System Design

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Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3


1 Supply systems and characteristics 1.2.3 For high voltage systems see Ch 2, Sec 13.
of the supply
2 Sources of electrical power
1.1 Supply systems
2.1 General
1.1.1 The following distribution systems may be used:
2.1.1 Electrical installations are to be such that:
a) on d.c. installations:
• two-wire insulated a) All electrical auxiliary services necessary for maintaining
the ship in normal operational and habitable conditions
• two-wire with one pole earthed and for the preservation of the cargo will be assured
b) on a.c. installations: without recourse to the emergency source of electrical
• three-phase three-wire with neutral insulated power.
• three-phase three-wire with neutral directly earthed b) Electrical services essential for safety will be assured
or earthed through an impedance under various emergency conditions.
• three-phase four-wire with neutral directly earthed c) When a.c. generators are involved, attention is to be
or earthed through an impedance given to the starting of squirrel-cage motors connected
• single-phase two-wire insulated to the system, particularly with regard to the effect of the
magnitude and duration of the transient voltage change
• single-phase two-wire with one phase earthed.
produced due to the maximum starting current and the
1.1.2 Distribution systems other than those listed in [1.1.1] power factor. The voltage drop due to such starting cur-
will be considered by the Society on a case by case basis. rent is not to cause any motor already operating to stall
or have any adverse effect on other equipment in use.
1.1.3 The hull return system of distribution is not to be used
for power, heating or lighting in any ship of 1600 tons gross 2.2 Main source of electrical power
tonnage and upwards.
2.2.1 A main source of electrical power is to be provided,
1.1.4 The requirement of [1.1.3] does not preclude under of sufficient capability to supply all electrical auxiliary ser-
conditions approved by the Society the use of: vices necessary for maintaining the ship in normal opera-
a) impressed current cathodic protective systems tional and habitable conditions and for the preservation of
the cargo without recourse to the emergency source of elec-
b) limited and locally earthed systems, or
trical power.
c) insulation level monitoring devices provided the circu-
lation current does not exceed 30 mA under the most 2.2.2 For vessels propelled by electrical power and having
unfavourable conditions. two or more constant voltage propulsion generating sets
Note 1: Limited and locally earthed systems such as starting and which constitute the source of electrical energy for the
ignition systems of internal combustion engines are accepted pro- ship’s auxiliary services, see Ch 2, Sec 14.
vided that any possible resulting current does not flow directly
through any dangerous spaces. 2.2.3 The main source of electrical power is to consist of at
least two generating sets.
1.1.5 For the supply systems of ships carrying liquid devel- The capacity of these generating sets is to be such that in the
oping combustible gases or vapours, see Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 5, event of any one generating set being stopped it will still be
Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 10 or Pt D, Ch 9, Sec 10. possible to supply those services necessary to provide:
1.1.6 For the supply systems in HV Installations, see Ch 2, a) normal operational conditions of propulsion and safety
Sec 13. (see [2.2.4])
b) minimum comfortable conditions of habitability (see Ch
1.2 Maximum voltages 2, Sec 1, [3.4.2])
c) preservation of the cargo, i. e. all the equipment which
1.2.1 The maximum voltages for both alternating current
are needed for refrigerated cargo or operation of any
and direct current low-voltage systems of supply for the
safety device, such as inert gas generator.
ship’s services are given in Tab 1.
Such capacity is, in addition, to be sufficient to start the
1.2.2 Voltages exceeding those shown will be specially largest motor without causing any other motor to stop or
considered in the case of specific systems. having any adverse effect on other equipment in operation.

28 Bureau Veritas April 2009

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3

Table 1 : Maximum voltages for various ship services

Use Maximum voltage V

For permanently installed and Power equipment 1000
connected to fixed wiring Heating equipment (except in accommodation spaces) 500
Cooking equipment 500
Lighting 250
Space heaters in accommodation spaces 250
Control (1), communication (including signal lamps) and instrumentation 250
For permanently installed and Power and heating equipment, where such connection is necessary because 1000
connected by flexible cable of the application (e.g. for moveable cranes or other hoisting gear)
For socket-outlets supplying Portable appliances which are not hand-held during operation 1000
(e.g. refrigerated containers) by flexible cables
Portable appliances and other consumers by flexible cables 250
Equipment requiring extra precaution against electric shock where a 250
isolating transformer is used to supply one appliance (2)
Equipment requiring extra precaution against electric shock with or without 50
a safety transformer (2)
(1) For control equipment which is part of a power and heating installation (e.g. pressure or temperature switches for start/stop
motors), the same maximum voltage as allowed for the power and heating equipment may be used provided that all compo-
nents are constructed for such voltage. However, the control voltage to external equipment is not to exceed 500 V.
(2) Both conductors in such systems are to be insulated from earth.

2.2.4 Those services necessary to provide normal opera- of any of these generating sets, the remaining ones are kept
tional conditions of propulsion and safety include primary in operation to permit propulsion and steering and to
and secondary essential services. ensure safety.
For the purpose of calculating the capacity necessary for
2.2.8 Where the electrical power is normally supplied by
such services, it is essential to consider which of them can
one generator, provision shall be made, upon loss of power,
be expected to be in use simultaneously.
for automatic starting and connecting to the main switch-
For a duplicated service, one being supplied electrically board of stand-by generator(s) of sufficient capacity with
and the other non-electrically (e.g. driven by the main automatic restarting of the essential auxiliaries, in sequen-
engine), the electrical capacity is not included in the above tial operation if required. Starting and connection to the
calculation. main switchboard of the stand-by generator is to be prefera-
bly within 30 seconds, but in any case not more than 45
2.2.5 The services in [2.2.4] do not include: seconds after loss of power.
• thrusters not forming part of the main propulsion Where prime movers with longer starting time are used, this
(except in manoeuvring conditions) starting and connection time may be exceeded upon
approval from the Society.
• cargo handling gear
• cargo pumps 2.2.9 Load shedding or other equivalent arrangements
should be provided to protect the generators required in the
• refrigerators for air conditioning. present Article against sustained overload.

2.2.6 Further to the provisions above, the generating sets The load shedding should be automatic.
shall be such as to ensure that with any one generator or its The non-essential services, services for habitability and, if
primary source of power out of operation, the remaining necessary, the secondary essential services may be shed in
generating sets shall be capable of providing the electrical order to make sure that the connected generator set(s) is/are
services necessary to start the main propulsion plant from a not overloaded.
"dead ship" condition.
2.2.10 The emergency source of electrical power may be
2.2.7 Where the electrical power is normally supplied by used for the purpose of starting from a "dead ship" condi-
more than one generator set simultaneously in parallel tion if its capability either alone or combined with that of
operation, provision of protection, including automatic dis- any other source of electrical power is sufficient to provide
connection of sufficient non-essential services and, if neces- at the same time those services required to be supplied in
sary, secondary essential services and those provided for accordance with the provisions of [3.6.3], items a), b), c)
habitability, should be made to ensure that, in case of loss and d), or Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 5 for passenger ships.

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Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3

2.2.11 The arrangement of the ship’s main source of electri- This may be achieved by arranging at least two three-phase
cal power shall be such that essential services can be main- or three single-phase transformers supplied, protected and
tained regardless of the speed and direction of rotation of installed as indicated in Fig 1, so that with any one trans-
the main propulsion machinery or shafting. former not in operation, the remaining transformer(s) is (are)
sufficient to ensure the supply to the services stated in
2.2.12 Generators driven by the propulsion plant (shaft [2.2.3].
generators) which are intended to operate at constant speed Each transformer required is to be located as a separate unit
(e.g. a system where vessel speed and direction are con- with separate enclosure or equivalent, and is to be served
trolled by varying propeller pitch) may be accepted as form- by separate circuits on the primary and secondary sides.
ing part of the main source of electrical power if, in all Each of the primary and secondary circuits is to be provided
sailing and manoeuvring conditions including the propeller with switchgears and protection devices in each phase.
being stopped, the capacity of these generators is sufficient
Suitable interlocks or a warning label are to be provided in
to provide the electrical power to comply with [2.2.3] and
order to prevent maintenance or repair of one single-phase
all further requirements, especially those of [2.2.6]. They
transformer unless both switchgears are opened on their pri-
are to be not less effective and reliable than the indepen-
mary and secondary sides.
dent generating sets.
2.2.15 For ships intended for operation with periodically
2.2.13 Shaft generator installations which do not comply unattended machinery spaces, see Part E, Chapter 3.
with the provisions of [2.2.12] may be used as additional
sources of electrical power with respect to the power bal- 2.2.16 For starting arrangements for main generating sets,
ance provided that: see Ch 1, Sec 2, [3.1].
a) in the event of a loss of power from the shaft genera- 2.2.17 Where single phase transformers are used, only one
tor(s), e.g. due to a sudden stopping of the propulsion spare element is required if special precautions are taken to
plant, a standby generating set is started automatically rapidly replace the faulty one.
b) the capacity of the standby set is sufficient for the loads 2.2.18 Generators and generator systems, having the ship
necessary for propulsion and safety of the vessel propulsion machinery as their prime mover but not forming
c) the time required to restore these services is not longer part of the ship main source of electrical power, may be
than 45 s. used whilst the ship is at sea to supply electrical services
required for normal operational and habitable conditions
2.2.14 Where transformers, converters or similar appli- provided that:
ances constitute an essential part of the electrical supply a) there are sufficient and adequately rated additional gen-
system, the system is to be so arranged as to ensure the erators fitted, which constitute the main source of elec-
same continuity of supply as stated in this sub-article. trical power required by [2.2.1]

Figure 1 :

