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Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 12


1 General a) the equipment is not for use for emergency services

b) temperature control is achieved by at least two cooling
1.1 Protection against injury or damage units so arranged that in the event of loss of one cooling
caused by electrical equipment unit, for any reason, the remaining unit(s) is capable of
staisfactorily maintaining the design temperature
1.1.1 All electrical equipment is to be so installed as not to
c) the equipment is able to be initially set to work safety
cause injury when handled or touched in the normal man-
within a 45°C ambient temperature until such a time
that the lesser ambient temperature may be achieved;
1.1.2 All electrical equipment is to be installed in such a the cooling equipment is to be rated for a 45°C ambient
way that live parts cannot be inadvertently touched, unless temperature
supplied at a safety voltage. d) audible and visual alarms are provided, at a continually
manned control station, to indicate any malfunction of
1.1.3 For protective earthing as a precaution against indi-
the cooling units.
rect contact, see [2].

1.1.4 Equipment is to be installed so as not to cause, or at 1.4.2 In accepting a lesser ambient temperature than 45°C,
least so as to reduce to a minimum, electromagnetic inter- it is to be ensured that electrical cables for their entire
ference. length are adequately rated for the maximum ambient tem-
perature to which they are exposed along their length.
1.2 Protection against damage to electrical
equipment 2 Earthing of non-current carrying
1.2.1 Electrical equipment is to be so placed that as far as
practicable it is not exposed to risk of damage from water,
steam, oil or oil vapours. 2.1 Parts which are to be earthed

1.2.2 The air supply for internal ventilation of electrical 2.1.1 Exposed metal parts of both fixed and portable elec-
equipment is to be as clean and dry as practicable; cooling trical machines or equipment which are not intended to be
air for internal ventilation is not to be drawn from below the live but which are liable under fault conditions to become
floor plates in engine and/or boiler rooms. live and similar metal parts inside non-metallic enclosures
are to be earthed unless the machines or equipment are:
1.2.3 Equipment is to be so mounted that its enclosing
arrangements and the functioning of the built-in equipment a) supplied at a voltage not exceeding 50 V direct current
will not be affected by distortions, vibrations and move- or 50 V, root mean square between conductors,
ments of the ship’s structure or by other damage liable to achieved without the use of auto-transformers (safety
occur. voltage); or
b) supplied at a voltage not exceeding 250 V by safety iso-
1.2.4 If electrical fittings, not of aluminium, are attached to lating transformers supplying one consuming device
aluminium, suitable provision is to be made to prevent gal- only; or
vanic corrosion.
c) constructed in accordance with the principle of double
1.3 Accessibility insulation.

1.3.1 Equipment is to be so installed that sufficient space is 2.1.2 To minimise shock from high frequency voltage
available for inspection and maintenance as required for all induced by the radio transmitter, handles, handrails and
its parts (see [6.1.3]). other metal elements on the bridge or upper decks are to be
in electrical connection with the hull or superstructures.
1.4 Electrical equipment in environmentally
controlled spaces 2.2 Methods of earthing

1.4.1 Where electrical equipment is installed within envi- 2.2.1 Metal frames or enclosures of apparatus and electri-
ronmentally controlled space the ambient temperature for cal machinery may be fixed to, and in metallic contact
which the equipment is to be suitable may be reduced from with, the ship’s structure, provided that the surfaces in con-
45°C and maintained at a value not less than 35°C pro- tact are clean and free from rust, scale or paint when
vided: installed and are firmly bolted together.

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Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 12

2.2.2 For metal frames or enclosures which are not earthed 2.4 Connection to the ship’s structure
as specified in [2.2.1], earthing connections complying
with [2.3] and [2.4] are to be used. 2.4.1 Every connection of an earth-continuity conductor or
earthing lead to the ship’s structure is to be secured by
2.2.3 For requirements regarding the earthing of coverings means of a screw of brass or other corrosion-resistant mate-
of cables and the mechanical protection of cables, see rial of diameter not less than 6 mm.
[7.11] and [7.12].
2.4.2 Such earthing connection is not to be used for other
2.3 Earthing connections
2.4.3 The connection described in [2.4.1] is to be located
2.3.1 Every earthing connection is to be of copper or other
in an accessible position where it may readily be checked.
corrosion-resistant material and is to be securely installed
and protected, where necessary, against damage and elec-
trolytic corrosion. 2.5 Earthed distribution systems

