LA019836 - HENRY SUNARKO - BSBLDR401 Assessment 1

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TAFE ID Number: 808116448

Unit Number: BSBLDR401 – Communicate effectively as a

workplace leader

Assessment Number: LA019836

Assessment Name: BSBLDR401 – Assessment 1

Question 1
As a team leader, communication is a key skill in your role. Conduct research on effective communication characteristics
and then list what you believe to be effective management communication characteristics.

Answer 1:
A. Effective communication characteristics

There are seven (7) Cs of effective communication characteristics which comprise of (Business jargons,2017)

The message should be clear and easy to understand by the recipient.

The message should be correct (i.e. correct language, no grammatical, and spelling mistakes).

The message should be complete which includes relevant information as required by the intended audience.
Having complete information assists the recipient to make a better decision making.

The message should be clear with no room for misinterpretation. All facts and figures should be mentioned
within the message to support our claim or case.

The message should be precise and to the point. Aim to convey messages in the least possible words.

Should consider the receiver’s opinions, knowledge, mindset, and background. To be effective, the sender
must relate to their target audience.

Take into consideration of feelings and viewpoints of the audience. Being respectful to others.

1 LA019836 Assessment 1, Unit BSBLDR401, Ed1

B. Key Effective management communication characteristics (Innovation and business industry skills council,
2015, pp 15)

i. Established purpose of your communication

ii. Understand and knowing our audience
iii. Choosing the right communication channel
iv. Employ methods and strategies for communicating your message
v. Check your communication whether it’s relevant to the goals; the content is applicable and appropriate;
sensitive to social diversity, cultural differences, and special needs.

Question 2
Good communication by team leaders involves the team leader having effective listening skills. Conduct internet research
on effective listening skills and then identify and briefly describe what you believe to be the characteristics of effective
listening techniques.

Answer 2:
Our ability to listen effectively will help us better understand the message that the speaker trying to get across, which
leads to an enhanced communication process and reduce the impact of communication barriers.
Effective listening involves active listening, which means that we genuinely listen to the speaker's message to understand
their point of view.
The following are some of the characteristics of effective listening techniques are (Virtual Speech, 2017)
1. Paying attention
Let the other person know you are listening to them by using body language and other signs that acknowledge
the speaker (i.e. Correct eye contact, avoid being distracted by environmental factors)
2. Withholding judgment
Avoid being emotional or attacking others
3. Reflecting
Paraphrase the message you heard
4. Clarifying
Ask questions to clarify the speaker’s intentions.
5. Summarising
Summarise the speaker’s points periodically to show you have understood.
6. Sharing
Allow the speaker to finish their points before asking questions / Feedback

2 LA019836 Assessment 1, Unit BSBLDR401, Ed1

Question 3
Team Leaders have responsibilities when communicating with their team. Using your own knowledge and experience,
identify your key responsibilities with regard to communication with your team members.

Answer 3:
I think as team leaders we should have full control over the message that we convey to the team, choosing the appropriate
channel of communication, and allow some time for the team to clarify and confirm that they comprehend the message.
Key communication responsibilities as a team leader include
• Clear and concise message to team members
• Listen to feedback and encouragement for an open discussion among team members.
• Endeavour for collective agreements (Win-win)
• Communicate back to higher management on team feedback
• Motivate and inspire team members
• Give opportunities for team members to clarify and confirm their understanding
• Give constructive feedback on how they could improve.

Question 4
Identify and briefly describe the characteristics of verbal communication.

Answer 4:
Verbal communication encompasses any form of communication involving words, spoken, written, or signed (Bright hub
PM, 2010). Example of verbal communication are giving and receiving information through:
• One on one or group meetings
• Making a presentation
• Set training, coaching, and mentoring
• Online meeting (i.e. zoom, skype)
• Participation in formal or informal discussion
• Counselling

3 LA019836 Assessment 1, Unit BSBLDR401, Ed1

Question 5
Identify and briefly describe the characteristics of nonverbal communication.

Answer 5:
Non-verbal communication includes body language, such as gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, and posture (Bright
hub PM, 2010).
This type of communication could reinforce, contradict, substitute, complement, or emphasis our verbal communication,
as people will interpret messages according to how we react, listen, and look.
When our nonverbal signals match with our verbal communication, this increases trust, clarity, and rapport.

Question 6
As a team leader it is important that you continue to monitor and evaluate communication processes within your team on
a regular basis. Briefly identify and discuss what opportunities you believe exist to improve future leadership
communication processes within your organisation.

Answer 6:
Effective communication is important and if there is communication breakdown within the team, this requires time to reflect
on how we plan the communication, understanding the audience, choosing the right communication channel and follow
up to see there is a way to improve the process.

One method that we could adopt is continuous improvement process, monitor and evaluate success, and use continuous
improvement tools such as PDCA Cycle which stands for Plan, Do, Check, Act (Innovation and business industry skills
council, 2015, pp 58)
• PLAN | plan for change. Analyse and predict the results.
• DO | execute the plan, taking small steps in controlled circumstances.
• STUDY | check and study the results.
• ACT | take action to standardize or improve the process.

4 LA019836 Assessment 1, Unit BSBLDR401, Ed1

Business Jargons, ‘7 Cs of communication’, 2017, <>

Virtual Speech, ‘Active Listening skills, Examples, and Exercises’, September 20, 2017, <

Bright Hub PM, ‘Three different types of communication: Verbal, Nonverbal & Visual’, 2010,

Innovation and business industry skills Council Ltd, 2015. Section 1 – Collect, Analyse and Communicate information
and ideas, BSBLDR402 Lead effective workplace relationships 1st edition, pp.15
Innovation and business industry skills Council Ltd, 2015. Section 3 – Take follow up actions, BSBLDR401
Communicate effectively as a workplace leader 1st edition, pp.58


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