Three-phase transformers Single-phase transformers

'P' S 'P' S

enclosure or separation


30 Bureau Veritas April 2009

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3

b) arrangements are fitted to automatically start one or 2.3.6 An indicator shall be mounted in a suitable place on
more of the generators, constituting the main source of the main switchboard or in the machinery control room to
electrical power required by [2.2.1], upon the frequency indicate when the batteries constituting either the emer-
variations exceeding ± 10% of the limits specified gency source of electrical power or the transitional source
below of emergency electrical power referred to in [2.3.15] and
c) within the declared operating range of the generators [2.3.16] are being discharged.
and/or generator systems the specified limits for the volt-
2.3.7 If the services which are to be supplied by the transi-
age variations and the frequency variations in Ch 2, Sec
tional source receive power from an accumulator battery by
2 can be met
means of semiconductor convertors, means are to be pro-
d) the short circuit current of the generator and/or genera- vided for supplying such services also in the event of failure
tor system is sufficient to trip the generator/generator of the convertor (e.g. providing a bypass feeder or a dupli-
system circuit-breaker taking into account the selectivity cation of convertor).
of the protective devices for the distribution system
e) where considered appropriate, load shedding arrange- 2.3.8 Where electrical power is necessary to restore propul-
ments are to be fitted sion, the capacity of the emergency source shall be suffi-
cient to restore propulsion to the ship in conjunction to
f) on ships having remote control of the ship's propulsion other machinery as appropriate, from a dead ship condition
machinery from the navigating bridge, means are pro- within 30 min. after blackout.
vided, or procedures be in place, so as to ensure that
supplies to essential services are maintained during For the purpose of this requirement only, the dead ship con-
manoeuvring conditions in order to avoid a blackout sit- dition and blackout are both understood to mean a condi-
uation. tion under which the main propulsion plant, boilers and
auxiliaries are not in operation and in restoring the propul-
sion, no stored energy for starting the propulsion plant, the
2.3 Emergency source of electrical power main source of electrical power and other essential auxilia-
ries is to be assumed available. It is assumed that means are
2.3.1 A self-contained emergency source of electrical
available to start the emergency generator at all times.
power shall be provided.
The emergency generator and other means needed to
2.3.2 Provided that suitable measures are taken for safe- restore the propulsion are to have a capacity such that the
guarding independent emergency operation under all cir- necessary propulsion starting energy is available within 30
cumstances, the emergency generator may be used, minutes of blackout/dead ship condition as defined above.
exceptionally, and for short periods, to supply non-emer- Emergency generator stored starting energy is not to be
gency circuits. directly used for starting the propulsion plant, the main
Exceptionally is understood to mean conditions, while the source of electrical power and/or other essential auxiliaries
vessel is at sea, such as: (emergency generator excluded).
a) blackout situation For steam ships, the 30 minute time limit given in SOLAS
can be interpreted as time from blackout/dead ship condi-
b) dead ship situation
tion defined above to light-off the first boiler.
c) routine use for testing
d) short-term parallel operation with the main source of 2.3.9 Where the emergency source of power is necessary
electrical power for the purpose of load transfer. to restore the main source of electrical power, provisions
are to be made to allow a manual restart of a main generat-
Unless otherwise instructed by the Society, the emergency ing set in case of failure of the emergency source.
generator may be used during lay time in port for the supply
of the ship mains, provided the requirements of [2.4] are 2.3.10 Provision shall be made for the periodic testing of
complied with. the complete emergency system and shall include the test-
ing of automatic starting arrangements, where provided.
2.3.3 The electrical power available shall be sufficient to
supply all those services that are essential for safety in an 2.3.11 For starting arrangements for emergency generating
emergency, due regard being paid to such services as may sets, see Ch 1, Sec 2, [3.1].
have to be operated simultaneously.
2.3.12 The emergency source of electrical power may be
2.3.4 The emergency source of electrical power shall be
either a generator or an accumulator battery which shall
capable, having regard to starting currents and the transi-
comply with the requirements of [2.3.13] or [2.3.15],
tory nature of certain loads, of supplying simultaneously at
least the services stated in [3.6.3] for the period specified, if
they depend upon an electrical source for their operation. 2.3.13 Where the emergency source of electrical power is a
generator, it shall be:
2.3.5 The transitional source of emergency electrical
power, where required, is to be of sufficient capacity to sup- a) driven by a suitable prime mover with an independent
ply at least the services stated in [3.6.7] for half an hour, if supply of fuel, having a flashpoint (closed cup test) of
they depend upon an electrical source for their operation. not less than 43°C

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b) started automatically upon failure of the main source of 2.3.19 If the emergency generator is fitted with control,
electrical power supply to the emergency switchboard alarm and safety systems based on electronic equipment,
unless a transitional source of emergency electrical these systems are to be so arranged that, when in failure,
power in accordance with c) below is provided where there is still a possibility to operate the emergency generator
the emergency generator is automatically started, it shall manually.
be automatically connected to the emergency switch-
board those services referred to in [3.6.7] shall then be A failure of the electronic governor is not considered.
connected automatically to the emergency generator,
and 2.3.20 For the emergency source of electrical power in pas-
c) provided with a transitional source of emergency electri- senger ships, see Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 5.
cal power as specified in [2.3.16] unless an emergency
generator is provided capable both of supplying the ser-
vices mentioned in that paragraph and of being auto-
2.4 Use of emergency generator in port
matically started and supplying the required load as
quickly as is safe and practicable subject to a maximum 2.4.1 To prevent the generator or its prime mover from
of 45 s. becoming overloaded when used in port, arrangements are
to be provided to shed sufficient non-emergency loads to
2.3.14 It is accepted to apply the total consumer load in ensure its continued safe operation.
steps providing that:
• the total load is supplied within 45 seconds since power 2.4.2 The prime mover is to be arranged with fuel oil filters
failure on the main switchboard and lubrication oil filters, monitoring equipment and pro-
tection devices as requested for the prime mover for main
• the power distribution system is designed such that the
power generation and for unattended operation.
declared maximum step loading is not exceeded

• the compliance of time delays and loading sequence 2.4.3 The fuel oil supply tank to the prime mover is to be
with the above is demonstrated at ship’s trials. provided with a low level alarm, arranged at a level ensur-
ing sufficient fuel oil capacity for the emergency services for
2.3.15 Where the emergency source of electrical power is
the period of time as required in [3.6].
an accumulator battery it shall be capable of:
a) carrying the emergency electrical load without recharg- 2.4.4 The prime mover is to be designed and built for con-
ing while maintaining the voltage of the battery through- tinuous operation and should be subjected to a planned
out the discharge period within 12% above or below its
maintenance scheme ensuring that it is always available
nominal voltage
and capable of fulfilling its role in the event of an emer-
b) automatically connecting to the emergency switchboard gency at sea.
in the event of failure of the main source of electrical
power, and 2.4.5 Fire detectors are to be installed in the location where
c) immediately supplying at least those services specified the emergency generator set and emergency switchboard
in [3.6.7]. are installed.

2.3.16 The transitional source of emergency electrical

2.4.6 Means are to be provided to readily change over to
power where required by [2.3.13] item c), shall consist of
emergency operation.
an accumulator battery which shall operate without
recharging while maintaining the voltage of the battery
throughout the discharge period within 12% above or 2.4.7 Control, monitoring and supply circuits for the pur-
below its nominal voltage and be so arranged as to supply pose of the use of the emergency generator in port are to be
automatically in the event of failure of either the main or the so arranged and protected that any electrical fault will not
emergency source of electrical power for half an hour at influence the operation of the main and emergency ser-
least the services in [3.6.7] if they depend upon an electri- vices.
cal source for their operation.
When necessary for safe operation, the emergency switch-
2.3.17 Where the emergency and/or transitional source of board is to be fitted with switches to isolate the circuits.
power is an uninterruptible power system (UPS), it is to
comply with the requirement of Ch 2, Sec 6, [3]. 2.4.8 Instructions are to be provided on board to ensure
that, even when the vessel is underway, all control devices
2.3.18 Where the emergency and/or transitional emer-
(e.g. valves, switches) are in a correct position for the inde-
gency loads are supplied from a battery via an electronic
pendent emergency operation of the emergency generator
converter or inverter, the maximum permitted d.c. voltage
set and emergency switchboard.
variations are to be taken as those on the load side of the
converter or inverter. These instructions are also to contain information on the
Where the d.c. is converted into a.c. the maximum varia- required fuel oil tank level, position of harbour/sea mode
tions are not exceed those given in Ch 2, Sec 2, Tab 6. switch, if fitted, ventilation openings, etc.

32 Bureau Veritas April 2009

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3

3 Distribution 3.4 General requirements for distribution

3.1 Earthed distribution systems 3.4.1 The distribution system is to be such that the failure of
any single circuit will not endanger or impair primary
3.1.1 System earthing is to be effected by means indepen- essential services and will not render secondary essential
dent of any earthing arrangements of the non-current-carry- services inoperative for longer periods.
ing parts.
3.4.2 No common switchgear (e.g. contactors for emer-
gency stop) is to be used between the switchboard’s busbars
3.1.2 Means of disconnection are to be fitted in the neutral and two primary non duplicated essential services.
earthing connection of each generator so that the generator
may be disconnected for maintenance or insulation resis- 3.4.3 Where the main source of electrical power is neces-
tance measurements. sary for propulsion and steering of the ship, the system shall
be so arranged that the electrical supply to equipment nec-
3.1.3 Generator neutrals may be connected in common, essary for propulsion and steering and to ensure safety of
provided that the third harmonic content of the voltage the ship will be maintained or immediately restored in the
wave form of each generator does not exceed 5%. case of loss of any one of the generators in service.

3.1.4 Where a switchboard is split into sections operated 3.5 Main distribution of electrical power
independently or where there are separate switchboards,
neutral earthing is to be provided for each section or for 3.5.1 Where the main source of electrical power is neces-
each switchboard. Means are to be provided to ensure that sary for propulsion of the ship, the main busbar is to be
the earth connection is not removed when generators are divided into at least two parts which are normally to be
isolated. connected by circuit breakers or other approved means
such as circuit breakers without tripping mechanisms or dis-
connecting links or switches by means of which busbars
3.1.5 Where for final sub-circuits it is necessary to locally
can be split safely and easily.
connect a pole (or phase) of the sub-circuits to earth after
the protective devices (e.g. in automation systems or to Bolted links, for example bolted bus bar sections, are not
avoid electromagnetic disturbances), provision (e.g. accepted.
d.c./d.c. convertors or transformers) is to be made such that The connection of generating sets and associated auxiliaries
current unbalances do not occur in the individual poles or and other duplicated equipment is to be equally divided
phases. between the parts as far as practicable, so that in the event
of damage to one section of the switchboard the remaining
3.1.6 For high voltage systems see Ch 2, Sec 13. parts are still supplied.

3.5.2 Two or more units serving the same consumer (e.g.

3.2 Insulated distribution systems main and standby lubricating oil pumps) are to be supplied
by individual separate circuits without the use of common
3.2.1 Every insulated distribution system, whether primary feeders, protective devices or control circuits.
or secondary (see [3.2.1], Note 1), for power, heating or This requirement is satisfied when such units are supplied
lighting, shall be provided with a device capable of continu- by separate cables from the main switchboard or from two
ously monitoring the insulation level to earth (i.e. the values independent section boards.
of electrical insulation to earth) and of giving an audible
and visual indication of abnormally low insulation values 3.5.3 A main electric lighting system which shall provide
(see Ch 2, Sec 15). illumination throughout those parts of the ship normally
accessible to and used by (passengers or) crew shall be sup-
Note 1: A primary system is one supplied directly by generators. plied from the main source of electrical power.
Secondary systems are those supplied by transformers or conver-
3.6 Emergency distribution of electrical
3.2.2 For high voltage systems see Ch 2, Sec 13.
3.6.1 The emergency switchboard shall be supplied during
3.3 Distribution systems with hull return normal operation from the main switchboard by an inter-
connector feeder which shall be adequately protected at
the main switchboard against overload and short-circuit and
3.3.1 Where the hull return system is used, if permitted, all
which is to be disconnected automatically at the emergency
final sub-circuits, i.e. all circuits fitted after the last protec-
switchboard upon failure of the main source of electrical
tive device, shall be two-wire.
The hull return is to be achieved by connecting to the hull Where the system is arranged for feedback operation, the
one of the busbars of the distribution board from which the interconnector feeder is also to be protected at the emer-
final sub-circuits originate. gency switchboard at least against short-circuit.

