Classification Notations
Classification Notations
Classification Notations
1.2.2 As an example, the classification notations assigned 3.1.1 The construction mark identifies the procedure under
to a ship may be as follows (the kind of notation shown in which the ship and its main equipment or arrangements
brackets does not form part of the classification notation have been surveyed for initial assignment of the class. The
indicated in the Register of Ships and on the Certificate of procedures under which the ship is assigned one of the con-
Classification): struction marks are detailed in Ch 2, Sec 1.
3.1.2 One of the construction marks defined below is class from an IACS Society at ship's delivery or when class
assigned separately to the hull of the ship and its append- is being added to an IACS Society's class at ship's delivery
ages, to the machinery installation, and to some installa- in accordance with specific procedures.
tions for which an additional classification notation (see [6]
below) is assigned. 3.2.2 The mark [ is assigned to the relevant part of the
The construction mark is placed before the symbol HULL ship, when the latter is classed after construction in compli-
for the hull, before the symbol MACH for the machinery ance with the procedure detailed in Ch 2, Sec 1, [3.2] and it
installations, and before the additional class notation is changing class from an IACS Society at the time of the
granted, when such a notation is eligible for a construction admission to class.
3.2.3 The mark µ is assigned to the relevant part of the ship,
If the ship has no machinery installations covered by classi-
fication, the symbol MACH is not granted and the construc- where the procedure for the assignment of classification is
tion mark will be only placed before the symbol HULL. other than those detailed in [3.2.1] and [3.2.2], but how-
ever deemed acceptable.
Note 1: Ships assigned with the service notation yacht or charter
yacht according to the requirements of [4.11.3] and having a length
less than 24 m may be assigned the construction mark only placed 4 Service notations and corresponding
before the symbol HULL when the machinery installations are not
surveyed for classification. No symbol MACH is granted in this case.
additional service features
3.1.3 The construction marks refer to the original condition 4.1 General
of the ship. However, the Society may change the construc-
tion mark where the ship is subjected to repairs, conversion 4.1.1 The service notations define the type and/or service
of the ship which have been considered for its classifica-
or alterations.
tion, according to the request for classification signed by
the Interested Party. At least one service notation is to be
3.2 List of construction marks assigned to every classed ship.
Note 1: The service notations applicable to existing ships conform
3.2.1 The mark { is assigned to the relevant part of the to the Rules of the Society in force at the date of assignment of
ship, when it has been surveyed by the Society during its class. However, the service notations of existing ships may be
construction in compliance with the new building proce- updated according to the current Rules, as far as applicable, at the
dure detailed in Ch 2, Sec 1, [2.1], or when it is changing request of the Interested Party.
ED European Directive
97/70/EC as amended
TORRE Torremolinos Interna-
tional Convention for
the Safety of Fishing
Vessels as amended
Floating dock [4.7.7] Rule Note NR 475
FLS tanker [4.4.6] Part D, Chapter 7 Tanker (SOLAS, Reg I/2(h))
flash point > 60°C Part D, Chapter 7 NLS Tanker (MARPOL, Annex II, Reg 1/16.2), when
noxious liquid substances are loaded
type of cargo (1)
General cargo ship [4.2.2] Cargo ship (SOLAS, Reg I/2(g))
equipped for carriage of containers Part D, Chapter 2
heavycargo [AREA1, X1 kN/m2 - …] Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6
nonhomload (3) Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3
occasional dry bulk cargo IMO Res.MSC 277(85)
para. 1.6 and 1.7
Hopper dredger, Hopper unit [4.6.2] Part D, Chapter 13 Cargo ship (SOLAS, Reg I/2(g))
HSC, HSC-CAT A, HSC-CAT B [4.10.1] (6) NR 396 UNITAS High-speed craft (SOLAS, Chapter X), 2000 HSC Code
Launch, Seagoing launch [4.11.2] Part D, Chapter 21 (non-convention ship)
Light ship [4.10.2] (6) Part B, Part C,
and NR396 UNITAS,
Chapter 3 & Chapter 6
Liquefied gas carrier [4.4.5] Part D, Chapter 9 Tanker (SOLAS, Reg I/2(h))
RV Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 1, [5] Gas carrier (SOLAS, Reg II-1/3.20, Reg II-2/3.25, Reg VII
STL-SPM Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 1, [6]
Livestock carrier [4.2.6] Part D, Chapter 3 Cargo ship (SOLAS, Reg I/2(g))
Oil recovery ship [4.7.5] Part D, Chapter 17
Oil tanker [4.4.2] Part D, Chapter 7 Tanker (SOLAS, Reg I/2(h))
ESP Part D, Chapter 7 Oil tanker (MARPOL Annex I, Reg I/1.5)
SOLAS, Reg II-1/2.22
SOLAS, Reg XI-1/2
4.1.2 The assignment of any service notation to a new ship • occasional dry bulk cargo, for ships the keels of which
is subject to compliance with general rule requirements laid are laid or which are at a similar stage of construction
down in Part B and Part C of the Rules and in NR216 Mate- on or after the 1st July 2010, and which occasionally
rials and Welding, and, for some service notations, the carry dry cargoes in bulk, as described in IMO Res.MSC
additional requirements laid down in Part D. 277(85), paragraphs 1.6 and 1.7.
4.1.3 A ship may be assigned several different service nota- 4.2.3 Ro-ro cargo ship, for ships specially intended to carry
tions. In such case, the specific rule requirements applica- vehicles, trains or loads on wheeled beds. The additional
ble to each service notation are to be complied with. requirements of Part D, Chapter 1 are applicable to these
However, if there is any conflict in the application of the ships. The service notation may be completed by the addi-
requirements applicable to different service notations, the tional service feature equipped for carriage of containers,
Society reserves the right to apply the most appropriate where the ship’s fixed arrangements comply with the appli-
requirements or to refuse the assignment of one of the cable rule requirements in Part D, Chapter 2.
requested service notations.
