MBC Bloat

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MÖRK BORG is © Ockult Örtmästare Games & Stockholm Kartell


Tight crawlspace (armor won’t fit) Slimy,
Here the fleshy automatons
dug by a ratbadger is leading to stinking
prepare gourmet feasts
a set of stairs to the vestibule: passage.
for Silas, and render down
• Pitch black. Stinks. White fungus.
substance for themselves.
• The ratbadger is still here:
• 3 automatons looking for
HP 5, Morale 9, Tough hide –d2,
suitable ingredients.
Nasty bite d4
• Smell of rotting flesh.
• Debris (and d10 silver) on the floor.
• Huge trenchers full of
• A search reveals a mosaic
decayed meat, offal,
A GLUTTONOUS DUNGEON FOR of bloated people in robes Discarded
clothes and blood. Tiny
and bizarre headdresses bones.
salad leaves for garnish.
enjoying a massive feast.

Written by Greg Saunders 3. SEWAGE PIT

Original map design Dyson Logos The fleshy automatons deposit
Editing and art Johan Nohr Silas’ collected filth in this
4. CHAPEL OF FILTH e d6 captured stream. Sadly, as reality
Here the fleshy automatons forc breaks, this gunk has been
THE TALE villages to pray before a stat
ue of an
opal eyes. inbued with a life of its own.
Silas, a vagabond, sought shelter from a storm imposing, corpulent woman with • Debilitating stench makes
of ranc id waste
in a large animal burrow. To his surprise he Doors are stone slabs carved • The stat ue stan ds in pool
awful. all tests DR+2.
smel l is
found a set of stairs leading to an underground with reliefs of a great feast. from the sewa ge pit. The
• The animated waste cannot
Presence test
labyrinth, once the home of an obscure cult of Easily moved. • Look into the opal eyes: DR14 be killed, only temporarily
in room 6 and
or be compelled to visit Silas dissipated by enough water.
bacchanalian priests dedicated to a goddess offer yourself for dinner.
as priests. Leaves a horrendous stench.
of fat and plenty. In the chapel he found a • 3 automatons are here, acting HP -, Morale -, No armour,
beautiful knife and fork, and a statue that Fecal acid burn d4
compelled him to use them... Fountain of sweet water • The only thing Silas can’t
The Gourmand’s Cutlery allows the digest is metal: beneath
wielder to eat anything. Which is good, as the sludge are d6 silver and
the user becomes famished and must eat. a long, curved knife shaped
like a tongue (d6 damage,
Luckily, everything tastes wonderful! Silas is on a hit makes the target
overcome—all he wants to do is eat, so he has ravenously hungry and
compelled the automatons of the labyrinth to desperately thirsty, must
feed him: eat and drink within the
Moldy curtain hides tripwire. hour or die).
As Silas accepted the statue’s offering it
If not found, (describe the
animated two f leshy ceramic automatons 5. AUTOMATON STORAGE search or Presence DR14)
to serve him, and now they are creating more This is where automatons are stored a falling block deals
of their kind! They are kidnapping people and created in huge vats of rendered d6 damage.
to feed to their Fattened King. Perhaps the fat. Empty ceramic humanoid figures 6. THE FATTENED KING
and parts are strewn on the floor.
disappeared villagers’ Redolent in travesty, the bloated form of Silas
• Smell of fat, blood and offal.
relatives or lords have fills this chamber. Too large to fit through the
B O R G • The two original automatons
door, instead he waits for the fleshy automatons
asked the PCs to find K C animate others by pouring bodily
R to feed him. The Gourmand’s Cutlery which commands
and rescue them? fluids into their empty heads.

them looks tiny in his swollen, greasy hands.


Or the PCs find the • Anyone who enter who is not an


automaton is taken to the Larder • HP 20, Morale 9, No armour, Cutlery d4 + Engulf

hole when hiding • Engulf: When hit by Silas, pass a DR10 Strength
for processing.
from brigands test or be partially swallowed for d6 points of


or inquisitors? Fleshy automatons chewing damage.

Perhaps they are Ceramic bile-filled golems. • Flatulence: when Silas takes damage he loses

Smells of rot, meat and decay.


even looking for the control of his body. All in the room make a DR14

O • If knocked over, spills their


vagabond-turned- V E N Toughness test or gag for d3 rounds, increasing

contents and deactivate.
fattened-king Silas? D C O • HP 8, Morale -, Ceramic – d4,
all tests by +2 DR (cumulative).
Violent shove d6

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