Aporte 6 La Evaluación en El Proceso de Ea EN
Aporte 6 La Evaluación en El Proceso de Ea EN
Aporte 6 La Evaluación en El Proceso de Ea EN
- Analyze the acquired information according to the evaluation benchmark, and formulate
- Establish a value judgment about learning and share it with the learner to trigger or
improve learning strategies.
- Establish a value judgement about the teaching strategy and adapt it to achieve better
During the implementation of a didactic sequence, as part of the formative approach of
the evaluation, it is essential to give the student continuous feedback focused on the
support and improvement of their performance. Collecting evidence on a permanent
basis will provide the teacher with valuable information, which should be used to identify
in a timely manner the orientations that the student needs to improve learning. (In
another article of this blog you can find information on formative feedback).