4.2.4 Refrigerated cargo ship, for ships specially intended
4.1.4 A service notation may be completed by one or more to carry refrigerated cargo. No additional requirements are
additional service features, giving further precision regard- specified in Part D for this service notation; however, the
ing the type of service of the ship, for which specific rule requirements of Part E, Chapter 7 for the assignment of the
requirements are applied. additional class notation REF-CARGO are to be applied.
The service notation may be completed by the additional
4.1.5 The different service notations which may be service feature equipped for carriage of containers, where
assigned to a ship are listed in [4.2] to [4.11], according to the ship’s fixed arrangements comply with the applicable
the category to which they belong. These service notations rule requirements in Part D, Chapter 2.
are also listed in alphabetical order in Tab 1, where the cor-
respondence between the service notation assigned by the 4.2.5 Container ship, for ships specially intended to carry
Society and the type of ship defined by the International containers in holds or on decks. The additional require-
Conventions is also given for information. ments of Part D, Chapter 2 are applicable to these ships.
As a rule, all notations in [4.2], [4.3], [4.4] and [4.5] are
only to be assigned to self-propelled units. 4.2.6 Livestock carrier, for ships specially intended to carry
livestock. The additional requirements of Part D, Chapter 3
4.2 Cargo ships are applicable to these ships.
4.2.1 The service notations related to self-propelled ships 4.2.7 Deck ship, for ships specially intended to carry cargo
intended for the carriage of cargo are listed in [4.2.2] to exclusively on the deck.
[4.2.6]. Note 1: a ship with the service notation deck ship is usually but not
necessarily a self-propelled unit intended for unrestricted navigation.
4.2.2 General cargo ship, for ships intended to carry gen-
eral cargo. 4.3 Bulk, ore and combination carriers
The service notation may be completed by the following
additional service feature, as applicable: 4.3.1 The service notations related to self-propelled ships
• equipped for carriage of containers, where the ship’s specially intended for the carriage of dry cargo in bulk are
fixed arrangements comply with the applicable rule those listed in [4.3.2] to [4.3.5] or bulk carrier when the
requirements in Part D, Chapter 2 ship does not meet the forthcoming conditions.
• heavycargo [AREA1, X1 kN/m2 - AREA2, X2 kN/m2 - ...], The service notations described in [4.3.2] to [4.3.5] are
when the double bottom and/or hatch covers and/or always completed by the additional service feature ESP,
other cargo areas designed to support heavy cargoes fulfil which means that these ships are submitted to the Enhanced
the appropriate rule requirements. The values Xi indicate Survey Program as laid down in Ch 4, Sec 2.
the maximum allowable local pressures on the various Example: ore carrier ESP.
zones AREAi where the cargo is intended to be stowed.
Note 1: Self-propelled ships are ships with mechanical means of
The requirements for the assignment of this additional
propulsion not requiring assistance from another ship during nor-
service feature are given in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6, [4.1.2] mal operation.
• nonhomload, when the ship has been designed in such
a way that the cargo spaces may be loaded non-homo- 4.3.2 Bulk carrier ESP, for sea going self-propelled ships
geneously, including cases where some holds may be which are constructed generally with single deck, double
empty, at a draught up to the scantling draught and fulfil bottom, hopper side tanks and topside tanks and with single
the appropriate rule requirements for general strength, or double side skin construction in cargo length area and
and when the corresponding loading conditions are intended primarily to carry dry cargoes in bulk. Typical
listed in the reviewed loading manual. This notation midship sections are illustrated in Fig 1, or a midship sec-
may be completed with the indication of the different tion deemed equivalent by the Society. The additional
maximum loads allowed in each hold and which holds requirements of Part D, Chapter 4 are applicable to these
may be empty, if appropriate. ships.
The service notation bulk carrier ESP is always completed Bulk carriers assigned with the additional service feature
by one of the following additional service features, for bulk CSR are to comply with the requirements of the Common
carriers of length greater than or equal to 150 m contracted Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers (Rule Note NR522). The
for new construction on or after 1 July 2003: elements not dealt with in NR522 are to comply with the
• BC-A, for bulk carriers designed to carry dry bulk cargoes requirements of Part B, Part C and Part D of the Rules for the
of density 1.0 t/m3 and above with specified holds empty Classification of Steel Ships.
at maximum draught in addition to BC-B conditions Note 1: Hybrid bulk carriers, where at least one cargo hold is con-
• BC-B, for bulk carriers designed to carry dry bulk car- structed with hopper tank and topside tank, are covered by NR522.
The structural strength of members in holds constructed without
goes of density 1.0 t/m3 and above with all cargo holds
hopper tank and/or topside tank is to comply with the strength cri-
loaded in addition to BC-C conditions teria defined in NR522.
• BC-C, for bulk carriers designed to carry dry bulk car-
Bulk carriers assigned with the additional service feature
goes of density less than 1.0 t/m3. CSR and with holds designed for loading/unloading by
The additional service feature BC-A is completed with the grabs having a maximum specific weight up to [x] tons are
indication of the allowed combination of specified empty assigned the notation GRAB [X] according to NR522 (Com-
holds, as follows: (holds a, b, .., ... may be empty). mon Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers), Ch 1, Sec 1, [3.2.1].
The requirements for GRAB [X] notation are given in
If limitations are to be observed during operation: NR522, Ch 12, Sec 1.
• the additional service features BC-A and BC-B are com-
pleted, when the maximum cargo density is less than For bulk carriers assigned with the additional service feature
CSR, and one of the additional service features BC-A or BC-B,
3.0 t/m3, with the indication of the maximum density of
these additional service features are always completed by the
cargo that the ship is allowed to carry, as follows:
additional service feature GRAB [X]. For these ships, the
(maximum cargo density x.y t/m3)
requirements for the GRAB [X] notation are to be complied
• the additional service features BC-A, BC-B and BC-C are with for an unladen grab weight X equal to or greater than
completed by the following indication when the vessel 20 tons.
has not been designed for loading and unloading in
multiple ports: (no MP). For bulk carriers assigned with the additional service feature
CSR others than above, the additional class notation
Examples: GRAB [X] may be assigned on a voluntary basis (refer to
Bulk carrier BC-A (maximum cargo density 2.5 t/m3; holds [6.13.2], item a)).