2.3.2 The nominal cross-sectional area of each copper 2.5.1 The system earthing of earthed distribution systems is
earthing connection is to be not less than that required in to be effected by means independent of any earthing
Tab 1. arrangements of non-current carrying parts and is to be con-
nected to the hull at one point only.
Earthing connections of other metals are to have conduc-
tance at least equal to that specified for a copper earthing 2.5.2 In an earthed distribution system in which the earth-
connection. ing connection does not normally carry current, this con-
nection is to conform with the requirements of [2.3], except
2.3.3 Metal parts of portable appliances are to be earthed, that the lower limit of 70 mm2 does not apply (see Tab 1).
where required (see [2.1.1]), by means of an earth-continu-
ity conductor in the flexible supply cable or cord, which 2.5.3 In a distribution system with hull return, the system
has the cross-sectional area specified in Tab 1 and which is earthing connection is to have at least the same cross-sec-
earthed, for example, through the associated plug and tional area as the feeder lines.
2.5.4 The earthing connection is to be in an accessible
2.3.4 In no circumstances is the lead sheathing or armour position where it may readily be inspected and discon-
of cables to be relied upon as the sole means of earthing. nected for insulation testing.

Table 1 : Cross-sectional area of earth-continuity conductors and earthing connections

Cross-sectional area
Type of earthing connection of associated current Minimum cross-sectional area of copper earthing connection
carrying conductor
1 Earth-continuity any Same as current carrying conductor up to and including 16 mm2 and one half
conductor in flexible above 16 mm2 but at least 16 mm2
cable or flexible cord
2 Earth-continuity any a) for cables having an insulated earth-continuity conductor
conductor • a cross-section equal to the main conductors up to and including
incorporated in fixed 16 mm2, but minimum 1,5 mm2
cable • a cross-section not less than 50% of the cross-section of the main
conductor when the latter is more than 16 mm2, but at least 16 mm2
b) for cables with a bare earth wire in direct contact with the lead sheath
Cross-section of main conductor, Earthing connection,
in mm2 in mm2
1  2,5 1
46 1,5
3 Separate fixed  2,5 mm2 Same as current carrying conductor subject to minimum of 1,5 mm2 for
earthing conductor stranded earthing connection or 2,5 mm2 for unstranded earthing connection
> 2,5 mm2 but One half the cross-sectional area of the current carrying conductor, subjected
 120 mm2 to a minimum of 4 mm2
> 120 mm2 70 mm2

78 Bureau Veritas April 2009

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 12

2.6 Aluminium superstructures 5.2.2 Interior surfaces of metal shelves for battery cells,
whether or not grouped in crates or trays, are to be pro-
2.6.1 When aluminium superstructures are insulated from tected by a lining of electrolyte-resistant material, watertight
the steel hull to prevent electrolytic corrosion, they are to and carried up to at least 75 mm on all sides. In particular,
be secured to the hull by means of a separate bonding con- linings are to have a minimum thickness of 1,5 mm, if of
nection. lead sheet for lead-acid batteries, and of 0,8 mm, if of steel
for alkaline batteries.
2.6.2 The connections are to be adequately close together
and are to have a resistance less than 0,1 . Alternatively, the floor of the room or locker is to be lined as
specified above to a height of at least 150 mm.
2.6.3 The connections are to be located where they may
readily be inspected. 5.2.3 Battery boxes are to be lined in accordance with
[5.2.2] to a height of at least 75 mm.

3 Rotating machines
6 Switchgear and controlgear
3.1 assemblies

3.1.1 Every rotating machine is preferably to be installed 6.1 Main switchboard

with the shaft in the fore-and-aft direction. Where a rotating
machine of 100 kW and over is installed athwartship, or 6.1.1 The main switchboard is to be so arranged as to give
vertically, it is to be ensured that the design of the bearings easy access as may be needed to apparatus and equipment,
and the arrangements for lubrication are satisfactory to without danger to personnel.
withstand the rolling specified in Ch 2, Sec 2, Tab 4.
6.1.2 An unobstructed space is to be left in front of the
4 Semiconductor convertors switchboard wide enough to allow access for operation;
such width is generally about 1 metre.

