Material Safety Data Sheet: 1:1-Product Identifiers
Material Safety Data Sheet: 1:1-Product Identifiers
Material Safety Data Sheet: 1:1-Product Identifiers
1:2 – Relevant Identified Uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against:
Identified Uses Raw material for cosmetic and pharmaceutical products
1:3 – Details of the supplier of the Safety data sheets.
Ancient Wisdom Marketing Ltd
Block B Parkwood Business Park, 75 Parkwood Road
Sheffield, S3 8AL
Company Name Email:
Tel: 0114 2729165
Fax: 0114 2706571
Substances Naturally occurring vegetable oil obtained from the seed of Argania spinosa .
The oil may be in the crude or refined, bleached, and deodorized state.
3:2 - Mixtures
4:3 – Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
Special requirements No specific recommendations.
Specific hazards The product may only form ignitable mixtures or burn above the
flash point. Dangerous combustion products include smoke and
oxides of carbon.
5:3 – Advice for firefighters
Usage precautions Keep containers sealed when not in use. Prevent spills and leaks
to avoid slip hazard. Provide suitable mechanical equipment for the
safe handling of drums and heavy packages.
7:2 – Conditions for safe Storage including any incompatibilities
Storage Precautions Keep containers out of direct sunlight in cool dry conditions at a
temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep in the original containers or
in plastic or plastic-coated containers. Limit oxygenation (contact
with air).
Suitable Packaging No additional data available
Conditions to Avoid High temperature warehousing, heating at more than 60°C (for
cosmetic use)
Hazardous Decomposition The product does not decompose under normal conditions. In fire
Products conditions a complex mixture of irritating fumes and smoke will be
Acute Toxicity Non- toxic product, pharmaceutical and cosmetic use. Doesn't have any
microbiological specification as it is sterilized in the refining process. Doesn't
contain impurities. Not included in the list of substances prohibited in cosmetic
products or subjected to restrictions, doesn't contain colorants, preservatives
or UV filters (Annex II - VI of EU Regulation 1223/2009).
Mobility Low
Precautions None
Disposal Methods When possible recover spilled product. When product must be discarded, do
so into an authorised dump or recycling service station. Act in accordance
with local and national regulations
14:1 – UN Number
UN No Road – Road (ADR), Rail (RID), Sea (IMDG) and Air (ICAO) transport not restricted in
ADR/RID/ADN drums or food tanks
UN No Sea- IMDG Road (ADR), Rail (RID), Sea (IMDG) and Air (ICAO) transport not restricted in
drums or food tanks
Road – ADR/RID/ADN Road (ADR), Rail (RID), Sea (IMDG) and Air (ICAO) transport not restricted in
drums or food tanks
Sea- IMDG Road (ADR), Rail (RID), Sea (IMDG) and Air (ICAO) transport not restricted in
drums or food tanks
Air - IATA Road (ADR), Rail (RID), Sea (IMDG) and Air (ICAO) transport not restricted in
drums or food tanks
Road – ADR/RID/ADN Road (ADR), Rail (RID), Sea (IMDG) and Air (ICAO) transport not restricted in
drums or food tanks
Sea- IMDG Road (ADR), Rail (RID), Sea (IMDG) and Air (ICAO) transport not restricted in
drums or food tanks
Air- IATA Road (ADR), Rail (RID), Sea (IMDG) and Air (ICAO) transport not restricted in
drums or food tanks
Road – ADR/RID/ADN Road (ADR), Rail (RID), Sea (IMDG) and Air (ICAO) transport not restricted in
drums or food tanks
Sea- IMDG Road (ADR), Rail (RID), Sea (IMDG) and Air (ICAO) transport not restricted in
drums or food tanks
Air - IATA Road (ADR), Rail (RID), Sea (IMDG) and Air (ICAO) transport not restricted in
drums or food tanks
Precautions None
14:7 – Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/79 and the IBC code
Approved Code of Classification and Labelling of Substances and Preparations Dangerous for
Practice Supply. Safety Data Sheets for Substances and Preparations
Guidance Notes Workplace Exposure Limits EH40. CHIP for everyone HSG 108.
Assessment information A chemical assessment for this product has not been carried out.
DISCLAIMER: This information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for
such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process. Such information is, to the
best of the company's knowledge and belief, accurate and reliable as of the date indicated. However, no
warranty guarantee or representation is made to its accuracy, reliability or completeness. It is the user's
responsibility to satisfy himself as to the suitability of such information for his own particular use.