2, 4, 6 may be empty) ESP Bulk carriers assigned with the additional service feature
Bulk carrier BC-B (maximum cargo density 2.5 t/m3; no CSR are to comply with the requirements for maintenance
MP) ESP of class, thickness measurements and acceptance criteria
Bulk carrier BC-C (no MP) ESP given in NR522, Chapter 13.
For ships contracted for new construction before 1 July For bulk carriers assigned with the additional service feature
2003 or for ships contracted for new construction on or CSR and contracted for construction on or after 8 Decem-
after 1 July 2003 but less than 150 m in length, the service ber 2006, this additional service feature is always com-
notation bulk carrier ESP may be completed by the addi- pleted by the additional service feature CPS(WBT) for
tional service features heavycargo or nonhomload defined which the rule requirements of NR530 Coating Performance
under [4.2.2]. Standard, applicable to ships complying with the require-
The service notation bulk carrier ESP is always completed ments of the Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers or
by the additional service feature CSR for bulk carriers of the Common Structural Rules for Double Hull Oil Tankers
length greater than or equal to 90 m contracted for new and related to protective coatings in dedicated seawater
construction on or after 1 April 2006. ballast tanks of ships of not less than 500 gross tonnage and
double-side skin spaces arranged in bulk carriers of length
Figure 1 : Typical midship sections of ships greater than or equal to 150 m, are applied.
with service notation bulk carrier ESP
Bulk carrier CSR CPS(WBT) BC-A (maximum cargo density
2.5 t/m3; holds 2, 4, 6 may be empty) ESP GRAB [20]
Note 2: Attention is drawn on the coating condition which is sur-
veyed as per the requirements of Ch 4, Sec 2 for ships in service.
Figure 2 : Typical midship sections of ship Figure 4 : Typical midship sections of ships
with service notation ore carrier ESP with service notation combination carrier/OOC ESP
Right: Double side skin construction. For ships with integral cargo tanks, the service notation oil
tanker is always completed by the additional service feature
4.3.5 Combination carrier/OOC ESP, for sea going self- ESP (i.e. oil tanker ESP), which means that these ships are
propelled ships which are constructed generally with single submitted to the Enhanced Survey Program as laid down in
deck, two longitudinal bulkheads and a double bottom Ch 4, Sec 3. Typical midship sections are illustrated in Fig 5.
throughout the cargo length area and intended primarily to The service notation oil tanker ESP is always completed by
carry ore cargoes in the centre holds or oil cargoes in centre the additional service feature CSR for double hull oil tank-
holds and wing tanks. Typical midship sections are illus- ers of length greater than or equal to 150 m and contracted
trated in Fig 4, or a midship section deemed equivalent by for new construction on or after 1 April 2006.
the Society. The additional requirements of Part D, Chapter
Oil tankers assigned with the additional service feature CSR
6 are applicable to these ships.
are to comply with the requirements of the Common Struc-
Note 1: “combination carrier” is a general term applied to ships tural Rules for Double Hull Oil Tankers (Rule Note NR523).
intended for the carriage of both oil and dry cargoes in bulk; these The elements not dealt with in NR523 are to comply with
cargoes are not carried simultaneously, with the exception of oily the requirements of Part B, Part C and Part D of the Rules for
mixture retained in slop tanks. the Classification of Steel Ships.
Figure 5 : Typical midship sections of ships with service notation oil tanker ESP
Oil tankers assigned with the additional service feature CSR The list of products the ship is allowed to carry is attached
are to comply with the requirements for ship in operation to the Certificate of Classification or the Certificate of Fit-
renewal criteria given in NR523, Section 12, related to the ness, where issued by the Society, including, where neces-
allowable thickness diminution for hull structure. sary, the maximum allowable specific gravity and/or
For oil tankers assigned with the additional service feature temperature.
CSR and contracted for construction on or after 8 Decem- For ships intended to carry only one type of cargo, the serv-
ber 2006, this additional service feature is always com- ice notation may be completed by the additional service
pleted by the additional service feature CPS(WBT) for feature indicating the type of product carried.
which the rule requirements of NR530 Coating Performance For ships with integral cargo tanks, the service notation
Standard, applicable to ships complying with the require- chemical tanker is always completed by the additional serv-
ments of the Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers or ice feature ESP (i.e. chemical tanker ESP), which means that
the Common Structural Rules for Double Hull Oil Tankers these ships are submitted to the Enhanced Survey Pro-
and related to protective coatings in dedicated seawater gramme as laid down in Ch 4, Sec 4.
ballast tanks of ships of not less than 500 gross tonnage and
double-side skin spaces arranged in bulk carriers of length 4.4.5 Liquefied gas carrier, for ships specially intended to
greater than or equal to 150 m, are applied. carry liquefied gases or other substances listed in Pt D, Ch
Example: 9, Sec 1 of the Rules. The additional requirements of Part D,
Chapter 9 are applicable to these ships.
Oil tanker CSR CPS(WBT) ESP
Note 1: Attention is drawn on the coating condition which is sur-
The list of products the ship is allowed to carry is attached
veyed as per the requirements of Ch 4, Sec 3 for ships in service. to the Certificate of Classification or the Certificate of Fit-
ness, where issued by the Society, including, where neces-
4.4.3 Asphalt carrier, for sea going self-propelled ships sary, the conditions of transportation (pressure, temperature,
which are constructed with independent (non-integral) filling limits).
cargo tanks, intended to carry only such type of products, The service notation may be completed by the following
under certain conditions. The additional requirements of additional service feature, as applicable:
Part D, Chapter 7 are applicable to these ships.
• RV, where the ship is fitted with an installation for
The maximum cargo temperature is to be indicated on the revaporisation of the liquefied natural gas. The require-
Certificate of Classification. ments for the assignment of this additional service fea-
ture are given in Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 1, [5]
4.4.4 Chemical tanker, for sea going self-propelled ships
which are constructed generally with integral tanks and • STL-SPM, where the ship is used as re-gasification termi-
intended primarily to carry chemicals in bulk. This notation nal and fitted forward with equipment for non perma-
may be assigned to tankers of both single or double hull nent mooring or single buoy. The requirements for the
construction, as well as tankers with alternative structural assignment of this additional service feature are given in
arrangements. Typical midship sections are illustrated in Fig Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 1, [6].
