BSBCMM511 Student Assessment Tasks - Attempt 1
BSBCMM511 Student Assessment Tasks - Attempt 1
BSBCMM511 Student Assessment Tasks - Attempt 1
T: +61 2 8844 1000 | | RTO ID: 45432 | CRICOS Code: 03717E
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions – You must answer all questions correctly;
Assessment Task 2: Project – You must work through a range of activities and complete a project
Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have
acquired during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:
review the advice to students regarding answering knowledge questions in the RSB
Student User Guide;
comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide;
Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in
Appendix A of the RSB Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:
1. Explain how tone, structure and style of your communication may impact on others. In
your answer:
-private data (date of birth, phone number, email addresses unless agreed
3. Discuss three ways by which a business can ensure that confidentiality is maintained at
4. Explain the key principles of negotiation that should be used in the workplace to ensure
that agreements are reached.
key principles of negotiation that should be used in the workplace to ensure that agreements are
5. Explain the mediation process and at least three key principles that should be taken
into account when mediating at work.
-brainstorm and evaluate solutions: find all the possible solutions that could
solve the issue, list them and assess their effectiveness or whether they are
-control tone and body language: as seen before, the tone of communication
can have a strong impact on the audience. Therefore, it is important to
maintain a calm tone when dealing with a difficult situation, and this should
also be reflected by one’s body language
-listen actively: do not just let someone speak to wait for your turn to talk.
Really try and make an effort to understand what is being said and
acknowledge their message
-show respect: wait until one has finished talking before speaking and use
respectful language
-use plain English to ensure everyone can understand the message, for
instance, do not use slang
-speak clearly: maintain a slow pace and try not to use thick accents to
facilitate understanding
BSBCMM511 Student Assessment Tasks v1.1 November 2021 Page 8 of 16
-avoid generalizing, acknowledging the diversity
10. Outline at least five important considerations in ensuring that a meeting is structured.
1. be clear on what is the scope of the meeting and why it is being held
3. make a list of the participants, send out invitations and ask to confirm
4. ensure the venue is adequate and provided with all the required resources
4. allow time for questions: this way you will offer everyone the opportunity to
get clear on what they have doubts on
5. ensure that everyone can see and hear, especially when projectors with
videos and images are used
making presentations
confidentiality of information.
13. Select an industry and provide examples of media and government organisations, events
and communication channels relevant to an organisation in the chosen industry. Use the
table to complete your answer:
Industry Transport
Media and Government Organizations Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Nine Entertainment Co.
In the transport industry, there are several media and government organizations that
are relevant to organizations in this industry. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation
(ABC) is a government-owned media organization that provides news and current
affairs coverage across a range of platforms, including television, radio, and online.
Nine Entertainment Co. is a publicly-traded media company that owns a range of
television, radio, and digital properties, including the Nine Network and streaming
BSBCMM511 Student Assessment Tasks v1.1 November 2021 Page 10 of
platform Stan. Both of these organizations are relevant to transport companies for
their advertising and marketing efforts, as well as for any government regulations or
policies that may impact the industry.
There are also several events that are relevant to organizations in the transport
industry. One such event is the Social Media Leadership Forum, which brings together
leaders from various industries to discuss social media strategies and best practices.
Another relevant event is Visual Impact, a trade show for the signage and digital
printing industry, which is particularly relevant to transport companies that use signage
or graphics on their vehicles or in their facilities.
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Question 9
Question 10
Question 11
Question 12
Question 13
Assessor signature:
Assessor name:
i Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in
Appendix A of the RSB Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:
This project requires you to choose a scenario in your organisation that requires
you to present information to others and negotiate outcomes.
You will be creating a presentation to present information to two different groups
of people at two separate meetings. One of the groups of people you choose to
communicate to must be appropriate team members.
At these two meetings, you will present your presentation and adapt your
communication to suit the audience at each meeting.
Vocational education and training are all about gaining and developing practical
skills that are industry relevant and that can help you to succeed in your chosen
career. For this reason, we are giving you the choice to base this project on your
own business, one you work in or a familiar with, or you can use the case study
provided. This will mean that you are applying your knowledge and skills in a
relevant, practical and meaningful way to your own situation!