4.1 Semiconductor power convertors When withdrawable equipment is contained in the switch-
board, the width of the space is to be not less than 0,5 m
4.1.1 Naturally air-cooled semiconductor convertors are to when the equipment is fully withdrawn.
be installed such that the circulation of air to and from the Reduced widths may be considered for small ships.
stacks or enclosures is not impeded and that the tempera-
ture of the cooling inlet air to convertor stacks does not 6.1.3 Where necessary, an unobstructed space is to be pro-
exceed the ambient temperature for which the stacks are vided at the rear of the switchboard ample to permit main-
specified. tenance; in general, the width of this passage is to be not
less than 0,6 m, except that this may be reduced to 0,5 m in
5 Vented type storage batteries way of stiffeners and frames, and the height sufficient for the
operation foreseen.

5.1 General 6.1.4 Where the switchboard is open at the rear, the rear
space in [6.1.3] is to form a locked space provided at each
5.1.1 Batteries are to be arranged so that each cell or crate end with an access door. The required IP protection for the
of cells is accessible from the top and at least one side to corresponding location is to be fulfilled.
permit replacement and periodical maintenance.
6.1.5 If necessary, the clear height above the switchboard
5.1.2 Cells or crates are to be carried on insulating supports
specified by the manufacturer is to be maintained for pres-
of material non-absorbent to the electrolyte (e.g. treated
sure relief in the event of a short-circuit.
6.1.6 When the voltage exceeds the safety voltage, non-
5.1.3 Cells are to be securely chocked by means of insulat-
conducting mats or gratings are to be provided at the front
ing material non-absorbent to the electrolyte, e.g. strips of
and rear of the switchboard as necessary.
treated wood. Special mechanical precautions are to be
taken to prevent the emergency battery from being dam- 6.1.7 Piping and conduits are not to be installed directly
aged by the shock due to a collision. above or in the vicinity of switchboards.
5.1.4 Provision is to be made for the free circulation of air. Where this is unavoidable, pipes and conduits are to have
welded joints only or to be provided with protection against
5.2 Protection against corrosion spray from steam or pressurised liquids or dripping.

5.2.1 The interior of battery compartments (rooms, lockers, 6.2 Emergency switchboard
boxes) including all metal parts subject to the electrolyte is
to be protected against the deteriorating effect of the latter 6.2.1 For the installation of the emergency switchboard, the
by electrolyte-resistant coating or other equivalent means, same requirements apply as given in [6.1] for the installa-
unless corrosion-resistant materials are used. tion of the main switchboard.

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Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 12

6.3 Section boards and distribution boards b) the use of fire stops having at least B0 penetrations fitted
as follows (see Fig 1, Fig 2, Fig 3 and Fig 4):
6.3.1 For the installation of section and distribution boards, • cable entries at the main and emergency switch-
the same requirements apply, as far as applicable, as given board
in [6.1] for the installation of the main switchboard. • where cables enter engine control rooms
• cable entries at centralised control panels for pro-
7 Cables pulsion machinery and essential auxiliaries
• at each end of totally enclosed cable trunks
7.1 General • at every second deck or approximately 6 metres for
verticals runs and every 14 metres for horizontal
7.1.1 Cables having insulating materials with different runs in enclosed and semi-enclosed spaces
maximum permissible conductor temperatures are not to be • at the boundaries of the spaces in cargo areas.
bunched together.
Figure 1 : Totally enclosed trunks
Where this is not practicable, the cables are to be so
installed that no cable reaches a temperature higher than its

7.1.2 Cables having a protective covering which may dam-

age the covering of more vulnerable cables are not to be
BO Penetration
bunched with the latter.

7.1.3 Cables having a bare metallic sheath (e.g. of copper)

or braid or armour are to be installed in such a way that gal-
vanic corrosion by contact with other metals is prevented.