6, or a midship section deemed equivalent by the Society. Example:
The additional requirements of Part D, Chapter 8 are appli-
Liquefied gas carrier RV STL-SPM
cable to these ships.
Figure 6 : Typical midship sections of ships with service notation chemical tanker ESP
4.4.6 FLS tanker, for ships specially intended to carry in 4.5.2 Passenger ship, for ships intended to carry more than
bulk flammable liquid products other than those covered by 12 passengers. The additional requirements of Part D, Chap-
the service notations oil tanker, chemical tanker or lique- ter 11 are applicable to these ships.
fied gas carrier.
The service notation may be completed by the additional
The list of products the ship is allowed to carry may be service feature 36 passengers, where the ship is intended
attached to the Certificate of Classification, including, to carry only such a limited number of passengers.
where necessary, the maximum allowable specific gravity
and/or temperature. 4.5.3 Ro-ro passenger ship, for ships intended to carry
more than 12 passengers and specially equipped to load
The service notation may be completed by the additional
trains or wheeled vehicles. The additional requirements of
service feature flash point > 60°C, where the ship is
Part D, Chapter 12 are applicable to these ships.
intended to carry only such type of products, under certain
conditions. The service notation may be completed by the additional
service feature 36 passengers, where the ship is intended
For ships intended to carry only one type of cargo, the serv- to carry only such a limited number of passengers.
ice notation may be completed by the additional service
feature indicating the type of product carried.
4.6 Ships for dredging activities
The additional requirements of Part D, Chapter 7 are appli-
cable to these ships. 4.6.1 The service notations related to ships specially
intended for dredging activities are listed in [4.6.2]. The
4.4.7 Tanker, for ships intended to carry non-flammable additional requirements of Part D, Chapter 13 are applica-
liquid cargoes in bulk other than those covered by the serv- ble to these ships.
ice notations in [4.4.2] to [4.4.6], such as water.
The list of cargoes the ship is allowed to carry may be 4.6.2 The following notations are provided:
attached to the Certificate of Classification. a) Dredger, for ships specially equipped only for dredging
activities (excluding carrying dredged material)
For ships intended to carry only one type of cargo, the serv-
ice notation may be completed by the additional service b) Hopper dredger, for ships specially equipped for dredg-
feature indicating the type of product carried, e.g. tanker- ing activities and carrying spoils or dredged material
water. c) Hopper unit, for ships specially equipped for carrying
The additional requirements of Part D, Chapter 10 are appli- spoils or dredged material
cable to these ships. d) Split hopper unit, for ships specially equipped for carry-
ing spoils or dredged material and which open longitu-
4.4.8 Refer also to [4.3.4] and [4.3.5] for combination car- dinally, around hinges
rier intended to carry alternatively oil products and dry
e) Split hopper dredger, for ships specially equipped for
cargo in bulk in cargo holds/tanks.
dredging and for carrying spoils or dredged material and
which open longitudinally, around hinges.
4.5 Ships carrying passengers
4.6.3 These ships which are likely to operate at sea within
4.5.1 The service notations related to ships specially specific limits may, under certain conditions, be granted an
intended for the carriage of passengers are listed in [4.5.2] operating area notation. For the definition of operating area
to [4.5.3]. notation, reference should be made to [5.3].
4.7 Working ships 4.7.5 The service notation oil recovery ship is assigned to
ships specially equipped with fixed installations and/or
4.7.1 The service notations related to ships specially mobile equipment for the removal of oil from the sea sur-
intended for different working services are listed in [4.7.2] face and its retention on board, carriage and subsequent
to [4.7.6]. unloading. The additional requirements of Part D, Chapter
17 are applicable to these ships.
4.7.2 The service notations for ships intended to tow and/or
push other ships or units are: 4.7.6 The service notation cable laying ship is assigned to
a) Tug, for ships specially equipped for towing and/or ships specially equipped for the carriage and/or laying,
pushing hauling and repair of submarine cables. The additional
requirements of Part D, Chapter 18 are applicable to these
b) Salvage tug, for ships specially equipped for towing
and/or pushing having specific equipment for salvage ships.
c) Escort tug, for ships specially equipped for towing 4.7.7 The service notation floating dock is assigned to
and/or pushing having specific equipment for escorting floating docks meeting the requirements of Rule Note
ships or units during navigation. NR475.
The additional requirements of Part D, Chapter 14 are appli-
Note 1: The navigation notation sheltered area is assigned to these
cable to these ships. units. When the dock is intended to be towed, the navigation nota-
These service notations may be completed by the additional tion temporary unrestricted navigation is also to be assigned.
service feature barge combined, when units are designed to
be connected with barges and comply with the relevant 4.8 Non-propelled units, units with sail
requirements of Pt D, Ch 14, Sec 3. The barges to which the
propulsion and other units
tug can be connected are specified in an annex to the Cer-
tificate of Classification.
4.8.1 Barge
4.7.3 The service notation supply vessel is assigned to ships The service notation barge is assigned to non-propelled
specially intended for the carriage and/or storage of special units intended to carry (dry or liquid) cargo inside holds or
material and equipment and/or which are used to provide tanks. The additional requirements of Part D, Chapter 19 are
facilities and assistance for the performance of specified applicable to these ships.
activities, such as offshore, research and underwater activi-
For ships intended to carry only one type of cargo, the serv-
ice notation may be completed by an additional service fea-
The service notation is to be completed by the additional ture indicating the type of product carried e.g. barge - oil,
service feature oil product, when the ship is also specially barge - general cargo.
intended to carry oil products having any flash point and
having a specified maximum cargo tank capacity. This service notation may be completed by the additional
The service notation is to be completed by the additional service feature tug combined when units are designed to be
service feature LHNS, for ships, other than well stimulation connected with tugs, and comply with the relevant require-
vessels, carrying amounts of hazardous and noxious liquid ments of Pt D, Ch 14, Sec 3. The tugs to which the barge
substances in bulk not exceeding a specified maximum can be connected are specified in an annex to the Certifi-
value. cate of Classification.
