Installation Requirements

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Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 5


1 General 2.2 Temperature elements

2.2.1 Temperature sensors, thermostats or thermometers
1.1 are to be installed in a thermowell of suitable material, to
permit easy replacement and functional testing. The ther-
1.1.1 Automation systems are to be installed taking into mowell is not to significantly modify the response time of
account: the whole element.
• the maintenance requirements (test and replacement of
systems or components) 2.3 Pressure elements
• the influence of EMI. The IEC 60533 standard is to be 2.3.1 Three-way valves or other suitable arrangements are
taken as guidance to be installed to permit functional testing of pressure ele-
• the environmental conditions corresponding to the ments, such as pressure sensors, pressure switches, without
location in accordance with Ch 2, Sec 1and Ch 2, Sec stopping the installation.
3, [6].
2.3.2 In specific applications, where high pulsations of
1.1.2 Control stations are to be arranged for the conven- pressure are likely to occur, a damping element, such as a
ience of the operator. capillary tube or equivalent, is to be installed.

1.1.3 Automation components are to be properly fitted. 2.4 Level switches

Screws and nuts are to be locked, where necessary.
2.4.1 Level switches fitted to flammable oil tanks, or similar
installations, are to be installed so as to reduce the risk of
2 Sensors and components fire.

2.1 General 3 Cables

2.1.1 The location and selection of the sensor is to be done
3.1 Installation
so as to measure the actual value of the parameter. Temper-
ature, vibration and EMI levels are to be taken into account. 3.1.1 Cables are to be installed according to the require-
When this is not possible, the sensor is to be designed to ments in Ch 2, Sec 12, [7].
withstand the local environment.
3.1.2 Suitable installation features such as screening and/or
2.1.2 The enclosure of the sensor and the cable entry are to twisted pairs and/or separation between signal and other
be appropriate to the space in which they are located. cables are to be provided in order to avoid possible interfer-
ence on control and instrumentation cables.
2.1.3 Means are to be provided for testing, calibration and
replacement of automation components. Such means are to 3.1.3 Specific transmission cables (coaxial cables, twisted
be designed, as far as practicable, so as to avoid perturba- pairs, etc.) are to be routed in specific cable-ways and
tion of the normal operation of the system. mechanically protected to avoid loss of any important trans-
mitted data. Where there is a high risk of mechanical dam-
2.1.4 A tag number is to identify automation components age, the cables are to be protected with pipes or equivalent.
and is to be clearly marked and attached to the component.
These tag numbers are to be collected on the instrument list 3.1.4 The cable bend radius is to be in accordance with the
mentioned in Ch 3, Sec 1, Tab 1. requirements of Ch 2, Sec 12, [7.2].
For mineral insulated cables, coaxial cables or fibre optic
2.1.5 Electrical connections are to be arranged for easy cables, whose characteristics may be modified, special pre-
replacement and testing of sensors and components. They cautions are to be taken according to the manufacturer’s
are to be clearly marked. instructions.

2.1.6 Low level signal sensors are to be avoided. When 3.2 Cable terminations
installed they are to be located as close as possible to
amplifiers, so as to avoid external influences. Failing this, 3.2.1 Cable terminations are to be arranged according to
the wiring is to be provided with suitable EMI protection the requirements in Part C, Chapter 2. Particular attention is
and temperature correction. to be paid to the connections of cable shields. Shields are to

April 2009 Bureau Veritas 117

Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 5

be connected only at the sensor end when the sensor is 4.1.2 As far as practicable, piping containing liquids is not
earthed, and only at the processor end when the sensor is to be installed in or adjacent to electrical enclosures (see Ch
floating. 3, Sec 4, [2.1.2]).

3.2.2 Cable terminations are to be able to withstand the 4.1.3 Hydraulic and pneumatic piping for automation sys-
identified environmental conditions (shocks, vibrations, salt tems is to be marked to indicate its function.
mist, humidity, etc.).

3.2.3 Terminations of all special cables such as mineral

5 Automation consoles
insulated cables, coaxial cables or fibre optic cables are to
be arranged according to the manufacturer’s instructions. 5.1 General
5.1.1 Consoles or control panels are to be located so as to
4 Pipes enable a good view of the process under control, as far as
practicable. Instruments are to be clearly readable in the
4.1 ambient lighting.

4.1.1 For installation of piping circuits used for automation 5.1.2 The location is to be such as to allow easy access for
purposes, see the requirements in Ch 1, Sec 10. maintenance operations.

118 Bureau Veritas April 2009

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