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3.6.2 In order to ensure ready availability of the emergency e) for a period of 18 hours: one of the fire pumps required
source of electrical power, arrangements shall be made by the relevant provisions of Part C, Chapter 4, if depen-
where necessary to disconnect automatically non-emer- dent upon the emergency generator for its source of
gency circuits from the emergency switchboard to ensure power
that power shall be available to the emergency circuits. f) for the period of time required in Ch 1, Sec 11, [2], the
steering gear where it is required to be so supplied.
3.6.3 The emergency source of electrical power shall be
capable of supplying simultaneously at least the following 3.6.4 Internal communication equipment required in an
services for the periods specified hereafter, if they depend emergency generally includes:
upon an electrical source for their operation:
a) the means of communication between the navigating
a) for a period of 3 hours, emergency lighting at every bridge and the steering gear compartment
muster and embarkation station and over the sides b) the means of communication between the navigating
b) for a period of 18 hours, emergency lighting: bridge and the position in the machinery space or con-
trol room from which the engines are normally con-
1) in all service and accommodation alleyways, stair-
ways and exits, personnel lift cars and personnel lift
trunks c) the means of communication which is provided
between the bridge and the radio communication sta-
2) in the machinery spaces and main generating sta- tion, if any
tions including their control positions
d) the public address system.
3) in all control stations, machinery control rooms, and
at each main and emergency switchboard 3.6.5 Internal signals required in an emergency generally
4) at all stowage positions for firemen’s outfits include:
a) general alarm
5) at the steering gear, and
b) watertight door indication.
6) at the fire pump referred to in e) below, at the sprin-
kler pump, if any, at the emergency bilge pump, if 3.6.6 In a ship engaged regularly in voyages of short dura-
any, and at the starting positions of their motors tion, i.e. voyages where the route is no greater than 20 nau-
c) for a period of 18 hours: tical miles offshore or where the vessel has a class notation
"Coastal Navigation", the Society may, if satisfied that an
1) the navigation lights and other lights required by the adequate standard of safety would be attained, accept a
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at lesser period than the 18-hour period specified in [3.6.3],
Sea in force items b) to e), but not less than 12 hours.
2) on ships constructed on or after 1 February 1995 the Note 1: In ships for which Solas is not applicable, a reduced period
VHF radio installation required by Regulation of time may be accepted.
IV/7.1.1 and IV/7.1.2 of SOLAS Consolidated Edi- Note 2: For passenger ships see Pt D, Ch 11, Sec 5.
tion 1992, and, if applicable:
3.6.7 The transitional source of emergency electrical
• the MF radio installation required by Regulations power, where required, shall supply for half an hour at least
IV/9.1.1, IV/9.1.2, IV/10.1.2 and IV/10.1.3
the following services if they depend upon an electrical
• the ship earth station required by Regulation source for their operation:
IV/10.1.1, and a) the lighting required by [3.6.3], items a), b) and c) 1) for
• the MF/HF radio installation required by Regula- this transitional phase, the required emergency electric
tions IV/10.2.1, IV/10.2.2 and IV/11.1 lighting, in respect of the machinery space and the
d) for a period of 18 hours: accommodation and service spaces may be provided by
permanently fixed, individual, automatically charged,
1) all internal communication equipment as required in relay operated accumulator lamps, and
an emergency [3.6.4]
b) all services required by [3.6.3], items d) 1), d) 3) and
2) the shipborne navigational equipment as required d) 4), unless such services have an independent supply
by Regulation V/12 where such provision is unrea- for the period specified from an accumulator battery
sonable or impracticable the Society may waive this suitably located for use in an emergency.
requirement for ships of less than 5 000 tons gross
tonnage 3.7 Shore supply
3) the fire detection and fire alarm systems, and
3.7.1 Where arrangements are made for supplying the
4) intermittent operation of the daylight signalling electrical installation from a source on shore or elsewhere,
lamp, the ship’s whistle, the manually operated call a suitable connection box is to be installed on the ship in a
points and all internal signals (see [3.6.5]) that are convenient location to receive the flexible cable from the
required in an emergency unless such services have external source.
an independent supply for the period of 18 hours
from an accumulator battery suitably located for use 3.7.2 Permanently fixed cables of adequate rating are to be
in an emergency provided for connecting the box to the main switchboard.

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Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3

3.7.3 Where necessary for systems with earthed neutrals, 3.8.4 Where the starter or any other apparatus for discon-
the box is to be provided with an earthed terminal for con- necting the motor is remote from the motor itself, one of the
nection between the shore’s and ship’s neutrals or for con- following is to be arranged:
nection of a protective conductor. a) provision for locking the circuit disconnecting switch in
the OFF position
3.7.4 The connection box is to contain a circuit-breaker or
b) an additional disconnecting switch fitted near the motor
a switch-disconnector and fuses.
c) provision such that the fuses in each live pole or phase
The shore connection is to be protected against short-circuit can be readily removed and retained by persons autho-
and overload however, the overload protection may be rised to have access to the motor.
omitted in the connection box if provided on the main
3.9 Specific requirements for special power
3.7.5 Means are to be provided for checking the phase
sequence of the incoming supply in relation to the ship’s
3.9.1 For the supply and characteristics of the distribution
of the following services see the requirements listed:
• steering gear: Ch 1, Sec 11, [2]
3.7.6 The cable connection to the box is to be provided
with at least one switch-disconnector on the main switch- • fire-extinguishing and detecting systems: Ch 4, Sec 3
board. and Ch 4, Sec 6
• permanently installed submersible bilge pump: Ch 1,
3.7.7 The shore connection is to be provided with an indi- Sec 10, [6.7.7]
cator at the main switchboard in order to show when the • ventilation fans, fuel pumps: Ch 4, Sec 2, [2.1]
cable is energised.
• pumps discharging overboard above the lightest water
line and in way of the area of lifeboat and liferaft
3.7.8 At the connection box a notice is to be provided giv- launching: Ch 1, Sec 10, [5.2.4].
ing full information on the nominal voltage and frequency
of the installation. 3.9.2 All power circuits terminating in a bunker or cargo
space are to be provided with a multiple-pole switch out-
3.7.9 The switch-disconnector on the main switchboard is side the space for disconnecting such circuits.
to be interlocked with the main generator circuit-breakers
in order to prevent its closure when any generator is supply- 3.9.3 Thermal containers
ing the main switchboard. Where the ship is intended to carry a large number of refrig-
erated containers, provision of suitable means for prevent-
3.7.10 Adequate means are to be provided to equalise the ing earth faults on containers from affecting the main
potential between the hull and the shore when the electri- distribution system is to be made.
cal installation of the ship is supplied from shore.
3.10 Power supply to heaters
3.8 Supply of motors 3.10.1 Each heater rated more than 16 A is to be connected
to a separate final circuit.
3.8.1 A separate final sub-circuit is to be provided for every
motor required for an essential service (and for every motor
3.11 Power supply to final sub-circuits:
rated at 1 kW or more).
socket outlet and lighting
3.8.2 Each motor is to be provided with controlgear ensur- 3.11.1 Final sub-circuits for lighting supplying more than
ing its satisfactory starting. one lighting point and for socket-outlets are to be fitted with
protective devices having a current rating not exceeding
Direct on line starters are accepted if the voltage drop does
16 A.
not exceed 15% of the network voltage.
3.11.2 In spaces such as:
3.8.3 Efficient means are to be provided for the isolation of
• main and large machinery spaces
the motor and its associated control gear from all live poles
of the supply. • large galleys
• passageways
Where the control gear is mounted on or adjacent to a
switchboard, a disconnecting switch in the switchboard • stairways leading to boat-decks
may be used for this purpose. • public spaces

Otherwise, a disconnecting switch within the control gear there is to be more than one final sub-circuit for lighting
enclosure or a separate enclosed disconnecting switch is to such that failure of any one circuit does not reduce the
be provided. lighting to an insufficient level.

April 2009 Bureau Veritas 35

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3

3.11.3 Where the emergency installation is required, one 3.13.2 The general emergency alarm system is to be sup-
of the circuits in [3.11.1] may be supplied from the emer- plemented by either a public address system complying
gency source of power. with the requirements in [3.14] or other suitable means of
3.11.4 All lighting circuits terminating in a bunker or cargo
space are to be provided with a multiple-pole switch out- 3.13.3 Entertainment sound system is to be automatically
side the space for disconnecting such circuits. turned off when the general alarm system is activated.

3.11.5 The number of lighting points (lamps) supplied by a 3.13.4 The system is to be continuously powered and is to
final sub-circuit having a current rating not exceeding 16 A have an automatic change-over to a standby power supply
is not to exceed the following maxima: in case of loss of normal power supply.
• 10 lamps for voltage up to 55 V An alarm is to be given in the event of failure of the normal
• 14 lamps for voltage from 56 V up to 120 V power supply.
• 24 lamps for voltage from 121 V to 250 V. 3.13.5 The system is to be powered by means of two cir-
3.11.6 Final sub-circuits for lighting in accomodation cuits, one from the ship's main supply and the other from
spaces may include socket-outlets. In that case, each the emergency source of electrical power required by [2.3]
socket-outlet counts for two lighting points. and [3.6].

3.13.6 The system is to be capable of operation from the

3.12 Navigation lights navigation bridge and, except for the ship’s whistle, also
from other strategic points.
3.12.1 Navigation lights are to be connected separately to
Note 1: Other strategic points are taken to mean those locations,
a distribution board specially reserved for this purpose.
other than the navigation bridge, from where emergency situations
are intended to be controlled and the general alarm system can be
3.12.2 The distribution board in [3.12] is to be supplied
activated. A fire control station or a cargo control station should
from two alternative circuits, one from the main source of
normally be regarded as strategic points.
power and one from the emergency source of power (see
also [3.6]). 3.13.7 The alarm is to continue to function after it has been
The transfer of supply is to be practicable from the bridge, triggered until it is manually turned off or is temporarily
for example by means of a switch. interrupted by a message on the public address system.

