Installation Requirements
Installation Requirements
Installation Requirements
2.1.6 Low level signal sensors are to be avoided. When 3.2 Cable terminations
installed they are to be located as close as possible to
amplifiers, so as to avoid external influences. Failing this, 3.2.1 Cable terminations are to be arranged according to
the wiring is to be provided with suitable EMI protection the requirements in Part C, Chapter 2. Particular attention is
and temperature correction. to be paid to the connections of cable shields. Shields are to
be connected only at the sensor end when the sensor is 4.1.2 As far as practicable, piping containing liquids is not
earthed, and only at the processor end when the sensor is to be installed in or adjacent to electrical enclosures (see Ch
floating. 3, Sec 4, [2.1.2]).
3.2.2 Cable terminations are to be able to withstand the 4.1.3 Hydraulic and pneumatic piping for automation sys-
identified environmental conditions (shocks, vibrations, salt tems is to be marked to indicate its function.
mist, humidity, etc.).
4.1.1 For installation of piping circuits used for automation 5.1.2 The location is to be such as to allow easy access for
purposes, see the requirements in Ch 1, Sec 10. maintenance operations.