Organization and Management Structure: Sales Specialist Accountant

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Marketing/Sales Operation Finance

Director Director Director

Sales Specialist Production HR Manager Accountant

Customer Inventory/Store Public Relations
keep Staffs
Representative Clerk
Color Specialist
Sales Manager

e Maintenance


Fig. 1 Organizational structure

Defines how activities such as task allocation, coordination, and supervision are directed toward the achievement
of organizational aims. Organizational structure affects organizational action and provides the foundation on
which standard operating procedures and routines rest. It determines which individuals get to participate in
which decision-making processes, and thus to what extent their views shape the organization’s actions.
Organizational structure can also be considered as the viewing glass or perspective through which individuals see
their organization and its environment

The proponents decided to build corporation rather than sole proprietorship because of
the following reasons. Corporations can raise the most investment capital also have tax
advantages. Corporations typically file taxes separately from their owners. Therefore, owners of
a corporation only pay taxes on corporate profits that are actually paid to them in the form of
salaries, bonuses, and dividends. Thus, the proponents can enter into a larger business that will
give them a higher income. Another functional advantage of corporations is that they are
generally able to attract and hire high quality and motivated employees because they tend to
offer competitive benefits and the potential for partial ownership through stock options. It also
has greater borrowing capacity than sole proprietorship.

A corporation is typically made up of shareholders, directors, and officers, each with

different rights and duties. Shareholders have ownership rights that include the election of
Directors. Directors govern the general affairs of a corporation and appoint the corporation’s
Officers. Officers manage the day-to-day operations of the business.

In addition to requiring bylaws and filing of articles of incorporation, corporations typically

have comprehensive record keeping and tax filing requirements.

The biggest businesses take the form of corporations, a testament to the effectiveness of
this business organization. A corporation, however, is relatively more difficult to create, organize
and manage. There are more reportorial requirements with the stock-exchange. Unless you own
sufficient number of shares to control the corporation, you’ll most likely be left with no
participation in the management. The impact of these concerns, however, is minimized by the
army of lawyers, accountants and consultants that assist the corporation’s management.

Every member of Paintagon team are key personnel and it’s their passion for paint
industry which will make us the company we dream to be.The following are management team
of the company:

Table 8. List of Key Personnel

Key personnel Duties and Responsibilities Qualifications

CEO  Master of Business

In addition to the overall success of an Administration
organization or company, the CEO is (MBA) or similar
responsible for leading the development post-graduate
and execution of long-term strategies, qualification.
with the goal of increasing shareholder  Master’s of Business
value. The roles and responsibilities of a Administration.
CEO only deals with high-level -
corporate strategy and major company
decisions. Other tasks are delegated to
other managers or departments.

The duties, and responsibilities of the

Paintagon CEO include:

 Leading the development of the

company’s short- and long-
term strategy
 Creating and implementing the
company or organization’s
vision and mission
 Evaluating the work of other
executive leaders within the
company, including directors,
vice presidents, and presidents
 Maintaining awareness of the
competitive market landscape,
expansion opportunities,
industry developments, etc.
 Ensuring that the company
maintains high social
responsibility wherever it does
 Assessing risks to the company
and ensuring they are
monitored and minimized
 Setting strategic goals and
making sure they are
measurable and describable
 Bachelor’s degree in
Operation The duties, and responsibilities of the business, marketing,
Director Paintagon Managing Director include: communications, or
 Developing and executing related field.
business strategies to achieve  Experience in marketing
short and long-term goals of and running a marketing
the company. team.
 Reporting to the board,  Proven marketing
providing market insights and campaign experience.
strategic advice.  Effective time
 Developing and implementing management skills and
business plans to improve cost- the ability to multitask.
efficiency.  Strong copywriting
 Overseeing the company's skills.
business operations, financial  Attention to detail.
performance, investments, and Proven ability to manage
ventures. budgets.
 Ensuring company policies and  Professional and
legal guidelines are clearly proactive work ethic.
communicated.  High competence in
project and stakeholder
 Excellent interpersonal,
written and oral
communication skills.
 Experience with digital
marketing forms such as
social media marketing
and content marketing.
 Competency in
Microsoft applications
including Word, Excel,
and Outlook.