7.1.4 All cables and wiring external to equipment are to be

so installed as not to impair their original flame-retarding
BO Penetration
To this end, the following methods may be used:
a) the use of cables which have been tested in accordance
with IEC Publication 332-3 Category A or an equivalent
test procedure for cables installed in bunches, or

Figure 2 : Non-totally enclosed trunks, vertical



Fire stop with steel plate and

6m BO penetration

a B



80 Bureau Veritas April 2009

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 12

Figure 3 : Non-totally enclosed trunks, horizontal

Steel plate

14 m

Penetration Penetration


a Steel plate

c) the use of fire protection coating applied to at least 1 7.2.2 Where the installation of cables across expansion
metre in every 14 metres on horizontal cable runs and joints is unavoidable, the minimum internal radius of the
over the entire length of vertical cable runs for cables loop at the end of the travel of the expansion joint is to be
installed in enclosed and semi-enclosed spaces. not less than 12 times the external diameter of the cable.
The cable penetrations are to be installed in steel plates of
at least 3 mm thickness extending all around to twice the
7.3 Fixing of cables
largest dimension of the cable run for vertical runs and once
for horizontal runs, but need not extend through ceilings,
decks, bulkheads or solid sides of trunks. These precautions 7.3.1 Cables shall be installed and supported in such a
apply in particular to bunches of 5 or more cables in areas manner as to avoid chafing or other damage.
with a high fire risk (such as Category A machinery spaces,
galleys etc.) and to bunches of more than 10 cables in other 7.3.2 The supports (tray plates, separate support brackets or
areas. hanger ladders) and the corresponding accessories are to be
of robust construction and of corrosion-resistant material or
7.2 Radius of bend suitably treated before erection to resist corrosion.

When cables are installed directly on aluminium structures,

7.2.1 The internal radius of bend for the installation of
fixing devices of aluminium or suitably treated steel are to
cables is to be chosen according to the type of cable as rec-
be used.
ommended by the manufacturer.
Its value is generally to be not less than the figure given in For mineral-insulated cables with copper sheath, fixing
Tab 2. devices in contact with the sheath are to be of copper alloy.

Table 2 : Bending radii

Cable construction Overall diameter of Minimum internal

Insulation Outer covering cable (D) radius of bend

Thermoplastic or thermosetting with Unarmoured 25 mm 4D

circular copper conductors or unbraided > 25 mm 6D
Metal braid screened or armoured Any 6D
Metal wire armoured Any 6D
Metal tape armoured or metal-sheathed
Composite polyester/metal laminate tape Any 8D
screened units or collective tape screening
Thermoplastic or thermosetting with Any Any 8D
shaped copper conductors

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Figure 4 : Open cables runs




2a 2a a 2a

Coating Entire Length



Steel plate
BO Penetration


14m Steel plate

BO Penetration


1m 1m

Coating Coating

82 Bureau Veritas April 2009

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 12

7.3.3 With the exception of cables installed in pipes, con- 7.5.4 Where cables pass through bulkheads or decks sepa-
duits, trunkings or special casings, cables are to be fixed by rating areas with a risk of explosion, arrangements are to be
means of clips, saddles or straps of suitable material, in such that hazardous gas or dust cannot penetrate through
order to tighten the cables without their coverings being openings for the passage of cables into other areas.
7.5.5 Where cables pass through a bulkhead or deck which
7.3.4 Cable clips or straps made from a material other than is required to have some degree of fire integrity, penetration
metal are to be manufactured of a flame-retardant material. is to be so effected as to ensure that the required degree of
fire integrity is not impaired.
7.3.5 The distances between fastenings and between sup-
ports are to be suitably chosen according to the type and
number of cables and the probability of vibration. 7.6 Expansion joints