The service notation yacht or charter yacht is always com- 4.11.6 Other units
pleted by one of the following additional service features, as For ships or other floating units intended to be classed with
applicable: other service notations, reference is to be made to the spe-
• motor for units propelled by propulsion engine cific Rules of the Society, and in particular:
• Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classifi-
• sailing for units with a sail propulsion, including those
cation of Wooden Fishing Vessels (NR219)
assisted by auxiliary propulsion engine.
• Rules for the Classification of Offshore Units (NR445)
Examples: • Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Submers-
ibles (NR316).
yacht-sailing 4.11.7 Inland navigation vessels
charter yacht-motor For ships and units intended for navigation in inland waters,
reference is to be made to the Rules and Regulations for the
charter yacht-sailing
Construction and Classification of Inland Navigation Ves-
The service notation yacht or charter yacht is completed by sels (NR217).
the additional service feature S when the hull is made of
steel material. 4.12 Ships with gas fuelled propulsion
Example: 4.12.1 The service notation is completed by one of the fol-
yacht-motor-S lowing additional service features, when the ship complies
with the requirements of NR529 Safety Rules for Gas-
When the hull is made of other material, additional service Fuelled Engine Installations in Ships, for internal combus-
features are to be assigned in accordance with the require- tion engines using gas as fuel, as applicable:
ments of Rule Note NR500.
• dualfuel for engines using both gas and fuel oil as fuel
Ships with service notation yacht or charter yacht are • gasfuel for engines using only gas as fuel.
assigned a navigation notation as listed in [5.2], except for
the navigation notations summer zone and tropical zone The gas may be either compressed natural gas or liquefied
which are not assigned. natural gas.
4.11.4 Crew boats 5.1.3 The assignment of a navigation notation does not
absolve the Interested Party from compliance with any inter-
The service notation crew boat is assigned to ships less than
national and national regulations established by the Admin-
500 grt, of length not greater than 45 m, dedicated to trans-
istrations for a ship operating in national waters, or a
port of offshore personnel from harbours to moored offshore
specific area, or a navigation zone. Neither does it waive
installations or ships and meeting the requirements of Rule
Note NR490. the requirements in Ch 1, Sec 1, [3.3.1].
Note 1: Ships which do not fulfil the minimum speed criteria in 5.2 List of navigation notations
Section 1, [1.1.1] of NR490 will not be assigned the above service
notation. 5.2.1 The navigation notation unrestricted navigation is
assigned to a ship intended to operate in any area and any
4.11.5 Compressed natural gas carrier period of the year.
The service notation compressed natural gas carrier is
assigned to ships intended to carry compressed natural gas 5.2.2 The navigation notation summer zone is assigned to
(CNG) meeting the requirements of NR517 Classification of ships intended to operate only within the geographical lim-
Compressed Natural Gas Carriers. its as defined in ILLC 1966 for the Summer zones.
5.2.3 The navigation notation tropical zone is assigned to The operating area notation is, in principle, solely granted
ships intended to operate only within the geographical lim- to ships for dredging activities.
its as defined in ILLC 1966 for the Tropical zones. This operating area notation is indicated after the navigation
5.2.4 The navigation notation coastal area is assigned to
ships intended to operate only within 20 nautical miles Example: unrestricted navigation - “operating area notation”
from the shore and with a maximum sailing time of six
hours from a port of refuge or safe sheltered anchorage. 5.3.2 The following operating area notations may be
5.2.5 The navigation notation sheltered area is assigned to • dredging within 8 miles from shore,
ships intended to operate in sheltered waters, i.e. harbours, • dredging within 15 miles from shore or within 20 miles
estuaries, roadsteads, bays, lagoons and generally calm from port,
stretches of water and when the wind force does not exceed
6 Beaufort scale. • dredging over 15 miles from shore.
DYNAPOS SAM (1) [6.14.6] Pt E, Ch 10, Sec 6 DYNAPOS AM and DYNAPOS AT may be com-
DYNAPOS AM (1) pleted by R or RS
DYNAPOS AT (1) DYNAPOS AM/AT may be completed by R or RS or
DYNAPOS AM/AT (1) (xx ; xx) (corresponding to the two-number vector
for the Environmental Station Keeping Index ESKI)
Reference in NR 467 or
Additional class notation Definition in Remarks
to other Rule Notes
GRAB [X] [6.14.2] Rule Note NR 522, Ch 12 On a voluntary basis for bulk carriers other than CSR
VCS [6.14.7] Pt E, Ch 10, Sec 7 this notation may be completed by the specific nota-
VeriSTAR-HULL (1) [6.2.2] Pt E, Ch 1, Sec 2 these notations may be completed by DFL xx years,
VeriSTAR-HULL SIS (1) [6.2.4] with 25 xx 40
6.4 Automated machinery systems (AUT) 6.5.3 Integrated bridge system (SYS-IBS and
6.4.1 General The additional class notation SYS-IBS is assigned to ships fitted
The notations dealt with under this heading are relevant to with an integrated bridge system which allows simplified and
automated machinery systems installed on board ships. centralised bridge operation of the main functions of naviga-
In compliance with [6.1.3], these notations are assigned a tion, manoeuvring and communication, as well as monitoring
construction mark, as defined in [3]. from bridge of other functions related to passage execution,
route control and monitoring and control and monitoring of
The requirements for the assignment of these notations are
machinery installation according to Part C, Chapter 3.
given in Part E, Chapter 3.
