFAs are
system function. Flaxseed oil is one involved in the health of cells, especially
of the richest dietary plant sources of in that of heart and brain cells. It has
alpha-linolenic acid (omega 3) and lino- been recommended more recently for de-
leic acid (omega-6) as well as oleic acid pression, mood disorders and the healthy
(omega-9). Borage oil is a rich source development of infants.*
of gamma linolenic acid (GLA) and ultra-
pure fish oil is a rich source of omega-3 Recommended Use: One soft gel daily or
fatty acids from cold water fish. as practitioner directed.*

Life D3 All Natural Vitamin D3*

Life D3 is the natural form of Vitamin Deficiencies of vitamin D have been found
D provided in a micellized water-soluble in relation to many maladies: Parkinson's
form. This greatly increases the absorp- disease Multiple Sclerosis as well as Al-
tion and Bioavailability of Life D3 over zheimers disease. It is only in the past
oil or emulsified oil forms. Vitamin D is several years that Vitamin D has been
manufactured by the skin in response to noted as having far more impact on our
exposure to sunlight and is essential to health than simply aiding bone formation.
absorption of calcium. Natural vitamin Vitamin D is now recognized as a potent
D3 is four times more potent than D2 the fat soluble antioxidant able to quench free
synthetic form added to milk. Vitamin radicals.*
D3's Latin name means calcium carrier. Recommended Use: 2 drops daily in 1 to
Strong evidence suggests that combined 2 oz. of water or juice or as practitioner
with calcium D3 benefits bone health.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease.

16 Enzyme and Nutritional Supplement Product Guide

Immune System, Intestine, Life Colostrum
Nerve and Stamina Support*

Life Colostrum is 100% pure bovine colostrum collected with-

in the first 16 hours after birthing. It is a natural wholefood
that provides a rich source of IgG and PRPs (proline-rich poly-
peptides). It also supplies protein, contains a full spectrum of
mulitple immune support agents including Lactoferrin, growth
factors, vitamins and minerals to ensure health and vitality
naturally. Numerous studies have shown that colostrum sup-
ports the human immune and cytokine systems Bovine colos-
trum is actually 40 times richer in immune factors than human
colostrum and is biologically transferrable to humans.

Recommended Use: Capsules: Take 4 or more capsules 2 or

more times daily. Powder: Add one scoop in room temperature
water one or two times daily or as recommended by your health
care practitioner.

Life PRP Spray

Life Immuno PRP Spray is a bovine-based PRPs help regulate the thymus gland (im-
natural immune building spray, derived mune system's command center), stimulat-
from the first milking. A key feature of Life ing an underactive immune system or down
Immuno PRP Spray is it contains the high- regulating an overactive one. PRPs inhibit
est concentration of PRPs in a spray form. the overproduction of lymphocytes and T-
PRPs are better absorbed in the mouth as cells, reduce the major symptoms of aller-
seen from newborn infants. When a baby is gies and autoimmune disorders: pain, swell-
born, during the first few nursings it holds ing and inflamation.
the colostrum in it's mouth allowing the
PRPs to be absorbed directly into the sys- Recommended Use: Spray 4 times in the
tem, bypassing the harsh environment of the mouth, hold then swallow. Take twice daily,
stomach. Formulated with this benefit in early in the morning and before bed, or as
mind , Life Immuno PRP Spray is superior directed by your health care practitioner.
support for autoimmune disorders.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease.

VP Nutrition 17
Life Max B Maximum Liver, Brain, Energy
and Mood Support*

Life Max B is the only natural source B Life Max B includes: Folic Acid for heart im-
complex vitamins available! Using break- mune and neural / spinal protection during
through technology with special healthy pregnancy for the unborn infant. Vitamin B12
probiotic strains, this complex of B vita- for energy, red blood cell formation, nervous
mins provide the maximum stress, anti- system development and memory. Vitamin B6
aging, energy , brain, heart and mood sup- for those in repetitive motion jobs that cause
port. carpel tunnel syndrome—it also supports the
adrenals and is considered the "anti-stress" vi-
Due to its liquid oral delivery system tamin. B3 for blood circulation and metaboliz-
Life Max B offers fast delivery of the full ing carbohydrates. B2 for eye and skin health.
range of B vitamins, giving almost instant B1 for healthy emotional balance. Also Inositol,
support. These highly active "living" B Biotin and choline for liver and cell support.*
vitamins in their end chain form absorb
quickly into your system for maximum en- Recommended Use: 1/2 teaspoon daily. Hold
ergy support. under tongue for additional benefits.*

Life Immune UR Targeted Immune Support*

Life Immune UR supports the upper re- At a time when resistance to antibiotics is
spiratory system, aiding the body's natural at an all time high when it comes to upper
defenses against viruses in the respiratory respiratory infections, the need for additional
tract. It uses a time tested traditional Chi- support at the first sign of infection is critical.
nese and Ayurvedic bitter herb. Androgra- Life Immune UR is the kind of support our
phis is combined with licorice root for the body needs to help itself.
support of adrenals and for it's anti-micro-
bial and anti-inflammatory properties. Isatis Recommended Use: For prevention take 1-4
Tinctoria is used for it's ability to inhibit caps daily. For acute conditions, take 2 cap-
COX 2 and 5 LOX enzymes responsible for sule every 3-4 hours up to 8 daily or as prac-
inflammation and pain. This provides tar- titioner directed.*
geted immune support. Caution: Those with uncontrolled hypertension
hould use only with practitioner supervision.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease.

18 Enzyme and Nutritional Supplement Product Guide

Nerve, Cardiovascular and Mood
Life Magnesium

It has been shown that magnesium helps convert carbohydrates, proteins and
fats into energy, acts as a catalyst in over 300 enzyme processes, regulates and
maintains vascular tone, helps prevent calcification of soft tissues and is critical
to proper bone formation. It has also been shown to regulate calcium and potas-
sium metabolism and has been hailed for its use with heart patients. Known for
facilitating muscle constriction and relaxation as well as nerve transmission and
the maintenance of blood glucose levels.

Life Magnesium has been shown to assist individuals with gut related issues.
The glycinate form of magnesium does not affect the bowels like other forms, so
more magnesium is easily tolerated.*

Recommended Use: Take 1-2 capsules twice daily between meals, or as recom-
mended by your health practitioner.*

VP Nutrition is pleased to announce that we will be expanding our new BioTherapeudix line with 9 new
Homeopathics. We are proud and excited to offer this new line of homeopathic remedies, as requested
by our clients.
Our new homeopathics are designed to assist the body in repair and maintenance of cells, organs and the
lymphatic system.
The first kit will include a detox series designed to assist the detoxification of the body down to the cellular level.
The second kit will include maintenance formulas designed to assist the body in maintaining optomim health.
Third will be two Lymphatic products specifically formulated to assist in repair and maintenance.

A more detailed preview of the new line can be found on our website: www.vpnutrition.com

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease.

VP Nutrition 19

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