3.12.3 Each navigation light is to be controlled and pro- 3.13.8 The alarm system is to be audible throughout all the
tected in each insulated pole by a double-pole switch and a accommodation and normal crew working spaces.
fuse or, alternatively, by a double-pole circuit-breaker, fitted
on the distribution board referred to in [3.12]. 3.13.9 The minimum sound pressure level for the emer-
gency alarm tone in interior and exterior spaces is to be 80
3.12.4 Where there are double navigation lights, i.e. lights dB (A) and at least 10 dB (A) above ambient noise levels
with two lamps or where for every navigation light a spare occurring during normal equipment operation with the ship
is also fitted, the connections to such lights may run in a underway in moderate weather.
single cable provided that means are foreseen in the distri-
bution board to ensure that only one lamp or light may be 3.13.10 In cabins without a loudspeaker installation, an
supplied at any one time. electronic alarm transducer, e.g. a buzzer or similar, is to be
3.12.5 Each navigation light is to be provided with an auto-
matic indicator giving audible and/or visual warning in the 3.13.11 The sound pressure level at the sleeping position in
event of failure of the light. If an audible device alone is fit- cabins and in cabin bathrooms is to be at least 75 dB (A)
ted, it is to be connected to a separate source of supply from and at least 10 dB (A) above ambient noise levels.
that of the navigation lights, for example an accumulator
3.13.12 For cables used for the general emergency alarm
(storage) battery.
system, see [9.6.1].
If a visual signal is used connected in series with the naviga-
tion light, means are to be provided to prevent the extinc-
3.14 Public address system
tion of the navigation light due to the failure of the visual
signal. 3.14.1 The public address system is to be a loudspeaker
A minimum level of visibility is to be assured in the case of installation enabling the broadcast of messages into all
use of dimmer devices. spaces where people on board are normally present.
In spaces such as under deck passageways, bosun’s locker,
3.13 General emergency alarm system hospital and pump rooms, the public address system is/may
not be required.
3.13.1 An electrically operated bell or klaxon or other
equivalent warning system installed in addition to the ship's 3.14.2 Where the public address system is used to supple-
whistle or siren, for sounding the general emergency alarm ment the general emergency alarm system as per [3.13.2], it
signal, is to comply with the requirements of this sub-arti- is to be continuously powered from the emergency source
cle. of electrical power required by [2.3] and [3.6].

36 Bureau Veritas April 2009

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3

3.14.3 The system is to allow for the broadcast of messages 3.16.2 Control and indicating circuits relative to primary
from the navigation bridge and from other places on board essential services are to be branched off from the main cir-
the ship as deemed necessary. cuit in which the relevant equipment is installed. Equivalent
arrangements may be accepted by the Society.
3.14.4 The system is to be protected against unauthorised
use. 3.16.3 Control and indicating circuits relative to secondary
essential services and to non-essential services may be sup-
3.14.5 The system is to be installed with regard to acousti- plied by distribution systems reserved for the purpose to the
cally marginal conditions and not require any action from satisfaction of the Society.
the addressee.

3.14.6 Where an individual loudspeaker has a device for 3.17 Power supply to the speed control sys-
local silencing, an override arrangement from the control tems of main propulsion engines
station(s), including the navigating bridge, is to be in place.
3.17.1 Electrically operated speed control systems of main
3.14.7 With the ship underway in normal conditions, the engines are to be fed from the main source of electrical
minimum sound pressure level for broadcasting emergency power.
announcements is to be:
a) in interior spaces, 75 dB (A) and at least 20 dB (A) above 3.17.2 Where more than one main propulsion engine is
the speech interference level foreseen, each speed control system is to be provided with
an individual supply by means of separate wiring from the
b) in exterior spaces, 80 dB (A) and at least 15 dB (A)
main switchboard or from two independent section boards.
above the speech interference level.
With respect to cabin/state rooms, the sound pressure level Where the main busbars are divided into two sections, the
is to be attained as required inside such spaces during sea governors are, as far as practicable, to be supplied equally
trials. from the two sections.

3.17.3 In the case of propulsion engines which do not

3.15 Combined general emergency alarm- depend for their operation on electrical power, i.e. pumps
public address system driven from the main engine, the speed control systems are
to be fed both from the main source of electrical power and
3.15.1 Where the public address system is the only means from an accumulator battery for at least 15 minutes or from
for sounding the general emergency alarm signal and the a similar supply source.
fire alarm, in addition to the requirements of [3.13] and
[3.14], the following are to be satisfied: Such battery may also be used for other services such as
automation systems, where foreseen.
• the system automatically overrides any other non emer-
gency input system when an emergency alarm is
required 3.18 Power supply to the speed control sys-
• the system automatically overrides any volume control tems of generator sets
provided to give the required output for the emergency
mode when an emergency alarm is required 3.18.1 Each electrically operated control and/or speed con-
trol system of generator sets is to be provided with a sepa-
• the system is arranged to prevent feedback or other
rate supply from the main source of electric power and from
an accumulator battery for at least 15 minutes or from a
• the system is arranged to minimise the effect of a single similar supply source.
failure so that the alarm signal is still audible (above
ambient noise levels) also in the case of failure of any 3.18.2 The speed control system of generator sets is to be
one circuit or component, by means of the use of: supplied from the main switchboard or from independent
- multiple amplifiers section boards.
- segregated cable routes to public rooms, alleyways, Where the main busbars are divided into two sections, the
stairways and control stations governors are, as far as practicable, to be supplied from the
- more than one device for generating electronic sections to which the relevant generators are connected.
sound signal
- electrical protection for individual loudspeakers 3.19 Installation of water-based local applica-
against short-circuits. tion fire-fighting systems (FWBLAFFS)

3.16 Control and indication circuits 3.19.1 The system is to be capable of manual release.

3.16.1 For the supply of automation systems, comprising 3.19.2 The activation of the fire-fighting system is not to
control, alarm and safety system, see the requirements of result in loss of electrical power or reduction of the
Part C, Chapter 3. manoeuvrability of the ship.

April 2009 Bureau Veritas 37

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3

3.19.3 The system and its components are to be designed The electrical and electronic equipment located within
to withstand ambient temperature changes, vibration, areas protected by FWBLAFFS and those within adjacent
humidity, shock, impact, clogging and corrosion normally exposed to direct spray are to have a degree of protection
encountered in machinery spaces. Components within the not less than IP44.
protected spaces are to be designed to withstand the ele-
Electrical and electronic equipment within adjacent areas
vated temperatures which could occur during a fire.
not exposed to direct spray may have a lower degree of pro-
3.19.4 Degrees of protection are to be in accordance with tection provided evidence of suitability for use in these
[4.2]. areas is submitted taking into account the design and equip-
ment layout, e.g. position of inlet ventilation openings, fil-
3.19.5 Systems requiring an external power source are to ters, baffles, etc. to prevent or restrict the ingress mist/spray
be supplied by the main power source. into the equipment. The cooling airflow for the equipment
is to be assured.
3.19.6 In case of activation of the system, an alarm in Note 1: Definitions (see Fig 2):
accordance with Ch 4, Sec 6, [4.7.4] is to be activated.
• protected space is a machinery space where a FWBLAFFS is
4 Degrees of protection of the • protected areas: areas within a protected space which is
enclosures required to be protected by FWBLAFFS
• adjacent areas:
4.1 General - areas other those protected areas, exposed
- areas other those defined above, where water may extend.
4.1.1 The minimum required degree of protection for elec-
trical equipment, in relation to the place of installation, is Note 2: Additional precautions may be required to be taken in
respect of:
generally that specified in Tab 2.
• tracking as the result of water entering the equipment
4.1.2 Equipment supplied at nominal voltages in excess of • potential damage as the result of residual salts from sea water
500 V and accessible to non-authorised personnel (e.g. systems
equipment not located in machinery spaces or in locked
• high voltage installations
compartments under the responsibility of the ship’s officers)
is to have a degree of protection against touching live parts • personnel protection against electric shock
of at least IP 4X. Equipment may require maintenance after being subjected to water
4.1.3 In addition to the requirements of this paragraph,
equipment installed in spaces with an explosion hazard is Figure 2 : Definitions of areas
also subject to the provisions of Ch 2, Sec 2, [6].

4.1.4 The enclosures of electrical equipment for the moni-

toring and control of watertight doors which are situated
below the bulkhead deck are to provide suitable protection
against the ingress of water.
In particular, the minimum required degree of protection is
to be:
• IP X7 for electric motors, associated circuits and control
• IP X8 for door position indicators and associated circuit
• IP X6 for door movement warning signals.
Note 1: The water pressure testing of the enclosures protected to
IP X8 is to be based on the pressure that may occur at the location
of the component during flooding for a period of 36 hours.

4.2 Installation of electrical and electronic   

equipment in engine rooms protected by
fixed water-based local application fire-
fighting systems (FWBLAFFS)
4.2.1 Unless it is essential for safety or operational pur-
poses, electrical and electronic equipment is not to be
located within areas protected by FWBLAFFS and in adja-    
cent areas where water may extend.      

38 Bureau Veritas April 2009

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3

Table 2 : Minimum required degrees of protection

Switch- Accessories
Heat- Cook-
board, (e.g.
Condition in Example of Gener- Trans- Lumi- ing ing Socket
control gear, Motors switches,
location location ators formers naires appli- appli- outlets
motor connection
ances ances
starters boxes)
Danger of Dry accommoda-
touching live tion spaces, dry IP 20 X (1) IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20
parts only control rooms
Danger of Control rooms,
dripping liquid wheel-house, IP 22 X IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 22
and/or radio room
moderate Engine and boiler
mechanical IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 44 IP 44
rooms above floor
Steering gear
IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 X IP 44 IP 44
IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 X IP 44 IP 44
machinery rooms
IP 22 X IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 X IP 22 IP 44
Pantries IP 22 X IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 44 IP 44
Provision rooms IP 22 X IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 IP 22 X IP 44 IP 44
Ventilation ducts X X IP 22 X X X X X X
Increased Bathrooms and/or
X X X X IP 34 IP 44 X IP 55 IP 55
danger of showers
liquid and/or Engine and boiler
mechanical X X IP 44 X IP 34 IP 44 X X IP 55
rooms below floor
Closed fuel oil
IP 44 X IP 44 IP 44 IP 34 IP 44 X X IP 55
separator rooms
lubricating oil IP 44 X IP 44 IP 44 IP 34 IP 44 X X IP 55
separator rooms
Increased Ballast pump IP 44 IP 44
IP 44 X IP 34 IP 44 X IP 55 IP 55
danger of rooms (2) (2)
liquid and Refrigerated
mechanical X X IP 44 X IP 34 IP 44 X IP 55 IP 55
Galleys and
IP 44 X IP 44 IP 44 IP 34 IP 44 IP 44 IP 44 IP 44
Public bathrooms
X X IP 44 IP 44 IP 34 IP 44 X IP 44 IP 44
and shower
Danger of Shaft or pipe
liquid spraying, tunnels in double IP 55 X IP 55 IP 55 IP 55 IP 55 X IP 56 IP 56
presence of bottom
cargo dust, Holds for general
serious mecha- X X IP 55 X IP 55 IP 55 X IP 56 IP 56
nical damage,
aggressive fumes Ventilation trunks X X IP 55 X X X X X X
Danger of liquid
in massive Open decks IP 56 X IP 56 X IP 55 IP 56 X IP 56 IP 56
(1) The symbol “X” denotes equipment which it is not advised to install.
(2) Electric motors and starting transformers for lateral thrust propellers located in spaces similar to ballast pump rooms may have
degree of protection IP 22.

