D. Daubenmire Method: 1. General Description

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Excerpt from: Coulloudon, B. et al. 1999.

Sampling Vegetation Attributes, Technical Reference 1734-4,

Bureau of Land Management. Denver, Colorado.
D. Daubenmire Method BLM/RS/ST-96/002+1730
online @ www.blm.gov/nstc/library/pdf/samplveg.pdf
1. General Description The Daubenmire method consists of systematically
placing a 20- x 50-cm quadrat frame along a tape on permanently located transects
(see Figure 4 on page 13). The following vegetation attributes are monitored using
the Daubenmire method:

• Canopy cover
• Frequency
• Composition by canopy cover

It is important to establish a photo plot (see Section V.A) and take both close-up
and general view photographs. This allows the portrayal of resource values and
conditions and furnishes visual evidence of vegetation and soil changes over time.

2. Areas of Use This method is applicable to a wide, variety of vegetation types as

long as the plants do not exceed waist height.

3. Advantages and Limitations This method is relatively simple and rapid to

use. A limitation is that there can be large changes in canopy cover of herbaceous
species between years because of climatic conditions, with no relationship to the
effects of management. In general, quadrats are not recommended for estimating
cover (Floyd and Anderson 1987; Kennedy and Addision 1987). This method
cannot be used to calculate rooted frequency.

4. Equipment The following equipment is needed (see also the equipment listed
in Section V.A, page 31, for the establishment of the photo plot):

• Study Location and Documentation Data form Appendix A)

• Daubenmire forms (see Illustration 9 and 10)
• Hammer
• Permanent yellow or orange spray paint
• Two stakes: 3/4 - or 1-inch angle iron not less than 16 inches long
• Tape: 100- or 200-foot, delineated in tenths and hundreds, or a metric tape of
the desired length.
• Steel pins (reinforcement bar) for marking zero, mid, and end points of the transect
• Frame to delineate the 20- x 50-cm quadrats (see Illustration 11)
• Compass
• Steel post and driver

5. Training The accuracy of data depends on the training and ability of the
examiners. Examiners must be able to identify the plant species. They must
receive adequate and consistent training in laying out transects and making
canopy coverage estimates using the frame.

6. Establishing Studies Careful establishment of studies is a critical element in

obtaining meaningful data (see Section III).

a Site Selection The most important factor in obtaining usable data is selecting
representative areas (critical or key areas) in which to run the study (see Section
II.D). Study sites should be located within a single plant community within a


single ecological site. Transects and sampling points need to be randomly

located within the critical or key areas (see Section III).

b Pilot Studies Collect data on several pilot studies to determine the number of
samples (transects or observation points) and the number and size of quadrats
needed to collect a statistically valid sample (see Section III.B.8).

c Number of Studies Establish a minimum of one study on each study site;

establish more if needed (see Section II.D and III.B).

d Study Layout Data can be collected using the baseline, macroplot, or linear
study designs described in Section III.A.2 beginning on page 8. The linear
technique is the one most often used.

(1) Align a tape (100-, or 200-foot, or metric equivalent) in a straight line by

stretching it between the transect location and the transect bearing stakes.
Do not allow vegetation to deflect the alignment of the tape. A spring and
pulley may be useful to maintain a straight line. The tape should be
aligned as close to the ground as possible.

(2) Drive steel pins almost to the ground surface at the zero point on the tape
and at the end of the transect. A pin may also be driven into the ground at
the midpoint of the transect. (see Figure 4 on page 13)

e Reference Post or Point Permanently mark the location of each study with a
reference post and a study location stake (see beginning of Section III).

f Study Identification Number studies for proper identification to ensure that

the data collected can be positively associated with specific sites on the ground
(See Appendix B).

g Study Documentation Document pertinent information concerning the study

on the Study Location and Documentation Data form (see beginning of Section III
and Appendix A).

7. Taking Photographs The directions for establishing photo plots and for taking
close-up and general view photographs are given in Section V.A.

8. Sampling Process In addition to collecting the specific studies data, general

observations should be made of the study sites (see Section II.F).

a Cover Classes This method uses six separate cover classes (Daubenmire 1959).
The cover classes are:

Cover Class Range of Coverage Midpoint of Range

1 0 - 5% 2.5%
2 5 - 25% 15.0%
3 25 - 50% 37.5%
4 50 - 75% 62.5%
5 75 - 95% 85.0%
6 95 - 100% 97.5%


b Ten Cover Classes Where narrower and more numerous classes are preferred,
a ten-cover class system can be used.

c Collecting Cover Data As the quadrat frame is placed along the tape at the
specified intervals, estimate the canopy coverage of each plant species. Record
the data by quadrat, by species, and by cover class on the Daubenmire form (see
Illustration 9). Canopy coverage estimates can be made for both perennial and
annual plant species.