7.3.6 When cables are fixed by means of clips or straps 7.6.1 If there is reason to fear that a tray plate, pipe or con-
made from a material other than metal and these cables are duit may break because of the motion of the ship, different
not laid on top of horizontal cable supports (e.g. in the case load conditions and temperature variations, appropriate
of vertical installation), suitable metal clips or saddles expansion joints are to be provided.
spaced not more than 1 metre apart are to be used in addi-
This may apply in particular in the case of cable runs on the
tion in order to prevent the release of cables during a fire.
weather deck.
7.3.7 Suspended cables of fire-resisting type are to be fixed
by means of steel straps spaced not more than 500 mm 7.7 Cables in closed pipes or conduits
7.7.1 Closed pipes or conduits are to have such internal
7.4 Mechanical protection dimensions and radius of bend as will permit the easy draw-
ing in and out of the cables which they are to contain; the
7.4.1 Cables exposed to risk of mechanical damage are to internal radius of bend is to be not less than that permitted
be protected by metal casing, profiles or grids or enclosed for cables and, for pipes exceeding 63 mm external diame-
in metal pipes or conduits, unless the cable covering (e.g. ter, not less than twice the external diameter of the pipe
armour or sheath) provides adequate mechanical protec- where this value is greater.
7.7.2 Closed pipes and conduits are to be suitably smooth
7.4.2 In situations where there would be an exceptional on the interior and are to have their ends shaped or bushed
risk of mechanical damage, e.g. in holds, storage spaces, in such a way as not to damage the cable covering.
cargo spaces, etc., cables are to be protected by metal cas-
ing, trunkings or conduits, even when armoured, if the 7.7.3 The space factor (ratio of the sum of the cross-sec-
ship’s structure or attached parts do not afford sufficient pro- tional areas corresponding to the external diameters of the
tection for the cables. cables to the internal cross-sectional areas of the pipe or
conduit) is to be not greater than 0,4.
7.4.3 For the protection of cables passing through decks,
see [7.5.3].
7.7.4 If necessary, openings are to be provided at the high-
7.4.4 Metal casing used for mechanical protection of est and lowest points so as to permit air circulation and
cables is to be effectively protected against corrosion. ensure that the heat from the cables can be dissipated, and
to obviate the possibility of water accumulating at any part
of the pipe or conduit.
7.5 Penetrations of bulkheads and decks
7.5.1 If cables have to pass without adequate support 7.7.5 Vertical trunking for electrical cables is to be so con-
through non-watertight bulkheads and generally through structed as not to jeopardise the required passive fire pro-
holes drilled in sheets of structural steel, these holes are to tection between the spaces.
be fitted with glands or bushings of suitable material.
7.7.6 Metal pipes or conduits are to be protected against
7.5.2 If cables have to pass through a watertight bulkhead corrosion.
or deck, the penetration is to be effected in a watertight
manner. 7.7.7 Non-metallic pipes or conduits are to be flame-retar-
Either suitable individual watertight glands for single cables
or boxes containing several cables and filled with a flame-
retardant packing may be used for this purpose. 7.8 Cables in casings or trunking and con-
Whichever type of penetration is used, the watertight integ- duits with removable covers
rity of the bulkheads or deck is to be maintained.
7.8.1 Covers are to be removable and when they are open,
7.5.3 Cables passing through decks and continuing verti- cables are to be accessible.
cally are to be protected against mechanical damage to a
height of at least 200 mm above the deck. 7.8.2 Materials used are to comply with [7.7.6] and [7.7.7].

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7.8.3 If the fixing of covers is by means of screws, the latter 7.11.5 Metal coverings of single-core a.c. cables and spe-
are to be of non-rusting material and arranged so as not to cial d.c. cables with high "ripple" content (e.g. for thyristor
damage the cables. equipment) are to be earthed at one point only (e.g. at the
7.8.4 Means are to be provided to ensure that the heat from
the cables can be dissipated and water accumulation is 7.11.6 The electrical continuity of all metal coverings of
avoided (see [7.7.4]). cables throughout the length of the latter, particularly at
joints and tappings, is to be ensured.
7.9 Cable ends
7.11.7 The metal covering of cables may be earthed by
7.9.1 Terminations in all conductors are to be so made as means of glands intended for the purpose and so designed
to retain the original electrical, mechanical, flame-retarding as to ensure an effective earth connection.
properties of the cable. The glands are to be firmly attached to, and in effective
electrical contact with, a metal structure earthed in accor-
7.9.2 Where mechanical clamps are not used, the ends of dance with these requirements.
all conductors having a cross-sectional area greater than 4
mm2 are to be fitted with soldering sockets or compression- 7.11.8 The metal covering of cables may also be earthed by
type sockets of sufficient size to contain all the strands of means of clamps or clips of corrosion-resistant material
the conductor. making effective contact with the covering and earthed
7.9.3 Cables not having a moisture-resistant insulation (e.g.
mineral-insulated) are to have their ends effectively sealed 7.12 Earthing and continuity of metal pipes,
against ingress of moisture. conduits and trunking or casings