The notation SYS-IBS is assigned only to ships which are
6.4.2 Unattended machinery space (AUT-UMS) also assigned the additional class notation SYS-NEQ.
The additional class notation AUT-UMS is assigned to ships The additional class notation SYS-IBS-1 is assigned to ships
which are fitted with automated installations enabling fitted with an integrated bridge system which allows simpli-
machinery spaces to remain periodically unattended in all fied and centralised bridge operation of the main functions
sailing conditions including manoeuvring. of navigation, manoeuvring and communication, as well as
monitoring from bridge of other functions related to passage
6.4.3 Centralised control station (AUT-CCS)
execution, route control and monitoring and control and
The additional class notation AUT-CCS is assigned to ships monitoring of machinery installation according to Part C,
which are fitted with machinery installations operated and Chapter 3 and Pt E, Ch 3, Sec 1 (AUT-UMS notation).
monitored from a centralised control station.
In addition, the following functions may be part of the nota-
6.4.4 Automated operation in port (AUT-PORT) tion SYS-IBS-1:
The additional class notation AUT-PORT is assigned to ships • external / internal communication system
which are fitted with automated installations enabling the
• monitoring of specific cargo operations
ship’s operation in port or at anchor without personnel spe-
cially assigned for the watch-keeping of the machinery in • pollution monitoring
service. • monitoring of heating, ventilation and air conditioning
for passenger ships.
6.4.5 Integrated machinery system (AUT-IMS)
The additional class notation AUT-IMS is assigned to ships The notation SYS -IBS-1 is assigned only to ships which are
which are fitted with automated installations enabling also assigned the additional class notation SYS-NEQ-1.
machinery spaces to remain periodically unattended in all
6.5.4 Communication system (SYS-COM)
sailing conditions including manoeuvring, and additionally
The additional class notation SYS-COM is assigned to ships
provided with integrated systems enabling to handle con-
which are fitted with a local area network including the
trol, safety and monitoring of machinery.
alarm, monitoring and control systems and computers used
for management operations and external communication
6.5 Integrated ship systems (SYS) devices for reporting ashore navigation, maintenance and
operational information.
6.5.1 General
The notations dealt with under this heading are relevant to The notation SYS-COM is assigned only to ships which are
operation of integrated systems regarding navigation, also assigned the additional class notation AUT-IMS.
machinery, communication and specific cargo, as applica-
6.5.5 Integrated ship systems notation (SYS)
In compliance with [6.1.3], these notations are assigned a When ships are assigned the notations SYS-NEQ (or SYS-
construction mark, as defined in [3]. NEQ-1), SYS-IBS (or SYS-IBS-1) and SYS-COM, the three
The requirements for the assignment of these notations are separate notations are superseded by the cumulative addi-
given in Part E, Chapter 4. tional class notation SYS.
6.6.3 Tailshaft monitoring system (MON-SHAFT) This notation COMF+ deals with additional criteria in view
The additional class notation MON-SHAFT is assigned to to evaluate higher standard comfort level than COMF-
ships which are fitted with a temperature monitoring system NOISE. These additional criteria are to be selected among
for the tailshaft sterntube aft bearing. The assignment of this the following performance indexes:
notation allows the ship to be granted a reduced scope for • Sound insulation index
complete tailshaft surveys, see Ch 2, Sec 2, [5.5.4].
• Impact index
• Emergence
6.7 Comfort on board ships (COMF)
• Intermittent noise
6.7.1 General • Intelligibility.
The notations dealt with under this heading are relevant to
the assessment of comfort on board ships with regard to the The additional class notation COMF+ is to be completed by
noise and/or vibration. the selected performance indexes.
The parameters which are taken into consideration for the Example:
evaluation of the comfort such as the level of noise, the COMF + /Impact index /Intermittent noise /Intelligibility
level of vibration will be indicated in the relevant annex to
the Certificate of Classification. This notation is assigned only to ships having the service
notation yacht or charter yacht .
The requirements for the assignment of these notations are Note 1: The additional class notation COMF+ may also be applied
given in Part E, Chapter 6. to ships assigned with the service notation Passenger ship after spe-
cial consideration.
6.7.2 Comfort with regard to noise (COMF-NOISE)
The additional class notation COMF-NOISE is assigned to 6.7.5 Comfort for passenger and crew areas
ships satisfying levels of noise defined in Part E, Chapter 6. The additional class notations COMF-NOISE-Pax, COMF-
The assessment of noise levels is carried out through meas- NOISE-Crew, followed by grade 1, 2 or 3 and COMF-VIB-
urements during harbour and sea trials. Pax and COMF-VIB-Crew, followed by grade 1, 2 or 3 or
1PK, 2PK or 3PK are assigned to ships satisfying levels of
The notation is completed by a grade 1, 2 or 3 which repre-
noise / vibration defined in Part E, Chapter 6, for passenger
sents the comfort level achieved for the assignment of the
or crew area, as applicable.
notation. The lower grade (1) corresponds to the higher
class of comfort. Example:
Example: COMF-VIB-Crew 3
6.8 Pollution prevention
6.7.3 Comfort with regard to vibration (COMF-VIB)
The additional class notation COMF-VIB is assigned to 6.8.1 General
ships satisfying levels of vibration defined in Part E, Chapter The notations dealt with under this heading are assigned to
6. The assessment of vibration is carried out through meas- ships fitted with equipment and arrangements enabling
urements during harbour and sea trials. them to control and limit the emission of polluting sub-
The notation is completed by a grade: stances in the sea and the air.
• 1, 2 or 3 for an evaluation based on overall frequency The requirements for the assignment of these notations are
criteria, or given in Part E, Chapter 9.
• 1PK, 2PK or 3PK for an evaluation based on single 6.8.2 Pollution prevention (CLEANSHIP (C))
amplitude peak criteria.
The additional class notation CLEANSHIP (C) is assigned to
The grade represents the comfort level achieved for the ships complying with the requirements given in Pt E, Ch 9,
assignment of the notation. The lower grade (1 or 1PK) cor- Sec 1, [1.1.1], Pt E, Ch 9, Sec 5 and Pt E, Ch 9, Sec 6.
responds to the higher class of comfort.
Example: 6.8.3 Pollution prevention (CLEANSHIP)
The additional class notation CLEANSHIP is assigned to
ships fitted with equipment and arrangements as given in Pt
E, Ch 9, Sec 1, [1.2], Pt E, Ch 9, Sec 2 and Pt E, Ch 9, Sec 6.