(1) Observe the quadrat frame from directly above and estimate the cover
class for all individuals of a plant species in the quadrat as a unit. All other
kinds of plants are ignored as each plant species is considered separately.

(2) Imagine a line drawn about the leaf tips of the undisturbed canopies (ignor-
ing inflorescence) and project these polygonal images onto the ground. This
projection is considered “canopy coverage.” Decide which of the classes the
canopy coverage of the species falls into and record on the form.

(3) Canopies extending over the quadrat are estimated even if the plants are
not rooted in the quadrat.

(4) Collect the data at a time of maximum growth of the key species.

(5) For tiny annuals, it is helpful to estimate the number of individuals that
would be required to fill 5% of the frame (the 71- x 71-mm area). A quick
estimate of the numbers of individuals in each frame will then provide an
estimate as to whether the aggregate coverage falls in Class 1 or 2, etc.

(6) Overlapping canopy cover is included in the cover estimates by species;

therefore, total cover may exceed 100 percent. Total cover may not reflect
actual ground cover.

9. Calculations Make the calculations and record the results in the appropriate
columns on the Daubenmire form (see Illustrations 9 and 10).

a Canopy Cover Calculate the percent canopy cover by species as follows:

(1) On the Daubenmire form (Illustration 9) count the number of quadrats in

each of the six cover class (by species) and record in the Number column
on the Daubenmire Summary form (Illustration 10).

(2) Multiply this value times the midpoint of the appropriate cover class
(Illustration 10).

(3) Total the products for all cover classes by species.

(4) Divide the sum by the total number of quadrats sampled on the transect.

(5) Record the percent cover by species on the form.


b Frequency Calculate the percent frequency for each plant species by dividing
the number of occurrences of a plant species (the number of quadrats in which
a plant species was observed) by the total number of quadrats sampled along
the transect. Multiply the resulting value by 100. Record the percent fre-
quency on the form (Illustration 10).

c Species Composition With this method, species composition is based on

canopy cover of the various species. It is determined by dividing the percent
canopy cover of each plant species by the total canopy cover of all plant species.
Record the percent composition on the form (Illustration 10).

10. Data Analysis Tests should be directed at detecting changes in cover of the
species and/or in major ground cover classes. Tests for changes in minor species
will have low power to detect change. If quadrats are spaced far enough apart on
each transect so as to be considered independent, the quadrat can be analyzed as
the sampling unit. Otherwise, the transects should be considered the sampling
units. If the transects are treated as the sampling unit, and given that the transects
are permanent, either the paired t-test or the nonparametric Wilcoxon signed rank
test should be used to test for change between two years. Repeated measures
ANOVA can be used to test for differences between 3 or more years. If the
quadrats are treated as the sampling units, care must be taken to ensure they are
positioned the same along each transect in each year of measurement. A paired
t-test, Wilcoxon signed rank test, or ANOVA is then used as described above for

11. References
Daubenmire, Rexford. 1959. A Canopy-coverage method of vegetational analysis.
Northwest Science 33:43-64.

——— 1968. Plant communities: a textbook of plant synecology. Harper and

Row, New York. 300 p.

USDI, Bureau of Land Management. 1985. Rangeland monitoring - Trend Studies


Daubenmire Page of

Study Number Date Examiner Allotment Name & Number Pasture

Transect Number and Location Number of Quadrats

Plant Quadrat
Species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Illustration 9
Plant Quadrat
Species 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Daubenmire Summary Page of

Study Number Date Examiner Allotment Name & Number Pasture

Study Location Number of Quadrats
Species Species Species Species Species Species Species Species Species Species Species

r u r r r r r u r r r r r
u o o u o u o u o u o o u o u o u o u o
m d m d m d m d m d m d m d m d m d m d m d
b u b u b u b u b u b u b u b u b u b u b u
Cover Mid-
e c e c e c e c e c e c e c e c e c e c e c
Class Point r r r r r r r r r r r
t t t t t t t t t t t

1 1-5% 2.5

2 5-25% 15

Illustration 10
3 26-50% 37.5

4 51-75% 62.5

5 76-95% 85

6 96-100% 97.5

Total canopy

Number of Samples

% canopy cover

Species composition


Rangeland Monitoring

Daubenmire Frame

Six Cover Class Frame

20 cm
The frame is made of 3/8-inch
iron rod. The inside dimensions
of the frame are 20 x 50
centimeters. The frame should
have sharpened legs 3 centimenters
long welded to each corner to
help hold the frame in place.

The six cover class frame is

divided into fourths by painting
alternate sections of the frame
different colors as illustrated.
Use orange and white or red
and white paint.

In one corner of the frame,

delineate two sides of an area
71 millimeters square as
illustrated. This area represents
5% of the quadrat area.

The painted design provides

50 cm

visual reference areas equal to

5, 25, 50, 75, 95, and 100% of
the plot area.
71 mm

71 mm

Illustration 11 63

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