The duties, and responsibilities of the

Paintagon Managing Director include:
 Overseeing marketing
 Evaluating and developing our
marketing strategy and
marketing plan.
 Planning, directing, and
coordinating marketing efforts.
 Communicating the marketing
 Researching demand for our
products and services.
 Competitor research.
 Working with sales department
to develop pricing strategies to
maximize profits and market
share while balancing customer
 Identifying potential customers.
 Developing promotions with
advertising managers.
 Understanding and developing
budgets and finance, including
expenditures, research and
development appropriations,
return-on-investment and
profit-loss projections.
 Developing and managing
advertising campaigns.
 Building brand awareness and
 Coordinating marketing
projects from start to finish.
 Overseeing social media
marketing strategy and content
Marketing/Sale  Communication skills: speak
s Director The duties, and responsibilities of the to the customers about
Paintagon Sales Director include: product’s different features
 Understand and effectively and answers question if there
communicate the company's is.
value prop, tech, process and  Customer service skills; can
current partnerships talk in a friendly way to
 Determine annual unit and customers and potential
gross-profit plans by customers.
implementing marketing  Flexible in working long
strategies; analyzing trends hours, nights and weekends
and results
 Establish sales objectives by
forecasting and developing
annual sales quotas;
projecting expected sales
volume and profit for existing
and new products
 Establish and adjust selling
prices by monitoring costs,
competition and supply and
 Maintain sales staff by
recruiting, selecting, orienting
and training employees. As
well as counseling and
disciplining employees;
planning, monitoring and
appraising job results
 Excellent interpersonal skills,
with the ability to
communicate effectively with
management and cross-
functional teams, for both
technical and non-technical
 Work with the Sales, Account
Management and Operations,
teams to implement targeted
sales strategy
Work with internal teams on
behalf of clients to ensure the
highest level of customer
Work collaboratively with the
sales and marketing teams
and fosters a culture of
continuous process
 Monitor the quality of
marketing and sales
information and define data
improvement programs

Production Operation Office

They are responsible for converting raw materials and other inputs into finished
goods or services. In between the process of production, the department works to
improve the efficiency of the production or assembly line so that it can meet the output
targets set by the company management and ensure finished products offer consumers the
best value and quality.

The production department is responsible for creating the finished products

which the company needs to sell to earn a profit.

The following are the activities that should be done by the production

 Identifying Inputs

A business determines the quantity or volume of goods that should be

produced within a certain time frame and passes the information to the
production department. To meet production targets, the department establishes
the quantity of raw materials and types of machinery and equipment required to
achieve the desired output level, and may collaborate with the purchasing
department to source the inputs. If there isn't sufficient manpower to support
productions process, the production department asks the firm to hire more

 Scheduling Production

With the inputs ready, the production department schedules production

processes. This involves planning the tasks to be completed along the
production line and allocating the tasks to various production workers.
 Minimizing Production Costs
The production department is tasked with finding effective ways to lower
production costs. One simple way to do this is to keep the production machinery
and equipment well-maintained so the firm does not regularly incur repair costs.
Along with advising the business to adopt newer technologies, the department
can also assess the production line to identify opportunities for cost reduction.

 Ensuring Product Quality

A production department must ensure finished goods meet minimum
quality standards. Apart from checking all products for faults as they move
through the production process, the department must perform rigorous tests on
prototypes for new products to ensure they meet quality benchmarks before
undergoing mass production. Techniques such as waste elimination and process
standardization also help to ensure and improve product quality.

 Improve Existing Products

From time to time, the production department will furnish the research
and development department with information it can use to improve existing

Table 9. Required Production Department personnel

Job Description Qualifications

Production The duties, and responsibilities of the  Bachelor’s degree
Director Paintagon Managing Director include:  Experience in
 Planning and organizing manufacturing
production schedules operations\
 Assessing project and resource  Project management
requirements skills
 Estimating, negotiating and
agreeing budgets and
timescales with clients and
 Ensuring that health and safety
regulations are met
 Determining quality control
 Overseeing production
 Re-negotiating timescales or
schedules as necessary
 Selecting, ordering and
purchasing materials
 Organizing the repair and
routine maintenance of
production equipment
 Liaising with buyers and
marketing and sales staff
 Supervising the work of junior
 Organizing relevant training
Inventory/Store Also known as Store Managers or Store  Must be organized and
keep Supervisors, Store Keepers take stock of punctual.
inventory, manage the store layout, Well-presented and
supervise staff and keep records of sales. professional.
 A high school
qualification or
 Prior experience in
retail, preferably in a
management position,
would be advantageous.
 Excellent verbal and
written communication
 Proficient in Microsoft