6.7.4 High comfort level with regard to noise (COMF+)
6.8.4 Pollution prevention (CLEANSHIP SUPER)
The additional class notation COMF+ is assigned to yachts
satisfying levels of noise defined in Pt E, Ch 6, Sec 5. The additional class notation CLEANSHIP SUPER is
assigned to ships fitted with equipment and arrangements as
The requirements of notations COMF-NOISE have to be ful- given in Pt E, Ch 9, Sec 1, [1.3], Pt E, Ch 9, Sec 3 and Pt E,
filled prior to assigning the notation COMF+. Ch 9, Sec 6.
6.8.5 Advanced Wastewater Treatment (AWT) The notation -AIRCONT is added to the additional class
The additional class notations CLEANSHIP AWT and notation REF-CONT (A) when the refrigerating plant is
CLEANSHIP SUPER AWT are assigned when, in addition to equipped with controlled atmosphere installations.
the above, the ship is fitted with an Advanced Wastewater
Treatment as given in Pt E, Ch 9, Sec 4. 6.9.4 Refrigerating installations for domestic supplies
6.8.6 No discharge period The additional class notation REF-STORE is assigned to
The additional class notations CLEANSHIP, CLEANSHIP ships fitted with refrigerating plants and spaces exclusively
AWT, CLEANSHIP SUPER and CLEANSHIP SUPER AWT intended for the preservation of ship’s domestic supplies.
are completed by the number of consecutive days the ship
is able to operate with the full complement of on-board 6.9.5 The additional class notations REF-CARGO, REF-
people, including crew and passengers, without the need CONT and REF-STORE may also be completed by the fol-
for discharging any substances into the sea. This number lowing notations:
cannot be less than one day (24 hours). If this period is
a) -PRECOOLING when the refrigerating plants are
longer than seven days, notation 7+ is appended to the
designed to cool down a complete cargo of fruit and/or
additional class notation.
vegetables to the required temperature of transportation
b) -QUICKFREEZE for the refrigerating plants of fishing
CLEANSHIP 1 vessels and fish factory ships where the design and
CLEANSHIP SUPER 3 equipment of such plants have been recognised suitable
to permit quick-freezing of fish in specified conditions.
6.10 Navigation in ice
6.9 Refrigerating installations 6.10.1 The notations dealt with under [6.10.2] are relevant
to ships strengthened for navigation in ice in accordance with
6.9.1 General the “Finnish-Swedish Ice Class Rules 1985 as amended”.
The notations dealt with under this heading are relevant to
refrigerating installations fitted on board ships, including The requirements for the assignment of these notations are
machinery and storing equipment or arrangements. given in Part E, Chapter 8.
In compliance with [6.1.3], these notations are assigned a These requirements reproduce the provisions of the Finnish-
construction mark, as defined in [3]. Swedish Ice Class Rules cited above.
The requirements for the assignment of these notations are Note 1: These National requirements are applicable for ships trad-
given in Part E, Chapter 7. ing in the Finnish/Swedish waters and other relevant areas of the
Baltic sea during the ice period.
6.9.2 Refrigerating installations for cargo
(REF-CARGO) 6.10.2 The following additional class notations are assigned:
The additional class notation REF-CARGO is assigned to • ICE CLASS IA SUPER for ships with such structure,
ships fitted with refrigerating plants and holds intended to engine output and other properties that they are nor-
carry cargoes, with the condition that the number and the mally capable of navigating in difficult ice conditions
power of the refrigerating units are such that the specified without the assistance of icebreakers
temperatures can be maintained with one unit on standby.
• ICE CLASS IA for ships with such structure, engine out-
The notation -AIRCONT is added when the refrigerating put and other properties that they are capable of navi-
plant is equipped with controlled atmosphere installations. gating in difficult ice conditions, with the assistance of
icebreakers when necessary
6.9.3 Refrigerating installations for insulated
containers (REF-CONT) • ICE CLASS IB for ships with such structure, engine out-
The additional class notation REF-CONT is assigned to put and other properties that they are capable of navi-
ships fitted with refrigerating plants for insulated containers gating in moderate ice conditions, with the assistance of
carried in holds of container ships. icebreakers when necessary
The additional class notation REF-CONT is followed by a • ICE CLASS IC for ships with such structure, engine out-
suffix: put and other properties that they are capable of navi-
gating in light ice conditions, with the assistance of
• (A) where the containers are cooled by a permanently
icebreakers when necessary.
installed refrigerating plant designed to supply refriger-
ated air to insulated containers carried in holds of con-
tainer ships, with the condition that the number and the 6.10.3 The additional class notation ICE CLASS ID is
power of the refrigerating units are such that the specified assigned to ships whose reinforcements for navigation in ice
temperatures can be maintained with one unit on standby are different from those required for the assignment of the
• (E) where the ship is intended only to supply electrical notations defined in [6.10.2] but comply with the specific
power to self-refrigerated containers. requirements detailed in Part E, Chapter 8.
6.10.4 The additional class notation ICE is assigned to Note 1: Ships fitted with lifting appliances used in harbour or in
ships whose reinforcements for navigation in ice are similar similar conditions for lifting operations other than ships loading or
but not equivalent to those required for the assignment of unloading may be assigned the additional service notation ALP.
the notations defined in [6.10.2] and [6.10.3], when this
6.12.2 The additional class notations (ALP), (ALM), (ALS)
has been specially considered by the Society.
may be assigned by the Society in lieu of the notations ALP,
ALM, ALS respectively, when the corresponding lifting
6.11 Navigation in polar waters appliances meet the requirements of specific National Reg-
ulations under the conditions defined in NR526.