April 2009 Bureau Veritas 39

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3

Table 3 : Required environmental categories

Location within main area

Inside cubicles, On machinery such as internal
Main areas on board General Masts
desks, etc. combustion engines, compressors
Machinery spaces, steering gear EC21 EC31 EC23 X (1)
Control room, accommodation EC21 EC31 X X
Bridge EC21 EC31 X X
Pump room, holds, rooms without heating EC41 X X X
Exposed decks EC41S X X EC42S
(1) The symbol “X” denotes locations which are generally not applicable.

5 Diversity (demand) factors The choice, arrangement and performance of the various
protective devices are to provide complete and coordinated
automatic protection in order to ensure as far as possible:
5.1 General
• continuity of service in the event of a fault, through
coordinated and discriminative action of the protective
5.1.1 The cables and protective devices of final sub-circuits devices
are to be rated in accordance with their connected load.
• elimination of the effects of faults to reduce damage to
5.1.2 Circuits supplying two or more final sub-circuits are the system and the hazard of fire as far as possible.
to be rated in accordance with the total connected load
subject, where justifiable, to the application of a diversity Note 1: An overcurrent is a current exceeding the nominal current.
(demand) factor. Note 2: A short-circuit is the accidental connection by a relatively
low resistance or impedance of two or more points in a circuit
5.1.3 A diversity (demand) factor may be applied provided which are normally at different voltages.
that the known or anticipated operating conditions in a par-
ticular part of an installation are suitable for the application 7.1.2 Devices provided for overcurrent protection are to be
of diversity. chosen according to the requirements, especially with
regard to overload and short-circuit.

6 Environmental categories of the Note 1: Overload is an operating condition in an electrically

undamaged circuit which causes an overcurrent.
7.1.3 Systems are to be such as to withstand the thermal
6.1 Environmental categories and electrodynamic stresses caused by the possible overcur-
rent, including short-circuit, for the admissible duration.
6.1.1 The environmental categories of the electrical equip-
ment, in relation to the place of installation, are generally to 7.2 Short-circuit currents
be those specified in Tab 3.
7.2.1 In calculating the maximum prospective short-circuit
6.1.2 For ships operating outside the tropical belt, the max- current, the source of current is to include the most power-
imum ambient air temperature may be assumed as equal to ful configuration of generators which can be simultaneously
+ 40°C instead of + 45°C, so that the first characteristic connected (as far as permitted by any interlocking arrange-
numeral changes from 1 to 3. ments), and the maximum number of motors which are nor-
mally simultaneously connected in the system.
7 Electrical protection The maximum number of generators or transformers is to be
evaluated without taking into consideration short-term par-
allel operation (e.g. for load transfer) provided that suitable
7.1 General requirements for overcurrent interlock is foreseen.
7.2.2 Short-circuit current calculations are to be performed
7.1.1 Electrical installations are to be protected against in accordance with a method recognised by the Society,
accidental overcurrents including short-circuit. such as that given in IEC Publication 61363-1.

40 Bureau Veritas April 2009

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3

7.2.3 In the absence of precise data concerning the charac- • utilisation category B: circuit-breakers specifically intended for
teristics of generators, accumulator batteries and motors, selectivity under short-circuit conditions with respect to other
the maximum short-circuit currents on the main busbars short-circuit protective devices in series on the load side, i.e.
may be calculated as follows: with an intentional short-time delay (which may be adjustable)
provided for selectivity under short-circuit conditions.
• for alternating current systems:
Iac = 10 ITG + 3,5 ITM 7.3.4 For duplicated essential services and non-essential
Ipk = 2,4 Iac services, circuit-breakers may be selected according to their
ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity (Icu).
• for direct current systems supplied by batteries:
Ip = K C10 + 6 ITM 7.3.5 For switches, the making/breaking capacity is to be in
accordance with utilisation category AC-22 A or DC-22 A
where: (in compliance with IEC Publication 60947-3).
Ip : Maximum short-circuit current
Iac : r.m.s. value of the symmetrical component (at 7.3.6 For fuse-switch disconnectors or switch-disconnector
the instant T/2) fuse units, the making/breaking capacity is to be in accor-
dance with utilisation categories AC-23 A or DC-23 A (in
Ipk : Maximum peak value
compliance with IEC Publication 60947-3).
ITG : Rated current of all generators which can be
connected simultaneously
7.4 Protection against short-circuit
C10 : Battery capacity in Ah for a discharge duration
of 10 hours
7.4.1 Protection against short-circuit currents is to be pro-
K : Ratio of the short-circuit current of the batteries vided by circuit- breakers or fuses.
to C10 (see [7.2.3], Note 1)
ITM : Rated current of all motors which are normally 7.4.2 The rated short-circuit breaking capacity of every pro-
simultaneously connected in the system. tective device is to be not less than the maximum prospec-
Note 1: For stationary batteries the following values may be tive value of the short-circuit current at the point of
assumed for guidance: installation at the instant of contact separation.
• vented lead-acid batteries: K = 8
7.4.3 The rated short-circuit making capacity of every
• vented alkaline type batteries intended for discharge at low
mechanical switching device intended to be capable of
rates corresponding to a battery duration exceeding three
hours: K = 15 being closed on short-circuit is to be not less than the maxi-
mum value of the short-circuit current at the point of instal-
• sealed lead-acid batteries having a capacity of 100 Ah or more
lation. On alternating current this maximum value
or alkaline type batteries intended for discharge at high rates
corresponding to a battery duration not exceeding three hours:
corresponds to the peak value allowing for maximum asym-
K = 30. metry.

7.4.4 Every protective device or contactor not intended for

7.3 Selection of equipment
short-circuit interruption is to be adequate for the maximum
7.3.1 Circuit-breakers of withdrawable type are required short-circuit current liable to occur at the point of installa-
where they are not suitable for isolation. tion having regard to the time required for the short-circuit
to be removed.
7.3.2 Equipment is to be chosen on the basis of its rated
current and its making/breaking capacity. 7.4.5 The use of a protective device not having a short-cir-
cuit breaking or making capacity at least equal to the maxi-
7.3.3 In the selection of circuit-breakers with intentional mum prospective short-circuit current at the point where it
short-time delay for short-circuit release, those of utilisation is installed is permitted, provided that it is backed up on the
category B are to be used and they are to be selected also generator side by a fuse or by a circuit-breaker having at
taking into account their rated short-time withstand current least the necessary short-circuit rating and not being the
capacity (Icw). generator circuit-breaker.
For circuit-breakers without intentional short-time delay for
short-circuit release, circuit breakers of utilisation category 7.4.6 The same fuse or circuit-breaker may back up more
A may be used and they are to be selected according to than one circuit-breaker where the circuits concerned do
their rated service short-circuit breaking capacity (Ics). not involve essential services.
Note 1: For the purpose of these Rules, utilisation categories A and
B are defined as follows: 7.4.7 The short-circuit performance of the back-up arrange-
• utilisation category A: circuit-breakers not specifically intended
ment is to be equal to the requirements of IEC Publication
for selectivity under short-circuit conditions with respect to 60947-2 for a single circuit-breaker having the same short-
other short-circuit protective devices in series on the load side, circuit performance category as the backed-up circuit-
i.e. without an intentional short-time delay provided for selec- breaker and rated for the maximum prospective short-cir-
tivity under short-circuit conditions cuit level at the supply terminals of the arrangement.

April 2009 Bureau Veritas 41

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3

7.4.8 Circuit-breakers with fuses connected to the load side 7.6 Protection against overload
may be used, provided the back-up fuses and the circuit-
breakers are of coordinated design, in order to ensure that 7.6.1 Devices provided for overload protection are to have
the operation of the fuses takes place in due time so as to
a tripping characteristic (overcurrent-trip time) adequate for
prevent arcing between poles or against metal parts of the
circuit-breakers when they are submitted to overcurrents the overload ability of the elements of the system to be pro-
involving the operation of the fuse. tected and for any discrimination requirements.

7.4.9 When determining the performance requirements for 7.6.2 The use of fuses up to 320 A for overload protection
the above-mentioned back-up protection arrangement, it is
is permitted.
permissible to take into account the impedance of the vari-
ous circuit elements of the arrangement, such as the imped-
ance of a cable connection when the backed-up circuit- 7.7 Localisation of overcurrent protection
breaker is located away from the back-up breaker or fuse.
7.7.1 Short-circuit protection is to be provided for every
7.5 Continuity of supply and continuity of
non-earthed conductor.
7.5.1 The protection of circuits is to be such that a fault in 7.7.2 Overload protection is to be provided for every non-
one service does not cause the loss of any essential services. earthed conductor nevertheless, in insulated single-phase
circuits or insulated three-phase circuits having substan-
7.5.2 The protection of the emergency circuit is to be such
tially balanced loads, the overload protection may be omit-
that a failure in one circuit does not cause a loss of other
emergency services. ted on one conductor.
Note 1: The continuity of supply for the primary essential services
and the continuity of service for the secondary essential services 7.7.3 Short-circuit and overload protective devices are not
are to be ensured. to interrupt earthed conductors, except in the case of multi-
The continuity of supply is the condition for which during and after ple disconnection devices which simultaneously interrupt
a fault in a circuit, the supply to the healthy circuits (see circuit 3 in
all the conductors, whether earthed or not.
Fig 3) is permanently ensured.
The continuity of service is the condition for which after a fault in a
circuit has been cleared, the supply to the healthy circuits (see cir- 7.7.4 Electrical protection is to be located as close as possi-
cuit 3 in Fig 3) is re-established. ble to the origin of the protected circuit.

Figure 3 : Continuity of supply and continuity of service

Before a fault During a fault After a fault

Continuity of supply

1 1 1

2 3 2 3 2 3
Continuity of service

1 1 1

2 3 2 3 2 3

42 Bureau Veritas April 2009

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3

7.8 Protection of generators 7.8.11 Alternating current generators arranged to operate

in parallel are to be provided with reverse-power protec-
7.8.1 Generators are to be protected against short-circuits tion.
and overloads by multipole circuit-breakers. The protection is to be selected in accordance with the
For generators not arranged to operate in parallel with a characteristics of the prime mover.
rated output equal to or less than 50 kVA, a multipole
The following values are recommended:
switch with a fuse in each insulated phase on the generator
side may be accepted. • 2-6% of the rated power for turbogenerators
• 8-15% of the rated power for diesel generators.
7.8.2 When multipole switch and fuses are used, the fuse
rating is to be maximum 110% of the generator rated cur- The reverse-power protection may be replaced by other
rent. devices ensuring adequate protection of the prime movers.