Color specialist A colour technologist’s responsibilities  Suitable degree and

will vary depending on the industry that higher national diploma
they work in. For example, some create (HND) subjects for
dyes for textiles while others help choose entry into the profession
paints and inks for printers. Colour include: clothing and
technologists will be involved in all stages textile technology,
of the production process, from design to colour science,
testing and marketing. materials and polymer
sciences, chemical
physics/applied physics,
chemistry and
production engineering.
 A postgraduate colour
science or technology

Machine Machine Operators install, maintain, and  High School

Operators operate machinery. They must have a Diploma/GED.
strong understanding of the machines they  Combination of
work with. In-depth training may be additional education and
required in order to prepare a Machine experience.
Operator for their daily duties.  Aptitude for math,
Machine Operators may work with computers, and
mechanical or computer operated mechanics. Attention to
equipment. They must be technically- detail.
inclined and be able to properly utilize  Ability to work and
tools and machinery. Since problems with communicate well with
machinery may arise, Machine Operators others.
must be able to analyze situations and find  Proficiency with hand
solutions. tools.
 Willing to perform
Candidates for this position should be repetitive tasks for
detail-oriented and willing to learn. extended periods.
Machine Operators should be able to
follow instructions, work with others, and
help ensure that all safety regulations are

Building/Machine People working on Building Maintenance  Bachelor´s Degrees in

Maintenance are responsible for fixing buildings that degrees related to
are broken and maintaining properties to Maintenance and
ensure that they are in perfect conditions. Housekeeping.
They are also required to perform  High School Diploma
preventative maintenance operations to or equivalent and
avoid costly repairs. Among their duties including knowledge
they keep walls and floors clean and free about electricity, waste
of stains, replace windows, blinds, and management, and
doors, repair leaky faucets, and remove plumbing in order to
trash. perform specific duties.
Persons working on Building Maintenance
area usually perform many of the
following tasks:
• Repairing pneumatic systems.
• Replacing faulty electrical circuits.
• Painting walls.
• Maintaining boilers.
• Inspecting restrooms and other areas.
• Having math skills.
• Being able to climb up an extension
• Having knowledge of safety measures.
• Being physically fit.
• Having high attention to details.
• Being able to prepare estimates of time.
• Having knowledge of maintenance
practices and repair methods.
• Being able to provide supervision.
• Having good communication skills.
• Being able to follow written and oral
Security Men  Secures premises and personnel  Lifting
patrolling property; monitoring  Surveillance skills
inspecting building and equipment and  Deals with uncertainty
access points; permitting entry  Judgement
 Control traffic by directing drivers  Objectivity
 Maintains environment by monitoring  Dependability
and setting building and equipment  Emotional control
 Integrity
 Prevents losses and damage by
 Safety management
reporting irregularities; informing  Professionalism
violators of policy and procedures;  Reporting skills
restraining trespassers.

Laborers Construction laborers perform a variety of  Physical strength

tasks at all kinds of construction sites.  hand-eye coordination,
Tasks that require little skill can be and endurance
learned quickly; other tasks require  Ability to understand
considerable experience or training. and communicate
General laborers are often required to information is also
work outside in all kinds of weather or in essential.
buildings without heating or air  Requiring technical
conditioning. Some tasks are dangerous, knowledge to use.
including removing lead, asbestos, or  Computer skills
 Estimating skills
 No minimum
requirements to be a
general laborer.

Marketing and Sales Department

The various functions of sales/marketing department are:

 Market Research
It means study of market, which includes forecasting, intelligence and
statistics. It is an important factor for the sale of products. Failure to do this
accurately may lead to the production of more goods that the market can absorb.
This may mean financial losses to the firm. It may also lead to under-production,
the results of which are equally unpleasant.

 Advertising for Sales

Advertising is the publication of information regarding articles (products)
put up for sales and is a method to bring the producer into touch with customers.
This informs the customers about the product and the place from where they can
get it.
Advertising promotes trade and creates demand and hence it is the pivot of
modern trade, commerce and business. The most appealing definition of
advertising is- “advertising bring to the greater number of people, actual
knowledge concerning useful things, thus it is essentially a form of education of
the people about the product.”