To complete this assessment, you must assume a senior role in your chosen
business. This role should suit a manager or leader in the organisation who
identifies, analyses and acts on information from a variety of sources. This role
should also require initiative and judgement to deal with unpredictable problems
and manage the work of self and others.
It is important that you are able to access enough information for your chosen
business in order to be able to do your assessment. As a minimum this should
organisational objectives;
relevant policies/procedures that guide communication (e.g., Meeting policy
and procedure);
a scenario that requires you to present information to and negotiate with two
different groups of people.
You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps you
need to take are outlined below.
Make sure you are familiar with the organisation you are basing this assessment on
and have read through the necessary background information. For the case study
business, this is all of the documents included in the Simulation Pack. If it’s your
own business or a business where you are working or are familiar with, have your
business or case study (and supporting documentation/evaluation data) approved
by your assessor.
Complete Page 4 of your Project Portfolio for this unit.
Read through the requirements of Section 1, 2 and 3 of your Project Portfolio.
3. Planning communication
plan communication.
Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 1. Submit to your assessor
for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence –
review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 1 of the Project
Portfolio and make sure you attach these when you submit this section.
You will use the work done in this section of the Portfolio to create a
presentation and adapt it for two different audiences.
4. Preparing communication
Meet separately with each identified group to present your presentation(s) and
negotiate outcomes. Adapt your communication to suit each audience (as planned
in Section 1)
Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all
questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and
grammar as necessary. Remember to submit all necessary attachments as
Level 2, 197 – 207 Church Street, Parramatta, NSW 2150 Australia
T: +61 2 8844 1000 | | RTO ID: 45432 | CRICOS Code: 03717E
Project Portfolio
BSBCMM511 Communicate with Influence
Date: 11-12-2022
OzHouse Clean
Professional residential cleaning services like home cleans and spring cleans.
Expanding business scale by increasing the number of clients by 20%; meeting or exceeding customer
expectations; implementing cleaning industry best practices (which includes environmentally
sustainable practices)
2 Choose and describe a scenario in your organisation that requires you to present information to
Remember: You will be creating a presentation to present material to two different groups of
people at two separate meetings. One of the groups of people you choose to communicate to must
be appropriate team members.
We will need to present to our customers information related to our new cleaning approach, which
is more eco-friendly and child-safe. This because, after a survey revealed that clients were
seeking this type of cleaning methods, we decided to establish a relationship with a supplier whose
products do meet these requirements but are more expensive, and this led us to increase our prices
to compensate. So clients will need to have a presentation that highlights the benefits of using these
products to explain the increase in costs.
3.2 How do these policies and procedure confirm your authority to present the information above?
The policies and procedure confirm my authority to present the information above
stating that is only the executive team that can arrange and chair meetings.
3.3 What are the relevant conventions and protocols for communicating with team members?
3.4 Summarise your legal and ethical responsibilities associated with any confidential
-I should maintain and ensure compliance with The Privacy Act 1988
-I should ensure that all confidential information is stored securely and that is not distributed to other
-I should comply with Privacy policies and procedures by utilising the methods required by the
company to store confidential information
Who am I Meeting 1 (e.g., with Project team) Meeting 2 (e.g., with customers)
communicating to?
What is the purpose Making staff aware of the changes Making customers aware that we are
of my that are going to happen following the taking a new, more sustainable and
communication? establishment of a relationship with child-safe approach to cleaning and
the new supplier, including use of that there are going to be changes in
new products and increase in prices prices too due to the increased
eco-friendly cleaning products new we chose to take this step because we
What information
listened to customers’ preferences
should be part of prices
the benefits of the products
What position will I will display positivity and I will display positivity and
you take regarding demonstrate the excitement about this demonstrate the excitement about this
the information new step we are taking, inviting all to new step we are taking, inviting all to
that must be learn more about the products and learn more about the products and
communicated? how the service will step up how the service will step up
Should any Prices of the products and supplier Prices of the products and supplier
information be kept information information
What are the staff might object that they do not feel clients might object that they are not
potential issues and comfortable asking customers for an happy about the increased prices
problems that may increased fee
arise from the
negotiation (at least
one each)?