7.8.3 Where a circuit-breaker is used: 7.8.12 Generators are to be provided with an undervoltage
protection which trips the breaker if the voltage falls to
a) a) The overload protection is to trip the generator cir- 70%-35% of the rated voltage.
cuit-breaker at an overload between 10% and 50%. For
an overload of 50% of the rated current of the generator, The undervoltage release also prevents the closing of the
the time delay is not to exceed 2 minutes. However, the circuit-breaker if the generator voltage does not reach a
figure of 50% or the time delay of 2 minutes may be minimum of 85% of the rated voltage.
exceeded if the construction of the generator permits The operation of the undervoltage release is to be instanta-
this. neous when preventing closure of the breaker, but it is to be
b) the setting of the short-circuit protection is to instanta- delayed for selectivity purposes when tripping the breaker.
neously trip the generator circuit-breaker at an overcur-
rent less than the steady short-circuit current of the 7.9 Protection of circuits
generator. Short time delays (e.g. from 0,5 s to 1 s) may
be introduced for discrimination requirements in 7.9.1 Each separate circuit shall be protected against short-
"instantaneous" tripping devices. circuit and against overload, unless otherwise specified in
these Rules or where the Society may exceptionally other-
7.8.4 For emergency generators the overload protection wise permit.
may, instead of disconnecting the generator automatically,
give a visual and audible alarm in a permanently attended 7.9.2 Each circuit is to be protected by a multipole circuit-
space. breaker or switch and fuses against overloads and short-cir-
7.8.5 After disconnection of a generator due to overload,
the circuit-breaker is to be ready for immediate reclosure. 7.9.3 Circuits for lighting are to be disconnected on both
non-earthed conductors. Single-pole disconnection of final
7.8.6 Generator circuit-breakers are to be provided with a sub-circuits with both poles insulated is permitted only in
reclosing inhibitor which prevents their automatic reclosure accommodation spaces, when a differential protection is
after tripping due to a short-circuit. provided.

7.8.7 Generators having a capacity of 1500 kVA or above 7.9.4 The protective devices of the circuits supplying
are to be equipped with a suitable protective device or sys- motors are to allow excess current to pass during transient
tem which, in the event of a short-circuit in the generator or starting of motors.
in the supply cable between the generator and its circuit-
breaker, will de-excite the generator and open the circuit- 7.9.5 Final sub-circuits which supply one consumer with
breaker (e.g. by means of differential protection). its own overload protection (for example motors), or con-
sumers which cannot be overloaded (for example perma-
7.8.8 Where the main source of electrical power is neces- nently wired heating circuits and lighting circuits), may be
sary for the propulsion of the ship, load shedding or other provided with short-circuit protection only.
equivalent arrangements are to be provided to protect the
generators against sustained overload. 7.9.6 Steering gear circuits are to be provided with short-
circuit protection only (see Ch 1, Sec 11, [2]).
7.8.9 Arrangements are to be made to disconnect or reduce
automatically the excess load when the generators are over- 7.10 Protection of motors
loaded in such a way as to prevent a sustained loss of speed
and/or voltage (see Ch 2, Sec 2, Tab 6). The operation of 7.10.1 Motors of rating exceeding 1 kW and all motors for
such device is to activate a visual and audible alarm. A time essential services are to be protected individually against
delay of 5-20 s is considered acceptable. overload and short-circuit. The short-circuit protection may
be provided by the same protective device for the motor
7.8.10 When an overload is detected the load shedding and its supply cable (see [7.9.5]).
system is to disconnect automatically, after an appropriate
time delay, the circuits supplying the non-essential services 7.10.2 For motors intended for essential services, the over-
and, if necessary, the secondary essential services in a sec- load protection may be replaced by an overload alarm (for
ond stage. steering gear motors see Ch 1, Sec 11, [2]).

April 2009 Bureau Veritas 43

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3

7.10.3 The protective devices are to be designed so as to 7.12 Protection of shore power connection
allow excess current to pass during the normal accelerating
period of motors according to the conditions corresponding 7.12.1 Permanently fixed cables connecting the shore con-
to normal use. nection box to the main switchboard are to be protected by
If the current/time characteristic of the overload protection fuses or circuit-breakers (see [3.7.4]).
device does not correspond to the starting conditions of a
motor (e.g. for motors with extra-long starting period), pro- 7.13 Protection of measuring instruments,
vision may be made to suppress operation of the device pilot lamps and control circuits
during the acceleration period on condition that the short-
circuit protection remains operative and the suppression of 7.13.1 Measuring circuits and devices (voltage transform-
overload protection is only temporary. ers, voltmeters, voltage coils of measuring instruments,
insulation monitoring devices etc.) and pilot lamps are to be
7.10.4 For continuous duty motors the protective gear is to protected against short-circuit by means of multipole cir-
have a time delay characteristic which ensures reliable ther- cuit-breakers or fuses.
mal protection against overload.
The protective devices are to be placed as near as possible
7.10.5 The protective devices are to be adjusted so as to to the tapping from the supply.
limit the maximum continuous current to a value within the The secondary side of current transformers is not to be pro-
range 105% - 120% of the motor’s rated full load current. tected.
7.10.6 For intermittent duty motors the current setting and 7.13.2 Control circuits and control transformers are to be
the delay (as a function of time) of the protective devices are protected against overload and short-circuit by means of
to be chosen in relation to the actual service conditions of multipole circuit-breakers or fuses on each pole not con-
the motor. nected to earth.
7.10.7 Where fuses are used to protect polyphase motor Overload protection may be omitted for transformers with a
circuits, means are to be provided to protect the motor rated current of less than 2 A on the secondary side.
against unacceptable overload in the case of single phasing. The short-circuit protection on the secondary side may be
omitted if the transformer is designed to sustain permanent
7.10.8 Motors rated above 1 kW are to be provided with:
short-circuit current.
• undervoltage protection, operative on the reduction or
failure of voltage, to cause and maintain the interruption 7.13.3 Where a fault in a pilot lamp would impair the oper-
of power in the circuit until the motor is deliberately ation of essential services, such lamps are to be protected
restarted or separately from other circuits such as control circuits.
• undervoltage release, operative on the reduction or fail- Note 1: Pilot lamps connected via short-circuit-proof transformers
ure of voltage, so arranged that the motor restarts auto- may be protected in common with control circuits.
matically when power is restored after a power failure.
7.13.4 Circuits whose failure could endanger operation,
7.10.9 The automatic restart of a motor is not to produce a such as steering gear control feeder circuits, are to be pro-
starting current such as to cause excessive voltage drop. tected only against short-circuit.
In the case of several motors required to restart automati-
cally, the total starting current is not to cause an excessive 7.13.5 The protection is to be adequate for the minimum
voltage drop or sudden surge current to this end, it may be cross-section of the protected circuits.
necessary to achieve a sequence start.
7.14 Protection of transformers
7.10.10 The undervoltage protective devices are to allow
the motor to be started when the voltage exceeds 85% of 7.14.1 The primary winding side of power transformers is
the rated voltage and are to intervene without fail when the to be protected against short-circuit and overload by means
voltage drops to less than approximately 20% of the rated of multipole circuit-breakers or switches and fuses.
voltage, at the rated frequency and with a time delay as nec- Overload protection on the primary side may be dispensed
essary. with where it is provided on the secondary side or when the
total possible load cannot reach the rated power of the
7.11 Protection of storage batteries transformer.

7.11.1 Batteries are to be protected against overload and 7.14.2 The protection against short-circuit is to be such as
short-circuit by means of fuses or multipole circuit-breakers to ensure the selectivity between the circuits supplied by
at a position adjacent to the battery compartment. the secondary side of the transformer and the feeder circuit
Overcurrent protection may be omitted for the circuit to the of the transformer.
starter motors when the current drawn is so large that is
impracticable to obtain short-circuit protection. 7.14.3 When transformers are arranged to operate in paral-
lel, means are to be provided so as to trip the switch on the
7.11.2 Emergency batteries supplying essential services are secondary winding side when the corresponding switch on
to have short-circuit protection only. the primary side is open.

44 Bureau Veritas April 2009

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3

8 System components 9.2 Choice of insulation

9.2.1 The maximum rated operating temperature of the
8.1 General insulating material is to be at least 10°C higher than the
maximum ambient temperature liable to occur or to be pro-
8.1.1 The components of the electrical system are to be duced in the space where the cable is installed.
dimensioned such as to withstand the currents that can pass
through them during normal service without their rating 9.2.2 The maximum rated conductor temperature for nor-
being exceeded. mal and short-circuit operation, for the type of insulating
compounds normally used for shipboard cables, is not to
8.1.2 The components of the electrical system are to be exceed the values stated in Tab 4. Special consideration will
designed and constructed so as to withstand for the admissi- be given to other insulating materials.
ble duration the thermal and electrodynamic stresses
caused by possible overcurrents, including short-circuit. 9.2.3 PVC insulated cables are not to be used either in
refrigerated spaces, or on decks exposed to the weather of
ships classed for unrestricted service.
9 Electrical cables
9.2.4 Mineral insulated cables will be considered on a case
9.1 General by case basis.

9.1.1 All electrical cables and wiring external to equipment 9.3 Choice of protective covering
shall be at least of a flame-retardant type, in accordance
with IEC Publication 60332-1. 9.3.1 The conductor insulating materials are to be enclosed
in an impervious sheath of material appropriate to the
9.1.2 In addition to the provisions of [9.1.1], when cables expected ambient conditions where cables are installed in
are laid in bunches, cable types are to be chosen in compli- the following locations:
ance with IEC Publication 60332-3 Category A, or other • on decks exposed to the weather
means (see Ch 2, Sec 12) are to be provided such as not to • in damp or wet spaces (e.g. in bathrooms)
impair their original flame-retarding properties.
• in refrigerated spaces
9.1.3 Where necessary for specific applications such as • in machinery spaces and, in general
radio frequency or digital communication systems, which • where condensation water or harmful vapour may be
require the use of particular types of cables, the Society may present.
permit the use of cables which do not comply with the pro-
visions of [9.1.1] and [9.1.2]. 9.3.2 Where cables are provided with armour or metallic
braid (e.g. for cables installed in hazardous areas), an over-
9.1.4 Cables which are required to have fire-resisting char- all impervious sheath or other means to protect the metallic
acteristics are to comply with the requirements stipulated in elements against corrosion is to be provided (see Ch 2, Sec
IEC Publication 60331. 9, [1.5]).

Table 4 : Maximum rated conductor temperature

Maximum rated conductor

Abbreviated temperature, in °C
Type of insulating compound
Normal operation Short-circuit
a) Thermoplastic:
- based upon polyvinyl chloride or copolymer of vinyl chloride and vinyl acetate PVC 70 150
b) Elastomeric or thermoset:
- based upon ethylene-propylene rubber or similar (EPM or EPDM) EPR 90 250
- based upon high modulus or hard grade ethylene propylene rubber HEPR 90 250
- based upon cross-linked polyethylene XLPE 90 250
- based upon silicone rubber S 95 95 350 (1)
- based upon ethylene-propylene rubber or similar (EPM or EPDM) halogen-free HF EPR 90 250
- based upon high modulus or hard grade halogen-free ethylene propylene rubber HF HEPR 90 250
- based upon halogen-free cross-linked polyethylene HF XLPE 90 250
- based upon halogen-free silicone rubber HF S 95 95 350 (1)
- based upon cross-linked polyolefin material for halogen-free cables HF 90 90 250
(1) This temperature is applicable only to power cables and not appropriate for tinned copper conductors.