6.11.1 The notations dealt with under [6.11.2] are relevant
to ships intended for navigation in ice-infested polar waters, 6.12.3 The additional class notations ALP, ALM, ALS,
except icebreakers. (ALP), (ALM) or (ALS) are optional. However, the Society
The requirements for the assignment of these notations are may require the compliance of lifting appliances with the
given in NR527 Rules for the Classification of Polar Class assigning conditions of one of the above mentioned addi-
Ships. tional class notations for the classification of ships, when
one or several lifting appliances are of a primary impor-
Ships complying with the requirements of NR527 and tance for their operation, or when such appliances signifi-
assigned with one of the additional class notations POLAR cantly influence their structure. As a rule, such is the case
CLASS are also to comply with the requirements for the for the shear leg pontoons, crane pontoons, crane vessels,
assignment of the additional class notation defined in supporting ships for diving devices and when the lifting
[6.14.12]: COLD (H tDH , E tDE). appliances concerned have special high capacities, for
Note 1: Icebreaker refers to any ship having an operational profile that example in case of ships specially equipped for handling
includes escort or ice management functions, having powering and very heavy loads.
dimensions that allow it to undertake operations in ice covered waters.
6.12.4 In compliance with [6.1.3], these notations are
6.11.2 The following additional class notations are assigned a construction mark as defined in [3].
Note 1: Rules for the Classification and Certification of Lifting
• POLAR CLASS 1 for year-round operations in all polar Appliances of ships and offshore units (NR184) are applicable to
waters derricks including heavy derricks and derricks in union purchase.
• POLAR CLASS 4 for year-round operations in thick first- The notations dealt with under this Article are related to the
year ice which may include old ice inclusions provision of technical assistance in case of a maritime acci-
dent at sea by providing information on their remaining
• POLAR CLASS 5 for year-round operations in medium strength and stability in the resulting damaged condition.
first-year ice which may include old ice inclusions
The requirements for the assignment and maintenance of
• POLAR CLASS 6 for summer/autumn operations in
these notations are given in NR556 (Emergency Response
medium first-year ice which may include old ice inclu-
• POLAR CLASS 7 for summer/autumn operations in thin 6.13.2 ERS-S (Strength), ERS-H (Hydrodynamic) and
first-year ice which may include old ice inclusions. ERS-M (Mooring) services
ERS-S corresponds to damage longitudinal strength and
6.12 Lifting appliances damage stability analyses. It aims at providing information
on the remaining hull strength and stability after the acci-
6.12.1 Ships fitted with lifting appliances meeting the dent.
requirements of the Rules for the Classification and the Cer- ERS-H aims at providing limits of navigation, based on Ver-
tification of Cranes onboard Ships and Offshore Units tical Wave Bending Moment and Vertical Wave Shear Force
(NR526) may be assigned the following additional class direct calculations for the accidental site sea-states, instead
notations: of empirical Rules formulae.
a) ALP for appliances intended to be used at harbour, for ERS-H is only applied in complement to ERS-S. It aims at
loading or unloading cargoes, equipments, spare parts providing maximum environmental conditions (Hs), head-
or consumable ing restriction, or speed limit. These limits of navigation are
b) ALM for appliances intended to be used in offshore con- given for hull girder strength only.
ditions for various lifting operations exclusive of the ERS-M corresponds to damaged mooring analyses for per-
appliances mentioned in item a) manently moored units. It aims at providing information on
c) ALS for lifting appliances intended to be used at sea for the remaining capacities of the mooring system after the
launching and recovering diving devices. failure of one or several mooring lines and the potential fail-
ure of an additional mooring line.
The additional class notation Fatigue PLUS spectral ( ) is 6.15.2 Inert gas
assigned if all analysed details comply with a design fatigue
The additional class notation IG may be assigned to ships
life equal to 25 years.
fitted with an inert gas system.
The additional class notation Fatigue PLUS spectral ( ) DFL xx
is assigned if all analysed details comply with a design fatigue This notation is assigned only to ships having the service
life of xx years, with xx above 25. notation oil tanker or FLS tanker of less than 20000 tonnes
deadweight and to ships having the service notation chemi-
6.14.19 Fast Oil Recovery System (FORS) cal tanker for which an inert gas system is not required in
The additional class notation FORS may be assigned to pursuance of Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 9, [1.3.1].
ships with oil fuel tanks and cargo tanks, as applicable, fit-
The requirements for the assignment of this notation are
ted with two (or more) connectors allowing the recovery of
given in Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 6, [5.1.2] for an oil tanker or a FLS
the tank contents as follows:
tanker and in Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 9, [2.5.3] for a chemical
• by injecting sea water through one connector, the tank tanker.
contents being recovered through the other one, and
• by introducing a submersible pump in the tank through 6.15.3 Emergency towing arrangement
one of the connectors.
The additional class notation ETA may be assigned to ships
The requirements for the assignment of this notation are fitted with an emergency towing arrangement.
given in NR553 Fast Oil Recovery System.
In principle, this notation is assigned only to ships of less
The additional class notation FORS may be completed by
than 20000 tonnes deadweight having the service notation
the notation -NS when the connectors are intended to be
oil tanker, combination carrier/OBO, combination carrier
used during the normal service of the ship and, for that pur-
/OOC, liquefied gas carrier, chemical tanker or FLS tanker.
pose, comply with the additional requirements given in
Article [3] of NR553 Fast Oil Recovery System. The requirements for the assignment of this notation are
For ships not assigned with the notation -NS, the connectors given in Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 4, [4].
may be used only to facilitate the recovery of the tank con-
tents when the ship is damaged or wrecked. 6.15.4 Coating performance standard
The additional class notation CPS(WBT) may be assigned to
6.14.20 High-Voltage Shore Connection Systems
(HVSC) ships complying with the requirements of NR530 Coating
Performance Standard.
The additional class notation HVSC may be assigned to
ships fitted with electrical and control engineering arrange- Note 1: For bulk carriers and oil tankers assigned with the addi-
ments allowing operation of services by connection to an tional service feature CSR and contracted for construction on or
external high-voltage electrical power supply in port. after 8 December 2006, reference is made to [4.3.2] and [4.4.2] for
The requirements for the assignment of this notation are the mandatory assignment of the additional service feature
given in NR557 High-Voltage Shore Connection Systems. CPS(WBT).