7.10 Joints and tappings (branch circuit) 7.12.1 Metal casings, pipes, conduits and trunking are to
be effectively earthed.
7.10.1 Cable runs are normally not to include joints.
Where absolutely necessary, cable joints are to be carried 7.12.2 Pipes or conduits may be earthed by being screwed
out by a junction method with rebuilding of the insulation into a metal enclosure, or by nuts on both sides of the wall
and protective coverings. of a metallic enclosure, provided the surfaces in contact are
clean and free from rust, scale or paint and that the enclo-
7.10.2 Joints in all conductors are to be so made as to sure is in accordance with these requirements on earthing.
retain the original electrical (continuity and isolation), The connection is to be painted immediately after assembly
mechanical (strength and protection), flame-retarding and, in order to inhibit corrosion.
where necessary, fire-resisting properties of the cable.
7.12.3 Pipes and conduits may be earthed by means of
7.10.3 Tappings (branch circuits) are to be made via suit- clamps or clips of corrosion-resistant metal making effective
able connections or in suitable boxes of such design that contact with the earthed metal.
the conductors remain adequately insulated and protected
from atmospheric action and are fitted with terminals or 7.12.4 Pipes, conduits or trunking together with connec-
busbars of dimensions appropriate to the current rating. tion boxes of metallic material are to be electrically contin-
7.10.4 Cables for safety voltages are not to terminate in the
same connection boxes as cable for higher voltages unless 7.12.5 All joints in metal pipes and conduits used for earth
separated by suitable means. continuity are to be soundly made and protected, where
necessary, against corrosion.
7.11 Earthing and continuity of metal cover-
7.12.6 Individual short lengths of pipes or conduits need
ings of cables
not be earthed.
7.11.1 All metal coverings of cables are to be electrically
connected to the metal hull of the ship. 7.13 Precautions for single-core cables for
7.11.2 Metal coverings are generally to be earthed at both
ends of the cable, except for [7.11.3] and [7.11.4]. 7.13.1 For the earthing of metal coverings see [7.11.5].

7.11.3 Single-point earthing is admitted for final sub-cir- 7.13.2 Where it is necessary to use single-core cables for
cuits (at the supply end), except for those circuits located in alternating current circuits rated in excess of 20 A, the
areas with a risk of explosion. requirements of [7.13.3] to [7.13.7] are to be complied
7.11.4 Earthing is to be at one end only in those installa-
tions (mineral-insulated cables, intrinsically safe circuits, 7.13.3 Conductors belonging to the same circuit are to be
control circuits (see Ch 3, Sec 5), etc.) where it is required contained within the same pipe, conduit or trunking, unless
for technical or safety reasons. this is of non-magnetic material.

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7.13.4 Cable clips are to include cables of all phases of a 7.17 Cables in the vicinity of radio equipment
circuit unless the clips are of non-magnetic material.
7.17.1 All cables between antennas and transmitters are to
7.13.5 In the installation of two, three or four single-core be routed separately of any other cable.
cables forming respectively single-phase circuits, three-
phase circuits, or three-phase and neutral circuits, the 7.17.2 Where it is necessary to use single-core cables, the
cables are to be in contact with one another, as far as possi- arrangement of conductors is to be such as to avoid com-
ble. In any event, the distance between the external cover- plete or partial loops.
ing of two adjacent cables is to be not greater than one
diameter. 7.18 Cables for submerged bilge pumps

7.13.6 When single-core cables having a current rating 7.18.1 See Ch 2, Sec 3, [9.7].
greater than 250 A are installed near a steel bulkhead, the
clearance between the cables and the bulkhead is to be at 7.19 Cable trays/protective casings made of
least 50 mm, unless the cables belonging to the same circuit plastics materials
are installed in trefoil twisted formation.
7.19.1 Cable trays or protective casings made of plastics
7.13.7 Magnetic material is not to be used between single- materials (thermoplastic or thermosetting plastic material)
core cables of a group. Where cables pass through steel are to be type tested.
plates, all the conductors of the same circuit are to pass
through a plate or gland, so made that there is no magnetic 7.19.2 Cable trays/protective casings are to be supple-
material between the cables, and the clearance between the mented by metallic fixing and straps such that in the event
cables and the magnetic material is to be no less than of a fire they, and the cables affixed, are prevented from fall-
75 mm, unless the cables belonging to the same circuit are ing and causing injury to personnel and/or an obstruction to
installed in trefoil twisted formation. any escape route.
When used on open deck, they are to be protected against
7.14 Cables in refrigerated spaces U.V. light.