April 2009 Bureau Veritas 45

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3

9.3.3 An impervious sheath is not required for single-core • fire and general alarms
cables installed in tubes or ducts inside accommodation
spaces, in circuits with maximum system voltage 250 V. • fire detection systems

9.3.4 In choosing different types of protective coverings, • fire-extinguishing systems and fire-extinguishing media
due consideration is to be given to the mechanical action to release alarms
which each cable may be subjected during installation and
in service. • low location lighting
If the mechanical strength of the protective covering is con- • public address systems
sidered insufficient, the cables are to be mechanically pro-
tected (e.g. by an armour or by installation inside pipes or • remote emergency stop/shutdown arrangements for sys-
conduits). tems which may support the propagation of fire and/or
9.3.5 Single-core cables for a.c. circuits with rated current
exceeding 20 A are to be either non-armoured or armoured
with non-magnetic material. 9.6.2 Where cables for services specified in [9.6.1] includ-
ing their power supplies pass through high fire risk areas,
9.4 Cables in refrigerated spaces and, in addition for passenger ships, through main vertical
fire zones other than those which they serve, they are to be
9.4.1 Cables installed in refrigerated spaces are to have a so arranged that a fire in any of these areas or zones does
watertight or impervious sheath and are to be protected
not affect the operation of the service in any other area or
against mechanical damage. If an armour is applied on the
sheath, the armour is to be protected against corrosion by a zone. This may be achieved by either of the following mea-
further moisture-resisting covering. sures:

a) Cables being of a fire resistant type complying with IEC

9.5 Cables in areas with a risk of explosion
60331 are to be installed and run continuous to keep
9.5.1 For cables in areas with a risk of explosion, see the fire integrity within the high fire risk area (see Fig 4)
b) At least two-loops/radial distributions run as widely
9.6 Cables in circuits required to be opera- apart as is practicable and so arranged that in the event
ble under fire condition of damage by fire at least one of the loops/radial distri-
butions remains operational.
9.6.1 Electrical services required to be operable under fire
conditions are as follows: Systems that are self monitoring, fail safe or duplicated with
• control and power systems to power-operated fire doors cable runs as widely separated as is practicable may be
and status indication for all fire doors exempted.
• control and power systems to power-operated watertight
doors and their status indication 9.6.3 Cables for services required to be operable under fire
• emergency fire pump conditions, including their power supplies, are to be run as
• emergency lighting directly as is practicable.

Figure 4 : Routing of cables in high fire risk area





46 Bureau Veritas April 2009

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3

9.6.4 Cables connecting fire pumps to the emergency Table 6 : Current carrying capacity, in A, in continuous
switchboard shall be of a fire-resistant type where they pass service for cables based on maximum conductor oper-
through high fire risk areas. ating temperature of 85°C (ambient temperature 45°C)

Nominal section, Number of conductors

9.7 Cables for submerged bilge pumps
in mm2 1 2 3 or 4
9.7.1 Cables and their connections to such pumps are to be 1,5 21 18 15
capable of operating under a head of water equal to their 2,5 28 24 20
distance below the bulkhead deck. The cable is to be 4 38 32 27
impervious-sheathed and armoured, is to be installed in 6 49 42 34
continuous lengths from above the bulkhead to the motor 10 67 57 47
terminals and is to enter the air bell from the bottom. 16 91 77 64
25 120 102 84
9.8 Internal wiring of switchboards and 35 148 126 104
other enclosures for equipment 50 184 156 129
70 228 194 160
9.8.1 For installation in switchboards and other enclosures 95 276 235 193
for equipment, single-core cables may be used without fur-
120 319 271 223
ther protection (sheath).
150 367 312 257
Other types of flame-retardant switchboard wiring may be 185 418 355 293
accepted at the discretion of the Society. 240 492 418 344
300 565 480 396
9.9 Current carrying capacity of cables dc: 650 dc: 553 dc: 455
ac: 630 ac: 536 ac: 441
9.9.1 The current carrying capacity for continuous service dc: 740 dc: 629 dc: 518
of cables given in Tab 5 to Tab 9 is based on the maximum 500
ac: 680 ac: 578 ac: 476
permissible service temperature of the conductor also indi- dc: 840 dc: 714 dc: 588
cated therein and on an ambient temperature of 45°C. 630
ac: 740 ac: 629 ac: 518

Table 5 : Current carrying capacity, in A, in continuous Table 7 : Current carrying capacity, in A, in continuous
service for cables based on maximum conductor oper- service for cables based on maximum conductor oper-
ating temperature of 60°C (ambient temperature 45°C) ating temperature of 70°C (ambient temperature 45°C)

Nominal section, Number of conductors Nominal section, Number of conductors

in mm2 1 2 3 or 4 in mm2 1 2 3 or 4
1,5 10 9 7 1,5 15 13 11
2,5 17 14 12 2,5 21 18 15
4 23 20 16 4 29 25 20
6 29 25 20 6 37 31 26
10 40 34 28 10 51 43 36
16 54 46 38 16 68 58 48
25 71 60 50 25 90 77 63
35 88 75 62 35 111 94 78
50 110 94 77 50 138 117 97
70 135 115 95 70 171 145 120
95 164 139 115 95 207 176 145
120 189 161 132 120 239 203 167
150 218 185 153 150 275 234 193
185 248 211 174 185 313 266 219
240 292 248 204 240 369 314 258
300 336 286 235 300 424 360 297
dc: 390 dc: 332 dc: 273 dc: 500 dc: 425 dc: 350
400 400
ac: 380 ac: 323 ac: 266 ac: 490 ac: 417 ac: 343
dc: 450 dc: 383 dc: 315 dc: 580 dc: 493 dc: 406
500 500
ac: 430 ac: 366 ac: 301 ac: 550 ac: 468 ac: 385
dc: 520 dc: 442 dc: 364 dc: 670 dc: 570 dc: 469
630 630
ac: 470 ac: 400 ac: 329 ac: 610 ac: 519 ac: 427

April 2009 Bureau Veritas 47

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3

9.9.2 The current carrying capacity cited in [9.9.1] is appli- 9.9.5 Where more than six cables are bunched together in
cable, with rough approximation, to all types of protective such a way that there is an absence of free air circulating
covering (e.g. both armoured and non-armoured cables). around them, and the cables can be expected to be under
full load simultaneously, a correction factor of 0,85 is to be
9.9.3 Values other than those shown in Tab 5 to Tab 9 may applied.
be accepted provided they are determined on the basis of
calculation methods or experimental values approved by 9.9.6 Where a cable is intended to supply a short-time load
the Society. for 1/2-hour or 1-hour service (e.g. mooring winches or
bow thruster propellers), the current carrying capacity
obtained from Tab 5 to Tab 9 may be increased by applying
9.9.4 When the actual ambient temperature obviously dif-
the corresponding correction factors given in Tab 11.
fers from 45°C, the correction factors shown in Tab 10 may
be applied to the current carrying capacity in Tab 5 to Tab 9. In no case is a period shorter than 1/2-hour to be used,
whatever the effective period of operation.
Table 8 : Current carrying capacity, in A, in continuous Table 9 : Current carrying capacity, in A, in continuous
service for cables based on maximum conductor oper- service for cables based on maximum conductor oper-
ating temperature of 90°C (ambient temperature 45°C) ating temperature of 95°C (ambient temperature 45°C)

Nominal section Number of conductors Nominal section Number of conductors

(mm2) 1 2 3 or 4 (mm2) 1 2 3 or 4
1,5 23 20 16 1,5 26 22 18
2,5 40 26 21 2,5 32 27 22
4 51 34 28 4 43 37 30
6 52 44 36 6 55 47 39
10 72 61 50 10 76 65 53
16 96 82 67 16 102 87 71
25 127 108 89 25 135 115 95
35 157 133 110 35 166 141 116
50 196 167 137 50 208 177 146
70 242 206 169 70 256 218 179
95 293 249 205 95 310 264 217
120 339 288 237 120 359 305 251
150 389 331 272 150 412 350 288
185 444 377 311 185 470 400 329
240 522 444 365 240 553 470 387
300 601 511 421 300 636 541 445
dc: 690 dc: 587 dc: 483 dc: 760 dc: 646 dc: 532
400 400
ac: 670 ac: 570 ac: 469 ac: 725 ac: 616 ac: 508
dc: 780 dc: 663 dc: 546 dc: 875 dc: 744 dc: 612
500 500
ac: 720 ac: 612 ac: 504 ac: 810 ac: 689 ac: 567
dc: 890 dc: 757 dc: 623 dc: 1010 dc: 859 dc: 707
630 630
ac: 780 ac: 663 ac: 546 ac: 900 ac: 765 ac: 630

Table 10 : Correction factors for various ambient air temperatures

Maximum conductor Correction factors for ambient air temperature of:

temperature, in °C 35°C 40°C 45°C 50°C 55°C 60°C 65°C 70°C 75°C 80°C 85°C
60 1,29 1,15 1,00 0,82       
65 1,22 1,12 1,00 0,87 0,71      
70 1,18 1,10 1,00 0,89 0,77 0,63     
75 1,15 1,08 1,00 0,91 0,82 0,71 0,58    
80 1,13 1,07 1,00 0,93 0,85 0,76 0,65 0,53   
85 1,12 1,06 1,00 0,94 0,87 0,79 0,71 0,61 0,50  
90 1,10 1,05 1,00 0,94 0,88 0,82 0,74 0,67 0,58 0,47 
95 1,10 1,05 1,00 0,95 0,89 0,84 0,77 0,71 0,63 0,55 0,45

48 Bureau Veritas April 2009

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3

Table 11 : Correction factors for short-time loads

1/2-hour service 1-hour service

Sum of nominal cross-sectional areas of all conductors, Sum of nominal cross-sectional areas of all conductors,
in mm2 in mm2 Correction
Cables with non-metallic Cables with non-metallic factor
Cables with metallic sheath Cables with metallic sheath
sheath and non-armoured sheath and non-armoured
and armoured cables and armoured cables
cables cables
up to 20 up to 75 up to 80 up to 230 1,06
21 - 41 76 - 125 81 - 170 231 - 400 1,10
41 - 65 126 - 180 171 - 250 401 - 600 1,15
66 - 95 181 - 250 251 - 430 601 - 800 1,20
96 - 135 251 - 320 431 - 600  1,25
136 - 180 321 - 400 601 - 800  1,30
181 - 235 401 - 500   1,35
236 - 285 501 - 600   1,40
286 - 350    1,45