 Sales
All the activities of the Sales department are for selling to earn maximum
profit. For this purpose, continuous search is made for profitable markets. Various
agencies are opened throughout the country and if possible in foreign markets

 Sales Correspondence
Any incoming letter must be replied in a short time. The letter should be
tactful, simple in language, helpful and every customer must feel that his
enquiries are being considered. Quotations for the supply of products should be
sent to large number of customers and try to capture large markets. If the
promises cannot be kept with regard to delivery date or other matters, the
customers should be informed immediately and whenever practicable reasons for
the delay should be given.
 Service
Industry is rapidly adopting the principle that service is an essential part of
the sales itself. Manufacturers often find it essential to see that their products are
properly installed. This is not only a service to the customers but also a protection
against complaints and general dissatisfaction of the customers.
The manufacturers, therefore, maintain a staff of skilled engineers and
mechanics, who carry out tests at the customer works, give technical help and
advice and see that everything is functioning properly.

 Packing
Packing also has an important role in the sale of product. With the help of
good packing, the products can reach to the customer in same form and quality as
they were before dispatch. Good packing also helps in advertising and attracts
more number of customers.

 Warehouse
These are the go-downs, for storing finished products after they are packed
in a systematic manner. These are built in such a way that materials can be kept in
them for a period till they are sold. For easy transportation, these are generally
situated near the factory main gate.

The Marketing/Sales Department is the key to good marketing and sales. It promotes
and establishes a business in its niche, based on the products or services the business is
offering. It identifies the areas in which the product fits and where the business should focus
its marketing strategy and, therefore, spend its budget for the maximum coverage and results.
The marketing department helps the company to do the following:

 Build relationship with the audience:

Creates awareness of the company and its products as well as provide inputs
that create interest for the audience. It brings in new customers and creates new
business opportunities for the company.
 Involve the customer:
It engages existing customers, tries to understand them and hear what they
have to say. It monitors the competition, creates new ideas, identifies outlets,
plans the strategy to involve customers and retain them.
 Generate income:
Finally, the aim of the marketing department is to generate revenue. All its
activities are aimed at broadening the customer base and finding opportunities
that would create more revenue for the company

Required Sales and Marketing Department Personnel

The responsibilities of a sales department are varied. Thus, a sales department is often
split up into multiple roles, each with their unique functions:

Table 10. Required Sales and Marketing Department Personnel

Job Description Qualifications

Accountant Accountants, also  Bachelor's degree in
known as auditors, look accounting or a similar field.
over financial and tax  Certified Public Accountant
records for companies (CPA).
and people, and prepare
those records. They
help make sure people
are prepared for tax
day, examining over
tax forms, determining
the amount of taxes
owed. Accountants can
help find inefficiencies
in spending, as well as
find places to save
costs and improve
Sales A sales specialist has  Computer Skills
Specialist in-depth knowledge of  Math Skills
the product and the  Analytical Skills
industry. This is the  Communication Skills
person you want
handling complicated
issues or difficult
customer questions. A
sales specialist is also
adept at doing product
demonstrations and
client proposals. In a
sales department, this
specialist takes on any
complex sales or
advanced challenges
that come up for the
rest of the team.
Customer A customer success  College degree in
Success representative is computer science or
Representative responsible for any related discipline.
following up and  Extensive knowledge
renewing sales with of the company’s
customers who have products/service.
already made  Interpersonal skills.
purchases. This role is  Basic technical Skills
crucial for customer Proactive.
retention and ensuring  Business and Tech
your business isn’t Savvy
leaving money on the  Basic knowledge of IT
table. A customer
success representative networking and
keeps your best internet technologies.
customers happy and  Ability to work on
finds new ways to customer relationship
further the management
relationship, thus applications
increasing your profits.  Good Communication

Sales Manager The sales manager is  Bachelor’s degree in

the leader of the team, business or related
and responsible for field.
making sure the team  Experience in planning
is meeting their and implementing sales
responsibilities and strategies.
hitting their goals. This  Experience in customer
person is charged with relationship
steering the ship as management.
well as measuring and  Experience managing
improving outcomes. and directing a sales
 Excellent written and
verbal communication
 Dedication to
providing great
customer service.
 Ability to lead a sale
Finance Department

The part of a department/offices that manages its money. The business functions
of a finance department typically include planning, organizing, auditing, accounting for
and controlling its company's finances, the Board of Directors are the ones who manages
that matter. The finance department also produces the company's financial statements or
accounting and monitoring the cash flow.