7.19.3 The load on the cable trays/ protective casings is to

7.14.1 For the types of cables permitted in refrigerated
be within the Safe Working Load (SWL). The support spac-
spaces, see Ch 2, Sec 3, [9.4].
ing is not to be greater than the manufacturer recommenda-
tions nor in excess of spacing at SWL test. In general, the
7.14.2 Power cables installed in refrigerated spaces are not
spacing is not to exceed 2 meters.
to be covered by thermal insulation. Moreover, such cables
are not to be placed directly on the face of the refrigerated 7.19.4 The selection and spacing of cable tray/protective
space unless they have a thermoplastic or elastomeric casing supports are to take into account:
extruded sheath.
• cable trays/protective casings’ dimensions
7.14.3 Power cables entering a refrigerated space are to • mechanical and physical properties of their material
pass through the walls and thermal insulation at right • mass of cable trays/protective casings
angles, in tubes sealed at each end and protected against • loads due weight of cables, external forces, thrust forces
oxidation. and vibrations
• maximum accelerations to which the system may be
7.15 Cables in areas with a risk of explosion subjected
• combination of loads.
7.15.1 For the types of cables permitted in areas with a risk
of explosion, see Ch 2, Sec 3, [10.2]. 7.19.5 The sum of the cables total cross-sectional area,
based on the cables external diameter is not to exceed 40%
7.15.2 For penetration of bulkheads or decks separating of the protective casing internal cross-sectional area. This
areas with a risk of explosion, see [7.5.4]. does not apply to a single cable in a protective casing.

7.15.3 Cables of intrinsically safe circuits are to be sepa-

rated from the cables of all other circuits (minimum 8 Various appliances
50 mm).
8.1 Lighting fittings
7.16 Cables and apparatus for services requi- 8.1.1 Lighting fittings are to be so arranged as to prevent
red to be operable under fire conditions temperature rises which could damage the cables and wir-
7.16.1 Cables and apparatus for services required to be Note 1: Where the temperature of terminals of lighting fittings
operable under fire conditions including their power sup- exceeds the maximum conductor temperature permitted for the
plies are to be so arranged that the loss of these services is supplied cable (see Ch 2, Sec 3, [9.9] ), special installation arrange-
minimized due to a localized fire at any one area or zone ments, such as terminal boxes thermally insulated from the light
listed in Ch 2, Sec 1, [3.25]. source, are to be provided.

April 2009 Bureau Veritas 85

Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 12

8.1.2 Lighting fittings are to be so arranged as to prevent 8.2.2 Space heaters are to be so installed that there is no
surrounding material from becoming excessively hot. risk of excessive heating of the bulkheads or decks on
which or next to which they are mounted.
8.1.3 Lighting fittings are to be secured in place such that
they cannot be displaced by the motion of the vessel.
8.2.3 Combustible materials in the vicinity of space heaters
8.1.4 Emergency lights are to be marked for easy identifica- are to be protected by suitable incombustible and thermal-
tion. insulating materials.

8.2 Heating appliances

8.3 Heating cables and tapes or other heat-
8.2.1 Space heaters are to be so installed that clothing, ing elements
bedding and other flammable material cannot come in con-
tact with them in such a manner as to cause risk of fire.
8.3.1 Heating cables and tapes or other heating elements
Note 1: To this end, for example, hooks or other devices for hang-
ing garments are not to be fitted above space heaters or, where are not to be installed in contact with combustible materials.
appropriate, a perforated plate of incombustible material is to be
mounted above each heater, slanted to prevent hanging anything Where they are installed close to such materials, they are to
on the heater itself. be separated by means of a non-flammable material.

86 Bureau Veritas April 2009

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