9.9.7 For supply cables to single services for intermittent 9.10 Minimum nominal cross-sectional area
loads (e.g. cargo winches or machinery space cranes), the cur- of conductors
rent carrying capacity obtained from Tab 5 to Tab 9 may be
increased by applying the correction factors given in Tab 12. 9.10.1 In general the minimum allowable conductor cross-
sectional areas are those given in Tab 13.
The correction factors are calculated with rough approxi-
mation for periods of 10 minutes, of which 4 minutes with a 9.10.2 The nominal cross-sectional area of the neutral con-
constant load and 6 minutes without load. ductor in three-phase distribution systems is to be equal to
at least 50% of the cross-sectional area of the phases, unless
Table 12 : Correction factors for intermittent service the latter is less than or equal to 16 mm2. In such case the
cross-sectional area of the neutral conductor is to be equal
Sum of nominal cross-sectional areas to that of the phase.
of all conductors, in mm2 Correction
9.10.3 For the nominal cross-sectional area of:
Cables with metallic Cables without factor
sheath and armoured metallic sheath and • earthing conductors, see Ch 2, Sec 12, [2.3]
cables non-armoured cables • earthing connections for distribution systems, see Ch 2,
S5 1,10 Sec 12, [2.5]
5<S8 1,15 • neutral connections for three-phase systems, see Ch 2,
8 < S  16 1,20 Sec 8, [1.2.4].
S4 16 < S  25 1,25
4<S7 25 < S  42 1,30 9.11 Choice of cables
7 < S  17 42 < S  72 1,35
9.11.1 The rated voltage of any cable is to be not lower
17 < S  42 72 < S  140 1,40 than the nominal voltage of the circuit for which it is used.
42 < S  110 140 < S 1,45
110 < S  1,50 9.11.2 The nominal cross-sectional area of each cable is to
be sufficient to satisfy the following conditions with refer-
ence to the maximum anticipated ambient temperature:
9.9.8 The current carrying capacity of cables connected in
parallel is the sum of the current ratings of all parallel con- • the current carrying capacity is to be not less than the
highest continuous load carried by the cable
ductors but the cables must have equal impedance, equal
cross-section, equal maximum permissible conductor tem- • the voltage drop in the circuit, by full load on this cir-
peratures and follow substantially identical routing or be cuit, is not to exceed the specified limits
installed in close proximity. Connections in parallel are only • the cross-sectional area calculated on the basis of the
permitted for cross-sections of 10 mm2 or above. When above is to be such that the temperature increases
equal impedance can not be assumed, a correction factor of which may be caused by overcurrents or starting tran-
0.9 is to be applied to the current carrying capacity. sients do not damage the insulation.

April 2009 Bureau Veritas 49

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3

Table 13 : Minimum nominal cross-sectional areas

Nominal cross-sectional area, in mm2

External wiring Internal wiring
Power, heating and lighting systems 1,0 1,0
Control circuits for power plant 1,0 1,0
Control circuits other than those for power plant 0,75 0,5
Control circuits for telecommunications, measurement, alarms 0,5 0,2
Telephone and bell equipment, not required for the safety of the ship or crew calls 0,2 0,1
Bus and data cables 0,2 0,1

9.11.3 The highest continuous load carried by a cable is to 10.1.3 Where electrical equipment is permitted in hazard-
be calculated on the basis of the power requirements and of ous areas, all switches and protective devices are to inter-
the diversity factor of the loads and machines supplied rupt all poles or phases and, where practicable, to be
through that cable. located in a non-hazardous area unless specifically permit-
ted otherwise.
9.11.4 When the conductors are carrying the maximum Such switches and equipment located in hazardous areas
nominal service current, the voltage drop from the main or are to be suitably labelled for identification purposes.
emergency switchboard busbars to any point in the installa-
tion is not to exceed 6% of the nominal voltage. 10.1.4 Electrical installations in hazardous areas are to be
inspected by skilled personnel at their initial installation
For battery circuits with supply voltage less than 55 V, this and regularly during their life time.
value may be increased to 10%.
The requirements of IEC 60079-17 apply.
For the circuits of navigation lights, the voltage drop is not
to exceed 5% of the rated voltage under normal conditions. 10.1.5 For electrical equipment installed in Zone 0 hazard-
ous areas, only the following types are permitted:
• certified intrinsically-safe apparatus Ex(ia)
10 Electrical installations in hazardous
• simple electrical apparatus and components (e.g. ther-
areas mocouples, photocells, strain gauges, junction boxes,
switching devices), included in intrinsically-safe circuits
10.1 Electrical equipment of category “ia” not capable of storing or generating
electrical power or energy in excess of limits stated in
the relevant rules, and accepted by the appropriate
10.1.1 No electrical equipment is to be installed in hazard-
ous areas unless the Society is satisfied that such equipment
is: • equipment specifically designed and certified by the
appropriate authority for use in Zone 0.
• essential for operational purposes
10.1.6 For electrical equipment installed in Zone 1 hazard-
• of a type which will not ignite the mixture concerned ous areas, only the following types are permitted:
• appropriate to the space concerned, and • any type that may be considered for Zone 0
• appropriately certified for safe usage in the dusts, • certified intrinsically-safe apparatus Ex(ib)
vapours or gases likely to be encountered. • simple electrical apparatus and components (e.g. ther-
mocouples, photocells, strain gauges, junction boxes,
10.1.2 Where electrical equipment of a safe type is permit- switching devices), included in intrinsically-safe circuits
ted in hazardous areas it is to be selected with due consid- of category “ib” not capable of storing or generating
eration to the following: electrical power or energy in excess of limits stated in
the relevant rules, and accepted by the appropriate
a) risk of explosive dust concentration (see Ch 2, Sec 2, authority
• certified flameproof Ex(d)
• degree of protection of the enclosure • certified pressurised Ex(p)
• maximum surface temperature • certified increased safety Ex(e)
• certified encapsulated Ex(m)
b) risk of explosive gas atmosphere (see Ch 2, Sec 2, [6.1]):
• certified sand filled Ex(q)
• explosion group • certified specially Ex(s)
• temperature class. • through runs of cable.

50 Bureau Veritas April 2009

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3

10.1.7 For electrical equipment installed in Zone 2 hazard- 10.3.3 Standard marine electrical equipment may be
ous areas, only the following types are permitted: installed in compartments assigned solely to valve-regu-
• any type that may be considered for Zone 1 lated sealed storage batteries.
• tested specially for Zone 2 (e.g. type “n” protection)
• pressurised, and accepted by the appropriate authority
10.4 Electrical installations in paint stores or
enclosed spaces leading to paint stores
• encapsulated, and accepted by the appropriate author-
ity 10.4.1 Electrical equipment is to be installed in paint stores
• the type which ensures the absence of sparks and arcs and in ventilation ducts serving such spaces only when it is
and of “hot spots” during its normal operation (mini- essential for operational services.
mum class of protection IP 55). Certified safe type equipment of the following type is
10.1.8 When apparatus incorporates a number of types of
protection, it is to be ensured that all are suitable for use in • certified intrinsically-safe apparatus Ex(i)
the zone in which it is located. • certified flameproof Ex(d)
• certified pressurised Ex(p)
10.2 Electrical cables • certified increased safety Ex(e)
• certified specially Ex(s).
10.2.1 Electrical cables are not to be installed in hazardous
areas except as specifically permitted or when associated Cables (through runs or termination cables) of armoured
with intrinsically safe circuits. type or installed in metallic conduit are to be used.

10.2.2 All cables installed in Zone 0, Zone 1 or weather 10.4.2 Switches, protective devices and motor control gear
exposed areas are to be sheathed with at least one of the of electrical equipment installed in a paint store are to inter-
following: rupt all poles or phases and are preferably to be located in a
non hazardous space.
a) a non-metallic impervious sheath in combination with
braiding or other metallic covering 10.4.3 Electrical equipment for use in paint stores is to
b) a copper or stainless steel sheath (for mineral insulated have minimum explosion group IIB and temperature class
cables only). T3.

10.2.3 All cables installed in non-weather exposed Zone 2 10.4.4 In the areas on open deck within 1 m of inlet and
areas are to be provided with at least a non-metallic exter- exhaust ventilation openings of paint stores or 3 m of
nal impervious sheath. exhaust mechanical ventilation outlets of such spaces, fol-
lowing electrical equipment may be installed:
10.2.4 Cables of intrinsically safe circuits are to have a • electrical equipment with the type of protection as per-
metallic shielding with at least a non-metallic external mitted in paint stores, or
impervious sheath.
• equipment of protection class Exn, or
10.2.5 The circuits of a category “ib” intrinsically safe sys- • appliances which do not generate arcs in service and
tem are not to be contained in a cable associated with a cat- whose surface does not reach unacceptably high tem-
egory “ia” intrinsically safe system required for a hazardous perature, or
area in which only category “ia” systems are permitted. • appliances with simplified pressurised enclosures or
vapour proof enclosures( minimum class of protection
10.3 Electrical installations in battery rooms IP55) whose surface does not reach unacceptably high
10.3.1 Only lighting fittings may be installed in compart- • cables as specified in [10.4.1].
ments assigned solely to large vented storage batteries (see
Ch 2, Sec 11, [6.2.1]). 10.4.5 Enclosed spaces giving access to paint stores may
The associated switches are to be installed outside such be considered as non-hazardous, provided that:
spaces. • the door to the paint store is a gastight door with self-
Electric ventilator motors are to be outside ventilation ducts closing devices without holding back arrangements
and, if within 3 m of the exhaust end of the duct, they are to • the paint store is provided with an acceptable, indepen-
be of an explosion-proof safe type. The impeller of the fan is dent, natural ventilation system ventilated from a safe
to be of the non-sparking type. area
Overcurrent protective devices are to be installed as close • warning notices are fitted adjacent to the paint store
as possible to, but outside of, battery rooms. entrance stating that the store contains flammable liq-
Electrical cables other than those pertaining to the equip-
ment arranged in battery rooms are not permitted. Note 1: The paint stores and inlet and exhaust ventilation ducts
under [10.4.4] are classified as Zone 1 and areas on open deck
10.3.2 Electrical equipment for use in battery rooms is to under [10.4.4] are classified as Zone 2 as defined in IEC standard
have minimum explosion group IIC and temperature class 60092-502.
T1. Note 2: A watertight door may be considered as being gastight.

April 2009 Bureau Veritas 51

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3

10.5 Electrical installations in stores for 10.5.3 Electrical equipment for use in stores for welding
welding gas (acetylene) bottles gas bottles is to have minimum explosion group IIC and
temperature class T2.
10.5.1 The following equipment may be installed in stores
for welding gas bottles provided that it is of a safe type 10.6 Special ships
appropriate for Zone 1 area installation:
• lighting fittings 10.6.1 For installations in hazardous areas in:

• ventilator motors where provided. • oil tankers, chemical tankers and liquefied gas carriers,
see Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 5, Pt D, Ch 8, Sec 10 or Pt D, Ch 9,
10.5.2 Electrical cables other than those pertaining to the Sec 10
equipment arranged in stores for welding gas bottles are not • ships arranged with spaces for the carriage of vehicles,
permitted. see Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 4 or Pt D, Ch 12, Sec 4.

52 Bureau Veritas April 2009

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