Table 11. Required Finance Department Staffs

Job Description Qualifications

Accountant Familiar with audits, invoices and  Experience using
budget preparations. Our ideal financial software
candidate demonstrates interest in Advanced MS Excel
managing accounting activities, skills.
including bank reconciliations,  Knowledge of
accounts payable and accounts financial regulations
receivable. You should also have  Excellent analytical
excellent organizational skills and and numerical skills
be able to handle time-sensitive  Sharp time
tasks. management skills
 Strong ethics, with
an ability to manage
confidential data
 BSc degree in
Finance, Accounting
or Economics
 Professional
qualification as a
considered a plus

Public Relations Public Relation Officer is in  Proven work

charge of managing the experience as a
reputation and goodwill of the Finance Officer.
company. His job is to create  Advanced MS Excel
understanding of the clients skills.
and try to influence their  Knowledge of
thinking and behavior. PRO financial regulations.
uses media management and  Excellent analytical
communication to build up and numerical skills.
the company’s profile. The  Sharp time
PRO works under the management skills.
Marketing Manager and  Strong ethics, with an
reports to him. ability to manage
confidential data.
 BSC degree in
Finance, Accounting
or Economics
qualification as a
Clerk Maintaining files and records  Proven experience
so they remain updated and as office clerk or
easily accessible other clerical
Sorting and distributing position
incoming mail and prepare Familiarity with
outgoing mail office procedures
Answering the phone to take and basic
messages or redirecting calls accounting
to appropriate colleagues principles
office clerk job description Working
knowledge of
office devices and
 A fast typist with
knowledge in
stenography and
taking dictations.
 Very good
knowledge of MS
 Very good
organizational and
 High school

Human Resources Office

The human resources office handles many necessary functions of the business. It is
instrumental in providing labor law compliance, record keeping, hiring and training,
compensation, relational assistance and help with handling specific performance issues.
These functions are critical because without those functions being completed, our company
would not be able to meet the essential needs of management and staff.

The key functions an HR department include labor law compliance, recruiting, staff
training and development, payroll, record keeping and employee relations.

 Ensure Compliance with Labor Laws

One of the chief duties of the human resources office of our company is to ensure
the business operates in compliance with all labor laws. The department has to know
and comply with that state’s particular set of rules employment regulations. This
includes such issues as the number of breaks given per number of hours worked and
the number of hours and the age in which an individual can become employed.

 Recruitment and Training

Recruiting and training new employees are primary responsibilities of the human
resources team. This part of the job often entails advertising open positions,
interviewing and hiring candidates and setting aside hours devoted to training the new
recruits. The human resources department often publishes training materials including
handbooks detailing all aspects of the job.

 Record Keeping and Tax Compliance

The HR office is in charge of record keeping for the business. The human
resources department should also, of course, maintain employees’ records including
their individual tax forms. The company’s business license, inventory statistics,
insurance records and all other pertinent business information should also be on file.

 Payroll and Benefits

The dispensation of payroll comes under the responsibilities of the human
resource office. While payroll often exists as a separate division in large companies,
in small businesses, it is generally handled by a small human resources staff. Health
care benefits are also handled by the human resource department.
 Employer-Employee Relations
Another key function of the HR department is the managing of employee
relations. When there is a dispute or misunderstanding between employees or
between employees and a manager, it is the human resource officers who mediate the
situation. Employees are encouraged to bring relational problems to the attention of
the human resources staff for resolution.
 Employee Performance Improvement Plans
The human resources department is often instrumental in setting up performance
improvement plans commonly called PIPs. In general, these are written proposals
designed to help struggling employees improve their work to raise it to a certain
expectation level of the company.

Table 12. Required Human resources Office Presonnel

Job Description Qualification

Human The duties, and responsibilities of the  bachelor's degree

Resources Paintagon Managing Director include:  master's degree
Manager  Developing and implementing  At least five years of
human resources policies. experience.
 Supporting strategic objectives. Certification is
 Hiring staff and negotiating available but it is
employment agreements. voluntary.
 Ensuring compliance with laws
and regulations.
 Managing staff wellness and
performance reviews.
 Motivating and supporting current
 Maintaining staff records.
 Handling employee benefits.
 Identifying staffing needs and
creating job descriptions.
 Designing and directing training

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