Digitization Brochure DET NEW
Digitization Brochure DET NEW
Digitization Brochure DET NEW
Linearized PDF/A
Digitaledge India has created a niche for itself 1 Data Extraction/Entry Services for digital Paper records scanning with Legal Hold, for enterprise applications. Our expertise has been
in the ‘e’ services space. Ranging from archiving. Implementing an archiving built over the years in providing turnkey solutions for paper record conversion to PDF/A with
complex data extractions, managing solution or outsourcing bulk conversion Legal Hold. The resulting output is compliant with Indian IT Act 2000 to serve as evidence in
document scanning projects, providing services for your document management courts.
litigation image capture, converting images to
PDF Bookmarks - Publishing with hyper text links and creating eBooks with full text search
PDF/A; projects have been successfully 2 Scanning & Indexing with Legal Hold. Your capabilities.
delivered. Providing innovative and scanned documents should have legality Rights Management on PDF for secured distribution of PDF with copy right controls,
customised services has been the key to our embedded at the time of capture or else it including automatic document expiry.
success. is not good enough for the courts.
Linearized PDF/A for web friendly hosting of scanned books.
• Experienced data entry for archiving 3 Scanned PDF Documents need to be Creation of Highly Compressed PDF by Mixed Raster Content Compression Technology (loss
optimized for performance. We provide less compression up to 5 times smaller than normal images).
Linearization, Compression, Bookmarks,
Indexing & Publishing of Project CAD Files into folder hierarchy with meaningful names.
• PDF/A conversion with legal hold services Hyperlinks and such other compiling
activities, besides OCR for content search. Records Mining of paper based information. Professional extraction services of research
• PDF Technology value added services documents, gazetteer documents, crime investigation, legal records etc.
TIFF to PDF/A Conversion Services to enable organisations migrate prior scanned TIFF
images to PDF/A format for long term retention.
Unit in Bengaluru, India has built its business to provide:
Superior Competency from the experts | Utilization Improvement for faster TAT | Factor Cost Advantage of Indian Offshore
Business Risk Mitigation
Digitaledge India has created a niche for itself 1 Data Extraction/Entry Services for digital Paper records scanning with Legal Hold, for enterprise applications. Our expertise has been
in the ‘e’ services space. Ranging from archiving. Implementing an archiving built over the years in providing turnkey solutions for paper record conversion to PDF/A with
complex data extractions, managing solution or outsourcing bulk conversion Legal Hold. The resulting output is compliant with Indian IT Act 2000 to serve as evidence in
document scanning projects, providing services for your document management courts.
litigation image capture, converting images to
PDF Bookmarks - Publishing with hyper text links and creating eBooks with full text search
PDF/A; projects have been successfully 2 Scanning & Indexing with Legal Hold. Your capabilities.
delivered. Providing innovative and scanned documents should have legality Rights Management on PDF for secured distribution of PDF with copy right controls,
customised services has been the key to our embedded at the time of capture or else it including automatic document expiry.
success. is not good enough for the courts.
Linearized PDF/A for web friendly hosting of scanned books.
• Experienced data entry for archiving 3 Scanned PDF Documents need to be Creation of Highly Compressed PDF by Mixed Raster Content Compression Technology (loss
optimized for performance. We provide less compression up to 5 times smaller than normal images).
Linearization, Compression, Bookmarks,
Indexing & Publishing of Project CAD Files into folder hierarchy with meaningful names.
• PDF/A conversion with legal hold services Hyperlinks and such other compiling
activities, besides OCR for content search. Records Mining of paper based information. Professional extraction services of research
• PDF Technology value added services documents, gazetteer documents, crime investigation, legal records etc.
TIFF to PDF/A Conversion Services to enable organisations migrate prior scanned TIFF
images to PDF/A format for long term retention.
Unit in Bengaluru, India has built its business to provide:
Superior Competency from the experts | Utilization Improvement for faster TAT | Factor Cost Advantage of Indian Offshore
Business Risk Mitigation
Linearized PDF/A