Apantallamiento Lightning-Risk IEC 62305
Apantallamiento Lightning-Risk IEC 62305
Apantallamiento Lightning-Risk IEC 62305
Surge Protection
Service Line Density Dense Fire Protection None No
on All Equipment
Overall Risk
Direct Strike Indirect Strike
Calculated Risk Acceptable Risk Risk Risk
(R) (Ra) (Rd) (Ri)
RISK & DAMAGE FACTORS Ng Ground Flash Density 2.808 per sq. km
1.0E-03 Ra2
0 Of2 Overhead Service Line
0 Oo2
nohp Number OH Power Service Lines 0
ltural Heritage
Direct Strikes to Overhead Lines
1.0E-03 Ra3
0 Of3 Dc1 Lateral Distance for OH line 21 m
Effective Length of OH Line -45 m
Lc1 Effective Length of OH Line 0 m
Ac1 OH Collection Area 0.000E+00 sq. km
1.0E-03 Ra4 Aa1 Coll. Area to Adjacent Structures 0 sq. km
1 kh4 Nc1p Dangerous Strikes to OH Line 0.000E+00 strikes per yr
0 Oh4 Nc1 Dangerous Strikes to other OH Line 0.000E+00 strikes per yr
0 Og4
0.3 Of4 Indirect Strikes to Overhead Lines
0.001 Oo4
Di1 Lat Dist for induced overvolt. Due to s 5000
Ai1 Collection Area for Induced overvolt 0.75 sq. km
Protection Measures Ni1p Dangerous strikes near OH lines 0.421
Ni1 Dangerous strikes to other OH lines 0.421
0.8 E
1 k2 Underground Service Line
1 k3
1 kf nugp Number UG Lines 0
1 k4
0.01 k5 Direct Strikes to Underground Service Line
Strike Risk
strikes per yr
strikes per yr
strikes per yr
strikes per yr
per sq km
per sq km
Risk Calculations - Loss of Hu
Efficiency of lightning protection on the structure 0.8 E Av. no. indirect strikes c
(FIXED) Prob of dangerous step & touch potentials 0.01 ph
Direct Strikes 0.310 Nd
(FIXED) Damage factor for step and touch potential outside 0.01 Oh1 Risk of dangerous step an
from direct st
Risk of fire, explosion, mechanical damage and chemical discharge Number of OH power se
due to direct strikes to structure Number of UG power se
Dangerous Strikes to O
Reduction Factor for fire protection measures 1 kf Dangerous Strikes to ot
Probability that a discharge will initiate a fire 0.001 pf Dangerous strikes to UG
Probability of dangerous discharge based on struct 0.2 ps Dangerous strikes to oth
Number of overhead service lines 0 noh (FIXED) Prob of dangerous step
Reduction factor for surge protection device 0.01 k5 (FIXED) Step & Touch inside stru
Prob of discharge based on OH cable type 1 pe1
Number of underground service lines 0 nug
Prob of discharge based on UG cable type 1 pe2 Risk of equipment malfun
Prob of discharge based on PL cable type 1 pe0 from direct st
Damage potential for fire 0.05 Of1
Dangerous strikes near
Risk of equipment malfunction or failure due to overvoltage Dangerous strikes to oth
from direct strikes to service lines Dangerous strikes to oth
Dangerous strikes near
(FIXED) Correction value for impulse level of equipment 1 kw
(FIXED) Reduction factor of isolation equipment on interna 1 k2
Reduction factor for surge equipment on input of 1 k3
Probability of discharge based on cable type 1 pi Special Hazards Factor
(FIXED) Reduction factor of isolation equipment at entry poin 1 k4 Acceptable Risk
Damage factor for overvoltages 0 Oo1
Reduct Factor for struct lightning protection syst 0.2 k1 Probability a direct strike
Risk of fire, explosion, mechanical damage and chemical discharge Risk of step-touch poten
due to direct strikes to structure
Risk of fire, damage caused by
Total partial probability that external wiring carries 1 pet from direct st
Probability that external wiring carries a surge 0.01 Pewd Risk of equipment malfun
from structure that causes physical damage from direct st
Probability a direct strike to structure will cause a 5.00E-05 Ps Risk of overvoltage from
dangerous discharge
Risk of fire due to direct strikes 7.757E-06 Rs1 Risk of equipment malfun
from indirect s
Risk of equipment malfunction or failure due to overvoltage
from direct strikes to service lines Probability an indirect st
Prob external wiring carries surge from structure 0.01 Pewdo Probability an indirect st
causing damaging overvoltage to internal equip
Probability an indirect st
Probability a direct strike to the structure will 4.96E-02 Pw
cause a damaging overvoltage Probability an indirect st
Risk due to overvoltages from direct strikes 0.000E+00 Rw1 Risk of overvoltage from
Total Risk
Risk of equipment malfunction or failure due to overvoltage
from indirect strikes to the structure Risk due to direct strike
Probability an indirect strike to the structure will 0.040 Pm Risk due to indirect strik
Risk due to overvoltages from indirect strikes 0.00E+00 Rm1 Total risk for a structure
Acceptable risk
s - Loss of Human Life
Total Risk
Av. number strikes to other OH lines per yr that are 0.000E+00 Nc1
Prob of direct strike to other OH line will cause overv 0.000 Pc1
Av. number strikes to other UG lines per yr that are 0.000E+00 Nc2
Prob of direct strike to other UG line will cause overv 0.000 Pc2
Av. no. strikes to the OH power line per yr that are d 0.000E+00 Nc1p
Risk of equip failure from overvoltage (strike near str 0.000E+00 Rm2
Av. no. strikes to the UG power line per yr that are 0.000E+00 Nc2p
Prob. Indirect strike near other OH line cause overv 0.000 Pi1
Prob. indirect strike near other UG line cause overv 0.000 Pi2
Av. number of strikes to the structure per year 0.310 Nd Av. number strikes to other UG lin
Probability a direct strike to structure will caus 5E-05 Ps Prob of direct strike to other UG l
Damage factor for fire 0 Of3 Av. no. strikes to the OH power li
Av. number strikes to other OH lines per yr that 0.000E+00 Nc1 Prob. of direct strike to UG power
Prob of direct strike to other OH line will cause 0 Pc1 Acceptable Risk
Acceptable risk
s - Category 3 - Loss of Cultural Heritage
Av. number strikes to other UG lines per yr that are 0.000E+00 Nc2
Av. no. strikes to the OH power line per yr that are 0.000E+00 Nc1p
Av. no. strikes to the UG power line per yr that are 0.000E+00 Nc2p
0.000E+00 Rs3
0.000E+00 Rc3
0.000E+00 Rd3
0.000E+00 Ri3
0.001 Raccept3
Risk Calculations - Category 4 - E
Prob. Indirect strike near other OH line cause ove 0.00 Pil
Prob. indirect strike near other UG line cause ove 0.00 Pi2
Av. no. strikes to the OH power line per yr that a 0.000 Nc1p
Av. no. strikes to the UG power line per yr that a 0.000 Nc2p