What position will I will display positivity and I will display positivity and
you take regarding demonstrate the excitement about this demonstrate the excitement about this
any negotiation that new step we are taking, inviting all to new step we are taking, inviting all to
will take place learn more about the products and learn more about the products and
(identified in how the service will step up how the service will step up
Section 1)?
-products are less toxic -products are less toxic
What are your
supporting -products are less damaging for the -products are less damaging for the
arguments to meet environments environments
your negotiation -we decided to take on this step -we decided to take on this step
objectives because we listened to our customers’ because we listened to our customers’
1 For each meeting planned in Section 1, prepare a visual/written presentation that reflects the
information requirements and desired outcomes outlined in the work you’ve done on this
assessment so far.
Note: As far as possible, use the same presentation for both meetings, but adjust them to suit the
audience and purpose accordingly. Make sure your presentation manages confidential information
appropriately (i.e. confidential information is not shared with unauthorised parties). Attach the
presentations to this section of your portfolio as proof.
2 For each meeting, prepare any other additional meeting materials (e.g. Agenda, Survey, Feedback
form etc.).
Note: If meeting materials have not already been attached to your portfolio as proof (i.e. the
presentation), attach them to this section of your portfolio.
3.3 Attach proof of how you’ve scheduled the meeting to this section of your portfolio.
Attach: Presentations (x 2) ☒
To: All OzHouse Staff
Hello and greetings. I'm writing to let you know that I'll be meeting with you soon to
discuss the launch of a new product line that the firm will utilise for our services. The
presentation files are supplied as attachments in the email. The following items are on
the agenda: • An explanation of our business purpose and market trends • A discussion
of our new product lines
• The advantages of adopting the new software • Your goals as a staff member • A
question and answer session
Please indicate if you have any problems or difficulties with the notes or timetable that
you discussed with me.
Thank you for your understanding.
Operations Manager
To: All OzHouse Clients
Dear Sir/Madam,
Greetings. Thank you for your continued support of our products and services
throughout the years. I'm writing to let you know that I'll be meeting with you to discuss
the company's plans to introduce a new product line that will be used in our services to
you. The presentation files are supplied as attachments in the email. The following items
are on the agenda: • An explanation of our company purpose and market trends • A
discussion of our new products • Benefits of utilising the new product • Service pricing
changes • A question and answer session
Please indicate if you have any problems or difficulties with the notes or timetable that
you discussed with me.
BSBCMM511 Project Portfolio v1.1 November 2021 Page 28 of 36
Thank you for your understanding.
Operations Manager
1 If not already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your two meetings to this section
of your portfolio.
Complete this section after you’ve met with your identified stakeholders.
Already viewed
2 For each meeting and presentation, create a written document on the outcomes of the meeting.
Note: These written documents must be distributed to the relevant stakeholders. Keep the audience
in mind as you create each document.
Your document should include a summary of the meeting, including:
who attended the meeting
Attendees Staff
Introduction of the new range of eco-friendly
products, why we made this choice, why it will
benefit us, what implications it will have on
operations, the need for unpaid training for
What was discussed staff on the new products
Attendees: Clients
What was discussed Introduction of the new range of
eco-friendly products, why we made this choice,
why it will benefit them, what implications it will
Outcomes Clients were happy about the choice, however
some complained about the price increase
Comments For the moment we did not negotiate the 5%
discount, but we may still consider it if in the
future customers will still be unhappy
3 Distribute your two meeting summary documents to relevant meeting stakeholders (separately).
3.1 For each meeting document, how will you distribute the meeting outcomes (e.g. via email,
hand out a printed copy in person etc.)?
3.2 Attach proof of how you distributed the meeting outcomes summary to this section of your
portfolio (e.g. draft email, photo of you physically handing out a printed copy, link to intranet
location of document etc).
From: xyz
To: Staff
Subject: Meeting Outcomes
Dear All,
Generally the audience were satisfied with the explanation of the introduction of the new
products. They did not make objections which was a positive and seem to agree about the benefits
that this is going to bring to the organisation.
I explained everything thoroughly and with a positive attitude that impacted the audience.
Student’s name:
successfully? Comments
potential issues or
o communication details,
Assessor signature:
Assessor name:
Student name:
Assessor name:
I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has
been carried out according to the required assessment procedures.